It's Almost-Friday and Coral Triangle Day. Birthdays: Cole Porter, Jackie Wilson, 60th to Michael J Fox. What fragrance are you wearing?
The points are piling up for me this, Berdoues Assam of India.
Reminder: on 6/10, for National Iced Tea Day, wear a fragrance with a tea note (a repeat of the Tea Time Friday in 2015, by request from AnnE).
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2022, where I'll try (but obviously sometimes fail) to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is hills & tea farms of Chiang Rai [cropped] by cloud.shepherd at flickr; some rights reserved.
Chanel No 19 for this very hot day here, and a cup of Lady Grey tea.
Perfect mix!
Good morning.
Sotd is Twilly. Haven’t worn this in a while, glad I did today.
Bringing out the pressure cooker, making beef stew for tonight.
I was just realizing I have several pot roasts left in the freezer, and trying to decide if it’s just too hot here to make them before fall. Wish I had a pressure cooker!
I’m taking CP points in Au The Rouge. You know, I bought a bottle of this at a discount store, opened it, didn’t like it, and exchanged it for a small bottle of Prescriptives Calyx. I was trying to collect all the Au The series as minis, got a mini of Au The Rouge, liked it and now I can’t find a full bottle for anywhere near the price I purchased the first one.
That’s too bad! I’ve changed my mind that way.
Calyx is so good though.
Still keep meaning to buy a small bottle of the blue one.
Almost-Friday is my Friday. Plus the sun is back out today.🌞😎
CP points for me in Neroli Outrenoir.
This will be my scent for tomorrow. Though I am volunteering at the library so it may be a bit much, but we shall see. I will spray an hour or so before I go
It is super nice out!
The sun came back here today, too.
Yesterday I wore Mediterraneo and posted that I often didn’t like tea in fragrances. But then I realized that I have several fragrances with tea that I love, so I guess I often DO like tea in fragrances as well. Along with Mediterraneo, I also have Berdoues Assam (thanks for the reminder, Robin), Guerlain Herba Fresca, L’Artisan Tea for Two, Pierre Guillaume Myrrhiad and Bvlgari Black. So I have a wealth of choices after all and will wear Tea for Two for a cooler rainy day today.
Thanks for mentioning Bulgari Black – some kind NST’er send me a sample many moons ago. Must seek it out.
I’m continuing to inch my way toward tea, today in Lostmarc’h Iroaz. It’s a salty rose with lots of other goodies (lemon verbena, lotus, iris and sandalwood among them) that feels like it would layer well with a tea scent.
You’ve delightfully expressed how I feel about this CP: I have to “inch my way toward tea” as it’s not a favorite note for me. Iroaz sounds very refreshing. 😀
I tried Rose Russie from TF, it’s part of the collection I bought with Rose Almalfi and Rose Chine. I find it too masculine leaning. I will try a few more times and then re-home it.
Today, I am in Rose Musk by Montale picked by my kids. They like the “bright pink bottle” and to play with the clip that removes to spray.
That sounds amazing. How do you like the Rose Musk ?
I like it, it is really powerful in the opening and then quiets down. The kids like it! 👍🏻
Andy Tauer Lonestar Memories, which starts out aggressively leathery and more than a bit dirty but gradually cleans up into a pleasant soft warm amber. I love a scent with a storyline.
You smell wonderful.
It’s really cool here and cloudy after a ton of rain last night. All the windows are closed and I flirted with the idea of turning on the heat just to take the chill off but I’ll wear a sweatshirt instead.
So, I’m wearing IA Memories of a Trespasser and enjoying the day of false fall. It’s supposed to be very hot next week.
I almost turned the heat on yesterday or the day before. I waited it out though.
I broke down and turned the heat on.
I’d love to send you some of the heat & humidity that I have. More than willing to share! 🥵😎😉
The heat is headed this way, I’ll gripe about it on Monday 😂
AS Sunday today, for a drizzly, cool day in Junuary. Kid is off to her high school orientation today. Plumbing issues are apparently fixed, except the plumber will send in a painter to fix the water damage on one landing. At least the orientation means a late start this morning, so I could sleep in a bit.
