Hump Day! And, it's the International Day of Forests, plus International Fragrance Day, plus World Poetry Day. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in a little dab of Mugler Aura, which is not quite Pantone Arcadia but the best I could come up with this morning.
Reminder: on 3/23, to celebrate the equinox, wear a fragrance that evokes one of Pantone's colors from the Spring 2018 report for New York.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2018, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
I am not sure if there are any New Yorker readers but this weeks issue has a very short article on the harvest of roses to make Chanel 5, and some beautiful photos to accompany the article
SOTD Chanel 5 to match the chili color…
Let it snow…
Thanks for the heads-up on the New Yorker article! It’s available online so I’ll be reading that at lunch.
I will also. Thanks!
I am still behind on NYer so have only seen that article briefly online but was shocked to see them doing an article that has been done already — and recently! — in nearly every fashion magazine and a number of newspapers, and is clearly the result of massive marketing efforts on the part of Chanel. Pretty pictures, and I like reading about the flower harvests in Grasse, but I’m disappointed in the NYer anyway.
There are certain “types” of people that read the NYer but not fashion Chanel is marketing towards them…
Right, but I expect fashion mags to be coopted by marketing pressures, and likewise I expect the NYer to be more independent, and to choose their editorial articles based on other considerations. Yes, I’m a crank 🙂
I agree with all of that!..I read it but Mr. L skipped over that article as expected!
I am sure I will read it eventually (I’m still finishing the last issue of January!!) I just wish they’d not done it. But I will also get over it 😉
I don’t think you’re a crank. There is just an incredible dumbing down in the American press and news outlets…it amazes- regurgitation and sensationalism marketed to 14 year old intellects . I feel too old for these times. Who’s the crank now? ????
you win. 😉
I was sort of horrified by this too, Robin, even though it shouldn’t surprise me at this point that the NYer has become as much an arm of the advertising industry as every other publication with its kind of circulation. But it still bummed me out.
Glad I’m not the only one, thank you! I hope to see some letters to Remnick in an April issue, which I should get around to reading right about July, LOL…
Great article and GORGEOUS photography! Thanks for the info!
Someday…..who knows when…..I’m going to visit these beautiful areas of France…..Sigh…..
I love the photography!
Ambre 114 today. Was going to have another set of my preschool music performances this morning but school was cancelled – it is still snowing. Maybe 5-6 inches so far? So much for spring! None of the colors work for me for the Ambre 114, I always see ambers as a deep golden hue.
At the moment, we have mostly a nice layer of ice, but it’s snowing already and they’re saying 8-12 inches. Begged my husband to take me to the Y for a nice sauna in his 4 wheel drive, then they closed the darned Y. He says put the space heater in the bathroom and turn it on high. Ha. Maybe he is trying to kill me so I’ll stop complaining about the weather.
Hahaha! Not a bad idea, though…
Omg! Hilarious!
HAAA! very Funny!!!
Atleast try to get the towels warm without starting a fire!
Harsh comment from the husband! But I laughed at it, too.
On my way to work on a very snowy, windy day.
Wearing Tauerville Rose Flash. I would combine Spring Crocus and Chili Oil pantones for this perfume. I have not worn it in a long time. Beautiful but most of the time overwhelming.
Stay safe!
Thank you Lillyjo!
You smell great! But yes, do stay safe, hope you can get home early.
The commute was not that bad, but since it is supposed to get worse later, we were already told that by noon we can go home. I am so surprised since they never let us go early because of weather conditions.
Oh good then!
Glad to hear that you were sent home early. I wouldn’t want to be on the roads right now!
Thank you Jalapeno. I was very happy. I had a relaxing afternoon having hot tea and watching some TV. ????Hope things for you in your area are not so bad.
Looks like we have about 8 inches of precip from this. The winds that were in the forecast have not shown up, so that will decrease the chances of power outages due to falling trees. ???? ???? ????
VCA Bois d’Iris for me. Very comforting as the snow swirls outside; it smells like a creamy, flowery campfire. I always have to remind myself to wear this one and then love it as soon as it’s on. It’s one of those scents where lifting the cap to take a test sniff isn’t very inspiring, it just really needs to settle into the skin.
Thanks for reminding me. That one is so nice ???? Maybe tomorrow for me!
I love that one SO much. You smell wonderful!
Wearing Guerlain’s Bois d’Armenie which to me is a mixture of Little Boy Blue and Almost Mauve. Such a beautiful, swirly scent .
You smell gorgeous, and now I wish I had some Bois d’Armenie left.
But for me it’s a golden-brown scent (resins).
And I get a misty blue/grey/mauve/white.
Perfume is so much fun
And I would have said charcoal grey! It is so personal.
Jo Malone Green Wheat & Meadowsweet which I think would match Arcadia with maybe a touch of Meadowlark added
Ah, you’re probably a better match than I am.
Chanel Misia. I chose it to match Pink Lavender, but I think it works for Spring Crocus too.
Somewhere in between, maybe, which would be close to Fuchsia Pink 🙂
This one is too pink/rosy for me – I get more violets from Misia. But it must be me – I seem to perceive all rose violet scents as more violet than rose.
