Another week begins! What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm dipping my toe in the lavender with Bvlgari Eau Parfumée au Thé Bleu.
Reminder: on 2/10, wear a fragrance with lavender, if you have one. (And if you need help, see Erin's 5 perfumes for: a Lavender Contrarian, where you'll also find many more recommendations in the comments.)
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Apparently I didn’t look at the weekly theme before I spritzed this morning, because I am in vintage Jolie Madam – no lavender here 🙂
Waiting for the arrival of my foster puppy – a Podenco rescued from Spain. So excited to show her how the world can be kind.
very cool, enjoy your pup!
Yay! Puppy! What a lucky puppy to have you as her future.
You know, I have a couple minis of vintage Jolie Madam and I would SWEAR one of them is chock full of lavender… but not the others. It’s weird.
I’m sure you will be able to introduce her to a life of joy. Hope everything goes smoothly for both of you!
Aww, that puppy has a good life ahead 🙂
How long are you going to foster for? I would become too attached
Honestly, I have never fostered before as I am a big old sap and would want to keep all the doggies. This girl really needs a home with an experienced dog person to teach her some things, and I have the room. Generally, you foster till they get adopted – so 2-6 weeks is the norm. We shall see how my willpower holds.
Lucky dog! Fostering is a very selfless deed ????
Wow, Spain to Canada is a long trip. Still a very lucky dag to be able to enjoy a loving home.
Dog… ugh, fat fingers
Kudos for fostering and enjoy the pup!
Lucky her for finding a beautiful home. Enjoy!
Not a lavender fan, but I will participate with Jicky extrait, on Friday. 😀
Midnight Poison Christian Dior, patchouli, amber, and rose.
Triple strength coffee.
Break me off a piece of YOUR Kit Kat bar, Julian Edelman. And don’t shave! !!
Carpe Diem. Peace.
I will be in Jicky some time this week, for sure!
Alahiiiiiiiiiine !!!!!!! !!!!!!
You smell beautiful!!!
Twins! I am in the club of those who love Alahine. We smell good!
Ah I need to try this one again. It was a big like the first time I tried it, but not a love. It felt a bit too ‘grande’ at the time. But really deserves a second chance, my impression is that half of this community is in love with it. 😀
There are lots of Alahine enablers in these parts 😉
No lavender for me this morning. I’m wearing Ava Luxe Midnight Violet. I know this one got discontinued- why??
I’m in Tam Dao today – needed something uplifting.
So after months of fighting it, I went to the doctor for my Achilles tendinitis and am now in a boot for three weeks. Grr…. I need to keep my ankle immobilized so it can properly heal and ZERO exercise, which is the most painful part of all for me because even though I stopped running, I still did regular strength training and low cardio with a rowing machine.
This is what I get for not listening to myself though and “pushing through the pain”. Ugh. Runners really do some stupid things sometimes.
On the bright side, I’ll be able to run around as much as I want when I go to Scotland in May.
Yeah, I’m a runner who currently can’t run because I ignored the pain in my hip while training for/ running a marathon. Runners can sure be stubborn, eh?
On the plus side, I’ve discovered that I really enjoy spin class.
Oh I know! We are totally stubborn mules of the worst kind! It’s always, “eh, it’s just a little pain… I’ll push through it…” over and over and OVER until it turns into a major injury.
The plus side for me was focusing more on strength training, which I really needed. I also like rowing now as well.
I have tendinitis on the side of my foot for weeks now and finally went and got it looked at. I was hoping it would just go away on its own, no such luck
That’s what I did. I knew I was running on tendinitis and then stopped in November, thinking a few months “off” aka, still doing everything EXCEPT running would help. Nope.
I am lucky though in that I don’t need surgery. I stopped before the tear got to be ridiculously bad and it was actually healing fairly well, but to make sure it’s back to 100% I have to keep it immobile for a while.
I feel your frustration… My sister tore the ligaments in her foot and they say it’ll take at least 6 weeks until she can be walking again. If she’s lucky (she is 3 weeks in). I don’t know if that’s an option for you, but she has been doing upper body workouts with her trainer: she is physically very active and the forced immoblity is hell for her. Obviously it’s not the same as a proper gym or boxing session (or running), but it still helps.
I’m pretty much in the same boat. I can do upper body exercises but absolutely anything putting load bearing weight or stress on legs is a no-no. Granted, the boot is dang heavy so doing my usual upper body routine (chin-ups, pull-ups, dips, etc…) will all be a LOT harder now because I’m lugging around extra weight. Some would see that as a good thing – it’s challenging – but it’s not really so good when you’re trying to increase steadily – not rapidly. There’s more risk now of injury to upper body as well due to too much strain.
