Happy Hump Day! What fragrance are you wearing?
Me: Frédéric Malle Le Parfum de Thérèse. Just the right amount of skank...
Reminder: 9/29 will be Skank Friday! Wear something skanky. If you need help, try here or here. Suggested by Dawn and Ihadanidea.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
SOTD Sous Le Vent, a different kind of skank
One NSTer awhile back said it smells like a feral animal in heat…
Wow, I don’t get any skank from Sous le Vent. You smell great!
How does an animal in heat smell differently from an animal at other times? I don’t think I’ve ever smelled/seen an animal in heat (unless a dog humping someone’s leg suggests it’s in heat).
I have no idea how that animal smells..maybe when they are in heat they give off more odor to attract their mate?
In Chanel Cristalle EdT, for the apparently last warm day of the season…
Perfect choice!
Sampling Amouage Jubilation 25, which was mentioned in the skank poll.
Yes, it’s definitely skanky! I finally realized the meaning of “dirty hair smell” in perfume discussions. For the first 20-30 minutes it evoked the image of someone who had not washed thei hair for a long time and decided to cover it by applying a hair product. Body odor + something chemical. Yuck.
Then suddenly it turned into vintage Mitsouko with a delicate hint of vomit. Another hour later and it smelled like vintage Dioressence or maybe Diorama. (That was my favorite stage). Around 4-5 hours later it slightly shifted towards Malle’s Le Parfum de Therese.
Verdict. I’ll try it again one day, but I think this one is too skanky for me, or just not my kind of skank.
Wow, that’s quite the progression.
It’s very odd, I find this scent simply beautiful and uplifting. I am astounded to find it on a list of something with skank.
I have a hard time with it too. It’s a big no for me.
I actually I think that it’s a well made scent, it’s just my body does not accept it on physiological or mental level. I had a similar reaction to Le Parfum de Thérèse – another well loved scent in perfume community. I wonder what makes me feel that
way. Mitsouko, modern Diorama, vintage Dioressence – good. Also, I briefly sampled vintage Rochas Femme and thought it was nice. And I doubt it’s cumin, because many supposedly cumin-loaded scents smell pleasant to me. Weird!
I’m still cringing – only because I wore it once at one of my neighbor’s houses fresh in a spritz of Jub 25. Gah – she didn’t comment on it but I wonder if I smelled awful to her?! My skin pulls the cumin (idk it’s a note in there).
My impression was that it kept fairly close to skin, so I think your neighbor should be fine. 🙂 Anyway, you can’t please everyone, so if it’s not a crowded bus or similar environment (or important meeting with someone), I’d wear and enjoy it. Any scent we like can be unpleasant to someone.
I’m wearing Galop d’Hermes today, inspired by the top 10 post last week. It’s great!
You smell great 🙂
You smell gorgeous!
Wallowing in another skank favourite today – L’air de Rien by Miller Harris. I smell like warm human skin and rumpled sheets first thing in the AM.
I am enjoying this week a great deal. My “skank’ section of my fragrance wardrobe is being utilized.
Scent twins! But not identical twins because I added a spray or two of SL A la Nuit.
Triplets! This is one I tried early in my unpaid perfume sniffing career and found cozy and warm. Then along the way I read all kinds of comments and reviews about its skank/nast/dirty hair angle and it started freaking me out and I’ve not worn it much. I put it on rather trepidatiously this a.m. and ya — cozy, warm and sweet, if not vanilla-centric. No fear! No raunch for me 😉
And I get just the tiniest bit of sweetness.
I find it fascinating how different skins amp different notes.
To me the “dirty hair” note is quite strong. Maybe that’s why I like it better layered with a jasmine perfume- I think the floral notes distract me so I don’t notice the unwashed hair smell as much.
I had a perfume dream last night – you know the kind where your collection is full of magic fragrances that you can’t quote remember after you wake up – so I’m wearing my closest-to-magic, Une Rose. But what I really think this means is that a FB of Sadanne is in my future.
Creative dream interpretation 🙂 And correct, of course.
Une Rose, yum.
Ha! Follow your dream ????
I like Une Rose in more recent years. I tried it many years ago and the drydown smelled like urine on me-and I remember reading some reviews that reported the same. I wonder if they reformulated it, because a much more recent trial didn’t do that pee thing and it was all gorgeousness.
