Oh dear, it's Monday again. Also, Chocolate Pudding Day, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and Eid Mubarak! What fragrance are you wearing?
I’m wearing Paul Smith Story again. The bottle is not flashy but it is shaped like a book and features a typewriter font, and it is one of my favorites.
Reminder: 6/30 will be Bottle Porn Friday...wear a fragrance that you bought because you were drawn to the aesthetics of the bottle, or just wear a fragrance from a bottle you think is perfect. Suggested by chocolatemarzipan8.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the Paul Smith + Anglepoise lamps run around $195-$240, or $4300 for a "Giant" floor lamp, at Anglepoise.
I am in Shalimar. I love the fragrance, but I think it was the bottle that made me purchase a fb instead of a decant.
You smell wonderful! I covet this year’s LE Shalimar Souffle de Parfum peacock bottle.
Googled that peacock bottle. Wow, it’s gorgeous!
Me too! Its gorgeous
You smell wonderful! That will definitely be one of my picks this week!
The Shalimar bottle is REALLY lovely- and the scent is as well! 🙂
Now I have to wonder which bottle yours is. It’s gone through many iterations, and I just bought some from the 90s(?) and those bottles I don’t find particularly nice-looking (the long rectangular one.)
Yes, some Shalimar bottles are not particularly attractive.
Mine is a modern EDP (2-3 years old, I think). It looks like this – https://pic.oscdn.net/pic/9985943/l
Oh, yes – the classic bottle style is not only pretty, but sits in the hand well. Guerlain also makes great sprayers.
Have you compared your edp to vintage juice by any chance? I’d like a bottle of edp but am not sure how much difference there is between modern and the older stuff.
No, unfortunately I have not tried vintage Shalimar.
You smell fantastic! Shalimar is a definite win-win: juice and bottle.
In TF Santal Blush, and drinking a Starbucks Venti black coffee because Monday. I could use some chocolate pudding.
That Paul Smith bottle is lovely, and the notes along with the burst of lemon sound great.
I went sniffing round the Chicago Barneys and Hermes. I suspect it’s because of the warm weather, but many scents I considered too harsh a few months ago (Olfactif Studio Lumiere Blanche, Serge Lutens Santal Majuscule, Aedes Copal Azur, Frederic Malle Superstitious) smelled much more opulent and rounded. Also, a lovely SA at Hermes was happy to give me four Hermessence samples (the big 4ml ones – Santal Massioa, Cuir d’Ange, Epice Marin, Vetiver Tonka). I was a happy camper 🙂
Nice sample haul!
Hmmm (leans in) you smell lovely.
Color me envious! I recently went to the Hermes counter (not a free-standing store) for the first time and the SA was not at all friendly (in that “you can’t afford this so I’m not going to waste my time” kind of way that I always fear when perfume shopping.) Their 4ml samples are great – even more so now that they have sprayers.
Hermes SAs really vary…like everywhere, I guess. Sometimes they give the feeling you’re wasting their time just because you’re interested in perfume instead of the higher ticket items like handbags & scarves.
Sweet! That is a sample stash par excellence!
Eid Mubarak!
I smell of sunblock and Songes
No perfume related, but I had a doctors appointment on Friday, and I am finally back to my weight before I had my babies. It’s only taken me 17months (that is how old my youngest is) to loose 30+ pounds!
That is impressive! Congratulations! And you smell like summer 😀
Songes is great! Congratulations!
Yay!, u must feel gr8!- I’m joining u in Songes today, I got a craving for it after reading that u have been wearing it so much.
Ps; the veg curry recipe is on allrecipes.co.uk In case u didn’t see my reply yesterday. I use a tin of tomatoes, or add some passata to it.
Very healthy, will definitely help keep u on track! ????
Thank you , going over now to take a look
There is so many, what is the name of the one you used?
Tomato, couliflour and lentil curry. (it’s the red lentil one)
Congratulations to you!
Thanks all, I don’t do the “d” word, as in diet. I think breastfeeding and just being mindful about what I was eating helped a lot.
Breastfeeding really helps to lose the baby weight fairly quickly doesn’t it? and healthy ,balanced eating is so much better than dieting, any time.
You smell great and congrats!
That is great!!
Good for you!
Yay for you! Thumbs up for mindful eating and for Songes. 🙂
Having babies one right after the other is hard! So give yourself a big pat on the back- losing that much in 17 months is actually quite an accomplishment!
That’s awesome! My youngest was 5 before I finally decided to get serious about taking off the “baby weight.”
Good for you!
Impressive! Major congrats on that.
Congratulations! Slow and steady wins the race!
That’s wonderful! And so much more healthy to loose it over time.
Wearing Prada Infusion d’Iris EDP today for a very busy day of meetings and yearly vet appointments.
Not really bottle porn, but the bottle is a nice stately thing that looks nice and feels solid in the hand.
I agree, it’s a great bottle.
You smell perfect for a busy day. I love the click of the cap as it goes on to the Infusion d’Iris bottle.
Hope the vet appointments end with treats and a big nap for everyone. 😉
Almost everything ends with treats where the hounds are concerned. 🙂
Agreed. the different configurations of ‘Iris..” have subtle permutations that make the solidity grounding and elegant.
I’ve always admired this bottle. Classy!
Happy Monday! I am wearing Eau des Merveilles layered with Orange Sanguine based on Tiffanie’s recommendation. Thank you! It is a salty, beachy, orangey combo. A complete delight! Drinking coffee and thankful that finally this is the last week of the fiscal year. Be well all!