I don’t have a gym membership so I don’t have a trainer to help me out there. The hubs and I opted to save our money and we built a home gym from free-weight sets we’d gotten for free or second-hand.
The other day I tried doing a few exercises and the gut reaction to tensing ALL muscles isn’t really helping. My leg was throbbing in the boot afterwards so I knew I wasn’t helping myself.
Scent twins! (and sorry to hear about the ankle)
Thanks. We smell great 🙂
I made that mistake too, ignoring pain/discomfort signals while running. Wrecked my knee, took me almost a whole year to heal properly.
Tam Dao is indeed uplifting!
I did the same to my knee a couple years ago as well! Maybe I need to go through ALL the running ailments in order to notice when NOT to run on them anymore.
Wishing you a complete recovery!
Thank you very much 🙂
Hope you’re better very soon!
Jenkr, sorry you got the boot!!!! But focus on healing and that trip in May. Prep yourself for the long haul…that’s my goal as I work my old cranky knees at the gym. Remember, great perfume makes everyday better! May the scented force be with you.
I customized a solid amber perfume with rose de maï, civet and Suederal.
And for *once* I can participate on Friday! With lavender and more civet. What could it be?
Who can guess?
Mmm..that sounds like Jicky to me!
Hermessence Brin de Reglisse. A slightly sweet kind of lavender which has that lightness and airiness characteristic of Hermessence line.
That’s my scent for tomorrow. I agree with your assessment, plus the liquorice-lavender combo is unusua. :^)l
Will definitely be joining you in BdR this week 🙂
Hi twin! 🙂
Yes to Hermes!
I’ve decided to spend the next two weeks or so (until I run out of perfumes) visiting the Hermes in my collection. There’s just something about this house that works gorgeously with my skin.
Today: Jour d’Hermes! I smell classy and spring-like.
That is a great spring-like scent.
Beautiful! I’m a sucker for anything JCE has done.
Yes to Hermes! Their scents very often work nicely for me too.
I find all of the Jours to be happy and uplifting. Enjoy!
You will smell fabulous all week! I love Jour especially.
I’ve got nothing on so far but had to come on here and say I WANT THOSE EARRINGS!
They are beautiful.
Me too!
Yes — most of the jewelry I post in the SOTD I would never wear, but these, I would wear. But it would annoy me no end that they have the brand name etched into the gold.
I agree. I refuse to be a walking advertisement for a brand. Let them hire a bill board, say I.
!!! That’s exactly how I usually feel on the subject 🙂
I didn’t even see that!
Hah! I hadn’t noticed the brand name. Wonder why…they’re fairly recognizable in style.
I’ve been known to say I should be paid if I’m wearing something with a brand emblazoned all over it. Strong preference for no brand visible. Why should I pay to advertise their brand?
Name or no name, I would so wear the hell out of those earrings!
I’m in Smell Bent Two Weeks, which is lavender and jasmine. I don’t get the jasmine so far. After ending up in a vanilla bomb yesterday the spare essential of the lavender is refreshing.
Darn keyboard. I meant the spareness of the lavender.
These machines… I was typing the Estonian word “ankeet” the other day and autocorrect was convinced that I actually meant “basketball”. Go figure.
I’ve been eyeing the Smell Bent sample pack for a couple of weeks, and this one is on my list!
No lavender for me today. I have five little paperwhites blooming in the back yard and in this muggy weather they are emitting a scent field of epic proportions. I could smell them from the front yard yesterday 😀 In the spirit of “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” I’m projecting my own forcefield of Tabac Tabou. I may scrub off a little bit before work if it doesn’t settle down. Mr. Minion is wrinkling his nose and snorting when he walks past so I may have overdone it a smidge 😉
Lucky you! I always forget to plant bulbs for indoors and now that we’ve adopted an enormous cat, inside plants are literally off the table. Enjoy that wonderful scent.
You smell great! TT is lovely, and if you’re going to overdue it, better TT than some horrible chemical mess. I work with a person who bathes in Bath and Body Works bath splash…
You smell great!
I will be wearing Gris Clair on Friday. Today I have a full day off from caretaking and my husband is gone all day too, so I am going to catch up on Victoria and Mercy Street and whatever old movies strike my fancy. I think I’ll waft big clouds of Shalimar today 🙂
I wafted big clouds of Shalimar this weekend. Shalimar is always good. Always.
SOTD = Bucoliques de Provence. It started out extra-soapy this morning, but has now (15 or 20 minutes later) settled into a light veil of flowers over grass. Nice!
Flowers over grass does sound nice!
