Jasminora is the latest addition to the Aqua Allegoria range at Guerlain. You old-timers already know the drill: the Aqua Allegorias were introduced in 1999 as a youth-oriented, (relatively) reasonably priced line that was supposed to showcase particular natural materials; they generally add two new light-and-summery fragrances a year, and only those that do well hang around (they’re essentially limited editions). Some years I like them and some years I don’t, but I do own a few of them, in fact, most of the modern-day Guerlains in my collection are from this range — I own Herba Fresca, Anisia Bella and Mandarine Basilic, and if a cheap bottle of Laurier Réglisse came my way, I’d buy that one too.
Last year, if I’m not mistaken, was the first time they released Aqua Allegoria fragrances that weren’t named for specific notes. Flora Nymphéa and Bouquet Numéro 1 were mixed florals, although only the first one went into general distribution in the US. This year, they’re back to form with Jasminora, which is a light summery jasmine. It’s in what I think of as perfumer Thierry Wasser’s “young, fresh and dewy” style, in fact, it has a lot in common with Flora Nymphéa (and by extension, Idylle) although it’s very clearly focused on the jasmine note…