Happy Tuesday! What fragrance are you wearing?
Today seemed as good a day as any to give Chanel Jersey another shot. Yep, I still hate it! It will be removed shortly. Tea at the moment is Kusmi Zoubrovka with a pinch of Harney & Sons French Super Blue Lavender.
Reminder: on 2/10, wear a fragrance with lavender, if you have one. (And if you need help, see Erin's 5 perfumes for: a Lavender Contrarian, where you'll also find many more recommendations in the comments.)
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the lavender teapot is $49, and the cup with saucer is $15, at Stash Tea.
Apparently I have overlooked lavender in my perfume life. I don’t hate it, I just haven’t bought any. Today I’m wearing Coromandel.
Elegant ????
Smelling lovely!
Veering off topic, Anniky, the Ninefox Gambit book you mentioned is indeed pretty dense but highly entertaining, and worth the work of paying close attention until one is drawn into it. Now I am waiting for a friendly servicer to pop out a a wall socket and give me some good advice…
I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! Recommending books is always so perilous, but with good SF especially I’m so tempted to share.
Mmmmm. I wore the edt yesterday. Have you compared the edt with the edp by any chance? Or has anyone else? I regret not buying a bottle when they were still available. (Unless the edp is just as good – or better 🙂 )
I have done a side by side comparison and didn’t find a lot of difference.
I’m ok with lavender, but I’m not a fan of Jersey either. It’s my least favorite Chanel.
I’m in Iris Nazarena today.
You smell much better than I do 🙂
Definitely time to scrub that off and put on something you really like.
You smell great and I hope you’re getting better, too.
Thank you. I’ve got 3 weeks with the boot on, so here’s to hoping it works.
I think I only own one lavender perfume that I will be wearing on Friday. Today, I am in Divine Spirituelle. A pretty rose amber scent. Very easy to wear. Just what I need for the kind of busy day I am having today.
You smell very pretty today 🙂
That is a gorgeous gorgeous tea pot!
Woke up this morning to my father in law shredding ginger and making homemade chai. Perfect for this damp gray day.
For anyone who read the WSJ (no affliction) there is a cute article on the front cover about using essential oils and soaps for DIY products.
I am commando because I am headed to the Guerlain spa for my massage and will sniff around after I am done. Its my over do Christmas present from the babies.
Good for you. That sounds divine.
Maybe your father in law needs to come by my place in the mornings 😉
That sounds like a wonderful gift! Your babies are very thoughtful. Have an amazing day.
Sounds like you are having a wonderful day 🙂
Nice treat. Enjoy!
Sounds amazing! Enjoy!
Glad to see you are not afflicted by the WSJ! I love when stupid spellchecker does that to someone other than me-helps me not feel singled out…
The other day I wrote to my friend about my tendinitis and with the whole spell check thing was about my tendanacius foot
What a great gift from your thoughtful babies! Enjoy.
I think we’re all lemming that chai recipe. Sounds perfect for cloudy days.
Enjoy to the fullest!
1) FiL is VERY useful and handy! 🙂
2) What a lovely Christmas present!
Sounds wonderful. Enjoy!
Enjoy your day! I’d say its getting off to the perfect start with your tea 🙂
Hope you’ve had a wonderful and relaxing child free day!
Oh wow, sounds amazing. Enjoy!
Nice! I’m imagining the Guerlain spa uses the best-smelling massage oil ever.
A trip to the spa sounds like heaven!! Enjoy…maybe you’ll find a Guerlain bottle to bring home with ya! 🙂
I’m wearing Burberry Brit Rhythm (the only lavender I have) this morning, giving it a trial run since I’ll wash it off before the gym in a bit. This afternoon, I think I’ll be digging into some Histoires de Parfums samples.
I will be in that this week some time for sure!
I’m wearing Nicolaï pour Homme (discontinued). It’s a great, complex green lavender and I love it.
I think I will have some Earl Grey Provence once I get home from work.
You smell great. I love the leather in that one.
You can probably do a lavender month?
Obviously my comment was meant for you, Austenfan 🙂
Not quite, but I can easily fill a week 🙂 .
I can spend 3 days just wearing the 3 different versions of Caron’s Pour un Homme that I have. Needless to say I love lavender.
I think Beloved is the only fragrance I own that has lavender in it, and even then, I would never have guessed that from smelling it. But today, I’m going in a different direction. I started the morning with Sans Un Mot. It disappears quickly, so I think I’ll follow with La Pausa. It’s a rainy day in SoCal, and I love La Pausa in the rain.
its a damp day today in NYC as well…
Beloved never worked for me-it went to baby powder on my skin, and for the price..I passed it on
Ooh! I have some Beloved. Hadn’t thought of that one and I do get something herbal/aromatic in the top notes.
I had no idea lavender was in that one either! I guess it’s so light you don’t really notice it.
Temperatures are dropping towards zero Celcius here. I needed something cosy, easy and comforting. Bvlgari Man in Black.
Not a very sophisticated or adventurous scent, but it works nicely for me in cold weather on stressful workdays.
So no lavender…yet….
I liked Man in Black when I tried it. Easy but not completely boring. Wish they’d lay off the confusing flankers already, though, since I couldn’t even find the original to re-sniff at my last trip to Sephora.
