It's Monday, and you can mix and match your holidays: it's International Fragrance Day, World Vermouth Day, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, World Poetry Day, the International Day of Forests and the start of National Introverts Week. What fragrance are you wearing?
My project for the day is Recent Acquisitions, suggested by Missionista in Dealer's Choice edition 1. I'm in Tauer Perfumes Phi — Une Rose de Kandahar.
Reminder: 3/25 will be Dealer's Choice, edition 6 (variation)...pick a project you liked from a past Dealer's Choice project, and do that project. You can find prior editions (and choose your project by looking through the comments) here....edition 1, edition 2, edition 3, edition 4 or edition 5.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2022, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Open for Business [cropped] by Josef Laimer at flickr; some rights reserved.
Many good things happening today. In honor of world poetry day. One of my favorite poets is Wallace Stevens, and in honor of World Poetry Day, here’s a short poem I’ve loved for years.
“Call the roller of big cigars,
The muscular one, and bid him whip
In kitchen cups concupiscent curds.
Let the wenches dawdle in such dress
As they are used to wear, and let the boys
Bring flowers in last month’s newspapers.
Let be be finale of seem.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.
Take from the dresser of deal,
Lacking the three glass knobs, that sheet
On which she embroidered fantails once
And spread it so as to cover her face.
If her horny feet protrude, they come
To show how cold she is, and dumb.
Let the lamp affix its beam.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream.”
SOTD is the remainder of Ambra Aurea.
Be well, all.
Please excuse my numerous typos…?
Love the poem,you are excused.??✌?
Excellent poem.
Gorgeous poem. Glad you’re enjoying your day! ?
Happy Human Rights Day South Africa!????
It’s a public holiday here,so yay for an off Monday as well!
Testing Testing 123…
Fragonard Diamant from the discovery set that was also a recent aquisition.
It’s a “nice” citrus-floral,although there’s a top note-I’m guessing it might be the pepper-that has me “wanting to clear my throat”.It’s a bothersome note that literally irritates my throat resulting in a constant clearing of said throat.Like the rasp of Ambroxan which does that to me as well.
NOT FB worthy.
Oh well,on to the next!
You guys did kinda sorta warn me Fragonard was a little underwhelming,I can smell that too.
The smell of underwhelming. I know that smell. Lol.
Have a great day off!
*time difference*.
It was a great day off,thanks!????✌?
Well then have a great rest of the week! Lol. ?
Happy Human Rights Day 🙂
Sounds like that perfume should be called, “Ahem!”
I couldn’t for the life of me figure out the right descriptive word for the feeling,but you nailed it!It’s exactly that constant feeling of “ahem….AHEM!!”??
I am sorry I did not get all the holidays! Happy Human Rights Day J.
Thank you Robin!
Lots of worldwide work still needs to be done on the subject!
Aw, what a bummer that your day off had a “meh” SOTD. Better luck next time!
My theme this week is Vacation, All I Ever Wanted, since I have not been out of the city in two years: wear a scent you bought on a trip. (Someone did this, but didn’t name it, in 2020.)
Yesterday we were going through some papers in preparation for moving (ugh), and found all the receipts for going through customs after a trip to the UK with a day in Paris, May 25th, 2010. On that day, I went, obviously, to the Serge Lutens boutique in the Palais Royal, and holy cow — I kept the receipt for the two bells jars I bought there, Fumerie Turque and Fourreau Noir, €110 each and well worth it. Today I’m wearing Fourreau Noir, nominally a lavender scent but on my skin the deepest, darkest, most delicious black licorice imaginable.
How far down are the two bell jars???✌??
Not as far as you’d think! I have a lot of scents and I try to get them all into regular rotation, so levels don’t go down very fast. I hardly ever empty a bottle, to say the least.
I hear you!It’s a daily struggle,I’ve not thunked anything this year so far,I think?
Aand another question!
Is your blog still active or did you actually stop at One Thousand Scents?
I never counted. I bailed on it at the end of 2013, although it still exists. I was running out of interesting things to write about, and frankly perfumery was well on its way to the dire state it finds itself in today — more and more scents with less and less to distinguish one from another, mostly a lot of new spigots being hammered into the same few boring vats. It was getting sort of depressing, so I decided enough was enough.
Back to finishing off decants and samples. Today was Kayali Ellixir 11.
OK, but nothing I need even as a decant.