Experience has made me rich and now they’re after meeeeeee
Triple strength coffee.
Extra long workout because the leather, plum, cinnamon drydown of Femme Rochas on my exercise warmed skin smelled so wonderful!
Femme redux, apres la douche.
I have discovered a delicious nightcap.
Crown Royal Vanilla, sipped neat.
The internet whisky-o-philes liken it to a Britney Spears flanker of Mitsouko !!!
I like it alot !!!!
Mitsy baby one more tiiiimme.
Carpe Diem.
the Britney Spears of Mitsouko is hilarious and I don’t even drink whisky.
Mitsy baby one more time, omg I am cracking up laughing!
Love this post, just laaahhve.
I love this post…and I must try that whiskey.
I love Madonna and I love Crown Royal. I will listen to her while having some Crown Royal tonight in your honor!
This is awesome and made laugh like a loon. And yes, Crown Royal Vanilla IS a very nice nightcap indeed- especially if you are soaking the tub.
The last time I took an adult beverage into the tub with me, my Galgo puppy ( in my avatar) came in to give Momma a smooch. In the process he knocked the wine into the tub. This noise made him so happy, he grabbed the sheet mask off my face and did laps in the bathroom. 😀
I cracked up imagining that scenario. Thanks for sharing!
Wine AND a sheet mask in the tub! You were doing some serious multi-tasking 😉
Oh my! So much for spa day! ????
“Mitsy baby one more time”
Hahaha 😀
Brilliant, u crack me up Bear,Hee hee!
Thanks for the compliments, Everyone !
I’m happy you enjoy my posts!
Yes hajusuuri, I was the recipient of Prada No4 Fleurs d’Oranger, which can sometimes smell a bit urinous.
Ooooh, I might have to try that Crown Royal Vanilla, if I can find a small bottle of it. It sounds interesting. Maybe over some really good vanilla ice cream?
Yes, Jalapeno !
Vanilla is my favorite flavor of ice cream, too !
Robin, it is hard for me to think of anything Frédéric Malle as skanky. I think it is because I think skanky and cheap must go together which of course they do not. And I have never bought a FM that is cheap. So much so that the few I have are just travel size. Extra hot here today so skank would be unbearable. I am wearing a green, foggy thing that I can never remember the name of but had a lovely time at Fumerie buying this summer.
Oh, I do not think of skanky as cheap at all — at least, not in perfume! Therese is a little over ripe and has that little bit of leather adding some animalic undertones in the base — it’s perfect skanky 🙂
But one of the interesting things about this week’s project is finding out how differently we all interpret “skanky”.
Bigarade Concentree and Une Fleur de Cassie smell skanky to me.
Musc Nomade for me today, my favourite musky perfume.
Enjoy your day in musk!
Best musk ever! You smell great.
One of my favorite (white) musks, too.
Seconding this!
Robin, you smell delightful! That perfume is one of the most beautiful there is!
I’m not doing skank now because later this morning I have to shower and go to Pilates and I don’t want anything weird lingering. But I’m wearing some Phlur Siano, which I’ve gone ahead and ordered, because it became increasingly addictive.
I can see why as it smells so good 🙂
do you detect a tomato leaf note in Siano? or is it just my wonky nose? And the drydown of it on my bathrobe is fantastic.
You smell good and you will like the heft and magnetic cap of your full bottle 🙂 (Plus no light shining in!)
Ha ha I knew you would like the fact that I succumbed. No I don’t pick up any tomato leaf. I really do love this, maybe it’s especially that strong orange it has.
Hee hee…I am so predictable 🙂
Siano is such an unusual scent which is why I like it…my nose picks up lots of fruit, including bananas as well as the tomato leaf (at the onset)…for me it is akin to vintage Calyx and Pulp……when I wear it again I will try to tune into that orange note!
You guys are trying to make me try Phlur 😉
LOL! My offer still stands….jlmk!!!!! maybe next month???
I should just trade you all my untried samples for your Phlur, LOL…
So today I am in Atelier’s Gold Leather, which is more suited to the season, if not to the weather which is still hot. This reminds me of Jungle L’Elephant, except I like Jungle better.
Still hot here too, possibly even too hot for Gold Leather! Supposed to cool down tomorrow.
