It's Monday again. Rise and shine, and happy World Food Day! What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Van Cleef & Arpels Bois d'Iris.
Reminder: 10/20 will be Reeking Havoc honor of Holly (who is frequently reeking havoc), wear as many perfume samples at once as you can stand. Suggested by FearsMice.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the elephant clips are from the Van Cleef & Arpels Arche de Noé collection, price unknown.
eau de Campagne
That is love……
indeed 🙂
I am so happy you are putting that bottle to use ! Makes me smile
and many many thanks again!
your so welcome!
How are you liking the Dame’s?
Love them as well…you already know I am a Dame girl! I will move on to them next or save them for the spring. The Narcissus makes my eyes roll to the back of my head 🙂
you are making me want a bottle! Adding to my ever growing list for “fragrance for when things warm up again” 🙂
SOTD Serge Lutens Feminite du Bois. Perfect weather for it!
I wish it were Friday already. Working since 5:30 am and drinking my third cup of coffee (Where is Bear by the way?).
I miss Bear!
Me, too. Love his witty, cheeky posts.
SOTD PdN Vanille Tonka, this is a great vanilla for those who don’t like sweet. Vanille Equise is another fav
Tea Nocturne Oriental
Lippy: Paint the Town
Made Persian rice yesterday, my apartment smelled like rose water and saffron
VT sounds like a good one for me then!
Oh man. Where is my Vanille Tonka bottle?
Ditto, mals. I need to dig in the back of the cabinet and find it!
You smell fabulous! ????
Nancy, this is gorgeous vanilla for this time of year.
I have so many (many) samples to try and I keep going back to this one
Something about it is so comforting..
Oh, good! I’m glad it was such a hit. I sprayed a bunch on myself as I filled the vial, so it will be awhile before I can wear it again. ????
That rice sounds delicious. Recipe? I’m not sure if I ever let you know that I used your Moroccan vegetable couscous recipe that you linked me to early this summer. It turned out great. I served it at a family gathering and it was a hit.
Great! The Kripalu cookbooks (that the recipe comes from) are fabulous. They make each with a vegetarian alternative.
For the persian rice dish I used the recipe from BdJ, but for the Tahdig (the crispy part on the bottom) I used potatoes. I just sliced two small potatoes added some water with saffron , about a tablespoon, and added the oil (about 2 Tablespoons) You can flip the potato slices first before adding the rice or not. But don’t forget to salt the slices of potato. That is important!
Its a great dish on its own or you can serve it along side kabobs. But the babies and my better half likes to eat it as just one meal.
Tahdig! I love that crispy part, both in Persian rice dishes and Korean dolsot bibimbap.
My mom used to make onigiri (Japanese rice balls) for us as kids, and she used to bake them in the toaster oven until the outside got that crispy rice crust. Delish.
You got Paint the Town! Yay! Great color. I may try to hit up Clyde’s tomorrow…
There are so many companies that make a lipstick called Paint the Town. Which one is this, if I may ask?
Lipstick Queen
You smell wonderful! OK, now I want to make Persian rice too.
I bought another Revlon liquid lipstick – Ironic Iris – same consistency as Tom Tomato, sort of an easier to wear Mauve color.
In other cheapie – lippy news, I passed by an ELF display at my grocery store and picked up a Lip Stain in Nude Nectar for $2 – I use it to cover my whole lip and then use a lip balm over it. It stays! nude nectar is what it looks like, a deep apricot type color.
I will check out Ironic Iris!
Thanks for you cheap lip tips! I enjoy sharing these exchanges with you
Me too! ????
I feel like a ROCKSTAR in Tom Tomato
And I’m happy this new hobby has open a world of make up, skincare, food, and literature – it’s lovely!
I think I even have all the ingredients for Persian Rice. Boy am I lazy in the kitchen though, hard to say if I will do it. If you make it, pls. report back, maybe it will spur me on 🙂
Roger that!
I love Friday’s SOTD project idea! Hilarious. I’ve never tried to reek intentionally.
Today I’m sampling Tom Ford Vert d’Encens again. I love the fir and balsam notes. Unfortunately after a couple of hours those fade. I don’t like the dry down. It’s just as well: this stuff is ridiculously expensive.
It makes me think of decanting 🙂
I am wearing Chanel Cristalle EDT trying to gain energy and motivation for work.
I have an idea for our community projects. Theme: clothes and fabric. Different interpretations are possible. For example, one can just wear a leather- or suede-centric fragrance. Or pick a perfume with clothes-/fabric-themed name (like Organza or Habit Rouge, for instance). Or wear a scent you associate with a clothes or fabric. Robin and everyone, what do you think?
You smell wonderful, and I think the fabric idea is really cool.
Nice, adding to list!
Siblings – it’s the EDP for me today.
sounds great!
I like that idea!
In need of a confidence boost this morning, and hoping Bois des Iles will do the trick.
Sounds like the right thing — good luck!
You smell wonderful!
You smell amazing.
You smell great! Go get ’em, tiger.
I loved the Box of Eels edt sample I ordered from TPC back in the day… and then was super disappointed with my split portion of the Les Exclusifs version, as it seemed quite thin and did not last long.
