Sorry I'm late, we have no power at the moment. This post will be improved when it is restored. Meanwhile do tell us your fragrance of the day.
Our power is restored. Don't you LOVE electricity? I guess it's well to be reminded every so often. I am wearing Aftelier Vanilla Smoke layered over Bliss Vanilla & Bergamot body butter.
Reminder: this Friday will be Cheap Thrill we head into the holiday spending period, wear a fragrance that would not break the bank even in a full size. (suggested by Bardot)
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2015, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Plugged by Keoni Cabral at flickr; some rights reserved.
Tuesday 10 November. 11.30 am. At work. Phone rings:
“Hello, it’s me.”
“Hello you.”
“I’m in T.K. Maxx” (Oh god, I know where this is going) “and they’ve got LOADS of L’Artisan stuff, if you’re interested.” (Doh!)
“Go on then…” Pause, sounds of plastic rustling.
“Dzongkha, £29.99.”
“Fou d’Absinthe.”
“No, not bothered about that one” (See – I can show a bit of restraint.)
“Bois Farine.”
“BUY IT!” (Didn’t last long.)
“Premier Figuer.”
“Got it.”
“Tea ForTwo.”
“Already got a spare.”
“Nuit de Tubereuse.”
“Got two 50mls.”
“Hang on there’s more over there… Caligna.”
“Anything else?” Pause, more rustling plastic.
“Al Oudh?”
“How much?”
“Wait a minute, there’s more of those.” More rustling plastic. “Aha, this ones £29.99.”
“Right, I’m bored now and you’ve spent enough, see you tonight.”
“Yeah, see you when I get home. Bye.”
SOTD is Bois Farine. Rather thrillingly bought cheap!
You are set for tomorrow’s community project!
Ha! Fantastic! Congrats on your purchases. Where is this store? This doesn’t happen in New York.
I’m in Sheffield in the UK, and there’s been a number of L’Artisans and Penhaligons in TKs since last Christmas.
I think we all need to go on a trip to the UK. Over here our similar TJMaxx only has the dregs from Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears….
I knowwww! Every time I see one of these posts I have a blissful moment thinking it says “TJ Maxx” before I spot that dratted K!
Oh my goodness! If I get a call like that I would probably get another call like this:
Phone rings:
“This is your wallet and we are taking a break”
But my wallet’s going nowhere.
thats what I say to my husband hahaha
If I got a call like that it would end with, “Whhaaahaaahaaaa… yoooooouuuur dreaming!”
Hahahahaha TOO TRUE!
Congrats! If only I could have such luck…
Ha! Hilarious! And I would be so guilty of doing the same if I found such a selection at great prices.
Yes, as others have said, you’re all set for tomorrow’s project
That’s great!
Waaaah! You’re making us Americans sick with jealousy! The best thing at my TJ Maxx is Si Lolita Lempicka. AND NOT EVEN THE EDP! JUST THE EDT!!!
I also managed to pick up Mon Numero 10 AND Penhaligons Elixir as well a couple of weeks ago. Just sayin’…
We all kind of hate you right now. 😉
It’s just jealousy, it’ll pass.
“Kind of”??? LOL
That’s amazing. Congrats!
OMG, BobH, that’s AWESOME!!!!!!
Oh brilliant!, I’m visiting friends in Sheffield this weekend!- is the TK maxx quite central?, I’ve never been before.
There’s actually 3! One in the city centre, a small one in Meadowhall and one on the Crystal Peaks Retail Park. Not affiliated by the way…
Thanks!- we’re bound to be near one of them!
You have no power and we have no water. Something is going on with our building. Stuck at home whilst being pregnant and having in infant and no water =not a happy mama! Hope your issue get resolved soon!
Part of my cheap thrill- Elixir d’Orient from Rituals. I see it’s sold out on the US website and I am happy with my small sample. I love it – however this would smell absolutely delicious on a man
Oh dear, so sorry!
Oh no! Hope your water comes back, and best of luck with your infant (congrats btw).
When I mean infant I should of said baby- she is 11 months. But still- we both need to stay hydrated. Looks like it won’t be back on until 3pm!
Oh yike. I’ve been somewhere close to that place, with a 5yo, a 2yo, and a baby, right after we moved from town out to the farm… we have a well with an electric pump so when the power goes out, the water goes too. It was Not Fun. (But at least I wasn’t pregnant!)