Poetry Day:
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” ― John Milton, Paradise Lost
For the Dealers Choice: Forgotten Ones
Ninfeo Mio by Annick Goutal
I am still seeking some advice for an electric milk frother, one that heats milk and makes good foam. Mine broke and I am searching…
You smell beautiful and interesting!
I’ve never been able to find one that doesn’t scorch the milk, however, I hear the nespresso one is good.
I have heard that one is good too..
Love that quote.
Thank you!
I needed to read that today so I thought I would share.
Commando, but will probably end up in Cloon Keen Róisín Dubh. If there has been a Dealer’s Choice for “notes I thought I knew,” the rose here would for for me.
For Poetry Day, here is a short video by a young poet who writes in Irish, Séamus Barra Ó Súillebhéain. I understand about three words of it, but I love the rhythm, the rhyme, and the sound. There are English subtitles.
I like “notes I thought I knew”!
Well, feel free to use it if the CP repertoire ever runs low. Also, I love the photo today — our neighbor back in the States sent me a photo of our blooming crocus last week. Spring!
It is indeed spring, at least in Pennsylvania…we have lots of crocus & daffodils blooming here.
Waking up very slowly this morning, and still casting about for theme ideas. Reading prior years’ Dealer’s Choice posts has made me a little wistful — I miss hearing from some folks who used to be regulars and aren’t around much these days. And I used to be a better (or maybe just more thoughtful) poster than I’ve been lately.
My CP from 2015 might make an interesting reboot — scents that you were wild about initially but came to dislike. The opposite of Slow Burn scents … call them Slow Fizzles, or something like that. I’d have a tough time actually implementing that project, though, because I haven’t kept any of those scents around — they’ve all been happily rehomed.
Meanwhile, my SOTM is Prada Amber Pour Homme because lucasai loves it (ooh, CP idea forming!). I like it, but occasionally when orange blossom is in combination with some other note(s) the result disagrees with my skin, and it looks like this might be one of those cases. I bet it smells divine on lucasai though.
Okay, I have my theme. After showering off the Prada, I spritzed the other sample that just came, Encre Noir, and realized those are two scents I’d been meaning to try forEVER but just never got around to until now. After many attempts, I finally came up with a pithy title: Mislaid Intentions. Things that people comment on so favorably that I add them to the Must Try list, where they languish for far too long … in some cases, even though I obtained a sample long ago that has also languished, untried, for far too long.
If anyone is wondering, Encre Noir is absolutely delicious. It’s what I would have expected Lampblack to smell like if it had been done by someone other than Bruno Fazzolari. And speaking of Lampblack, that’s on tap for tomorrow — it’s another Mislaid Intention.
You smell fantastic! And I like Slow Fizzles, except that I think many people get rid of those…might be hard to populate that project 🙂
I don’t have a scent yet (feels like an incense day though), but I do have a poem of sorts. Lyrics from Leonard Cohen’s Anthem:
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in
That’s lovely. ❤️
Another good poem.
thanks for this one, pixel. It’s a favorite of mine.
I’ve suffered through many readings by “poets” where Leonard Cohen would have been blessed Shakespeare had someone bothered!
Love Cohen. Saw him twice. First time was a revelation of musicianship.
Love Leonard Cohen, that one is a favorite too.
Yes to incense!
Wearing Deneuve today. Ever since we got the puppy, it seems like I can get enough sleep. Wednesday, Sunny and I go to the vet for more puppy shots. Still eagerly waiting for the Sephora sale so I can get that family sized bottle of CM Intense.
Sunny is such a good dog name!
I had the same thought exactly.
Is there a sale coming up?
There is Rouge begins 4/1, VIB begins 4/5. Don’t know when it begins for BI.
Oooh, how exciting about the puppy! Somehow I missed that. My presence here has been a bit sporadic lately.
Oh, good luck with those puppy shots!
Sotd is No.5 edp over parfum.
Oh my, so many themes to choose from! I still haven’t made up my mind. Hmmm.
No. 5 is its own project, right?
I was going to do Chanel week but since I’ll be away from home, I’m opting out of the CP.
It’s already warm and beautiful here, the last such day for the foreseeable future, so I’m wearing Seville l’Aube. While I’m at my daughter’s house I’ll be wearing Black Orchid of which I have an elegant travel bottle. Have a good Monday everyone.
Oh, and a favorite poem from Ogden Nash:
God in his wisdom made the fly,
And then forgot to tell us why.
I love Ogden Nash! My favorite of his is this:
The one-L lama, he’s a priest
The two-L llama, he’s a beast
And I would bet a silk pajama
There isn’t any three-L lllama
And then he adds a footnote: someone pointed out there’s a type of conflagration known as a “three-alarmer”. Hee.