What fun, hope the orientation goes well!! And double fun — yay that they fixed the plumbing and will fix the paint.
Glad to hear that your plumbing issues have been fixed.
La Petite Robe Noir for the CP. To me, the licorice and the rose make the tea note stand out, or are tea-like. I’m wearing the basic 2017 edp from swirly-eye-giving array of bottles out there.
Some one on here mentioned the couture version of this – which has me lemming a sniff
Another rainy day, wearing Ambre à Lèvres.
You smell lovely in the perfect fragrance for a rainy day.
Second this!
Taking points in L’Occitane Green Tea, but it didn’t last long, so I added some Chloe Naturelle.
My students are gone and my room is packed! We still have some staff things to do, but a summer with my own kiddo is within view.
Yay for another successful year and a summer with Irisjasmine Kiddo!
Yay for finishing the school year!
W00t w00t w00t for the end of the school year!
OMG. OMG. What a morning. Was pretty sick yesterday with my ongoing undiagnosed malady, and the night before last got about 5 hours sleep–not enuf for me. Anyway, last night I took something to knock me out and woke up late. Panicked that I only had 30 minutes before I needed to fast for 6 hours–no food or water–for some imaging, I jumped out of bed, inhaled some yoghurt with maple syrup—a cup and a half! and washed it down with two cups of joe in rapid succession. Then drank a huge glass of water. Ready for my 6 hours of nothing, I double checked my calendar to confirm the time of my appt. Yup. 3 PM. Urrmmmmm. Ahhhh. Hmmmmm. 3 PM, tomorrow.
I am so full. . . mmmph. It is so sad. The good news is that I can at least apply all the perfume I want since I won’t be seeing the inside of an imaging facility today.
I think I’ll go with the not-for-the-shy Rosso Pompei by TT. 🙂
LOL with a cup and half of sympathy. This morning I tried to add an appointment to my phone. I thought one popped up for June 9, which I thought was tomorrow. I called the Dr. in a panic and said just that. The receptionist must have thought I was loony, since my next appointment is in November, and today is the 9th!
This must be the week of appt mishaps. On the morning of June 7th, I got a reminder from a doctor for a July 7th appointment and was panicking about how I would make it on time and what about my meetings and why hadn’t they reminded me earlier. Oh. They did. It’s for July.
Sorry to hear about your medical appointment mishap and hoping all goes well tomorrow.
Good luck tomorrow!
Oh you poor thing. What a rotten start to the day and sounds like you are having a rough time. Sending a hug!
It was fine! Gave me a hearty laugh if nothing else. I think I’ve been so keyed up about the darn testing, I just skipped a day in the week!
So sorry you’re feeling bad. Positive vibes for tomorrow and improved health!
That really is sad, oh my goodness!! I’m so sorry.
I thought it was hilarious, honestly.
I’m glad. I don’t think I would find it hilarious until several hours later, maybe after I’d digested all that yogurt & coffee 🙂
Rough morning for you, definitely! Hope that tomorrow will be much smoother.
Osmanthe Yunnan for today. Rain is coming this afternoon, so I’m going outside while it’s still relatively nice.
We are supposed to hear outdoor music tonight, but at the moment looks/feels/smells like rain might be coming here too.
Meanwhile, you smell great, and hope you got some fresh air!
OY is so pretty! 🙂 You smell wonderful.
In Hongkong Oolong, Marcel Roucel’s fragrance for NEZ on this cloudy, rainy day.
I regret missing out on this one, didn’t know it was such a short-lived LE.
I am wearing Hera from the sample. Finally it has arrived!
The bad news is that I love it ! It reminds me of some other perfume I have but can’t figure out which one, it has a very familiar scent, maybe Un Lys or Miss Dior vintage or something else.
This is the first perfume I am trying from this house, I am impressed.