I learned pretty quickly to have hand sanitizer, baby wipes, bottled water, and a stash of plastic jugs full of tap water for flushing the toilet on hand at all times.
I really hope the water returns soon.
Hang in there.
Thanks-I filled up the bathtub for the toilet
Whoever invented the modern baby wipe (and glue sticks) should get a Nobel Prize.
Duct tape and cheese sticks…too.
Hope you get water back soon.
Ugh! Hate when that happens. Do they at least notify the tenants? They never do in our building so we’re always taken by surprise and the management is unresponsive to calls. So frustrating. Hope it’s restored soon.
The only time we aren’t notified about things is usually in the winter when they are servicing the boiler-its usually a no brainer to figure out you have been cheated again when you have no hot water when you jump in the shower and its freezing cold. I notice the management seems to have the phone of the hook during those days. Good Grief!
The joys of apt living in NYC 😉 Although I’ve seen criminal negligence with clients I’ve had living in tenements. So when I think I have it bad…
Do you practice housing law, Elisa? That’s what my son-in-law does in New Orleans (non-profit).
Hi Sicilian! Don’t know if you’ll get this this late, but I’m not a lawyer. I’m an RN and did home care Forrester many years.
Oh no! Hope it comes back on soon! I’m glad it’s not as cold as it could be so at least you’re not completely freezing – I hope.
I’m wearing Amouage Fate again today. All the reviews talk about how big this one is, and yet it’s a mild little sweet thing on me – a testament to the way my body sucks up scent. I wouldn’t mind if it had a little more power, but it will absolutely do.
Hope your day gets better Robin!
Brings me so much joy that your are enjoying Fate!
Not cold at all it’s only been off for an hour — it’s a pre-scheduled tree trimming that I forgot about until the power was suddenly cut off. Hopefully will be back soon!
The mega-legends go shrinky-dink on me too 😀
Shrinky-dinks! MAnnnnnnn, haven’t seen those in a long time. But what a great description for those BIG UP TOP then suddenly very teeny fragrances.
Hope everyone’s utilities come back soon!
I’m wearing Femininite du Bois from a sample. There is something in it that reminds me of my junior year in France, but I can’t pin it down. This is good stuff!
Voleur de Roses. Earthy rose perfection.
Hi Robin, so sorry you’re without power. That gets really old after about 20 minutes…. suddenly you realize EVERYTHING we do requires electricity.
SOTD: Hermes L’Ambre des Merveilles. Love it. Wish it was more potent. I’m wearing 10-12 sprays and it’s barely moderate sillage.
Literally almost everything, it’s astonishing. At least now there are mobile phones.
Oh no! Hope your power comes back soon, Robin! Weirdly, the entire Mosaic District lost power yesterday, too. As if I needed another excuse not to do my laundry…
SOTD is Guerlain Apres L’Ondee. I watched the newest Studio Ghibli movie, When Marnie Was There, with my parents last night, and it put me in the mood for something a little wistful.
I love When Marni was There, the book, will look out for the film.
SOTD is Bottega Veneta.
Am halfway to the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words (which to be honest will not get me all the way through the story I’m working on, so I’m hoping to start writing a little faster).
It is blustery outside. I love weather like this. Am wearing Mariella Burani which I find immensely comforting (citrus, aldehydes, benzoin & musk).
MB! 🙂
Enabler! 🙂
(Which reminds me… did you ever review the first Ines de la Fressange? I bought it based on a review which my unreliable memory tells me was yours, and LOVED it, and then when I went looking for the review later, couldn’t find it.)
I don’t think it was me. I have Ines, but can’t even remember what it smells like. Perhaps it was Brian? Or Gaia (The Non Blonde) who writes about forgotten or older gems. (I love when she does that, sometimes I tire of all the new and want to appreciate things from a decado ago, esp when most can be found for cheap!)
Ines #1 doesn’t seem up Brian’s alley (he could surprise me, but it’s a little too ladylike to please him, I think). I keep looking for a review of it, but the ones I find are not the one I remember pushing me to order it unsniffed. Sigh.
Hope your power is restored soon.
I’m wearing Coco today. Kinda wish I’d sprayed more on. I’m needing pick-me-ups today.
