Happy Johnny Appleseed Day! And last call for the swapmeet — there are still lots of items that need new homes, and it's open for business the rest of the day. What fragrance are you wearing?
I've stolen Glannys' starter-skanky fragrance from yesterday — I'm in L’Artisan Parfumeur Séville à l’Aube.
Reminder: 9/29 will be Skank Friday! Wear something skanky. If you need help, try here or here. Suggested by Dawn and Ihadanidea.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the Höganäs Keramik Tea pot with wooden saucer, in glossy apple red, is $109 at Royal Design.
Not skanky at all, I ‘m wearing Clive Christian 1872 for women. I get mostly freesia with citrus.
Inspired by yesterday’s post by a NSTer I am sampling Sables and Helicriss on the other arm
Tea is Sakura 2000 by MF
I forgot to report my tea, but it’s Irish Breakfast so *yawn*
Cheers! Hope the tea helps with the “yawn!”
Ha — I meant Irish Breakfast was boring tea — didn’t come across well in my comment 🙂
I’m wearing DSH Foxy, a pretty retro leather.
By which I mean, pretty, and retro.
And now I’m singing Foxy Lady. Wayne and Garth style!
I love that scene 🙂
Rabbit where’d you put the keys girl
Triple strength coffee
Extra long workout
Femme Rochas (1989)
Cumin, ylang ylang, rose, jasmine, plum, pencil shavings, peaches
I smell pretty
Oh so pretty
So pretty
And witty
And gay (obsolete AND current)
Carpe Diem.
Your posts always make me smile ????
Haha! And gosh, I love Tori Amos! She shares your penchant for stream of consciousness. Femme is a great masculine.
Your wit is definitely not obsolete.
Scent twins today!
Thanks for the <3 Everyone !!!
Lalique Le Parfum from a swapmeet decant. Lovely – a bottle can be found at a good price. Have a great day
I bought a bottle after Petunia gifted me a surprise decant. It’s perfect for Fall and lovely and easy
Good work! Another convert!
Yes, you did some nice enabling work!
Ha! Glad you chose it, Robin. You smell great. By the way, I became interested in Séville à l’Aube mostly because it was mentioned so frequently on NST.
I like the color of the teapot – bright, warm, cheerful. Would enjoy pouring tea from it on a cold and grey day.
My SOTD is Aromatics Elixir, inspired by mals86’s comment in the skank poll – “somebody urinated on a rose hedge” 😀 😀 😀
Thankfully, I get no urine from it. Herbs, flowers, moss and some kind of animal. And, strangely, soap.
missed that comment, ha 🙂
you are reminding me to pull out my sample of Seville a l’aube – seems like a good week for it!
That’s funny; I get neither urine nor roses from it!
Nor I. One of my all-time favorites.
It’s all a circle isn’t it 🙂
Oh dear. Slightly embarrassing.
There’s a review in Perfumes: The Guide (unfortunately, I can’t remember which one) where Luca Turin mentions that sage smells urinous to a small percentage of people. I bet I’m part of that group.
Sorry, I did not mean to embarrass you. I thought your comment was funny and witty. Although I like Aromatics Elixir, I admit it’s a peculiar scent. 🙂
This heat wave is perfect timing for my swapmeet spoils. I am wearing Guerlain AA Orange Magnifica thanks to the generous lovestosmellgood. Thank you!
Enjoy..Its perfect for fall and the holidays. I think it shares a bloodline with Samsara. What do you think
More 80s weather today, but grey so far. Usual Tuesday am meeting so no skank. I’m in the clean, but not overly cool, Cacharel Noa. White, clean musk but has some interesting bits: I smell a creamy iris and did detect the hint of coffee supposedly in there but is usually lost on me.
Have not smelled it in ages, and did not remember there was coffee!
It seems to be a prominent note to people on Fragrantica, though I would have selected “neutral” for that one. Today was the first time I actually sort of noticed it.
Good morning scented friends!
Wearing (and smelling) Stella McCartney’s Stella for the very 1st time today! It’s weird how some of the most well known and popular scents get missed by me for YEARS. This one just never crossed my path, so I chose it for my September Scentbird pick. GOOD STUFF. I don’t like a suffocating rose scent, but I love a light gentle rose. This is da bomb diggity! 🙂
hmm, just looked up Scentbird, didn’t know about it – thank you!
might be a good idea for me. how do you like the selection? It doesn’t look like they reveal that before you sign up.
