Thursday! (And, Salami Day.) What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm doing Stockholm, in Byredo Flowerhead.
Reminder: On 9/8 we're doing 'world niche'... wear a fragrance from a niche brand that isn't French, Italian or British.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is a passionflower (blue) [cropped] by tanakawho at flickr; some rights reserved.
Orris by Commodity. Foodier and less irisy than I would have expected from a name like that. My second favourite out of the ones I’ve tried from the collection so far (spicy-woody Whiskey is numero uno).
Do I need to try Whiskey?
Orris is my fav Commodity.
And you smell wonderful! ????
SSS Jour Ensoleille – perfect for this beautiful sunny day (but maybe just a little skanky for work- luckily I have my own office).
I believe I will wear that tomorrow since I just received my new decant! I finished one a year or so ago and missed it.
Oooh, anything described as skanky gets added to my to-try list!
I almost wore JE today. You smell lovely.
What a pretty picture! Love those colors. Today it’s Tom Ford Amber Absolute, from a decant. It’s nice and cool temps today for that one. After all of the TF talk lately, I pulled out my bottles and decants and wore Black Orchid and Santal Blush yesterday evening. And I have a decant of patchouli absolu on its way. I really do like the scents that I’ve tried from Tom Ford. Also have the lipglosses/sticks and they are very nice. Didn’t mean to write a love letter about Tom Ford, ha. I even liked his movie “A Single Man”.
That image is nicely colorized…not by me 😉
A Single Man is such a beautiful movie.
TF made a movie? Geez, I really know absolutely nothing about this man.
piovene vert today. Not much to add.
Sampling DSH Vanilla Chantilly vdp. It’s a gentle, sweet milky vanilla that is a good companion for the bus ride from Boston to NY
Vanilla Chantilly is very nice. I like the warmth of the spice note.
I’m in Byredo too, my precious Oliver Peoples.
Hey cousin!
Salami Day !
I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole !
Triple strength coffee.
Isley Brothers Greatest Hits.
World niche.
Helmut Lang EDP, 2000, not the reissue.
LOTV, lavender, musk, barbershop powder vibe.
Smells good but I don’t really like it.
Smelled FF Tom Ford last night.
An acquaintance worked on prep for the fashion show and was given a gratis bottle, which he had in his Birkin (nice man, but too fabulous for me, LOL) .
Tonka beans, a hint of sage ((herbal) and some bitter almond beneath.
Nice, and if the publicity stunt is successful, I could envision it being reissued under a less controversial name.
Carpe Diem.
Do you think FF would be fb worth?
Yes, but it is overpriced @ $310.
Overpriced @ $250 also but it is good.
I have a bottle of Tobacco Vanille, which has lots of Tonka in it, compliments galore, but after a while it starts to annoy me.
But I am the distinct minority in that regard.
Thank you Bear! Good to know about FF and with those TF prices…. Maybe a sample in the future. No rush 🙂
Bear, I tried the Helmut Lang EDC for the first time this summer, and adore it. Have you tried it, and if so, how does it compare to the EDP??
No EDC, hannahmom, but i have the aftershave which is based on the EDC and splashed it on in humid weather a few weeks ago.
They smell similar, lavender, barbershop powder, musk.
Today’s EDP has some rosemary not in the AS.
*dirty giggle* 😀
Thanks for sharing about the new TF! On his website it’s described as a leather, do you agree? The notes sounded more gourmand to me as opposed to leather. (Did you smell the limited edition Ombre Leather from last year?)
I didn’t smell any leather in FF, it is mostly Tonka to my nose.
I have a decant of Ombre Leather 16, it is Tuscan Leather minus the raspberry note. Nice, but TL is more interesting.
Thanks!!! 😀
I read somewhere that if TF wants to release this one in Russia, he must change the name.
What would FF be in Russian?
Putin on the Ritz?
Da-dunk-da-dunk !
It is unprintable 🙂 Russia has a pretty strong censorship around profanity – so that name in English or Russian would not be allowed
Aha, Isley Brothers! I’ve loved them since I first discovered them in the seventies. Listen to Go For Your Guns, if you haven’t already. Deeply funky and wonderful! It will power you through workout!
