I'm late today, apologies! But do tell us your fragrance of the day.
I'm wearing Annick Goutal Mandragore for the second day in a row — but not, sadly, from that butterfly bottle.
Reminder: this Friday, August 15, wear something by Guerlain. We'll do this again in winter, so don't feel like you have to wear Shalimar if it's too hot for Shalimar.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2014, where I'll try to always have the next six or seven weeks mapped out in advance.
I like Mandragore. Must wear that again soon. Today I have on Isabey Fleur Nocturne. It is rainy here and about 70 degrees, and my choice is smelling good to me.
Me too…I like it much better than I did when I reviewed it.
I’m wearing Byredo 1996. I like it but for some reason I keep thinking I smell a lot of vetiver here, which I don’t think is listed as a note or mentioned by anyone else…
I was traveling for work all last week and took only two perfumes with me, and now I’m craving unusual things that I almost never wear. Over the weekend I wore Aomassai.
1996 Is Lovely!!You smell very good!!
I think vetiver is one of those materials that’s so common they don’t always mention it.
Does anyone know of a fragrance with a recognizable vetiver note that is easy to sniff at a perfume counter?
I have been wearing Chanel No. 22, and something in it makes me think of food — something spicy, or green, or I don’t know what.
If I had a vetiver to compare I might be able to figure it out. (And then I could stop wanting to bite my own arm! LOL)
Guerlain Vetiver? On the men’s counter?
Thank you, I’ll check the men’s counter!
Tom Ford Grey Vetiver? (Also on the men’s side of my local Sephora.)
Another good one, thank you!
This morning was very cool for summer and I was fishing through a box of samples when I stumbled upon a vial of Anne Klein II that I forgot I even had. AKII, which was launched the same year as Obsession, 1985, is very similar to it — better, probably, because it’s less vulgar, turning into a bed of vanillic powder and amber instead of just Tabu civetty rankness (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I honestly think that with anything like Obsession’s blanket advertising, Anne Klein II could have been a huge hit. It’s long discontinued but so good.
It’s been unseasonably cool here for a couple weeks now. I don’t like it — feels like summer is over.
And the AK sounds great. I am old enough that I remember buying Anne Klein jeans with the metal logo on the back pocket 🙂
Bad news about the cool summer: we had a meteorology program at the library for kids the other day. The meteorologist said (after someone commented about our very cool summer) that if there is an active typhoon season in the Pacific near Japan (which there is this year) that always means there is a cool summer for us. Boo-hoo. It’s been too chilly up here! Hot for us lately has been about 74 degrees. Maybe we’ll have a mild winter…. 🙁
Well glad to hear the explanation, but boo!
That Butterfly bottle is really pretty!!SOTD from my Desert Island stash!Lol!Frederic Malle Iris Poudre!One of the most gorgeous drydowns ever!!And lasts forever!It’s almost 6pm here,Monday is DONE!!Happy Week Robin and NST-fumies!!
How nice to be done with Monday already 🙂
Scent Twins! I’m in Iris Poudre as well – love this one!
Yay!!Love having a scenttwin!!And you smell FANTASTIC of course!:-))
I absolutely adore the drydown of Iris Poudre. I keep trying to find that for cheaper, but no dice.
SOTD is Meow Meow Tweet Herbal Insect Repellent. The mosquitoes were particularly vicious yesterday. This is very possibly the cutest bug spray out there, not that it has that much competition.
I got to try the new Arquiste The Architects Club Saturday with Daisy and Hajusuuri at Twisted Lily. It’s a tasty tobacco-tinged vanilla in the usual transparent Arquiste style. I think it will have a lot of fans.
Love the name of your repellant!!Hehe!GOOGLING now!