I LOVE Scentbird!!! They have over 450+ scents, and add almost every week. You can cancel at anytime. I believe you can get a slightly better monthly price if you pay using Paypal.
It’s a great way to try things without buying a full bottle, and for $14.95 a month, you get an 8ml vial, which is a great value.
You can use me as a referral if you like, to get your 1st month FREE. (Absolutely no pressure!! LOL….Just a good deal!) My email is jadwae99 at gmail!
this sounds like a good option for me – since this new hobby started about 6 mo ago, I have ordered a ton of 1ml samples, ok actually 30 1ml samples. That’s 5 1ml samples to go through a month – a lot of variety with a little juice. And it’s expensive. I looked at the Fumerie program, which is 9 1ml samples/mo – even more variety – I would love to know what all the niche scents smell like, but it is overwhelming.
So, yes – I’m going to give this a try and thanks for your email – I will use it!
Ditto on Scentbird, although they have too many labels I wouldn’t bother with. Still a good deal, and they do expand their selection.
I agree with you about the overall offering, but I figure I can definitely enjoy 6+ and after that maybe there will be new offerings, we’ll see!
SOTD is Bolshevixen Oil from Smell Bent. Not really skanky but warm and cozy.
You’ve got to love that title!
Seconding my fondness for that name 🙂
Wearing the original version of Prada Fleur d’ Oranger which is a big pile of skank on my skin. I have heard this one described as a clean, pretty OB, but it is nothing like that on my skin. I smell like I just rolled out of a clean, very occupied, bed.
I never smelled that one..should I put it on my list?
It has been re-released, and I have not smelled the new one, but I enjoy the older version ( easy to find at discounters) a great deal
I tried the new version recently and it was a scrubber for me, even though I generally love orange blossom. There was something strange and fake-smelling about the orange blossom note. On my skin, there was really nothing skanky about it. Of course, YMMV.
I gave away my Prada No.4 Fleur d’ Oranger (to Bear, IIRC) as it was just too what I would now interpret as skanky. I have the original Prada Infusion de Fleur d’Oranger but will need to resmell it to see if I should keep or just give it away.
I’m wearing the next scent in my Atelier Discovery Set, Cedrat Enivrant, which is perfect for our 90 degree weather. Very citrus forward.
It is perfect in the heat, so refreshing. Like a gin and tonic for the skin.
This is perfect for a hot summer vacation. It was my staple last year for my Spain/France/ Italy cruise and Portland OR family gathering.
Good morning, NST! (Or good night, to our fragrant friends in New Zealand and Australia.)
Speaking of apples, here is a 100-year-old recipe for apple butter and report on a Virginia Apple Butter Celebration from the wonderful Kevin Ambrose of the Washington Post Capital Weather Gang. (The CWG was originally a weather blog that became part of the Post.)
I made a painful perfume mistake yesterday by wearing Balenciaga Paris on a peculiar fall day that exceeded 90 degrees. Wrong time of year, wrong weather for that perfume. Those violets grew gigantic like the Pillsbury dough boy in Ghostbusters, followed me everywhere, and would not die.
This morning, I was looking for information on MPG Racine and found this wonderful review by The Black Narcissus:
I find it interesting not only for what it has to say about Racine, but also about MPG, L’Artisan, and masculine fragrances in general.
I love Racine in the right weather (early but cool fall), but my bottle is three versions back, and I don’t know how it has fared through reformulations.
“Those violets grew gigantic like the Pillsbury dough boy in Ghostbusters, followed me everywhere, and would not die. ” – it must have been painful, but what a terrific description 😀
Thank you, TriesToBeClassy!
That make-up vibe was also totally wrong for what I was doing yesterday. Massive fail, but a valuable lesson.
I’ve never heard of apple butter but it sounds good and I found a modern version in a NZ cookbook (Annabel Langbein ). Interesting that your recipe uses ‘bushels’ for the weight. I wonder how long words like bushel and peck will remain in the dictionary? Speaking of violets…the first wild violets are just beginning to open up on the hill where I walk. There is one shady damp bank that will soon be a strip of purple. These violets don’t have much scent but are very pretty. Have a happy evening!
I have a good recipe for Shaker Apple Butter. It takes time but is worth it. If any NSTers are interested I’ll dig it out of the index card pile.
No SoTD. Looking for a new job, consulting to a startup, spending too much time in my home office staring at the computer and worrying. Not conducive to experimentation or strong smells.
