Monday and Solar Eclipse 2017. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Kenzo Parfum Objet Non Identifie (UFO).
Reminder: on 8/25 we're doing Back to school... wear a fragrance that fits the theme, for whatever reason.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Eclipses Yield First Images of Elusive Iron Line in Solar Corona [cropped] by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center at flickr; some rights reserved.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. So…. I got dressed before I looked at the theme of the week, but the perfume I put on has a pretty evocative name so I thought, “well, whatever the theme I’ll find a way to make it fit.” I just opened my browser and saw the Back to School theme. Oh dear. The perfume is My Sin.
Oh no! Well you smell fabulous! Have a great day!
Nicolaï’s Number One Intense. I have come to the realisation that I really like floral, especially white floral fragrances! (no fruits though, please!)
Vetiver insolent, by Miller Harris (from a sample)
I do not know what is insolent about this scent. But I like it a lot. And it has pretty good lasting power.
For all folks who are able to see a full solar eclipse, I envy you, because it is such a magical moment. Enjoy!!!!
Vetiver insolent is so nice!, I’m really looking forward to wearing it on crisp autumn mornings, although it’s nice in the overcast /close weather that’s been passing for summer here too.
Atelier Mandarine Glaciale is what I’m wearing on this very sunny morning. I’m also drinking a cup of lemon ginger tea.
Perfect match!
I was wondering what the photo would be today, Robin. That’s a cool one! Still enjoying the drydown of vintage ‘1000’ from last night. Haven’t decided what the SOTD will be. Maybe La Parfum de Therese, from a decant. I’m looking forward to the eclipse today and watching my dog. Will be interesting to see her reaction.
NASA always has great shots, you can lose hours browsing 🙂
Oh, I should have saved today’s fragrance for Back To School! I’m wearing Lush Honey I Washed The Kids. It’s a very old tin of the solid scent and I’m going to cry when it’s used up.
Don’t cry! Keep an eye on the Lush Kitchen, who knows.
Heading to the beach to watch the eclipse. Wearing Profumum Roma Acqua di Sale. Hot, sunny day. Looking forward to enjoying it!
Nice! Wish I could go to the beach today!! Where’d you get glasses?
We got the glasses for free at our local public library before our vacation. It is very cloudy now, hoping it gets better later.
Enjoy perfumelover67!
You smell great, Acqua di Sale is one of my favorite perfumes.
I get a hint of sugar in the drydown, like eating cotton candy or caramel corn on the beach.
Thank you Bear. Acqua di Sale is also a big favorite of mine. I also get some sweetness in the drydown. And today it is mine and only mine for me to enjoy it in full. At least Acqua di Sale will not be walking with my boss today 😀 😉
Ha does she still douse herself on that one?
With* not on
Oh Lordy! and how….. 😀
Ooh, viewing at the beach–excellent! Hope the clouds cooperated!
They did. It got cloudy at some point in the morning, but it was clear by the time of the eclipse. It was gorgeous!
Woke up craving for a sweet scent, so SOTD is Hermessence Ambre Narguile. Caramel amber and honey!
Got to try! That sounds so yummy!
It always makes me think of spiced cider.
That’s a great image. It’s currently hazy and overcast here so if it doesn’t clear, we won’t see much of the eclipse.
The humidity is at 93% so I’m going with just a dab of Ormonde Jayne Champaca. I like this one more with each wear.
Enjoy the eclipse those of you in it’s path! Protect those eyeballs!
You smell fab! I love Champaca. It may be the first perfume in a while that I actually finish.
SOTD Lush Death & Decay solid perfume and same scented hair conditioner. I like this scent a lot, but intermittently it reminds me of the gold colored Dial soap. In between it smells like lilies on a hot day that are just beyond their fresh state-warm & sweet. Lovely. And that eclipse photo is stunning. Lucky to those who get to witness a total eclipse today (turn around briiight eyes-ear worm if the morning)
I WILL resist the ear worm, I WILL. Ha.
I heard it played on a tv show a couple of nights ago – just about ruined my composure for the evening……. 🙂 I’ve been experiencing a really strange earworm in the mornings when I wash up the dishes from the evening before – anybody remember “Mr. Bojangles?” I can’t figure out what the association with washing dishes is, or why that song, in particular. My brain. Such a muddle.
I WILL resist that earworm too! I WILL. Turning on my iPod right now to hear something else.
The best thing is not to resist, but to just sing it at the top of your lungs. Maybe the jangling of silverware =Bojangles?