It’s a little cooler today but not cool enough to wear vintage Bal. At the car dealership fixing a ding. So I am in Kyoto today and probably will switch over when Kyoto wears off.
I read this and thought you were actually in Kyoto getting your car fixed. Duh!!
You smell great!
I want pumpkiny spicy things. But it’s supposed to be 90F today (yes, count ’em, NINETY FRICKIN’ DEGREES), so I am grateful I turned the AC back on yesterday and settling for pumpkin spice creamer in my iced coffee.
SOTD is un-skanky Smell Bent Florist’s Fridge. I would really like to be IN the florist’s fridge right now, along with those flowers.
And maybe a slice of pumpkin pie. Cold. With whipped cream on top.
And a fork.
Yes to everything in this post! So ready to say goodbye to summer temps. I have a November birthday, and my favorite thing about it is that I can request that my mom make a pumpkin pie for me 🙂
Florist’s Fridge is one I’ve been meaning to try. Does it smell like the real deal?
I think it needs more rose. Maybe a bit more greenery OOH IDEA LAYER WITH SILENCES…
Oops, sorry. 🙂 But anyway, it smells cold and floral, and although it’s supposed to be orchids and hyacinths, it smells carnationy to me. I like carnations.
Mmm, I like carnations too – and don’t usually care for rose, so that’s a plus for me. I’m definitely going to get myself a sample now.
To me, it definitely smells like a florist’s fridge. As mals86 noted, cold and floral.
I have got to try Florist’s Fridge one of these days. I LOVE that scent and stick my head in as many florists’ fridges as I can. Even if it doesn’t have quite enough rose.
It’s supposed to be 90 where I am, too! I do not mind. I spend the hot part of the day indoors, and enjoy not being too cold on my way to or from work 🙂
Love this post! It is 90 here too and I also rurned the AC on yesterday. Would love a slice of cold pumpkin pie with whipped cream.
I don’t even require the fork 😉
I had Flavia Pumpkin Spice Latte today! For the uninitiated, Flavia is one of commercial grade coffee makers. I have only seen them in offices. I still prefer Starbucks…
Good morning!
Wearing Terre de Lumière by L’Occitane. This is reminiscent of Angel, but much lighter and daytime/office approved. This will be better in the fall/winter though, methinks! Good stuff….
Agreed! It’s really lovely and no one could find fault with it.
Whispers… it didn’t work for me.
But hey, perfume would be boring if we all liked the same thing!
No need to whisper, friend! It’s ok! 😀
Finally able to join the game as it it finally NOT going to be over 90 today! Hooray!! SOTD is Marlou L’Animale Sauvage, which I fully expected to be animalic but I keep thinking it smells like some kind of floral rubber. Prettier than it sounds but not something I need a full bottle of.
Wow, that name wins anyway!
Still hot as bejeesus here. Went to a spin class last night and surprised I am not sore, but also delighted!
SOTD is my fanatically hoarded sample of Naja. Not skanky but who cares?! I smell soooo good!
OOTD is an old pair of tattered boyfriend jeans, a black T-Shirt, and my favorite new thing- a pair of Alegria shoes in Spin Dr pattern, which I bought for work but love so much I wear them all the time. And they were FREE!!! Sweet????
Isn’t Naja fantastic ???
It is! I’ve currently got my nose burried in my cleavage because I’m at CVS to get my flu Vax, and I have some how managed to walk into an atomic cloud of fart! Ugh, Naja, SAVE ME!
???? I often wish it were fashionable to carry around a scented hankie for just such occasions. Then we wouldn’t have to resort to cleavage huffing.
Do it anyways. I do that- especially since I take public transit to work and there are times when preventive measures are necessary!
just looked up that shoe brand! very cool, enjoy
Free shoes? That’s awesome!
Wait, you haven’t bought a bottle yet?
I’m trying Masque Tango. So nice! Supposedly has cumin in it but it’s not coming out to play yet.
I really, really like Tango and an going to use my decant more as soon as the weather gets more fall-like. I wish MM made travel sizes.
I’m still exploring this line but there are many good ones and yes, ALWAYS travel sprays!!
Hear, hear!
No skank on this the last hot day we are going to have for a while (according to the weather gods). So my SOTD is a beach scent: Replica’s Beach Walk Dry Oil topped with the fragrance.