Hope something good turns up for you!
Thanks, Robin. Fingers crossed the startup takes off.
I love apple butter, homey and old fashioned as it is.
Buenos Dias!
Pretty tea-pot. I’m on the tea train with you Robin, and seemingly many other NST’ers, after having some serious stomach issues last week, taking a break from coffee. My tea is: English Tea Shop Ginger Peach Tea (from Marshalls)
Today’s scent is: Amouage Library Collection Opus iv
Here’s my pitch, in case Amouage wants to hire me for advertising: “Do you like cooking with caraway seeds? Do you wish you could keep that scent with you throughout the day? Then do we have a scent for you…”
I like spices. I don’t know if I like them THIS much.
Uh oh, hope the stomach gets better!
thanks! me too
Feel better!
I get pickling spice from Epic Woman. Adding best wishes for the tummy troubles.
Interesting about Epic Woman and thank you for the well wishes!
Sending healing thoughts your way!
Thanks hajusuuri!
SOTD vintage Chamade from the recent swap (thank you K!). I love its green opening and wish it lasted longer, but the uber-cinnamony spicy heart is surprisingly great. Chamade will be worn a lot this fall/winter 🙂
Always so happy to see these old classics finding new fans!
Chamade: a signal by drum or trumpet inviting an enemy to a parley
great name for a perfume!
I briefly considered Balenciaga Paris, but after reading Nozkoz’s cautionary tale, decided on Bulgari Au Thé Bleu. Supposed to be 40C with the humidex today. Dogs and I are home curled up under the AC.
Love that teapot!
Saved by NST! 🙂
It’s going to be really hot today in Cleveland, a high of 91F today. This morning’s perfume is Shalimar Ode a la Vanille and going to wear No 19 EDT after my shower.
Stay cool! I’m in the CLE too and am bemoaning my apartment’s lack of air conditioning.
You smell gorgeous!
I pulled out a bunch of fall samples and decants recently, but it’s just too hot for them this week. So I’m wearing No. 5 L’Eau today!
Great choice!
So pretty!
Love it!
A light dabbing of Kiehl’s Original Musk is providing my bit of skank today, along with a liberal spritzing of Burt’s Bees Garden Tomato toner, which smells so good that I decanted some into a spray bottle and use it as a cologne.
Happy Johnny Appleseed day! For a fascinating history of the man and his impact on American culture, I highly recommend reading The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan.
Thanks for the book tip
I’m wearing Jicky EDP today because it’s skanky but still seems to work well in the heat. I’ve got a fairly new bee bottle and can attest that there’s still some civit in the formula!
I adore Jicky..planning on wearing that I some point this week!
Me too!
I love vintage and current Jicky. I don’t really get any kind of skank out of the current formulation but get loads more out of the vintage version.
SotD = Dzing!
Happy and weird, just the way I like it. Have a great Tuesday, NST!
I get skank from that one..how about you?
So far no skank for me in Dzing!
It’s gentle leather + sweet apple + a hint of spice, hitting the nicest balance of smelling delicious and inedible at once.
Sometimes Dzing! smells like vinyl fumes from the inside of a car or a record shop or an old toy. Love that.
Yesterday evening I wore Salome
According to lots of folks its skanky. I get a lil bit of body odour in a good way but mostly its a snuggly scent to me.
Today I wore Vetiver Extraordinaire.
Was visiting a conference, skank would have been not so appropriate I guess. 🙂
Vet Extraordinaire is irreproachable, but still interesting. It’s so useful to have some perfumes like that! Vetivers seem especially suited to the role. They also smell intelligent to me.
Thats is a good description! 🙂
Love both Salome and VE! You’re smelling fab????????
Thank you!! 🙂
You’ve had a wonderful-smelling two days, I think!
I only wore Salome a few times, loved it, and got no skank. Either my skank-o-meter is off or … I dunno what. At any rate, I need more of it 😉
Yeah I love it too. My sample goes a long way (i only need 1 or 2 small sprays and i get at least a 10 hour wear haha) but when its gone I may need more…
Absolue Pour le Soir today…
Was. So. Hard. Getting out of bed this morning.
Only Tuesday? Tea, please.
Passing you a cup of sturdy black Assam. Bon courage! Hope the job is going well.
Yes, maybe it was yesterday’s heat. Hope your tea was tasty!