By the way, yesterday I read an interesting article about “lipstick” perfumes in the Candy Perfume Boy’s blog. He matched several scents to different lipstick colors. It was written in 2016, so you probably saw it before.
Nice, will save that for my afternoon tea 🙂
Thanks for the link! I’m always up for reading about more lipstick perfumes.
I will say that while I’ll sometimes throw Misia in that category as a reference point, I’ve never experienced it as either a lipstick or cosmetics scent.
I find Misia nostalgic and melancholy (which is why I always wear it to the symphony – it’s the perfect olfactory counterpart to Russian Romantics, which I what I primarily go to hear.) Lipstick and/or Cosmetics perfumes need to be either fun or retro (which is usually fun) or both for them to fit into those categories. From Misia I get heartbreak and longing.
I get more red – something like this:
More specifically, the color of the juice of Fille de Berlin 😉
Interesting. For me, red is either romance or energy, aggression. I do not think of it as a color of melancholy or nostalgia.
As an abstract color to match Misia, my choice would be something like this one – (a shade of purple?)
However, when I think of Misia as a lipstick shade, I would add more pink –
I am now desperately trying to think what color I think Misia is! It isn’t pink or red at all to me, but not quite purple either. So what???!!!
Thé Pour un Été, so as not to gas out the dental hygienist, although her lecture on flossing was so much more condescending than usual that I now rather wish I had come in a cloud of Azuree
Oh gosh that’s annoying. Wonder why the lecture was like that?
I mean she’s new but I’m sure it’s because my teeth weren’t flossed enough, I’m just grumpy because this dentist office slaps on a $40 “education” charge that my insurance doesn’t cover and I meant to decline to be educated this time but forgot until halfway through the appointment when I had already been plenty educated ????
Geez! That sounds like a racket and sorry you had to go through that unpleasantry ???? I’ve not gone back to several dentists because of shaming tactics- but it was the dentist, not the hygienist.
Wow that’s a new one – I’ve not heard of an “education” charge. Interesting. Yes I’d be grumpy also. For $40 they can be nicer about flossing!
I totally agree with flopper! A *charge* for education means its time to change dental practices. Especially since the hygienist is completely unprofessional! I feel like going to that office right now and giving them a piece of my mind????
Totally agree!
Oh, you are all so nice; I love this blog.
That sounds like a total racket. Also, it’s completely unreasonable for the hygienist to condescend to you–presumably any flossing deficits on your end are job security for her, so she should be much nicer to you…
Agree; that IS a racket!! Now I’ll know to watch out for the same kind of thing in future with my dentist.
As a fan of Azuree, I very much like the idea of using it to discipline snotty, condescending people! 😀
Checked with my dentist as was told the consultation and oral cancer check should be part of the regular exam, and charged as so. Xrays being charged seperate. Maybe double check the bill? Or for sure, decline the consultation next time.
Whaaat? That’s a money grab, pure and simple. And I say that because my cousin is a dentist and education is part of the job – not separately billed.
And I don’t like being condescended to, so the hygienist would have gotten some “education” right back. But then I’m a cranky old crone, so there’s that.
Ditto this! I’m your Sister in Cronehood????
You can get your $40 worth by lecturing HER without any consequences.
Education charge?? Are you kidding? I once told a hygienist* “My teeth have not been flossed since you did it six months ago” – I imagine they would have charged me double. Wear a nice loud scent next time and have your small revenge.
* in my defense I had a newborn at the time.
Dude. No WAY would I pay that. Not once, not twice, not ever. I have serious doubts that it’s legal.
More specifically: they need to get your consent first to tag on extra charges, especially when they’re not covered by insurance. It’s not on you to have to remember to stop someone from performing a service that you’ll be paying extra for.
Think of it like taking your car to be worked on – they don’t fix your car, then ask for your consent. They ask first, then perform the work.
Yeah, there’s a full disclosure issue there. I wouldn’t pay it either if I wasn’t informed. I actually disputed a charge for a composite filling that was done without offering me the choice of composite vs amalgam. They just did it. Composite falls into the extra charge category insurance-wise as “cosmetic”. I ended up not paying for it.
An “education charge”? Sounds like a load of bunk to me.
I’d tell them how about I don’t pay the $40 and you keep quiet for the duration of my appointment? 🙂
I like your style!
That really sucks that the hygenist was rude and condescending. I would have leveled a glare and ask if I should come in everyday for her to floss my teeth for me.
I’m heading to the dentist today, I will wear something something strong and obtrusive on your behalf, no charge!????
Yay! That’s the spirit!
No excuse for rude and condescending, and I would put a permanent DECLINE in my file for that racket.
My dental office made a habit of throwing me in with every new hygienist that comes through (there’s a lot of turnover and their hygienists work on commission.) This is despite the fact that I have been seeing and making appointments with the same hygienist for well over 5 years.
The last time they did that, I got the flossing lecture from the new hygienist and was massively annoyed. I went to the front desk afterward and told them to stop putting me with new people and to keep me on my hygienist’s schedule. They have since complied.
LOL. I was at the dentist’s yesterday, and one of the reasons I picked Ivoire was that it is light and inoffensive. But I was luckier than you – no lecture. 😉
All I have is “wow”. I guess I’m very lucky since my dentist nor hygienist ever lecture. And before my last few appointments recently it had been awhile since I’d been there. I would not pay the charge either.
