Due to the volume of requests, Now Smell This contributors are no longer able to respond to requests for personal fragrance advice, sorry! We do have a semi-regular feature, The Monday Mail, in which readers help other readers to find the fragrance of their dreams. Below are instructions on how to apply, or scroll down to see links to all the Monday Mail articles we've done so far:
How to apply
If you'd like to be a participant, send us an email with the following details:
Your name, age, and some details about your personality or personal tastes,
What you're looking for (a casual scent? an office scent? a wedding perfume? etc etc),
How much you can pay, what kind of access to perfume stores you have and whether or not you are willing to shop online,
What notes you like, and any perfumes you like,
What notes you dislike, and any perfumes you dislike, and
What you've tried in your search so far, with a few words on each perfume you tried explaining why it didn't work for you.
You can send to robin at nstperfume dot com. Please note that the best participant is someone who knows enough about perfume to say what s/he likes and doesn't like, but isn't so experienced that they've already tried much of what's on the market. If you're not sure if you'd be a good participant, you might want to email with a few details before you take the time to type out all of the information in the list above.
Tracey, Lavonne, Rae, Sandra, Phyllis, Ines, Gregorio, Jenny, Chantelle, Tracy, Julie, Zoe, Ksenia, Namita, Rachel, Natalie, Samantha, Jenny, Jonna, Stefanie, Caitlin, Rebecca, Kristen, Asya, Rhonda, Andrea
Monday Mail feedback: May - August, September - December
Laura, Becca, Regina, Brianna, Eloise, Aleta, Anya, Mandy, Becca, Kate, Nadine, Katie, Lisa, Hannah, Sheena, Nick, Amara, Mona, Jill, Jess, Jan, Chris & Alexandra, Christie, Liza, Denise, Ammy, Philippe, Sara, Zaheer, Susan, Gillian, Elsa, Lindsay, Satya, Kevin, Jules, Lauren
Monday Mail feedback: January - April, May - August, September - December
Jenny, Peggy, Amy, May, Elise, Edward, Lauren, Denise, Jonathan, Lilian, Alisha, Susan, Jessamy & Robert, Paolo, Michaella, Mylene, Anne, Ines, Nike, Susan, Malte, Joane, Melissa, Ann, Jason, Kristina, Malissa, Nick's mom (Julie), Jesse, Claire, Rochelle, Susan, Adrian, Ines, Samantha, Marie, Lucy
Monday Mail feedback: January - April, May - August, September - December
Jennifer, Ruby, Erin, Az, Lea, Andreja, Sam, Melissa, Laura, Fabio, Michelle, Issy, Lizzie, Jeremy, Tom, Mariclare, Parul, Kyla, Cailyn, Eleni, Cady, Lucas, Amelia, Rebecca, Karla, Micha, Shermeen, Alia, Alnysie, Michele, Jada, Dan, OJ, Isabelle, Tarra
Monday Mail feedback: January - April, May - August, September - December
Kristen, Rena, Fani, Kate, Linda, Lucie, Jen, Kate, Jacqueline, Molly, Julie, Anastasia, Chelsea, Lee, Anne, Shelly, Desirae, Aliza, Kelly, Zee, Poppie, Tiana, Patricia, Lisa, Candice, Tiffany, Elena, Lauren, Gabby, Michele, Jennifer, Kathie, Kirsten, Catherine, Nikki, Kisa, Melissa, Liz, Pamela
Monday Mail feedback: January - April, May - August, September - December
Lori, Raul, Genevieve, Eleni, Ravyn, Mo, Ashley, Fabio (again), Laura, Verity, Michelle, Karissa, Julia, Karen, Lilian, Nicola, Lucia, Sophie, Helen, Carolyn, Rena, Lindsay, Verity, Caroline, Marielena, Bedo, Jennifer, Ana-Maria, Sophie, Gina, Elizabeth, Kelly, Sabine, Florence, Paula
Monday Mail feedback: January - April
Andrea, Chelsea, Eleni (again), Sondra, Robin, Aria, Lizzie, Nebbe, Liz
Connie, Loni, Maneki, Fabio, Alissa, Cat, Vanessa
Layla, Grimar, Chris, Amy, Anna