I recently complained about fragrances like Dolce & Gabbana Rose The One that disappoint me when they rely so heavily on predictable gimmicks of celebrity, sex appeal, and the status of a designer label (often to the neglect of the perfume itself). Companies like Crazylibellule and the Poppies, on the other hand, delight me when they present their fragrances with some light-hearted and allusive story-telling, an interest in the connection between scent and memory, and the reminder that you can wear fragrance just to please yourself.
The Les Bâtons de Parfum collection from Crazylibelulle is positioned (and priced) as a higher-end range, and its three scents are thematically linked with three times of the day. The Bâtons are twice the size of Crazylibellule’s core collections, the Crazysticks (10 grams, rather than 5 grams), and they’re packaged in nicely weighted metal tubes that close with a satisfying clicking sound, like high-end lipsticks. Their perfume solids are very slightly pearlized, to leave the faintest trace of shimmer on the skin…