Are you able to maybe go elsewhere? If not, Aromatics Elixir may be a good fragrance to wear next time!
Planning to wear Grand Soir today since it’s cool and sunny. Stay warm up North!
Yum!! You smell fantastic!
Why thank you! ????
Today Jo Malone’s Oat & cornflower arrived. Quite a powerhouse considering the brand is famous for her low sillage. I love cookies, so this one had tot be had ???? No matching color, I would choose a beige/light brown.
After reading Robin’s reviews of the latest Hermessences I dug mine out and was inspired to wear Brin de Reglisse, a weird, chilly take on licorice and lavender so utterly different from Lutens’ Fourreau Noir. I really like it. (It’s not a good match for any of the Pantones: Almost Mauve would be closest.)
Is it this, or is this too dark:
i like Brin de Reglisse but cannot figure good weather to wear it: it seems not warm enough for colder time but not refreshing/light enough for the heat. Still pleasant. You smell good!
Sotd is Atelier Bois Blonds to match with Warm Sand. I love this cologne, it is such a great combination of citrus and incense. I just wish it lasted longer. I think when the weather gets warmer I will take the top off and use it as a body splash when I get out of the shower like I used to do with Jean Nate.
Jean Nate! Those commercials were so cheesy but I did have a huge bottle I got as a birthday gift in high school.
????Thank you for that! I haven’t seen that commercial in sooo long! That would’ve been my sophomore year in hs and I had one of those huge bottles too! I think Walgreens still sells it.
Wow, what a blast from the past. Strange how I seem to recall the commercials much more than the TV programs they sponsored. (And I would have guessed this ad was ten years older than 1984.)
I’ll take your cheesy and raise it:
I admit to having a true soft spot in my heart for these (to the extent that I know that objectively they are beyond cheesy and yet I luv them).
Oh, man!! ????I love those and vaguely remember them. Sort of Warhol-esque. I wish commercials were this much fun these days.
Oh I remember that commercial!! Thanks for the memory! Sometimes I really miss the 80s!
Do you find that you can wear substantially more of a given scent if you apply when just out of the shower? I feel like I can really pour on the perfume and not blast anyone’s noses if I apply just after drying off.
I do find that, myself. I think it’s the combo of warmer skin temp and lack of oils that makes it wear off more quickly.
I have definitely found that perfumes project less if I apply them right after showering, yes. I’ve always assume it’s due to the reason elisap lists above.
I have one of those big bottles of Jean Nate. A good companion in summer for very hot evenings after the shower or for a day spent mostly outside running errands when I cannot think about wearing any perfumes. I still remember my mother wearing long, long time ago Johann Maria Farina 1709 cologne for those super hot days and splashing some on my sister and me when we were kids. Good memories of those times!
You smell fab.
SOTD AG Musc Nomade which matches the color and smell of the snow today.
Love Musc Nomade, you smell great!
Thank you! I really like it. The bit of vegetal quality keeps it interesting.
You smell good!
Musc Nomade is lovely!
I’m wearing Demeter Tomato.
It’s a bit chilly out this morning, so I decided to take it as an opportunity to wear Coromandel again. I’d match it with Chili Oil.
Coromandel is very warm and warming perfume. You smell great!
Coromandel is a great scent for the crazy weather that can show up in spring.
Mmmm… Coromandel! You smell gorgeous!
Scent twin
SOTD 10 Corso Como.
I probably should have been more intentional about what I wear on my birthday, but it’s peak crunch time at work so i grabbed whatever on the way out. Happy to be in a cocoon of transparent but creamy incense/sandalwood though.
Oh, Happy Birthday!
10 Corso Como is lovely.
Happy happy birthday!
You smell fabulous, hope it is a great day!
10 Corso Como is always a good choice, you smell great. Happy birthday!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! You smell divine in 10 Corso Como.
Happy birthday! I hope the day brings you something special and fun. ????
Happy Birthday! Have a great day!
Happy birthday, H! You smell great!
Happy Day! Happy Day! Happy Birthday
Adding Happy Birthday wishes????
Happy Birthday!
You still can do something more special and “deliberate” in the evening.
Oh! Happy Birthday! And I think you smell lovely!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy bday!
Happy Birthday TTBC! Hope you at least get some cake despite the work crunch!
Happy Scented Birthday! ???? ????
Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day and an amazing year.
Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes! <3
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a fantastic day.
I’m wearing Perris Monte Carlo’s Cacao Azteque. I don’t see a color up there I would associate it with, but I really like it and think it could even be my next FB. It’s beautiful and unusual and not at all gourmand to me. Weirdly, though, as much as I like it, I don’t care as much for it nose-to-wrist close. I prefer it wafting in the air.
It sure doesn’t feel like Spring yet! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Back in Commodity Platinum Bergamot. I’ve been craving it a lot lately! Maybe the color of a bergamot fruit is kinda sorta close to Pantone Arcadia? Half credit? 🙂
it not spring here..snow snow and more snow
SotM = Vanille Galante
Brought to mind by comments yesterday from Koyel and Robin, I am enjoying VG on this chilly morning and wondering like they did, “Why don’t I wear this one more?” Spoiled for choice, that’s why.
