By general request. A couple notes before the poll: the damage poll is coming up on Tuesday oops, make that Thursday (we're a little late!) so start tallying up those receipts. And next weekend (either Friday or Saturday), we'll try out a grab bag poll as suggested by reader dollydagger — put your "waiting to be tested" samples in a basket, select one at random, tell us what you think of it.
And the open thread: talk about anything you like — the perfume you're wearing today, your brand spanking new iPAD (go ahead, make me jealous), the last perfume a stranger complimented you on, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: image is Sand Ocean [cropped] by Robert Swier at flickr; some rights reserved.
Last weekend…
I was in a jam-packed bar of ill repute, and someone was trying to squeeze by me well after midnight – it was muggy, I was sweaty, etc.
He ends up kinda nuzzling me and says “You’re all sweaty, but you smell expensive”. Awesome.
I was wearing Estee Lauder _Bronze Goddess_ in the Eau Fraiche concentration.
Naughty. 😉
Nice that it *wasn’t* expensive!!
Robin, you have really made this an – inclusive site. I get good literary reads, knowledge of French terms, and my sensory fix here almost every time I visit. Keep up the good work!!!
Yeah, I shudder to think what I smell like with the niche juices on.
SOTD- started with Chamade EDP, lovely I aways think why can’t I just wear this one the rest of my life; later I changed to Gucci Rush to go to a movie, and about at 8:00pm went out to Dinner wearing Un Rose Chypree, and of course everyone said I smelled great.
Still waiting on my bottle of DelRae Mythique; I ordered it last Friday, I feel sad because I wanted to wear it tomorrow.
Today, I’m finally sampling FM Noir Espices. Gorgeous. I spent most of the morning preparing a caramel almond chocolate tart for a dinner party we’re going to tonight and this fragrance boosted my spirits and confidence to pull it off. 😉 The weather is a little warm & mild I suppose for this scent, but I didn’t mind. I have no idea what I’m wearing tonight. Any suggestions for what to wear to a gourmet dinner with good friends [who don’t mind my perfume hobby at all]? The main course is lamb with herbs. I wonder if I have something with rosemary as a prominant note?
Eau Sauvage!
Oh – I remember that! Don’t have any though – darn.
I bought a very very small sample of Guerlain’s Tonka Imperiale, and it’s got some lovely Rosemary notes in it. It’s about five dollars a spritz, but my goodness it’s lovely.
I wish I had some of that to wear – I must get another decant of it.
very soon……… 😉
Say what Daisy?!?!?! 😀
This isn’t a suggestion, but I just felt the need to say that Noir Epices is the sexiest thing I have ever smelled. Normally I don’t care about things like that, so I was that much more surprised when that was my first reaction.
Sexiest thing ever? Oh geez, sign me up! Actually, I’ve still never tried any FM, probably because I’m too afraid I’ll fall in love and won’t be able to afford it. 🙁
You can always afford a split! (Haven’t tried that one yet either, though.) I don’t know how it is now, but the exchange rate was really good a few weeks ago when I did En Passant…only $146 for the 100 ml shipped from the UK. WAY cheaper than buying it here, at the time.
Oh that’s good to know about it being cheaper to buy FM internationally! 🙂
Funny – I didn’t care for it at all and gave it to somebody….
Funny – I didn’t care for it at all and gave my sample to somebody….
rusticdove, I’d vote for a classic Guerlain or one of the oriental SLs. I may just be fixated on the gorgeous dessert your are preparing, but I do remember LT talking about how Guerlains often have a touch of herbs, and how perfect Shalimar is for a dinner party. Bon apetit!
Let us know what you ended up wearing. I would have recommended rolling with it and continuing the Noir Epices theme! Glad you liked it! One of my top 5, easily (though it’s getting harder to determine anything remotely like a Top 5 anymore).
Joe – Your words about enjoying all the perfumes I already own have been running through my mind a lot this weekend. I’m feeling sorry for myself and really want to splurge on something, but I already have so many beautiful things. Even if I only have a few mls. of something, it counts!
I love Noir Epices. My first big perfume purchases were from F. Malle, and included 10ml each of Noir Epices and L’Eau d’Hiver. I need to go back and enjoy those again.
Hi there Joe – I did stick with it – I figured why mess with a good thing and it worked out wonderfully. Thanks so much for the sample! 😉
What source do folks use for decanting supplies? I want to share some of my bottles with my son. One of the things I think I need to get is a small funnel, and I have no idea where to find one. Plus bottles and atomizers and so on.