I had an early morning meeting so I went with the non-skanky No 19 edp. I just scored a half full 50 ml bottle on evilbay for twenty bucks! That’s basically free if my perfumemath is correct. It was kind of a blind buy because I had only tried the edt, but this feels softer and more powdery to me.
After 4 days of record setting heat, we will be back down to a respectable 79 today, I’ll be glad when we can turn off the air again and open the windows.
Wow! Totally free. Nice!
Wow! That was a great deal!
Great deal!
I’m wearing Oliver Peoples today. I smell incredible even if I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I wonder why everyone seems so lethargic this week?
Off to make some emergency instant coffee. Stay cool everyone!
You smell great! When I saw the Luckyscent mailer saying it was being discontinued, I snapped up two bottles.
I read some reviews that OP smells similar to Burberry – the short bottle that was out in the late 1990s? What do you all think of the comparison?
I love Oliver Peoples but I’ve never smelled Burberry. I will have to try it.
Also inspired by Glannys’s pick of Seville a l’Aube, I began my week of orange blossom/neroli, which reads dirty to me, if not precisely skanky. Of course, I picked the most refined neroli possible, and thus one that is very far from the spirit of the community project–Neroli Outrenoir from the swapmeet 🙂 This stuff is even more gorgeous than I remember. It’s like an French aristocratic woman spent a debauched week in a perfumed chateau and is now stumbling out and seeing daylight for the first time in days. She could do with a shower, but also, and weirdly, she smells amazing.
Thank you all so much for your kind audition wishes! Everything went fine 🙂 The casting people know my voice from when I used to live here 3.5 years ago, and they specifically wanted me to do the part, and the audition was just a way to make sure that my voice hadn’t gone down the toilet in the intervening years. So no big deal!
I’m happy for you.
LOL! Worry is usually wasted. Glad it went well!
So glad everything went fine!
Congrats and I really want to smell that Guerlain someday!
Congrats! Sounds like a fun endeavor.
And I thought Neroli Outrenoir was squeaky clean!
Congrats on your successful audition!
I am wearing FM Musc Ravageur thanks to Elizabeth and the swap meet. I like it very much but I’m only getting a smoky oriental vanilla. I’m not getting civet. Is it me? I can smell civet in other frags…. My sample was a dabber. Perhaps that explains it?
I have never gotten civet or anything skanky out of Musc Ravageur. I hear the very first version was muskier, but that’s it.
I don’t get skank from MR either. It’s a spicy vanilla on me.
Oh good, thanks!
Yum! I just ordered a sample of Musc Ravageur from TPC but it’s backordered.
I may go for a decant too. It’s very nice.
I wore it twice in the past few days to search for skank. No raunch for me either 🙂
Yup. In the “no raunch” group. I don’t even think of it as musky unless by “musc” they just mean vanilla. I like it, though.
It is, as they say over at MUA, “fluffy bunnies” on me. Not a hint of skank.
Too hot it to skank I’m keeping cool in Hiris
You smell beautiful!
This morning I’ve sprayed on SL MKK with great abandon, and I have to say that I smell beautiful. I am not picking up any nasty barnyard or b.o. elements at all. Why don’t I just wear this every day now?!
My husband wears it often and it’s very clean on him. MKK seems to vary wildly with skin chemistry.
Interesting! I tried MKK on a paper strip once and it went straight manure after several minutes. It’s perhaps the only perfume I’ve ever sniffed that nearly made me laugh out loud.
I pulled out one of my skanky big guns today, Paco Rabanne La Nuit. In Angela’s review she called it a “thug” and said to keep it away from work, unless your work involves bondage or kennels. I love it dearly and wear it mostly outside, so the breeze can blow it around me and let me catch random whiffs. Discontinued but still available online, mine is the edp which is raunchier than the edt.
I wonder if a grizzly would find it appealing?
Can’t manage the skank today – I woke up this morning to a weird, funky smell in my house, and followed it all around until I found the source in my office. For some inexplicable reason, after 11 years without any similar behavior, one of my cats sprayed onto the curtain in the office.
Whoa. Got the curtain soaking in the washer, the window sill drenched in “Nature’s Miracle Urine Destroyer,” an amber/vanilla candle burning on my desk, and the swamp cooler on high, to push air out the window. Thankfully, I had the cleaning liquid left over from when I was fostering a stray Siamese (who I later found a home for).
