Mexican botanical niche line Xinú has launched VetiVerde, a new unisex fragrance…
Xinu Ummo ~ new fragrance
Mexican botanical niche line Xinú has launched Ummo, a new unisex fragrance…*
Xinu Monstera & Carta Moena 12|69 ~ fragrance reviews
Ad copy for most perfumes leaves me cold, or laughing. Aspirational advertising (looking at you, Aerin Lauder) feels icky and old fashioned. Sexy images can be fun to look at but I don’t see a handsome half-naked (or fully naked for that matter) man in an ad campaign and then run to Nordstrom to buy the perfume he fronts. Occasionally, I come across an interesting perfume bottle I’d like to own, but it’s usually a vintage bottle selling at an exorbitant price. I’ve never bought a contemporary perfume for the bottle alone (my bottles stay out of sight in a dark, cool cabinet their entire “lives”).
Advertising that can get to me includes (who knew?) perfumes inspired by dead French people1 — the likes of Marquis de Sade, Joséphine de Beauharnais, Napoléon Bonaparte, Louise de La Vallière, Marie-Antoinette, Empress Eugénie, George Sand, Léonora Dori Concini, La Maréchale d’Ancre and Colette. A list of intriguing botanical fragrance notes or places I love or want to visit (travel-porn perfumes) can entice me, too.
Today, I’m reviewing two fragrances that ignited wanderlust based on ingredients and locales, with great bottles thrown in as a bonus…
Xinu Monstera ~ new fragrance
Mexican botanical niche line Xinú has launched Monstera, a new unisex fragrance…
Xinu ~ new niche brand
Xinú (nose in Otomi) is a new Mexican botanical niche line debuting with three fragrances: Aguamadera, Copála and OroNardo. The bottles are designed for easy repurposing (see below)…