Hump Day, plus Weed Appreciation Day (not that weed, sorry). What fragrance are you wearing?
I was planning to wear Piguet Bandit today but wasn't in the mood. Instead, I'm in the easier Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue, by Daniela Andrier.
Reminder: on 3/30, to honor Women's History Month, wear a fragrance by perfumer Germaine Cellier or Josephine Catapano, if you have one. If you don't, wear a fragrance by any female perfumer.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2018, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Josephine Catapano.
I’m wearing LV’s Le Jour Se Leve. It is more floral than I would normally wear but I’m going through a “self-acceptance” stage to embrace the floral child in me.
And is it pretty? I have still not tried a single one of the LVs.
It is prettier than I imagined.
I also picked up Apogee and Mille Feux samples from the store. I’m wearing Apogee today and the lily of the valley is knocking my socks off!
Thanks, that sounds worth a shot at least!
I’ve never heard of this, and I’m not big on florals, but that name! Robin, we should do (if we have not already done) a cp where we pick perfumes because we love their names. I’ve done that way more often than I’ve tried a perfume for its bottle.
Oh, interesting!
I am way guilty of this crime, Koyel.
I have, too. I could easily come up with a week’s worth.
Those who have seen the Jean Gabin film of that name may think “tragedy.”
First?! First!!! Woot!
Haven’t posted much lately but have been reading everyone’s comments every day. Thank you everyone for sharing about your perfumes! I love reading the NST posts and comments. Such a lovely distraction.
Wearing Ormonde Jayne Tiare for the first time in months. Good gosh I smell lovely! If you haven’t tried it, I find it to be a modern take on those vintage frags like Cristalle– not at all what the name would imply. It’s very sparkling and just barely touches on that whiff of unclean that you can get in Cristalle, but it’s oh so beautiful, full of sunshine and breeze and air. I absolutely love this one.
I haven’t met an OJ I haven’t liked, something about that base really agrees with my skin, and my nose. You smell lovely!
Same here. Something about OJ perfumes makes me go “aah” every time I spritz. They don’t always wear well on my skin, but that first 5 minutes makes me want to buy every one.
I also love all the OJ’s, but many are oh so fleeting on my scent eating skin. I recieved a bottle of T’aif for mother’s day, I really adore it!
It worked for me like that for their original collection. Once they decided they were established enough to become more expensive, their new offerings weren’t as impressive to me.
This. I have a travel spray of Tsarina that I should really let go of– I was soooo sure that I would love it. But alas, it didn’t work for me.
I’ll add that I didn’t initially love Vanille d’Iris but it really grew on me. Not exactly a love, but still a remarkable amount of admiration for that one.
I really, really love their 20ltd perfume, which was their first ‘exclusive’ (Seraphim) and would just KILL for a bottle of juice that smells like my decant.
I like Tsarina much less then I hoped to but do wear it from time to time. Vanille d’Iris isn’t bad but I’m tired of the amount of Iso E-Super in OJ’s perfumes (says she who actually likes and wears Molecule 01 😉 ).
Good to know, I love Cristalle, but wrote this OJ off because of the name.
You smell great! I like and wear Tiare. It was my second favorite in the line.
What’s your favorite, Undina?
I’m also a big fan of Ta’if. So, so beautiful.
Ta’if is one of my all-time favorites not just from this line but in general.
I agree!
I lived in Ta’if for six months that felt like an eternity in hell and smelled like sand, dirt and concrete.
It has kept me from trying this fragrance, but maybe I need to be more open to it’s possibilities now.
SOTD Goest Perfumes Smoke & Violets (for Catbird Brooklyn). Goest is owned and perfumed by Jacqueline Steele out of Los Angeles. I’ve sampled a bunch and most are interesting. This is still my favorite, though.
Great reminder that I have a sample pack to try. ????
I quite liked Jackal but haven’t worn it out of the house since it’s a tad on the dirty side to me. Curious to hear your thoughts on them!
Dirty dirt or dirty skank ?
Inquiring minds !!!
Both, ha! There’s a dirt/dry cocoa note that almost borders in animal/fecal to. I think the name suits it well!
Agreed. I wore it once and it is definitely dirt dirty but twists with a animal note. The first hour was rough but became quite beautiful after that (according to my notes). Dauphine is nice as well…that oh he must have been to the beach nice.
Have you tried Dauphine? Curious about that one after the NYT article on the softies.
I did. Pretty, almondy, but not all that interesting to me.
Oh see above. I liked it. Not a power house but has a lovely summer vibe.
In my last drops of Comme des Garcons Ouarzazate. Such a pretty incense! I will miss it, but eventually I will get a full bottle. I know I have not been participating in the community project so far, but I had neglected my incense perfumes for a while and I wanted to enjoy some of them. I will join the CP on Friday.
Take care everyone!
Hope Ouarzazate gives you some calm today! It’s my favorite of that series.
Ourzazate and Avignon are my favorites. They always bring lots of comfort and peace. Hope the day here at work is not so crazy…
I have never regretted buying Ouarzazate. Wish I’d bought Avignon & Kyoto too!
Kyoto is also great. I have never tried Zagorsk, but I never see anybody mention it.
I have Zagorsk.
I love it as much as all the other CdG incense series and spray them all with equal abandon.
I would love to have the entire lineup…!
I have it Deva,
Yes she does!! You go girl????????
I would love to also. I deeply regret swapping my bottle of Kyoto. At that time it was not working for me. After that I have been getting decants. I will finish my last drops this week. Now, I only have a bottle of Avignon, but I have get the rest at some point. Ouarzazate next.