Has anyone tried the new edp concentration?
I’ve only tried the Les Exclusifs EDT version and I love it. I’m considering buying a bottle of the new EDP but haven’t tried it yet…!
If you buy it and split it you might have a lot of takers *hint hint* 🙂
I have! I absolutely love the BdI extrait and am very meh about the BdI EDT, and as one might expect, I liked the EDP more than I like the EDT and less than I love the extrait. It’s richer and rounder than the EDT, and I THINK it’s longer lasting, but I’m not sure if that is my imagination.
I am pondering a sample of edp on ebay. Think I’ll go ahead and get it (there’s no place to just go smell it in person within 5 hours’ drive, so I’m dependent on samples).
I have. The opening is really different, and my notes say it’s “darker, richer, and woodier” than the edt. They’re different enough to need both, i.e., the edp is not a replacement for the edt. I only had a small decant of the edp and would love to have more.
*The edt I am referring to is the exclusifs version.
Right. I truly don’t think you can find pre-Exclusifs BdI anywhere without a miracle. 🙂
I have a BdI saved search on ebay and there seem to be more vintage bottles than Exclusifs. The new bottles rarely come up, and I’ve only seen the edt listed a couple of times in the last few months.
Huh, really??
OTOH, I’m not sure I want to put a lot of cash into it. Maybe just a small decant of edp for now.
Thank you for sharing your comparison! I’ll think about doing a split… hmm…
I have been mixing Box of Eels EDT with some Mysore Sandalwood and it is quite nice
You smell super.
Happy Monday! Covet again today.
Question for all Chanel No. 5 fans. I have a No. 5 soap I bought 5 or 6 years ago. I love the fragrance – it seems quite different to my EDT or parfum. Does anyone else agree? Are there other No. 5 body products that I might love like this??
Sorry, I can’t help you, I wear parfum only and I use a N5 deodorant, my mother uses EdT and EdP.
Deodorant is very close to EdT but still not identical.
I regret not buying the dry oil from the line when it was available.
Yes, I regret that, too!
The oil was amazing!
+1 for the oil.
My mother, who wore the parfum in the 70s, now only wears the body creme. It smells absolutely gorgeous on her.
I will check that out!
It seems like it smells a bit rosier, less aldehydic, and with less vetiver.
I also have the soap. It’s missing the aldehydes and the complexity of the fragrance. It makes the shower smell divine, though.
Is that SJP Covet? If so we’re cousins, in SJP Lovely.
I wear Chanel no. 5 eau premiere frequently, I’d like to try the no. 5 body lotion.
Yes, SJP Covet! Hi cousin! ????????
Good morning Y’all….it’s Monday again, if you didn’t know. Pass the caffeine, and motivation if you can spare some….. 🙂
Wearing a sample of Juliette Has a Gun Sunny Side Up. LOVE IT! Warm and cozy, but not too heavy. Good stuff!
Ooh, I’ve been waiting to try that one. It does sound nice. BTW, will you be doing any videos soon?
You know, I’ve just been thinking about doing a fall rotation video soon! I’ve missing filming….my mommy duties sometimes suck up all my time and energy! HA HA HA HA 🙂
I figured as much. Your videos are so great to watch, I hope you get some free time soon.
Cute elephant pins. Going for comfort today in Felanilla.
I tried Chanel Gabrielle this weekend. Meh… A subpar generic floral and the bottle looked cheap. I hope Gabrielle isn’t an indication of the future releases.
Yes, usually I’m very polite in stores with sales people but after a couple of them suggested that I try Gabrielle I became very prolific about my thoughts regarding this release.
I hate it when SA suggests what I should wear or what they “see on me”, but if what they see on me is a generic flowery cocktail meant for personal assistants with shiny nail art I can’t be silent anymore! 🙂
The SAs was very nice but seemed so crestfallen that I didn’t like Gabrielle. She was gushing about buying it as a gift for her daughter-in-law. Neither I nor my friend liked it. I think they are used to serving people who don’t know what they like.
I also smeled the two new Jow Malone scents, didn’t like those either. I still had a great time and was happy to solve my curiosity about a few new releases.
Please pardon my typos…. I love my IPad but can’t type worth a da#*.
🙂 Maybe say that you already purchased a bottle at the same store, different location, so you can help them move on!
Unlike Lady Gaga, I don’t have a good poker face. I didn’t tell the SA that I didn’t like Gabrielle. I asked an unrelated question to change the subject. ????
+1 for being uninspired by Gabrielle and Jo Malone. Gabrielle was not bad and might have been a purchase for me 10 years ago when I did not know much. JM was dissapointing – again it was not bad, but not after you get exposure to some of the Niche brands 🙂
Did you try layering them as Jessica suggested? You’re talking about Wnglish Oak, right?
Yes, the two newest ones. Honestly, I didn’t like either scent enough to bother. Something sharp in the base. I’m not a huge JM fan. Although, I never rule any line out. My friend quite liked Pomegranate Noire, especially the soap.