Yes, I bought the vinyl when it came out.
Love Return to Atlantis and Footsteps in the Dark.
Thanks, Nancyleandros !
Was it potent? Regardless, this makes me want to smell effing fabulous!
As potent as Tobacco Vanille, hajusuuri.
I put it in my cart for sh!ts and giggles this morning, it is completely soldout and gone from the website now.
Capitalism lives !!!!!!!!!
On my way to a coworker’s funeral. Everybody here at worked was surprised with the news on Tuesday. Last Friday she looked perfectly fine as usual, but she never woke up from her sleep on Saturday. Life……
I am wearing Heure Exquise EdP. Always beautiful.
I am not going to keep any more perfumes for especial ocassions. Everyday is a special ocassion and I will start enjoying all of them NOW!
My condolences.
Your philosophy is spot on.
Thank you Bear.
Coming back I will spray on more!
wow, that is hard. Yes wear your perfumes now, even if you are just cleaning house.
Too hard for her family. She has 8 and 12 years old kids. A heart attack.
And yes, I will wear my perfumes even if I have to take the garbage out! Also a good way to reduce the amount of perfumes I have.
That poor family. My condolences..
Yes to wearing perfumes at any time, all the time – there’s always something for any occasion. You smell beautiful.
Oh that is so sad 🙁
How sad for her and her family. So young… But yes to not enjoying everything now, because you never know. And you smell lovely!
Her poor kids. May God keep them. And yes- wear your scents while hanging out in a t shirt and sweatpants. While doing your hair. While chopping onions.
I will keep her family and friends – and you – in my prayers. So many ripples from this event, but realizing that life is precious and every moment should be celebrated is an important one.
Oh, my That’s such a sad and shocking thing to happen. Thank you for sharing your good perspective. Sending all positive thoughts to you and to her family.
Heure Exquise edp is gorgeous. You smell fantastic – carpe diem!
I am sorry for your loss. Good idea not to save things for special occasions! I am trying to do the same.
That is a great philosophy. One of my friends who battled and survived cancer had a similar philosophy. She showed up with this beautiful dress on, for the casual lunch we were having and she simply stated she doesn’t save anything for special occasions.
How very sad. My condolences.
I’m so sorry! Her poor family and friends…and such young children. I need to remember that each day is precious.
So sorry to hear about your coworker and how awful for her family. I hope they have lots of support.
Wow. My condolences. How heart-breaking, especially for her children.
So sorry to hear about your coworker’s unexpected passing. Those poor kids. Please accept my condolences. And “Yes” to not saving “The Good Stuff” for special occasions!
*hugs* and yes wear those favs!
Yikes. So sorry for your loss!
Oh, that’s gut-wrenching! My condolences.
Oh, wow. I’m so sorry for your loss!
My condolences to you, perfumelover67. Your post really struck a chord with me as we just found out this week that my husband has veeeeerrryyy high cholesterol. All genetics…we eat well, bordering on vegan at times, and the guy runs marathons. I’m so glad we found out now and will hopefully avoid a similar tragedy.
Thank you Eldiyen. I am so glad you found out about your husband’s condition on time. My coworker was 49. Very young. Sometimes we take age for granted. Her passing was a wake up call for many of us. It made me think how fragile we are, even though we do not see it, how careful we need to be with our health and how much we need to enjoy even the simple things in life. Hugs.
Finally on track for the weekly project with a middle eastern house ( Amouage)
Wearing Bracken Woman.
We are seeing the residue from Hurricane Harvy here today, and the air is too thick and humid to even breathe. 65 mm of rain in the next 24 hours.
Bracken, with its’ sense of small, shy ferns peeking out of a very old, green forest, fits right in.
I like Bracken a lot. We got some rain in Cape Breton last week but seem to have missed Harvey fortunately. It is raining here now in Montreal.
I’d love to spend some time in Cape Breton. One of the best weeks of my life was spent in Nova Scotia, but further south.
Cape Breton in the autumn is one of the most glorious sights you will ever see.