Yesterday on my drive home from work I saw a cat get hit by a car. It was awful and traumatizing. The guy who hit the cat kept going, but the car behind it stopped, which clearly means the hitter saw the poor creature as it tried to run across the road. Everyone speeds down that road too. Most do 40 even though it’s a 25 zone. This morning I didn’t see any dead animals on the road since I take that one twice each day so I’m assuming the good Samaritan who stopped took care of it. I feel like a bit of a jerk for not having stopped myself since I saw it all happen (I was driving opposite direction), but I’m glad someone did. I had to take my husband somewhere so that was my excuse, but I still feel there’s nothing so important as helping rescue a life now.
How awful. This is part of why I’m glad I live in New York for the moment and don’t need to drive, because hitting someone’s beloved pet would devastate me. I’m so sorry that happened and that you saw it, and hope it was quick and painless for the kitty involved.
I know. My husband and I are animal fans – we prefer furbabies to babies ;). Anyway, seeing that for me was like seeing a child be hit. I hope the cat didn’t suffer much and I’m glad someone did stop to help it.
Oh… that is tough when you see an animal get hurt, especially when you know it is somebody’s beloved pet. On a lighter but related note–about three weeks ago I was driving down the main thoroughfare in our neighborhood, a narrow street where cars have to pause to pass each other coming in opposite directions because the street is too narrow for two cars, etc. A teeny white dog ran out into the street in front of me–it was wearing a purple harness. My husband was in the car and didn’t even see what made me stop. I was out of the car and running down the street in clompy clogs before I realized that there were several cars stuck behind mine, and the dog was picking up speed fast! Unfortunately I did not catch him… winded, I returned to the car five minutes later and moved on– to the gratitude of my neighbors. I talked to a friend who knows all the little dogs in the neighborhood, and she said that all were home and accounted for—so I am guessing it belonged to someone at an open house or something…anyway, no one saw or heard a dog hurt so I am assuming it got back to its person eventually.
I hope that little dog got back to its owner ok. It’s good that you at least tried to help it.
I once, as a pedestrian waiting for the walk signal to cross the street, witnessed a woman holding a puppy, a teeny little puppy, in her arms as she was waiting to cross the street. The puppy leaped out of her arms and into traffic and was hit right in front of her (and me and a group of traumatized bystanders). I will never forget that day. I don’t know why the puppy wasn’t on leash, but can’t place blame, that woman probably still cries about it. I am welling up with tears as I write this and it happened well over 10 years ago. Traumatic doesn’t even begin… it was a lab puppy, yellow lab adorable thing. I had been petting it before the dog leaped…
Ugh, how awful, for you and for Jenkr. And of course for the animals in question and their owners.
Holy crap that is awful! I don’t mean to pin blame, but seriously, that woman should’ve known better than to have a puppy out without a leash! I’m so sorry you had to see that.
I can definitely relate. I’ve been on the verge of tears on and off since I saw the cat hit yesterday and I know it’s not something I’ll get over soon.
It really upsets me that people can be so nonchalant about what happens to animals compared to what happens to humans. Both have equal importance to me.
That’s rough – on everybody, really.
I hit a dog last week, and I feel AWFUL. Country road, speed limit 45, I was going just a little under that and was able to hit the brake when a dog ran right out in front of me – but not able to slow enough to avoid it. I stopped and went to check on the dog, but the owner came out to get her. She was a hunting dog, not full grown, and I could see blood on her leg but she was definitely not dead, poor baby. I left the owner both my phone numbers, but he has not called me. I think maybe he worried I might report him for not having his dog on a leash or confined – I just hope the doggie is okay.
Oh, gosh. I’m so sorry. I’d be traumatized, too. Hopefully, no news is good news.
Oh geez, I’m so sorry that happened. I’m glad the dog wasn’t horribly injured though. In a way I think the owner really should get a clue and realize the dog needs to be put under more strict supervision or put in a place where it can’t run to the street like that. As I mentioned above, pets are just as important as humans and I really dislike how people think pets are disposable or less important.
He did say, “I was JUST coming out to put her back on her leash,” so I think he knows what should be done. But still. If he’d done what should be done, she’d be fine.
We’ve got Invisible Fence for our dog – he’s either in the house or a 1-acre yard, and he can’t get into trouble with the cows, the neighbor’s goats, my son’s hair sheep, or the chickens I’m planning to get next spring. Or run down the road. 🙂
So sorry to hear about all of your horrible experiences – it has certainly reminded me to keep a very careful lookout driving. Hope you all feel better soon x
There are a lot of invisible fences for dogs in our neighborhood too.