I am restraining myself from shrieking, “NO LAVENDER!!!” in my best Mommie Dearest voice.
Ahem. I’m still attempting Lucas’ Month of Roses. It won’t be full bottles; some will have to be samples and decants. Still, I think it will be enjoyable. Today is chilly and I’m in L’Arte di Gucci.
Ha! Not a fan of lavender, eh?
I used to love it and only wear it, but now only in small doses.
Lavender, even in its growing-in-the-ground form, gives me massive headaches. 🙁
That is really strange as lavender is the standard go-to in aromatherapy for headache cures! That’s really too bad about your reaction to even the real thing! 🙁
I know. The one time I ever had a massage, the therapist brought out the lavender oil and I had Instant Headache. Had to ask her to use something else.
Gorgeous! I am craving oakmoss, and saving something warm and perfect like L’Arte for tomorrow when the great drenching cold rain moves in.
L’Arte is so good. And so rosy-mossy.
So sorry that lavender is not your friend! I love it and have bushes of it and rosemary at my front door.
I’m being attacked by the never ending sinus infection again. I’m countering with Alien Liquor on top of Korres Jasmine body butter. I smell divine (and a little loud)
Sinus infections are the worst! Hoping you are better very soon. As for being loud, pretty sure that MUST be therapeutic ????
Yuck! Hope you feel better. Having chronic sinus issues myself I relate and am currently trying to break my nasal spray addiction-though not so successfully.
I love jasmine and I’m surprised I never got a sample of any Aliens. I’m sure you smell fantastic!
I get never ending sinus infections, too, that aren’t helped by antibiotics. Except that I saw an allergist last summer who told me that’s not what they are. (I have no allergies, and my sinus issues never evidence infections, i.e., tmi: yellow/green phlegm.)
He told me that some populations in metropolitan areas are prone to sinus pressure events, presumably from particulates in the air – and that they don’t see this phenomena in rural areas. It’s also not understood exactly what the cause is.
Sorry for the long and icky post, but maybe this will help someone.
I can believe it. I don’t get infections but I get pressure, and I’ve been known to get sinus migraines that can make me dizzy.
Thanks for the info. I’ve never had sinus issues before, and actually have been a little sceptical of the diagnosis. I’m now on my fourth round of antibiotics since November. I get better for a short time, then relapse.
I’ve had sinus issues all my life, and chronic sinus infections starting a few years ago. I was on antibiotics for 17 weeks in 2015 and 11 weeks in 2015 and not only did they not help, they wreaked havoc on my already-sensitive GI tract. Plus it was making me really nervous about being susceptible to some kind of super bacteria with a resistance to ABs.
So I now feel justified in refusing ABs. Instead, for my sinuses I take prednisone, sudafed sinus relief, a nasal spray, and use a NeilMed sinus flush thing (the one in the squeeze bottle.)
That said, none of these worked for the sinus event I had recently, but it went away after a few weeks. I did do a major rinse this weekend and used the full NeilMed bottle (I usually only use half.) I have to say that afterward my sinuses felt really refreshed – which might sound weird to others but make perfect sense to other sinus sufferers.
Anyway, see as many doctors as you need to until you find someone who can help you out. I’ve seen dozens in my lifetime, and before I started seeing my allergist I was going to a highly-rated ENT who was completely useless to me.
Very pretty earrings but a bit too fancy for me. SOTD is Diptyque Volutes edt- gorgeous stuff full of all kinds of a
olfactory goodness.
Two thumbs up for no work Monday! ????
Two thumbs up for no work Monday indeed! Enjoy!
I hadn’t checked the Friday theme and am in Desarmant that has nothing to do with lavender – but it gets the colour right 🙂 This time I believe I’m actually smelling a bit of soapy-powdery leather in the dry down. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
I’m wearing a high-neck lace blouse and a lilac perfume goes well with its romantic primness.
Mmmm. Soapy-powdery leather. I tried and am lemming a perfume called Smoke and Violets made by Goest Perfumes for a Brooklyn jewelry store. It is exactly that smell, with a little smoke. It only comes in a frustratingly inadequate 5ml splash for $35. $7/ml is also a little aspirational, but I think it’s a great scent.
You smell wonderful. I wear mine with jeans 😉
Wearing the last of my Wit sample — my “just finish it” game has been strong lately.
Also must brag that I finally found, at a local consignment shop, a bottle of So Pretty, which I’ve wanted for years. It wasn’t cheap but it was worth it.
Congrats on your find!
Wit is one of my absolute favorites! I will be sad when my decant is empty. You smell divine!
Doesn’t it feel great when you finish decants, even when you like them a lot and know you’ll miss it?