I did some poking around earlier tonight, and found that Nordstrom carries Kyoto and Zagorsk. Strange that they don’t have the others in the incense series.
So weird, especially because I understand that Zargorsk is not so popular. Kyoto and Avignon are really good sellers. I was browsing a while ago and saw that onky Luckyscent and Twisted Lily sell the whole series.
Fracas! (by Germaine Cellier). I planned to save it for Friday, but today is such a grey day that I want to wear it now.
I stumbled across this lovely video – “THE FLOWERS THAT MAKE CHANEL NO.5” (If it was already posted on NST, sorry!).
However, I am surprised they seem to show only roses, while I do not consider No. 5 a rose-centric fragrance.
I’m wearing Catapano’s Norell, which I have to admit smells fusty to me. It has an old-school aerosol sprayer which took me by surprise this morning!
Did you end up overapplying? That is how I remember those sprayers and it’s why I used to mostly buy splash, although I think I went ahead and overapplied anyway!
You smell great to me ???? I spent some hard earned babysitting money on a little bottle of Norell many years ago, at the drugstore.
I used something with an aerosol sprayer the other day and I can’t think of what it was… oh – I think it was my vintage bottle of Caleche. That’s the only time I’ve run into that. I do have some older bottles with propellant sprayers, which I love. I think they’re all Chanels.
Oh! Maybe it’s that? I don’t know the difference. And I am enjoying the drydown much more which makes me think my bottle is not too fresh
morning all! i’m wearing proenza schouler (spelling?) arizona, from a free sample. when people in your office complain about others wearing perfume, this is what they’re talking about.
it smells like paint thinner over a base of decorative seashell soaps.
sorry no not paint thinner-nail polish remover! bleh
Ha! Yeah, paint thinner would’ve been much better ???? Sorry you feel like That Guy today ????
LOL!! Love that description.
Hahaha ok, I’ll be staying away from that one 🙂
lulz. oy vey.
I would probably be the odd duckie that loves paint thinner. Oy.
No rush for me to try that scent then. Thanks for taking one for the team!
Vent Vert today- but unfortunately I have never smelled the original and only have the Calice Becker version.
I have some vintage but I think galbanum ages funny, so don’t feel like I ever ever really smelled the original either.
I’m thinking about wearing mine sometime this week. Double points, right?
I picked Bel Respiro. With all this gray and rain there has to be green sometime soon.
The sun’ll come out, tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there’ll be sun…
(sorry, couldn’t resist)
Not just well done but extremely well done. Giggled like a school girl with a first crush. ????????????
You smell wonderful! BR is so optimistic to me.
Ah, you smell great! I treasure my little Bel Respiro decant.
Bel Respiro is so beautiful and uplifting !
You smell lovely! Bel Respiro is one of my favourites.
wearing Laura Tonatto’s Fior d’Arancio…already received one compliment!!
Her line used to be sold at Barney’s, not sure if it still is. She has some nice scents.
It smells amazing on me if I say so myself 🙂
Also, tested the two SM Novellas that I never even heard of – Melograno on the right hand (gorgeously soft and I have seen it compared to no 22 and Emeraude) and on the left hand G. Ugo Stephani which on first spritz smelled of citrus and spices… being able to try out older fragrances that I am unfamiliar with and feeling as though I am not smelling like the masses 🙂
I like and own Melograno. It’s famous because of its association with a James Bond heroine, although I’m forgetting right now which one. I guess that shows how much of an influence that was on me.
Ah , thanks Calypso! It’s a beautiful scent but I am not getting pomegranate but rather soft powder and an oriental vibe…I could see a man wearing this one as well as it also reminds me a bit of vintage Old Spice.
and it dates back to 1965!
Found it!!!!
I smell like a bond girl ha ha ha ha ha
The second one is actually called Fieno (hay), there is a small sticker on the lower back of the bottle with the perfume name. The SMN labels are confusing.
AH!!!!! That would explain why I could not find any information on it!!! hay!!!!! No wonder I like it!
Fieno was launched in 1886! And some compare it to wonder why I like it.
Tonight I will shower when I get home from work and test out YSL NU edt…I think this one is d/c.
OMG!!!! NU EDT is gorgeous! Wonder why they discontinued it?
You smell gorgeous!
What a great discovery!!! I love it! Thanks to cazaubon 🙂
Because it’s gorgeous
Ha! so true 🙁
About to go into another iep meeting. My daughter’s school is pretty far ( for me) and just getting here has me already in a panic attack. I got here early to sit in the car and breathe. I’m wearing Coco Noir today, I just want to smell pretty and not crazy. Oh, to Koyel, or anyone really, I noticed if you are looking at perfume on fragrantica and get to fragrance net that way, it automatically gives you the 35 percent deal instead of the 30. Maybe that was common knowledge, idk… anyway have a great day everyone.
Breath deepy Lillyjo. Everything will be fine. What a week some of us are having. You smell terrific in Coco Noir.
Thanks for sharing the tip about Fragantica. I did not know about it and I will keep it in mind from now on.
I wasn’t aware of the fragrantica/fragrancenet tip either — thank you! Hope you meeting goes well and you can enjoy the rest of your day, you smell awesome!!