I like Pilotvials for bottles, but it’s been a long time since I price compared. I have a wonderful funnel and sorry I can’t remember where I got it — will only say don’t get plastic!
I hope this link works:
I recently discovered this and bookmarked it – don’t know if anyone here can tell us if it’s a good source or not?
For funnels and transfer pipettes, Sunburst Bottles has good products and reasonable prices. They have no minimum order, either, which is nice. They have a few nice larger (1 oz) atomizers, but not much selection otherwise. Not sure about the shipping though, because I only ordered from them once.
I generally use PilotVials also. They were recommended to me by a knowledgeable source, and have not demonstrated any troubles. Though a heads up…the 2ml atomizers are tricky to cap; it will require more force than seems safe. (I generally set the base on a VERY solid surface, and with a bit of an angle, it’ll snap on.)
While I have plastic pipettes and funnels, I tend to only use them for sample collection. I’ll use a metal funnel, or spray right into the container, if I’m preparing something for someone else.
Try eBay for decanting supplies, there are some awesome deals on there. Also, you can often find vintage perfume funnels on there, sometimes as part of a lot, which is how I got my favorite one – it’s tiny but very pretty and ornate, and its tube end fits into the smallest bottle opening or vial. It’s hard to find a perfume funnel being made today as far as I know.
I go to Accessories for Fragrance. They’re a little pricey sometimes, but they always throw in all sorts of nice extras.
So glad Fernando asked this question as I would have myself. Our youngest son was here with us over his spring break and decided he wanted the bottle of Creed’s Virgin Island Water. Luckily he was flying and not checking luggage so couldn’t whisk it away. (Think that’s the only time I’ve been happy with the TSA rules!) Promised I’d decant some for him.
Any advice on metal vs plastic sprayers? Want to use glass but wasn’t sure if I should be pursue one or the other.
Just how *exactly* can I transfer contents in a smaller atomizer? I normally spray the contents into the atomizer but I feel that any perfume transferred somehow loses its normal staying power.
There are instructions here:
Never heard of a perfume losing staying power due to being decanted.
I noticed that The Perfumed Court also has some decanting supplies, which I plan to add to my next sample order. LuckyScent offers small atomizers (5 ml) that work fine. I will also check out all the suggestions above – thanks for asking this question, Fernando!
I tend to use TPC for most of my supplies. My only “complaint” is that they don’t carry any inexpensive 10 ml atomizers, so I do have to get those elsewhere.
Good to know – and thanks for the Sunburst rec, boojum!
Fernando: I agree with others that it’s good to start with orders from Accessories for Fragrances or Perfumed Court. I trust that Pilot Vials is good also. For large orders, Best Bottles. I have to say that, after a good bit of experience, I found that spraying directly into the bottle almost always works best for me as long as I am SLOW and steady. I try to press in such a way that the perfume “streams” out of the original bottle rather than atomizes/disperses with force. It takes some practice. I’ve used a funnel a few times, but to be honest, sometimes it seems that makes more of a mess on my hands with sprayback, so if that happens, don’t get discouraged. It’s a learning process and you eventually learn what works for you and how to minimize any mess. Good luck!
I love Best Bottles! has pretty good prices on most sizes of atomizers and they pack carefully. Bestbottles has the best prices but they have $50 minimum purchase so they’re out unless you’re going to do a lot of decanting —-their blue and amber bottles have sizing issues (says 10ml, but only hold about 8ml –however for personal use, who cares?) in fact , if you just need a few—drop me an email, I have plenty , will sell them to you at cost and I don’t have a minimum order! ha! Daisyloo82 at gmail dot com.
I am so late in replying to this thread, but in case anyone wants another source for decanting supplies, I have had excellent service from They have a great selection of funnels, vials, atomizers, pipettes, etc. at what I thought were very good prices.
Here’s the link:
Earlier today it was Tilleul D’Orsay, which I was really disappointed in at first because it goes on very sweet, but I find it tones down to a dusky warm smell which I like. Doesn’t last very long though!
Now, it’s Jasmine et Cigarettes, which always makes me smile with its sexy weirdness.
I bought five SSS samples, and I’m already wanting to check my mailbox to see if they’ve come in. Also just ordered a Parfums de Rosine Rose Praline sample, which I’m very excited about trying!