My bottle of Mitsouko arrived last night (wedding anniversary present from my sweetie), so that’s my scent today. There’s a scent memory wrapped up in it that I can’t quite catch – something about being very young at a favorite aunt’s house . . .
I don’t understand why some folks call it a difficult scent; it was love at first sniff for me!
Enjoy your new bottle. You smell great in Mitsouko.
I agree, but perhaps the original vintage scent is somewhat difficult. Unfortunately, I’ve never had the pleasure of smelling the vintage version.
Hmm, I find it oily and headache-inducing (in its modern form; I’ve never tried any vintage ones). It’s just so heavy. Yeesh, I feel grossed out just thinking about it. But since you love it, that sounds like a wonderful present to receive 🙂
Isn’t it funny how the same scent hits different folks in different ways?
Happy Anniversary! It’s a lovely bottle too. I imagine it’s the mossy note that is difficult? That’s the part I have a hard time with, but I do appreciate it.
I can’t do moss; don’t love Mitsouko and don’t feel the need to. That said, I love Chanel No 5 and feel the same way about it that Kyril does about Mitsouko. How can anyone not love it? 😉
That’s how I feel about Joy! 🙂
Happy anniversary! What a wonderful gift to mark the occasion with.
Acqua di Parma Profumo, vintage. I smell super-glam while wearing my Magellan fishing t-shirt.
Oh that is the most fabulous scent! It’s just terrific especially the vintage. I want to come over and sniff you.
Come on over! If you’d like a decant I’d be happy to send some your way. My email is beas dot Beverly att geee mail dot com
That’s a really nice offer! I do have a pretty good-sized decant of it so I will pass, but thank you!
Profumo is definitely one of my all-time favorite scents.
Vintage Profumo is glorious! Enjoy!
Thank you all! 3 sprays have lasted all day!
Hey flopper! Regarding Arabian Oud, yes, I have shopped there! It has a wide but very shallow store front with the perfumes displayed in all their glory for you to gawk at and sniff.
Gonna be a scorcha here today. Summer is laughing at ‘fall’. SOTD is Olfactive Studios Still Life In Rio. OOTD is a flowing skirt in a big floral print of coral / yellow / pink / white, with a coral top and red slides. Stick a fruit basket on my head and I’m Carmen Miranda 🙂
LOL. Hot here too, but (crossing fingers) this is supposed to be the last day, back to our regularly scheduled fall weather tomorrow.
Fun! Flowy skirts and dresses are the best in hot weather.
Isn’t it supposed to be cooler down where you are? Seriously, what is with this heat?
A big cool down to 70 degrees today, with a little bit of a jump later in the week. Sotd is Miu Miu, apparently I’ve already started next weeks project. Oops! I will try a little skank tomorrow, since it’s my day off.
And lily is the last one on the list of projects…I need to get that list updated!
Yay, it has cooled off in the lower Great Lakes! So those to the east, it’s coming your way. All the windows are open to welcome the 65 degree F breeze, 25 degrees cooler than yesterday. Doing a little decanting today but after a shower it’ll be Lubin Idole for me 🙂
We’re looking forward to cooler temps tomorrow…still 80 here today, which isn’t bad, but the humidity is 100%.
Oof! sounds miserable
Vintage Femme de Rochas. Oh my!
I’m wearing Eau des Merveilles today – not skanky, just lovely.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
You smell great!
EdM is guaranteed zero skank. 🙂
ScentOfTheLateAfternoon is MAAI, by Bogue
I LOVE it!
Some folks say it is skanky, so it counts for this weeks theme.
You smell fabulous! I love that one and don’t find it “skanky” either. I think one or two here complained that it made them heave…????
Oh really?! Wow…i never had that experience with a fragrance.
The only physical reaction I sometimes get from fragrances are minor headaches.
The smells that make me queasy are rotten food, gasoline/petrol/very strong cleaning products, dead animals, hospitals, stuff like that.
Lucky you! I’ve worn all kinds of stuff that’s made me violently nauseated. It happened last weekend, as a matter of fact. I finally learned to test perfume on the tops of my hands. Forgot that lesson when I drenched my wrist with AC Cafe Tuberosa at Sephora; spent the next 20 minutes desperately scrubbing it from my skin.