I saw Meow Meow Tweet listed on the Twisted Lily site and wondered what it was but forgot to check it out- thanks for solving that mystery 🙂
Good morning 🙂
I’ve never seen that Mandragore bottle for sale-thankfully! 🙂
Today I smelled of Seville a l’Aube
Tonight, after reading perfume books mentioning old perfume houses, I was in the mood for Narcisse Noir parfum. It’s my Miss Havisham perfume- all delightful decayed grandeur. I haven’t worn it for a very long time because it scares me a bit (when I first got it I wore it to the theatre. I wonder what those around me thought?) but there’s something about it I love.
It’s almost Tues in your valley,right?Lol!My brother lives in Sydney,the time difference is crazy!(about 10 hours or so!)
It’s 2351… I’ve been up since 0500 and I’m sooo tired and should’ve gone to bed hours ago (but tomo is a day off so I’m being rebellious)
Oh,you rebel,you!Enjoy the day off!(mine’s Friday!!Yay!!)
The butterfly bottles are just gorgeous as is Mandragore!
I’m wearing AdP Iris Nobile edp.
O wow,you all smell fabulous today!!Lots of my favs already mentioned!Definite cure for Monday Blues!!
Such a lovely perfume – I keep on debating about that as I really can’t pretend I need another perfume but it is rather unique and lovely. You smell lovely!
(whispering loudly)… I don’t think *any* of us neeed another perfume! 😉
SSSSSHHHHHHHH! My husband will hear you!! 😉
Yeah – I have an embarassing amount of bottles – I think it would take me 100 years to use up all my frags! Thankfully they have the small? 1.7 oz or 1.0 oz ? bottle of Iris Nobile. I don’t wear it so often b/c it is just so elegant and formal, but today was just right for it. There will never be an end to the bottles that I want!!!!
Good thing there’s a split meet coming up again soon. You may not be able to justify a full bottle, but partials are a whole other story.!
I know – I need to restock my split / decant supplies so I can get on that action again.
Thank goodness indeed 😉
Oh that is such a pretty bottle. Today I have on Eau Du Soir body cream from a sample with No5 EDP. Smells oddly calm and efficient – which given today is a head down and work day is a good thing.
Nice 🙂
SOTD: Midnight Bath and Body Works for men
Today I am trying out BPAL Santa Eularia Des Riu. Herby with citrus and a bit of flowers in the background – very, very subtle on the flowers. Reminds me of lemon balm. It is nice, but not interesting enough for me to want a full bottle. It only lasted about 3 hours, so I applied Infusion d’Iris (I have a rollerball in my office). IdI is always perfect 🙂
I’m wearing Ormonde Jayne Frangipani, the Parfum version. I love that midway through the development of the parfum version I get a refined, salty Tuvache Jungle Gardenia waft. Love this!!
Mandragore is such a beautiful scent!!!!
Speaking of butterflies, I’m wearing Hanae Mori! Possibly my ultimate comfort scent.
That one always makes me think of my daughter. (she is home, as of today, from her summer internship!! Ten whole days before she goes back to school.)
Your daughter and I have a few likes in common I think! Par Amour, DK Gold…
SOTD is vintage Claude Montana Pour Homme. The first and best release he did for men in the emerald green fluted bottle/red box. Opening is a fleeting herbalized citrus on my skin with a drydown of patcholi. I enjoy it as much now as I did in the late 80’s. 🙂
I’m wearing Angel. Gaia’s revisit of it the other day on The Non-Blonde made me curious, so I dug out my recently obtained freebie sample. Definitely not the old Angel, I’m getting a lot of pineapple this time around. It’s not the cloying, overwhelming juice of the past (and it’s not just my changing nose – I did 2 sprays and my husband didn’t even comment, whereas the old formulation would have mandated an automatic rolling down of the car windows). It’s interesting, and I find it much more bearable now that’s it’s toothless, but still not for me.
I like the old toothy version myself.
It was beloved for sure!
My SOTD is Nectarine Blossom and Honey by Jo Malone. This is my signature scent. Absolutely love, love, love this scent! This is my happy scent!
MY SOTD is Brown Sugar by Fresh. The lemon lasts a long time, which is nice.
I wore O de Lancôme for “favorite citrus” day last Friday and enjoyed it so much that it is my SOTD again today. I love this one.