Yeah those flankers…urgh, there is always an intense or extreme version, a cologne version, a sport edition, a nuit/noir or dark one, a (insert jubilee or season of the year here) edition, limited gold bottle, girly variation and so on and so on hahaha
Nice lavender teapot! Since I still have nothing with lavender (I do have a lavender plant) , I’ve opted to join the rose month subgroup and am wearing Aramis Calligraphy Rose from the last swap meet. I think this would have blown my rose-loving mind a few years ago, but this saffron-rose-vanilla combo has been done to death now. I still like to have one of the genre in my collection and this one is pretty nice, IMO, and is warm and cozy on this dreary, wet day.
it is dreary…
Your perfume smells lovely..must try
It is rather lovely. Reminds me of TF Noir de Noir.
I haven’t tried (or ever seen) this perfume but I like it from your description. Off to put on my rose for today.
Yay for roses and glad you guys dedicated a month to it! I think it’s one of the most varied notes I can think of, which is why I can never have too many.
Calligraphy Rose is kind of a “cheap thrill”- I got a decant in a swap but I think TPC has samples, or they used to at least.
I didn’t love that one on me (saffron tends to go sour on my skin) but I sprayed some on my H last week. It’s gorgeous on him and he’s been spraying it on himself since then. Yesterday he said, “I can see how this wearing perfume thing can get addictive.”
I think that was only the 2nd or 3rd time he’s let me spray something on him. I may have created a monster! lol
I can see the sour thing, although I actually like a bit of sour. With this one, I actually get a small dose of salt, which is why I think I like it more than others in this genre.
I like tart roses, but sour woods emanating from my skin for hours is not pleasant. I’ll check for the salty note next time he wears it.
I’m still contemplating the Rosine, btw…
Gotcha! I think tart is the better description. Sour woods sounds revolting, actually.
And I’m super impressed that your H will wear this! I can’t get my hubs to wear anything except a couple of faint smelling aftershaves I bought for him. But he’s a great and willing cook so I’m not gonna push it.
I love calligraphy Rose!, I’m waiting for a partial bottle to come up on eBay. It reminds me of Ambre Sultan, must be the herbs and amber they have in common.
I hope you find one!
Calligraphy Rose is a really rich and syrupy rose jam on me! As far as I recall it does have lavender and I find this herbal tinge really pleasant too. Most other oriental roses actually DO go sour on me and this one, if anything, veers a little too sweet. I also find it a wonderfully optimistic variation on a theme that is often complex, severe and/or dark. Definitely one of my happy fumes!
This description could set off a few lemmings… it sounds marvelous. 🙂
I can’t wear many of the other rose fumes that people love: Noir de Noir, Clinique’s Beyond Rose; most Montale Oud-Roses, and even Une Rose go sour on me. So mileage may vary!
I think Calligraphy Rose does have something in common with Body Shop’s Smokey Rose. They have a similar mood but the Body Shop one is much lighter, simpler and a bit more transparent. Both of these complement Lush’s Rose Jam pretty well.
Ha!! I am thinking of jumping too! I love lavender, and a rose lavender sounds very interesting.
The lavender in it is definitely not dominant so I wouldn’t go in expecting a rose-lavender duo 🙂 However, I am also a lavender fan and I think it does play a nice role in the whole rose-amber affair.
I was going to save Gris Clair for Friday but it’s so gray and rainy that I’m wearing it today. Very melancholic but soothing too.
You smell amazing. That’s one of my top two favorite fragrances. Melancholy and soothing are a perfect description of that wonderful scent.
I sent my sample of Gris Clair to my brother, which I’m currently regretting because of your description. I love melancholy and soothing, and today’s rain calls for exactly that.
A good one, thanks for the inspiration. I thought I only had one lavender scent, but now I suddenly remember I also have a sample of Gris clair!
SotD: ELdO Antiheroes, which smells like Yardley lavender soap, or at last how I remember it smelling. It makes me think of my paternal grandmother, who used to use a boxed bar of Yardley lavender as a sachet to scent linens.
S(ip)otD: Upton Halmari Assam.
Love your choice of fragrance and your choice of tea. I’ve got a sftgfop I Halmari that I adore.
I used to love Yardley lavender soap. It was all I used when I was little.
I loved that soap, too. Reading this also gave me some childhood flashbacks.
Also drinking an Upton assam – Zaloni Estate STGFOP. It’s really nice – my go-to black tea.
I’m not a lavender fan, but I recently discovered that I love the smell of Method’s French Lavender hand soap – wonder if I would like this too? I do enjoy most of the ELdO line . . .
That tea set reminds me why I like lavender, the flowering plant. Just beautiful! The scent is not for me, sadly, so I’m not playing along this week. Instead, I’m wearing the waxy wonderfulness of Envoyage Zelda. I smell goooood!
In the process of selling my FJ and got quite a good price for it so considering an olfactory splurge of sorts. Has anyone compared Box of Eels edt to the new edp? Is there a difference? Better, worse, or similar?
Happy teapot Tuesday to all! I celebrated with two steaming cups of joe????
Addendum: I was reading an article yesterday in NG about scent, animal communication, and animal poop. Apparently, otter poop smells like violets. Literally. Who knew?
Otter poop smells like violets??? Wow. Mind blown.
My laugh for the day!!Thanks for that!!Haha
Wow! Trivia prize of the year!
Will make a point of sniffing otter poop when I come across some.
Annikky, please let us know how that goes ????
Annikky, just to save you from that: I just called a friend who is a zookeeper in the zoo where I used to work and asked if otter poop smells like violets. After she stopped laughing – that took a while – she said no.
Link to article for intrepid readers curious about animals, violets, and poop : http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/02/dung-beetles-feces-poop-recycling/
As if I needed an excuse to love otters even more!