Wit is so good.
Wit is very pretty. I have a sample too…but I’m going to hang onto mine until it gets a little warmer here.
WIT! So lovely.
Elisa – I e had Wit on my to try list forever! What’s it like in the cold?
Well, it’s very spring-like in Denver at this moment — lucky for me since I’ve been craving spring scents!
My 2 cents since it’s cold where I am, is that it’s a great antidote to cold weather. I happen to prefer white florals in the cold, though.
How are you liking Wit?
It is very lovely, and if more fell into my lap I would wear it happily, but I don’t think I need a bottle of this one.
Is it as “good” as the older Delrae’s? I know this is a horrible question.
I would say yes!
Oh Elisa – I LOVE my So Pretty. When I wear it I find myself using it for several days in a row. Enjoy!
My second day IN A ROW (this never happens) in Tam Dao. Tried it for the first time yesterday – I hate the opening but after that it just gets better and better and better. Plus both my husband and 3 yo told me that I smelled good 🙂
Tam Dao is wonderful, my husband and small people love it too!
And if you are like me, you will come to love the opening too.
After many weeks doing my own thing, I’m getting with the programme ! Five fragrances lined up for Lavender Week. Left to my own devices I would never do this, and that’s one of the reasons why I like taking the Frday challenge and expanding it when I can: it makes me think about perfumes in a different way. And of course it’s fun reading what other people have chosen, and seeing who is kicking over the traces and not participating this week. (It’s OK, it’s allowed. Maybe even encouraged, if you can be passionate or amusing in your Death To All Lavender comments). :^)
SOTD and Lavender #1 is Caron “Pour Un Homme”.
Top: lavender;
Mid: vanilla;
Base: musk.
The simplicity is misleading; this is a very pleasing scent and I unfairly neglect it because it’s cheap and plentiful.
Pour un Homme is a superb lavender. You smell fabulous.
I love the vanilla too but the musk is not my favorite. But that’s ok since it is delightful to respritz and respritz and respritz until I am a walking lavender-vanilla-musk bomb. Then it’s time for a shower.
A favorite, and while I’m not usually equipped to participate in these challenges this one was easy.
This is my favorite lavender and I’m saving it for Friday.
Hello, twin. There’s not many lavenders I like to wear on (though I like to encounter the smell) but this one is delightful, and classic and might end up wearing it more than once this week.
(I should add that mine is a tiny “sport” rollerball that is without alcohol, so it wears pretty close-in, perfect for my teaching day)
I went with Myrhs Woman from a decant. I know this scent is polarizing for many but I love the opening.
SOTD: Sycomore
I work at an open-space office where it’s pretty crowded.
So on most of my working days I’ll use those polite, low sillage scents. Thank god low profile does not necessarily mean low quality. 🙂
Oh and lavender…I do not have a lot of lavender. A sample or Fourreau noir…and that’s it i think. I may need to steal something my husband wears. 😉
Twins! Re lavender, I haven’t much but will definitely wear Jicky and Pour Un Homme this week.
Yay, we smell fabulous! 🙂
Love Sycomore. With all that I have and I have too much, Sycomore would be the only bottle that I would still like to own. I have other vetivers and love them all, but Sycomore is perfection!
Yes there are other vetivers I love, but Sycomore is the perfect allrounder, my go to vetiver for every occasion and mood. 🙂
I have the edt, like most ppl around here I guess, so I was wondering…
Has anyone here tried the new edp formula?
I’ve smelled it, once, in a store, so I’m hardly an authority. I stood there for awhile though, checking and re-checking my impressions. To my nose it resembles Guerlain Vetiver. Which is great if you enjoy that fragrance (I certainly do) but maybe not so hot when you consider the vast price differential between the two, or the fact that Sycomore smelled quite differently before.
Thank you SFguy for the feedback! I enjoy Guerlain Vetiver, but you are right, not a good thing if the edp differs that much from the Sycomore edt, especially for that price tag.
you smell great!
I probably have enough lavenders of various degrees for the week, but no lavender today.
Today is L’Ombre dans L’eau edp where I can imagine I’m laying on nice soft lawn in a beautiful lush garden reading a book and pretend I’m not really at work.
I would love to join you. That sounds lovely.
Me three.
Spending the morning in Noontide Petals, it’s much more than Andy Tauer’s take on Chanel no 5. After my shower, I am probably going to end up reaching for Beloved.
Oooh! I need to explore this one- I am so out of it that I’ve not heard about this Noontide Petals yet. Sounds very interesting. And you will smell gorgeous when you get on your Beloved!