I imagine you smell amazing. I shall try this combo too.
Ooh this sounds lovely!
Yes, you should try. It is really good!
Yay for EdM+OS! You smell fabulous.
Thank you! You also smell great in Eau de Guerlain!
Thank you! It is a very nice summery combo!
You smell fresh and amazing – perfect salty/beach orange blossom loveliness!
And yes- thank Goodness to saying bye bye to fiscal year!
Half twin! I will try EdM with some OS added next time!
I’m going to have to getva sample of Edm, so i can try this combo. It sounds great.
Bottle porn week!!!!
As y’all know my current obsession is with the Berdoues Grand Cru Cologne Collection bottles so I am wearing Vanira Moorea in tandem with Tonka Imperiale. I have to say the juices of the Berdoues are as lovely as the bottles so it is a win win situation.
Past bottle loves have included the Escada Limited Editions (I STILL collect those), the Annick Goutals (lovestosmellgood save your bottle of Songes!), the Pacificas both solid perfumes (those adorable tins) and spray perfumes as the packaging is so unique and pretty and each bottle has a fabulous design as well as fitting nicely in your hand and the spray unscrews to reuse the bottle for 30ml decants) and the Ineke line (bottles and packaging are gorgeous).
And you know ,Robin, Ineke did a floral curiosities collection which also came in a “book”…I had the travel spray of Angel’s Trumpet.
This is the sample set…
and this is what I had in the angel’s trumpet…oh yikes!!! I am creating my own lemming in my research-LOL!
This made me LOL!
I remember that!
The AG bottles are very nice
You really should keep yours as the new bottles don’t look anything like the classic ones.
I have a sample of the tea scent from Berdoues due strictly to your obsession with it 🙂
Ha! I know I was counting my rows of elephants dwindling last year as I wore Assam of India the entire summer.
Somehow a new bottle of Berdoues Maasai Mara showed up at my door on Saturday!
The bottle is beautiful, good thing I like the fragrance also!
OOH! that is the new one! Do elaborate when you get a chance!
Yes to Berdoues Grand Cru! The Assam of India elephants make me smile every time I spritz.
There’s a boutique in my small town that carries the Berdoues line. I need to check it out!
Do it! 😉 The Berdoues scents I’ve tried are worth sniffing.
Oh lordie, get into that boutique and give them some skin time! (and then report back 🙂 !!)
and your new gravatar is so pretty!
I will tomorrow! Powerwashing the driveway today. The photo/gravatar is from the glass sculpture ceiling from the Bellagio. ????
They do make lovely bottles. The elephants are a winner, but my favorite is the cherry blossom bottle, but unfortunately, I didn’t like the scent.
You know it is funny but the cherry blossom one was the first one that caught my eye as it was featured on an online perfume boutique…when I clicked on the Berdoues name up popped all the other bottles and when I saw the elephant one I was smitten beyond the cherry blossom…because I used the gift certificate that my good friend of 49 years gave me to buy it, and elephants are her thing, and she once took an elaborate 4 week vacation to India….luckily I loved Assam of India so I made a good choice!
I bet your friend’s trip to India was amazing!
I’m wearing Vetiver Tonka by Hermes from a sample; what a gorgeous smell!
That one is up there among my favorite Hermes scents. You smell wonderful!
Thanks! It is up there for me too. Don’t know TF London, but you make it sound lovely, as I love Oud Wood.
Breezy sunny day here, went digging through the archives and pulled out Miller Harris Jasmin Vert. Light and fresh.
That’s such a pretty one.
Rainy here and I’m in MH La Pluie…looking at you. This is my only Miller Harris but I like it and might explore further, with one of those Voyage sets. Any recommendations?
The current men’s pack looks good (and I don’t think you need worry about it being boring old man stuff).
Current pack is feuilles de tabac, vetiver insolent and étui noir.
I got one last year, at which point it was feuille de tabac, la fumée and le petit grain. The first two are great, the third is a note I will never love but (and this is saying a lot) I wore it voluntarily in hot weather. None of them has great lasting power.
My favourites are Jasmin Vert and Figue Amère. When I get back to the US this winter I plan to seek out La Fumée and La Pluie.
You guys know everything. Respect!!!!
Jasmin Vert sounds great – will look into this one. I love jasmine but in many iterations it’s too sweet for me.
This one is definitely not very sweet, smells quite like natural jasmine on the plant to me.
Eclair de Tubéreuse by Il Profumo. I’m not much of a bottle obsessive although lately I seem to have developed a fondness for bottles with tassels.
This is a nice tuberose, not one of the real greats, but nice for what it is, and very good in summer.
Plus, great name.
Yay – I love homemade chocolate pudding. Maybe I will make some today.
I’ll be in NR Musc Oil for Her after I shower post-run. I do like the bottle, but I don’t think I have any bottles that are incredible. I prefer the classic clean-lined type anyway.
You will be smelling wonderful.
Have you tried the new musc oil? The one in the white bottle?
I’m wearing Bandit! Definitely not bottle porn in my case, as the “bottle” is 10 1-ml sample vials I bought in bulk off the internet. 🙂
The Piguet bottles have been quite nice-looking over the years, though (IMO.) I’m thinking about wearing Fracas this week for the theme.