Yeah, I now spray my fingers when testing unkown scents. I had a similar experience with AC CT. I loved the coffee blast for a minute but then it made me super queasy.
That was exactly my experience. Yum – coffee! Uh oh – hork! 😉 *feels less crazy now*
Day 5 of cool and rainy weather here in Denver (not complaining, we need it!), so I opted for a cozy favorite, L’A Tea for Two.
Good, you keep the rain 😉
My skin cranks skank to 11, so Friday’s participation will be at home, rather than in public 🙂 Thinking a small sample of Areej le Dore’s Siberian Musk will fit the bill.
Today is FM En Passant, pretty and easy on a cool (for us) day.
Siberian Musk is also on my list for this week! I think its gorgeous. 🙂
And I did not think Siberian Musk was skanky.
No skank for me today. I thought I’d run with the dirty-as-skank interpretation that led me to wear Neroli Outrenoir yesterday, so I wore CDG Vettiveru, another swapmeet treasure. However, vetiver appears not to be dirty in a skanky way at all, which I guess reinforces the idea of neroli being skanky. Interesting. Well, this is just clean, citrusy earth. Not terribly dissimilar from Guerlain Vetiver on me, actually. It does seem to have all but disappeared from my skin in the past two hours. Sigh.
Do you interpret neroli as skanky? I’ve always thought of it as soapy and clean. Although orange blossom can sometimes go skanky in an indolic way.
I honestly cannot keep track of the difference between neroli and orange blossom, so maybe it’s more the latter that I find skanky 🙂 Neroli Outrenoir (which presumably has neroli and not OB) is only the teeniest bit skanky on me; something like the Mona di Orio neroli/OB scent or Dilettante is much skankier!
Neroli essential oil can be sharp and soapy as holyneroli mentioned above in a fresh & clean sort of way. Orange blossom essential oil is really really potent and can be skanky straight up if you aren’t used to it….I can only wear it diluted in a carrier oil…once diluted it is lush and creamy and gorgeous.
Agreed, Dilettante is skanky on me too, in an overripe kind of way.
Don’t own anything I consider skanky. Wearing Poudre de Riz, which interests me because I dislike the opening but quite love the dry down. It becomes such a soft skin scent on me.
Have I said I’m over this weather? Where is Fall???
No kidding about the weather! High of 91F here and I’m SO OVER IT! I have one frazzled nerve left and it’s about to give way…!
1) Am in Cuir 28, from Le Labo city series (Dubai) (SAMPLE YO I HAVE A MORTGAGE)This one is more smoky/vetiver/hay like and not that heavy at all. It is VERY nice, and settles into a skin scent that would radiate in heat. If you have the money ( this is not cheap) and live in a hot climate then this could be a leather scent you would wear in heat. Not so much skanky as it is smoky.
2) A small return of the summer sun- homemade fig syrup ice cream and bike ride!
3) Coffee, yogurt and trying to figure a new system. ARGH!
*ears perk up* Leather for the heat, you say???
Devil on shoulder: This could be right up my alley. This could be PERFECT!!
Angel on shoulder: But I’ve managed to ignore Le Labo for sooooo long!! Don’t give in now!
the price tag is high..listen to the angel
I second that….
1) Devil: It is hot today in Portland Oregon (87F) and this has held up beautiful. It settled into a skin scent indoors at the lab, then radiated beautifully when I was outside eating lunch and doing a walk with co-workers. And it does NOT turn sour. I can see why this would be something for citizens of Dubai!
2) Angel: a) There is a big dose of Ambroxan b) This is some expensive, expensive stuff- $460 for 3.4 ounce or $122 for 15mL. Compare that with a full 2.5 ounce bottle of Cuir De Russie for $200 or Cuir de Lancome off eBay for $89.
I don’t even try perfumes in that price range. If I hate it it’ll make me angry; if I love it I’ll be even more furious.
Hahaha! I feel you!
Thankfully, my favorite perfumes ( I think I did a list for fall?) are relatively affordable and the expensive ones I do have last a hell of a long, long, long time!
Oh man! That Cuir was all BO and skunk or weed on me until it dried down to a vetiver ala Encre Noir. But not sure I could wear it in the heat-I also found it a tad oily smelling.
Hmmm- I think that may been a bad batch . Six hours on, it has dried down to a mostly smoky vetiver.