Google “Cabot Trail Foliage” for examples,
Doing Zürich today with Une Rose Chyprée by Tauer. Lovely and very appropriate for this time of year.
One of my ATF’s (all time favorites!) and definitely perfect for fall.
I know, you reviewed it on BdJ right?
Yes! 5 stars.
URC is perfect for fall.
My favourite Tauer! I agree that now is an excellent time to wear it.
I’m in Colorado niche – trying DSH Chinchilla. This is one for the animalic lovers.
🙂 I was saving that one for tomorrow. I adooore it, of course.
Thanks to Elisa P I am in Melissa Flagg Puanani
Gorgeous when sprayed, but after 5 min I can’t smell anything
Loving the temperature today ..
tea is french press coffee
Thanks to the Freebie meet, I am able to do world niche all week
Love this blog!
Yeah, it doesn’t last in me either. But such a pretty gardenia!
Salami Day, huh? I think I’ll pass. 🙂 SOTD is TF Fleur de Chine, because I have the urge to be elegant today. We’ll see how THAT goes. 😀
I ate salami for both of us.
SOTD yesterday was Amouage Dia (Oman), which I really need a large decant or bottle of.
SOTD today is off-theme, Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal. My 30ml bottle arrived yesterday evening so I have to wear it today 🙂 It is delicious and lively, going from bright and citrusy to earthy and rooty. Much love!
I’m getting an early start on the challenge. SOTD is Biehl Parfumskunstwerke EO01. It smells a lot like pudding-y Organza Indecense or Luctor & Emergo, or even Smell Bent Disco Nap. I think I just wanted to exercise my fingers by typing parfumskunstwerke!
Ah, Biehl! I always forget about Biehl.
I really like BP’s al02 (cardamom, carnation, peach, etc.). It’s no longer on Luckyscent’s website. I’d better find a bottle while I can.
In Kelly Caleche today for no other reason than I haven’t worn it in a while and it was an easy grab. It’s working nicely with my bright-printed scarf and new turquoise pants. Yes, that’s right: Turquoise. Pants.
Which matches that gorgeous passionflower above !
what color top do you pair with those pants
Black sweater. My scarf is bright blue, red, and fuchsia, and spearmint green.
That sounds gorgeous!
Turquoise pants sound amazing! You must look and smell like a posh lady 😀
I like to think so!
I’m wearing a bright turquoise linen shirt today.
Shows every drop of perspiration, but I still look good!
Rock on, Luna Green!
Thanks, Bear! Right back attcha!
I want turquoise pants! How lovely!
Turquoise pants. Awesome! And you smell(ed) great!
Texas niche with Phlur Hanami
lovely! I smelled a sample from that line. Very nice
which one did you try?
Geez I don’t remember, maybe I Still have the sample somewhere
Ah..I think it was Hepcat now that I see your comment below
OH I really like that one…which is a shocker to me..cause it has vetiver in it! I think it will be a good one for the cold winters in the NE
And Phlur now has candles!!! the one that correlates with Hepcat is called Howl and is described as “smoky and fearless”…yup, that just about sums it up , as to how I felt yesterday wearing Hepcat…another vetiver for me to love 🙂
Going Canadian today with Zoologist’s Civet. I haven’t read anything about this–maybe the name is intimidating?–but I like its woodsy, spicy scent.
I tried it, it was nice and not skanky on me.
Civet has been one of my favorite new scents this year. I’ve gotten several compliments so don’t think it’s skanky on me, either.
I love this entire house – even the scents that do not work on me have a real style to them.
You smell amazing
Finally back in civilization after 10 days in the woods with no internet access and only Cutter insect repellent for scent. I am happily bthed in Dans Tes Bras.
Your time in the woods sounds like my perfect vacation. Sometimes pausing and disconnecting, creating time to care for our physical/mental selves is one of the most nourishing choices we can make.
I missed seeing you here! Glad you’re back. AHHHH! now that’s a respite in DTB! I ordered a body butter in this scent for the Barney’s GWP “Love Yourself” event that’s going on. Have you heard anything about “The Promise” that’s coming out?
I have the body butter too, it’s great, you’ll love it. Haven’t heard anything aboit the Promise yet but will definitely ask about it next time I’m out sniffing.