Sampling La Chasse aux Papillions for the first time. Lovely linden! Do ‘t care if it doesn’t last a library time…I am going to go through vats of this come summer…
Long time. My spellchecker is the most stupid spellchecker ever…
It is beautiful, isn’t it? You smell lovely!
Meredifay you smell gorgeous! Love that scent too! It disappears on my skin also- but it’s still so beautiful it’s worth it.
I love that one. You smell so pretty! Lasting a library time made perfect sense to me – it’s the length of a work day in my case. I may start using this phrase!
Happy Monday Everyone! My only lavender contribution I am able to bring this week is my Secret Clean Lavender deodorant. Lol!
My SOTD is Ysatis by Givenchy. ????
You smell wonderful in Ysatis.
It is just a beautiful, balmy, sunny not so windy winter day, and I am celebrating with some vintage Chamade pdt. It may as well smell like spring!
(Day late, but yes, wasn’t it lovely???)
SOTD is Tea for Two. Smoky chai.
I do like the smell of lavender, but I don’t know that I have any lavender scents among my many samples ???? I will have to watch everyone’s posts this week to see what I can come up with…
SotD = Prada Infusion d’Oeillet.
With my cold I couldn’t smell much of it… 🙁
SOTD: Seville a l`Aube
Triple strength coffee for me too, Bear. Super Bowl is to blame!
Would love a pair of those earrings. So pretty, so spring-like!
who won?
Patriots won. What a game it was. Lots of upset Falcon fans this morning.. tough loss for them.
Glad it was an exciting game! At least fans on both sides were entertained, convinced they were going to win for a brief period of time.
What a game, huh?! Originally I rooted against Brady. I mean he’s won four Super Bowl’s right? Let someone else have a chance. Then after he won and came out with his family, his mom with the telltale kerchief over her head, my heart broke for him and I’m glad in the end he won.
Also I thought Lady Gaga was awesome! Even though I am old and uncool according to my kids.????
Lady Gaga did a really great job. You think you’re old? I kept saying to my friends, “that’s her song?”
I’m so out of touch with pop music, just doesn’t interest me like it did when I was younger.
I’m happy for Brady as well. The guy is pure talent.
This morning I’ll take inspiration from Glannys and wear a few spritzes of Brin de Reglisse from a 4 ml sample. The beautiful lavender turns to straight-up licorice after a few minutes on me. It’s raining so later I’ll perk up my nose via Jour d’Hermes, with thanks to sistine for the reminder that spring is on its way.
I love lavender. My mother grows several varieties in her garden. The plants produce enough flowers to harvest for sachets and cooking. It’s delightful to keep a bit of lavender under my pillow at night.
I love summer, when I can go up to the lavender farms and get all sorts of bundles. They smell so lovely when tucked into blankets and sheets you keep for winter.
1) SOTD: JM Dark amber and ginger lily, layered on top of the last bits of Lord of Misrule shower gel.
2) During the Super Bowl (yawn) I went to the gym (yay!) and I bought a Dewalt power drill, a sketch pad with colored pencils , a new planner and U made a batch of veggie chili so I don’t have to worry about dinner for a few nights! Go me!
I am most excited about having the power drill! I used to help build sets in my film days, so have a drill in hand is making me very giddy. Since the fencing is partially down, at first I was going to finance a few thousand dollars to get replacements. But then I saw the actual cost of pre-fab fencing itself and I realized I could do it myself with a friend, saving thousands. It’s no more difficult than building out a temporary set on stage ( I think it may be even easier than that.)
Next up- A power saw-all and craft paint!
You are lucky in the States with the cost of power tools. My dear one is already planning what he’s gong to buy, and the size of his list suggests a separate container and sea transport. However, I understand his pleasure (I think): a five-piece (forget brand: could it be de Walter?) set of (can’t remember this either) costs $740 here and only $200 there (I remembered the money, as you can see!) and clearly we should buy two at that price….he’s begun to talk technical to me. It isn’t riveting in the slightest, but I want him to get whatever he fancies. It’s just– who would travel all that way to fancy a drill? I foresee many happy hours in perfume shops and galleries while he dithers over this drill or that power saw.
1) Power tools here are VERY affordable indeed and technical advances make them even more affordable.
2) That said, if your sweetheart can come to the USA and get a five piece set of ANYTHING for $200, don’t begrudge him for that! It’s a good thing to get on vacation!
3) Ah, afternoon perfume shopping!
Is NZ 220v or 110v though?
230/240 volts – so tricky for US tools
I did my own fencing and it was easy! Congrats on the drill, I use my DeWalt more than any other tool.
I am really looking forward to doing this in a couple of months! And I am already thinking about doing a couple of minor jobs this weekend: drilling holes for curtain rods and installing new blinds!