Ditto, felt uninspired by Gabriella. I can see it appealing to a younger Chance loving clientele (like my college age daughter – that’s where my sample went) 😉
I did not like Gabrielle either. I tried it, Twilly and Savoy Steam about a week ago and was not impressed with any of them, but Gabrielle actually annoyed me. It seemed to me very ‘commercial’, made based on marketing research only, without soul or inspiration. I am not naive and I do understand that all (or nearly) perfume houses must study trends and make scents that will sell well, but I think Olivier Polge could have done better than that, even working within those narrow limits.
Maybe I am just not the target audience. Maybe I need more time to appreciate it. Maybe I am just grumpy. The first impression was not a good one though.
I actually liked it more the second time I tried it (on skin that time). The drydown, especially. Not enough to buy it, though. And agree the bottle looked cheap in person. Secretly glad the perfume bearing her name is mediocre.
I’ve been thinking that the name probably won’t attract the young target audience. I think they want something that says Coco Chanel, because it’s so “upscale” I doubt the name Gabrielle has the same effect. Or they could have called it Gabby, for the younger crowd.
I also have mixed feelings about Cocco Chanel’s legacy. I LOVE and own several Chanel perfumes, but I always have a niggling twinge of something-not guilt exactly-about wearing them.
Yeah I do too, but I figure since she had no descendants, it’s just Chanel in name and not ownership?
With Gabrielle it’s more tributary in my mind
Chanel sold the perfume business to her business partners Paul and Pierre Wertheimer – whose descendants still own the company – some time in the 1920s or 1930s, although she continued to hold shares. So really, Chanel perfumes have had little to do with Coco for quite some time.
I liked it more with each wearing, too, and was not particularly taken by the bottle, which I thought looked gorgeous in photos. If I didn’t anticipate a stellar bottle, I might not have felt let down.
I don’t personally have anything less than admiration for a woman who grew up an orphan and went on to set the standard for fashion, fragrance and luxury for the next century, becoming a household name.
I appreciate some of her achievements as a business woman, though her treatment of laborers was questionable and have some personal issues with the Nazi collaboration thing and her antisemitism.
thanks for piping up about this–the glorification of her is I’m sure one of the reasons I avoid Chanel products and probably (subconsciously) why I haven’t fallen for any of the scents
Was it better or worse than Chance?
Personally, I think I’d rather wear Chance. Although, I would never choose that scent either.
Glands description of Gabrielle was spot on. It seemed very commercial to me as well.
Okay, I swear that. I typed Glannys… This was def. spell check…
Thanks. I thought Chance was already the harbinger of poor Chanel pillars, Gabrielle is just #2? (Mind you, I have not even tried Gabrielle and so far not in any big hurry)
SOTD YSL Mon Paris. It smells amazing on my sister but I’m still deciding if I like it or not.
I really tried to like Mon Paris, but in twenty minutes, it just disappeared on me.
After several of you mentioned Cristalle in cooler weather, I decided to try the EDP formulation today. I’m getting a lot of magnolia from it, and I’m not even sure that’s one of its notes. Mental note: need to try it side-by-side with FM Eau de Magnolia to suss out what I’m REALLY smelling in Cristalle. 🙂
My plan Is to wear Cristalle EdT on the day of the first snow…which should be very soon 🙂 But I adore snow!
I prefer the EdT and in cold weather…
On Friday I finally tried Jicky parfum on my skin and ruled it out as a guerlain classic for me. I can’t stand it just like I can’t stand Shalimar – it suffocates me with it’s opening and middle notes, and I don’t much care about the base.
Yesterday I wore L’Heure Blue in EdP and I found it less interesting than parfum.
Parfum is much darker and denser, whereas EdP is more flowery and powdery, but both are a lot more boring than my beloved Vol de Nuit.
Zoologist samples aren’t here yet (ok. it’s been only 3 days:)) and all I can do is read numerous reviews on fragrantica.
On weekend poll a lot of people commented that they don’t care about this line (I enjoyed reading people’s thoughts a lot), and I thought to myself that actually I don’t care about most of the niche lines including Serge Lutens, l’Artisan, Annick Goutal, Frederick Malle etc 🙂 I tried one or two from each line, but meh…
Zoologist made me jump in fascination and excitement! 🙂 I love the exquisite packaging that looks like a book (or The Complete Set of Works), I love pictures of the animals that look like illustrations to some great XIX century classic, I love the stories behind those animals, the fact that I’ve never heard of any of those perfumers and that none of the names allude to love or feelings or human vanity.
They are just animals, and not necessarily pretty ones.
I simply can’t wait to try them 🙂 And if I love the fragrances I would be the proudest owner of those bottles.
I love reading your opinions, Veronika, even though I don’t necessarily agree with some. ???? You seem very definite about what you like. Of course, that is probably true of all of us. We all have different taste and views.
I read that thread too but didn’t comment as my views were already expressed by other commenters. I’m haven’t been interested in Zoologist either but Hannahmom’s mention of Knightsbridge piqued my interest! I missed out on the split but ordered a sample. Why do I always want the stuff that is stupidly expensive or impossible to find?