I wore Iris Ukiyoe yesterday, so perhaps I can keep a streak of Hermessences going. It’s exciting to read the recent reviews of the new ones here and at lucasai’s Chemist in the Bottle blog, too.
hahaha, laughing at myself now. As I was putting away my travel spray of Iris Ukiyoe (worn yesterday) I took the lid off for a quick sniff and the nozzle popped off! Boing!!! Without thinking I jammed it back on and sprayed myself in the face. Whoopsies.
Hahahahaha I did that several times while making decants for the swapmeet last weekend 🙂 I am SO happy not to be the only one to do that! Luckily, my eyes are good at closing quickly.
(Excellent perfume choices!)
thanks, Koyel! It’s good to know I’m not alone. 🙂
Spending the morning in Jubilation XXV. I just reviewed it and I am disapointed with Amouage’s offerings for men. I find them weak and thin. I’m gonna switch to either Vanilla Flash or I will switch to Lyric to warm up a little bit. I am going out to Malley’s (a chocolate place in Cleveland) a little later today.
Places devoted to chocolate: there ought to be more! 🙂
The only Amouage for men I’ve smelled is Sunshine, which is neither of those things. Is it one you’ve tried?
Trying out Dame’s Dark Horse this morning.
Actually home from work today, although I’ve made it in through much worse snow events before… The plow just came down my street, so I need to get out and move the icy snow dam that the plow leaves at the end of the driveway.
Be safe, warm, and well, everyone!
You smell wonderful!
Hope that the plow doesn’t come back after you are done!
Drenched in Sui Dreams today, as it is such a quiet scent. At least, for the sake of my coworkers, I hope it’s as quiet as I think, and I’m not just anosmic to it…If it were any of those Pantone colors, I think it would be Almost Mauve, even though the juice and packaging are blue.
I’m on my way to the dentist, and as promised to Regina, I am wearing FM Superstitious. 3 sprays! I was planning on wearing it soon anyway, in an effort to stop hording it. I love this, I don’t know what other people think, but I think I smell glorious! I’m running late, so feel free to pick a matching color for me. Please all , be safe!
Superstitious is yellow to me. You go girl!
Seems yellow to me too. With sparkles added!
I get Blinding White.
Haha your solidarity is very cheering. Hope the visit goes well!
Went well, thanks!
I’ve been curious about this one for some time, accidentally got a sample of Outrageous instead. Will be watching the comments you get, lillyjo!
I like Outrageous alot too! The only way I can describe Superstitious is a little crazy and a little glamorous. Maybe someone can chime in with an actual description.
Well, the “crazy” fits me to a T, but not so much the “glamorous” ????
I’m not glamorous either, just an aging metal head, the great thing about perfume though…. We can smell like anything we want with a quick spray of a hand ☺
I bought a small decant last summer and I really enjoy it. I just finished it. I was considering a larger decant to play with it some more. To me it is a bright jasmine – with a pop – then there is amber for depth and then a smoky or incense ending where it is a skin scent. It seems very different when worn in the winter months – I think maybe a shimmering lavender color?
Longevity was not great – atleast on me. I wanted to spray it in the car so it would last for weeks!
Gosh, you make it sound amazing!
Way better than the words I could come up with.
To match the colour of the day, I’m spritzing on Ineke Idyllwild.
I have never smelled that one, but based on the name alone it’s a perfect matech! ????????
Mmmm, pine and aromatics. You smell great. Does it smell like California to you?
Yes it does. 🙂
Chanel No. 18 today. Goes well with Pantone’s Almost Mauve.
I’ve always been curious about this one. Can you describe it or compare it to something?
So hard to describe. Not like anything else I’ve tried, and certainly fairly un-Chanel-like. Someone on Fragrantica describes it as “pure and austere” and I’d have to agree. I think it’s ambrette with a very sheer floral (iris/rose) accent. Probably unhelpful for you! Are you in the U.S.? I could send you a sample. I have the original EDT. Contact me via my screen name above.
I am in the U.S, will contact you. Thank you ☺
No.18 does not get much love, but I really adore it. I wished I had gotten a full bottle of the EdT when it was still in production. I have not tried the new EdP. Hope the reformulation has not destroy it.
Yes, it’s just so unusual and really beautiful. I have not tried the new EDP, but now I’m curious to see how reformulation has affected it.
I’m in Papillon Tobacco Rose to match Pantone Chili Oil.
You smell great today!
VQ ‘18 continues with My Inner Island Vaniglia Sopraffina e Rhum (compliments of a generous NSTer) which is damn good.
Doesn’t have many reviews on Fragrantica but someone said it reminds them of Note Vanillee which I also love.
I also don’t see any sites selling this brand at first glance so I’m preemptively panicking wondering what will I do if I need more…??? ????
you smell good, She-ra the enabler (from yesterday)
She-ra, have you worn Vaniglia del Madagascar yet? I can’t remember which vanillas you’ve worn ha! I tried a sample of it last night and thought of you.
Yes, I have tried the one by Farmacia Annunziata that Deva references below and it was quite nice…have to sample again to see if I need more. 😉 There’s even another version by Profumi di Firenze which I haven’t tried.