How was it??
It was lovely, very wild and wooded, deep forest especially Cape Breton Island. My favourite campground was Prince Edward Island, we stayed on the north shore and were only 100 meters from the beach. It was so nice to listen to the waves crashing on the beach from inside our tent.
OH good you’re back! I was about to send an APB out for you.
Still commando because of bugspray. Maybe some Rosenlust later (Berlin). Enjoying a much needed holiday break and reading the latest Gamache. May be her best yet.
Wait! Inspector Gamache? I just discovered that series and am in love with it!!! I have put in for the latest one but there is a very long hold on it at my library.
Yes, Armand Gamache! It is very possibly my best loved crime novel series ever. And they get better and better (I have read them all)…so Chocolatemarzipan I do suggest reading them all in sequence of appearance!
You know I started with no 3 because my local library had that one as well as all the others following up to the current one (which has a list a mile long of patrons who want to read it!)….so I read them in sequence except for no 1 and no 2…(which I will get to eventually but have to order as my library does not have them) I love everything about the books from the characters to the setting (wouldn’t you just love to live in Three Pines?)
Me too. And let’s not forget the fourlegged!
What is special about this series that puts it above other crime novel series?
Hi Koyel, for me it is its humaneness (if that is a word), its perceptiveness about the human condition and the Inspector smells of roses and sandalwood ????
Thanks for the explanation 🙂 I will definitely put this series on my list, then!
Oh, that’s good news! My lemming of the day.
Glad to enable! I think someone on a ‘what are you currently reading’ post on BdJ mentioned Gamache and I have paid it forward since.
Ps and I read Suskind’s Perfume is one of Louise Penny’s 5 favourite crime novels ????
I’d have to agree – I remember being quite impressed with it when I read it several years ago.
I’ll be reading along with you. I’m about halfway through. Her books seem to get better with each new one. I’m very fond of her characters and always look forward to seeing them again.
Me too! Nice to know we’re reading along, I am 2/3 rds and savouring.
SOTD is a sample of Amouage Interlude Man. This is a really nice warm woody scent. A soft oud, smoky incense and delicious leather. Reminds me of Guerlain Songe d’un Bois d’Ete.
You smell fabulous!
Soleil Blanc today. This one simply does not last, which is odd for Tom Ford, normally the house is extremely potent. I always practically bathe myself in it and it still vanishes quickly.
Vert de Fleur only lasts a few hours on me, which I found quite surprising.
Have you tried layering with Orchid Soliel? A sa said it’s a nice combo, but I’ve never tried it.
I haven’t but that’s a great idea! Thanks!
SOTD: Cuir de Lancome
Currently wrapped in a blanket at my desk with white tea + blueberry and elderflower.
You smell and seem very, very cosy indeed!
I am hoping to wrap myself in a blanket and take a nap but my “bosses” are not napping at the moment. Soon I hope!
Bad bosses! 😉
I’m freezing here too. Only 55 degrees Fahrenheit outside and it’s too early in the year for the boilers to be fired up. Off to make more tea…
I’m off to make more tea, too.
Hi all-
Still smokey and gray, but clouds are coming in. I hope that it rains today, but it’s looks like the promise of precipitation is wisping away.
SOTD: Eau Premiere. It is the everyday office scent for me starting in fall, and this seemed like a good time to wear it.
Good luck with the rain!
SOTD: Mitsouko
My corner of the Midwest has been enjoying some beautiful, cool pre-Fall weather, so I just went and ordered a bunch of CB I Hate Perfume samples in Autumn-y flavors. Now watch it pitch back up to 86 and sticky by next week LOL.
You smell divine. I hope you’re right about the temps going back up. I’m not ready to be cold for the next 6 months!
I hope you ordered Gathering Apples. Such an amazing scent
Most of my non F-I-E perfumes are American. Makes me realize how many great American lines there are! I’ll save my one non American for tomorrow. I dithered between my sample of Charenton Macerations Eye, Hatshepsut (dirty musk) and Derek Lam 10 Crosby Silent St. (clean musk) and opted for clean but wish I’d gone dirty. Still enjoying this one, though.