Rainy day with lots of errands to do and a meeting in the evening.
Chanel No.5 EDP for me is my association. I love it too!
Yes, you are absolutely right !! thank you
I’m not really a floral gal but I love this house to death! I’m hoping my hajusuuri split will ring my 🔔. The price IS steep, but this is one perfumer who really delivers and deserves to price her creations like this. I think Vero was another in this category. Just amazing olfactory works of art!
I love Hera too and bought a full bottle, which was very expensive, but worth the price. It is truly a beautiful fragrance.
I love the Papillon line, very high quality and beautiful fragrances.
Oh, I can’t wait for my sample to arrive all the way to Spain. A friend of mine who lives in the USA is bringing it to me.
I also love this line, Bengale Rouge is my favourite so far.
Pleased to hear that you are enjoying your namesake perfume!
Just finished my first cup of coffee in over 48 hours! Oh coffee, how do I love thee? ☕️
I’m wearing CSP Amour de Cacao for a rainy drizzly day. Can’t complain about the whether because it’s been quite sunny and warm the last couple of days and I’m not upset about a break from the sizzling sun.
Also, I went on a mad hunt for more color-ways of clear jelly Jeffrey Campbell sandals I bought a couple weeks ago and finally found a nude and a pink pair. These will be summer staple sandals because they’re easy, comfortable, and dress up the sloppiest jeans and t-shirt outfit. Plus, I’m declaring this the summer of the maxi dress, having found a couple that I love and bought in several color ways. Between the maxi-dresses and my Columbia Sun shirts, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for summer. I think it’s going to be a blistering one. 🥵
Plus, I’d like to give a shout out to the Dior sales lady who was super sweet and generous with samples even though I look like a scruffy mess today. She informed me about the 15% off sale going on through Monday and if the samples work out for me, I just may go back and get a full bottle, hopefully from her. Not sure if they work on commission or not, but she was just a doll!
I love Maxi dresses. I can’t believe it took me so long to discover them.
Right?! Throw one over your head and stick your feet into a sandal and BAM! you look put together. I hope you have some great Maxi-Dress Days this summer! ✌🏼
I bet you will look smashing in your new maxi dresses and sandals.
Another maxi dress or sun dress lover!
I can’t find shorts that make me look like I’m trying too hard to act a decade or 10 younger than I am.
I found a great pair of shorts by Kuhl at REI, they are long enough to not expose too much and have lots of great pockets. 🙂
Kuhl makes very sturdy and well-built women’s clothing — the items I have all came from Title Nine. No affiliation with either — just wanted to chime in.
Chime away! So appreciated. I am not a teenager and should not be showing parts.😳
Thank you! Pockets are a bonus.😊
I love long summer dresses!
Maxi dresses are one of the few options I will consider for dressing up in the summer. Another is the “going-out” top with a nice pair of jeans.
I spent the day in SL Fleurs de Citronnier but tonight I am in vintage Coco edt while listening to Pink Floyd’s Echoes.
Smells good. Sounds good.
I got a Cody Jinx marathon today.
Thank you, enjoy your marathon😃
Two beautiful scents!
Thank you😃FdC is not a SL bestseller but I found very companionable today.
I love FdC more than SL Fleurs d’Oranger! I guess not as many people want to smell like sharp, musky citrus blossoms though.
Same here, I don’t like the cumin note in Fd’O. You’re right, lemon notes are not as popular as OB.
Pink Floyd was having a moment on the terrestrial radio station I listen to earlier today. They did some really trippy & psychedelic stuff in the late 1960’s. They’ve been around longer than I thought!
Yes, they were part of the psychedelic underground, it was also Syd Barrett time as their songwriter.
It’s my Friday, so I’m celebrating with Neroli Outrenoir. I can’t believe that I dithered over this one, it’s a real love now.
I dithered over it too, didn’t buy it until about a year ago because I thought it wasn’t for me, but now I love it. Will wear it tomorrow.
Notorious Oud, because I keep finding samples. Going through samples should be a project this summer.