Maybe, but it was a spritz in a boutique at the beginning of the month. I think it was more my perception.
Oof! I am sorry you that experience! Ugh!
I didn’t actually hate it! Not something I’d wear on a regular… I can take some funk-depends on the blend.
Thank you, all, for your input! The angel’s voice has spoken and I am determined to NOT seek this one out – mostly due to what you said, Ede97005 about the Ambroxan. I’m sure I have plenty of perfumes that contain it, but ones I’ve tried that purport to have it in large doses (JHAG Oil Fiction and Lutens L’Orpheline come to mind) are abominations on my skin. I will be content with my other leathers for now 🙂
Have not done the math, but the decant service, Scent Split, has Cuir 28 for $39.99 (not incl tax/shipping) for 5 ml and $79.99 (not incl tax/shipping) for 10 ml. Not affiliated – and they issue coupons to your email. I’m sure it is more expensive this way, but it is an option. Their bottles are glass and I’ve had a wonderful experience with them.
SOTD is De Profundis. No skank here either but I love it.
Testing an original release bottle of Byredo 1996 against a brand new bottle. I am sad to say it has been watered down and has lost that wonderful sweet woody richness. Cross another one off the list as dead. This reformulation business is killing me.
It means you just have to find new stuff to love 🙂
Oh no, really??? It hasn’t even been out that long.
Day 3 of cumin skank is Serge Lutens Fleurs d’Oranger. Maybe slightly less cuminy than the last 2 days, but I think I oversprayed a bit and have given myself a slight headache.
So sorry about your headache, but great choice!
I was testing Dans Tes Bras on my right hand, but this experiment turned out to be a disaster.
That smell is a smell of a very cold woman, aristocratic and powdered and all… in a silk night sleeping gown.
Maybe a mother of the author but the always busy kind who gave all her nursing duties to a hired nanny. So the little guy feels neglected and maybe scarred for life…enough to become a writer =)
Not sexy at all.
So I soaked myself in l’Heure Blue just to stop smelling like that story.
And l’Heure Blue is way better.
I have to say…I still mostly like the classics and sometimes I can appreciate a modrrn niche fragrance but it rarely moves me really.
This makes me want to try Dans Tes Bras even more now 🙂
In Jul et Mad – Stilettos on Lex. I randomly grabbed it from a sampler (thanks for the swap, wonderful NSTer- you know who you are :D) and can’t get enough of it. I have smelled the opening before, no idea when but I had a visceral reaction to it. The heart and drydown is all feminine, powdery and musky, and might be close to one of the Sylvaine Delacourt scents.
You smell wonderful! I love that one. I haven’t smelled the Sylvaine Delacourt scents yet, but Stilettos on Lex reminds me a bit of Kenzo Flower — but way better.
Wearing Queen of Hearts, which seems skankless to me and therefore OK in the continued heat. I think I’ll enjoy it even more when cool/cold weather arrives (tomorrow).
Delurking today. Wearing Fendi Furiosa, a TJ Maxx find. Also recently purchased Clinique Aromatics in White there too. Every so often they have some really nice fragrances mixed in with the celebuscents. Both have a bit too much amber than I prefer, but still rather pleasant.
Off topic, someone mentioned doing a split of Arielle Shoshana Eau de Parfum. I would be interested in participating. Where do you all congregate for splits, is there a specific website? Thanks!
Welcome! There will be a splitmeet some time in October, date to be announced. Just watch this blog and you will see it posted.
You can also look at the threads for previous splitmeets to get an idea of how they work.
How do you like Fendi Furiosa?
To me, it has an 80’s vibe. In contrast to its name, after the opening notes, it’s quite understated. I smell mostly amber and absolutely no floral notes. The more I wear it though the more I like it.
Welcome! I just bought two bottles of Arielle Shoshana and will likely split off 120 mLs altogether in 5, 10 and 15 mL increments. I got them at 20% off using the coupon code for the boutique’s 2nd birthday. I haven’t worked out the math yet but I jumped at the opportunity to offer the splits at a discounted cost.
Not much of a skank girl.
Wearing the incredible Profumum Ichnusa which is just right on this bright early fall day.
You smell great, and i agree Ichnusa is perfect for warm weather!