Gah! The Weather Channel played earworm after earworm during their eclipse coverage today (Dancing in the Dark, Invisible Sun, Blinded by the Light, Ain’t No Sunshine, among others, and of course, Total Eclipse of the Heart). Right now The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore is earworming its way through my head. Who knew there were so many astronomy-related songs?
SOTD is a very liberal spraying of cheapie but goodie Sea Salt & Fig.
I didn’t need the nudge – I woke up with it in my ear this a.m.
They were playing it on the news while talking about the eclipse so I’ve been doomed since early this am. Just wanted to share the love.
(But really, it’s inevitable. For those of us of a certain age.)
It’s been in my head for months. Maybe now it will leave.
Going to be hot, and I think I’m going to slather on some Bronze Goddess, an indirect tribute to our sun, after my shower.
I wanted to thank all of those who suggested comforting scents on Saturday for my friend. There were inspired suggestions, which I’m going to save. I finally decided on a few Demeter naturals. Kind of a risky idea, but I hope my faith in perfume holds up. My faith in you certainly does!
Nice choice for today!
So excited! I basically have to step out my front door to catch the celestial show today! Very lucky that things worked out this way. Woke up this am to meet neighbors who I’ve never seen before (for less spoken to) who have all kinds of serious equipment for viewing and invited me to join them.
I’m wearing Ninfeo Mio to keep me grounded and semi-cool. Long night with an urpy dog which makes me a slow motion mover today, but that’s ok-no rush to be anywhere.
Hope everyone get to experience this event! Cheers and wear your Eclipse Glasses to protect your peepers????
Lucky you! And nice neighbors you have.
My neighbors just called to check if we needed eclipse glasses and to invite us to view it on their deck. They said they will have lunar themed cocktails!
So lucky! I’m just catching a glimpse on a telly of the total eclipse and I’m getting goosebumps Wish I could see it in person.
I have no children so back-to-school means little to me. So this week I’m continuing on trying samples and decants that I haven’t worn before. First up is L’Envoi.
But you went to school at some point in your life, right? I was not planning to approach back to school as a mother, you can interpret it however you like!
Maybe we can look at L’Envoi as an homage to the first flight to the independence that going to school represents.
Exactly! Plus, no need to do it all week!
I hadn’t considered the theme from the parental POV. That would be the smell of freedom and relief! LOL As a student, it always felt like heading back to prison ????
But my first instinct was to wear classics all week, a la Perfume Education 101.
I might take a page out of your (school) book. ????
I spent the entire weekend in cello classes. 6 hours a day of solid playing have left me with bruised grooves in my fingers and a throbbing back, so I went for pure comfort this morning with Theo Fennell eponymous scent. I smell of flowers and spices.
Nova Scotia is due for a nice view of a partial eclipse today – view safely folks
Wow, your weekend sounds wonderful yet so painful. My mother played the string base for years and those strings are tough! At least you smell wonderful, if it wasn’t so hot here I would join you.
That’s like cello band camp! ????
Hannahmom, we are heading to NS next week, please email me at my user name at me dot com if you’d like to meet up.
Oldest finished college, middle kid went off to college Saturday (sniff), and youngest started his junior year of HS two weeks ago, so Back To School has sort of lost its punch for me already. (Except that The CEO goes back to teaching at Va Tech on Wednesday YAY #nomoregroucharoundthehouse.)
Bookworm went off with a friend to view the total eclipse in Tennessee, as it’s only supposed to be a 90% eclipse here. Hope they have fun.
I’m attempting to clean up Gaze’s room since he left it in a fairly wrecked state while packing up. 🙁 SOTD is a sample of Seren Willow, which is nice and indeterminately greenish.
Wow mama! Only one more left to go 🙂 What will you do when the youngest is gone?
and now I am off to research Seren Willow !
Triple strength coffee.
Insolence Guerlain EDP.
I prefer my name, Pink Bubblegum (But In A Good Way! )
Cloudy here, hope it abates for all the observer’s sakes.
I need to give myself a good trapezii massage later today.
I’m hot, sticky sweet,
From my head to my feet!
C’yeah! !!!
Carpe Diem.
That’s what I’ll be doing-crazy stiff neck today! Except I’m going to get someone else to do it for me.
One lump or two, Bear?
Three !
More is always better !
With a rebel yell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers, Jalapeno !
Heeley Cardinal. Seemed about right in honor of the eclipse.
Love Cardinal!