There are some great American lines out there.
Next time I see Derek Lam testers I will make time to sniff. The names are clever. I want to smell Afloat.
I chose US perfume houses each day this week too, haphazardly rather than by plan. Perhaps where I live influences my choices more than I realize.
I like the way the bottles look all lined up together on display. Reminds me of the color light oillars at LAX. And the names are fun, too, and seem to match the scents.
SotM = Dries van Noten par Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle
Maybe half credit this morning as Baron van Noten is Belgian.
I had a first try of DvN last night and another dab this morning. A great big thank you to the generous perfumista who enabled me with a handful of Malle samples.
DvN is an entertaining and strange ride of lemonade, biscuits, an unlit clove cigarette, Cheerios, pencil shavings, and more. It was as surprising as the first time I wore Dzing! The dry down this morning is delicious but not quite edible, the gentle spices and woods hover just above my skin.
Later I’ll get back on theme with a sample of Black Flower Mexican Vanilla from Dame Perfumery (Tucson, Arizona). I think it will work well over DvN on this thankful Thursday.
LOVE BFMV….do you have the oil or the EDP version?
My sample of bfmv is the edp. It is soooo good. Vanilla always makes me happy, and bfmv blends nicely with other fragrances.
Oh yes it is amazing for layering! There are two edp bottles floating around my house 🙂
Goodness that sounds like aride-and-a-half of a perfume. If you can, let us know how that BFMV ends up working with the DvN. My mouth is watering…
It works well. The vanilla takes over though I can still smell some of the woody notes. Yum.
Love the DvN description!
Thanks, DvN is memorable. It’s great fun to sniff a perfume like that after wondering about it for years. 🙂
Byredo 1996. Second day!!
Yum 🙂
That’s how I feel about it. And, man, the scent just lingers – and if it gets on your clothes, we are talking 24 hours at least (not complaining :))
Socked-in foggy cool day here, so far. So I’m testing some House of Matriarch scents which I couldn’t face in the summer heat. SOTD is Sacre Tabac Cacao Torride. So far I am undecided about this one. It’s wobbling between “oooh, nice tobacco” and “urg, stinky feet”.
DH just wandered by and did one of his fake-cough things. I’m thinking this one just got vetoed 🙂
Oh your’s does that too?
Yes, although rarely. So I tend to let him win in those cases — well, unless I really love the scent, in which case, I win 😉
Ha! My husband commented this am that my perfume seemed to have a lot of aldehydes, which is the equivalent of a fake cough.
LOL, it’s great that he knows the lingo, though.
Don’t know if it’s niche, per se, but I went with the Middle East with Al Rehab Balkis today.
Also loving the top image today. Passionflowers are one of my favorites.
Isn’t that pretty?
SOTD: Vanille Galante.
I usually wear it in the spring and summer, but it’s surprisingly warm and comforting in the damp weather we’ve been having lately.
Love the image! I’m passionate about passion flowers.
You smell fab. Vanille Galante is one of my most favorite vanillas.
And I admire your passion flower passion!
I couldn’t make up my mind today. I put tiny spritzes of 3 other perfumes on, before Coco finally called my name. As much as I constantly search for something new, I never tire of Coco.
It’s good to have old friends 🙂
Coco is wonderful. You smell(ed) great!
Bois d’asesce. I’ve decided to work with our hazy smoky atmosphere while exploring samples from other corners of the world…
One of my favorites. You smell great!!
Samarinda for me today.
Samarinda! You smell pretty!
Thanks! I remember dismissing this one as I thought it didn’t last long last time I tried it, but it’s doing OK today…
Jo Malone Earl Grey & Cucumber
Vintage Coco EDT… ???? drop.
Yep. Def a mic drop scent.
Love today’s photo, Robin! Flowers always make me feel better.
I’m in House of Matriarch Devotion today, which fits both the gorgeous fall-like weather we’re having and today’s “world niche” theme.
House twins!