I was on a similar quest a few years ago. I got a sample of this and loved it. I haven’t ruled out a full bottle ????
Amouage Myths Woman – and yet another experience of wondering if I’m reading the same reviews. Fragrantica comments say this is “green”, how is this green?? I get a yummy violet, plush and rich. I guess there’s hay type stuff underneath but it’s not the headline for me. This is easily a Spring Crocus scent.
I had the same thing happen yesterday when trying Byredo Seven Veils (thanks again madtowngirl for the sample bag!) – on me it was a wonderful vanilla gourmand and yet all the reviews carried on about this overwhelming carrot note. Carrot?? Obviously my skin or my nose are operating in a different universe than other people!
s/b “reading the right reviews”
I’m going to be honest here, and say, that in my experience, the regular people reviews on fragrantica are rarely in line with how I think things smell. I give more weight to what is said here on nst. I think think the people here know better how to convey scent through words, and are not out to impress anyone ( hoping that made sense) also, I like how we are encouraged to trust our own nose.
Yes, ITA, and it took me awhile to learn this! I initially had a lot of trouble sorting through where to find opinions that resonated with my own experiences. I do like to skim F comments though I definitely don’t study them as I once did. I also often reference their list of ‘official’ notes (‘official’ in quotes for a reason) – I could not place anything specific from Myths when I first applied it, it was one of those stumpers, which happens often for me still! I think Myths is the first perfume with a preponderance of Dislike votes on F. I’m glad I didn’t see that ahead of time as I may not have purchased, which would’ve been a real loss as I love it! I also agree with everything you said about NST too. 🙂 Comments here are so, so helpful (well, except my wallet may not agree!).
I’m not being clear today. s/b “Myths is first with a preponderance of Dislikes that I happen to love.“
I second this!
Mmm. I love violet, and your description is inspiring me to go find my sample. I hope I’ll get some plush and yummy, too.
I want to hear what you think! Austenfan is also wearing Myths today and has a very different take — see below 🙂
Haven’t tried the Amouage, but got carrots, vetiver and vanilla from Seven Veils. It was a ‘no’ for me.
I need to sample again but already it’s on my ‘possible next FB’ list — and like with Myths, I think I’m a minority in my fawning on SV. So strange! I wonder if I was dropped on my head as a baby and the wiring got switched up. 🙂 I’m also wondering if FBs of SV will be available for cheap on ebay since nobody seems to get past the carrots!!!
but it’s great you like it! Wear and enjoy!
I do have lots of similar experiences where I get something different from what others get. Must just be how we’re made/scent memories/whatever.
It’s very, very green to me. Daffodils on steroids!
I am so fascinated by this! I must be calibrated completely differently. Everyone else is reporting the same as you. Green scents are not my first choice, but this, I love — so, lucky me!
I get the same as Austenfan.
To me first minutes are ‘yellowgreenish:…with lots of narcissus, but it quickly becomes a doughy (almost buttery) and plushy suede. Like a muted pink with some purple in the mix At one moment i really thought it had some iris/orris in it (fragrantica says no) and I get some moss in a later phase.
I’ve never smelled it, but violets can have green undercurrents to my nose.
Also adding that for individual, educated reviews, I prefer basenotes (or blogs.) I like fragrantica to get a large sample size of opinions, and to see if there’s a general consensus.
Will also add that there are too many male reviewers on both basenotes and fragrantica. *flees*
But why do you mind male reviewers? (No need to flee, I just don’t get it)
I’ve got no problem with male reviewers. There are too many, and they dominate basenotes. (I’m not sure why I included Fragrantica – there’s a better mix there, closer to 50/50.)
Glad you are enjoying the samples!????
I chose HYLNDS Foxglove today to match Pantone’s Spring Crocus. With apologies to East Coast NSTers for your never-ending winter ????, it’s turning out to be a very sunny, early spring day today, so this choice is working out quite nicely.
You smell great. I love Foxglove!
SotD is Sycomore
I dont think it fits one of the Pantone colours. Its a warmer shade of brown to me, almost golden, with dark olive green spots.
I haven’t worn Sycomore in forever and I’ve got that massive bottle that I can use lavishly.
I am a little ambivalent about vetiver, but I do really like Sycomore. I agree with the colors you see for it.
I’m the same way, in fact I’d almost venture to say I dislike vetiver in most scents because it totally dominates…and yet I love Sycomore, go figure. It’s like walking down a street at the end of summer when all the trees are fully “leafed out” and looking up at the golden sunlight filtering through the leaves as they are starting to dry out the slightest bit around the edges!
That is a perfect description!!
Hmm, I actually see it as green, and actually not that far from the swatch at the top of the page.
I didn’t get a chance to comment yesterday, but I’m actually wearing the same today. I’m in Apoteker Tepe Anabasis (RIP), which goes with Meadowlark. I’m also wearing a cardigan that matches it pretty closely. I polished off my Anabasis decant. So sad that there is no more of this to be had.
Very sad to see the demise of Apoteker Tepe as well. Very glad to have The Peradam, Pale Fire, Holy Mountain and Karasu.