Stay strong! You do smell “pretty and not crazy”, I had a good laugh at that – I totally know what you mean – “yeah, I’m normal, I walk into Ulta, pick up a pretty scent and walk out, it’s not like I stay up late doing obsessive research or have an obscenely broad collection of scents or anything” =)
There used to be a 40% code at, the best I have been able to use since summer is a 37% code: Aupg7
And, 75% of my children have IEP’s 🙁 I loathe these meetings. The best one was when 2 of my friends accompanied me.
This (first paragraph) made me LOL – thanks!
May all go well, lillyjo!
You have at least four children?!?!??? Wow!!
Ugh, I just tried that code out on a pretend cart on fragrancenet and now I’m bummed I didn’t know this yesterday 🙁 I’m a little tempted to buy SOMETHING ELSE TOO now, but, uh, it would be bad to buy perfume just because it’s on a good sale.
Hopefully just the 4 and not 8!
A good sale is a good reason to buy lots of stuff, especially perfume. 😉
Oh, sweet! I didn’t know about either of these – the clickthrough or the code.
Both work – thanks!
Wishing it all goes well, this time, lillyjo!
Thanks for the Fragrancenet tip. I’ve loaded my cart there dozens of times, but have yet to make a single purchase, lol.
I’m a cart-loader, as well. I do that at Amazon, Fragrancenet, and pretty much everywhere. I load the cart, then walk away for a day or so. Then I go back, and ask myself if I still feel like I need the stuff. I don’t always restrain myself, but I sometimes do, so it seems like a positive baby step toward less accumulation.
I’m a notorious cart-loader as well. I think of it as window shopping. And I get super annoyed by sites that don’t save carts! STC…
IEPs are designed to make parents seem crazy! Resist, and keep breathing.
You smell lovely, breathe deep and feel confident!
Good luck with that meeting! I’ve been to one for me son, and lots for my students. They can be challenging, for sure, but they are hopefully serving a very helpful purpose! Sometimes I am just amazed at how well those kids carry themselves.
Thinking of you today. You are on time, look put together, and sure as hell know what you are talking about!
Oof, good luck with the meeting <3
That is NOT common knowledge!!!! I will try that next time. Thanks for sharing!
I hope it works. I just kinda figured it out.
Thanks everyone, it went pretty well, this is a new school for my daughter and they seem to be very caring people, compared to the last nightmare school. Busy day, had to go right to work for the night, so sorry I’m unable to reply individually. You all are just so great!
Hope things work better there for everyone involved.
I’ve never been to an IEP meeting, but plenty of 504s, which were always pointless and fruitless.
Happy to hear everything went well. Hope you can have a good rest tonight.
Hurray for good news about the school!
Been fragrance=free for a week now since my return from visiting family & friends in Florida & Texas respectively. A tad jet-lagged when I first got home as final flight from Frankfurt to Aberdeen, Scotland was VERY late! Had a successful & very pleasant personal consultation with Rob Akins of Uncommon Finds in Tampa while visiting my brother, & said I would report back on here once I was home & caught up with stuff. Rob is knowledgeable & passionate on the subject, & brought out some very interesting fragrances, some of which I was aware of, but had not tried, & others which were completely new to me. I had given him a list of ‘important’ fragrances I’d worn since I was a teenager, so believe me, he had a lot of info to go on! I ended up with Maria Lux’s ‘Yours Truly’, after narrowing down an eclectic, comprehensive choice to a few, though there were plenty changes of mind. The brand, despite being European, had escaped my notice, despite annual forays to some of the more exclusive London stockists, & ‘Yours Truly’ is like nothing I’ve ever smelled before. I am really looking forward to wearing it & soliciting opinions from family & friends, none of whom are exactly backward in coming forward to critique what I smell like! If you’re in the Tampa area, I would thoroughly recommend arranging a consultation – Rob is just delightful, does not charge for the consultation itself, & there is absolutely no pressure to buy, something he assured me of when we were arranging the meeting. The meeting took just over an hour, but I could have chatted about a favourite topic for us both for longer – unfortunately my brother, who just can’t get his head round my ‘perfume thing’, was waiting to collect me! Next time I’m visiting my brother I will definitely contact Rob to see what he has to offer in the future.
Thanks for the update about your travel adventures and Uncommon Finds!
I’m in the regular Infusion d’Iris. Fraternal twins maybe? Perfect for a wet chilly spring day.
You smell super!
Good morning…..Weed Appreciation Day is interesting! After all, weeds are just native plants that are not in an optimal location….. 🙂
I’m continuing with #30Scentsin30Days on Instagram….
Went with Victoria’s Secret Midnight Ivy today. I was craving a sugary sweet, vanilla….rum raisin! Sugar and spice and everything nice!
Oh man. It’s been too darn long since I had any rum raisin ice cream.
Get thee a tub of Haagan Daaz, toot sweet! 🙂
“Haagen Dazs” 🙂
Cute summer ‘do, Jada!
Wonderful definition of weeds.
Enjoying your Instagram, Jada!
I am also wearing Infusion d’Iris.
Hey twin!
Taking my mother to lunch for her birthday today… wearing Buterbaugh Apollo Hyacinth.
I might ask her if she’d like this vintage bottle of 24, Faubourg I picked up on ebay — she is fond of scents that smell like scented soap, and 24,F is extremely classy soap on me. I like it but don’t love it, and maybe she would appreciate it more than I do.
Happy birthday to your mother! I hope the day is delightful for you both. I hope she enjoys every moment and the 24,F too.
Happy birthday to mom! You smell great, I tried that EB in NY last summer.
Sounds wonderful to take your mom to lunch for her birthday. Happy birthday to her!
I love 24F more and more each time I wear it. You smell lovely! And happy birthday to your mom!