Well, today is the last day for a while I’ll be in ‘Promenade in the Gardens’ – currently sitting in IAH waiting for our overnight flight to Schipol the on to home in Aberdeen tomorrow morning. Had a wonderful time with our friends, day trip to Waco was very interesting & we also visited the charming country town of Montgomery, as well as doing other local bits & pieces & eating out a great deal! Hopefully we’ll be back in 18 months’ time!
Fragrance sample acquiring was unsuccessful – local mall’s Nordstrom disappointing, Sephora only doing Eight & Bob (which I was hoping to pick up for a friend) via their website & not in-store, & only other vaguely niche option in the area is somewhere called COS Bar, where a combination of a snooty assistant & Sam Smith on the radio meant I didn’t linger long! Oh well, Glasgow the week after next & London in December, plus a potential return visit to the Tampa area in Feb/Mar to visit my brother when I will definitely pop into Uncommon Finds – didn’t happen this year when I was there as they were in the middle of moving premises, but definitely looks worth a visit.
My in-laws live near Montgomery. I would classify it as “out in the sticks”!
SotD was Dryad, Papillon
Very busy day at work, but time flies when you have so much to do,
5 km run,
hot shower
….and now back on theme, wearing Moon Bloom
By Canadian (?) born, Netherlands based Hiram Green.
You smell lovely!
Amouage Lyric because I had a craving.
Scent twins!
This was one of my earlier samples when I really started investigating fragrances and I’m glad I revisited! It’s much more appealing to me now than that first, overwhelming impression of old fashioned glamour that I had years ago. 🙂
Lyric is a favorite nightime scent during hot weather as it really brings out the incense.
Agreed, it’s definitely all spice and incense one me today.
Lyric needs no reason. ????
Am with Bastet in Jour Ensoleille. It does remind me of home in Nor Cal. A comfort scent. May go with one of my Jolie Laide scents tomorrow.
Thanks all for the best wishes on my kitty Ghostie. We almost lost her over the weekend. She hates me now because I have to give her meds…thankfully the new ones arrived on Tuesday so the nasty taste is covered up. She may even stop avoiding me. That being said, it looks like we are dealing with lymphoma, which I’m struggling to accept. Been there, done that, hate that.
So sorry to read about your kitty.
Sorry to hear about your kitty’s diagnosis. Hopefully the meds will ease things.
So sorry about poor kitty. ????
So sorry to hear that news! Sending good kitty vibes your way????
Thanks all. Highlight today was someone stopped me in grocery store to ask if I was wearing a scented oil or perfume and what it was. She said I smelled beautiful. I didn’t ask if she was an NSTer, so if this sounds like you, thanks for the nice compliment.
I am sorry about your kitty. I hope the meds help her in some way. Sending hugs!
Oh, poor kitty! And poor you, having to give her meds that she doesn’t want any part of. It sucks that there isn’t any way to explain to the cat why their human is doing this.
Oh LizzieB, so sorry to hear about kitty. And they don’t take kindly to medicating, do they? But hopefully the meds will help. Sending hugs.
And it wasn’t me who stopped you, but agree you smell beautiful.
I’m so sorry, LizzieB. What drug is your cat on? My lymphoma-suffering cat is on Leukeran, though he’s been on it for 1.5 years and we’re wondering if it’s stopped being effective. He stopped eating up pill pockets in a month or so, so we have to force feed him the pill (plus an anti-nausea pill, plus a steroid, plus a liquid drug). I expect your cat will stop hating/avoiding you. Ours did. I wish you the best of luck and kitty comfort; this is not an easy thing to go through.
I read the news about your baby late last night. So sorry to learn of it. Hoping for the best for you and your kitty siblings.
Thank you, FearsMice, I really appreciate your thoughts. It’s so sad to me how many of us are in the same boat 🙁
So sorry about your sick kitty, sending best wishes to you both.
I feel for you… sending my best wishes to you and your furry baby.
Keeping you and Ghostie in my thoughts.
So sorry about Ghostie. I hope this drug regimen works.
Oh, poor kitty. Best wishes to you and your Ghostie, LizzieB.
SOTD is Tibet Temple by Pacifica. It’s slightly coolish here in MN and I craved incense.