Lovely sunny breezy day here, wore Traversée du Bosphore to bed last night and it smelled so good I’m having another round today.
EL Dazzling Silver… seems like silver is about all we’re going to see of the eclipse here in the SF bay area… heavy fog today, boo!
Woot! 500ft elevation gain put us above the fog. Got to see the eclipse after all!
Good for you! I missed it entirely and had to watch it on the news.
Only 20*C outside today, I needed something warmer & Fugit Amor from Jul et Mad fit the bill perfectly.
For those who were interested – I wrote about Un Air de Bretagne today (hope Robin won’t mind this little advertising)
I loved your review and you created a lemming!
Your review was great. I am a lover of marine perfumes, so this is for sure a future purchase.
It was a lovely review, and like others, I now neeeeeds it.
I finally decided on Dune as my best fragrance for an eclipse because it’s the only sci fi related perfume I have and the book is about planets and stuff as I recall, we had to read it in high school and it put me off science fiction for life (I apologize for my lack of appreciation, it’s just not for me.) I’m on the southeast side of Lake Michigan and it’s fairly cloudy so I hope we get a break this afternoon! I live across the street from an elementary school and I’m really looking forward to seeing the kids on the playground with their cereal boxes 🙂
Girl. GIRL.
As someone who got INTO sci fi (and the sciences!) because of Dune, I simply cannot let that stand.
You know, I can see how the movie might put people off. (Sting in a giant man-diaper. Ew.) But I loved the books, too.
The Litany against Fear sticks with me.
“Fear is the little death…” yup.
(the movie was truly awful)
The movie is…most unfortunate. I get what Lynch was trying to do – challenge and shock an audience who may have been expecting Star Wars, and trying out ideas that would used in his later films and ‘Twin Peaks’- but there are a bunch of editing issues, lighting issues, info dumps (which to be fair ALSO occurs in Dune) pacing. If HBO had the budget at the time, then this should have been a big splashy limited series with Lynch’s aesthetics.
One of the things I found interesting/wrong about the movie was that although the movie’s depiction of the physical grotesquerie of the baddies was accurate to the book, it somehow made them far less scary and just ‘ick’ instead. Less would have been so much more, here.
Pixel, you’re right. Large ick factor, very little fear of what might happen because the baddies were just SO icky you knew they wouldn’t win.
I think I’m in the minority in that I actually like the movie. I love when Sting yells, “I WILL kill him!” Agree that, as with many Lynch movies, there is a higher-than-necessary ick factor.
Have you ever heard the author himself? Here is an interview. Make a mug of tea and have a listen to Herbert expound on his ideas:
I know, I really DO know. My high school boyfriend was a total Herbert fan and I read all kinds of sci fi books to try and get it. I really tried! But at the time my favorite reading was Gone With the Wind and Stephen King and Pearl Buck. But I’ll out myself further, I could not get into Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy either. I’ll take my perfumista & library cards and go home now *cue Charlie Brown sad music*
I’m wearing DSH Fleurist for today’s eclipse. Only a partial eclipse here so I plan to watch it on on the NASA webcam since I am at work anyway.
That one’s so nice. Part of me wishes I owned about 20% of Dawn’s catalog (and the other part is screeching about conspicuous consumption).
I love her 10 ml options. It’s a great way to conpicuously consume. ????
Aww. You guys are so nice even though I can’t type or spell on this d@*! phone. ????
I recently purchased a bottle of Fleuriste. It was a blind buy based on Jessica’s fairly recent review. I’m very happy with my purchase. You smell great!
I bought the 10 ml EDP spray. It has worked out perfectly this summer since I only have 1/3rd left. DSH is a great line!
I kinda wanted something sun-themed or eclipsy or whatever, but I didn’t really have anything that I felt entirely filled the bill (kinda though about Dune but didn’t really feel like wearing it). So I went with Silences.
We’re supposed to get about a 60-70% eclipse here, so I’ll probably step out this afternoon and see if I can see it. Would be really cool to be in the path of totality.
Silences is perfect. We just passed the peak here (92%) and it was eerily quiet. No animal noises – just human ones.
Oh wow 92% must’ve been cool. We just passed peak here too. We had a little impromptu viewing party in the parking lot of our office building. A few people had the glasses so we passed them around and took turns looking when the sun came out from behind clouds. It was fun.
Knowing Houston’s weather, we were just lucky it wasn’t completely cloudy and/or raining.