Thank you, Petunia, I appreciate your opinions too not to say that I’m always surprised and flattered that someone reads mine at all 🙂
My first real perfume was Light Blue, J’Adore after that, and Armani mania after that.
And you can feel my pain after I discovered that those 3 were in the top-10 selling list at the time…
So I made it my goal to find the rarest and smartest fragrance there is to make my own. That’s how I found this blog and started trying rare and exclusive things.
I adore the experience of a new discovery, but as a consumer, not a perfumista (which I am not), I need the whole story to make it worth my trouble and my money.
I also felt that I need to try Knightsbridge. Hannahmom is good! :)))
And the perfume is better. I actually giggled when I saw it offered in the splitmeet. So happy for people to try it
The perfume is $450. The EDP was approx. $245. Is the EDP worthwhile? STC has the EDP so that is what I ordered.
Also, Harrods dosn’t shop to the US.
I was tickled to see it in the splitmeet too, hannamom. And even if I don’t care for it, no worries. It will be up for grabs at the next swapmeet! ????
I giggled at that quick turnaround, too. Koenigsberg (sp?) had recommended it to me for my husband some months back, so I got in on the split. Once I give it a sniff I’ll decide who ends up with it, me or him 😉
Ughhhh after your glowing reviews, I was THRILLED to see it at the splitmeet and then DEVASTATED immediately afterwards to discover that the split was already full by the time I saw it 🙁 But good job on enabling!
I have the EDP
If you fall in love, Iet me know and I will put you in touch with someone who can help courier it.
Thank you! We’ll see. I probably won’t get the sample for about a week.
*Giggles quietly in a corner*
I can see the twinkle in your eye!
I adore Jicky..
Money Saved!
I meant money saved for you..not me sadly!
I was relieved too 🙂
Veronika, I couldn’t disagree with you more about the Guerlains especially, but also Frederick Malle and L’Artisan. But I love that!! Hallelujah to us all not liking the same things.
Can you tell me what is pictured in your Avatar?
Oakland Freska, thank you for noticing my minimalist horse on my avatar 🙂
It is an air conditioner on some building photographed from below by a Russian photographer, but I don’t remember his name.
And I owe it to myself to try more of the L’Artisans and Malles to have a more informed opinion in the future.
“Minimalist Horse” :^D
Nobody owes it to anybody to try perfume they don’t care about, that’s how I look at it! It used to be there were some things you needed to try to be a reasonably “literate” perfumista, but with the huge number of fragrances on the market now, I don’t see how that is a sustainable idea.
I agree and, most likely, financially impossible for those who have to pay for most samples….
Or not. Perfume is for fun. As the Mamas and the Papas say:
Awesome that your avatar is a photo of an air conditioner!
We all like different perfumes, which is great. And with the ocean of new releases and existing perfumes we all come up with different criteria to figure out, which perfumes even to test (I was one of those people who didn’t want to test/wear Zoologist for very subjective reasons – but at least I smelled a handful of them). I hope you won’t be disappointed after testing samples, about trying which for the first time you’re so excited, and will find your rare love. But it seems a little hasty to dismiss any of the brands that earned a lot of love from perfumistas over the years based on “one or two” tested perfumes – no? I mean, there are no universally loved perfumes, and for any Lutens, L’Artisan or Malle that one person adores you’ll find two who wouldn’t want to sit next to the person wears it, but they are very different (and mostly well-made) perfumes – why to dismiss them without testing?
You are right. I have to give them a try.
Adorable elephant clips! Are those for hair (clips) or??
Can it really be Monday again? Weather is yuck, but happy to be alive and kicking. Work has slowed down which I’m very grateful for. From now until the end of year I get a bit of a respite. Already looking forward to the holidays.
SOTD: Rose Rebelle Respawn
The holidays will be here before you know it!
They remind me of dress clips, but I suppose we don’t wear dresses that require clips anymore.
Okay, I’m perplexed. How did dresses require clips and how were they used?
I’m imagining them on a 40’s style dress where the shoulder straps meet the bodice, perpendicular to the armpit. Sort of like “shoe clips”, and adornment, but not a necessity.
Queen Elizabeth wears them often, in the way that my grandmother wore brooches. But here’s an article that explains it better:
Ah, I admit I was using “required” in the sense of what fashion demands rather than in the sense of what uh . . . physics? demands. Though I suppose if you need something to fasten your chiton those elephants would do nicely!
If you have photographs of your relatives dressed nicely in the 20s and 30s, you might see some dress clips on the women.
Or gravity if it is used to hold up something. That said if those are real diamonds, I can find a more practical setting for them 🙂
They really are charming! Love. I’ve got a bit of Rose Rebelle Respawn that I need to give a full wear.
Holidays, ugh. The only one I’m looking forward to is Memorial Day next year. Good reminder to look for a place out of town for Thanksgiving, though.
I have no idea what they are, but the dress clips idea seems reasonable!
Sotd is Cuir Amethyste, goal for today is house cleaning. Hey Bear, Come back baby, Rock n Roll never forgets:) hope all is well. Happy Monday everyone!
