Happy Tuesday, happy National Creampuff Day and happy Science Fiction Day (aka Isaac Asimov's birthday). What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm waking up with Bvlgari Eau Parfumée au Thé Bleu.
Reminder: on 1/5, we're doing Color My World...wear a perfume with a color in its name. If you don't have one, tell us what color you think matches your perfume. Suggested by Pyramus.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2018, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the Astier Villatte Théière Corail Bleu ("John Derian teamed up with Astier de Villatte to add his iconic imagery to their classic white tableware. The 19th-century inspired patterns and images perfectly complement the handmade ceramics.") is $782 at John Derian.
In accordance with my resolution to use up my samples, I’m in a drop or two of Montale Café Intense, which I really like but won’t buy because CSP Vanille Moka is my coffee scent of choice, with Mugler Pure Coffee a close second, so I think I’ve got it covered, caffeine-wise.
I do not have coffee covered. I should try Vanille Moka again.
I don’t either. I’m not even sure I’ve smelled one I like, though I love the Mugler on my H.
I have the same resolution
One can never have too much coffee☕️
My 2018 perfume goal is to find the perfect coffee scent! Over the past 6 mos, I’ve been doing a lot of reading and comparing reviews. I’ve wanted to try the Mugler forever, but I’ve never seen it at any Macy’s. I think I’ve ruled out Montale’s (and Mancera’s?) I still adore Intoxicated. And am determined to smell Kerosene Follow this year! ????????????
Sampling Secretions Magnifiques today, not loving it. But that wonderful teapot, wow!
Yes — would rather have the teapot than Secretions Magnifiques, no contest!!
????Wow! You are really brave! Good luck with SM.
Brave researcher only 😉 I doubt I’ll finish the sample, not my teapot 😉
You may be the only person I’ve ever heard of who, after sniffing SM on paper, went on to try it on skin. Is there a big difference?
I did not sniff it on paper first…
…but there’s still half a vial…
I’ll try!!!
(Only not today)
I love Secretions, smells like oud, woods and leather on me – I still have difficulty describing it to my MIL though! 🙂
…and this is the first time I’ve read the words, “I love Secretions,” (in reference to the perfume.) I’m now flashing back to the Christmas perfume buying guide Robin linked recently that included SM, and wondering how many angry readers have written the publication since they put their list out.
Haha! There’s a first for everything.
Lemming that tea pot
SOTD is Limon Verde, sticking with the color theme
My neighbor sent me an email that she picked up my shalimar tea and also the skin care product at the boutique next-door that one of you mentioned is excellent.
Had a frustrating day yesterday as I see my little chunky monkey has eczema on his tummy and back..ugh!
I hope you will report back on the Shalimar tea – it sounds yummy.
Kisses to Chunky Monkey – I have suffered from eczema my entire life
Me too Hannahmom! It’s so so frustrating ????
I hope the chunky monkey’s eczema clears up soon and that he is as comfortable as possible.
Thank you!
Enjoy the tea 🙂
I hope your little one’s skin clears up soon.
She comes back this week so I will report back on the tea!
I plan to wear Bvlgari Eau Parfumee au The Bleu, unless I change my mind within next three days.
For me, this Tuesday is a white day. First, I sptritzed on James Heeley Cedre Blanc, but it turned out to be a scrubber. It started as a fresh spicy woody scent, but freshness was soon replaced by the body odor (sweaty spices, and not in the good way). Too much cumin probably.
So I washed off Cedre Blanc and applied another scent with “white” in its name – Byredo Blanche. From Byredo website: “The idea for Blanche is, as the name suggests, built around my perception of the colour white.” Ben Gorham, founder.
I agree, it’s a white scent (with some greenness). Before I checked the notes, I was sure it has some lily-of-the-valley in it. And possibly lily and jasmine and/or gardenia. To me, it’s a heap of white and green flowers with dew-drops on their petals – very fresh and clean. And some very nice soap. It’s a floral suitable for office, and I mean it as a compliment.
The notes, however, were quite defferent to what I expected:
Top: Aldehyde, Pink Pepper, White Rose
Heart: Neroli, Peony, Violet
Base: Blonde Woods, Musk, Sandalwood.
Well, aldehydes probably provided soapiness and musk gave that clean vibe. And obviously I am not good at identyfying separate floral notes in a scent. 🙂
I like it, though I find it more challenging than I first thought. I found it quite powerful, even though I dabbed it.