Good Morning- real quick:
1) I am in the path of The Totality, so I am super lucky!
2) SOTD: In Molinard Jasmine- big sprays of it since I have a summer cold!
Totality Twin!! ????
BTW: The eclipse was incredible here in Oregon!
Super lucky, indeed! I saw a picture from Oregon today, and it was off-the-charts awesome!
I won’t be able to watch the eclipse today since I will be at work. My pre shower scent was Arabie and now, I can’t make up my mind on what I want to wear perfume wise. I ordered two of the OPI Iceland collection nail polish from Ulta. I think I will go for Theorema today, it’s so hot and humid out.
Which two colors did you get? I got 3! The mauve Reykjavik one, the light blue geysir one and the blue/violet northern lights one. Love all of them!
SotD = Terracotta Le Parfum
The solar corona photo up top reminded me to wear Terracotta today, a favorite I have neglected this summer. The round bottle and golden sun on the label make it an easy choice for today’s eclipse excitement. Don’t forget your solar glasses, sunscreen, and your massively useful towel (if you’re a hitchhiker). 😉
Deal alert: Saks has Terracotta on sale for just under $50.
Great perfume for the eclipse! I completely forgot about the sun on the label and like you I have not worn it much this summer. I will spray on some after coming back home from watching the eclipse. You smell wonderful!
thanks! Enjoy your spritzes of Terracotta today. 🙂
You are one hoopy frood, Tiffanie!
lol! I guess that’s why I always have a towel in the trunk of my car. It has saved me more than once.
OMG, have y’all seen this?!? Squee!
Nice choice! Guess what: I *did* have a towel outside with me today!!
Working from home today (to avoid eclipse-related traffic) in Dior Escale a Portofino, after testing both vintage and current Ivoire over the weekend. Vintage is beautiful once it dries down, and current is very nice for the first hour and then turns unpleasantly sharp on me. Both are extremely long-lasting … so I’m recovering in the creamy lemon goodness of the Dior.
Oh – interesting about the reform. I bought a decant hoping to love it and I can’t say it’s one I enjoy much.
I still have an old 1oz bottle of the vintage stuff, and don’t care much for it (it is both soapy and very mossy, and I find it sort of discordant).
I’m in Guerlain Mon Guerlain. Not really the greatest for the eclipse, I should have pulled out one of my lunar themed BPALs. Oh well, it smells nice!
I’m going shopping for school clothes this evening, and Mon Guerlain is on my sampling list. I hope I can smell the lavender note.
I’m at a local science center to see the eclipse (they have telescopes). It’s a madhouse. It’s so crowded and children are screaming. Adults are yelling. My head hurts. I’m sitting behind someone who smells like Eau des Minimes, so that’s nice. The eclipse will peak in about 35 minutes, and that’s very cool. We’ll get to 79 percent. I wore Pixie Dust by Demeter. I smell like Strawberry Mentos.
That doesn’t sound very fun 🙁 At least someone there smells good (besides you!) 🙂
They have cranked up the music. Oy vey.
Go outside! The lighting is spectacular!
I was outside the entire time. The surroundings were nice — a small oak woodland.
My library had an eclipse event this morning. It was more like a zoo today.
When the sun started to return, I left and found a much quieter place to finish viewing — a shopping center parking lot. Ha!
Cool! Sorry about the noise, but I hope he viewing was good!
Currently viewing the eclipse in Kelly Caleche, for no thematic reason other than that it was sitting next to my underwear which I hastily put on to run outside.
We woke to heavy fog that cleared just moments before the event began (!) The sun looks like a fat crescent moon at the moment. Pretty cool!
And in other historical moments, could it be the first Monday here without a disparaging remark about the day of the week? 😀 A Monday to actually celebrate! Have fun, all!
That was so nice of the fog to clear for you! 🙂
Indeed! And right on the dot, too!
Ha, it might be!
You smell great! Hooray for cooperative fog! Yes, the sun definitely did look like a crescent moon–the irony made me chuckle.
CdG Red Carnation for this eclipsed morning. I really like this peppery floral.
The light is dimming and it is pretty cool.
Oh, you smell great!
SOTD is Amun Re:The Tears of Ra since I know that it’s one of the perfumes that I’ll be bringing with me when I move to go back to school. I hate moving and this is my 4th move in 5 years. Ugh
I’ve moved 7 times in the past 6 years (several of them school-related!) so you have my sympathies. May we both get a good long stretch of staying in the same place sometime soon. <3
I used to move frequently (once per year or so) and I don’t recall it being particularly stressful (maybe because I was young? Or more likely, because I was restless and moved because I wanted to.) I moved recently, after having been in the same place for 9 years, and wow – I did not accurately anticipate what a massive undertaking it would be.