You smell good! I had a Nest candle that smells like CA to me. It was called Two o’Clock but was a limited edition someone gave to me. I should get a small decant of CA…
I could see where this would make a nice candle scent, would be great for a den, or study.
I only had the small votive but I kept the remnants just to huff occasionally. I loooved burning it.
This one smells exactly like Bottega Veneta to me. If you’ve got BV you should try a side-by-side. It’s crazy similar.
They are similar but CA is sweeter and more dense to me. Same perfumer, I believe.
Interesting, I was actually looking for my sample of BV the other day, and couldn’t find it, then I remembered I had drained it. I’m so surprised at how much I’ve taken to leather the last few years.
Hit me up if you want more BV. My bottle is still very full ???? pretsky 35 at hot mail
We need Bear! for his sweetness and his snark. SOTD is Noa.
My SOTD is APOM (MFK). Can I fit in any more acronyms? OK, IRLI (I really like it) it makes me feel like I should up my game a bit.
Most of the MFKs make me feel like that!
Oh my, these elephants are adorable.
SOTD PdE Cuir Ottoman; I am dressed in wool & leather & cashmere and intend to reek of powdery leather for the rest of the day.
I am envious of anyone who can smell you
That whole getup sounds fabulous!
I wish I was wearing wool and cashmere. It’s cold today!
You are a veritable vision of Fall. Reek on!
I love Cuir Ottoman. You smell super good!
Reeking just a bit of leather havoc in Galop and Cuiron, the latter from my October Scentbird shipment. Like the Cuiron, looove the Galop.
It’s finally cool and crisp here! The wind last night swept away the humidity. Perfect weather for wreaking (or reeking) havoc!
Galop didn’t quite work on me but I was sitting behind someone who was wearing it and it smelled really good!
Lucky you! 🙂 I rarely smell perfume in public. We went out to a show Saturday night and I smelled it twice (!) amongst a large throng of people. Someone was wearing either straight patchouli or something very patchouli-forward (delicious!) and someone else was wearing something with loads of papery, dry woods (yum!). But I get excited smelling any perfume at all in public places, regardless of what it is.
As you know, I’m not a chypre fan but spent a lovely evening at the symphony smelling someone’s chypre perfume some time back. We go to the symphony 10+ times every year and that’s the only time I’ve smelled perfume there. I could probably list every public interaction I’ve had with perfume in the last 3 years – it happens so seldom, I’m always quite thrilled, and that makes it memorable.
It was actually at the Mandy Aftel event at the Museum of Food and Drink, so the woman in front of me was a fellow perfumista. I don’t smell much in the wild either. Just the occasional quick waft of something from somewhere.
It also makes me happy when I smell something out and about.
I am determined to make it through my Vilhelm discovery set this week, so today’s sotd is Modest Mimosa.
Has anyone else worn this and been reminded of Apres l’Ondee? That’s immediately what came to mind for me. Must be the violet, although this one feels a bit more soapy.
Spent a whirlwind weekend visiting the college kid. It was so good to see him and hear that both studies and social life are going well.
it really is comforting when our college kids are adjusting and acclimating….good for you that you got to spend time with him.
Oh, now I want to try Modest Mimosa! Although hard to beat AlO.
Popping in to say happy Monday! SOTD is eau de Secret Outlast deodorant!! No real perfume while in the road as I packed it in an inconvenient location and am too tired to shuffle stuff around. I have discovered T-Rex is a wretched navigator but an exceptional finder of cow pies????
Hope everyone has a great week! Assuming everyone received their freebies by now and hope you thoroughly enjoy your bottle✌????
Hey Deva, I hope you recover once you reach your destination. I saw Naja offered at the splitmeet and thought of you.
Oh, and I missed it????
Did you check to see if the split was closed? It wasn’t filled this morning when I scrolled thru.
Oh, nooo! She didn’t roll in one of them, did she?!? One of my dogs was a ‘roller’…
She didn’t roll, but her EYES did roll in delight, similar to the way my eyes rolled in the back of my head the first time I sniffed Onda VdE. She found her olfactory ambrosia ????
Hi Deva, I emailed you last week letting you know that I had received your freebie. Thank you!!! I am enjoying it a lot 🙂
Sorry, I wasn’t taking anyone to task! I’ve had limited connectivity so quickly wanted to confirm everyone got their package, and I thought posting here to be the most efficient way to do so. ????
Hey Deva, I checked to make sure, and I emailed you on Friday that I’d received the freebie from you. It is lovely, and much appreciated! I hope your trip goes smoothly in the coming days.
See my response above????????
Oh what a beautiful weather to start the week with.
It’s all sunny, not a single cloud in the sky & it’s actually 22*C! 22! Even in July the temperatures were rarely at such level.
With trees turning yellow, orange and red it sure feels like a golden autumn.
SotD is Carner Barcelona D600.
Robin, you smell great. That’s one of my favorite iris perfumes. Think I might wear it tomorrow in your honor 🙂
Why thank you!
Our weather here is almost exactly the same. Enjoy your day! ????
You too!
Ah, enjoy the gorgeous day and you smell spectacular!