And slighly off-topic. Yesterday, several people shared the list of their most worn fragrances in 2017. My top eight were:
1 Hermes Un Jardin Sur Le Nil
2-3 (tie) Guerlain Shalimar EDP
2-3 (tie) Yardley Lily of the Valley
4 Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo Mirto di Panarea
5-8 (tie) Chanel Cristalle EDT
5-8 (tie) D’Orsay Tilleul
5-8 (tie) Lush Dear John
5-8 (tie) Serge Lutens L’Eau Froide
Un Jardin Sur Le Nil, Shalimar, Mirto di Panarea and Cristalle did not surprise me, but I did not expect the other four. 🙂
I like your top 8!
Next time I see that Lily of the Valley, I will give it a sniff. 🙂
And I want that teapot! But not for $782. 😯
Exactly — I would offer up $35 right now 😉
Yep, I had $30 in mind. 🙂
Happy Tuesday everyone!
Wearing Bvlgari Black which is making me feel warm and cozy on a super freezing and busy day. Stay warm!
Perfect choice!
I almost caved and got a small bottle of Black on Zulily the other day. I love it.
Black is a great perfume. I hope it does not get more difficult to find it later.
Wearing Le Labo Aldehyde 44. It gets me into a work mood 🙂
You smell great!
A nice scent.
Good morning, and HAPPY (Belated) NEW YEAR!!
It was 19 degrees when I opened my front door this morning! What kind of crazy temp is that? LOL
Wearing Atelier Clementine California to perk me up! I could have easily hibernated under my blankets today!
it was -31 C (-23.8F) at my house last week.
NO MA’AM!!!! This Southern gal would not be able to handle that! You are made of tougher stuff than me! LOL 🙂
Nah – I just own better outdoor clothing, a wood furnace and studded winter tires.
I realized a few days ago that I had gotten rid of my OLD ratty winter coat this past Spring, and didn’t think to replace it!
I have a new coat coming, but it’s NOT HERE today! LOL! Brrrrrrrr. In layers and drinking hot tea as needed! 🙂
It wouldn’t matter what kind of clothes, furnace or tires I had, I could not deal with those winter temps. I can’t even deal with our mild PacNW winters!
Clementine California is great, isn’t it?
This is my 1st wear….got a deluxe sample recently….and YES! I’m really liking it! I’m getting a lot of juniper mixed with the citrus, which I really like….
I enjoyed your new video!
Starting the month end/year end/auditors cycle of the accountant, and wearing the almost-but-not-too-sharp Scherrer from Jean-Louis Scherrer. A bone dry chypre with a few wisps of dusty florals. A personal favourite.
Good luck on the accounting!
I retried Evening Edged in Gold last night after not liking it the first time – still don’t care for the opening, but given time it becomes much more interesting and enjoyable. But today I’m in Gucci EDP in all its orange blossom/cumin glory. It seems sweeter today than usual – not sure whether that’s because I’ve been wearing drier scents lately or it’s just my nose this morning.
Today’s SOTD is Hoja de Cuba from Berdoues. I’m kind of disappointed with this one – there’s too much sweetness to it & not enough tobacco.
Off to my place in one hour and back to work tomorrow. Not looking forward to it…
SOTD is the pretty, cozy Piguet Calypso. If it were a color (and texture) it would be this:
Amazing colour
Calypso is just so pretty! And I agree on the color. Lovely.
perfect match !
You smell lovely today. I need to wear Calypso soon!
Wearing Black Orchid today for the first time in ages and it smells good. Braving the minus whatever degrees and taking lunch to mom soon, she’s getting antsy being so homebound but it’s been too cold for a 90 year old to be out. I’m thinking it’s too cold for me to be out, too 🙂
Black Orchid is so great! I should have worn nothing but things with Black or about in the name this week: I have enough of them.
“Noir” got autocorrected to “about” somehow when I wasn’t paying attention.
double points! orchid is a color, too. 🙂
Ooh, good! I think I could stick with just black this week but I’m hoping to branch out.
Vol de Nuit EdT, and lots of it! I wish I had some extrait for this one but I’m sure it’ll happen one day.
Stay warm everyone!
I’m your twin today! Wish I had the extrait, too…
You smell wonderful!
Smelling fab!
I’m wearing Rhubarbe Ecarlate for the first time. It is a nice scent, but nothing really special. Good for the office. I prefer 4711 AC Rhubarb & Clary Sage.
I agree.