I KNOW! =)
I once pinned a picture of otters on Pinterest with the comment that, if I have to come back in my next life as an animal, I thought I’d like to be an otter because they seemed to have a lot of fun just hanging out, swimming with their friends (and I didn’t even know about the violet-scented poop). A total stranger made the comment that this was a stupid thought, since otters are cannibalistic necromancers. Sheesh!
Well, there always HAS to be someone who comments craziness…???? Doesn’t change my opinion of otters one bit!
EXACTLY! The cutest animals ever AND they poop flowers! I wonder where they poop? In the water?
I love otters so much that this does not surprise me at all. Have you ever seem them juggle? The very best.
I have never seen them juggle but have no doubt they are astounding at it. I’ve seen them in the wild twice; a family scampering about along a frozen river in Yellowstone, being bird-dogged by a coyote, and then once when taking T-Rex for a walk around a nearby lake. This last sighting was 3 pups who were just having a blast and then, one second later, they disappeared into a drainage pipe. Mom must have been calling. Oh, and once when kayaking on the Peace River. That one was a HUGE adult. Three times then. I feel very lucky for that! They seem to enjoy life to the absolute fullest.
I must see some otters juggling! I’ve seen them eat, and that’s the cutest thing ever.
Another reason to love otters? LOL
With stories like this, I always end up wondering and imagining just how someone made the discovery. “OK, lemme just smell this otter poo here… Hey, violets!”
Congrats on the sale! A reward is definitely in order, and Bois des Iles is a great one.
Thank you! Just hoping the edp is same/similar to edt!
I smelled it fairly recently but I can’t recall if it smelled any different than the edt I have.
Oh, good to know because if there was a HUGE discrepancy, I think you would have remembered. Cheers!
I grow lavender in my small herb plot in the summer. I only get a bit b/c it’s not really climate appropriate. But I like to put the leaves everywhere – I don’t get many of the flowers. Still smells great! I love lavender eo too….
AnnS, whenever I see a post from you, my mind automatically pictures a splendid and sprawling garden. Don’t know if this is because of your avatar, or because you mention gardening/flowers quite a bit. I imagine you giving tours of your garden on that PBS garden show, the name of which escapes me.
My garden is not so big and would be much nicer if I didn’t end up getting a house in borderline zone 4-5 where the ground is thin with soil and rich with rocks. I do muddle through with about 15×20 feet of mostly hardy decorative stuff….that gets eaten usually by deer. I need a good fence. I do have a 4×6 plot in a local community garden that is an attempt at veggies and herbs with mixed results each year. That’s where I have my lavenders that have survived so far. So, in my dreams I have a vast garden in a more temperate zone with less hostile creatures, lots of money for good soil and a hearty young thing to help me haul wheelbarrows. 😉 . You must be seeing the picture in my mind. The bearded iris in my picture is from my mom’s garden which is quite large and really wonderful. Those iris actually smell like orris butter. But I just love the fact that you associate my comments with gardening. On a miserable cold day – you have certainly changed my thoughts to spring!
I don’t have any BDI edt to compare to, but I liked the edp a lot.
That makes me very happy because I think our likes/dislikes tend to closely parallel =)
I’m so pleased to have found this site. I’m a perfume lover, but a novice in terms of fragrance as a hobby. I’m learning so much reading your posts!
I don’t believe I have any lavender perfume. I love the fragrance in nature, and perhaps around the house, in the bath, but not as a perfume. Today I am wearing Kiehl’s Musk layered with Helmut Lang the Parfum (from a bottle purchased back in 2000).
Hello and welcome! And don’t worry if you have no lavender, the projects are always optional.
Welcome! You smell great.
Welcome! Kiehl’s Musk! I polished off a full bottle of that many moons ago. You smell great!
Welcome Kelleyshell!
Hey, welcome to the “no lavender here club either!” ????
Hello (waving)! I was thinking of wearing Helmut Lang edp on Friday. The decant I purchased has not gotten any love so it’s time.
Hello!! And thank you all for the warm welcome! I’ve learned (mostly from this blog) that the current Helmut Lang EDP and EDT bear no resemblance to the old bottle that I have. I hope to sample them someday soon to find out! What do you think of it, Floragal? I started wearing that Kiehl’s, gosh, 20 years ago maybe, on and off. My BF is obsessed with it (he tries to wear it too and even though it’s unisex, it seems feminine to my nose) so I’ve revived it.
Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard.. it’s not the scent it was. It’s OK, not as great as I had hoped given the notes listed. Lavender & vanilla are a great combo but maybe the musk is too much.
Funny, I first learned about Kiehl’s Musk from a man who wore it!
Really?? That’s so cool. I love how it smell so different on different people.
Waving hello and welcome!
Welcome to the newbie club! I’ve been lurking for a few months now and only recently got the nerve to post things. Everyone at NST is so pleasant and kind, you’re going to love it here!
Welcome kelleyshell! I hope this becomes one of your happy places on the Internet! (It is for me…) 🙂
Hello, kellyshell!
Hiya, kellyshell!
I’m wearing Commodity Whiskey this morning, which is supposed to have a middle note of lavender. Can’t smell it, but maybe it needs to develop.
Does it really smell like whiskey though?
It was gourmandy boozy but not quite whiskey to my nose. I liked this, Orris and Gold. I snagged generous samples and also ended up getting the sample set.
Thanks! Still have not tried any of them.
Not much lavender in my collection, so I’m committing to work through and review samples. My list (FB, mini, rollerball, decants and sample vials) has grown to 550 items and I really need to purge. Today it’s Ormond Jayne Woman, which I have never sniffed before. Not helping the purge, because I REALLY like it.