It’s deer season here, and a friend, who was driving, was more or less hit by a deer as we were returning from a visit with another friend. She had warned us to watch out, and we had already spotted one deer when about a quarter of a mile farther the second one stared at the lights from her side of the road and then dashed into us. She worried and worried that the deer had been injured, although it ran off into the woods. We were lucky–no one even bruised and the car without a scratch. I have to say, though, that deer don’t get much respect around here when they cause so many accidents and lost lives.
I used to work in Henrietta and live in the Southern Tier, as did many co-workers. From our experience about 25% of the time hit deer bounce back – literally. (Sorry, but true)
Wish I could send everyone my beautiful weather. What a gloriously sunny autumn day.
To celebrate I’m in B&BW Dark Kiss, with Arquiste for J. Crew No. 31. Both are cheap thrills (bought No.31 on clearance on the J Crew website for $30).
Lots of plummy goodness! I feel like No.31 is more distinctive and stands out more, but Dark Kiss is definitely adding some depth and complexity. I feel very cuddly right now. 🙂
Dark Kiss is really good, for an El Cheapo floral-gourmandy thing (not usually my favorite genre).
Not really mine, either, but Dark Kiss was instant love! I like to think it is the vetiver giving it depth and tempering the sweetness, although I can’t really detect it.
Since I was home from work yesterday, I wore a near-ton of 31. Every time I wear it, I like it more…especially for the clearance price!
Dark Kiss is good, too. You smell joyful!
I almost wore No. 31 today too, but I was in a rush and I reached for the nearest acceptable spray bottle. You know, because a roller ball takes *so long* to apply.
That’s why you should just grab it and put it in a pocket/purse. Then you can re-apply too. 🙂
See? I’m always learning stuff from you all. ????
Annick Goutal 1001 Ouds. Very pretty rose oud.
Ooooh! 1001 Oooooouds! Sounds very interesting. I’ll have to try this.
Ugh, no power? Boo.
SotD is 31, rue Cambon.
Such a perfect autumn perfume.
I agree. I haven’t worn it for a while because my best friend doesn’t care for it. I was avoiding it even when I wasn’t planning to see her. Today, when I broke it out, it was a sweet reunion. It’s one of my new favorites.
Scent twins! I haven’t worn it in awhile and was craving it this morning.
Woohoo! You’re my first scent twin ever. ???? I wish I could run into you to know what it smells like out in the world. I’ve never had a scent encounter with it anywhere but on my own clothes.
I’m in the original agent provocateur and a big plaid lumberjack shirt.
Most of my perfume is stuff I’ve found on sale for super cheap because I don’t like spending large amounts of money, it makes me really nervous! Of course I rarely have large amounts of money to spend either so Im rather safe from that brand of anxiety. I got this bottle of AP EDP at 70% off with a small round bottle of body lotion (or something?) that I still haven’t tried! Crummy-looking neighbourhood perfume shops are my usual hunting grounds.
That’s the best kind of shopping. 🙂
It’s hard to beat the thrill of finding an overlooked masterpiece at a steep discount in some musty corner… I’m sure waltzing into Amouage and nonchalantly buying a selection is a pretty great feeling too, but one I’ll never experience!
Nice! I especially am covering the “big plaid lumberjack shirt” as well as the weather that goes along with that type of attire 🙂
It’s that fabulous glam and grunge pairing again 😀
Ha- that was supposed to be “coveting.” I am totally digging your glam/grunge vibe!
It doesn’t get that cold where I live compared to other places, but there’s a sort of relentless damp chill from October until April so I’m very well stocked on plaid lumberjack shirts and spicy complicated perfume!
I love that perfume and it’s one the few that got really good comments.
It lasts an age, too! It’s glorious for winter.
That was one of my 1st FB purchases when it came out. I paid full price 🙁 . I love those kinds of stores. Some have hidden gems. There’s one near work that’s kind of a mess and has glass cabinets full of dusty testers. I’ve found some great deals but have to be willing to scout and sift.
Yeah, it does require dedication and I’m definitely not up for it most days. I find it hard not to enter when I come across a grotty old perfume shop though, for scouting purposes if nothing else!
Hope things will soon settle again!
I’m wearing Péché Cardinal, rather a big perfume, but pretty nonetheless.