I can’t remember exactly how it smelled, but it wasn’t what I wanted.
I love the snap that rhubarb brings, so I will have to hunt down 4711 Rhubarb & Clary Sage.
Found a sample labelled Black Musc, so that’s what I’m wearing for now. Can’t remember the company, don’t really care.
That’s the spirit!
Sadanne! I feel like a princess with a dark secret identity, like Shannon Hale’s Princess in Black! It’s -10 F here but luckily I have one of those coats that’s basically a house made of down that you carry around with you.
That down coat sounds super.
It is hideous and leaves tiny feathers all over me and I’ve never loved anything more.
Ha! Reminds me of college and down coat I successfully rescued from a pile of junk on moveout day. Was not prepared for my first year in Boston coming from a place where it never snows, and this coat had a collar that came up to my eyeballs. I thought for sure someone had just left it for a sec and would be back for it, but a day later it was mine! XD
Thanks for the laugh!
I was out & about yesterday in really cold, dry weather, all prepared in multiple layers, down parka and scarf. As I was walking around, I kept seeing people wearing hats and gloves and realized that I still haven’t unpacked my hats & other winter gear. They’re in storage from last winter and it hadn’t even occurred to me to, like, put a hat and some mittens on. Duh!
SotD is Sycomore!
I forgot about the theme….”a perfume with a color in its name”…should be no problem – if we consider black a color 😉 (my physics teacher told me no haha)
Sycomore reminds me of the golden hour in woods and meadows.
woods and meadows have beautiful colors!
My son just told me no, black is not a color. I’m sure he’s right, he knows everything, lol????
It’s the lack of color so your son is correct!
I think that white is also a non-colour ( from a physics point of view )
fun link! Thank you for that one.
It depends on whether you’re talking about pigments or light.
Let’s ask Robin 😉 haha just kidding
Since I love art / art history. I’ll stick to pigment colors….see oil paints: zinc white, titanium white, ivory black, carbon black…etc 😀
Today’s SOTD is Shelley Kyle’s De ma Mare (Linden, beeswax and amber) mixed with a touch of Jo Malone’s Orange Blossom (citrus, lilac, lotus & greens).
Can you tell me your impressions on that Shelley Kyle? I’ve never heard of her line, but I love beeswax and linden.
I love this one, have worn this for about 10 years or so. There’s no sharp edges, and it has warm powdery notes to it without being overly sweet. Pretty linear and relatively long-lasting, it’s one of my favorite and (affordable) linden scents that I own.
I’m wearing Mimosa and Cardamom today. It seems to be a scent that I enjoy more when it’s cool, and it’s definitely cold today!
I did my tally yesterday and my most worn perfumes in 2017 were:
5: Mojave Ghost (20 wears)
4 & 3 (tie): Escentric 2 and Hiris (28 wears)
2: Philosykos (30 wears)
1: Wood Sage and Sea Salt (43 wears)
What stunned me was the sheer number of different perfumes that I wore. In July – December, I wore 137 different perfumes! (Mostly from samples,)
I really should tally too, it would be interesting. WSSS is so easy to wear.
I need to keep better track this year too.
Hmmmm. Online diary?
I am having perfume statistics envy right now with your SOTD precision!
I just love keeping track of things in notebooks. Sitting down with a cup or two of tea as I tally them once or twice a year is a lot of fun.
Of course, my favorite job ever was measuring the veins of bumblebee wings under a microscope, so I may be a bit too into counting and categorizing.
lolol!!! you seem to love minutiae 😀
Hiris was my number 4 most worn scent for last year. 🙂
And you smelled divine!
Forgot about the theme, but let’s call it a dark green. I’m wearing Bois d’Encens which is helping me focus. Best wishes for 2018 everyone!
You smell great!
SOTD is BFMV. Chocolate is not listed as a note, but I swear I can smell it in there. This one wears close to the skin for me, might have to get some of the body cream and layer it. Looking forward to vanilla week!
Today is the last day of winter break for my girls and I think we will take down the tree. My college kid is home for another three weeks.
Between the kids being home, the holidays and coming off of a 4 day, 48 hour work weekend, I am just all discombobulated! Thank gosh for Tuesday scent of the day or I would have absolutely no idea what day it is! Lol.
I DO know it is 2018 however, so Happy New Year everyone!
Nice snowman in your photo
Hope your days slow down soon!
Enjoy that college kid! I’ve got mine for another ten days.