You smell amazing.
I love that one too and own a FB. It really gets me compliments when I wear it too, but when a taxi driver asked me what I was wearing once it turned out to be kind of hard to explain what it was and where he could get it.
Wow!!!!! You not only smell amazing, your perfume collection IS amazing.
Wow!!!!! You not only smell amazing, your perfume collection IS amazing.
I’m playing the game today in Jicky. I’ll be traveling for the rest of the week, but if I had my collection with me I’d wear my fave lavender on Friday, Le Troisiemme Homme.
You smell wonderful.
I tend to agree! 🙂
I don’t know why I haven’t tried Jicky yet. Something tells me I’m going to love it. Maybe that’s why I haven’t tried it: I really want to like it, and I fear disappointment. It’s time to face my fear.
See if you can get a vintage sample. It’s actually a lot more approachable than, say, Mitsouko (IMO)
Ok. Thanks! I’m looking at the offerings at TPC. Would you recommend the vintage edt or parfum?
You smell wonderful!
You smell fantastic! I’ll probably be in Jicky for Friday…
Ooh I love le troisiemme homme, and must remember to pull out my mini this week.
Is there a significant difference between Jersey EDT and the EDP? I received a sample of the EDP and really like it which is odd since I am not a lavender fan.
I didn’t care for the edt much at all, but I sampled the edp recently and I liked it quite a bit. I don’t have enough experience with either to say why I liked the one and not the other, though.
I liked Jersey on a card but it fell apart on my skin.
Dabbed on a bit of Ma Liberte by Jean Patou. Shame this was axed.
Hi everyone!I’ve been superquiet in the comments,but still catching up on everyone!House-hunting and work has kept me fairly busy!My initial houseplans fell through-I do not know what the architects and builders were thinking when they designed THAT place,but my first thoughts were “Get me the hell out of here!!”.Which I did and now the search continues.I needed a spiritual boost today,hence SOTD Avignon.What a great incense.Happy week everyone!
Good luck! I hope you walk into a place that just sings to you. Happy week to you.
Oh no! This means no perfume room?
House hunting is WORK. I went through that last year and combined with my day job and deaths in the family, it was exhausting. Be good to yourself, keep an open mind, and be ready to spring to when you see the right one.
Yeah,I regret selling the house right after my Mom passed last year,it was and still is a lot of stress dealing with estates and trusts and trying to live a somewhat normal life!
Oh no Scentspirit,the perfume room WILL happen!Lol!Just the location is changing.Looking at 3 places on Friday.Thanks guys for the support!x
Whew, what a relief! I think quite a few of us are living vicariously through your perfume room plan. ???? Good luck with the house hunting!
So relieved. I just can’t wait to see it – good luck on Friday!
Oh No! Well, I’m hoping you find something even better than you thought this one would be.
Best of luck with the house hunting! I remember that it took a lot of time and patience when my husband and I were going through that.
I sniffed the sprayer on my bottle of Grey Flannel last night in honor of lavender week. SOTD is Vol de Nuit, which has no lavender at all but is my new go-to fragrance – it soothes me the way lavender is supposed to.
Funny how lavender is touted as this universally soothing scent. It actually puts me rather on edge!
I wonder if that’s because most everyone has some sort of memory associated with it – that may or may not be good.
For me it’s closely associated with memories of my English, lavender-loving grandma, who did *not* put me on edge, but clearly some sort of negative connotation must have sneaked in!
For me it’s bee stings, or fear of them. 🙂
As I understand it, in aromatherapy lavender can actually work as a stimulant if you use too much!
You smell lovely.
Thank you!
Just put on a massive overdose of The Body Shop White Musk For Men, which is ok because I’m home alone and, strangely for a musk, it really doesn’t last.
Or induces olfactory fatigue? That is usually my experience with heavy white musk notes.
I was thinking of wearing Jersey, as this is one of the exclusives I don’t know well at all. But I couldn’t find my sample, so here I am wearing Carnal Flower hair mist instead.
It’s how I first tried Carnal Flower, on a very sunny day in Brussels, after I had purchased Thérèse. You smell wonderful!
Thank you! I think it’s one of the fragrances that makes perfect sense as a hair mist, as many adore the scent but find it a little too much – especially in summer. I gave a bottle to my sister and borrowed it today 🙂
Actually my hair wasn’t scented with hair mist but with regular EDP. I must have had enormous sillage that day. Carnal Flower is great in winter too, I think. It’s got this chilly side that somehow matches cold winter weather.
Yes, absolutely, I think it’s one of the best “winter whites” – there is some greenness in it, too, that works well in the cold. What I meant was that for some people Carnal Flower can be overwhelming in the summer and then it’s great to have the hair mist version.
I think it’s great in cold weather too!
Haven’t tried this one in cold weather yet, maybe tomorrow?!
*sinks nose in hair* Lovely! In the summer this would be glorious.
I’m wearing L’Ambre des Hermes – I had a rough day yesterday, and needed something comfy.
I don’t usually lust after teapots, but that one is amazing.
Perfumes sometimes are a better comfort than anything else.I hope your week gets better too!X
Hey twin! I am having a rough day today and hoping L’AdM will calm me down.
Comfy and cozy. You smell nice!
Hope today is going better!
Perfect choice when u need some comfort!
Love the teapot.
SOTD is L’Arte di Gucci. Hope everyone is warm and dry. Cheers!