Don’t even get me started on RTA Kitchen Cabinents….
Dark amber and ginger lily is may favorite JM! Wish I was wearing that today (currently suffering through a blind buy/blind spray experience).
I tried it with waterdragon the other week and liked it and will add it to a list (not sure what list as I have so many )
I like lavender in body products, but not so much in perfume. I love Lush’s Dream Wash, especially in winter.
I’m going through samples that survived the recent purge and am wearing Les Parfums de Rosine Rose Kashmirie, which I didn’t care for a year ago since it was too powdery in the base, but I’ve grown to love powder notes so I’m liking it much more. Glad I held onto this one, though from the Rosine website, it seems to have been discontinued 🙁
I’ve got the cream of this one and used it a lot when I was out sick for a week. Soft and calming lavender.
I haven’t bought the cream but I do like the softness of the lavender in that Dream line.
Oh noooo! I love that Rosine 🙁
Aedes has it (or had it) in the store which is where my sample came from, but I don’t see it on the website . Beautyhabit has it on their website for a relatively reasonable price. I’m tempted…
Maybe a split?
I might be up for that. Were you thinking the 50 ml? I emailed the Rosine people through their website asking if it’s been d/c’d, but I’m not sure if I’ll get a response since I sent it in english.
Oh NO NO NO!! I have been meaning to try this one!!
STC still has samples, but by the 1/2 ml. Probably because it’s now harder to get.
Lavender! How I love that flower. But I am eternally looking for the right lavender frag–lavender ripped from the sandy soil of a New England beach town, mixed with wild flowers (maybe sweet pea, honeysuckle, beach plum) and salty misty air… (No vanilla please!)
Continuing my month of comforts scents. Day 6 I am in Champagne de Bois.
My 15 year old who is heading off to Kenya and Tanzania next month is now also heading off to Jordan for two months–April and May to attend school there for his fourth quarter. I am so proud of him from embracing the world with wide arms, but gosh I miss him already. Nursing hot coffee, enjoying the warm sandalwood scent of my perfume, and struggling to apply myself to my work.
I can imagine it hurts. But how cool!
These are some seriously great choices, I would be proud, too!
Sign me up for that scent!
That’s some seriously great life experience, but I’m sure it’ll be hard on your end.
I think I don’t like lavender in perfumes because I (still) don’t like fougeres which have vanilla in them. That combo of lavender and vanilla turns my stomach!
I never thought about that, but I agree. I like lavender but leave out vanilla….
Wow! He’s one to watch!
you should be so so proud!
I have family that lives in Kenya, hope to visit one day
Congrats to your son (and you)! Exciting. World-widening. I hope it continues to be an awesome experience for him.
Good luck to your son! He will do really wonderful!
You should be so proud! What a strong mom you are.
Welcoming students in spine strengthening Amouage Dia Man.
I like Dia man better then the women’s version
Grumpy in Jasmin et Cigarette today, but the cat is making her desire for companionship VERY clear and I only really have one thing to do today, so maybe between the perfume and the cat I’ll perk up.
You smell fab. I hope the scent and kitty cure the grumps!
They haven’t cured them, but they’d both been good distractions. As has meeting my writing goals for the day.
Very nice! I have a sample of it from the ELDO sample pack, and it is almost empty. Too bad those samples are dabber vials, because I get a somewhat different (and better) experience when I used the spray bottle in a store.
That sample pack is a good un! But, yes, how much better would it be if they were sprays? Luckily, the 30ml cube bottles are quite reasonably priced (esp. on Beautyhabit!). J&C is versatile and unobtrusive enough that it gets a lot of wear from me – it’s a good buy. And an interesting one! A chilly kind of scent.
Those little 30 ml cubes are adorable, aren’t they?
SOTD: FM Lipstick Rose (from a sample from a lovely NSTer) – I’m testing this for the first time! I’m not behind or anything, am I???
I’ve never smelled this one either! Actually, I passed up the chance to quite recently! But it’s nice to save things for later, I think.
How do you like it?
Terry de Gunzberg Rose Infernale for this morning, off to yoga class now.
Hello, NST. I’m back to work today after five days of doing very little, and I thought I would feel ambivalent about it, but actually, what I feel is downright reluctant. I dare say I will feel better when I get there, however, and to help me on my way, I have chosen not lavender, but iris. I smell of the gentle but persistent floral notes in Iris Ukiyoe. I’ve never met an iris that smells like this, but I really wish I had. Mostly the flowers smell very faintly sweet and slightly pollen-y, not nearly as nuanced and fresh as this pretty, shadowed abstraction of an iris. I’m wearing a swishy navy blue pleated skirt and a navy silk camisole top today ( temp = 27!) , and the perfume seems to make my clothes darker and moodier. Not a bad accomplishment!