And I get chocolate in BFMV as well. It might be my least favorite part of the thing, but that’s me.
BFMV body butter?? Ooh, that sounds good. Has anyone tried it?
Secondary question: does anyone know of a neutral body butter that’s high quality and moisturizing? If I could find that, I could perfume it myself… Something about the words “body butter” makes me drool every time, but my moisturizing products need to be functional above all else, thus I actually don’t buy scented body products.
I’ve tried the body butter. It’s extremely scented – I only use it on my legs at night, but I can still smell it the next morning, and it’s a really nice vanilla scent. The texture is really nice too – quite moisturizing, and not at all greasy.
Thanks! Looks like he carries a small, very-reasonably priced jar. It’s going on my list!
I’ve watched youtube videos of how to make your own. It seems to involve a tub of shea butter plus various oils of your choice and a handmixer.
Clinique Body Butter!
I’m in Twilly today. Nearly walked out the door without scent today as I was so eager to get back to work. Imagine that!
Day 2 in 2018 and so far so good. 🙂
How is Twilly?
You know, I find Twilly to be really fun. Victoria at Bois de Jasmin says it has a “seductive, coquettish flair” which is a good way to describe it. I’d be happy to have one of those cute little bottles as well. I can see grabbing a scent like this a lot throughout the year.
I succumbed to the small bottle during the Sephora sale. It is very easy to reach for. It has become, like Stella, a grab and go for me.
Ha! I can’t imagine. Time for another vacation…
I CAN’T imagine ????
Happy New Year!
1) I am in Boucheron, of course- perfect for this chilly, windy weather!
2) Guests have all gone home and I need to do a good New Year’s clean! No matter- it will be done with jazz on the system. I got Seal: Standards, which is not bad at all to play while cleaning!
3) I have a tea pot that looks like that- I got it at HomeGoods for $12.99.
Yay for cheap, pretty tea pots.
There is some really interesting deals out there- and so many ways that colors and patterns are are shared in fashion, which also includes home furnishings!
Beautiful tea pot and beautiful fragrance you are wearing, Robin.
I am drinking a cup of lemon ginger tea, while wearing Galop d’Hermes.
I also did a most-worn list, after being inspired by others.
My most worn fragrances for 2017:
1. Galop d’Hermes
2. Miss Dior Original
3. Chanel No. 5 L’Eau
4. Cartier Baser Vole
5. a tie between: Chanel Cuir de Russie & Hermes Le Jardin de Monsier Li
That’s a really nice list there.
Thanks 🙂
Yum, may copy you on the tea…
I hope you had a chance to have a cup 🙂
Reporting much later that I did — ginger with lemongrass, but close enough!
Really tired right now. The holidays really kicked my butt, it was nothing but on the go with parties and holiday shopping. I am spending the day in L’Heure de Nuit even though I want to wear yesterday’s vintage Bal. I can’t go out and scare my coworkers.
I’m wiped too, with less excuse than you probably. Hope we both catch up on rest soon 🙂
I’m with you. I had way too many events going on, beginning with Thanksgiving and ending yesterday. I ended up getting really burned out, both physically and otherwise.
Kelly Calèche for me this morning as I trundled off to dentist for first stage of a crown. For some reason, this scent is comforting yet steeling for me. (I get sweaty palms at dentist…. ). To me this scent is a soft brown shade….a bit golden.
It is cold out there!
You smell good!
Detest trundling off to the dentist! If the process doesn’t hurt your mouth/teeth, it hurts the pocketbook. It’s a no win situation. Except, one won’t need puréed foods, which is a plus, I guess. ????
Ugh. Best to you with your crown.
I love Kelly Calèche but 100% think of it as pink, just like the actual juice. I am very suggestible as far as that goes 😉
Funny… maybe my brown thoughts came from the bottle/box.
SOTD is Raw Silk and Red Roses by 4160 Tuesdays, from the sample pile. On me, this is a very subdued rose that bends citrus-way rather than jammy – perhaps that’s the effect of the geranium? I’m also getting a subtle cocoa powder effect, which might be the patchouli. Overall, very nice! Looked over my Excel file yesterday and determined that last year’s most commonly worn fragrances were:
1. L de Lempicka
2. Shalimar Ode…Madagascar
3. Mitzah
Is it too late to beg Santa to drop off one of those vats of Mitzah? Asking for a friend.
I think you’re right about the geranium angling the rose toward citrus.