Oh I love these two! Thanks for sharing!
Love this!
Have a super great visit with your daughter!
Today is my only warm weather day too. Cool and rainy for the week.
Thanks lillyjo ?
I am in a cloud of Boy because that is what I felt like.
Feeling anxious and unmoored due to several current events, but shall leave it at that.
As for poems, a perennial favorite–not too deep but gives me a smile–is Frank O’Hara’s ‘Why I am Not a Painter. ‘
It beings:
I am not a painter, I am a poet.
Why? I think I would rather be
a painter, but I am not. Well,
for instance, Mike Goldberg
is starting a painting. I drop in.
“Sit down and have a drink” he
says. I drink; we drink. I look
up. “You have SARDINES in it.”
for the rest of the poem (which is not all that long!):
O’Hara died not long before I was born, at 40.
It begins! But I suppose it also beings. . . .
Oh, glad I clicked through, I like that one.
Anxious and unmoored seems the state of the world right now.
Slept last night for the first time in several nights.
SOTD is Guerlain Ensense Mythique in the original glass flacon.
Congrats on the sleep! I quit smoking last November and since then have never slept so much in my life. My average hours slept nightly (per fitbit) increased by 1.5-2 hrs average NIGHTLY. WTH
I got a split of that Guerlain last fall and absolutely love it. I wore it a ton through the cold season.
Congrats on quitting!
Wow!! That’s a huge jump.
Right? It’s kind of unsettling. I have no idea what to make of it.
Well, it can’t be bad, right?
yes, congrats on quitting. And fragrance and food should smell better, also!
Nope – same as before.
Yay you for kicking the cig habit!
I haven’t decided on the CP yet, but with all the old decants and samples I’m unearthing in my declutter and packing, I’m tempted to follow Lovestosmellgood and do Forgotten Ones.
For now, I’m in Nightingale for the plum blossoms and this poem which always makes me chuckle:
This is Just to Say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
William Carlos Williams
“Forgive me, they were delicious” is definitely one of the finest summations of what makes a marriage (or a long-term relationship!) tick. Love that poem!
Thanks for posting that poem! I enjoyed that lovely bit of levity.
Joining Robin in Recent Acquisitions – Tauer gardenia soap and Guerlain Embruns d’Ylang.
I’ve been wearing BWFs almost exclusively since spring sprung here a few weeks ago, which inspired the gardenia soap purchase. I’d not tried any of the Tauer soaps previously, but this one is gorgeous – and scents my hands, bathroom, and adjoining bedroom every time I use it, so I’m chalking it up as a bargain at +$20. (That is slightly in jest, but after many soap disappointments over the winter, it’s really a joy to use. )
Embruns I first tried late last summer as a free sample with a Guerlain order (though that was probably during “southern” summer, so more likely early fall) and absolutely fell for for it. Today I bought 3 more samples after slightly regretting turning down a FB for $260. Sigh. I don’t need 75 ml or to spend $260 on a bottle, but I did want more. This stuff really blooms with a bit of warmth and sunshine and is perfect on this warm and sunny (southern) spring day.
So glad to hear that soap is good, thanks kpaint!
I’m in Dusita Splendiris today.
Ahh, lovely!
Love! You smell fab!
Winter Woods because it was mentioned recently. After a glorious first day of spring, we are gray and rainy. My actual winter woods out back are no longer snow-covered
I remember the excitement while living in the midwest when the precip went from snow to rain 😀 Happy spring! I love WW. Are you wearing the new or the old? I’ve only ever smelled an older formula.
I assume it’s new…I bought it after the change in ownership. I have Jour Ensolleille from both time periods and don’t notice a difference.
Seattle Chocolate for me on this lightly snowing day
You smell really good!
I’m in The Absinthe Drinkers by DSH, which brings to mind many a poet. I’m really enjoying it as it’s bright and green and refreshing with the stand-out notes for me being anise, heliotrope, violet leaf, hay and ambrette. It doesn’t last long which suits me just fine.
Buddy Holly my buddy! We are scent twins!
Hurray hajusuuri!
I’m wearing Bitter Peach today. It’s a cold and rainy day so I’m staying inside and cleaning out the freezer. I lead such an exciting life.
That’s on my list of things to do, foxbins!
I’m in Le Galion L’Ame Perdue today. This so very much seems like it was created long ago, but it came out in 2017. It’s beautiful. ❤️
Yay for a bit of beauty on a Monday 🙂
Wearing Mugler Supra Floral, with the (made up by me?) theme: Pretty is Pretty Nice.