Mister postman, look and see, if there’s some perfume in your bag for me!!!
I need to try the Tilleul again. I hear it’s been reformulated but haven’t tried it in so long I might not notice.
I would like to see here in NST some reviews form Labouquetie products
Sorry is La Bouquetiere products.
By the way my SOTD is Flower by Carolina Herrera
Never heard of them!
Funny, I got an email from them the other day and thought about that, too. I love love love their Tendre est la Nuit from the Tendre collection. Amazing jasmine. I also like Pamplemousse Vanille from the same collection. I have lotion in both and have never tried any other products. I got a lotion samples from them a long time ago and really just liked those two.
Kevin’s review of the new Prada made me get my Chanel Sycamor sample out and ohhhh, what a perfume, can’t get my nose away from my wrists. It’s rather cold here in England and this perfume seems perfect, warm, creamy and at the same time sparkling, surrendering to the desire of a long awaited Spring.
It’s a great scent 🙂
I haven’t tried Sycamor. Still working my way through Les Exclusifs. I tried 31 Rue Cambon, but I found it to be very linear. Maybe I need to try it again.
Now that my cold is over and I’ve recovered my sense of smell, and In honour of Joseph Ettedgui, who died recently, I’m wearing Parfum de Jour (I have a very old sample of it; I believe it’s been tweaked at some point and doesn’t smell the same as it used to). The *only* Penhaligon’s scent I love. A delightful floral. Very pretty; very joyful.
Robin posted a link to your Fragrance Name of the Day. I love it! It’s very helpful. Thank you and please keep it updated when you can. 🙂
Thank you very much for your kind words.
I don’t know what you mean by ‘keep it updated when you can’: I post a new sound file every single day. 🙂
Nothing really. Just hoping you keep it up because I am addicted to it.
I haven’t missed a day yet since I started and it is my intention to carry on, so no worries there. 🙂
I love your Frag Name of the Day site and check it daily! A small suggestion–where appripriate, could you please provide a translation of the name? For example, does Comme des Garcons mean “like the boys”? That name always seemed very strange to me.
Thank you very much. 🙂
‘Comme des Garçons’ means ‘Like boys’ (not ‘the boys’: that would be ‘Comme les Garçons’). The name is French, but the company was created by a Japanese designer and your guess is as good as mine regarding the actual meaning of it.
I will have a think about posting translations of the names I record, but lots of words and expressions can have various meanings and be open to interpretation and debate; also, some perfume names are simply a juxtaposition of two unrelated words (like Palais Jamais, for instance). My posting translations might lead to long exchanges about this or that point of grammar or syntax or whatever, and I don’t really have the time for it. When the name is just one word, it is quite easy to look it up in a dictionary.
So glad you’re feeling better!
Thank you, R. Hope you are too. 🙂
Looking forward to sampling Kristiansand New York which I just received today but today’s scent was Vetiver Extrordinaire from Frederic Malle. Terrific and classic!
Agree — one of my favorites.
Open Thread! Yey! Happy Easter everyone! (It is technically Easter here now)
SOTD: Lacoste Pour Femme. One co-worker said that I smell like newly baked bread – and by chance I have been baking Banana Bread for the last two days. =p
Hey R, you are better off with a Kindle than an iPad. Unless you’re that much of SteveJobs fan Lol. =)
Yum! I love banana bread, but haven’t had it in ages. Wish I had time to bake today!
Shouldnt take too much of your time. Max time is 1.5hrs – prep + baking time.
Shelley, when I ask you very very friendly, could you give me the receipt of the banana bread? Thank you very much.
No ish. I’d be glad to share it! (Robin, hope you don’t mind if I put sometihing non-perfume related here. Although I pretty much love perfumes that remind me of anything that smells like pastries Lol =p)
4-5 bananas, medium size, can increase to 7 if you want it banana-ey, 3/4cups brown sugar, 1tsp vanilla, 1 egg, pinch of salt, 1tsp baking soda, 1/3cup butter (add some more if you want extra moisture), 1 & 1/2 cups of flour
preheat oven for 20mins at 175C. Mash bananas in a mixing bowl, include butter, then sugar then egg. Pour vanilla and salt and baking soda in mixture. Mix well. Post that, mix in flour.
Grease pan, pour in the mixture. Lower oven temp to 150C, bake for 30mins. Lower oven temp again at around 125C – should take another 20mins. Turn off oven. Take out the bread post turning off of the oven after around 10-15mins.