It’s a really nice effect. I’m going to have to try more rose-geranium combinations.
In that case give ELO’s Eau de Protection a sniff…
Ooh good idea…I remember liking but not being bowled over by it, but that was a year or more ago. Maybe it’s time for a re-try.
Mmm, that sounds lovely. Get Mitzah while you can! Apparently they’re discontinuing that entire Dior line, which won’t make finding any of them any easier or cheaper…
Happy New Year, one and all! Back at work today, and so not excited about being up and about in the cold weather. I do really like the color theme though.
Purely by chance, I am in Eau de Gentiane Blanche, which I want to use up this year. I’ll see if I can do a different color every day the rest of the week. Black is definitely covered, but I think I’ve used up my contenders for green, orange, pink, etc.
I am sort of shocked at how many color name perfumes I have. I may not have noticed how many there are until we did this project.
Not sure I’ll do the project all week — it’s COLD, and when the weather is really noticeable, that tends to override other considerations such as a scent challenge. 🙂 Also not sure what I’ll pick for Friday.
Wore Shalimar Light (the blue juice) to bed last night after a shower, and this morning The CEO was commenting how nice it smelled, so I reapplied. OH LIGHT BULB MOMENT I could wear Emeraude on Friday! Yes.
Agree, too cold to care about anything else!
SOTD = SSS Pacific ???? Forest
Resinous, incensy, dark green.
We spent the day in Figueres (Dali) and Girona (where part of Game of Thrones was filmed). These towns are about 75 miles or so from Barcelona, but don’t quote me on the distance. Salvador Dali was either pure genius or addicted to brain altering chemicals or both.
Girona – what a lovely town with old architecture and quaint shops.
We’re on our way back to the hotel and will have a farewell dinner.
I will be flying back tomorrow and will be back at work on Thursday (too many things to do and it is not worth it for me to waste a vacation day)!
Oh, it seems as though you just left! Hope you bought a scented souvenir to remember your trip?
As it turned out, no perfumed purchases so far, but there is still duty free tomorrow!
Safe travels, hajusuuri, and hope you enjoy your duty free sniffa 😉
Girona is a lovely town. Enjoy your final day and have a safe and fragrant trip home!
Wore a bit of my small decant of PG Bois Blond for New Year’s Day yesterday. I can’t decide if I wish I’d bought a bottle while it was around (it was one of my down-the-rabbit-hole fragrances), and yet if I’d bought it, it might be languishing along with some of my other purchases that I feel equivocal about.
Today is Lancome Mille et Une Roses, which I do love and am glad I got a bottle when I did.
And I am jealous that you got a bottle! Such a great scent.
Not to rub it in but yesterday was a calm, hot day and sunset is at 9.30 so we sat outside on the deck drinking wine and watching the bellbirds in the pohutakawa tree….Fleurs d’Oranger was great and I read up on the difference between orange blossom and neroli …both are so nice in summer heat. Continuing Serge Lutens month in Daim Blond today as the new bracken fronds up on the hill have that intoxicating dusty, pale leather , nutty scent at the moment and Daim Blond is a good match.
“not to rub it in”….LOL
Ditto: not to rub it in…sounds like heaven.
It actually helps…I can live vicariously….
Rub it in and let us dream! 😀
I heard (and saw, and photographed) bellbirds for the first time this past July in the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne, and absolutely loved them. Amazing little things with their loud clear chime. The park guides I talked to gave me a little map and told me where to look for them and said I’d recognise them immediately, and I did!
This is me in Montreal in July. 🙂 Thanks for allowing us to enjoy it with you vicariously!
For warmth and comfort on a cold day and the first back to work after the long weekend, I’m wearing The Red by The Sum. Listed notes of fire (lol), saffron, sandalwood, and amber. Also, for the life of me I can’t seem to get this brand’s name right the first time. I always call it The Sun, go to Google to look up notes, and have no success until I realize it’s The Sum.
I’m going to make a note to buy samples of the rest of the perfumes in this line next month when I’m allowed to buy again. I already have a DSH purchase scheduled for this weekend. My boyfriend went through his little bottle of her Halloween, so it’s time to replenish. It’s one of his favorite perfumes and I love to smell it on him. Of course I’ll have to pick up samples for myself.
Apparently I had my first weak moment of the new year last night when I placed an order at FragranceNet. I got a tester bottle of Serge Lutens L’eau Froide and a 10ml travel spray of Prada L’eau Ambree. ????