YUM..cuddlefluff 🙂
You smell great!
Sweater weather! Celebrating in Cuir de Lancome. Haven’t worn it in a while. So good!
You smell lovely today!
Many thanks!
Haven’t been out yet, is it getting chilly? I was perfectly comfortably yesterday in a light blouse, not extra sweater or jacket.
Either way, smelling very good! 🙂
I had to go back in and get a coat. My sweater was too light.
Bring a scarf if you are not going to put a jacket
Lean over here so I can get a whiff.
*leans in*
I swapped for a bit of this in the swapmeet, was so fortunate to do so. You smell lovely!
I got my decants from past swap meets also. Took me a long time to finally try it and glad I did.
The last of a sample of Dior Bois d’Argent, an iris scent that amazingly I don’t hate. I don’t *love* it and I wouldn’t buy it, but it’s awfully good.
I do love it though haven’t come close to actually buying it…but you smell fabulous!
Wearing Santa Maria Novella Acqua di Cuba
A lightly spiced tobacco – not sweet as many of them are.
Sampling Twilly. I want to like it, the bottle is cute and comes in 30ml which is about as big as I want these days. It seems like it would be fine for work but the dry down seems pretty bland- as in, what’s the point?
Bland dry downs are my least favorite thing about perfume.
I know, I felt the same way. I liked it better than Gabrielle or the two new JMs, though. And that’s okay…more folding money for other lovelies.
I just tried Twilly this past weekend. Another pass for me as well. The perfumes I tried are so uninspired.
We agree.
I got a bottle (50 mL as no 30 mL available) because. bottle and because I got mini Twilly and because 10 points at Nordies for me yesterday. Technically, I could still list this in Splitmeet as said bottle is still shrinkwrapped, but then again, if you wait just a lttie bit, you may be able to get this as a selection at Scentbird for cheap.
SOTD: Penhaligon’s Elixir. The spray on my decant has started to jam when I depress it, which is annoying. It’s also only about halfway full now, which is also annoying as it means I have to make decisions – live without Elixir or get some more? I’ll probably live without it and try something new instead.
Felt well enough today to have coffee, and so far have not regretted that – so I’m counting it as a small, real victory on my path back to health.
Glad you’re feeling better. I hope that you feel back to normal very soon.
What about moving the juice to a new decant or changing the sprayer? Even with new decants, the sprayers don’t always work well. Several times I’ve had to toss a defective sprayer. I just grab another from my decanting stash. Of course, then I have to toss the vial.
I don’t swap, split, or decant, so I don’t have anything handy to transfer it to, but your idea is a good one!
In that case, I hope cleaning the sprayer works for you. ????
You smell delicious!
I’ve resurrected some sprayers by taking the mechanism apart and soaking and cleaning them with hot soapy water and alcohol. Qtips were involved, as well as drenching both the sprayer and tip of the tube as much as I could to clear out the gunk.
I might try this! If it is gunk and not just a jammed sprayer, I think it would be worth it.
I got some Elixir in the swap and really like it! But, like with most any perfume these days, my nice-sized decant will sufficeth.
I’m unscented so far except for the remnants of last night’s Fate Woman. I used up my decant and am planning to purchase another. I’m thinking of wearing Bois et Fruits today, which is another almost-gone decant that I’ve grouped with others. It’s crazy how prevalent evaporation is in certain types of decant bottles. As I’ve set out a bunch that are low due to evaporation, I notice that they are all glass bottles with plastic atomizers/caps. The bottles that come with metal tops hold up so much better. It means I need to work on using up those in the plastic tops first so that I get as much perfume as I can from them.
On a happier note, I took a vacation day and have the day all to myself! This morning I plan to watch an episode or two of the newest season of Outlander and then head out for a little shopping. I’ve had a Barnes & Noble gift card for a long while, so today I’ll pick up Annihilation, the first in the Southern Reach trilogy. Not sure what others books will find their way home with me. Then I’ll stop by TJ Maxx for a candle stock up. I’ll come back to my neighborhood to have lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, The Wandering Goose. It’s always so busy on weekends and is a very small restaurant, so I’m hoping it’s more chill today. Then maybe I’ll watch LaLaLand this afternoon if there’s time before my SO arrives home from work.
Sounds like I better get going on this day! Have a good Monday all.
Decants are tricky. I end up always decanting into my own bottles.
I sadly don’t have any of the more ideal decant bottles myself. It’s also worth mentioning that I have an unsightly amount of decants. They are more my weakness than full bottles at this point, mostly because using up 5-10ml sounds way more doable than 30-100ml of anything.
I went to the Wandering Goose a few weeks ago for brunch, but their Friday night dinners are my favorite. The biscuits I’ll take any time, though 🙂
I’ve come to the same conclusion with decants. I’ve lost sooo many due to evaporation, even when I store them with tape around the sprayer. I suspect that storing them lying down is a real killer, so I’m trying to come up with some storage solutions where they’re tipped up or standing.
I use either standing up make up organizers – they generally fit 90% of the round bottles, or the oil organizer boxes. It makes it harder to find since you cannot see the labels unless you pull the bottle out, so I put little labels on top of the lid of the bottle. It is too much work however.