Gosh, it must be dentist day–I wore Amouage Opus IV to my appointment to get a lingual splint! It was done quickly and I’m happy to have the temporary splint that ran across the front of my teeth off!
I had to go google lingual splint. I read this blog not only for enjoyment, but also for edification! Thanks✌????
I’ll play along today. Just sprayed on some CDG Rhubarb. So tart!
The font color on the box and bottle is an almost exact match for Spring Crocus. The scent, maybe Lime Punch?
You smell great!
I think I must be doing Lime Punch with Amouage Myths Woman, some hints of Arcadia and Meadowlark as well, I guess.
LOL – twins – except that it’s all Spring Crocus for me!
And the World Is Yours today, that Luckyscent special release, thanks to the ever-generous flopper! I’ve got to say, they didn’t spend much money on the bottle or packaging, eh? But that is quite the deeeeeelicious orange blossom. I love it! I forgot to celebrate the spring equinox yesterday, but today’s scent ought to make up for it, I think 🙂
I get a James Bond vibe whenever I hear the name of that perfume. ????
And now I will, too!
Yep, definitely a James Bond vibe, complete with a Duran Duran song.
I’m in my beloved Shalimar today. It’s been weeks since I’ve worn it (so many scents, so little time) and good grief I didn’t realize how much I’d missed it! It’s like a warm, comforting blanket for me today. I’m going to match it to Blooming Dahlia and Emperador. If those two colors had a baby it *may* match Shalimar.
Happy Hump Day, fragrant friends!
you smell fab! Love Shalimar
Loves, isn’t it you who drinks matcha lattes? I’ve had three within 24 hours. I’m so addicted haha!
I have also been teaching my baby buddha how to whisk the matcha, though most ends up outside the bowl.
Are you buying them from somewhere or making them at home?
SOTD is Amouage Gold Woman, which I got as a requested Luckyscent sample with purchase. It’s pleasant but somehow too sedate or stately. Isn’t it a lot like Chanel No. 5? Anyway, I guess the color of this one is already established, so no Pantone match for me today! But speaking of Arcadia up above, the fashion blog Tom & Lorenzo has a nice feature today on Princess Catherine (“Cathy Cambridge,” they call her) wearing a somewhat prim dress and coat in exactly that minty green color!
“Sedate” and “stately” are excellent words for Gold. I have just recently tried it and my initial reaction was “perfume-y” — it’s not vintage but feels old school to me. I like it but it’s far from the HoH In Love that other Amouages have done. It also didn’t last which was a surprise. Interesting that you’re comparing to No 5 — I’m not well versed in Chanel but I will explore that connection now!
I adore TLo! Their Cathy Cambridge shtick is one of my favorites. CC is fun to watch. Her darling Bill is the one who “married up” in that relationship.
Gold has been reformulated and now smells like expensive soap. I have a vintage bottle from when it still had frankincense in it.
Arcadia is a color I can get behind! Gorgeous!
SOTD is SB Gypsy, which could be Arcadia. It could also be a conglomeration of many other colors. I like it and reach for it on the regular.
Lots of comments to catch up with, but I’ve got lots of time. Now to find my reading glasses! They may be related to socks, because they’re always disappearing. Just bought a multipack last week, and now can find a single pair!
Seriously, I think the relationship to socks is price. I almost never lose my very expensive prescription glasses, whereas my husband can’t hang on to his cheap reading glasses to save his life!
Happy International Fragrance Day to Everyone! In honor of this special occasion, I wore my favorite perfumer today; Jo Malone.
My SOTD is “Poppy and Barley” and I’m loving it. Have a beautiful and scented day everyone!
Does it feel like a special occasion? Every day is fragrance day 🙂
SOTD = Commando right now but will spritz on Cuir Beluga in a little bit – matching with Sailor Blue and Harbor Mist in look and with Coconut Milk in feel.
I am working from home due to this crazy weather. It’s a packed day work wise with no relief in sight. Have a fragrant day and be safe!
I’m working from home too today (not because of the weather though it was raining heavily at my regular commute time so I can pretend it’s weather-related too 🙂 ). I plan to test at least 3 or 4 perfumes using this opportunity though I should probably re-think my strategy for future and use these days as an opportunity to wear something I can’t wear to the office.
Stay warm and sane with all the work you’re doing
There you go, no perfume grinch at home. You can also wear your special occasion perfume!
stay warm and indoors! CB is gorgeous
I will only venture out to clear snow!
Happy to hear that you didn’t have to go out in the YUK! The morning traffic reports were a total mess for my area. ????
I tested Diptyque’s Ofresia yesterday and it’s getting a full wear today. I LOVE it. I’ve been looking for a lilac scent, and while this isn’t technically lilac it is filling that void. Diptyque seems to have my number – I love everything I’ve tried from that house. Also, Ofresia is arguably ALL of the Pantone colors!
Pacifica French Lilac smells EXACTLY like real lilacs to me. Not sure if that’s what you were going for, or a more well rounded perfume. Either way, it’s cheap and worth a sniff.
Yes, I really love French Lilac too! It’s affordable and fairly long-lasting to boot.
I have a bottle of that! I like it a lot – I find it just a bit sweeter than real lilacs. Ofresia has a dryer, slightly sharp quality that I really like – I’m curious to sniff some real freesia and see how it compares to lilac.