Lean over here… you smell great!
The Jersey extrait I like much more than the Jersey EDT (I’ve not tried the EDP).
Stopped in Bergdorf yesterday and tried a few new scents. There’s some nicely done YSL ‘fumes, and I really like the new by Kilian Noir Aphrodisiaque – gorgeous, yummy chocolate note! Unfortunately it has no lasting power on me at all.
Today I’m wearing Creed’s Sublime Vanille, beautiful citrus sugar scent.
What did you like from YSL?
Caban I thought was quite nice. Sandalwood, tonka and some rose.. very nice beginning but changes quite a bit later. Not sure if the dry down is my thing, but I’d definitely like to spend some more time with it.
Vinyl was interesting.. immortelle & myrre
Overall they smell well done, very high end, IMO.
I think the idea of connecting scents to various iconic clothing designs, and fabrics.
Aromatics Elixir for me today. To me, it’s kind of a medicinal/herbal chypre – very distinctive.
That’s a good one! The opening can be challenging, but the drydown is PERFECTION!
I’m trying to like that one. I recently bought a tiny bottle–couldn’t resist that Clinique gift with purchase bag–without smelling it first. (Won’t be doing that again.) I can’t seem to decide what I think of it, but I’m pretty sure I need to apply a lot less.
🙂 I would go easy on the trigger with AE- one or even 1/2 spray is enough.
Good advice! Maybe I’ll spray it in the air and then walk through it…? LOL
LOL! Someone once suggested spraying perfume on the Q-tip and waving it in front of the nose 🙂
🙂 I would go easy on the trigger with AE- one or even 1/2 spray is enough.
LOL! That reminds me of the description of how to make the perfect dry martini with vermouth–from some movie I don’t recall–“you pour the vodka and then wave a bottle of vermouth around the glass.”
I will try it on a cotton ball tonight and see how it goes. 🙂
Love the tea pot. SOTD= Shalimar, the Route through Mexico version ( solved all my spelling problems with that one, huh?) This is great stuff!
Ha, yes you did!
Another love that teapot here! I just don’t have lavender perfume.
I’m retrying Taif – next to another rose (sample from generous Nstr)- and being glad I restrained myself from rushing into a larger Taif sample. Skin chemistry never ceases to amaze! Taif going all ick on this retry.
Note to self- do try scents multiple times before purchase.
Shame, I love Ta’if!
I can’t smell, or even taste, a thing today – woke up yesterday with a scratchy throat & have now developed a full-on head cold! My Thursday volunteer stint at our local Barnardo’s charity shop is in doubt, though I hope it’s a standard 3 day common cold so I’ll be OK to go in. Have a bit of preparation to do for my trip to visit my brother near Tampa & friends north of Houston, but I don’t travel till the 19th, so expect to be fighting fit well before then. Major decision is what perfume to take with me!
I hope you feel better in tome for your trip!
Time…fat fingers
Get well soon!
Get better soon. It is no fun flying with a cold. I once spent 8 hours curled in a fetal ball with the world’s worst cold-and-air pressure-induced ear ache. Ouch just thinking back!
Joined in with partial lavender this morning- Thè Bleu.
I have a lot of lavenders but I realised that I consider most of them to be in the ‘at home or running errands’ category.
So with that, for work this arvo I switched to Yerbamate (Lorenzo Villoresi) which will definitely go down as my summer of ’16/17 scent. Smitten.
I think The Bleu totally qualifies.
I’m in my beloved Shalimar. It’s my comfort, go-to scent. I walked into my co-worker’s office and she took a long, deep breath and said, “You smell so good.” Shalimar just never fails me…
What a lovely way to start the day. You do smell very good indeed.
You smell great! I had the same thing happen a few months ago. I met my husband for lunch and I had Shalimar on. The waitress came to our table, and said “Oh, you smell so good!!”
The beauty of Shalimar!
How nice to have an appreciative co-worker. And I’ll agree: you smell so good!
You smell great!
When I think of Shalimar it’s always preceded by ‘beloved’ too! No other way to sat it!
Good morning Y’all…..
SOTD is Red Ginger, by Susanne Lang. A bit too strong on my skin during the top, but has dried down quite nicely!
I remember that one! Boy, that line revved up then disappeared.
The warmish rainy weather here has me pretending it’s spring. So I’m wearing pastels and Kelly Caleche.
I keep forgetting about the challenge! Today I am Isabey Lys Noir again. Yesterday I wore Mugler Chyprissime followed at noon by Chanel No. 5 and finally before dinner Byredo Gypsy Water. It all surprisingly worked! I have to figure out how to work a lavender into today’s lineup
I’ll add my love for that teapot to the chorus.
SOTD is Safran Troublant. It was calling my name this morning. ST usually fade away early but it’s really hanging in there with me today.
Also, I’ll join Robin in disliking Jersey. It’s one of the few Chanels that in that I can’t wear.
You smell delicious.
I find ST last surprisingly long as a skin scent.
Lucky you!
Lovely! I should wear that this week.
SOTD: Zoologist Macaque! My samples got here yesterday afternoon, and I immediately spritzed on some Bat – which was weird and interesting, as promised. I, uh, can’t smell Macaque at the moment. I put it on and then put on my clothing and came to work and I think all that other info might have swamped it for a little bit. Hopefully it’ll turn back up!
Happy Tuesday!
1) So I intended to exercise yesterday – hour of cardio followed by a half hour of bodyweight and weight bearing exercise, but my body was all “Girl, you funny” and so wound up eating soup and watching House Hunters International Renovation episodes I bought on Amazon. And sleeping.