The Powasson tick struck my area. Eek.
Any pollinator advice? I want to do my part, but have them not spread everywhere. Preferably smellie ones.
Have a beautiful day, beautiful peeps!
UGH, very sorry I googled Powassan virus.
No advice, sorry, but will say that I used to love to see deer in my yard and now we are having serious discussions about how to keep them away. And that was before I even heard of Powassan.
Yep, tick-borne diseases are one of many reasons I stay away from the northeast and Midwest in summer, not to mention the heat, of course. I learned about Powassan a couple years ago and while still on the rarer side, it’s gaining steam. I think we’re in for the Season of the Insects as more and more species are traveling beyond their former boundaries due to hot summers and warmer winters.
I was already pretty anti-tick because of having lyme (and whatever else came with it, they say now you don’t always just get the one) but there are so many now…including the nasty one where you can’t eat red meat again.
Yup. Deer ticks are why some doctors around here assume you have nothing if you don’t have a bull’s eye.
Which you don’t always have with Lyme disease, anyway.🙅
I did not get the bull’s eye!
Not polllinator advice, but I learned from experience that Monarch butterflies will lay their eggs on parsley plants if milkweed is not available. So maybe set some of that out for butterflies?
Not Googling that virus!
Me either!
Love parsley! Already done.
And, yeah. Between my father, my husband and myself, there have been 2 cases of Lyme, Babeosis, Erlichiosis, and Anaplasmosis. And a neighbor died from a mosquito bite.
Anyone up for a summer visit?
Oh my, that’s quite a grouping!!
Wearing Zoologist Elephant.
Crazy, busy day! Counting the hours to go home!
Just taking a brief break now and having a small cup of ube ice cream.
Back to read comments later.
Happy almost Friday! 🍨
Posting at the same time twins!🌞😊
😀 👯♀️
Ooooh, I still have a few ice cream mochi in my freezer. That sounds like something to grab after Jeopardy.
I need to get some ice cream mochi on my next trip to TJ this weekend. The ube is nice, but the mochi is tastier.
Pretty sure that I will get more ice cream mochi on my next trip to Wegman’s. They have a passionfruit one that is excellent! 😋
I made it through inventory and have this lovely day off. I ran some errands and now doing housework. I haven’t done laundry in a week! I am mostly wearing samples today. Right now I am in Killian Back to Black. I go back and forth on this one. I struggle with honey but today I am enjoying it.
Yay for end of inventory and a sunny day off! I have a love hate relationship with Back to Black as well. It can be cloying.
Glad inventory is in your rear view mirror! We are laundry twins. I remember liking BtB but not liking the price. 🤷🏻♀️
I wore a dress to school last week. A friend said I looked nice and asked if there was a special reason for dressing up. I replied that I hadn’t done laundry in over 2 weeks, so no pants to wear. 😀
Whoo hoo for surviving inventory and getting a fine day off!
In Bulgari’s black tea, which continues to make me think of fancy shoes, i.e. a ladylike leather.
Ladylike leather twins 😉
Kelly Caleche and I are waving to you from the shoe aisle at Nordies.
Goodness, I have some reading to do, what with Zoologist being so busy! No, really, I’ll get to it when I get to it. 😜
Started out in Fig Infusion from Essential Parfums which is a lovely fig soliflore (solifig?). It faded a bit, so I added Volutes EdT. For some dumb reason, my brain said Volutes was a figgy thing but my brain was clearly wrong. The two actually go together quite well, with the honey and dried fruit of Volutes plus the fig.
The heat is bad here and will get worse over the next several days. I actually caught myself wishing for a tiny little tropical storm to give us some relief. Banish that thought. 😳
Volutes! You smell great!
Please, no tropical storm disturbances!
Hey how did the icebox cake turn out? ( sorry if I missed it)
Also I have been looking at recipes and wondered if Cool Whip is a good substitute? Or do I have to whip the heavy cream. I’m trying to get my ingredients together.