Be well, all.
Lovely! I will wear Iris Ukiyoe tomorrow because of its pretty lavender bottle.
Wearing Mugler Chyprissime today after sampling MFK Aqua Celestia yesterday. The opening in that one is gorgeous – lime and mint with black current that keeps it from veering into cologne territory. But the dry down seems to be “musk” that I can’t seem to smell at all.
I don’t have any lavender. I’m participating with Lucas and Undina on a month of roses, and I’m wearing Nirvana Rose this morning. The rose and geranium is beautiful on the rainy humid air! This is really very nice. ????
I haven’t tried this one myself, but on my friend it smelled great.
Random observation. I like Mitsouko better than Shalimar. But another one of the samples I got in the freebie meet is Shalimar Vanille sur la route Mexique, or however you spell whatever it is called, exactly, and that smells great in the vial. I will test it tomorrow. Guess I better try to find something with some lavender in it… not sure what I have.
Found a neglected sample of Traversee du Bosphore. Probably too sweet for me but glad I tried it.
You should try it again when it’s hot: for me TdB is tropical weather perfume.
Lavendar & I are not on friendly terms, so I am sticking with Bois des Iles. Getting to be a broken record with this one, but c’est la vie! I smell cozy and that’s just what is needed on a cold snowy day when I have to go to work and other folks get a snow day.
At least I am bussing in so I can catch up with my nst reading.
I hope the busses are running on time! I have a snow day…schools are closed so we have to add a day to the current calendar year. 🙁
I must add Bois des Iles to my to try list!
If you enjoy sandalwood & cozy spices you will enjoy 🙂
Busses were readily available! Hurrah! But more Hurrah for your snow day 😀
Wearing Iris Ganache today since I wore it yesterday and am still riding the happy mood of the Patriots winning the Super Bowl (Plus my brother has to get me peach butter!)
Pohadka has a very soft lavender base note so I will wear that. I remember a nice Origins lavender and vanilla lotion and spray from ages ago but can’t recall its name . Was planning to do a mimosa week so will duck and dive between the two themes. Thanks for all the mimosa suggestions …all noted. Have a happy week everyone!
I couldn’t decide what to wear today, and then the mail arrived and with it a gently used bottle of La Haie Fleurie, so that’s what I’m now wearing. A good looking-forward-to-spring scent!
I had completely forgotten about this week’s theme, which is stupid as I love lavender.
My SOTD is VCA Bois d’Iris.
I’ve got an online exam starting at 20.00 CET, and I’m getting nervous.
Good luck with your exam! You smell totally confident????
Well that must have helped as I seem to have passed it. And thank you!
I find taking exams so nerve-wracking these days. I remember when I did medicine, all those years ago, and cycling to University with reader or a book open on the handlebar, trying to memorise some last bits, completely unflustered by the whole thing…
Well done on the exam!
Congrats! Must be a relief to have it behind you.
I think that learning and remembering perfume notes, and perfumers must keep our brains very active and primed. Glad you passed your exam
I’m with Mals in the hate lavender camp, so anything I wear on Friday is going to have lavender listed in the notes but undetectable to my nose. Or I could wave a sprig over a bottle of something.
Yesterday I went hunting for backsplash tile and found a winner! The kitchen cabinets will be painted starting Friday. I am so happy. Today I’m wearing Vanille 44 and celebrating snow that didn’t fall despite the forecasts.
There ya go. Alahine’s got lavender in the notes but I never smell it. (and it doesn’t give me a headache.)
I was in kind of a mood this morning and nothing was appealing to me, so I’m wearing Marchesa Parfum d’Extase (found a mini w/ refill at TJ Maxx for $5 a few weeks ago and thought why not). I was thinking it’s kind of light and irisy/violety so it could be a good go-to when nothing really sounds good. And for the most part it works.
I had a Sephora sample from f that once-it was pretty nice actually.
I had some and liked it, too.
I am doing the rose month with hajusuuri. Today – Andy Tauer Incense Rose.
One of my very favorite rose scents and one of the best from Andy!
I’m wearing Arbole Arbole for a second test today. I loved it two days ago but now I’m not so sure. My judgement may have been clouded by a reviewer who said it smelled like Play-Doh… So now of course I smell Play-Doh.
I hate it when that happens.
Bummer. Although play-doh is a plus for me ???? Maybe I should revisit that one.
It’s Monday night here. I’m in CdG Avignon now.