So. No extra skank for me today; got enough already. 🙂
Oof! Sounds like you’ve got everything under control, but I hope everything is all right with your cat!
Uh oh. Could it just be old(er) age?
SOTM was Chanel 31 Rue Cambon EdT. I have neglected my Chanels this year and after a while 31 smelled much more beautiful and unique.
Thanks everyone for all your good wishes yesterday. I did not have a broken ankle. I just twisted it badly, but I had a minor fracture on my little toe. I will be home for the rest of the week to help in some way with the healing. I will be back to work on Monday. Dealing the best I can with the pain and discomfort, but happy it was not more serious.
I got a while ago a package with essential oils from Eden Botanical. Oh boy! I am shoked! I never though orris was so, so earthy and rooty. I am trying to figure out how to take a little amount from the bottles since the openings are so tiny and they come in butter form. I am pretty confused about the 8 and 15 irones. One is stronger or earthier than the other? I am saying this by just smelling it from the bottle. Anyway, big surprises with the Wild Palmarosa of Nepal, Yuzu, Osmanthus. They could be perfumes by themselves. Tonka Bean, Opoponax, Agarwood, so, so earthy. I could not find any vanilla. All were sold out. I have like 20 samples to try today. This is the nicest way to approach and appreciate perfume materials in their natural form. Just opening all the vials and my hands are already so perfumed. CM8, I am understanding now your love for essential oils. Praying now that they do not become another love and obsession for me 🙂 😉
Enjoy your inadvertent vacation, perfumelover67.
Vacation is always a vacation no matter what, right? No complaints at all! 😀
good news on the ankle…and enjoy your staycation…
and now I am squealing with delight that you got an Eden order….yes, if I am not mistaken the 8 is less concentrated than the 15…I have added a carrier oil to the vial and let it blend for a while and then it becomes easier to apply. And now you can play with them and see how gorgeous they are…it WILL be a challenge for you not to have this create a new obsession…at least this was the case for me :)…you may want to try many other oils once you go through your first package…if you are sticking with samples it won’t be so expensive…..and yes, osmanthus is so complex it could be a perfume unto itself….you can also dilute it with a carrier oil to make it easier to get out of the vial….same with the orange blossom and tuberose…the more expensive oils they give you less of so I always dilute so as to have a full vial to play with…..enjoy them all, PL67!
Thank you for all your recommendations and the way to dilute them. I will be busy trying all of them in the next couple of days. I see myself ordering more soon! 🙂
forgot to answer your question about the vanilla- this was on the Eden website- “Due to a poor Vanilla harvest the last two years, availability for this product has been scarce to nonexistent. We do not know when more product will be available.”
I have been reading up that vanilla is becoming more scarce and has drastically gone up in price….
What I recommended to coin op a while back is to get a good carrier oil and add cut opened vanilla beans and let marinate for a few months….I got a Now Essentials Sweet Almond Oil 16oz (it is unscented so don’t let the name fool you) and added five vanilla bean pods which I got from the health food store for $1.55 each)….it has been marinating since the summer and right now it smells pretty darn good. Give it a try if you are interested in vanilla as an oil. I use it as a body oil and have also added other oils to it….Eden makes a fantastic orange essence which smells just like fresh squeezed orange juice…when you add it to my homemade vanilla oil it smells like a creamsicle…a drop or two of rosemary also smells great with the vanilla and gives it a deeper and earthy vibe…and the vanilla pairs nice with lavender…I will recommend to you lavender absolute…If you like Hiram Green’s Voyage you will recognize the lavender absolute that is in there giving the fragrance that “suede” note…but lavender absolute on its own is gorgeous…it is richer and smoother and less “fresh” and more “perfumey” than regular lavender.
Thank you! I missed reading that part about the poor vanilla harvest.
It sounds fantastic the combination of vanilla beans and almond essential oil. The way that you mix all those oils is amazing. My purpose is to use them as body oils. I really need to practice a lot in order to mix the right scents and not make a mess. Voyage is beautiful. I always thought real lavender was richer than the absolut. Going to my immediate buy list. So many things to learn…
Glad to hear the fracture is minor – feel better soon!
Where is CM8 to answer this? ha 🙂
I have a bunch of samples from Eden too – I am slowly working my way through. I think a good dropper would be helpful, along with a sort of metal rod – do you have those tools you use to remove pimples? those might be good. I have also had luck just putting one drop in a diffuser and getting a lot of scent out of it.