I also like that one a lot except the far drydown goes a bit stale on me. I’m kind of lilac obsessed right now and recently won an eBay auction for an Yves Roches Pur Desir de Lilas partial for ridiculously cheap. Haven’t received it yet but looking forward to trying it.
French Lilac is my #sotd. First time wearing it to my office- I dabbed it on very lightly because my co-worker is sensitive to scents, and the sillage was better than I remembered.
I love Ofresia!
One of the only fragrances that made me sneeze right away!
I don’t know why, but the Pantone colors rarely do anything for me (see my description of myself as cranky old crone in comment above).
No perfume for me today as I have a meeting with someone whose asthma would not appreciate it.
In honor of World Poetry Day, I’ll leave you with Yeats:
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That’s all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
Beautiful poem!
Mmmm, thank you for posting that!
Thanks for sharing that gorgeous little poem!
Really beautiful!
Gorgeous, evocative words! I read it and then sighed. Thank you. I’ve had a crush on the poem “Mindful” by Mary Oliver lately and read it almost daily.
Love Mary Oliver! Thanks for linking????
Nice, thank you — one of my favorite poets.
International Fragrance Day! Where are the discounts/promos, oh online fragrance shops?? I was really hoping to see something in my inbox but alas, nothing yet.
MdO Rose today. I’d say it’s Cherry Tomato and Spring Crocus, maybe a few dabs of Lime Punch — but all shiny and glossy.
DITTO! not that i need to buy anything..but ….
I got one! Osswald NYC has 15% off, code “whatspring”. I have spent the last few days telling myself I NEED Grand Soir. But I also just finally pulled the trigger on an a/v receiver!!! Gah, what to do what to do.
Mmm, sounds yummy!
I am not well versed in rose fragrances so I have a hard time describing this one, but I think the reason I see it as glossy is that it has a bit of a nail polish vibe in the beginning…but not in a bad way…for me anyway.
I just made myself chuckle thinking of all the times I have thought “it smells like xyz, but not in a bad way” ????
I got a code from Beauty Encounter that’s good for today only. 15% off using “FRAGRANCE” at checkout. There is a list of exclusions that it doesn’t apply to, though.
Thank yo! I’m off to browse beauty encounter!
SOTD is Bvlgari’s Pour Femme, violets and iris.
Oh, you smell lovely. That was one of my mom’s favorites. ????
Thank you! 🙂
My trigger finger is sore, and my hands smell of Rhubarbe, so you know what I’ve been up to this morning!
Beautiful weather out there today. Thinking of the NST peeps struggling with the cold weather up north. Stay warm and safe, all.
kudos to you! Donatella accepts your sore finger as penance. 😀 I’ve made just a few decants and already learned how hard it is to work with some sprayers.
I really should jot down which bottles to avoid splitting on account of sprayer issues. Eeeek, and ai just now realized I stopped keeping track of my SOTD on my spreadsheet. I can recover it though since I had been commenting with my SOTD just about everyday.
I’m wearing Chanel No. 5 Eau Premiere which fits well, I think, with a softer version of Lime Punch. Aldehydes are there, but not so intense as the original.
We’ve got big whopping snowflakes out there right now, more like cotton balls or bird feathers? I made it to the office this morning but likely to head out soon as it’s getting more intense.
Cannot believe yesterday was the first day of spring!
The weather seems like an evil practical joke, doesn’t it?
I’m no good at matching colors to scents, I don’t have any sort of synesthetic abilities at all. The kitty had seven teeth removed yesterday, so I picked today’s scent to counter the cat breath I’m getting a blast of every time I dose her with antibiotics and pain meds.
Hoping everyone on the East Coast is staying as safe, warm, and dry as possible.
I’m wearing PdN Odalisque!
Seven! Poor kitty! Hope she feels better soon
Poor kitty… And poor you, for the kitty breath.
ouchie! Best wishes for speedy recovery for kitty.
Hoping she recovers fast!
Poor kitty kitty!
Oh, poor kitty! ???? Hope that she recovers from that soon.
Ouch! Poor both of you. Our last cat had all her teeth out at about 16 years of age.
Poor kitty! Healing vibes.
Sorry your kitty had to endure that! But I hope she’s feeling better very soon.
Two Penhaligon’s days in a row for me- I wore Ostara yesterday and today I’m inside hiding out from the snowstorm in Lavandula. I definitely did one spray too many though- this is a very heady lavender and I forgot that two sprays at once is my max on this one so I’m a bit dizzy after 3!
Oh, those are such good fragrances for spring. You smell great. If I ever decide I “need” a bottle of lavender scent it will be Lavandula.
They predicted AM snow in my area today. All the schools are closed and we haven’t had a single flake. This is bizarre. I guess it’s going to be an overnight storm. The kids are going to be attending school in July.
I went with OJ Ta’if because it’s warm and cozy.
I hope you continue to not get a single flake????
Ack! Work is hectic this week! You know that feeling like you’re running around putting out one fire after another, but you’re not actually getting anything done? Blergh.
SOTD is Infusion D’iris Absolu, which I would match with Pink Lavender.
Sorry work is crazy but at least you smell amazing!