I had a recurrence of low-back issues over the weekend, so went with Fleur de Chine this morning for its softness. Every little bit helps! And a Pilates session this evening should help the back, so by tomorrow I’m hoping to be back to my usual self. Happy Monday all!
that is a beautiful scent!
Hope your feeling better quickly. Pilates sounds perfect. I have easy yoga stretches on my to do list today to help relax my low back.
Bleah, back pain. Hope yours is feeling better ASAP.
Back pain sucks. Hope it goes away soon!
By Terry Ombré Mercure. The bottle is comfortable to hold, and has a pretty silver label and heavy metal cap. I’ve read reviews that this is like L’Heure Bleu and I can smell the siliarities. pumpkin spice coffee since I ran out of beans and this is ground. Yum! Have a fantastic week!
That is a nice one, and you’re coffee sound wonderful!
Thank you! I have a recipe somewhere using canned pumpkin to coffee. But I just used flavored ground coffee today.
They really need to come up with a pumpkin spice perfume????
ELdO’s Like This, perhaps? Lots of pumpkin and some spice in there.
Pretty sure Solstice Scents has one.
It does and I have it :-).
Yum. Yes!
What ElisaP said. Also, Demeter Pumpkin Pie! I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s also Pumpkin Spice. ELDO Like This is too sweet .
I love that perfume and love the heavy bottle. I never would have thought of any similarity to L’Heure Bleu but will soon try them side-by-side to compare.
Yes please report back with your thoughts. I have a decant of LHB so I’ll do a side by side. I think it was on Fragrantica where I read the comparison between the two
I like your new gravatar.
???? thank you! Took me while to figure out how to change it. It’s a photo of the glass sculpture ceiling from the Bellagio.
Oh, so it is! I would never have thought of it.
Cool! Love his work.
I’m sipping cold brew at the airport and wearing By Kilian Back to Black (lightly applied) for my day of travel. I slept horribly because of heat and airport anxiety. It was 90F yesterday and my apartment takes forever to cool off after a hot day like that. Can’t wait to be on the plane the air! Hopefully this cold brew doesn’t make me unable to nap.
Hope the air travel is enjoyable and comfortably cool.
I feel the same frustration with warm weather. At the end of the day my house is a hot box for a few hours, even with all the windows open. Running the AC makes me feel silly when it’s cool outside in the evening.
Have a good flight and enjoy your travels! I get travel anxiety, too, so can commiserate.
Wearing Songes EDP, inspired by lovetosmellgood’s week of Songes, it’s definitely one of my favourites, I like it in the winter to, very comforting and uplifting, and lovely in snowy weather.
My friend gave me a lovely Vince navy sleeveless jersey dress last week, which doesn’t fit her anymore. She tells me it is an expensive American brand that her sister used to be a buyer for. The quality is lovely, have slipped into this after work, it’s so hot now and such a relief to get out of my jeans and trainers!
you look and smell wonderful, twin
Vince dresses are nice, they sell them at BG’s and Neimans..so you are smelling (and looking) tres chic
Thanks twin, u too!
Vince makes really high quality clothing. Very simple lines, but great fit!
Yes, I’m so pleased with this unexpected gift, it’s really nice!
Coincidentally, I am about to hit “buy” on a Vince sweater. If I could afford it, I’d have a closet full of Vince knitwear. I have none to date, but that may soon change if I can summon up the courage.
Can anyone help on sizing? I’ve tried a few items in stores and my recollection is that they run small. I was going to size up. It’s a boxy boatneck sweater so I also figure if it’ll be better a bit big than too small.
I got a poncho Vince. sweater from Crossroads Trading Co (used) and love it (and that store). If I’m not sure about sizing, I usually go a size up on sweaters, especially for bulky knits. A little oversized looks and feels better than too tight IMO.
But I paid like $25 for it.
Ooh, nice find! This costs about $100 more (oof) but is exactly the black (preferably cashmere) sweater I look for winter after winter but fail to find. Ended up sizing up – fingers crossed.
Kpaint, Vince sweaters run pretty big – if you like lose fit, go for your normal size (e.g. if you usually wear M and want your sweater to be lose fit, for for M, otherwise if you want a more ‘fitted’ fit, go for S). The exception to this rule are their skinny fit sweaters or their
something like this: http://www.neimanmarcus.com/Vince-Drop-Shoulder-Long-Sleeve-Boat-Neck-Tee/prod198570025/p.prod?icid=&searchType=MAIN&rte=%2Fsearch.jsp%3Ffrom%3DbrSearch%26request_type%3Dsearch%26search_type%3Dkeyword%26q%3Dvince&eItemId=prod198570025&cmCat=search&tc=49¤tItemCount=1&q=vince&searchURL=/search.jsp%3Ffrom%3DbrSearch%26start%3D0%26rows%3D30%26q%3Dvince%26l%3Dvince%26request_type%3Dsearch%26search_type%3Dkeyword is a lose fit, so if you want a more fitted look, go one size down.
These are fitted already: http://www.neimanmarcus.com/Vince-High-Rise-Vintage-Straight-Leg-Jeans-Med-Wash-and-Matching-Items/prod200950035/p.prod?focusProductId=prod200020480&icid=&searchType=MAIN&rte=%2Fsearch.jsp%3Ffrom%3DbrSearch%26request_type%3Dsearch%26search_type%3Dkeyword%26q%3Dvince&eItemId=prod200020480&cmCat=search&tc=49¤tItemCount=4&q=vince&searchURL=/search.jsp%3Ffrom%3DbrSearch%26start%3D0%26rows%3D30%26q%3Dvince%26l%3Dvince%26request_type%3Dsearch%26search_type%3Dkeyword
go with your normal size
Good morning Y’all!