Thank you! It looks like we are having fun with the e.o. I got some small pippetes and they are helping a lot.
be careful what you wish for as I blathered away on top 🙂
Glad your ankle isn’t broken! A broken toe can be very painful even though there’s not much they do for it. I broke a little toe when I was much younger. It’s much shorter now than the other little toe.
The EOs sound fun! Nice selection. I bought a few for my EO diffuser and the palmarosa is my favorite, followed by Himalayan cedarwood. A diffuser is a good way to use them up. Take it easy!
Thank you. The little finger was buddy taped and I am wearing an ankle brace. The whole foot is swollen. They should be ok in 4 to 6 weeks. The pain is bad, but Tylenol is helping.
The E.O are great. Glad you like the palmarosa. It is very nice. I need to give the Himakayan cedarwood a try!
I’m happy to hear that your ankle isn’t broken. Unfortunately, from what I understand, not a lot can be done for a broken toe. 🙁 Enjoy the R&R!
Thank you. Not much too do for the fracture and ankle sprain. Ice, some suppport, rest and patience. I will try to enjoy my staycation! 🙂
Oh no, I missed the news about your toe/ankle! I hope they get better soon! I’m glad you’ve got some fun scents to play with while you’re stuck at home!
Thank you Koyel. Rushing to get to work is never worthy. I hope to be better soon. I will have time to play with oils and organize my perfumes. Trying to keep myself active in some way not get bored 🙂
Heh, I emailed you before I read this. Glad your ankle is not broken but do take care of that toe! I started looking at Eden Botanicals perhaps a little over a year ago (CM8 made me do it) but I got overwhelmed with the choices that I gave up. Enjoy playing with your samples!
Trank you hajusuuri! I emailed you back already! I am going crazy with all the samples I got from Eden. I hope it does not go out of control. I am having fun for time being!
Some discreet dabs of Tabac Tabou, which I don’t find particularly skanky, but do find heady and swoon-y. Hopefully it won’t overwhelm my doctor!
You smell awesome!
That’s a jolly teapot, a great shade of red. I’m wearing VC&A Orchidee Vanille. During the first few minutes the impression is almost vanilla cologne…quite fresh and clean. Then it becomes more dry , more vanilla-straw than vanilla essence. So it doesn’t have an overly sweet, foody, gourmand vibe ( compared to Bois de Vanille, for example). I’m not sure where the orchid is, it’s muted. To get ‘body’ you need five good sprays…but I like it.
I would like to have that teapot (and that isn’t always true of the ones I post) — but for maybe $40, ha.
I am all about the rose today. Rose Jam shower gel, Ro’s Argan shower moisturizer and Pacifica Persian Rose solid on my wrists. It all smells divine.
One note, I stopped into Lush a few days ago to smell the new Ro’s Argan soap Robin mentioned in her Daily Lemming. It smelled delicious BUT and this is a serious BUT, I was shocked to find out that LUSH is charging almost $72 a pound for this soap!!! (In the tiny tiny print they have on the sign) WTF? My local shop had a stack of very small bars wrapped and ready to go, each one wasn’t much bigger than 2″by 2 1/2 and not a single one was less then $12. That is absolutely ridiculous. The poor clerk was even embarrassed by how expensive it was and said he didn’t think it would be a very good seller. It’s also a new formula that uses olive oil so the soap isn’t hard, it’s sort of soft and squishy. So on top of the high cost it won’t last as long in the shower! What is LUSH thinking?
Oh my. I will stick with my Rose Jam then.
New Lush gourmet soaps are indeed very expensive. And yes, some people complain that though these soaps feel very nice, they just do not last.
They’ve released Rose Jam body spray though, which is an affordable way to enjoy this scent. I see it’s not on Lush US website yet, but eventually it should come to you too.
Morning, all. I was just thinking, with all this talk of skank this week, that I am sure NST a couple weeks ago, I wore Beloved for what I fondly believed was a skank project. I must have misread the announcement and muddled the dates, not a thing that’s all difficult for me.
It’s warm but rainy today. I’m bored with my clothes. I’ve been “shopping” in my wardrobe, putting together old favourites in new ways. I think my outfit looks OK (slightly unsure), but I have no doubts about my scent: Myrrhe Ardente but Annick Goutal. This is a gentle, bendy perfume. It twines and winds its way around me all day, and when I undress at night, I find it in places I never put it in the morning. I like its insinuating nature, especially, for some reason, in the rain. It’s not in the least skanky, not in the animalic sense of skanky, but it is a bit sexy in the way it wraps and envelops. It’s like being hugged by the dear man and discovering (yes!) that the hug is developing into an embrace, if that distinction is clear. Sigh! Now I wish I didn’t have to go to work….
