First, in the Boston Herald, columnist Jill Radsken offers her top choices from the latest fragrance releases for spring 2006. Among other things, for men, she likes Daytona 500; for women, Mat; Yellow.
The Cincinnati Enquirer notes the obvious: "There seems to be an emphasis this year on fruity floral perfumes, many of which are lighter or brighter versions of classic scents". Their choices include Terre d'Hermes and the harvest fragrances from Givenchy.
As I keep lamenting, this year's releases seem to me to be particularly lackluster. The few bright spots, to my nose: Le Labo, especially the Bergamote 22 and Patchouli 24, Annick Goutal Songes and Terre d'Hermes. I gave the new Vetiver Sport from Guerlain a quick sniff this week and liked it, but haven't had time to compare it to the regular version to see if I need both.
So, my credit card (which saw quite a bit of action in spring 2005) has remained safely inside my wallet, and it looks like there it will remain. I did purchase (unsniffed! the horror!) a split of The Different Company's Sel de Vetiver, and I hope it will not disappoint when it arrives. I will probably order the new Memory of Kindness from CB I Hate Perfume at some point. Other than that, there are not very many upcoming fragrance releases that have me hanging on the edge of my seat. The L'Artisan Fou d'Absinthe is one of the few I am still holding out hope for.
Your recent favorites?
Not many recent favorites that are new releases, R. Terre d'Hermes and AG Songes are both lovely, but I don't think I will buy them.
My amex card has suffered from severe overuse as of late, so I am saving my pennies until I stumble upon a fragrance that is truly extraordinary.
R, I will buy the Hermes eventually, but not until it is at all the discounters & the price comes down. The Songes is beautiful, but I don't think I'm going to buy it. Hope that extraordinary fragrance you're waiting for appears soon 🙂
R, if the Sel de Vetiver is a dud, I think I will go sob in the back of the cave. It's just about the only one I'm looking forward to! The leLabos sound interesting, but reports have been too variable to risk an outlay on such large samples – and I wonder if they'll even post out of the US? The Terre d'Hermes shimmers on the edge of my mind as a Purchase Possibility, but like you I'll wait for the discounters. When I find myself furtively retrying my samples to see if one of them has suddenly developed magical properties, I know that I'm getting dangerously lemming-ready!
I'm, uh, still trying to catch up with 2005! ( and 2004, 2003, 1947, etc.) 😉 On the Herald list, I wouldn't wear a single one of those (she sniffed) if you gave it to me, with the possible exception of Encanto Charms, which is pretty but not breaking any new ground. I'm holding out for that new Guerlain (in May?)
For a minute I read that as “the Sel de Vetiver IS a dud” and I was about to go sob in the back of my cave…it had best not be! What else is there? I am very ready for a few new lemmings myself.
The Le Labo samples aren't cheap, and I have no idea about their overseas shipping policies.
Well, M, so am I for that matter (trying to catch up). The number of classics I still haven't smelled is astounding. But it is nice to have a few new things to look forward too.
Which new Guerlain? The Sous Le Vent? That doesn't count since it is a re-issue. Actually, it is probably already released for all I know.
Sorry, R, to give you a moment of panic! Will phrase my conditionals with more thought for the lemming-sensitive in future.
Just put any important words in all caps, LOL…
I love hearing about what's on people's lists of things to buy…mine really aren't recently released, but here's my current list:
Tauer's Le Maroc Pour Elle
Rosine's Ecume de Rose
Bond no 9's Chinatown
Hermessence Vetiver Tonka
the Le Labo's you mentioned and Memory of Kindness, Robin! You're quite the influence!
My card has seen too, too much action this spring. Among the new releases the standouts for me are Terre de Hermes, L by Lempicka, several Le Labos, Songes, Sel de Vetiver…The card weeps. 🙂
R, Youth Dew Amber Nude has been on my “really want” list for months now. Just purchased (unsniffed) as released this month in NZ. Slightly disappointed as has this strange note, I think it is the tea (dislike tea) but yes, a more delicate version of orig YD, and has a lemon note which I think does not blend with others. Hope I get to like it more as I wear it in the coming winter.
Yes, the Sous Le Vent. Patty is trying to get her hands on it. It doesn't even sound right for me but you know my motto: leave no Guerlain unsniffed!
I think I'll wait until the Hermes one goes to discount, too, R.
As for Songes: I agree with you that it is beautiful, but I swear it reminds me of something. Maybe SuL Black Orchid, or a bit like Carnal Flower? Better yet, it smells a lot like L'Artisan Tubereuse, one of my spring-fling faves. :):) What do you think?
I want to sniff it too, but have to admit I'm not on the edge of my seat about it. I do sort of assume that anything *really* fabulous would not have gone that long without being re-issued. Too cynical, no doubt.
Great list! Of all those, I would think Ecume is the one you need right away for spring.
M, If you bought *all* of those, I'm sure the card is weeping!
Hope you will fall in love with it! I didn't love it, but didn't expect too since I'm not really a fan of the original, and even the newer, lighter version has more patchouli & amber than I like.
My recent favorites:
Le Labo scents, especially Patchouli, but others as well
AG Songes (esp. EdP): I bought the moon bottle! Both the bottle and the scent are lovely.
SL Gris Clair: I know this has been slammed by many, but I find it beautiful and refreshing–great for the warmer weather, when I will feel less like wearing my (more complex and smoky) Encens et Lavande
Addendum: the old Sous le Vent is (in my opinion) really fabulous! I don't know about the new one, which is supposed to be “reorchestrated.”
Oh, lucky you to have that moon bottle! It is stunning. And I still have not tried Gris Clair — I don't like lavender so am assuming I'll hate it, but we'll see!
Ah, if you've tried the vintage, will be very interested to hear what you think of the new.
Interesting, R. I hardly remember Black Orchid, although I know I've smelled it. Going on memory, the L'Artisan was much thinner than the Songes, but now I'm wondering so will have to try them together w/ CF.
It is very “lavender,” so if you don't like that. . . I doubt you will be a fan.
Ha, I did go ahead and order the Ecume. It's just gorgeous and it's not an “old lady” rose at all. I also ordered (what the hell, I was already at the Malle de March by Nicolai. Got a decant and loved it, it was one of those “I must have this” moments. Next is probably Chinatown, unless I fall for something else that seems urgent. Ever have those moments, anyone? My credit card suffers from those moments.
So glad you love your purchases! As my collection grows, those moments are rare for me. I tend to look at all the things I already have and wonder how I'll ever use them up, LOL…but trust me, I know the feeling. Early last year I was still buying like mad.
Ha! I don't think I could use all of my bottles in a lifetime…so basically I need to cool it and stick to decants, which make more sense. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Let's hope I'm starting to slow down. yikes.