And just a side comment: I may be behind the news but I just recently saw the TV ad for the new Chanel Gabrielle starring Kristen Stewart/
UGGGGG! At one point it looks like she’s running with toilet paper streaming off her body. Then she AGAIN shows off her ONE facial expression. This is the star for a new perfume? Yikes.
We thought whoever came up with it had seen Luc Besson’s 5th Element one time too many!
I saw that when I watched Younger.
One facial expression! !!!!
So true!
Tibetan Mountain Temple is a really good one! I should dig my bottle out soon.
So, I see I am not the only one with the “why is there toilet paper in this commercial” quizzical look last night, hehehehe
Nope, you were not the only one.
I tried three le galion perfumes yesterday: Iris ( liked it), Whip and Snob. Then to chanel for a test of sycomore and la pausa ( my favourite of the iris perfumes ), then to JM for the oaks which I didn’t find too inspiring. So glad I got to smell some iris scents but sorry that there was no ISM or Hiris . Also tried Bas de Soie which was a bit powdery and a bit odd…in a confusing way. Nothing bought. Saw the new Serge Lutens bottles …so home today. I guess of everything I tried I most enjoyed the VC&A exclusives: Bois d’iris, Moonlight Patouchli , California Reverie etc. and the biggest blandest was Gabrielle.
Over the past year, I’ve become a big fan of the VC&A exclusives. I can’t think of one I wouldn’t love to have on my counter.
Agreed. You are correct ???? all quite good.
My house still reeks of roofing tar – I tried to counteract it with Philosykos and the combo reminds me of Bvlgari Black.
A new sort of layering 😉
Sorry about the tar smell. Glad your roof is getting fixed, though! Gosh, there was so much visible damage to trees in the area afterward!
Forgot to put on perfume this morning before leaving for work! Gasp!
So I’m wearing Éclat from Fragonard from a small solid I have in my bag. I smell like floraly marshmallow!
Good thing you had some emergency perfume handy.
Dame’s Leather Man layered with his Narcissus soliflore adds some scented sun to this rainy cool day. I’m not really ready for fall yet….????
And Robyn, you smell beautiful!
Why thank you! I have not smelled your scents but I am going to assume you do too.
SOTD is SSS Rose Musc. Turns out I had more options for this week’s project than I originally thought. Yay for that!
Me too…and this was even after I realized that besides French, Italian and British are also off limits.
Oh what a day! Such astoundingly wonderful weather! This morning I took the dog out and could see my breath, that’s how great it is. It’s now warmed up quite a bit but still LOVELY.
T-Rex and I just got back from and 8 mile hike, so not smelling great now, but after a shower I’m going to be indulging in Incensed again. We stopped for a drive by serving of frozen yogurt. T-Rex got vanilla soft serve, which she earned since she probably did double the miles with all her zipping back and forth.
Just turned on the tv to see this woman in Florida being interviewed by a reporter- the woman is not evacuating because the Lord will look after her and she has 10 sandbags and batteries. ????
As one of my professors in seminary used to say, “The Lord will be with us on our journeys, but we gotta feed the camels.”
People just AMAZE me! Continually and non-stop. On the flip side, this morning I parked at the trail head and took my bike out in order to get to other stuff I needed and forgot to load it back in the van. Came back after 4 hours and found my bike right where I propped it. Amazing, in the best way possible????
Oh that’s the best news I’ve heard all day!
Deva – was it a trailer home? the lady with her sandbags and batteries? for some reason, people seem to always say, well gosh, they will rebuild.
My whole family is in Florida, I am actually worried sick. Give me an earth -quake any day.
My sister is a first responder and got pushed back on the Harvey volunteer list to stay and provide aid in Florida.
No, it was a regular single family home. Aspara, is your family evacuating? I lived in Florida for about 30 years and never seen anything like this, including the “no name storm” that did tremendous damage. I hope they are getting out or somewhere safe? I have no family left in Florida, but I’m very worried about my friends. One couple evacuated two days ago on their own so they wouldn’t get held up by gas shortages and traffic. I’m hoping your family stays safe and sound!