Crazy busy weekend doing the mom thing…The mom career can wear a gal out! 🙂
SOTD: Moschino Fresh Couture. Grab and go fragrance, bought strictly for the bottle. Nothing special, but not bad either…..
Make sure you give yourself a break if possible!
So true! Sat AM, I did sleep in pretty late, BUT after that….
1. Grocery shopping
2. Took son for a haircut
3. Oil change
4. Took oldest girl shopping for new jeans and shoes
5. Laundry caught up
6. Put up 40 quarts of crowder peas! YAY! 20 more quarts to go tonight..
7. Met my brother and family for dinner in downtown Atlanta (60 mile roundtrip)
8. Took the oldest girl to her petsitting job twice a day
9. Gave the cat 2 pills by mouth (THAT was tough! LOL)
10. Collapsed at some point last night…HA HA HA HA
Moms are superheroes…Can I get an AMEN? 🙂
Whew! That exhausts me just reading it.
It is the most exhausting and hardest job!
This month I am coming upon my one year anniversary of leaving Weill Cornell for the world of stay at home mom. No regrets
#9 !!! I think I’d take the drive into downtown Atlanta over that. 🙂
LOL! No kidding! The vet tech gave the 1st dose and showed me how to do it. Poor kitty fought the good fight, but I eventually won….eventually…. 🙂
Amen and amen!
You get an AMEN from me, sister, but I will also tell you that MR. CM8 runs himself ragged as well ( and does laundry, cleans toilets, cleans the house, vacuums daily and runs a gazillion errands) so some dads are superheroes as well in my book 🙂 And I loved your post on fathers day fragrances!!
100% absolutely! I definitely misspoke!
PARENTS are superheroes! YEAH!!! 🙂
Nope..you definitely did NOT misspeak at all 🙂
In my eyes, all folks are superheroes who go above and beyond and demonstrate random acts of kindness and put themselves out there for others…moms, dads, aunts, uncles, best friends, neighbors, even strangers….I just like to be thankful for everyone!
I hope your Fresh Couture is refreshing for you and gives you energy 🙂
Speechless admiration! ;^)
SOTD is Cartier la Panthere – such a cute bottle and the scent’s not bad either.
Fantastic bottle! And the LEs have been even better.
The topic of beautiful bottles reminds me of this response by Skycat to a Basenotes query on how to open Chanel No. 5 flacons (October 30, 2007):
The appropriate way to open any Chanel parfum is to take a long hot bath, carefully shaving every stub of out of place body hair. Moisturize well with fragrance free almond oil and put hair in rollers. This gets harder….tie on a scarf and put on big dark glasses to dart up the street for a mani-pedi. Return home, with car windows slightly down if longer hair is not quite dry. Spritz hair with fragrance free hairspray and blow dry on low. Allow to cool while applying make up. Apply lipstick to match manicure. Blot. Gloss. Remove rollers and finger comb for loose messy curls. Be gentle so as not to dent fresh manicure which may not be fully cured.
Put on :
a. satin negligee
b. sexy black dress
c. nothing
Recline on fainting couch. Open bottle. Apply sparingly using whatever body part seems most appropriate at the time. Replace stopper. Relax your arm, but retain the bottle in the hand.
Smile. Close eyes.
This is wonderful!!!
My morning routine……….
HA! 😀
I’m not sure I believe you own UNscented hair spray, Bear. 🙂
Hahahahaha I love this.
That started out reasonably luxurious, and then just made me laugh!
Too funny! Thanks for sharing!
Excellent! (of course, that’s exactly why I don’t wear it)
The heat wave is over, thank goodness, and it’s supposed to be breezy and pleasant today. I’m wearing Cedrat Enivrant this morning. Woke up at 5 :15 so I might take a nap later.
The little heatwave here will break tomorrow. A nap is on my to do list for today. 🙂
I like the sounds of that to do list.????
OMG- I felt so baked! I went out with new friends and drank lots of cider and water- but I am so glad we had this break this morning, complete with a light rain.
Cedrat Enivrant! You smell like a tall glass of perfectly made mojito!
I’m sampling Diptyque L’Eau de Neroli and *really* enjoying it so far. I don’t want to speak too soon, but I think this and Hermes Eau de Neroli Dore might just be my two favorite nerolis.
Since most of my collection is samples and decants, I doubt I’ll be participating much in the project this week. Though I am a sucker for a cute mini bottle…
House twins!
I adore Hermes Eau de Neroli Dore
Why not wear a decant that comes in a full size bottle that is pretty or intriguing to you?
OMG, mini bottles. They’re like kryptonite.
true…so so true 🙂
Bottle porn isn’t my thing, since I mostly buy decants and minis. Today I’m wearing Chamade from a decant.
Twins! We smell great!
Chamade is lovely.
That said, I bought an empty parfum bottle and poured my Chamade decant into it. #notsorry
my hero! 🙂
the Chamade bottle is worth it.
It’s not my thing either, but I have to admit the Victoria Minya bottles are stunning, although I confess I’ve never saw one in person. I really like the original Hedonist and was seriously considering a FB because who doesn’t want a bunch of Swarovski crystals rolling around is a cut crystal perfume bottle? Can you imagine spritzing yourself with that, sunlight shining through the bottle?! It’s like beautiful unicorn poop wrapped in rainbows!!