Enjoy your fragrance net purchases
FragranceNet should be named FragranceEnabler!
Ha ha! Definitely agree
I would like to try L’eau Froide too. Please report back on how you like it.
Yay – lovely way to celebrate the new year! Look for a gmail from me re The Sum.
Late start today. Hard to leave a warm and cozy bed sometimes.
I’m colorless again today. SOTD is SSS Equestrian. Love this stuff! It’s a happy leather, if such a thing can be said. I get a little nod from Tabac Aurea in the opening too.
Now to catch up to comments!
I just got a sample of Equestrian with my Bees Bliss order. It’s quite nice. Although I usually test new scents at night and missed the drydown. What I remember reminded me of Heeley Cuir Pleine Fleur. I love the hay note in the opening.
Dzing! is my happy leather. 🙂
^5 Happy Leather Twin ????????
Hello, all. Just because I decided to go back to work today, I woke all wide-eyed at 4. Why do I do this to myself? I got up and did as many silent things as I could— folded washing, gave Eric his egg yolk, retrieved Alexander’s blankie from under the sofa, and so forth, but now it’s 6.15, and I feel as though I’ve already done a day’s work. I’m just daft, that’s what.
Yesterday’s Great Perfume Re-Organisation was fun, and useful, I think. There is no discernible logic to the arrangement, except in my head, and even for me, the system is a bit tenuous. I found I had to be quite tough with myself when it came to splitting up houses (Chanel remains unstructured; no surprises there, perhaps), but I’ve finished up with some shelves of perfumes I really do like and wear, or, at least, want to wear now that I’ve found them again. For instance, I’ve always loved DKNY Woman, the one in the tall sky-scraper bottle. There’s nothing quite like it if you take a sudden fancy to smell like a vodka and orange…anyway, I had lost it in the muddle, but now it’s found and I think I’ll wear it and be all fresh and cool. And goodness knows, I will need all the help I can get…the temps are high here, the humidity a little troubling, and the air con won’t be working. I have a fan in my office, and that will be my lifesaver today.
Well, it behoves me to set the day in motion, albeit a slow-ish motion. Be well and deliciously fragrant, all.
Postscript: I know what I meant to say— one of my rediscoveries is a bottle of Issey Miyake Le Feu Light. What an odd little gem! And what an odd little bottle, disconcertingly something like a palm-sized bomb. Hmm. But moving past that, the scent is really rather lovely, in a milkily green way. It’s a confusion of sweet herbs and some random flowers and some soft woods. I really like it, and it took me a while to remember that I was given the tester after a favourite shop of mine had stopped selling the perfume. Bonus! Gorgeous AND free!
Gorgeous and FREE and a funky little bottle? Doesn’t get any better!
SotM = 78 Vintage Green by Banana Republic
Green citrus, green leaves, green tea, grassy vetiver. This one turns green up to 7 out of 10, without turning into bitter green territory. The dry down is a bit rough on my nose, but I like it. Hope this will turn into a favorite cologne for summer.
I actually really enjoy that one too! I spray it every time I’m in Banana lol.
That one is nice. My sister sent me the 15ml bottle. Very refreshing and I’ve been spraying in the shower after I’m done so it catches in the steam and hangs around for a while. Very spa-like. I bought the Oud Mosaic myself and enjoy that one, too.
Speaking of Astier de Villatte, the colognes can be found relatively reasonably at $110 for 50 mls. Aedes has some of them (and will send samples).
Or how about a footed cat dish? ????
Wow! Sue Fisher King… what a blast from the past. I lived right near there about 30 years ago. Loved that neighborhood and store.
It must have been delightful browsing!
I think It likely I only browsed…. just nice to know when a store is still around – so many don’t last that long.
Fantastic bowl.
It would be ideal for holding the sample one is currently testing.
Check out the crazy Ardmore tea pots, too. 🙂
Yeah, those are amazing — did you tell me about them before? I know I was looking at them a few weeks ago and now I can’t remember how I found them or why. Will definitely post one on a Tuesday soon.
No, this was the first I can remember seeing them — and I don’t think I would have forgotten them. 🙂 Definitely worth posting, and especially delightful as an antidote to winter, I think.