You can mix in nuts if you want to, or sprinkle the top with confectioner’s sugar.
Sorry if my recipe is a lil sketchy, I pretty much rely on gut feel when baking. =)
Thank you very much for the receipt, Shelley.
Sorry, mean of course recipe…
Thanks for the recipe, Shelley. Are the oven temps for fan-forced or not?
Sorry, love the ebook reader on my iTouch better than the Kindle, and on an iPad will love it even more! Besides, I do much more than read books on my iTouch.
SOTD is Chloe’s Eau de Fleur Neroli (to celebrate Spring) and debating whether to wear DelRae’s Debut or Dior’s Diorrissimo tomorrow. No iPad yet, but DH is drooling over them…. RusticDove why not wear the Noir Epcies tonight – it would be lovely with lamb and chocolate tart!
Thanks M-Cat – good idea. It certainly worked well while I was making the tart – so why switch?
Spritzed on Septimanie Perfume Pavillon des Fleurs last night. What a joyous fragrance. This will be my Easter Day fragrance.
Here’s the info from Aedes:
“A luminous and refined fragrance, laden with aphrodisiacal notes of Egyptian jasmine and Comoran ylang, elevated and brightened with elegant notes of orange blossom, English leather, iris and lily of the valley. Designed to conjure the sublime experience of the fragrant garden achieved with great quantities of natural absolutes, this sonata of white flowers pleases and delights with the aroma of living flowers.”
I’m not a huge jasmine fan, but I thought Pavillon des Fleurs was really beautiful. I swapped away my sample thinking I’d never spend $120 for a 50ml bottle – and now I want another sample.
At least. 😉
Hi Mals86,
I am a certified jasmine junkie. I LOVE jasmine in every form. I bought the Pavillon des Fleurs early last year and I wore it for a few days and then another jasmine came along and so on.
I agree with you that this one is a definite beauty.
Have a wonderful weekend.
SOTD is Angeliques Sous La Pluie. It was pouring rain this morning so it seemed appropriate. 🙂
Boo on the rain! We have a lovely day, for once.
SOTD: Sample of Rose Oud by Kilian. Love it but my goodness so expensive. I don’t know why I’m saying that as I sprung for Back to Black for my birthday last year. I DO NOT need 2 Kilian frags 😀 Well I do, but my credit card says otherwise. Heading off on a trip to Bhutan in 2 weeks, I’ve been told I can find lovely incense oils and solid scented wax in pots. Also fabulous jewelry. I will be looking and hope to bring back both as a souvenir. I just hope I don’t come back smelling like a yak!
Bon Journee! 🙂
I am in the same boat with you in regards to the By Kilian Rose Oud. I love it also but the price! If you want to split a refill bottle, let me know. 🙂
you may want to check with me next week….hint hint 😉
Hey Daisy,
If you are ever interested in a possible split, keep in touch with me.
My email addy is: dawnkana at yahoo dot com
Just put Rose Oud in the subject line so it doesn’t go into my spam folder.
Daisy, if you are going to split up a box of refill bottles of Rose Oud and some is going begging, drop me a line too, OK? I’d probably buy one (and this unsniffed! because I am stark raving mad.) (I’m just so in love with Back to Black and I’m having a hard time believing – even with the samples in my hot little hands – that NONE of the other By Kilians are as adoration-worthy. And i love the IDEA of rose oud.)
Bhutan? You lucky, lucky person! Have a fantastic time, rancid yak butter and all…
Kelly Red: I’m with Natalie. I trek to Bhutan sounds really amazing. I’m sure I’ll never get there, but I’m envious of you.
have fun! and if you come back smelling like yak, we , as your friends, will tell you right away. 😉
Found an old square bottle of Monsieur Balmain, lemony goodness….
Oh, nice; it’s about time for me to pull out my Balmain de Balmain…
I finally got myself a bottle of AG Madragore Pourpe (evilbay, less than half price, whoop!) and that’s is what I’m wearing today. I suspect this will be my go to unisex scent in the coming warm months.
I’m yet to decide what I’ll wear for Easter. Any ideas?? What are you going with?
Have a great weekend, everyone!
How do you like the Mandragore Pourpre in comparison to the original?
I’ve only ever tried the original very briefly so it’s difficult to make a fair comparison but the original struck me as being more citrusy /grapefruity. MP seems more herbal and -to me- more interesting. I get geranium, mint and aniseed in particular. I never thought that I’d enjoy fragrance with mint and anise but I do.