Happy Birthday to your mom! Hope it was a special day for both of you.
SotD = Jour d’Hermes
Smells like sunshine and flowers at the edge of the woods. 😀
That weed article has great info, thank you for the link. I have eaten a few of those and see many of them in my area. I pick dandelion leaves and flowers for our parakeets to eat, they love them.
And thanks, NSTers, for the kind comments yesterday about my grandad. He was one in a million, never to be forgotten, a true original.
This is my favorite of their newer releases, you smell lovely!
And so sorry to hear about your grandad.
Thanks, SmokeyToes! Jour d’Hermes always makes me smile. 😀
Thank you for your kind sympathy. It helps.
Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt developed by Christine Nagel.
You smell great!
Woke up with a horrid headache, so wanted something something lighter and fresher than my normal fare.
I went with Bulgari Green Tea EDP – Fresh and minty, with tea and musk. The perfect antidote for a grey, rainy day.
Hope your headache goes away soon. Bvlgari Green Tea is perfect when we need something light and pleasant.
Thanks – it is weather-related, so when the barometer stabilizes, so will I 😛
Sorry about your headache! Barometric pressure changes cause problems in my house too. Hope the Bulgari is soothing.
Yep, it does the same to me. Just horrible while it lasts. Hope it passes quickly!
Sorry to hear about the headache. 🙁
Happy hump day! I’m wearing 31 Rue Cambon edt.
Last day until a long, 4-day weekend. Looking forward to the break.
Also looking forward to celebrating one of my closest friend’s bday tomorrow at Alice’s Teacup. Best scones ever, and not bad tea 😉
you smell wonderful! Enjoy Alice’s Teacup, so much fun!
I don’t have anything by these two noses. I was thinking I would put on Francesca Bianchi’s Dark Side in support of female perfumers, but I need something super zippy and happy today. I may go with Cristalle – it’s happy and serene. I’m also having a “the world is against me!” type week. All minor inconveniences — inconsiderate drivers, rude cashiers, home maintenance woes, etc. Events that alone, wouldn’t phase me, but added together make life kinda blah. I think I’ll be engaging in some Dance Party USA with the kids later to shake it off, shake it off 🙂
Ugh. Blah, indeed. Mercury is retrograde and I believe all its implications of lost items, missed communications, general chaos since I lost my cell phone yesterday for the first time ever! Fortunately, I also have a work-provided phone.
A dance party sounds like just the thing! My luck would have me sprain an ankle, though????
Aha, so that’s the source of the misery, when does it go out of retrograde?
April 15th! I think I should hibernate til then.
Ah-I’ve lost 2 perfumes, but they are in boxes I’m certain. I wanted to wear Diaghilev today but cannot find it
🙁 Hopefully they turn up soon!
So that explains it. I think I’ll hide with you. Too bad about your phone.
So sorry about your ankle ???? I am also starting to wonder about this whole Mercury in retrograde thing!! Count me in as hiding out until April 15!!
Oh, and can I blame Mercury on my bad grammar and punctuation?? I will. At least until April 15 ????
Oh, I didn’t actually sprain my ankle! I was just joking about having bad luck this week.
Oh, I understand now! haha! Yes, perhaps save the dancing until after April 15 🙂
So THAT’S what it is!
I am wearing TM Angel Eau Sucree and drinking a cup of lemon ginger tea.
This week is flying by fast. For me at least!
You smell super!
Thank you !
Spring in my step with Misia EDT today.
You smell lovely!
Hope you are feeling better! You smell lovely.
Happy weed day! I should probably get rid of some in my back and front yards…
In PdN Eau Chic, going on a field trip this afternoon and wanted something easy and light. Got some lovely decant/samples from the swap meet yesterday and really wanted to wear Champaca, but decided to stick with the ladies this week!
SOTD Sylvaine Delacourte Florentina
I would not have put violets and or almonds on any list of preferred notes, but this is so good.
To me it does sort of smells like a lighter version of L’heure Bleu, but I have not smelled a lot of violet forward scents, may be more similar to other perfumes.
It’s very interesting! I guess it smells sort of “European” to my nose 🙂
I think I love it.
I really like Florentina. It’s soft yet enveloping and pretty.
I have my sample set pegged for spring and summer use. Getting closer day by day.
Violets and almonds you say?? I may have to sample this one!
I have a decant of this, thanks to Petunia, and it’s lovely.
Well, I put on Jasmin 17 this morning and immediately regretted it. Not’s not bad or anything, just not what I was really in the mood for. Now I know what the day really called for, what so many of you have wisely chosen: Infusion d’Iris. You all smell perfect!
I hate when that happens. Maybe you can top off later?
Igh it’s the worst when your mood and a fume clash. Hope one or the other dissapates quickly!
*Ugh lol – dunno what Igh is!
Oh, wearing the wrong perfume is like having an itch you can’t scratch!
Testing out Le Labo Benjoin 19 thanks to a kind NST swapper, will report on my thoughts later.
Ooh, I like that one a lot. I had a hard time deciding between that and Mousse de Chene last fall when they were available and I bought the test kit of city fragrances, but eventually popped for Mousse de Chene. The Poivre one and Benjoin might be next. Btw they smell great when sprayed on all together!
I hope you like it!
Little story…I was digging around for extra things to send you and stumbled on my decant of Diptyque Benjoin Boheme that I must have just sampled quickly and set aside after receiving it a year or so ago. Thought surely I must not have thought much of it since I haven’t worn it yet. Sprayed some on and fell deeply in love with it!