Next time around shouldn’t be so bad since 95% of our belongings are still packed and in storage. Best to you, TGR – at least you’re upending yourself under the best of circumstances!
I live in the path of totality, so I just have to walk into my backyard to see the eclipse! This will be my second total solar eclipse – I was living in the path of totality during the 1983 eclipse. It was one of my favorite days in elementary school – we stayed outside all day and made scientific observations of the sky.
I’m wearing Paper Moon by sixteen92 today – it’s a very comfortable, slightly sweet scent that I’m becoming very fond of.
Happy eclipse day!
Much better earworm! Thank you!!
It’s crazy how quickly it’s warming up now that we’re on the other side. I swear I could see my breath for a while there.
Hey, that’s good luck with totality you’ve got!
The eclipse is so exciting…so glad I can hear about it from you ( no eclipse here ). Did the birds fall quiet?
Wearing Lush Sun to mark the day, and because it’s so powerful it will be going strong tomorrow.
I would love to hear if anyone noticed any animal reactions to the eclipse. Here it was a 60% eclipse and the wild parrots did get noisy for a bit right before. We most often hear them calling at dusk.
Wow! Wild parrots! I am in the 92% zone and just before it reached peak, and for a few minutes thereafter, it was totally silent – no birds, dogs or other animals. Once on the other side, it suddenly warmed up about 5 degrees and birds started chirping.
That said, my mom was about 15 miles away, right on the water, and she said the seagulls were making their usual racket.
We had a total eclipse, and the birds and cicadas (who are incredibly loud!) all were silent. When the cicadas started up again after the light returned, it was almost like being hit by a wall of sound.
99% totality here. The birds and insects did go quiet, and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. Next door, my neighbor has chickens and when it got dark, they all rushed into the coop. About two minutes later they all came out again. My dog slept through it all.
lol for those poor chickens!
72% here and the sea gulls at the beach started flying together 10 minutes before we reached the max. They stayed quiet on a roof. Like 15 minutes after they went back again to normal. I can see them now flying and singing everywhere.
80% where I am, but cloudy. I didn’t notice any unusual animal behavior at peak darkness. Then again, most weather events don’t seem to phase my cats in the slightest, except for thunder.
Cats are above all things, even the sun and the moon. =^..^=
Some “animals” in the office flew the coop right before the fullest partial eclipse and it got quieter inside the office 🙂
That’s so interesting. Glad you got to see it.
Morning, NST. I haven’t posted since we started on Dakkie’s Last Stand. It was harrowing and exhausting and I wouldn’t have been able to report which clothes I was wearing, even when I was wearing them, let alone perfume. You’ve all been so wonderful about welcoming me and Dakkie and Isabella to this community, and your loving messages of best wish to Dakkie have meant a great deal to me and to the dear man, so this is hard. I’m sorry to have tell you that although we all fought, Dakkie didn’t make it. Out of mercy, we made the decision last night to end his battle and set him free.
I’ve no idea what perfume I’ll wear today. Something soft, maybe Ambre Narguile. Does that fit with “back to school”, though, what with the tobacco note and all? Probably not, but my imagination seems to be quite flat at the moment. Tomorrow will be better. Be well, all.
Oh waterdragon, I am so so sorry. I was offline last week, but last night went back through the SotD to find your reports on Dakkie and was so hoping for a different outcome. All my best to you and yours.
T-Rex and I send our sincere condolences. So sorry.
I’m so very sorry. You did right by your noble Dakkie cat.
Oh no…my heart goes out to you and the dear man. Deepest condolences on your loss.
My condolences to you and the dear man. I’m so sorry for your loss.
So, so sorry to hear this. Hugs to you.
So sorry to hear that. We’ll miss him right along side you. Condolences to you and Mr. WD.
So very very sad for your loss. Hope the wee furballs give you some comfort.
Sorry for your loss waterdragon
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending warmest thoughts to you and the dear man.
Dakkie’s passing has broken my heart to tears. I loved him from the distance. I am so sorry about it Waterdragon. I am sending hugs and love to you and your dear man.