Be well, all.
I’ve not really connected with a lot of the Annick Goutal catalog, but I tried this the other day and got a bit of a swoon. I just tested it though, and after reading your description am looking even more forward to a thorough wear 🙂 I also really liked Encens Flamboyant from the same collection.
Both are great, aren’t they? I recently got Ambre Fetiche from the same family and like it a lot. Only Musc Nomade didn’t work for me, and that’s likely because I’m anosmic to many musks.
I tried Musc Nomade as well but was underwhelmed. It was also very light on me. I’ll keep an eye out for Ambre Fetiche.
This is one of a small number of scents I would wear to bed if I want to feel cozy and comfortable.
I’m all peachy-cumin goodness in Rochas Femme EDT. And today is my birthday!
And I have not one, but TWO Amazon gift cards in my possession, so I think some new perfume is in my future.
Happy birthday sweetgrass. Many more to celebrate! Enjoy!
Happy birthday, scent twin !
Many more.
Happy birthday! ????
Happy birthday to you! Have fun
Happy birthday and have fun spending your gift cards!
Thanks, everybody!
Happy birthday and happy shopping!
Happy Scented Birthday!
hope your birthday has been a treat!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday! Spend those gift cards with hedonistic abandon!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy picking out a perfumed gift!
Happy birthday, sweetgrass!
Happy birthday! Hope you had a lovely day!
I needed something simple and pretty so I chose PdN Violette in Love. My friend had to put down her elderly dog yesterday so I spent a sad evening with her last night. I’ll see her again tonight for a group dinner and hope today back at work is going ok.
Sorry to hear about it. I hope she is doing better today.
Thank you.
Oh dear, condolences to you both.
That is a hard thing to go through. You are wonderful to give support to your friend right now.
I hope the dinner out was a good distraction. It’s a very difficult time for sure.
I’m on a course today, so probably best if I avoid anything too powerful. I’ve decided 24 Faubourg will project the impression of confidence and competence I might be lacking on the inside, and be suitable for our very fitful spring.
Sounds perfect, hope it worked!
24 Faubourg is so beautiful and so very well put together. Excellent choice!
Im in tam dao edt today layered with sandalwood essential oil. It’s dreamy
Tam Dao is on my to try list.
A little late today, will catch up later. Sotd is Narciso L’absolu.
Wearing Eldo’s Divin Enfant again today – I’ve really been enjoying it this fall. I was considering picking up a bottle and disappointed to see that the Eldo 30ml bottles have apparently gone away?
I’m not 100% sure this is the case, but I *think* they’ve only ever offered a portion of their catalog in 30 ml. Anyone?
I’ve only ever seen certain ELdOs in 30mL on Sephora’s website.
Beautyhabit carries some, too.
Good to know, thanks!
I have 30ml of Putain des Palaces – I didn’t realize the selection was limited! Which is a bummer – even 50ml feels like a huge amount given the size of my collection . . .
Lutens Sarrasins, an odd jasmine I think, unlike any other.
I should try that again, I have not smelled it in years.
This morning I dove into my swap haul from Laura (so generous) with VCA Bois d’Iris. Soft but I really like it. After my shower I made the mistake of generously spraying Yosh Ginger Ciao. Attacked by soap. It’s hot today and I’m slowly being suffocated. For whatever reason this one doesn’t work on my skin at all!
Ugh! I don’t remember Ginger Ciao but I hate that sensation.
In a timely reminder of what ASSUME does to U and (in this case) ME, SOTD is Etro “Palais Jamais”.
Top: bergamot, petitgrain, jasmine and mandarin orange;
Mid: birch, sage and musk;
Base: vetiver and oakmoss.
I just assumed from the name it was for people who would never be allowed to set foot inside a palace. But this is a sweet spangly fresh thing for someone who’s too busy enjoying life to put up with the stuffiness of palace life.
Skank quotient is zero. :^)
Better than what I assumed, I immediately thought Pajama’s! Lol! I doubt anyone would let me in a palace, sigh….
I really like today’s teapot. For some reason I think it kind of looks like the cutest pickle crock ever.