All this talk about discontinuation has made me wear Le Temps d’une Fête and it’s still lovely. Considering the trends in perfume prices, I stipulate that it qualifies as a cheap thrill, too.
Hope the power situation gets sorted soon!
LTdF!!! So gorgeous in fall as well as in spring.
I had sort of forgotten how gorgeous it is, I wore it a lot after I bought the bottle, but haven’t reached for it lately. It’s been 8 hours since I applied it and it smells wonderful.
I do like that one – both pretty and elegant which seems surprisingly hard to find!
I agree. And I just like the brand.
Wow- that is a really lovely one.
It is! I’m now thinking I should get another bottle…
Another cheap thrill for me today – EL Knowing.
You might have helped me identify my perfume for tomorrow…
Robin, I hope you get your power back soon.
Wearing Ex Idolo Ryder today, as I wanted something amber-y after yesterday’s Bois Blonds fail. But this is a little too much in the opposite direction. Heavy amber, not much else. I think I’ll pass it along.
I am in a seriously cheap thrill, Demeter’s Whiskey Tobacco. I get hints of whiskey, well a fortified whiskey–a whiskey liquor? I once dated a man who drank Irish Mist. This is Irish Mist with sweet pipe tobacco and a generous steaming bowl of stewed fruit. There is no smoke or peatiness you might associate with whiskey… instead it goes in the direction of Christmas fruit cake. There is a faint cardboard synthetic note reminding me of those car freshener trees… Argh… now that I made the car freshener association I can’t escape it. Oh well. I am going to hope it doesn’t last long!
His name wasn’t O’Donnell, was it?????
No. But it sounds like O’Donnelly might like this fragrance too …
Coeur de Vétiver Sacrée. I smell like detox juice.
Ugh, being without power is such a pain. I hope it comes back on soon.
Wearing Une Rose Vermeille today, and very distracted by holiday and vacation planning, when I really need to be focusing on work.
Cheap thrill #4 is Minotaure, which I just realized is kind of a precursor to Le Male.
Really? I adore Le Male and fougeres, the more opulent the better. The Baroque Fougere, possibly my favorite category of scent! This would include Le Male, Halston Z-14, Tuscany per Uomo, Quorum, to name a few.
Then you definitely should check out Minotaure!
Wearing Knize Ten (first leather!) and feeling like I’m smelling my grandfather
Is that good or bad?
It’s a very powerful image, so I’d say it’s good if you want your perfume to trigger memories or your imagination. But literally, well, he was a heavy smoker (black tobacco) and if I think about how he smelled back then, I would say “rough”.
SOTD = Chergui
I must try this- it’s getting a lot of love and I’m hoping it’s not only available in the Bell Jar…
It comes in a 1.7oz size. I was able to buy it at a good discount from Overstock, and believe I’ve seen it on Fragrancenet too.
I saw several on EBay today. Not sure if you would be interested in that venue?
Starting my cheap-o weekend early with The Body Shoppe Chocomania body oil followed by CSP Amour de Cacao. Yum!!
YUM! I loved the Chocomania body lotion! So delightful in winter and really hydrating as well.
Misty gray day (again) in Atlanta! I sure wish we had fragrances at my TJ Maxx that are found in the UK!! WOW!!
I’m wearing Orgasmo, and I smell like I’ve been hitting the amaretto bottle a little too hard….LOL It’s nice, but a little too sweet for me. I’m revisiting my LuckyScent samples, and pulled this one out today.
Hola, amigas y amigos! I’m back from vacation and wishing I weren’t. Ah well. While I was away, the seasons changed from summer to fall, so now I can finally break out the fall fumes. SOTD is DK Black Cashmere, one of my first purchases after falling down this rabbit hole, and still a favorite.
Where did you go, Pixel?
3 weeks in Chile and Argentina; Chilean fjords, Patagonia, Cape Horn, Staten Island. Lots of nature, not much perfume 🙂
That sounds fabulous. Got a little confused about Staten Island. Where is the *other* Staten Island? Argentina?
Heh. Yeah, there’s a Staten Island in Argentina, off the tip of Tierra del Fuego. And just like the one in NY, it was named by Dutch explorers for their governmental body.