I am so very sorry waterdragon. I scrolled through hoping there might be good news about your baby. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Such sad news about Dakkie cat. Like Lizzie B. I scrolled back hoping for a different outcome. This must be very hard dear Waterdragon, after all your efforts to cheer him up. Very best wishes to the Waterdragon family, ofcourse all fourleggeds included.
I’m so sorry to hear about Dakkie, I had been hoping he would be OK.
My condolences for your loss, waterdragon.
I have a friend whose black cat loves to use my thighs (denim clad) as a claw sharpening tool. Ouch !
I will give him extra love, from you.
So sorry Dakkie has gone on. Wishing peace for you, and a vibrant memory of love.
I’m so sad to hear of this. Your stories of Dakkie and the knitted mice charmed us all around the world. Hugs to you and your family.
I’m so sorry about your Dakkie cat, waterdragon. I have enjoyed reading your posts about him and the other kittens for some time. Your posts have given us the gift of sharing the memory of him.
So sorry for your loss Waterdragon. My condolences.
I am so sorry for your loss , waterdragon.
I’m so sorry about you loss, waterdragon.
Waterdragon, I am so very sorry to hear about Dakkie-cat’s passing. I cried a little reading your post. Please accept my condolences.
I’m so sorry to hear about poor Dakkie. Letting them go is the hardest and last thing we do for our fur babies, and there is nothing like that pain.
I hope your new kittens are a comfort to you and the dear man.
I am very sorry to hear this, Waterdragon, and my thoughts are with you.
Oh, Waterdragon. I’m sending you a big internet hug in solidarity. RIP, little Dakkie cat.
A quote on a card from my vet that brought me comfort, and I do hope it brings comfort for you as well. “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart”. Sending my condolences.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard. My condolences.
Oh no. I’m sure you did the right thing, and our thoughts are with you.
Waterdragon, my heart aches for your loss. Dakkie was such a wonderful kitty. My condolences to you and your family.
So sorry for your loss Waterdragon.
I am also very sorry for your loss. I have had to make that choice myself recently and it is a very hard one. Luckily I have a very kind vet and she was right there beside me as I held beloved Pearl on my lap to say goodbye. I send condolences.
Oh, you poor thing. Dakkie was such a character with all his mice, and yodellings, and special take on the world. What a loss for you two. You did the right thing. There’s little worse than a suffering animal
So sorry for the loss of Dakkie cat. You gave him a good home, all the KMs he desired, 3 cats to keep his spirits up and most of all, you gave him your unconditional love.
So very sorry about Dakkie. Your wonderful stories made me feel like I knew him.
So sad. Blessings to little Dakkie. Hope he is back with his mum now.
I’m so sorry to hear the sad news about Dakkie! Hugs and my condolences to your whole household, human and feline!
So sorry for both of you. Sending Hugs,
So, so sorry to hear the sad news about Dakkie. My sincerest condolences to you and your dear man.
I’m so sorry for your loss waterdragon. Saying goodbye is so hard.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, Waterdragon. I have gotten so much joy out of your tales of Dakkie-Cat and can only imagine how much joy he has given you and the dear man over the years. Heartfelt condolences to you both, and I hope you find solace in the new young kitties.
I am so sorry about Dakkie. You loved him well and he is surely waiting for you on the other side. Hug the babies close.
I’m so so sorry. I have had to walk two kitties to the other side of the Rainbow Bridge in the past 8 years and it is tough. My deepest condolences.
RIP Jerry Lewis. Thank you so much for all your dedication by bringing awareness to muscular dystrophy. My 3 youngest sons have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Jerry Lewis made a difference for children who suffer from this devastating disease.
RIP Jerry Lewis.
Hey, LADY! !!!
Good one Bear!????
I’m sorry I did not feature Lewis today. He really did make a difference. Was just listening to an interview on Fresh Air, he was an interesting man and I didn’t know that much about him.
Hi Robin, That’s okay. He did live an interesting life. I just wanted to give him a shout out for helping so many kids.????
I’m glad he’s made a difference. I wish you and your family well as you deal with this disease.
Hi hajusuuri, Thank you so much for your kind words. My boys are pretty cool! Two have to use a wheelchair and don’t consider theirselves disabled. They are living their lives to the fullest!
By the way, I love reading your commuter stories. You have a great way with words!
RIP indeed to Jerry Lewis and hats off to you. It takes grace and fortitude to cope with a disease like Duchenne’s.
Wow thank you Sapphire! My boys have such positive attitudes. They encourage me every day to keep going and to keep laughing. They really are the ones who handle their disease with such grace.
