As previously reported, Kate Moss will be launching her first perfume this year under arrangements with Coty. Now it appears that she may have trouble arranging a visa to promote the scent in the United States, where it is scheduled to launch in 2008:
Because of her cocaine scandal last year, Kate was informed by officials at the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square that in order to obtain a work visa for the States she would have to undergo a test to prove she was clean after the well-publicised scandal, even though she was never charged with an offence. (via sofeminine)
Moss also made her first public statement about the perfume:
"For me, Coty is the ideal partner to create my own scent," commented Moss. "I've been delighted to work with Coty over the years and am pleased to collaborate with them on my first fragrance." (via prnewswire)
She sounds almost as excited as Christina Aguilera.
As long as she does not start to wax poetically about the 'Juice' like Mariah! …. 😉
I do like the thing of the frag retaining something about “vintage enlish feel” but i hope it smells like forests and leather rather than stale ale and fog.
Jokes aside, If Kate isn't a 'personality' enough to launch a fragrance… then I wonder who else is nowadays.
I would love to hear what are HER personal favourites for a frag, buy I doubt we will uncover a new Sarah Jessica-closeted fragrance junkie here.
LOL…so true, better to say something dull & formulaic than something stupid! And agree…she should be able to launch a celebrity fragrance if anybody can. Just hope she won't do a “dumbed down” scent.
I am not a gambling woman but I would put good money on this perfume being formulated to smell as much like Stella McCartney's fragrance as possible, it's just a hunch. I am not too excited though as I am not a huge fan of Ms. Moss, I don't see her as the style icon she is supposed to be, I always think she looks like she needs a good wash! Off the subject, I love the new look. I thought first of all that I had come to the wrong web address! It looks lovely.
You could be right, but gracious…that is not my idea of “smoky rose with black undertones” at all! Hope it will be way sexier than Stella (although I like Stella very much). And LOL…it is so, she looks so much more elegant in her ads than she does in informal pictures!
And thank you very much 🙂
I like Stella too, and it's not really an educated guess or anything. Stella is so popular here, I'm a mature student and most of the young studenty-boho girls who take their inspiration from Kate Moss, Sienna Miller etc, live in Stella, it seems to have struck a real chord with them and they love it. I suppose I am imagining the sound of someone wanting to cash in on that. But, if it's my idea, it will probably be wrong!
Interesting…I don't have any idea what young studenty-boho girls here wear, actually. Too old to know any 🙂
We'll see what Kate Moss comes up with! But you're right, the smoky rose & black undertones isn't likely to pan out since it wouldn't appeal to the right age group.