It started snowing last night, stopped for a while, then started up again. As I write this, it’s about as close to blizzard-y as it gets around here, and big huge fat flakes, too.
It was actually really pretty when I went outside this morning, but every time I venture out I either hear or see another tree or large branch that’s come down due to the weight. In fact, there’s a downed tree right in front of my bedroom window (and another right next to it, and some starting to crack in front of the door.) So that’s a little unsettling. I’m going to try not to get nervous about my H driving home this evening.
Despite the wintry landscape, I had a major craving for Atelier Sous le toit de Paris, always a sign that spring is just around the corner. Looks like I’m not the only one breaking out the violets today. Hope springs eternal?
Ah, I rather envy you your snow. Hope everyone stays safe!
I was lured by the price tag on a 1oz bottle of EL Modern Muse Chic at TJ Maxx and broke my own rule by doing a blind buy of a perfume I never read about or even hear of. It’s fine, a main stream jasmine. I’m pretty bored with it already and it’s only been a few hours. I should have saved the cash and put it towards a bottle of Chanel no 5 eau premiere – that’s what I really want. 🙁
I do that, impulse buy cheap thrills because I can’tell get the thing I want Right Now! Well, I did that. I think (hope) I have gained a modicum of additional self awareness and am not going to do that any more. 🙂
Exactly! Thanks for the support…at least I’m not alone!
Today’s a Mitsouko Monday, and I had a Double Double from In ‘N Out for lunch. Can’t complain.
I love lavender, but I don’t have many lavender-centric perfumes. Uh-oh, have I just identified a hole in my collection?
Love the concept of Mitsouko Monday! I may join the effort next week.
I actually had a Mitsouko Sunday…..we all smell good no matter the day.
Wish I could have a Double Double, but the nearest In ‘N Out to me is 3 hours away. Love their fries, too.
You smell great! I love Mitsouko on other people.
Jealous of your burger!
At the airport so sampling some Alaia. Nice!
Lavender is one of my favorite notes. I’m in Diptyque eau de lavande. It’s leather and lavender to my nose, I wish I could detect more of the spices in it. Of course my father stopped by this morning drenched in his signature Caron PUH, he’s ruined the fragrance for me, but it’s my own fault because I’m the one who gave it to him. The man loves to make an impression with his cologne.
I love lavender, but I don’t really own much in scents. More in lotion form. I keep a bottle of Trader Joe’s lavender lotion by my bed. In CA I used to pass lavender bushes and would break off a sprig to rub between my palms. My favorite lotion was a limited edition by Watkins. It had a minty freshness to the lavender that was delicious.
Will take notes this week to see if there are scents I might want to try.
Cocoa Rose again for me today.
The Trader Joe’s lotion is one of my favorite lavender treats. I have a bottle in the kitchen I use all the time, and I refill a little bottle that I’ve carried in my purse for years. Such good stuff. The scents of most of the body products at TJs are very well done.
Thank you for the information- I’ll try this one the next time I’m buying a cream.
I read Erin’s piece on lavender and realize I kind of agree with Turin, in that I like my lavender fresh, minty and like a fresh breeze on sunny day. Not mixed with other things too much. Like how I prefer rhubarb desserts…don’t be mixing my rhubarb with strawberry. I want straight up, lip puckering rhubarb.
YES! Keep yer dang strawberries away from my rhubarb!
SOTD–Gris Clair, seemed right to start a week of lavender and good for an acupuncture appointment. Will add some roses later in a nod to the month of roses project. Stopped at the thrift store after my appointment, some goodies (BB Nude, Grey Flannel, 4711 soap), but a kept to the 2017 “no buy” rule…..saving for something really special.
I’m quite late, but I wanted to report that I chose Andy Tauer’s Une Rose Chypree for my day off work. I love this one, and I am joining others in wearing rose scents this month. I am planning to do at least 14 days of them and then see if I want to continue for the whole month.
Yay! Month of Roses keeps my spirit up.
Super late! Love the earrings, Robin, except I would swap out the white stone (pearl?) with either a green jade or something that is jet black.
Continuing my Month of Roses…
SOTD = Ann Gerard Rose Cut
Why don’t I wear this more? Oh yes, my partial bottle is almost gone! If I find a good price or some kind of a deal, I’ll probably end up buying a FB. Other than the aldehydes, the notes look like this could be heavy (rose, peony, patchouli at its heart, oak moss, vanilla, Benzoin in the base and pink pepper and rum, which I don’t smell at all, up top), but no, it floats and is the antithesis of POAL!
I should try this one again: it didn’t work the previous time but maybe I just wasn’t in the mood? I’ll revisit it.