Deva, I have friends in Boca who are now in Tampa, and family in Tampa and Gainesville. My sister has been there for about 35 years or more. Her daughter in law raises horses and I’m sure they are frantically working to get things under control.
I’m glad mom is gone, she would be very, very frightened by the size of the storm.
10 sandbags vs. 185-mph-winds and storm surges of around 17-28′. ????????
And to think I would need sandbags, batteries and perfume… ???? But seriously no bueno.
Today I am in Switzerland… no, wait, that can’t be right. Today I am in Morocco…. hmmm, not really though. How about: SOTD today is Tauer “L’Air du Desert Marocain”.
Top: coriander, petitgrain, cumin and lavender;
Mid: jasmine, labdanum, birch and geranium;
Base: amber, vetiver, cedar, patchouli and oakmoss.
I like it. A lot. will have to re-test though – I loved Lonestar Memories the first couple of times and then suddenly I didn’t.
The $#!+ is hitting the fan big time in our programme, so I foresee crazy days ahead. It’ll be either a long tough battle or a short loud explosion. Wot Larx! :^D
Very good luck to you!
Dame again–Gardenia soliflore on my right wrist (yuck) and New Musk on my left wrist (meh). Gardenia went on sharp and medicinal and highly synthetic, and has since softened into warm floral rust. New Musk went on pleasant and has stayed pleasant–kind of a sophisticated shampoo/hair stylist’s lobby. I do not need either of these in my life.
I do so love Dame as a company, but other than Dark Horse, I’m not sure there are any other scents of his that I need.
I feel the same way. I did like BFMV but didn’t feel the need to replace my 7ml spray. I was subscribed to his Instagram, but was just getting inundated with ads for the same thing and finally unsubscribed. That being said, there are many I have not tried.
SOTD = Amouage Gold Woman EdP, from the sample stash. Wow! This is gorgeous! I think it might have a backbone stiffening effect for me the way that No. 19 does for so many other folks here. Time will tell…
Amouage Gold is stunning!
Why did I wait so long to try it???
I was all set to buy a FB of Gold after using up a sample I’d bought on eBay a while back, when I thought I should just try it again from the new sample set I’d bought this year first. Have to say, it is not the same thing now – still a nice classy, well-made fragrance but I have no need to buy a bottle like the fresh sample, and I was all set to buy 100ml size before that. So if your sample may be vintage, try a current one before considering a big$ purchase.
Thanks for the heads-up on reformulation, anarchkitty. I haven’t the slightest idea how old my sample is… got it from an online discounter.
You smell great, Jalapeno !
Gold Man is Woman with a HUUUUUUUGE oakmoss basenote.
Like anarchkitty said, vintage and current are different, so lots of research if you’re going to purchase an FB.
Cheers !
Oakmoss, huh? Interesting. On to the “sample” list Gold Man goes.
Should also add, thank you for the perfume compliment!
Absolutely gorgeous!
SOTD Rossy de Palma Eau de Protection from Etat Libre D’Orange. We had lots of production issues yesderday so I knoe it will be a tough day at work. This is a true ‘don’t mess with me’ scent so I think it will be just right.
You smell wonderful! I hope that today is better day.
Almost weekend!
Managed to participate today in Ineke’s Sweet William.
The Florida side of my family is hunkered down in Orlando, but I’m still apprehensive… And so, so sorry about the devastation that Texas, Louisiana, and the Caribbean have already suffered…
I wish your family well, FearsMice!
Keeping you and your loved ones in my prayers. Take care. ????
SOTD = Puredistance Opardu
Puredistance. The Netherlands. 2007 (launch of first perfume). 10 years old this year!
No hoarding so I went with 5 sprays because I can :-). My mom was complaining about my perfume collection and I used “at least I don’t hoard cats”. She didn’t get it – le sigh…
(Uh oh, is she a cat hoarder?) Yes, better perfume than cats! (I love cats, just not hoarding.)
Nah…no cats here 🙂
Really late tonight…wore Rose 31, Santal 33 and Vanille 44 (all from samples).
The vanilla is very pretty, but I cannot deal with the price. I can see why the santal is so popular, but not sure it’s for me. Now the rose…that one is growing on me.