Supra Floral is a good one!
This is a good theme!
Just got home from a traumatic trip to the dentist, I’m still shaking. My old dentist retired and his son has taken over. He is never working on my mouth again. I had a panic attack and started crying, we almost didn’t get the three fillings done.
Fortunately I had the foresight not to wear anything I truly love, just a couple of spritzes of a Jo Malone, in case it didn’t go well. :-/ When I recover, I’ll put something else on.
That’s terrible! I’m so sorry. I’m sure you can get some friend or neighbor recommendations of a dentist who is careful and considerate. TBH, I picked out a female dentist just because I have a small mouth and they have smaller hands, so it’s not so tough for them to work around in there.
They shoved this huge plastic mouthpiece into my mouth that wedged my jaw wide open (and I have TMJ, so this was painful) and made me gag and panic. He refused to do the filling without the mouthpiece, which didn’t make sense to me as I have never had anyone use that piece of equipment before and had many other fillings over my lifetime. It must be the latest gadget.
I have a really small mouth (apparently) I ask for the child size plastic wedge. It works for me because I am usually too out of it to hold my mouth open. I know how awful this was for you, I have been in tears at the dentist myself. I am sorry.
Thanks for that tip. I am requesting novocaine with no epinephrine next time and will ask for the child size wedge too. I was caught off guard but next time I’ll be more prepared.
Wow, have never even heard of this device. Ack.
Oh, no. I’ve only had something like that during a root canal (I’ve had three, ugh), used by an endodontist. I hope you can find a more skilled and compassionate practitioner.
wow..Its the opposite for me at my dentist. I don’t like the Dad and I prefer the younger son.
Oh boy. Did the replacement surprise you? What an ordeal! I hope you have sufficiently recovered!
No, I knew he was doing the work, but this was my first experience with him other than a cleaning/exam.
I am so sorry. I have had more than one crying spell and panic attack at the dentist.
that’s why I keep going to same dental practice for 30 years. because I am afraid to go anywhere else.
Hope you feel better soon.
I was very happy with my old dentist, now I feel like I need to find someone else. It’s hard. 🙁
OMG. What an ordeal! It sounds hellish. A good dentist is so hard to find…
Yeah, it’s like finding a good auto mechanic! I will be asking around for recommendations.
we are back from a visit to my in-laws to be, so i just had a decant of Rochas Femme in my bag. Yesterday i wore Zagorsk. Its a bit sad to see, that his folks are getting really old and frail, as also my mother seems to get more fragile every year.
As we went by train we got out in Stuttgart for a bit of shopping at a big asian supermarket and then had dinner at a nice vietnamese restaurant. I think this is the first time this year we were eating out, so we were both happy to sit somewhere with a nice not-homemade dinner…
Sounds like a nice trip! I just visited my parents and they are getting very frail too, it’s hard to see. 🙁
Is this a low-key way of letting us know you’re engaged? Or maybe I missed the announcement. Best wishes to you! Still have yet to try either current or vintage Femme, must remedy that.
We tried to get married two years ago, but covid and my boyfriends bypass operation got in the way. Now we cant decide where or when to try again
Hi all, I’m wearing Chanel Paris-Deauville, from a sample. I sprayed on lavishly and felt tres chic! But all I’m doing today is lying around in bed resting my leg. Indeed the rest of me seems tired and achey too. I guess the trauma of another big surgery just 3 weeks after I’d already had one really did stress out my poor old body. I’m lucky to have not much to do and to be getting meals supplied for me.
I’m glad you’re being well taken care of. 🙂 Have a good rest!
Two surgeries in that short a time period HAS to leave a person feeling wrung out! Time to rest and recuperate.
So glad you are being taken care of!
SOTD = DSH Heirloom Elixir No. 23 The Absinthe Drinkers
I see from above that I am scent twins with Holly! It is fizzy boozy on me, with iris and violets. It did not last long (4 spritzes because commute to office) but whatever was there was just lovely. More testing! The theme could be any one of the following: newly acquired, subscription sample, sample, boozy perfume, perfumes that begin with “A”, etc. etc. etc.
In other news, I must have a sadistic streak in me because I couldn’t stop following the news about Ukraine ?? and I get really sad at what’s happening. Enough said, for now.
I just read an article from Montréal where a city councillor who lives across the street from the Russian consulate has hung Ukrainian flags from all of his windows and blasts the national anthem from his boombox three times a day at noon. 🙂 I like that spirit.