Jardin de Monsieur Li from a sample kicking around in a little bag in my purse. I was old school this morning for the eclipse as it hit 80% in our backyard. Poked holes in a paper plate. My husband watched in NYC and actually got some interesting photos by just holding his phone up and clicking away without looking…. jealous of those in Jackson Hole, WY.
I tried the blind photo thing too but got nada. Thpugh I did see a crescent for about 2 secinds when the clouds passed over.
School let out 3 hours early today for oppressive heat (some of our schools lack AC and the heat index has been running around 94F inside the building), so when Taz got home he brought his school-issued eclipse glasses with him. We’ve been taking turns with them to view the 91% eclipse… pretty darn cool.
In Silences now that my sample has worn off.
And not envying those who went to Carbondale, MO where it was incredibly hot and clouds covered over the main event.
Armani Privé Bois d’Encens for me today. It seems like an appropriately contemplative scent for the eclipse so many of you saw. Just been watching footage from the space station over breakfast.
Great choice!
I am sampling Dusita La Douceur de Siam. Wow, this is really, really rosy. Too much rose for me, but rose lovers must smell this.
Is it possible to have too much rose? 🙂
Ha, a week of the ‘back to school’ theme. The hero of this story starts the week feeling excited and confident. But he doesn’t know what I know: how it’s going to conclude on Friday. Bwahahaha!
SOTD is Penhaligon’s “Sartorial”. The scent inspired by a gentleman’s outfitters in London. Our hero is feeling a strange mix of smugness and nervousness as he is measured for the bespoke uniform of an ancient and exclusive school. Mind you, he’s not quite sure how he managed to win a scholarship without consciously applying for one. And why did his old head teacher look at him with such curiosity and concern when he said goodbye?
Top: aldehydes, ozonic effect, metallic effect, violet leaf, neroli, cardamom, black pepper and ginger;
Mid: beeswax, cyclamen, linden blossom, lavender and leather;
Base: gurjum balsam, patchouli, myrrh, cedar, tonka, oakmoss, white musk, honey notes, woody notes (huh, him again), vanilla and amber.
The metal-spices-honey mix is decidedly odd, and I vary between tolerating it and finding it borderline nauseating.
I’m on tenterhooks! Can hardly wait for the next installment of the story.
Your made of sterner stuff than me, metallic notes almost always make me cringe.
Solar eclipse SOTD is MFK Lumiere Noire.
We weren’t in the path of totality here, but that was OK because, on the other hand, I have access to a decent-sized telescope with a solar filter. Watching the moon’s shadow gobble up sun spots from my own backyard was plenty fun.
Wherever you are, dear NSTers–and whether in person or through videos/photos–I hope you’ve experienced some of today’s astronomical magic!
Oh, wow – super cool viewing! And great perfume choice 😀
It was pretty awesome, I must say.
Lucky you, to have clear weather and a telescope for today!
It *was* lucky, since the forecast called for some clouds! As it turned out, there really weren’t any until later in the day. Whew!
I see what you did there. Very clever. 🙂
I manage something pretty good every once in a while.????
Nice all around!
Why, thank you!
Fils de Dieu + Kulfi today. I was feeling grumpy that my parents didn’t make a bigger deal out of Halley’s comet when I was a kid, so even though we only got a partial eclipse here in the southwest, I made a big deal out of making a pinhole projector from a cereal box and having my 3 year old look into it. My 5 year old had his first day of school so I didn’t get to do it with him. Having the TV on and watching all the coverage has been so fun, along with reading everyone’s posts!
Nice experiencie with you child. It was fun for sure!
What a fun memory for you and your 3 year old. I really enjoyed the NASA live stream today. The scientists were so excited, it was adorable.
My neighbor’s kids were out in their yard with their pin hole projectors. Best idea I heard on the radio today was to use the holes in a Ritz cracker to watch the shadows change during the eclipse.
Science + snack = smart thinking!
What an awesome idea, I wish I had heard about that beforehand!! It really was fun, even though I don’t think she fully grasped what she was looking at 🙂
I set my DVR to record the NASA live stream (oxymoron, I know), but Comcast chose to have an outage today so I will need to figure out an alternative way view it. You Tune here I come!
Boo! Thank goodness for YouTube! 🙂
That’s great that you did that! I think it’s precisely the kind of thing to make a big deal out of for kids!
At dinner tonight, she told daddy about looking at the eclipse – so I guess it did make more of an impact than I thought!
