“We have a long-standing and very successful relationship with Britney Spears. We care about her personally and remain completely supportive of her,” the beauty company said in a statement, after a New York Post story on Wednesday outlined how her recent antics may be hurting sales.
— Elizabeth Arden says it will stand by Britney, even if buyers are turned off Midnight Fantasy after she shaved her head. Read the rest at MSNBC. Elsewhere: Britney enters rehab for the third time this week. (CNN)
As irked as I am by celebrities and their glomming onto the fragrance bandwagon, and as little as I have been interested in Britney and her travails, the blogger Dooce has an interesting post today about the possibility that Britney's erratic behavior could stem from (among other things) significant postpartum depression … and Dooce appeals for compassion for her. I can do that: feel compassion for her. Even if I don't want to be anywhere near her perfume. xoxo
Interesting, Manolo is telling everyone to lay off her today as well! next time I screw up my life, hope Dooce & Manolo will take up my case, LOL…
Seriously, Dooce has a good point.
I heard/read that when she was shaving her head she looked directly into the camera and then kept saying that she wished everyone would stop touching her. Ever since then I've been feeling like her story just went from trashy to tragic. I mean, its not like anything she did in her career was her own idea. She is a marketing ploy whose body existed to make old men more money. She's also highschool dropout single mother, in spite of her zillions. So I can't help feeling like what's happening to her now is symptomatic of that whole creepy system.
Of course that still doesn't excues the perfume *cough*.
It is a creepy system, and I don't know why anyone on earth would want to be famous. It seems like a bad deal, even for the money.
It'll be interesting to see what happens to her perfumes, and perhaps will end up being a cautionary tale for all these companies jumping on the celebrity perfume bandwagon.