My patchouli-hating husband is out of town, so I doused myself in Angel both yesterday and today. Wreaking havoc, all right . . .
So sorry your husband is out of town! smirk..
Lol! Good for you!
Enjoy! 😀
I always spray a little more lavishly when my guy is out of town. He is not a huge Shalimar fan (the opening in particular) so I go sparingly when he’s home. When he’s gone, however, I spray with abandon. Enjoy your Angel!
Giving new meaning to while the cat’s away…
Scent twins, Robin!! I just opened Bois d’Iris and really like it. I personally feel VCA’s is a brand that is often overlooked (just like SHL and Carner Barcelona) – they are not doing flashy marketing and flashy interviews and silly stories behind their fragrances, bud everything they release is of great quality!!
VC&A is still primarily a jewellery brand, making perfume is an extra thing for them. But they do it well, Collection Extraordinaire is really nice. I have a few of them.
I’m in full agreement. All of the Collection Extraordinaires I’ve tried are really well-made and smell expensive. The 75 ml bottles often show up for very reasonable prices on ebay.
There are also 40 ml versions 😀
I loved Muguet Blanc, which they discontinued. The last two bottles I tried to snag on eBay were snapped up at the last minute, so I know I’m not the only person who misses it.
Hey twin!!
Bvlgari au The Bleu
You smell lovely!
Those clips are lovely, and I am sure they are out of my price range, however much they cost.
In MH Fleur Oriental this morning, which smells to me like a spicy amber carnation, and which smells to the boyfriend like–and I quote–wet wipes. So.
A little splitmeet ad, since I put my split up late in the weekend: I’m splitting 10 Corso Como! And it is relatively quite cheap! So…if you want some, drop me a line 🙂
I am hoping to reek some havoc later this week. Our Napa-refugee houseguests are still waiting for their evacuation orders to be lifted; one of them claims to be allergic to perfume so I have been scent-free for days. I am dubious since shampoo / soap / detergent / dryer sheet / her husband’s aftershave / her daughter’s ‘clean’ perfumes don’t bother her; but will humor her since they are going thru so much!
Is there such a thing as perfume withdrawal??? If there is, I’m having it. LOL
You are a very considerate host. ????
Agreed – you are extra considerate! I am not above a little dab in the crook of the elbow under these sorts of circumstances . . .
Oh come on. Just a tiny dab on your wrist of something lovely…
So sorry for your house guests. They are going through a lot, but it still very kind for you to open your home to them. Our air has cleared a great deal, but everyone’s heart is heavy with the stories from the fires.
Perfume withdrawal is real! You are very kind to help your house guest feel more comfortable.
Years ago I shared an office with a perfume-averse colleague. I sprayed perfume on my ankles or on the hem of my slip to minimize wafting.
such a good host!
So what will be the first thing you wear when they leave? whatever it is, you’ll appreciate it even more than usual, I would think.
I’m thinking Pulp. Loud and proud 🙂
Plus, so happy! Great choice.
I’m in Honolulu on vacation and has the city ever changed! I was last here thirty years ago when it was a rural hamlet compared to now. $25 for a bowl of udon! I think I’ll buy some granola bars and spend my money at the perfume counters of Bloomingdales, Neiman-Marcus, and Nordstrom. Today I’m sampling Olympic Orchids Little Stars and my first impression is “Ewww! Rotten vegetables!”
So nice! Enjoy your vacation!
My take on the Olympic Orchids line is that it’s probably for those more adventurous than I am 😉
Several of the OO line, including Little Stars, were extremely sweet on me, but I was focusing on the floral ones. I do, however, like Ballets Rouges.
Honolulu is a lot like any other really big city, IMO. Expensive, crowded, crazy traffic, noisy, dirty, and did I say expensive?
SOTD is Bombay Bling. I must be on a NV jag as I wore Mohur all weekend. It is a cool-ish morning and I think I am preferring BB in this weather.
This afternoon I am picking up our South African exchange student from the airport. He will be going to school with my son, and commuting with him as the commute is a bit complicated (school is about 25 miles from us) with a carpool, bus and train. Tomorrow my son has a soccer game, which means he leaves the house at 6:50 AM and gets home around 7 PM. I think the day will be too much for our exchange student on his first full day in the US (first time ever leaving his country). My son thinks it will okay and that the kid just needs to tag along. Boys.
gosh! and what about jet lag?
He’ll probably be fine. Tired, but fine. It sounds like hell to me, but I’m a middle-aged woman with no stamina, not a teenaged boy. That said, I imagine the first few weeks will be totally overwhelming regardless of what’s on the schedule.
Me too! But he’s sound asleep upstairs right now, so maybe we aren’t so different.
SotD = Hiris (transparent bottle)
huh. I like this much more than I remembered. Noses are weird.
And possibly it’s different than it was last time you tried it? (Or maybe you mean it’s the same bottle and you just grew into it)
Both! It’s the same transparent bottle, and my nose grew into it since last I wore it. I’ve also got a blue bottle which is what I used the last time I wore Hiris. I thought I liked the blue bottle better, but now I’m not sure. It may be a tie.