No eclipse in sight for me…and I am envious of all who got to see it!
Wearing Olmsted & Vaux today and got three compliments on a college campus so this one is a winner for sure 🙂
Awesome (falsetto).
I had a dentist’s appointment this morning, so I chose something that wouldn’t fumigate their office… SOTD = Caudalie The Des Vignes, from the sample stash. I was in the partial eclipse area, and would have seen 80% if clouds hadn’t rolled in about 30 minutes before maximum. Phooey. Oh well, it’s time to start thinking about the 2024 eclipse.
I’m aiming for Patagonia in 2019!
Oh, too cool!!!
It’s a little scary that I will be 7 years older then. I’ve already de-aged myself by a decade online (yep, I lie about my birthdate except when I can’t)…
OK I am going to beg to differ and say that you should wear your age loud and proud 🙂
We women are like a fine wine….we get better and more gorgeous with age -LOL!
I’m in PdN Ambre Cashmere Intense, from the discovery set. I’m going to have to respray and leave the house to analyze this one, as it’s competing with the chorizo and pinto beans in the IP. I don’t think cumin is a note in this fragrance. ????
Chorizo and pinto beans sound delicious!
They turned out just fine, if a bit pungent.
Chorizo and pinto beans sound like my kind of dinner!
They were yum.
Ambre Cashmere Intense is really nice–note to self to locate my sample.
87% of totality here, meaning weirdly darkening skies and some very unusual shadows. I showed some neighborhood kids how to make a cereal box image projector – they hadn’t gotten any glasses and were bummed at missing it – and they were amazed by both what they saw and how they were able to see it. I am now the neighborhood wise woman, at least according to them. 😉
That is so cool! I have to admit this was my first time making one and I was also amazed!
Maybe you can make perfumistas out of some of them!
Two big thumbs up to you!
I’m visiting my mom in northern Indiana and we had 84% of totality today at 2:22 which seemed somehow a mystical time. The light became eerie and it was dark inside the house. We sat on the porch and watched the light change. And yes all the birds became quiet. The horses across the road did not notice a thing and went on munching their grass. I also made a cereal box pinhole viewer and it worked pretty well. Just at about 2:24 we heard a sudden animal noise that was a series of loud chirps, almost metallic, almost like a car alarm call, but definitely an animal. I have no idea what it was, it was eerie. Maybe a ground squirrel or a frog? Anyway that was quite interesting. I am wearing YSL “Paris” (note: not “Mon Paris”) from my mom’s collection. It is new not vintage, but I really love the smell. It’s mostly rose and so pretty. Just plain pretty. No connections to either eclipse or school, but I just saw it there and tried it.
Fascinating! Thank you for that account!
Thank you…it all sounds very otherworldly
I described the sound to my brother and he said it sounded like it was a tree toad. I looked online and found a series of sounds of Michigan frogs and toads (we are 3 miles from the Michigan border) and I now think it was an Eastern tree frog. Very distinctive and interesting!
SOTD = Guerlain Angelique Noir
On theme with today’s eclipse! Someone brought in solar eclipse glasses and woot, I saw the partial eclipse through it. I DVRd NASA’s special and look forward to watching it without the glasses 🙂
Commuting Woes No. 383:
Usually, armpits are wafting about more intensely during the commute home. Today, armpit/body odor man walked up and down the train car trying to decide where to park himself. He layed (laid? lied…it’s late, someone please tell me which one is grammatically correct) across one set of 3 duoble doors that opened at the next stop to let in a horde of commuters. At that stop, everyone coming in non-chalantly stepped over the guy and carried on. Smart commuters since exchanged words will likely end up in someone getting hurt.t
Correct verb for stinky dude would be “laid”. According to The Free Dictionary, “layed” is an alternate spelling of “laid”. “Lie” refers to something that you can put down on to a surface.
I’ll happily deal with kitty hairballs over your commuting woes any day of the week.
Thank you. And hairballs, yuck! Comcast decided, of all days, to have an outage today; so no NASA special episode and no TV tonight. Oh well. I am getting $9 credit for the outage.
Tell me how you manage to get credit? My comcast goes out constantly and they never provide credit or refund 🙁
Armpits and BO. Sheesh. Well, at least you got to seem some eclipse, right?
He could have ‘splayed’ as well
Yeah, I found out the hard way to say nothing at all no matter what kind of crazy behaviour you are presented with. Such is urban life.
Love the comments! I wore Jean Patou’s L’Heure Attendue! It smelled great.