2) SOTD: Korres Jasmin body wash followed by Molinard Jasmin. I needed a little summer lift this morning!
(If you like Rodin OR Joy, but ever wished it to be sa bit more sheer and cleaner, then you would like Molinard’s take on it. )
3) Will be exercising on lunch break- just bodyweight exercises, though!
4) Someone has just put on the Dune soundtrack in the lab. Because it’s a room full of nerds, we are all quiet and appreciating the eerie sounds of Brian Eno.
Didn’t get a chance to respond yesterday to all the tool talk, but have to agree with you. Recently purchased a Makita hammer/drill and jigsaw, and the power I feel when wielding them is AWESOME! Keep on renovating/building/creating with your power tools! You’ll be the best smelling Home Renovator EVER!
So when I finally get home, I will be doing some sketches for the garden outside. Now that I have the drill and my tool kit, I realise that I can not only do the fencing but the flower and herb boxes as well!
Well, I’m quite sure you will excel at all you build. As for me, my jigsaw is constantly drunk and refuses to drive in a straight line. What I envision and what is appearing in my van build seem to be diametrically opposed. No skills, even though I have good tools…????
Gotta do some lavender research…
In the meantime, it is Vanille 44 all the way for me on this rainy day.
Nice comfort scent. You smell great!]
SOTD and Lavender #2 is Hermès “Brin de Reglisse”. Notes are hay, licorice and lavender. The unusual juxtaposition of notes works beautifully but longevity is poor.
You smell great. And no use to expect longevity from a Hermessence 🙂
Hermessence = spritz and repeat throughout the day. It’s part of the charm. 🙂
Comfort scent–Day 7–is Noir Exquis, the last drips from a decant from Clarissa…
Waiting for comfort. Won’t blame it on the scent as I wait and wait.
Sometimes it just won’t come, will it?
My youngest has a t-shirt that says, “NOPE. Not today.”
OH, will have to look — my son would love that shirt!
I tried Noir Exquis and despite the comforting-sounding notes, I didn’t find it at all comforting! Weird how that happens…
Flooding again here today, but pleasantly mild, and I’m in a heaven cloud of Paestum Rose. Whenever I wear it, I can’t understand why I don’t reach for it more often — it’s so soothing and elegant.
That’s one I’ve been meaning to try – sounds lovely.
It’s really great. I always think of it as a rose seen through grey silk chiffon.
What a pretty description!
And I can’t understand why I don’t have a bottle 😉
Wearing a sample of Chanel Beige today. Just went to my doctor this morning and was told that I would be out for another 2 weeks. My date to return to work was supposed to be tomorrow. I still have a substantial amount of swelling which is a concern to them. Aggravation has set in. Ugh!
Sorry about the swelling. I hope your doctor can give you something to help with it.
Sorry about the aggravation! Hope the swelling subsides soon!
Yikes! Sending healing thoughts your way!
Hope you will be on your feet and back to work soon! Fingers crossed.
I’m wearing L’Artisan La Chasse aux Papillons. Its unusually warm here today, and this beautiful scent is perfect for the weather.
Ahhh, one of my top go-to spring scents!
It is sone lovely! You smell like a summer day.
Very good mo, all. Yesterday was stultifying: 27 degrees, and humid with it. Today should be cooler, but I’m spending it in the first round of interviews with Head of School candidates, from 7 o’clock this morning until done-time. I’ve chosen to wear a dress in anti-soporific colours– in hot pink and orange flowers on a black background– but I’m showing some mercy to the local populace by cooling it down with Cristalle EdT. The poor people on the screen won’t get the benefit of the Chanel’s refreshing citrusy green coolness. If they survive the blue Nadi g colours and still want the job, they’re probably worthy of a second interview….be well, all!
I think bright colors are the best kind!????
SOTD- Hermes L’Ambre des Merveilles.
It is rainy and gloomy outside.
Life has been throughing many unpleasant surprises lately…
Yesterday I treated myself with a bottle of Eau Claire des Merveilles, which had been on my to buy list for more than 2 years, after I received a confirmation from Hermes rep that ECdM was discontinued.
I was wondering about that! Thanks for the info, better get one while it’s still around!
You smell nice!
Thank you! ECdM is not very popular among perfumistas, but is my favourite from Merveilles line, followed by L’Ambre.
Congrats on your new bottle!
Thank you! I hope to have it in my hands in 2 days.
Yay for Eau Claire des Merveilles, and yes to Hermes!
Thank you tiffanie! My first purchase in 2017- I am excited!
I love lavender in general and enjoy it in perfumes but as much as I enjoy our Friday community projects and try to participate, a whole week in one theme is too restrictive for me (said she who’s currently doing a MONTH of rose perfumes 😉 – but it’s a one-off thing for me).
Day 7 of the Month of Roses with Lucas, hajusuuri, Mals and several more participants: Tauer’s Une Rose Vermeille.
I will be wearing this one day this month. I pulled out all my Tauer Rose samples. I’m trying not to repeat!
Testing Feminin Pluriel on one side, Masculin Pluriel on the other. The latter has lavender in that barbershop fougere way I don’t much like. The former is lovely if maybe a little bit too feminin for me. But also maybe not. Still thinking . . . and smelling.
I have been swamped with work, buried under piles of things. Don’t feel great today so am taking a sick day and hiding from the snowy, rainy, sleet outside.
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, I’m thinking I may be sick tomorrow and now I know where I caught it????