Well I only have 1 decant of Amouage – which is Journey Woman so I decided to try that one today due to all the fun testing going on here this week. It is nice, I smell Iris -maybe some carrot or it could be the apricot but it nice and uplifting as the snow falls down upon us.
I also owe an enabler pin to whomever mentioned in a post last week (sorry – I can’t recall but you really were inspirational!) Lust’s Happy Happy Joy Joy! Hair conditioner. It IS amazing. It smells so good.
I have sent some samples off to my daughter as well. I still prefer Lust and sampled Godiva (thanks again- ElisaP? a pin to you as well).
The combo of hair and perfume is really enjoyable. No affiliation.
Keep your sense of humor all!
That was me! I ended buying the small bottle of HHJJ. Love it, too! And I love Godiva. That one really scents my bathroom. And in contrast, I got a sample of Veganaise conditioner which smells like expired baby aspirin ????
ha!! and Yay – twins!
“Stranded” in Boston because my bus back to NY was cancelled and Amtrak was cancelled but it’s okay because class (in NY) was also cancelled. Currently browsing around the MFA– had to see the Escher exhibit. Went sniffing yesterday and still smell of Fleur de Peau, Vanille Fatale, Tempo and Aura. The first two are definitely on my full bottle wishlist and maybe Tempo as well. Had tried the new Jo Malone collection a few days ago and ended up buying Oat and Cornflower yesterday. Almost made it through a quarter without buying anything.
There are worse places to be stranded in!
Grump, I’m coming back here to complain about someone’s behavior on eBay! I won a bottle of le Maroc pour Elle for $37 through auction and was very VERY excited. I paid immediately, then half an hour later, I received a message saying the order was canceled. I went to her eBay page and discovered she had sold the EXACT SAME BOTTLE for $98. In her cancellation, she claimed that my order had been canceled because the item was “damaged.” Now I am just very very grumpy about the entire exchange >:o If you don’t want to sell it for $37, set the minimum price to greater than that, you horrible person! People are the worst. (Except you all. You’re the best.)
Grrrrr! Very frustrating!
Thank you for validating my grumpiness!
I’m pretty sure I’d complain to ebay. That sort of sales tactic just ruins ebay for everyone. 🙁
Already have! I hope they do something about it. (But what? Downgrade the seller?)
A pox on her! ????
Thanks for joining me in ill wishes 🙂
I join you in hating ebayers! I sold an item last week but the buyer never paid. Had to file an unpaid item claim. 🙁
Oh no! You didn’t already mail it, did you??
Celebrating first day of Spring by wearing Prada Infusion de Mimosa. A perfect fit for a Lime Punch Pantone.
You smell very springy!
Different day, same gnarly weather. Wintry mix, sleet and snow. So far, though, the predicted power outages have not happened. I will take that! (Hopefully I did not jinx myself by saying that!)
SOTD = Vetiver of Haiti EdP, from a lovely NSTer and the sample stash. I never noticed that vetiver can have a cold facet to it until today. Maybe it’s a combination of the weather and the perfume causing it, but it is kind of interesting. No color match for the Pantone swatches, though. Vetiver of Haiti is a deep pine green to me, and only after it has been applied.
Glad to hear you are fine there. Take care anyway!
Oh, I really like that one! You smell great!
I just emailed my manager that I will be working from home again tomorrow. Gnarly is right!
SOTD is Safran Troublant – had a work lunch today and this is lovely AND works for the office (thanks to Monica for a generous sample).
I’m still trying to determine how different this is from l’instant – I think one of these will become a fb purchase for me, but I’m not sure I’ll need both. If anyone has any input on that, I’d be happy to hear it!
I hope everyone is staying safe and warm with all those storms.
Now you know why Saffran Troublant is so loved and appreciate it. I make sure I always have a full bottle in my collection. It is one of my favorite perfumes!
I have an unloved bottle of L’Instant in the swapmeet but would be happy to send it to a good home. Email me at l lombardi underscore symbol 4 2 @ the hawt male if you are interested.
That is assuming you are in the continental US?
I am and thank you and I hope I decoded your email correctly 🙂 – just sent you a message.
I saw your email and replied.
Was in a hurty this mor ing so grabbed one of my office falk-backs which is Blackberry & Bay. It feels like Pantone’s Lime Punch in my mind.
Hah! I blame small phone keyboard and bumpy train for all of the above lol.
I know how you feel ????
This is the best post all day! ????
Kelly Calèche, which color-wise is closest to blooming dahlia. I didn’t being enough samples with me….am likely extending my visit to stay longer. The OJ Frangipani travel spray I brought was actually empty!
Oh, that stinks not having enough perfume for your trip! 🙁 No chance of shopping anywhere?
Sounds like a valid excuse…I mean…reason to shop to me!
I’ll steal from my sister…. and…I just remembered she brought a bunch of minis over the other day. I’m well stocked!
Continuing my project of ‘old-loves’ from years ago. Not a vintage version, but I’m wearing Nina Ricci L’air du Temps.
It is a whisper of it’s former self but this version could be a good body spray. I remember getting it for less than $20.00 so it wasn’t expensive at least. I’d have to match this to Almost Mauve because it’s so muted.