I wanted a customized bottle…I think it was the pink bottle but with Iris instead of white. No go…
My mini bottle of Boucheron Trouble is bottle porn to me 🙂
I love minis and they’re almost always cuter than full-sized bottles 🙂
SOTD Volutes by Diptyque.
You smell great!!
I haven’t worn mine in a while. The bottle is nice too….hmmmm
Hove Kiss In The Dark is my SOTD. This perfume bottle is a very simple rectangular one, but the fragrance develops so nicely in this summer heat.
I need to revisit Hove again. I was in NOLA in October 2014. Fro above, I got the shower gel scented with Corduroy – I just emptied my bottle a month ago.
I’m wearing Soivohle’s Underworld today – I could use some damp, just-dug-up-cool-earth vibes in this heat. For all of you vetiver freaks out there, this is lovely.
it is very lovely. Soivohle is another underrated brand
I agree. I have tried several recently thanks to my best friend perfumista who sent me several travel sizes and they are lovely and different.
I should try Underworld in the heat. I have a sample, and thought it was a great antidote to the winter blahs.
Warming or cooling when you need it to be!
I could not remember what the project was this week, so I’m in Chamade from a decant. It’s pretty wonderful!
There are definitely bottles I love and also bottles I am not a fan of- for instance many of the CdG bottles…I just do not get those!
The rounded CdG bottles are defiantly off kilter. 🙂
The Montale bottles are downright scary to me.
I started this week with Van Cleef & Arpels Moonlight Patchouli.
those VC&A are pretty beautiful bottles
I wore Moonlight patch to sleep the other night. I really enjoy it in warmer weather. You smell great!
SOTD is Oriza L Legrand Reve d’Ossian. The bottle isn’t particularly porn-worthy, though the label is quite pretty. However: tassel!
I love the Oriza bottles and definitely porn worthy in my book!
I think so too.
I agree. Love the vintage, old labels.
Neroli Doré, from a sample, but I’m sure the bottle looks nice, right?
Now I’m wishing I could try Story, but I have never seen it out in the world.
Yes, I want to smell Story, too! And I want to sniff Neroli Doré, it gets a lot of love. I’m imagining you smell fabulous.
When I’m at a perfume counter (which is rare) I get distracted by the other pretty-shiny-things and run out of sniffing energy by the time I get to the Hermes colognes. This colorful set makes me drool a bit:
now THAT is bottle porn for me!!! It is like a rainbow!!!!
YES! The Hermes colognes display so beautifully together. I wonder if just one looks as fun? Probably not, so one ought to buy a coffret 😉
Songes EDT from a mini over YR Tahiti Lagoon Hair & Body Wash. No bottle porn here but I do think the AG older bottles are very pretty. Lots of Songes being worn today. Happy Monday!
hey twin! we smell good don’t we?
Yes we do!
I personally prefer simpler bottles (Papillon, Slumberhouse, Lutens, Malle, Chanel, Dior, Naomi Goodsir) – really do not like any architectural over the top designs on my bottles.
SOTD – Tabacco Rose by Papillon. No Tobacco, but all gorgeous rose.
You smell great! I don’t get any tobacco from that one either.
I love all of those bottles too, although I don’t own a Dior. The Papillon tops are a little finicky for me, but I love the perfumes. Add to like list, the Roma Profomum bottles. So a very similar aesthetic works for me. And I got honey and roses from Tobacco Rose, which I love. You smell great.
Yes the profumum roma bottles are great too. If only they made 50 ml sizes instead of those 100 ml buckets I’d be even more happy with this brand. 😉
Some of the Profumums are available in a travel spray by the way. But alas, not the wonderful Ambra Aurea 🙁
You smell great. I generally prefer simpler bottles, too.
SOTD is Alessandro Dell’ Acqua. Perfectly balance of powdery/floral with an incense dry down.
Notes are: spicy Geranium, coriander, pelargonium, sweet pea, rose, peony, hibiscus, sandalwood, incense and musk.
I love that one, you smell great! My husband bought it for me by mistake (I had requested Mazzolari Alessandro) but turns out it was a hit. 🙂
Thanks Cazaubon!
This is a long-time favorite of mine, I love it in all phases of development, and it’s got incredible longevity! 12+ hours on me. 🙂
And thank goodness for happy accidents! This worked out in your favor!
This morning I’m wearing Eau de Guerlain. I woke up thinking its refreshing feel will help me through a warm day.
Later I’ll add Library of Flowers Moon Shadow, a layering that reminds me of Apres L’Ondee edt. Moon Shadow has a pretty bottle with a handcrafted look, and thoughtfully done wood and paper packaging too. Nicely done.
Package Porn
It is PP! and I like it.
Tom Ford Vert d’Encens. This is mixing beautifully with the heat, the smell of pool and summer.
I was twins with you this morning!
It was so nice and cool this morning that I had a musk craving, so I’m wearing AG Musc Nomade.
I had to go to our monthly team meeting this morning which is generally boring and an hour+ 45 min commute. One of my colleagues brought ber teacup Yorkie which is a therapy dog for the hospital. He sat in my lap most of the meeting and I definitely benefited from his therapeutic effects ????The meeting was painless today!
pets do have that effect!
You’ll have to ping her in advance for next month . . . oh wait, you might be on a beach. ????