SOTD is SHL 777 Black Gemstone. First time I try it, I really like it though I guess it’s quite masculine. Somehow it feels really familiar, but I can’t think what it reminds me of!
Aren’t those butterfly bottles wonderful. I once got the Songes one in a sale.
I’m wearing another Goutal; Ce soir ou Jamais. It’s been a while but I do love it.
I have the Songes bottle too. I got so anxious the other year that Songes, esp. the edp, would be discontinued that I snapped one up. The only other special Goutal bottle I have is the not crystal, but still very nice glass stoppered “bag” bottle for the Ce Soir ou Jamais edp….. After reading your SOTD, and for all these weeks, I am starting to think that we are scent twins! It seems like we both like a lot of the same frags! BTW – you smell great! Ce Soir ou Jamais is one of my most favorite dark roses.
Yes, a lot of our tastes seem to coincide! Isn’t that a great thought. There is an ocean between but Heure Exquise is just as beautiful to me as it is to you.
And we have the Ce Soir ou Jamais bottle in common as well. Got mine on ebay a while ago.
I remember about 6 or so years ago, when Fragrance net had those special CSOJ bottles for sale b/c that’s when I bought mine. For like $60! I wish I had picked up some more. They are outrageous on ebay right now (even the glass ones, not the special crystal ones). The edp of CSOJ is incomparable.
Is this ocean the Atlantic or the Pacific?
It’s supposed to be a scorcher today, so spritzed on some Mandragore right from the fridge.
I wore Jardins d’Ecrivains Junky today
It’s on the wish/snifflist!
Love that beautiful bottle! I like and enjoy Mandragore on a warm day in October, the month I enjoy wearing magical and mystical scents in anticipation of Halloween.
After a busy week and weekend, I’m making today my Keep Life Simple Day. I’m wearing an ancient, tattered (but oh-so-soft-after-a-thousand-washings) tshirt from a long-ago trip to the Mexican Riviera. It features a silhouette of a woman in a hammock on the beach with the words, “Lazy Girls Club: Sleep all day and party all night.” My SOTD is YR’s Noix de Coco – nothing to tax the brain or senses – just the sweet milk of the coconut with a touch of vanilla. A great scent for layering – but I’m keeping it simple and wearing it straight today – and one of the few fragrances I wear summer and winter.
Yawn . . . now back to my “imaginary” hammock . . . hoping everyone can snatch at least a couple moments of relaxation – or laziness – today.
Started by sampling Blackbird from Olympic Orchids which was too much on me, and am now wearing Felanilla
Was up almost all night with insomnia (ugh), so I needed a comfort scent that would help me coast along on an hour’s sleep. I chose Lann-ael from Lostmarch with it’s homey scent of baking bread and/or hot cereal.
So sorry! Hope it goes better tonight.
Haven’t decided on a scent yet, but wanted to mention a perfume-related chocolate I tried at the DC pen show on Saturday, Tobacco/Vanilla. I asked the chocolatier how he got the tobacco flavor, and he said he steeped pipe tobacco in cream. He added that his mother had suggested the flavor, based on Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille perfume!
It was good, but my favorite was the Make-a-Mark (bourbon) flavor, which was perfect. Modern Chocolatier (no affiliation) is based in Atlanta, and they also appear to have an online shop.
Now I’m fantasizing about other perfume flavored chocolates. Of course, S-Perfume 100% Love, a rose-chocolate scent, has always reminded me of a buttery rasperry chocolate truffle, but how about Shalimar or Samsara?
That chocolate sounds fascinating. Boisdejasmin wrote a while ago about Guerlain teas, apparently they made a Shalimar tea..
I’m wearing Bottega Veneta today. Such a beauty.
Excited to try their new scent: Knot.
I can’t wait to read reviews and try Knot also. I’ve liked the BV releases very much. I wear both the BV & BV Eau Legere a lot.
SOTD is Triomphe (Rance).