My husband, who’s a NY-er, commented that the only thing the two Staten Islands have in common is a lot of sea gulls 😉
Oh how fun! I have never been to Chile and would love to go one of these days! I have been to Buenos Aires and the Argentina side of Iguazu Falls. I have a few years remaining on the 10 year visa you’re forced to pay for to enter the country 😉
In Heure Exquise today, it’s seeing me nicely through a day of many meetings and general frustration with progress of a building project…
Gorgeous!! And best of luck for many months for your building project. I’ve still not recovered from trauma of the building project we did for our library that just always went so wrong….. It’s tough work.
AnnS, are you a library person, too? I’m a children’s librarian.
Yes – used to be reference for a long time, but now for a long time too am director. So I get to be a whole lot of everything that has nothing to do with being a librarian! Children’s librarian is the queen of the library!
Sampling DSH Cordial which smells like burnt caramel to me. Not a great choice.
I just got an email of some new DSH releases ( no affiliation, just a fan). There is one called The Voice of Trees which sounds wonderful.
I would say Oeilette Rouges is my favoraite DSH scent. Which ones do you like. I am not a fan of heavy gourmands, so I was not tempted by Cordial at all…
I like Oeillets Rouges and Kohl Gris best so far of the ones I’ve tried but I still have quite a few untried ones from her. Cordial is the only fail so far.
THe Voice of Trees is SUCH a great name.
Tonka Imperiale here. It’s cold. And windy. And gloomy. And did I mention it’s cold? It’s one of those days where there’s a constant chill if the furnace isn’t running. I’m considering another shower just to warm up. But the T.I. is nice and cozy.
SOTD: Amber and Ginger from Jo Malone. It’s from a sample. It’s kinda soapy (you get that with ginger scents sometimes) , a wee bit peppery and spicy, but not sweet. Light but warm and pretty.
Am trying to plan my UnChristmas vacation and do my annual benefits enrollment. Ugh- somehow the last 8 weeks of the year are here!
Ooohh…an unChristmas sounds wonderful.
Gray and cold today so I am wearing PG Felanilla. I’m making a chocolate cashew crostata this morning from a magazine recipe I modified and I thought a vanilla fragrance would work very nicely.
Oh, I love that one! Right when your crostata comes out of the oven, you will hear a knock-knock at the door! Just me, stopping by for a gustatory and olfactory snack! Yum 😛
You are welcome any time!
Yay, Robin’s power is back on (and she smells great too)! I’m in 24, Faubourg and feeling quite elegant.
SOTD – Iris Poudre…which goes nicely with the dusty pink cashmere tunic I am wearing. Getting down in the Travel Bottle of this – probably gonna have to bite the bullet and get a FB. Maybe a Christmas present….
Hello, all. I’m wearing comfort-from-a-bottle: Rahat Loukoum, over Persane Amande body oil. Again. Because I need it. Again. After not sleeping. Again. Today we’re driving to Whanganui to visit my mother-in-law, and I always love getting out of Auckland and into the heartlands, but I’m so tired I fear I might sleep the 250 miles and miss the best bits. Well, that will be what it will be: for this minute, I smell beguilingly like sugared almonds and marzipan, and even Dakkie Dog Hoople likes it. He has parked himself on my knee (he reversed in, because he’s got mad skills) and he’s purring like thunder and holding my wrist where he can lick it. I should have thought that perfume would taste very nasty, but he doesn’t seem to mind. I wish I could sit here forever like this, but I must bestir myself soon and face out into the day.
In case I don’t have internet access tomorrow, I submit RL as my cheap thrill, following Annikky’s logic above. I bought a black 30 ml travel spray with a refill for something like $120, which is cheap-ish for anything by Uncle Serge, and an utter, absolute bargain, even had it been twice the price, in proportion to the pleasure it gives me. Thank you, Robin, for the review that convinced me to buy blind!
I have a kittie who loves one of my perfumes with lots of musk in it. He will lay on my lap and slobber all over my wrist, nuzzling away and purring.
Now, aren’t they strange? We used to have a very beautiful Foreign White cat called Jessie who would go out into the orchard when the kiwifruit were pruned and rub and slobber until her beautiful white fur was all green and streaky. I can sort of understand that, because at least the prunings were natural, but perfume? The one time I accidentally got some on my lips, I couldn’t wash it off fast enough! But I love Dakkie’s love, so I’m still sitting here….
One of our cats HATES Shalimar. If apply it when he is in a purr coma stretched out across our bed, he instantly revives and dashes out of the room. It is quite astounding!
I’ve had that SAME experience with my cats and Shalimar. I think it’s the bitter citrus since bitter citrus oils are used in those cat repellent sprays.