Ha! Knowing my boss, she’ll schedule it for the day I get back since she knows how much I enjoy schlepping up there ????
Teacup Yorkie therapy dog sure beats pizza as a meeting perk!
The pup was adorable but I would happily accept pizza also.
I am powerless against the Yorkie.????
Wow, lucky you! Holding a small dog would make any meeting bearable.
Rose Anonyme today. It’s just a travel spray, so no bottle porn here.
I do like Atelier’s packaging though, and it’s a good fit with what they do.
Just back from a mini-vacation in the Adirondacks where I did not wear ANY scent for 4 days!
Today I am basking in Caligna, having been inspired to wear it by reading the picnic scent article at Bois de Jasmin.
Hope everyone is having a great day!
Have you found that your nose is a bit more sensitive after flying for four days scentless?
You smell fab!
1) Deep fried from the weekend in Portland. 101F! Fortunately, the relief came late last night with rain filled clouds. The rain came, just for a few minutes this morning- enough to cool everything down.
2) Met up with some new Japanese friends (from a book launch earlier last week) and took them to a community pool and to Sunday Parkways (but that got VERY hot, so went to the Portland Art Museum to cool off!)
3) One of my new friends is quite possibly one of the handsomest men I have ever seen. That is not hyperbole.
4) Am in chilled The Body Shop Satsuma body mist & West End Brands Voyage d’Tabac. I smell like a very clean & airy Bali spa bedroom.
I am wearing Sycomore today!
I looooove it.
I forgot about this weeks theme.
I am not really a bottle freak. Functionality over form. I love it when the sprayer is good and the bottle cap is sturdy and has a good tight fit. And no nonsense labeling please. Simplicity/minimalism wins for me most of the time. I dont have my bottles on display anyways.
Its boring, I know, but if I want art I’ll pick a visit to a museum 😉
The chanel exclusifs series does tick all these boxes, so I am with the theme right now. Also: The Different Company, Serge Lutens, Masque Milano, come to mind.
I dislike Penhaligons flimsy plastic caps with those stupid ribbons. They look nice on a picture but I was really disappointed when i held a bottle in my hand.
Okay okay….I would not mind if someone gave me a vintage bottle :). Especially those art nouveau or art deco ones, I really love those styles.
But for now vintage bottles is another whole new rabbit hole and I decided to focus on the here and now 🙂 (for now that is)
I completely agree on the Penhaligon’s! And I love the feel of bottles that have a good heavy cap. I don’t much care for bottles that topple over easily, I think the design of the Atelier des Ors bottles are ridiculous, you can barely use them without them falling over, it’s as if they didn’t care about functionality in the slightest.
They almost topple over? Thats just stupid design. And if golden flakes (they have those right?) are more important than a good usable bottle, then you have priorities all wrong imo!
So, is the juice good? I never sampled this brand…. I’ve read some positive reviews so it not all bad probably/hopefully 😉
Some of them are great, but I agree with Elizabeth about the bottles. They look nice, I guess, but over the top and poorly designed.
yeah, the juice is good, but it wasn’t good enough for me to pay that much for a bottle that would most likely end up shattered.
Will also add that adding gold flakes is stupid.
(And that I’m probably not the only one with a gold allergy, so wearing anything from this line is out of the question.)
I am so glad to hear this! I thought it was just me being uncoordinated. They are nice and heavy feeling in the hand, but almost topple. That’s exactly right!
Parfum d’Empire has the BEST SPRAY MECHANISM EVER! Their newer bottles are much nicer in person than they look in a photo. The labels are very toned down and classy and the cap is quite weighty and has an tight fit. I love so many in this line, and even if I don’t personally like a specific fragrance, they are still so well done that I admire them all. The only bottle I have is Corsica Furiosa, and I love everything about it. Best perfume money I ever spent!
Yes i really like their aesthetic.
Also, I agree with you, even if you dont specifically love them, the juice is way above average!
Corsica Furiosa is on my (ever increasing) FB-want list (though not on the top spot…yet), so good to hear the sprayer and cap are great! 🙂
I love the bottles and the perfumes — CF is the best — but I find the labels weirdly tacked on. Tiny dumb thing. Doesn’t keep me from buying. I just got some Ozemour!
Good to know about the new Pd’E bottles, Deva. I agree, this line has some wonderful perfumes.
I also appreciate a good sprayer. Most of them SUCK. I don’t understand why so many manufacturers seemingly ignore the most important design factor, but they do.
I like the look of Penhaligon’s bottles despite their caps’ flimsiness. 🙂 Maybe I’ll wear Lavandula later this week. But I get what you are saying: the cap does not fit snugly, and glue is visible on the ribbon. They could have done better. What I definitely don’t like is the box – it’s made of two pieces (larger top one and smaller bottom one), so I dropped the bottle several times, because I am used to grabbing boxes in the middle.
Maybe i should rephrase. Yes i like the look (I mean, cute ribbons, whats not to like) but the execution is really disappointing! The label also started to loosen after 1 month of use. 🙁
I hope your bottle stayed in one piece.
I once dropped an Ormonde Jayne from more than 1,20 meter on a wooden floor. That was a breathtaking moment (not in a good way). But, it survived the whole tumble. So also thumbs up for Ormonde bottles 🙂
It’s still in one piece. But it was much less then 1.2 m (30-50 cm I think). Well done, Ormonde Jayne!