Love it!
Hiya twin! Is this fbw for you?
I am debating – it is very good!
I’ve restricted my news consumption even more as of late. There are some days where I. Just. Can’t.
I think I need to step away too.
Iris, violets, fizzy booze — I will see if I can find this to try!
Eek! Limited edition! Glad I checked — I may order a sample to be waiting for me when I get home.
Running late today. ?♀️
I’ve finally taken the plunge and activated my smart phone, despite having it for well over a year. I just didn’t want to mess with it while dealing with my Mom’s situation. So far I have successfully managed to send a text message with the new phone, and typed in all the phone numbers from the old phone. The previous phone I have is 3G, and did not have Internet access. Technology…
SOTD = Bruno Fazzolari Au Dela Narcisse Extrait de Parfum, from the sample stash. I wore this for the first day of Spring yesterday, too. I like it far too much for my credit card’s peace of mind.
Congratulations on using the new phone.
I was just thinking last night about life with just a house phone and an answering machine. Simpler times, and really not so long ago.
Thanks lillyjo, although I’m making the switch under protest. If I had my druthers, I’d still be using my little Samsung Rant with its slideout keyboard. But 3G service is going the way of the dodo…
HA, I adored my slide out keyboard, I would take it back in a minute.
Oh Pretty! That is a lovely scent!
Good luck with your phone. It is a hassle to switch.
It is very pretty for sure! I sighed with pleasure the first time I tried it.
Smart phones are a lot more intrusive! I might have to mute a few notifications if they get on my nerves.
I would recommend muting all notifications except for those you’d actually benefit from receiving. Once you start using more apps, you’ll see they all think they need to “notify” you about something inane.
I have a FB if that one. Happy to send you a decant if you like. You can reach me at taiga101 in the land of yahooligans. Cheers!
You smell great and congrats on finally switching! That said, the smartphones are too smart for their own good…
Decided I felt like finishing off a sample or decant today so I said goodbye to my sample of Masque Milano Dolceacqua. I could see enjoying a travel spray of this one. It’s a really nice mimosa. I would like to resample it along with Perris Monte Carlo’s Mimosa Tanneron.
I do not own a single mimosa! I need to think about that.
Oh, gosh. Yeah, you really need to fix that!
I have never found one I liked as well as that old L’Occitane, can’t remember the name now. But I should try harder 🙂
My theme today turned out to be wear a perfume you won’t be wearing again. I am sampling for the second time Elis Brooklyn Sweet. I can’t even describe it except for the chemical drydown.
I spent a tiny amount of time in the basement today. Trying to gear myself up for a clean out.
Too bad about your SOTD and good luck with the clean out. You’ll be happy when it’s done.
Yuck on the SOTD that turned into a chemistry experiment gone bad!
Poor thing with the chemical drydown. I can’t even deal with the basement.
The temps have dropped back here a bit so I went with Cuir Ottoman. I just love this scent. To me it smells like I am steam ironing a crisp white shirt using iris scented water. So pretty.
Temperatures have been all over the place where I am at. It looks like this week things might calm down a bit, though. Not time to put away the wool socks just yet!
I just keep telling myself that it is only March. We typically don’t see signs of spring until late April. This weather is so strange to me.
That is a lovely one! I really need to get a bottle now that they’re offering 50ml again. Oh wait, I think I said a while back “no more perfumes!” Hehe ?
Good luck with that Deva! I’m trying to behave myself but my list is always growing.
Sotd is Diptyque Eau Lente and poem is Late Fragment
Late Fragment
And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.
– Raymond Carver
Wow, had never heard that, thank you allo!
I’m glad you enjoyed it. It always touches me, especially because Carver passed away when he was only 50.
Very late commenting, but wanted to say hi! My theme this week will be samples–use them! Especially ones recommended or gifted by NSTers! Today I wore just one spray of SoOud Ouris Parfum Nektar (it’s potent), and put on more when I got home from work. It was recommended by Hajusuuri for the peach note. I like it, and it’s reminding me of something else but I can’t think what.
One piece of good news: I managed to secure a plot in the community garden behind my workplace, so I’ll be growing some of my own vegetables this year! I’m so excited! I don’t know much about gardening, but the nice thing about this is that there will be lots of people around to learn from ????.
Hi socks!! My husband does a vegetable garden most years but occasionally burns out and skips a year. I am hoping 2022 will be an “on” year, there is nothing nicer than home grown produce.