Hello, all. It is a tired Waterdragon who speaks today–last night I went to. Pub Quizz fundraiser (happily our team came second equal; it would have been embarrassing to have failed utterly in front of the students who organised it) but now I have a slight headache and a slight malaise and a slight all sorts of things that are making mevoff centre. What all this is leading to is that I just can’t play with skank today. I wanted something undemanding and unreservedly pretty: I chose Misia. It’s not quite right, but I suspect that nothing would be quite right today, so It’s fine.
The dear man is going to Whanganui for two nights, to see his mother. I wish I were keeping him company, but I can’t go. What I can do though, is go and make him a picnic lunch for the journey and help pack the car. I will do those things, then. Be well all.
I hope you feel better today.
Too hot for skunk today. Chanel 22
Oof. I love No 22 but absolutely cannot do it in the heat. I’ve tried 2 years in a row and both times was miserable. I think I’m totally alone in this, though, so enjoy! You smell beautiful!
No, I can’t wear it when it’s really hot either. The base is too dense or something. Love it in cooler weather.
Yep, that’s exactly it.
Aromatics in White,was the SOTD.Some kind of under the radar skank going on in this one,it might be indolic jasmine!
LOVE your new picture 🙂
SOTD; L’Ambre des merveilles, a firm autumn favourite.
Jasmin de Nuit today.
Gorgeous scent, you smell great!
Thanks! 🙂 and so far so good with the job. Some dysfunction like with all complex, family-type systems ????…but nice people and I am learning a lot.
Yummmm. Do you get skank from it? It’s one I find cozy and warm and mostly wear to bed.
No skank for me…it is beautiful and something about it reminds me of how my aunt smelled in the 80s.
So I went to the boutique in town that carries the Berdoues (sp?) line to test some of the fragrances. Come to find out, not only do they no longer carry it, it was also clearanced out. Bummer
Bummer is right 🙁
I’m in the honeyed gloriousness (is that a word?) that is Absolue pour le Soir. It doesn’t smell skanky to me, or of urine, but of golden, spiced, smoky honey.
I believe the official term is “gloriety” (rhymes with “piety”).
(Your description sounds wonderful.)
‘Gloriety’ is my new favorite word 😉
Scent twin…I get skank in the cooler weather but honeyed amber resins in the heat (today it is 88 degrees in my part of the world)
I feel pretty
Oh, so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn’t me tonight
Okay. Far from it. But my perfume is singing. I’m in the skankless, oh so pretty En Passant.
Random sighting: (Maybe this has already been noted)–Last episode of Big Little Lies, the scene where Laura the Dern character is getting ready for the evening: About 8 shelves of Lalique bottles and perfumes… There may have been others, but the Lalique were the standouts.
Laura the Dern??? oh dear.
I totally missed the bottles! I often, uhhh, multitask *phone or tablet in hand* while watching tv though, so I’m not surprised I missed it. I did check out Claire Underwood’s collection in one House of Cards episode, though – lots of Penhaligon’s for some reason.
You smell lovely! I don’t watch BLL, but I love spotting perfume on TV. I beleive Jennifer from “Hart to Hart” had a huge bottle of Caron Nuit de Noel in her dressing room. And I saw this Jerry Lewis movie, it might have been the family jewels, where a girl has a massive bottle of what looks like Diorissimo and sprays it all over Jerry Lewis’s face.
How is life without coffee going?
Ooh, we can do a Spotted in Movie/TV community project!
OOh I like that!!!
Dame Soliflore orange flower. I’m glad it’s gone already because I’m sitting in the sweltering 92 degree heat to watch my son’s 8th grade football game. Please, fall, arrive soon. This is horrible. (And imagine how the kids in helmets and pads feel!)
We’re having a brief bout of summer weather before it settles into fall, so I wore another pretty floral blend, Amouage Reflection. It’s a green aquatic floral.
I wore L’Eau d’Hiver today since I had a work meeting. Also retrying it before I send what remains in my travel spray to my niece in LA. I seem to jave gallen out if love with it. My brother actually wanted some perfume advice for her since I guess *he* doesn’t like what she wears. Mostly PINK body sprays or other sugar bombs. But I’m not making too much more of an effort other than to send her some samples since it seems to be his distaste, not hers. I think if she likes what she wears, good for her. She’s a junior in high school, for goodness sake.