The execution of Penhaligon’s bottles leaves much to be desired, it’s true. And it’s a shame.
I have a bottle of Violetta and find the packaging fits the fragrance well, but yes, the plastic cap is cheap and ill-fitting.
Sycomore is so wonderful!
I love bottles with the satisfying click of a well designed top. Chanel, Malle etc. I agree about Penhaligion’s one hundred percent. More heretically, I find the Goutal’s too fussy.
I was also disappointed with Goutals bottle design. I guess I expected a more ‘chic’ experience, if that makes sense….
The VC&A exclusive caps are also heavy and magnetized, and also have nice sprayers.
I’m not a fan of the Goutal design either. And more practically, if the label gets separated from the bottle, you’ll never be know what’s inside. I also get annoyed by labels that are difficult to read, and these really are. I shouldn’t have to pull out my reading glasses to figure out which perfume bottle I’m holding. I don’t need my fragrance to make me feel old, kwim?
agree, I don’t care for the Goutal bottles. at all. it actually turned me off trying the line for the longest time. hahahaha. I’m more drawn to Scandinavian design.
Yeah, those Chanel and Dior bottles with the magnetized heavy caps are wonderful. Very satisfying.
My SOTD is Amouage Jubilation 25–just because it’s so beautiful! I will miss Friday’s project because I’ll be on the plane and I lose Friday while crossing the International Date Line–never quite can grasp that–but if I were to participate I might have to choose from my old bottle of Tocade with its cute little red cap!
I don’t envy your long flight. Ugh.
Those Tocade bottles are so fun! Even the samples sported the little chapeaux 🙂
Eid Mubarak! I’m wearing Jo Malone French Lime Blossom today. Feels like summer!
Smells like summer too! Nice!
Eid Mubarak! I’m in Memo Marfa and I wish it were a tad hotter because it’s BWF season and I want to tuberose it up. But I’ll take it. July and August are on the way, and there will be plenty of time for scents that do well in the humidity.
Yes there will!
I’m in almost the opposite of this week’s theme. I’m in Tauer Lonesome Rider, which I ADORE, even though I care not one bit for the Tauer bottles. (They’re not ugly enough that I AVOID them, but are definitely unattractive to my eyes.) Not coincidentally, my LR comes from a decant in a lovely, heavy-gauge 10-mL bottle 🙂
This week should be much cooler than last week! I’m looking forward to it.
You smell marvelous in LR.
I’ve only tried Tauer scents from samples and have wondered how the bottles feel. Could they feel awkward to hold? Or perhaps the shape of the beautiful blue bottles fits comfortably in the hand.
They are awkward in MY hand. They’re a bit bulky in the important dimensions for me. They spray nicely, though!
Thanks for sharing that. A nice spray mechanism covers a multitude of bottle-y sins. 🙂
Totally agreed. That’s why I am less unhappy about the l’Artisan Parfumeur bottle change than I should be–those new sprayers are wonderful.
I have pretty big hands for a woman and I find them awkward as well (but I enjoy how they look).
I go for a 50 ml bottle over 100 mls most of the time for exactly that reason – it’s easier to hold and spray a smaller bottle. But with a pentagonal bottle all bets are off, the look of the bottle wins out. 🙂
You smell absolutely fabulous.
You smell wonderful!
Interesting – I love the blue bottles and they fit nicely in my hand. The caps are somtimes hard to get off and on though.
I like them too.
Bottle Porn SOTD = Vintage Caron Bellodgia Extrait
…in the Baccarat crystal flacon. I have not taken the time to date it but I would venture a guess that it is from the 50s or 60s.
Amouage Bracken Woman. That bottle and the juice…the color of the bottle is beautiful but does. Ot match the aesthetics of the juice. I m ntioned over the weekend that I think it shares galbanum-heavy DNA with my beloved No.19. Fragrantica does not list galbanum for. Bracken Woman but my nose is telling me it’s there. As I said, a FB will be mine at some point and depending upon when I get it, I will split off some because already several lifetime woth of perfumes in my collection 🙂
I too was wondering why a red bottle for this very very green perfume.
Posting a little late today. Took a shower in Lyric bath stuff today. The Amouage shower gel and the hand lotion all over is better in the summer than in the fall and winter. Then I proceeded to dab on the Lyric extrait to try out today. So far, I am loving it, far richer than the edp.
I’m swooning enviously at the thought of all that Lyric! I don’t think I could handle it in the summer. But now I’ll have to give my bottle a sniff today, just to get a hit.????
Eau des Merveilles on this sunny Monday.
I didn’t buy this for the bottle but that tilted circle is pretty. The collector editions are even better.
I agree about the bottles! I just rehomed the LE Blue Pegasus bottle because I just don’t reach for it anymore. You smell great!
Loved that bottle!
I know, I like that bottle, too. I really like the looks of the Bleue bottle, just not crazy about the fragrance within.
I also love the bottles for Eau des Merveilles. I was thinking of wearing it for Friday!
You smell great! And yes, lovely bottle too. Sparkly but stylish.
I do not want to encourage another flanker but if they do, please make it an absinth green or sea green one 🙂
Those bottles are great! I have a little fantasy about having a set of all of them in the mini size.
Wearing Tom Ford London, from a sample…I had forgotten I ordered this one, but now I’m glad I did! It’s a little like Oud Wood, but spicier and warmer. I love Oud Wood, but sometimes it can wear me.