Also maybe just a regular rainstorm will do the trick!
It turned out great! And yes, you can certainly use Cool Whip; that’s what my mom always used. Here’s the recipe I used if you’re interested. I halved the recipe and made it in an 8” square pan and it was fine. The comments are great, lots of riff ideas on the original recipe if you’re into that kind of thing. Enjoy! 😊
Sending you nice, cool thoughts of gentle rain. No weather whammies!
Wearing Eau du Fier, such a wonderful rendition of Lapsang Souchong, made even more enticing by some apricots.
Had an incredibly busy day at work but got done what I needed to do, so that was good!
That is an excellent tea frag. Thanks for jogging my memory. I’m fairly sure I have a sample of that one around somewhere in The Sample Stash.
Eau du Fier wins, for sure. Wish I still had some.
SotD = Kelly Caleche
Hi, NST friends! KC made me think of you all. I received a beautiful bottle in a swap quite a while ago. I love it!
It’s my first day of summer break from school. This past school year was nuts. So many things to juggle, so many things up in the air. Strange times.
I’ve missed out on months of fun here at NST but have worn scent for comfort each and every day. Hermessences samples have been in steady rotation, along with several of Pradas Infusions. They all make me happy and never feel like too much.
Hope everyone has a reason to feel thankful on this Thursday afternoon.
See you on Friday. I’ll be watching the elephants march! 😉
tiffanie! So glad to see you. I hope you have a great summer break!
Hello there tiffanie! Very good to hear from you!
Great to see you here but glad I get comments from you in IG too!
👋 and you smell great. Love KC.
Waving hello! Good to see you here again! 👋
Schools out, yay! Welcome back.
Running rather late today! Had a late start due to last night’s very late thunderstorms, which kept me up for a bit. Then the rest of the day’s schedule was thrown off kilter. At least I had a perfectly grilled steak for dinner, courtesy of Mr. Jalapeno.
SOTD = more Adieu Sagesse. We shall see what I come up with for the CP tomorrow…
I thought you wore something with sausage! Yumm on perfectly grilled steak for dinner!
If I am wearing something with sausage, then that means I had some kind of food mishap before I posted, ha!
I wolfed down my steak, which is an unusual thing for me. It was so good that tomorrow’s dinner might be a repeat of that, w00t w00t!
Yay for grilled steak you don’t have to make yourself!
Hope you sleep better tonight!
I slept fine once I fell asleep, LOL! It just was a little noisy right around my bed time, which I was less than thrilled about.
Grilled steaks! 😋. Coming over!
It’s one nice thing about summer swelter… grilling season! Maybe this year we will get some kebabs on the grill, too. I’ve missed having those.
Crazy thunderstorms!
Mr. Jalapeno to the rescue.❤
SOTD = Memo Paris Eau de Memo
Racking up the points again today. Lovely tea and leather, among other things! I find this to be very office appropriate and performs better in the heat!
All split packages are now in the USPS system – 2 days ahead of schedule! I will email this batch plus the handful from the last batch.
I now need to turn to preparing my package for the trade-in of my old phone. It is “worth” $700 so I’m not complaining 🤣.
What phone are you getting? And Woo Hoo for packages! Can’t wait to try Hera!
I already have the 13 mini – works great except had to relearn not having the start button.
Now that is a fancy case!
Isn’t it? I also have one in hunter green.
It’s always a treat to discover a perfume that plays nice in the summer heat & humidity!
It was actually a nice surprise!
Relaxing on the couch after frosting and cutting sheets of brownies today as well as making chocolate chip cookie sandwiches (2 cookies with vanilla buttercream frosting in between) at work. Wearing Chanel No. 19.
Day off tomorrow. Hoping my husband forgoes golf so we can get some stuff done around the house. We might try to find a Friday fish fry somewhere also. Disappointed by reviews of Jurassic World. Of course I really only care about Blue, the raptor.
The treats you made sound yummy! Frosting makes everything taste better imo.
I want your cookies.