Still on the AG sample testing kick. SOTD = AG Songes EdP. I can see why Lovestosmellgood was wearing it so much earlier this year. It is gorgeous. It is also an identical twin cousin to Guerlain’s Terracotta to me.
Or was it CM8 who was wafting around in Songes and smelling fantastic? Please excuse my brain fart.
Oh no…Songes=lovestosmellgood…I cannot think of Songes without thinking of her….
my summer fragrance last summer was Assam of India…
Thanks for setting me straight, CM8!
And they do make a matching covered jar. And a very cute utensil crock. I would take a whole set of the stuff — there’s also a mug with a wooden saucer.
Was mulling over the old favourites today and vaguely thinking of roses and my eye was caught by the gorgeous bottle that is Black Perfecto. So I am currently a gorgeous tangy rose confection with a nutty hint of almond and leather.
Just as well I’m enjoying it so much because our train line is down for maintenance for six weeks and the substitute buses provided are less frequent / reliable due to the vagaries of traffic and I missed mine this morning. Oops! On the plus side they are providing them free since this is the third major disruption to our line this year (there’s a huge multi-lane overpass being built above it). So it occurs to me, waiting for the next bus, that my perfume budget probably just got an unexpected injection of funds. Yay! Six weeks of train fares to spend…hmm *mulls over wishlist*
I have yet to detect leather in Black Perfecto. How many sprays did you use?
Only 2 but my skin holds scent really well. I sometimes find two sprays of things are too much. It is a very lady-like hint of suede type leather to my nose.
Scent twins, Robin! Every time I wear Seville l’aube, it bowls me over with how good it is.
Hey twin! Agree, it’s just perfect.
SOTD was Eau De Protection.Skanky metallic rose plus marshmallows.What’s not to love!?
PSA,and I am not sure if this is old news maybe,but Lush now sells Rose Jam in a body spray format(that silly-awesome spraygun bottle!!).It is very potent and smells to me exactly like the showergel.There is also a Twilight bodyspray out.
Uhhhmmm, you’re not gonna change your avatar like that without some explanation young man !!!
(You don’t hafta explain. Enjoy !!!)
Haha!!I regretted the decision right away as you can see Bear!Lol!!All I will say about the previous image:Happiness!????
Good for you, Johano.
Enjoy !
Thank you so much!
Thanks for the Lush update! Will check it out hopefully this weekend!
SOTD was my own skank after working out and not having time for a shower. Lots of chores today around the house so the only ones subject to my stench were my littles. To be fair, my husband says I don’t smell much even after working out so it probably wasn’t too bad. Before kids, I never imagined something as simple as taking a shower whenever I want would become such a luxury.
Anyway, I just had to sit. Enjoying reading up on NST and hoping to clean up soon. I think SOTEvening will be Narciso for Her EDT. It has some sweet feral muskiness to it that I think I will enjoy after this day of work 🙂
Hope the evening is relaxing!
SOTD = Jo Malone Basil & Neroli
My score this week:
Skank 0
Not Skank 2
10 sprays went poof in 5 hours. I think I will layer with Orange Bitters next time.
Arielle Shoshanna perfume – 20% off. I am buying 2 bottles to split. I will post in Splitmeet.
In other perfume news, I may be thisclose to identifying the wearer of La Vie est Belle in the office.
Commuting Woes No. 394 (I think, but who’s counting). This one is not so bad…more like an observation…
Lies and the people who tell them –
“Hey, this call will drop. The train is going into the tunnel.” by woman in too tight spandex top. Hmmmm, if you were already in the train I just entered, the call should have dropped 2 minutes ago because the train had been traveling inside a tunnel as soon as it left the originating station and this was the 5th stop! What is the point of PRETENDING to be on the phone?
Please let us know when you solve the LaVieEstBelle mystery… ???? I have a sample of that one I should dig out. It is pungent for sure but it seems to get an inordinate amount of shade in the comments.
I smelled Calvin Klein Escape on my way up the office stairs the other morning and almost tripped with delight when my brain finally categorized it. Scents are kind of like faces…if seen or sniffed before…like an elephant, I don’t forget.
I don’t have anything I wear regularly that’s skanky, but I still have a sample of Secretions Magnifique. That should work fine. Smells like hard working strippers relaxing on the beach to me. Smells really nice on clothing but not as good on skin, though there is a dirty monkey phase I enjoy.