I hope y’all are having a good day!
That’s a nice one. I agree it has a fair bit in common with Oud Wood… mostly in the dry-down.
The heat wave broke, and I am cold. Sotd is Bvgari Au The Bleu. Lovely bottle color and cap. Perfect for the day.
Just one (potent!) spritz of Sonoma Scent Studios Femme Jolie today. This is another “I wish they hadn’t discontinued it” scent. I didn’t buy it for the bottle, which is a 5 ml rather elegant looking travel spray; I loved its spicy sophistication.
I forgot about SSS bottles!!! I adore her perfumes, but I also love her 17-ml bottles. Maybe I will wear my 17-ml SSS tomorrow (Rose Musc).
Oops, no, it’s the 34-mL bottles I adore.
In Bendelirious – ELO bottles are okay, except when they have stupid, would-be daring labels. I never thought I cared about bottle shapes until I ended up with a full-sized Smell Bent – oh, and when it was pointed out to me that I have a respectable number of mini bottles, including a couple of perfumes I don’t even like, e.g. Natori. Miniaturization amps up the cuteness factor enormously.
It does! I bought a four-scent Hermes coffret at an airport store a while ago and all the bottles were miniature exact replicas of the full size versions (mine had: Un Jardin sur le Nil, Eau des Merveilles, Voyage d’Hermes and Jour d’Hermes). They’re some of my favorite bottles.
I have that set; they’re cute. :^)
I am a hopeless sucker for minis. Not just perfume, either: skincare, haircare, makeup…
Me too!!! I’ll always take the tiny size over full. I recently got a mini NARS blush and it is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I also much prefer mini mascaras, and they almost always work better than their full-sized counterparts.
I also despise oversized packaging (when it’s 3-4x the size of the product it holds), which happens a lot with skincare and annoys me to no end.
I just bought a mini mascara yesterday! Gah, oversized/unnecessary packaging is so irresponsible. It should be criminal.
SOTD = Amouage Interlude Man, from the sample stash, and the generous Hajusuuri. This is the first Amouage fragrance that I have tried… and I like it a LOT! Very much in my wheelhouse, with dry incense and wood smoke. A little bit of this goes a long way, though.
Derp! Forgot to mention that the full bottle for the Interlude Man qualifies as bottle porn in my book.
It is beautiful scent in a lovely bottle. I might get a FB rather than a replacement decant, as prices are falling for this one.
Not to cough cough enable cough cough or anything cough cough Fragrancenet usually has a deal on the Amouages cough cough.
To both Koenigsberg and Hajusuuri… a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!!
So, a week of bottle porn from a guy who only uses samples though the week, eh? This calls for some serious CHEATING! :^)
SOTD is Linari “Notte Bianca”.
Top: grapefruit, bergamot and orange;
Mid: clove, clary sage, cashmere wood, star anise and wormwood;
Base: vetiver, tonka, musk and amber.
If you want to pay serious prices for perfumes with little initial appeal, poor sillage and laughable longevity, but with very chic bottles, look no further! Linari is a house that makes Penhaligon’s look respectable as far as juice quality goes, and has rather put me off discovering anything more by Mark Buxton.
But the bottles, man! They are great!
I hadn’t heard of Linari so just searched. You’re right: the bottles are nice looking, like snazzier versions of Bvlgari Black.
They are really nice – if you scaled them up, they would make the coolest lamp bases. But my hunch is that they blew the budget on the packaging, as the perfumes are mostly worthless.
“Oh, wait, you mean we were supposed to put something decent *in* the bottles too!?”
Oh, and Eid Mubarak to all who are celebrating. I brought a big tin of baklava into work to help with the festivities. Not many muslims in my current team but we are making good headway through the baklava nevertheless. :^D
I love Mark Buxton’s style, but none of his scents have any longevity to them sadly.
Hey, cheat all you want! The point is really just to talk about the bottles. You don’t have to own them to talk about them.
!عيد مبارك
Chocolate Pudding Day!?! Oh, man. Thankfully, I had a big lunch, and I’m too stuffed to even think about pudding, which I would otherwise most definitely be doing right now.
SOTD is Hermès Eau d’Orange Verte. It’s great in the heat–even if this week’s heat will be cool compared to last week’s temperatures of 112-116°. ????
O.o And I thought our high last last weekend of 103 was outrageously high!!
Hey, if that’s fairly unusual for where you are, that counts as outrageously high!
My sympathies on the temps. Yucky!
It was toasty! Honestly, so long as it stays dry, I’m good. Now, if it were humid too, I’d be in trouble! So I should probably be the one offering my sympathies–to everyone in sticky heat.
Late to the party — in Safran Troublant. Yummy.
Yum is right…I might just wear that one tonight …..
Late as always. Wearing Purple Fig by Vilhelm. I find the low flat full bottles a little weird looking but bought an 18ml which is great looking — and plenty of juice for me. I’ve actually become a little addicted to nice travel sprays and travel spray cases.
Mmm, you smell fabulous! I got the 18ml size too. The full size hocky puck is just too big for my petite-person hands. And considering the amount of perfume I have… well, 18ml should last me a good long while…
Hocky puck! Ha!
Participated today in Narciso edt. I do think the bottle would be improved with a black cap, though.
I had to look it up, I think I’ve just been imagining a black cap all this time.
Best bottles, especially the white edp.
I wore Wit today. Simple bottle, gorgeous juice. Nighty-night…zzzzz