Have you tried that one?
I did try it briefly at Diptyque some time last year, I recall liking it, but obviously not so much that I felt compelled to buy, as I don’t own it.
So, the Benjoin 19 is very lovely, however it is now gone, 5 hours later. Similar to Gaiac 10 and Vanille 44, the lasting power is lacking. But I will sure enjoy this decant, it smells great while it lasts!
Spray more, maybe? I actually only use 4 sprays of Vanille 44 and it lasts all day.
The mention of Cristalle makes me want to buy a bottle. I wore it back in the day, so maybe I’ll revisit.
Wearing Grand Soir today. Yesterday I wore 24F Parfum and it didn’t last.????
Grand Soir is Wonderful! You smell fabulous????????
I would go buy a bottle..Cristalle is gorgeous
Hear hear! I’ve never smelled vintage Cristalle, but the current version I have is wonderful. And you are smelling mighty fine in Grand Soir!
You smell great, I love Grand Soir so much I bought two bottles!
I don’t think you’ll regret it – you’ll probably get a lot of use out of it over the summer – it’s so great – and it’s kind of nice just to walk up to the counter and buy something and know that it’s fantastic, without having to do much undercover work.
Just passed through Weed California the other day!
SOTD is Tauer Amber Flush oil in my hair. Planning on doing some hiking later and hope it’s not a siren call for bears and cougars!
T-Rex would make a tasty snack and I would be a 7 course dinner. ????
Happy Hump Day! Gorgeous day here! I’m becoming reacquainted with the sun and so far our our relationship is a 10/10! ????
Now for COFFEE☕️
Happy hiking. Be careful of those critters. I received a decant of Stash in the swapmeet. I wore it the other night and my cat went nuts! He was definitely loving it. I felt like kitty catnip. Be careful or you may have an oversized admirer. ????????
I can see stash being attractive to animals! But then, maybe he just loves you a whole lot, with or without stash❤️????
Enjoy your hiking and be very careful! So nice you have such a beautiful sunny day there!
Sadly, we never got to go! But that’s okay, got a lot of other stuff accomplished????
I was reading on another site that palo santo oil is a good insect repellent, I’m going to try it this summer! Love the smell, unlike most insect repellents.
I need some! Forgot all about bugs in cold rainy Oregon, but now I’m in sunny warm (beautiful) Redding Ca and he bugs hiking yesterday were horrible! Ack! I think I might have eaten one or two.
I’m pretty sure it was in Weed, CA where I used a gas station bathroom that had a sex toy vending machine.
Ha! I am not even surprised!
Happy to hear that you are safely back on the road again!
Thank you! ✌????
Wearing Arbole Arbole from the swapmeet today!!! (Charmingly labeled Arbole^2 by smellysmello 🙂 ) Unfortunately, not by a female perfumer. On the upside, it’s a lovely scent. I think my nose is wonky, though–I got a good dose of oakmoss and honey in the opening. Even now that it’s had a good 1.5 h to settle down, it’s got a touch of acidic oakmoss-y-ness to my nose. Clearly I’m crazy. Maybe it’s because of how green the juice is.
Exciting news: I forgot my work phone at work last night and…EVERYTHING WAS FINE. The world is turning just as effectively as it always has in recent memory.
1. One of you recently mentioned making a kulfi-smelling perfume or oil. I forget who you are, but would you mind sharing your recipe?
2. I’m holding an impromptu split of Miller Harris la Fumee (the original one). Bottle is $70 from fragrancenet; each 10-mL split in a heavy-gauge atomizer is $13. If I’m not mistaken, I’ve got 30 mL accounted for, which means I have one more 10-mL split remaining. If you’re interested and in the ConUS, please e-mail me at ko bhatta at jee mayl.
I’m interested, send you an email now.
Looovvvee Arbole Arbole.
You should always leave your work phone at work 😉
Am I too late?!
I’m afraid so, Karen 🙁 but if you want to send me an email, I can contact you if one of the splits falls through or if I decide I only want to keep 50 ml.
I think maybe it was Lovestosmellgood who was making a kulfi-scented oil?
As always I enjoy everyone’s choices and comments very much. I’ve been on an internet break and it’s nice to be back.
Wearing Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Chinchilla today which encompasses glamor, comfort and nostalgia. Cosy for another gray day in the never ending month of March.
Such a great fragrance!
Welcome back!
Good morning all! I decided to look up a few of my fragrances before putting something on since I don’t know the perfumers for a lot of my scents. Thanks to NST, I found that my Ed Hardy Love & Luck is by Adriana Medina, who I am assuming is a woman. It’s not classy, but it is fun!
Sometimes girls just wanna have fun… ????
Agreed- sometimes you just gotta fun!
SOTD is Ormonde Jayne Ta’if by Linda Pilkington.
Lovely !
Participating today (knowingly, unlike yesterday where I was but didn’t even realize ha) in Encens Flamboyant. Man, I really love this one. Perfect for the chilly, foggy morning we had here.
It’s hump day, y’all! Was an early morning for me at work and going to have to stay a bit late to support some meetings, but thankfully a little closer to the weekend!
Mmm love Encens Flamboyant.
I haven’t tested this idea yet, but I am willing to bet that Encens Flamboyant would make a great 4-season perfume.
SOTD is Bandit extrait, one of my favorites. Happy Hump Day!
Oh, I’ll bet the extrait is fabulous!
It is! And it’s less sharp than the edt, a little easier on the nose, even my scent-phobe neighbor likes it!