Today it’s hot outside, so it’s refreshing Eau de Cologne for now. When my Chanel sample is exhausted, I’m heading out to the pharmacy for a bottle of 4711. I haven’t tried a new bottle for years, and I’ve heard it may have improved recently. (Fingers crossed!)
Ever have an amazing dry down on a shirt or something from the other day and don’t remember what you sprayed on it? Sometimes I can figure it out by sniffing, sometimes not…like what the heck is that?
Chanel Beige….yummy. I soooo need to sniff the parfum.
Lol…yup.Racked my brain for a week,and FINALLY realised it was Lapidus Alcazar I smelled on my jacket sleeve.And thinking I may need a fb…lol
I’m an inexpensive coconut bomb…Yves Rocher Noix de Coco lotion with Yves Rocher Noix de Coco Eau de Toilette!
Hi, scent twin! See my post above.
I put on PdE Equistrius this morning. It’s long gone and I’m trying to figure out what to wear once I get home from work. Maybe I’ll pull out my tiny but cute bottle of Mandragore. Or one of my summery PdNs.
Since Friday is Guerlain day, and I have more Guerlain in my collection than anything else (not intentionally; it just kind of happened), I’m doing a week of Guerlain. Today is Liu, from a small decant. It’s nice enough but I don’t love it. I sprayed pretty generously this morning, and now it’s just barely there. I wore Chant d’Aromes on Saturday, and it was more or less the same way. Both decants are from the ’80s, according to the person I got them from, so I don’t know if age could have anything to do with it. They don’t smell like they’ve aged poorly, though.
I have a small ridged bottle of 90’s? Chant d’aromes but I hear the current formulation is better so I must get some to compare..
I’m sampling my way through a pack of Chanel vials that I’ve had lying around. Today is Chanel No. 22. My ladylike quotient has just gone up several notches.
SOTD was Osmanthe Yunnan, now gone! I feel like re-applying…
I wore Bronze Goddess today. Just got back from a few days in Maine which had more low points than I expected. I started with a sinus infection before we left so I had a box of tissues wherever I went. Then the allergies kicked in to compound the misery. I could not sleep in that darn bed. Very uncomfortable. To cap everything off I got food poisoning on the last night because I guess my fresh Maine lobster wasn’t. On the bright side we had great weather and I did have some fun visiting people. It wasn’t a complete loss.
Holy cow…read about your food poisoning on twitter, but it’s a double insult to get it from lobster and a triple insult to get it from lobster you ate in Maine. So sorry!
That’s what I thought too.
Echoing Robin’s thoughts here . . what a drag! Hope you are feeling better.
I am, thanks.
Oh man, vacation nightmare!!
Pretty much.
Shame on the great state of Maine. If you can’t get a good lobster there, where can you?
I can assure you, I won’t be looking for lobster anytime soon.
Gosh…glad you’re on the mend!
Poodle, so sorry that your vacation was full of so many low spots. I’ve had a few like that, too. But after a while, you can look back and make a funny story out of it. 🙂
I’m wearing AG Le Chevrefeuille today, although only a very tiny dab (sample is nearly empty). I’m wanting to purchase a bottle, but my sample is at least a year old, and I’m wondering if it’s been reformulated. Does anyone happen to know?
Just want to say that is bound to be! Everything else by every company is (blame IFRA), and I keep hearing that Chevrefeuille now doesn’t last as long as old Chevrefeuille did. Sorry!
It has been. You may want to try and sample the current to see how you feel about it. Troll around on ebay for the older version. Good luck!
SOTD is Balenciaga L’eau Rose. I went to Nordstrom yesterday and went overboard on samples, and filled up more little vials than I probably should have. The sales lady kept giving me looks. I am quite liking this one. Also, today, I went to Macy’s and tried the new Calvin Klein Reveal, which I am loving. It took all of my control to not buy an fb on the spot.
Ha! That’s me in Nordstrom’s too.
What’s your strategy for not getting them confused since they don’t have labels?