Hope you have a great day out and feel less tired – and you have totally tempted me to try Rahat Loukhoum.
SophieC, do read Robin’s review too. I’m deep in an affaire with gourmands of all sorts, so my enthusiasm might be biased, but the review is balanced and thoughtful (aren’t they all?), so very helpful.
It’s a fabulous perfume – a Top 5 for me. But you have to like almond/marizpan. Speaking of marzipan, Lush’s Snowcake is back. Love that soap.
I hope RL is helping – it’s one of those “everything nice” perfumes. I should retry it, it’s the right season here: much comfort needed.
Choco musk by Al-Rehab. I do not think it gets cheaper than that – it comes to about $4 for a 6ml oil bottle. It is not a masterpiece, but a really good quality for the money
I wholeheartedly agree 😉
SOTD = Tommi Sooni Eu de Tommi Sooni II
I am continuing my Vanilla Week and will culminate in a cheap thrill vanilla tomorrow.
So I haven’t worn this in a year and to be perfectly honest, it is more of a tonka perfume than of vanilla, at least for the first few hours. The notes list includes: rhubarb, bergamot, lemon, honey, amber, vanilla and sandalwood. I do not smell any sandalwood whatsoever (maybe my nose is broken) and tonka, despite not being listed, is quite prominent. The fruits and florals are definitely there and very well blended. Sillage is moderate. It is very office appropriate and works well in all types of weather. By the way, Kevin did a review of this but I don’t know how to copy and paste a link to it via my i-Phone.
Tommi Sooni the company was deregistered and no longer exists. If you’re interested and can’t find a bottle, due to the predominance of tonka, I suggest trying Guerlain Tonka Imperiale and/or Dior Feve Delicieuse.
Did not know they were deregistered, thanks for the news. Here is the review:
Oh, no! Tarantella is one of my most-loved fragrances. So glad I bought a back-up.
Showered with cheap thrill Mysore Sandal soap and then a smidge of sandalwood EO in moisturizer, topped off with SL Borneo 1834 from a decant. This may be my favorite SL. Darned those bell-jars 🙁 .
SL Borneo is amazing. I just got a bottle on ebay (from a reputable seller who I have bought from before) and am very excited.
I’ll have to start stalking The Bay.
Wearing 28 La Pausa today. I brought my sample for an out of town visit in support of my brother who is in for surgery. I thought this would be nice and not obtrusive for hospital.
I want to love this, and it smells amazing on the trip from the sprayer to my wrist, but as soon as it hits skin…it is gone. Now I’m so far away from my perfumes, boo hoo.
Thinking good thoughts for your brother.
benjoin 19 sample today.
It’s one of those *good* drizzly cool fall days that is sexy and wonderful rather than dreary. SOTD is Coco edt – all I want to do is listen to Mingus and hang around reading good magazines.
Sounds like heaven! Can you organise your day that way?
Every once in a while – not yesterday.
I am always interested – what “good magazines” do you have in mind for such a relaxing and pleasant day?
I used to subscribe to People Magazine 😉
Since my brain is mostly fried these days, “good” to me means lots of awesome pictures and very short stories – I just want to flip and look and then ignore. Anything with travel (including the PR catalogs for Smithsonian adventures or Viking cruises, lol), a little fashion (not really my bag these days) Vanity Fair except the articles are usually too long for me when I want to zone out, interiors – any mag, especially anything with gardening.
Eau de Charlotte today. We had storms last night and lots of rain. It just didn’t feel like November today, so I put on something kind of light – Eau de Charlotte. (I wear it more in the spring.)
No SOTD yet. I’m starting to do the whole Christmas shopping thing. I’d rather get as much as I can done so I am not stressed out.
I’ve bought a few things too, but I was at Target and Wal-Mart so it was not really official Christmas shopping, more along the lines of “younger son needs some jeans OOH LOOK there are some that should fit him… and daughter could use some new pajamas OOH LOOK those are cute.”
It is cold and windy here. I am wearing Route du Vetiver. I think a few people in my office may have choked while passing me by.