Quick question for you NSTers who are more advanced in perfumery then myself; is anyone familiar and have thoughts on Tobi Tobin’s Crow? It sounds might good but I have promised myself NO MORE blind buys after the Stark Peau D’Ailleurs Incident of late 2017. (P.S. Free to a good home).
I smelled the entire line at Bloomingdales last year and the SA told me I smelled great(Dior Gris Montaigne) and said she needed to get what I was wearing, lol. Anyway, nothing jumped out at me from the line tbh, in a good or bad way. I did like some of the candles and got a small LE spice/frankincense one.
Thank you. ????
Heh, I saw what you did there. I’m late in getting stuff to you but will include Chypre Mousse so you can compare it with the Starck. Was it metallic on you?
I am in Rahele today
You smell gorgeous!
I almost wore that today, but with my cold I thought its beauty would be lost on me!
Yes I think I will finish the bottle this year (I split it, so did not go thru the full bottle ;)) and will be ready for another one.
Today I’m wearing Grandiflora Queen of the Night, one of those perfumes you never need an excuse or reason to wear. You wear it because it’s beautiful. I had a long drive up north of Houston today to meet up with a woman who is having to move into assisted living and can’t keep her 10 year old cat Meow. (A mutual friend put us together). I hadn’t seen her picture, but Meow is striking and gorgeous! She’s like a white Siamese calico, a bobtail with blue eyes. I’ve established her in the upstairs bathroom where she can feel safe and watch birds out the window. Can’t wait to get to know her better.
Love that you are adopting a 10 year old cat. Must be sad for the cat’s owner though. A huge relief that Meow (okay, I am not a fan of the name) is going to a great home.
She said her granddaughter named the cat. I sort of don’t like it either but am hesitant to change it after 10 years. Yes the poor woman cried when we said goodbye. I’ll try to post a photo of her when I can get a good one.
Such a wonderful thing to do. I happen to like older cats. Sad for the owner, but hopefully some comfort that she’s got a good home now.
She sounds like a gorgeous cat. I’m sure your bonding will go well. Patience is a virtue in these things.
That is so kind of you to adopt that person’s kitty! Moving into assisted living is a big adjustment; I’m sure it’s a relief to her that her pet is in good hands.
Also, I hope your hip is feeling better!
Two thumbs up to opening your home and heart to an older cat! Fingers crossed that everyone adjusts.
Happy Wednesday! That was fast!
1) SOTD: Roses Vanille by Mancera. A very gentle and pretty rose scent, with vanilla to ground it. Very delicate, more of a skin scent. Would be great in the summer.
2) Subscribed (per JadainGA) to 4160 Tuesday YT channel, and will be getting some samples from LuckyScent.
A delicate scent by Mancera? 😉
Indeed! It’s really lovely and subtle!
I am speechless.
I really like Roses Vanille too.
Bois d”Arménie
Annick Menardo is the nose…
For the day with a couple of meetings in a small conference room I went with my pre-rabbit-hole favorite – Annick Goutal (and Isabelle Doyen) Petite Cherie. I still like it (though I haven’t tried the recent version).
Drained a sample from a swap of Diptyque’s Lavande. I really like it–A leather jacket and hiking boots lavender–except less than 30 minutes in the lavender is hard to detect and I am left with a floral leather skin scent. Nice-ish if you don’t want anyone to know you are wearing perfume (not even yourself until you press your nose to your wrist). Too bad.
My very excellent breakfast this morning was my usual horrible-sad- no-good-why-why-me-fake-o-not-fooling-anyone coffee AND a banana bread cupcake with chocolate cream cheese frosting made by my neighbor.
Still at home in my living-room with my convalescing son. He is doing great actually, but boy does my heart go out to full time caretakers. I also managed to pick up a virus that had my temperature on Sunday at 103. Feeling better now. Just coughing and tired. And drinking bad not-coffee. And wearing nice-can’t smell perfume. But eating an excellent breakfast. 🙂
You have an excellent neighbor. Glad that you are feeling better and your son is progressing.
Oh goodness, I hope you feel better soon and are able to take care of yourself! Hugs for you and your son!
Happy to hear your kiddo is improving but so sad to hear about the non-coffee. That is a mini tragedy????
Oof – tough all-around but sounds like you’re all making the best of it. Will your neighbor be my neighbor, too? I promise I’ll be nice ????
Sorry you got sick, but glad to hear everyone is getting better.
Good news on your son’s recovery and your awesome neighbor!
Good morning, NST. I scarcely know whether to creep in quietly and stand very still in the hope that no one will notice me, or to announce myself as loudly as possible….the latter, I suppose. Hello, everyone. I’m glad to be back. It’s very nice to confidently wear perfume again, and to think and talk about what I’m wearing. I think I’m pretty well again, so yes, here I am.
What’s happened on my perfume front while I’ve been away? Well, for a few weeks, I wore no perfume at all, not even an inoffensive cologne. I’m not even sure why I couldn’t bear it, but I couldn’t. The dear man has a theory, but it’s so convoluted I can’t give it credence. Anyway, I began to recover my tolerance and excitement about two weeks ago, when I accidentally sniffed some of Lubin’s Upper Ten, and instead of feeling the ghastly ennui and nausea I had been experiencing previously, I really liked it. Then wonderful Kanuka sent me a little bottle of vintage Fiji — yes, really, vintage Fiji, and it’s glorious! — and I was restored. A bit tentative, but willing to try different smells again. And as for what was wrong with me, a series of doctors rather firmly diagnosed exhaustion. It doesn’t seem possible to me that I could produce a range of odd symptoms from being a bit over-tired, but four doctors agreed, so I suppose they’re right.