OK — maybe it was someone else, or maybe I came across them while browsing teapots somewhere 🙂
SOTD is Guerlain Angelique Noire from a really hilariously filled sample at the dept store. They had the little puff bulb on and spent ages getting maybe 1/4 ml into a sample sprayer. I’d just assumed that the bulb was removable? Maybe not! XD
Those bulbs are stupid, aren’t they! I spent ages trying to fill a purse spray with one I have, with very little to show for it. There was perfume everywhere except in the bottle, and it needed two people to manage the process 🙂
No SOTD yet, but I might use a scent strip in a pinch. Did anyone see the full moon last night? How cool is it to have a full moon on New Year’s Day? Our weatherman called it the Wolf Moon.
That moon was astounding! I’m interpreting it a good omen for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2018. ????????
I like your interpretation! I saw it on NYE but missed it yesterday.
Yes! It was super bright outsidelast night in my otherwise light-less yard. I kept looking for floodlights somewhere.
Happy New Year, all! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!
I am participating in the challenge without even realizing it. I sprayed Black Orchid this morning and didn’t even know what the challenge was this week. One little spritz was enough since I’m back at work (boo!).
You smell awesome!
I know I was the one who very indignantly stood up for Tuesday a while back (she ain’t nobody’s ugly little sister), but this Tuesday is not good. First day back at work, and quite frankly, I haven’t found my rhythm yet. I left my lunch at home, so I’ll have to get something to eat at the cafeteria. The absolute mediocrity of cafeteria food is soul-crushing in a way that bad food would not have been. Does that make sense to anyone who isn’t me?
I went swimming today for the first time since Thanksgiving! I’m exhausted and I stink of chlorine. I have nearly drowned myself in Passage d’Enfer today. PdE is just so perfect–requires no effort to be beautiful–and I am just so angry at myself for not picking up a bottle when they were discounted everywhere online in the old packaging.
We’re planning a trip to Paris this spring! Air France and Alaska Air are dissolving their union, maybe? Disassociating their mileage programs? I don’t know; I can’t pay attention to practical matters. Regardless, the boyfriend wants to use up the Air France miles he racked up visiting me in France, and feels this needs to happen before the end of April. Will you help me think of perfumes I need to buy while I’m there? Things that I either can’t find in the US or would need to buy at a huge mark-up. I’m currently considering Sycomore or Bois des Iles extrait purchases at CDG on my way back to the US–French prices + VAT refund, right? Any such tips would be appreciated!
As a staunch supporter of all things Nicolaï, I think you might want to include a visit to one of her shops, and visit Lutens while you are there. I think his stuff is a lot more expensive in the US.
I don’t think I have ever smelled her things, so I will certainly try that 🙂 Good calls; thanks!
Just as French, but much more cheap, is Yves Rocher! They don’t have stores in the U.S. and even if their perfumes aren’t your cup of tea they also have lots of nice skin care and makeup.
I don’t mean to poo-poo your idea, but I spent a bunch of time at Yves Rocher when I lived in France (2014-2017), and I’ve decided that their body products and make-up are not for me! I do enjoy many of their scents (and their prices!), but their skincare/make-up just don’t work :-/ My skin must just be too finicky.
I get your cafeteria food thing. I need to start swimming again, too. I stopped last summer when I had a sinus infection that lasted about 5 weeks and haven’t really been back since. I’m to the point where my back is such a mess that it hurts to get out of bed in the morning (and for the rest of the day) which means it’s time to start working out.
How exciting about your trip! Where will you go? I can think of a few things I’d like you to buy for me, if you’re up for it 😀
You know, we had just decided to do Paris, but perhaps we can squeeze in some Loire Valley, too. Hmmmmmm.
I will certainly let you know if I can mule a couple things for you 🙂 We can discuss it as the trip gets closer! (And if it actually happens.) Which things are you hoping for?
Sorry about your back 🙁 good luck getting back to working out!
I’m wanting a couple of Europe-only items: a Nobile 1942 travel spray, and the 20 ml bottle of Iris Ganache cazaubon refers to below 😀
I would get a bell jar from Lutens, and if it’s been restocked by then, Iris Ganache at the flagship Guerlain boutique on the Champs Élysées. Or perhaps Dior Mitzah, or MFK Absolue Pour le Soir. All of those are more expensive or unavailable in the US. And of course you must pay a visit to the Jovoy perfume shop.
Mmmm I’ve heard so much about Iris Ganache. I do want to try it! Thanks for the great ideas; if I’m going to get a bell jar, I need to start planning for that financially like…now.
How much are the bell jars in France? I’m assuming they’re way cheaper there, with absolutely no data to back that up.