SOTD take two. Soivohle Paracelsus. Rich and complex like most of her work. This is a much more enjoyable sampling today
Gucci Rush for me today since it is 72 degrees here. This fragrance is not like anything else I have and it was definitely a slow burn for me. I hear it is to be finally discontinued so I have a bottle and perhaps I will get another. Yesterday I wore the new Opium EDT and found it to be close enough to the original for my liking. I had the same ups and downs with my Mother when I was a teenager that everyone does–I longed for her and I wanted her to go away. I would often go in her closet when she was not home and try her beautiful dresses on and the ghost that lingered in them was Opium perfume. The dry down of the modern formulation so powerfully evoked this memory that tears came to my eyes……
I feel for you. Those type of memories are very powerful, and bittersweet. I have to ask, is Rush really going away? I had planned on a backup bottle, but now I’m thinking two?
It is not on the Gucci website anymore which does not bode well. It is just gorgeous. I received many compliments today whilst wearing it.
It is gorgeous. I love it so much. Thanks for the information.
I have 2 backup bottles of Donna Karan Gold in the EDP because I know one day it shall be gone. I understand your need to stash an extra bottle of Rush.
That’s odd, just saw new Gucci Rush giftsets somewhere online this week. One of the big department stores, but of course now can’t remember which. The only reason I remember the giftset is that I was sort of surprised to see one for Rush.
Maybe there is no need to panic just yet! Thanks for chiming in!
Welp, I’m in an anti-cheap thrill today–Blackberry & Bay body cream which I’m pained to say is nearly as dear the Frederic Malle body milks (tho mercifully, not so bad as the FM body butters!) If I wear it in lieu of the perfume, can I gauge the price on that scale instead?? (Still not anything like a good deal, just, less ludicrous. And I do love it…)
Then it’s cheap. You get to value the currency. 🙂
Hahaha, brilliantly put!
Are there any good ‘jam’ perfumes out there. I’m sure there are..but something like ‘rose jam’ from Lush, or real life plum or damson jam? Maybe I’m just hungry? I remember there was a plum perfume a while back – was it Mary Grenell? Didn’t get much love, though.
Still in Cristalle – it goes with my image: 70s soft porn meets 80s Dallas (the series, not the people) meets Breaking Bad.
I like Tauer Une Rose Vermeille for a jammy rose. It is very luscious!
What about Natori? An aldehydic plummy floral. I haven’t tried rose jam so I’m not sure if that is what you’re looking for?
Thanks for the tips – just been reading the reviews. There are so many perfumes I’ve never tried…and never will.
It’s impossible to even try. ????
Mary Greenwell Plum, which I LOVE but which is not either very plummy, IMO, or jammy. It’s very floral.
Summer jam for me would be By Killian Les Liaison’s Dangereuses – which is super snappy greens and massive rose jam.
Sikkim, Le Collection version. I am trying to wear my neglected perfumes (I have a mini of this one) and use up some samples. I don’t need to hoard them, and want to use them before they dry up. Anyhow, I like this and have been in a major chypre mood lately … Although the opening of this reminds me of my grandma’s house … I wonder what she wore? I’ll have to ask her.
I think the opening of Sikkim bears some resemblance to those balsamic orientals like Ciara which was very popular for a long time back in the day, or even EL Youth Dew.
I decided to break out a DIY thing I did a while back to revisit and see how it’s holding up. It can basically be described as a smoky carnation. I’m pretty happy with it.
Stormy day and I wore CdG Black until a little package arrived–spray samples of Misia and Mimosa and Cardamom. I am so happy with all three, and Black has stayed with me all day.
Gris montaigne on this dark rainy day.
Trying out Chaos from Donna Karanand from an incense sampler and it’s also a hit. Seems like I really love incense notes ????
Cold and damp today, we’ve had our first snow.
SOTD my latest buy Gucci Oud.
SOTD is Dior Eau Svelte that I just got from EBay. My mother had this in the 90s and I thought it was ridiculous that it was supposed to “do” something. It is billed as a “treatment.” But it sure is pretty!
I tried on too many scents today. I started the day off with a middle eastern oriental perfume oil call Marrock. After that faded, I sprayed on some PHI, because yum, and it was a cold day which varied between drizzle and rain. Then some samples came in around 4 PM so I have Nero and Bianco on one side and Sanfanad and Roma Imperial on th other. I think I need a shower. ????
Put on Armani Prive Encens Satin around 1. Can barely smell it on my wrists now (8 pm) which is actually a good thing compared to Bois d’Ences, which hit my throat so hard it sent me to bed. I thought this might be too rich for daytime, but a few smallish spritzes from a sample worked well. Not sure I need another oriental FB, though.