Since I was away from NST, we’ve received the results of Eric’s ECG and scan. It’s not good news: he has a severe pulmonic stenosis, completely inoperable. We will monitor him and love him and keep him well while we can, but we know we won’t have him for oodles of years. If you could see him belt around the house with the Stripies, or beat up the Purple Fur of Destiny, you’d never believe he was in any way impaired, but in fact, he tires rather quickly and often lies down on his side to recover. Titus and Alexander are strong and beautiful, and we now have to keep the wardrobes wedged shut because they go in and wreak havoc if we don’t. Havoc!
But all this is not perfume. Today I’m teaching, and I decided to start back into perfume with an easy love (that is, I hope I still love it): La Pausa. It’s dry and elegant and its sillage is unobtrusive, even for me, but if I sniff, it’s there. I hope it works out, because I really want to enjoy my Chsnrl perfumes again. I’ve made a little outfit of a straight black skirt, a soft yellow t-shirt and a black leather biker jacket with yellow and white daisies embroidered on the lapels and the sleeves. Truly, daisies on black leather. It looks….unusual, but I rather like it. It seems to look OK with La Pausa, which I didn’t really expect. I feel a bit as though I should have been wearing something big and bold, like Diva or Paloma Picasso, but this works.
And this is enough words! Now I’ve started, I don’t seem able to stop. I must pootle up the hill to work. Be well, all.
What is the recommended treatment for exhaustion? Beyond sleep, if that’s not impaired…. it’s nice to have a diagnosis. Keeps one from imagining… sorry about little Eric, but I know he has a happy life so there is that.
And…you smell and look wonderful. The outfit sounds fab. I have this desire to embroider colorful things on black skirts. Saw a woman recently with a skirt with great embroidery at the bottom and wondered if I could do that myself.
I’m unconvinced that exhaustion was the problem, but the treatment was mostly about sleep patterns and lifestyle stuff. I’m trying some of the recommendations, but honestly, what causes more distress, working late or not completing tasks on deadline? It seems to me they’re equally powerful stressors. Anyway, I seem to have myself more in hand now. La Pausa is just fabulous! That’s a huge bonus in my day.
So sorry to hear news on Eric.. sending perfume scented hugs to u.
Hello and welcome back! I’m so sorry to hear about Eric, but I know his life will be filled with happiness however long it lasts. Also, I hope you get your legs back under you, so to speak, very soon.
We’ve missed you, seriously, and it’s wonderful to have you back and to hear that you’ve recovered your perfume mojo! I’m very sad and sorry about little Eric, though. I’ll look forward to hearing more updates on all fronts.
Hello ratbag! Glad to see you back.
Welcome back, Waterdragon! I’m happy to hear that your perfume groove is back. It is really unfortunate about little Eric, but from your prior posts I know that he will be loved and cared for in grand style.
I’ve missed your kitty updates and notes about wardrobe and perfume coordination. I always think you sound very stylish. I know Eric is in good hands and so glad to hear you are taking care take of yourself. Welcome back.
Glad you’re back, Waterdragon. Sorry about Eric’s diagnosis but he is absolutely well-loved!
So glad to hear from you, Waterdragon! You have been missed. Very rough news about little Eric. He sounds like he has such an outsized personality. Our pets are all gifts that we get to borrow for a short time and must love while we can.
I’m in Allure EdP again. So amusing this gets less love than the EdT on Fragrantica. Will be meeting a friend on a Friday, so I may make a point of getting a sample of the EdT at Nordies. I’m enjoying the EdP. The first spray screams “perfume!” in a classic definition of scent – at least to me. Few things do that to me today, so I like it. Not terribly distinctive, just a nice lady scent. I may just keep spritzing all day.
My mom has both the EdP and the Edt (thanks to me, she loves Allure so much haha) so I will have to try one on each arm and note the differences!
I really like Allure in both iterations and keep toying with buying a bottle but as usual there are too many other things I want more. Have you tried Allure Sensuelle? I swapped my bottle years ago and have regretted it ever since.
And here I was getting ready to spritz on the Smell Bent Hungry, Hungry Hippies when I read the rest of Robin’s sentence. 😉
A little L’air du Desert Marocain for me today. Perfection.
How is Hungry, Hungry Hippies? I’ve been curious about the Smell Bent patchouli fare but haven’t tried any yet.
It starts out smelling like the head shops of yore, then goes to the chocolate/patch combo being prominent in the drydown.
I’ve had a really wonderful child free day up in London, I need to do this more often! I went to the Modigliani exhibition at Tate Modern, which was amazing, my friend who works there gets me free tickets, which is so helpful.and kind. I also visited Bloom perfumery in Covent Garden for the first time, such a lovely experience, the SA was so nice, and I got to try Vero Profumo Rubj edp & Onda Edp, and am head over heels in love with both!
They sell samples for £2, got Rubj, next time will get Onda, and Rozy too. I’m so happy today!
That all sounds simply marvellous! Lucky you!
What a fantastic day!
Sounds like a wonderful and well-deserved break!
Thank u, it did me the world of good!
I’m wearing Absolue pour le Soir this morning. It’s sort of sunny, in and out, and I need to mow the back yard while it’s dry.