If she lived with you, you might adopt your brother’s POV 😉
Nice of you to help out. I’m sure she’ll appreciate it. My aunt was my first perfume connection and still the only one in my family (excepting my H) who wears it.
Well, my brother’s a bit of a snob, as much as I love him so not sure if it’s that or self-preservation, lol. Then I can be more sympathetic. We were walking in Brooklyn last Friday night and I was suddenly overwhelmed by some cloying sugar-bomb and no one was in front of us. The culprit was about 20 ft *behind* us. I wanted to take that young woman shopping…
Right – I was thinking youngsters tend to way overspray so whatever she’s wearing, your brother probably can’t escape from. And by that, I mean 24/7, it probably wafts all over from her bedroom, bathroom, and thus the entire house.
When I was younger I lived with people who bathed in their signature scents (and were probably anosmic to them), instilling in me a lifelong loathing of Tresor and CK Eternity (neither of which I started out hating.)
You’ll turn her around! 😀
My aunt gave me a bottle of Ysatis when I was 18. My first “real” perfume. To this day, one of my most treasured gift memories.
I was thinking about what my friends wore in high school and it just seems that the perfumes of that time were generally more sophisticated (Ysatis, Paris, Paloma Picasso, Giorgio were popular).
Ya, there wasn’t a “teen” market and “women’s” market so much. So we wore a lot of sophisticated stuff. Much of which I still love wearing.
So true. I used to borrow my mother”s perfume when I was really young. Scents weren’t labeled as old lady back then. I thought nothing of it.
SOTD has been NR for Her EDT. I could still smell a touch of it after applying last evening and wanted it to continue. One more outing for the day and then I intend on testing Salome again tonight. The last time, just a drop ranked too high on my personal skank-o-meter, so I’m interested to see how I feel about it this time.
No skank for me again today. I’m taking advantage of the summery weather to try some scents for next summer, maybe.
SOTD = AG Le Chevrefeuille, from the sample stash. I like “older” green perfumes… there is something in the latest green scents that makes me wants to run away and hide!
Argh, that should be “want to run away”, not wants!
I liked the Gollum “wants” ???? I think I know what you mean. Sometimes I find them a bit shrieky.
Yes, shrieky and sometimes stabby for me. Right in the sinuses!
What older green perfumes do you like? I love green notes.
I have a vintage bottle of Balmain Ivoire, the old formulation. Chamade and No. 19 EdT are also firm favorites. There are probably others to add to this list, but those are the ones that immediately come to mind.
Love the vintage Ivoire, I have a bottle that I hoard. Guess I should pull it out once it finally cools down and spray with abandon.
Chanel No 19 was a love when we were kids for my sister and I, stealing spritzes from my Mom’s bottle.
Must investigate Chamade!
Thursday….like Arthur Dent I never could get the hang of Thursdays. And it is the Thursday before a long weekend which makes it both better and worse LOL.
SOTD: Bandit EdP
I was just thinking I might wear Bandit tomorrow!
SotM = Cologne du Parfumeur
SotE = Infusion d’Iris Cedre
Skank = zero to negative five
I wore CdP because a decant was in my purse this morning when I was called in to work to cover for a sick coworker.
I like Iris Cedre very much. It’s a lot like the original but less citrus more woods. Easy to wear, and makes me smile.
SOTD = Chanel 31 Rue Cambon EDT
This one has a teeny teeny tiny bit of skank but it is oh so elegant! I had a longish commute today on Amtrak to go to one of our offices. It was not as crowded as it used to be but this is how I like it. And no armpits today, BUT:
Commuting Woes No. 395:
Does anyone remember airline flights with a smoking and a non-smoking section? Ha! Now there are Quiet cars where one is supposed to only speak in their library voice and NO CELL PHONE conversations! If I’m in a Quiet Car and must take a call, I go to an OUTSIDE vestibule. We’ll, this guy must have been shooed away from where he sat because he spent a good 45 minutes at the end of the car INSIDE the train yapping away, so much so that he did not realize we were at a train station that was enclosed and did not have cell phone service; he only noticed when he noticed that the other person was no longer responding to any of his pronouncements.
SOTD was Laboratorio Olfattivo’s Nirmal. Sprayed it this morning before work and it’s still present 14 hours later! And it’s lovely. It suits these hot days at the end of September, which are less humid than the summer weather and cool off nicely at night.