I have adhesive labels in my purse because one never knows when they will come in handy. Those cardboard holders are too loose — I have a ton of orphan atomizer samples that I really ought to just drop off at church.
I bring a Sharpie with me and label them as I go! I look a little crazy, but it works!
SOTD is DelRae Amoureuse, after it was mentioned here last week. I was hoping for a lovely floral but sadly the honey note on me is so prominent it kind of wilts the flowers. Too bad.
OTOH, the oh-so-cheap bottle of Youth Dew Amber Nude I found is very nice! Its base is the Youth Dew I remember but sheerer and not likely to evoke those “old lady perfume” comments.
I find that Cartier Baiser Vole edp smells very similar to the drydown of Amoureuse without all the whalloping notes that go along with it. Have you tried BV?
Spent my day off crawling around under my truck prepping for some suspension work. I smell like sweat and garage floor. As soon as I can shower and soak, I plan on dousing myself with something really comfy, probably Luctor et Emergo.
Coincidentally, I also wore Mandragore today….. UI haven’t worn it in a while. I usually wear it in the winter.
SOTD M. Micallef Pomelos. Hot here, and muggy for California.
Fourth straight day of heavy rain here… we’ve got 4.5 inches as of 5pm this evening, a good 6 weeks’ worth of our average rainfall. So: SOTD has been Soivohle Centennial, deliciously comforting.
SOTD = Atelier Cologne Rendez-vous
This is the newest in the Collection Metal series. Wowee, love it. If Silver Iris is too sweet for you, this is the unsweet version. It has low sillage but lasts very long. Ari has a review and a sample giveaway!
Right now I’m wearing Huitieme Art’s Monsieur, layered with just a dab of 4160 Tuesday’s Urura’s Tokyo Cafe on my wrists, really bringing out the jamminess of the former (which I’ve never read mentioned in any of the reviews. All the reviews mention it being strongly woody, yet cool, which it is, but—at least on my skin, to my nose—there’s a tremendous bit of jamminess in it as well. Could there be trace amounts of raspberry leaf absolute mixed into it? It’s not listed in the notes.)
On second thought, it may be the absolute of poplar doing it, as Hermitage Oils describes Poplar Buds Absolute as being Fruity-apricot, flowery-osmanthus, woody, leathery, liqueur-like davana notes with prune and fig undertones—which may match up with the jamminess I’m smelling in this. Now I need to get some poplar buds absolute and play around with it! Sounds fantastic!
Today I wore Aria di Mare by il Prorfumo. Tonight I spritzed on Ineke Hot House Flower (last night I wore Ineke Poets Jasmine to bed). After a year of not buying to much, and a year before that of buying almost nothing at all, this year I have gone nuts with buying full bottles and samples…nothing in between except for a small bottle of Patricia Nicolai Musc Monoi..which by the way I really like a lot and may have to buy a large bottle of it. But that’s not all I bought this summer–I also bought a bottle of Andy Tauer Cologne du Maghreb, i Profumi di Firenze Vaniglia del Madagascar, Heeley’s Cocobello, three Atelier Colognes: Cedrat Enevrant, Orange Sanguine, and Rose Anonyme. This week I ordered a couple of Untitled Authors fragrances. I think I have gone bonkers. From not buying much of anything except for samples, I went on a full bottle frenzy! Also, I have never counted my fb’s but I bet hey are well into the hundreds. I will never live long enough to use up even a quarter of them…and yet this spring/summer I have bought more than I bought in the last 5 years. Needless to say, I will be wearing all these Spring/Summer scents in the Fall/Winter as well.
i Profumi di Firenze’s Vaniglia del Madagascar might be my favorite vanilla. Mmmmmm …
Today I wore my beloved Y by YSL, and tonight I tried on a few dabs from my new (old) bottle of vintage Weil de Weil. Oh man, it was a good-smellin’ day!
This morning I wore vintage Vent Vert edt and came home to find the tiny bottle vintage Balmain Ivoire had arrived. Wearing that now and liking it a lot but finding it very similar to Silences. Very green for a rainy hot day.