Jardins d’Armide for me today. The Monopoly project in a few weeks is giving me fits. Apparently, double checking to see if a brand has travel sizes or is on ebay discounted is making me want to buy stuff. So far I’ve only bought things I would have bought anyway–Oat and Cornflower which I liked immediately and a backup 10ml bottle of Rosa Sur Reuse which I’ve been wanting for years. Retried Fiori da Capri a couple of days ago and now I’m wondering why it’s been on my buy list for years without actually being in my possession–glorious stuff
I adore Jardins d’Armide, one of my favourite Oriza’s.
I’m in DSH L’eau d’Iris, one of the irises I didn’t get to wear during the Feb month of iris perfumes. It’s perfect for the office – light, a bit fruity, a makeup type iris violet. Plus I have one of her dram flask bottles, so it’s a dabber (I think I used about a quarter of the bottle though).
Do we think DSH is the most prolific perfumer, if not ever, then of our time? The amount of perfumes she’s created is mind blowing.
Also, I know it’s not quite time to confess to Donatella, but I’ve been on a tear buying inexpensive linden perfumes. On eBay yesterday using the 15% code, I bought Provence Sante Linden. And last week I snagged Library of Flowers Linden from Hautelook for $16.97!
Holy Batman Bargains! Congratulations!
Whoa! I sprayed my sample of Zoologist’s Hyrax and was overpowered by the blast of skank. After several minutes something floral is trying to emerge … I am a little alarmed but also intrigued. What’s next?
Ai! I’m dying to try that… and ordered my Elephant and Camel samples last week, i.e. just a few days before Moth and Hyrax became available! I’m so grrr because I don’t want to spend shipping again… but maybe I’ll end up ordering a little bottle of something and then I’ll get to sample.
Oh me too. For some reason I thought Hyrax was an exclusive with Lucky Scent. I adore Camel. Elephant took me a few turns but now I am a fan.
Regina, if you are in the U.S., code NST at LuckyScent gets you free shipping with no minimum purchase!
I was just on the site. Those travel sprays are very tempting.
L’Artisan’s Passage d’Enfer and thanks to Sistine for reminding me about it yesterday. Just what I need for a challenging day of work. At least tomorrow is the start of the Easter Long-Weekend. Yay for Long Weekends!
good luck at work! and yes to long weekends 🙂
Participating (albeit incidentally) in Women’s (Perfume) History Month in Geisha Noire, as I got a major craving for it while making my first cup of tea this morning. I’m assuming the Aroma M founder is also the perfumer – if I’m wrong, let me know.
Does anyone here use a TENS machine? I just learned about them and ordered one on amazon.
Obviously I do not. What is TENS machine
It’s a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation device. They’re used for pain relief. This is the one I bought:
I figured at ~$30 it was worth a shot. If it really does provide a little massage and relief for neck and back pain, my husband is going to be thrilled. Poor guy has been my in-house masseur for too long.
I would be very interested in how that works for you, kpaint. My neck and back pain is due to arthritis, so I don’t know how it would respond.
If it rocks my world I’ll let everyone know ????
Intermittent rain showers today to match the grey clouds outside. Of course, one of those showers came through right when I was bringing one of the cats home from the vet! Nothing serious for Spooky kitty, just a regular checkup and a 3-year vax.
SOTD = Byredo Gypsy Water, from the sample stash. Needed something low key, in case there was a kitty steeplechase before the trip to the vet. Fortunately, that did not happen.
I am glad the vet visit went smoothly, but also wanted to say that I love the idea of a kitty steeplechase!! Like the puppy bowl, with more obstacles 🙂
“Kitty steeplechase” sounds cute, but I can say from personal experience that it is really stressful when you are the one chasing the cat and trying not to be late for the appointment. ????
Smellin’ good! How did you lure kitty to the crate?
Would you believe that I just picked her up and put her in there? She trusts me a LOT. I felt like such a big jerk when I had to close the door on her.
Thumbs up for today’s Gypsy Water! Glad kitty is okay.
BTW, I’ve been enjoying your “Soivohle-of-the-day” posts lately. It’s a line that doesn’t get talked about too much, so I’ve had to look up the scents you’ve mentioned. I need to investigate further.
Thanks for your kind words. NST turned me on to Soivohle a few years back. I find that their style suits my chemistry and personal taste very well.
SOTD = Aftelier Vanilla Smoke Extrait
Vanilla, tea, tonka – what is not to love?
I’ve checked the box on women perfumer and entrepeneur.
Anyone going to Sniffapalooza? April 27 – 29.
You smell great (I know because you passed along the solid sample of Vanilla Smoke to me — many thanks!).
My niece is getting married that weekend, so again no Sniffa for me. I swear I’m going to get there one day, though!
There’s always the Fall Ball. Congratulations to your niece!
You smell great! It’s one of perfumes that I’m considering for the next cold season.
I want to go – does that count? 🙂
that’ s my birthday week but , alas, I have already made plans…would you believe I have never been to a sniffapaloosa?
Late check in…SOTD was Rhubarbe Écarlate again, from decanting with a somewhat wonky sprayer. But I am participating in the CP (Christine Nagel).
Yum. One of my favourite ‘unwind from work’ scents. You smell great!
Thank you, Lillibet! ????
Checking in with Balmain Jolie Madam. I should pull this one out more often!
I’ve been late in reading comments the last couple of days, but I’m always interested in and care about what going on with others here at NST.
I wore a teensy bit of L’Ombre dans l’Eau edt today.
I just ordered Infusion d’ iris absolue unsniffed. Very exciting!!
Thankfully the new Miu miu was disappointing to me. Money saved there ????