Hah! :^D
Today I’m wearing MFK’s A La Rose.
Amouage Fate today – need to resniff Beloved as I don’recall getting any lavender in that. Love the teapot! I have a lavender patch in the garden. Tea of the day is Kusmi St. Petersburg, my all time favourite.
For Friday I have Kiki, Encens et Lavande and Rêverie au Jardin. I also have Villoresi Wild Lavender but I can’t wear it, has a weird vegetal note, so I just use it as a bathroom freshener.
Fate! ???? You smell great!
Thanks to Kelleyshell for reminding me of Helmut Lang. In the Eau de cologne today, which does have top notes of lavender. It’s like a “paler” version of my beloved Labdanum 18 with a bit of a men’s aftershave feel. Really nice????.
My pleasure! 🙂 And glad to hear that it does have lavender. I do think the Parfum might too.
Gray and rainy today and I am wearing Worth Courtesan today. Need something cheerful today.
Gres Cabochard for me today. The weather here has been unseasonably warm in general and sort of swinging back and forth between warm and cool as different systems move through, so I’ve pretty much given up on trying to choose ‘appropriate’ scents.
“Unseasonably warm” is right up there with “deep cleaning” on my list of most hated phrases! Hoping your weather and scent choices eventually magically connect!
Thanks, Deva. It’s not unpleasant, but it won’t be long until the great outdoors turns into a big furnace again, so some genuinely cool weather and rain would be nice before then. And it would be nice to be able to enjoy ‘winter’ perfumes with the right temperatures!
We’re supposed to be in the 60s tomorrow. It is just plain WRONG for early February. Thursday were supposed to get 4 inches of snow. Th poor birds will be so confused they may get frozen alive!
Friday it’s supposed to be at least 86 here! Not right at all. Yeah, I think some of our plants are showing signs of confusion: I noticed one of the mesquites in my yard started leafing out a few weeks ago. Hope the animals manage OK–all over the country.
I’m organizing tax paperwork today (April seems to be approaching all too rapidly) and wearing Fleur Oriental.
Taxes!! Is it bad to say I’m looking forward to it? I had to pay Uncle Sam last year and think this year he will be gifting me with “something”????
**la la la la I can’t hear you**
Mugler Orient Express today. Good stuff.
Just received 4 James Heeley samples… I’m going to pick one to try it on…
I’m a bit lacking in anything distinctly lavendar, I’m saving Gris Clair for Friday. People have mentioned Beloved, so I have an easy answer to my question of what to wear today.
SOTD is Lorenzo Villoresi Wild Lavender. Perfumistas do not seem to be particularly interested in it, so my expectations were low (but I still wanted to try it on a lavender week). It turned out to be a simple but pleasant lavender fragrance. My initial impression was that it smelled like a very nice lavender toner – fresh and watery – but then it became slightly spicier and much drier, making me think of dried lavender sprigs. I think this perfume would be good for layering.
Hmmmmm, gotta try this one, Thank U Glannys. I love Lorenzo Villoresi.
Happy Tuesday, everyone! I’m wearing Tarantella from Tommy Sooni today. It’s foggy but warm and just seemed like a good day for a nice chypre.
Working on using up my samples! Ya know, so I can order more : )
I’m continuing Month of Roses with:
SOTD = Lancome Mille et une Roses
Robin’s review:
3 sprays from a decant via a swap with Undina. Gorgeous, but short-lived. I will up it to 5 sprays next time. It’s a lady-like rose with musk, vanilla and amber. I also got a tobacco note which is not listed as a note.
My April Aromatics speed testing over the weekend backfired. I developed a faint rash on my right forea and a whisper of it on my left. The last time this happened was when I tested one of the Afteliers (the uber$ Privee something). The rash is mostly gone and no longer itchy after one application of hydrocortisone. I will check the notes list to see which all natural ingredient is common. I may be in the minority of people that the IFRA is trying to protect – don’t hate me. The rash could also be from all the scrubbing with a makeup wipe and Technu.
Yikes, I just ordered a 15ml of CAA. I find that I have that problem with botanical ingedients. My sample hasn’t caused any issues for me so far. Glad it went away quickly.
It was Jasminia on the right and Precious Woods on the left, neither of which got me excited.
My nose seems to be the only one in the world that gets a fruity peach note from Mille et Une R. In theory that sounds ok, but in reality it spoils it a bit for me. Agree that it is really soft – quite nice to go to sleep in though.
Hey Merlin. I’ll look for the peach note next time. Undina is the peach detector so maybe she’ll chime in?
Thanks Haj!
Since peach is one of my nemeses in perfumes, I think I would have noticed it. Probably it’s some kind of the ingredient that reminds you of peaches but doesn’t smell like it to me. It’s not surprising though: since it’s impossible to get a natural peach scent, it’s being reproduced synthetically using lactones – so who can say what exactly was added to this perfume?
Thanks Undina – it’s a kind of inflection to me (if that makes any sense) but it dominates my impression of the scent. Perhaps I need to find a definite peach-like perfume to compare it to, and maybe that will re-set my brain! 😀
I am wearing my favorite lavender which is SL Encens et Lavande.
You Go Hera! It is my favorite as well!! I wore it Monday. I must have a full bottle one day. This one really grows on you as you wear it repeatedly and I now detect another hint of floral but not sure what it is yet.
Someone’s here on NST last year recommended Caldey Island Lavender which is 100% botanical and a nice true herbal version of lavender, much like the bush itself,
If I could I would plant a field of it. Italian, French, bring it on!!