It actually felt like fall on my way to work this morning. It was in the 60s! So good. And I’m smelling like cedary goodness in Arz el Rab.
Cedary goodness sounds like something I need to investigate.
I misread this and thought it said “celery goodness.” lol
Celery goodness is Iris Ukiyoe, heehee.
I’m having a bad day at work and it is hot outside. I may have to read Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible. No Good etc. book to my daughter tonight. She knows much of it by heart.
I am wearing Alaia Blanche today which reminds me of Hypnotic Poison to a degree. I have some of the original formula of HP somewhere in a box which I should break out to see if it resonates still. You know…make sure it still smells like Play doh then put it away again. ????
Great idea, I might read that tonight myself!
Love that book. My mother taught first grade and her students loved it too, and it helped them learn how to deal with frustration. “Australia” was her classroom’s code word for “I’m SO frustrated!”
Our fitful spring continues, a sunny day today after several cold and wet days. I think Encens Mythique d’Orient for me today.
I need to dig out my sample
SOTD Coco EDP, to quote my 3 year olds answer to every question: ‘cuz I do.
Excellent response, both in perfume and in life.
Oh, those elephants! Want (and undoubtedly can’t afford).
SOTD is Sonoma Scent Studios Incense Pure and it smells wonderful.
Ah, you smell great.
Argh monday…going back to work after my two week vacation was not easy.
SotD was Vetiver Extraordinaire
For the evening I craved something sweet and felt a bit nostalgic, so decided to wear Narcisse by Chloe. I used to wear the edp in the 90s. The version I have now is the edt, probably reformulated, and very very very cheap.
I dont think I would wear this if I did not have the memories of the original and all the 90s era associations (grunge music, my first boyfriends haha). Its really sweet, a bit too much, and the reformulated version has something screechy in the opening. But its still very recognisable and unique.
Poivre 23 to warm against the chilly drizzle.
With today’s warm and dry weather, I couldn’t settle on what to wear but eventually decided on Alien by Mugler.
An odd-duckie jasmine perfume with a great amber dry down.
Wearing L’Eau d’Hiver today and it is far too well behaved, bordering on listless. Needed something with more snap and backbone for a Monday.
trying Glossier You today. It’s a very simple iris and clean musk perfume.
Glossier has a perfume!? I just saw some of their newer products, but I obviously missed that. How’s the longevity?
SOTD is SSS Ambre Noir.
Had the lunch of champions today: cherry pie.
cherry pie! WOW!
I highly recommend doing it. Life’s too short not to. I’ve been too full after dinner the last few nights to have a slice, and I had a healthy breakfast, so why not just do it out of order? ????
I’ve gone through my travel spray of Ambre Noir; when SSS returns to operating normally (thinking positive thoughts!) I need to replenish my supply. It’s soooo good.
Yes, fingers crossed, I’m also planning on placing an order ASAP. AN is indeed good!
Tuesday here and a pretty warm one. We’ve got the opposite of sweater weather! SOTD is No 19 EdT to help ne keep my cool through a long day of potentially trying meetings followed by a class. Thinking about an iced espresso this morning…
I’m attempting to use up some Commodity samples thus have Book on one arm and Whiskey on the other- two of my favorite things IRL. I am less enthusiastic about the perfumes, but they’re not bad.
SOTD = Dior Mitzah
It’s Fall today and 2 spritzes are just right. One more and it will reek havic without the help of another perfume.
Now back to work…racking my brain to determine the best way to present some unconventional metrics.
Be well all!
SOTD is Eau de Protection. Getting ready to take a shower and thinking about what to put on afterwards. I’ve actually been wearing Stella to bed a lot because it pairs nicely with my Rose Jam shower gel and I’m usually not awake long enough to have to put up with the mega-sweet drydown. 😀 Tonight though, I’m on call for work and I’m already a light sleeper so I’m really hoping I don’t get paged tonight…
However, I will NOT be participating in the community project this Friday since I will be on a plane to Boston then. The idea sounds like a ton of fun, but I don’t want to be *that* passenger.
I felt like starting the challenge tonight since I won’t be able to do it Friday, so here I am loud and proud in a completely random sample grab of:
Tauer Rose Incense (something here I don’t like, love Rose Chypre and PHI, but not digging this)
Atelier Rose Anonyme (nice)
Angel Schlesser Oriental Edition #1 (ok but for the dreaded ethyl maltol that I seem to be picking up)
Rosee de Nuit (sour)
I guess Rose Anonyme wins today, but none will get a second try.
My havoc today consisted of Orchidee Vanille, Eau Premiere, and TokyoMilk Bittersweet hand cream. I must say I reeked in the best possible way!
Sometimes I put on QVC or HSN while I’m folding clothes for some background noise (a shameful habit, I know! haha!) and Lori Goldstein was on. The host and the models were going ga-ga over the perfume she was wearing, but either she never gave it up, or I missed it. I’m dying to know what it was!
Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay and I am drinking a cup of Earl Grey.