Huh, I thought I had read that the bell jars were ~650 euro, but they seem to be “just” 190. Thanks to anchoring, that now seems like a perfectly reasonable amount of money to spend on 75 mL perfume 🙂
Seconding Jovoy. They carry quite a lot not available elsewhere and their own special/limited editions – there’s a rose I’d give my right arm for.
Jovoy Rose Millésimée. Also Violet perfumes, ( that’s the name of the house not a note) and Amouroud.
I’m planning to spend some time this morning repotting indoor plants, in a spray of Prada’s Infusion d’Iris, which seems appropriately green and vegetal.
I’m still trying to recover from the shock of trying to buy Fate from FragranceNet last night. The perfume was $182 USD, and they wanted to charge over $200 USD postage and international charges. Needless to say, I won’t be paying that!! Has anyone else experienced that?
Within the US, the shipping is free at that price level. International shipment different, of course. I wonder if it’s an error, or has to do with restrictions on shipment of perfume. It wouldn’t hurt to contact them in case it’s an error.
$18 for shipping doesn’t sound so bad after trying to buy a travel spray from PerfuMaria where they were going to charge
~$150 USD for shipping on a $20 perfume… That said, hope you find your bottle for a more reasonable price!
Picked a sample of eau des merveilles bleue today. I just can’t get on with the merveilles perfumes. There is something in there that doesn’t work for me. I should like l’ambre but I just don’t. More for everyone else.
I also found a lost sample of Vilhelm Dear Polly which I put on before shower. Having tried a whole mess of Vilhelms, I am happy that I didn’t really care for any of them given the price point!
I like the Vilhelms, but wouldn’t pay so much for one…but I will take your Merveilles leavings 😉
My mantra for the year is a quote that really resonated with me.
I have been impressed by the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.
-Leonardo da Vinci
Wearing The Promise today.
***impressed with
Great quote for the new year!
Nice to see you again, I’ve been concerned by your absence. Hope you were just busy. How do you like the Promise? I’ve seen mixed reviews. I have a sample on the way to me but don’t expect to love it.
I would be very surprised if you like it. it’s sharp in a similar way to Rose Nacree, which I know isn’t your jam. I get sharp rose, apple, pink pepper, and patchouli with some spices and warmth thrown in for the dry down.
And he did “do” a few things, that Leo ????
I just tried The Promise and still have the card in the ziplock plastic they put it in. Just took it out and sniffed it-it’s at least a week old and it’s POTENT. It wasn’t what I was expecting at all. Thought it would be lighter and rosier. Mostly I get strong oud and apple. How do you like it?
I enjoy it, but it’s one you definitely have to be in the mood for, it’s no easy-to-wear, I don’t have to think about it, throw it on quickly perfume, that’s for sure.
Inadvertently participating in the theme too, as I am in Ivoire. It is telling me that even though it’s back at work it will all be just fine.
Participated this a.m. in SHL 777 Black Gemstone. It came on with a blast of rubber, went into a flowery phase, then turned totally sour in the drydown. So many perfumes go sour on my skin. I wonder why that is? I eventually scrubbed it and am now in No 19 edp. Ahhh….
I finally put some tallying formulas into my excel perfume diary, so I’ve got usage numbers for 2016 and 2017 and am ready for the new year.
No big surprises for me: I guessed Guerlain as my most-worn house and Shalimar as my most-worn perfume. The numbers came out this way:
House, Top 5, Descending order:
Etat Libre d’Orange
Sonoma Scent Studios
Fragrance, Top 5, Descending order:
Chanel No 5
Bois des Iles
Gourmand Coquin
Tie: Coromandel & Champagne de Bois
2016 had the same Top 3 Houses & Top 2 Fragrances, in the same order. I had 500 fewer entries, though, so the strength of the data is not as good.
One thing that’s kind of interesting, though: I did buy quite a few bottles this year, but tried to limit myself to perfumes in the classical vein (i.e., bottles I’d wear year-in and year-out,) thinking of them as 10-year investments, if that makes sense. Of the 15 bottles I bought, 12 were either Chanel, Guerlain or Hermès. So I guess my intuition was pretty good there.
Wow, great lists both in terms of houses and individual scents!
Great lists!
No. 5 will always be in my top 5.
I’m continuing the Chanel theme in Coromandel. It’s smelling particularly good today.
Another long day at work. SOTD was Rose Boheme because ElisaP mentioned it the other day . Rose is a color so I partcipated in the weekly project as well.