I have a few choices for Friday and have discovered many other Must-Try’s by reading all these posts this week.
Joining in on lavender week it’s Chanel Boy. I like it enough to finish my sample but doesn’t excite me enough to put it on my buy list.
Thank you for this post. Now I can participate on Friday. I’d forgotten about Boy!
It’s a no for Jersey from me as well. I can’t pick out much lavender, too well blended and the scent leans towards fabric softener for me as well. I am in Boy also. I thought a decant would suffice but now I’m not so sure..It reminds me of No 5 eau premiere with the addition of lavender, it’s an easy everyday go to for me.
I should have done Boy instead of Jersey.
I’m still with roses 😉 Diptyque Oud Palao today
Woo hoo, I hope the cold is better. Someone sneezed on me today as I was walking down Madison Avenue. I am popping the Airborne chewables and some homeopathic pills in the hopes that they can head off whatever germs got passed along.
In follow-up to Robin’s post on the Chanel Exclusifs coffret set from earlier today, it appears to be available for purchase on the US site for $250…I am on a no buy so now I live to enable others… 🙂
4 ml bottles! They must be so teeny tiny. I want to see one next to a quarter or a nickel for scale.
Maybe as tall as a quarter? They are small, but adorable, and considerably less expensive than buying the full size of them all, as Ami (of Ami Loves Perfumes, evidently a completionist) did.
If they are the same size as the minis. It’s a quarter plus a dime. If I dig it out, I will do the size comparison.
They are.
You naughty enabler!
Oh they are so cute and tempting….
Roses again today! This time I’m in Olympic Orchids Ballets Rouges, which is a mossy rose chypre. Just a note, I am affiliated with Olympic Orchids. I work one day a week to filter and bottle perfumes, make samples and generally keep up production. However, I don’t have a stake in the company and was wearing their scents before I started to do part time work for Ellen! I was a fan first and didn’t think this should hold me back from posting my SOTD. ????
I somehow don’t get on with most of the OO line (something about them comes off as ridiculously and OTT honey-sweet on me, even though I tend to enjoy sweet florals), but Ballets Rouges is an exception. It’s lovely. And unsugared. 🙂
I’m glad you found one that works for you. ????
SotD = Iris Ukiyoe
waterdragon wore it yesterday, then I remembered the delicate lavender color of the bottle. It has been too long since I enjoyed this one, the first Hermessence I fell for. My 15 ml bottle is more than half full. Must remedy that right away.
Cuirass de Lancôme, cosy, and beautiful on a drab day.
I’n officially off the hook for the Cuir Beluga faux pas!
This morning I finally took time to resample/compare Lyric, Rose Anonyme, and Majestic Rose. Thankful that I can officially move these lovely roses into the “gorgeous but not necessary ” sample heap. Patting myself on the back right now ????
Sota: Vetiver Babylone. A refreshing and bright vetiver!
You’re lucky — Lyric for me went right to the top of the “willing to wrap my knuckles in a towel and punch out a window to get my hands on a bottle” sample heap.
Fortunately, I only had to whip out my credit card…
I bought the travel set of Lyric at a discounter. It was a significant savings and I love that I can chuck it in my purse..not that it really needs to be reapplied. While the bottle is gorgeous, I am still happy with that decision.
Yikes ????
I looked on Basenotes to find a list of perfumes with a lavender note and there seemed to be only two on the whole list that I have. I’m still trying to find a few samples around that I might have including 1873 from HdP (what name is that anyway?). I guess I’m not much of a fan of this though I do have some lavender body products and lavender in pots on my porch. Today by color association (haha!) I am wearing Keiko Mecheri Iris Pourpre. (Get it–lavender/purple?) This is something I turned up in my sample drawer while searching, and one I haven’t worn for ages. I kind of like it but think it’s a little too sweet and cloying, on the jammy side, to love.
Wearing a sample of maharadjah, which I remembered I had kicking around when I read the post Robin linked above. It reads more spice-musk on me, but there is a definite herbal lavender aspect.
You know, once you get to the middle of this one, it’s not unsimilar to Beloved (though I no longer have a sample of that one to confirm the memory)
Testing Rahele today. Lovely, very grown-up floral with a rich base, opulent in a retro yet comfortable style. Gorgeous stuff, and yet it doesn’t feel like Something I Have To Have.
You don’t sound confident about the last comment 🙂
I just choked on my glass of water laughing out loud. I thought the same thing. Something about Mals use of capital letters…. Let’s see. Lovely, very grown-up, rich, opulent, retro, comfortable, and gorgeous!
(moment of silence)
Oh dear. I’m in trouble, aren’t I?
I thought what I could smell of Rahele was pretty but I didn’t get anywhere near what you did. Of course, I only have a dabber.
By chance I’m wearing a spritz of Fougere Bengale and so happen to be ‘on theme’! I don’t wear it out that often as I know some people detest it. My partner says it smells like day-old curry; and a friend told me it smells like skin the day after eating curry. 😮 I’ve had better responses from others but prefer not to risk any adverse reactions. When I’m working from home though, I really enjoy it: the tea and blonde tobacco note make it significantly different to Eau Noire, another lavender and immortelle combo I love but try not to wear out. 😀 I know it has some ghastly back story about hunting tigers in India, but to me it smells like Rousseau’s painting “The Dream” and I’m sticking to that!
Wearing Le Labo The Noir 29! Trying it out this week, and I’m on day 2. Anyone else have experience with this one?
Ubiquitous Coco Mlle for me today. And I’d take your Jersey off your hands!