Interesting — thanks! I do want to try MP. I wear the original tons in the summer, and like it a lot.
That’s what I was hoping for, but I found it almost indistinguishable from the original. Not that that’s a bad thing…I love the original. I just don’t need both. Still wonder if the sample was mixed up, though…
Oh, yeah, I found them different enough for me to have a preference but I don’t think they are sufficiently different to justify having both.
I don’t think the Pourpre is all that very different, but certainly stronger, which is a plus. Definitely nice though. Congrats, Abyss, on your affordable evilbay find!
My Easter scent will be – depending on what grabs me in the morning – Diorissimo or Lys Mediterranee from a sample.
I was considering Diorissimo but I like the idea idea of a lily. I might dig out my sample of Vanille Galante, I get a lot of lily from that.
I wore Vanille Galante the other day. I think it would be perfect for Easter! So would Lys Mediterranee.
It did turn out to be Lys Mediterranee today! Wow, that thing is just photorealistic lily.
I love that Malle Lys Med. Definitely perfect for easter. Would be good to compare that side by side to DK Gold and SL Un Lys and VCA Lys Carmine.
SOTD: Joop le Bain. Happy Eastern to all of you. By the way, nice image.
Isn’t that pretty & peaceful?? I wish I had that in my back yard.
Yeah, want to have that too.
Found a recipe for a maple syrup cake in a recent Bon Apetit; have decided that making that, plus wearing the sample of Ayala Moriel Immortelle L’Amour, will be my pairing for dinner with friends tomorrow. Actually, it’s going to be a hat trick; will also bring a bottle of maple syrup liqueur. Welcome, Spring!
Sounds fun!
🙂 I’m hoping… I do enjoy a good pairing. Of course, since we’ll be with good friends, the day will be a good one. No matter how the immortelle pans out.
Happy Easter and many blessings to everyone! The flooding is receeding, the daffodils and forsythia are in full bloom! For Easter tomorrow I am going with FM Carnal Flower all the way! No sense in holding back, my family had a tough week and I want to celebrate that winter and harsh storms are over! Spring ahead!
Sorry about your tough week, and yes -> yay spring!!
I really miss forsythia. Haven’t been back east in spring and haven’t seen them in bloom in ages. So wonderful. I love anything yellow. I recall them having a very distinct, subtle scent also. Thanks for evoking the beautiful image/memory.
Hi Joe! I am glad my post evoked a nice memory for you! And of course now I just ran outside to grab a good sniff of the forsythia! It has a very delicate honeyed smell to my nose. I am just so glad that nature always seems to bounce back!
Wearing vintage (1972) Helena Rubunstein Courant parfum today, and wow is it gorgeous! I scored on a sealed bottle on eBay. I had a small bottle of the EDP, but I have been using it up awfully quickly and sending samples of it out too, so I needed more. Getting it in Parfum was a real stroke of luck, and I surely wish this was still in production. It’s a rich floral chypre that morphs from green and severe into a more pillowy Jolie Madame style, and if I compare it to the recently sniffed Wanted, currently the only Rubinstein scent available in the U.S, I could just cry. 🙁
Oh, that sounds so lovely!
After swearing I was not a tuberose fan, I have found my tuberose true love: Fracas extrait. (A big thank you to Absolute Scentualist for that one!!) I don’t normally wear anything from a sample vial during the day, since I can’t control how much I put on very well, but I’m throwing caution to the wind today. And the breeze billowing out behind me will certainly smell good.
Yay! Fracas rules.
SOTD is Blue Agava & Cacao (Jo Malone). Only have a sample and can’t say I’m impressed. It was just OK so won’t be buying a FB.
My husband and I were in the car running errands today and he was listening to Kim Commando. She purchased an iPad early this morning. While I didn’t catch the very end of her show, she was trying to get it up and running while on the air. Last I heard, she was still waiting for it to finish syncing so she wasn’t able to do anything with it.
I’m hoping someone I know got one today so that I can check it out. I’ve got an iPod Touch which I take everywhere (fits easily in purse or pocket) and use for everything, such as reading this blog! I don’t need something bigger, less portable, etc.–at least that’s what I tell myself.
My friends boyfriend went out to get coffee this morning (so she thought) and came back with an iPad for her. She was oozing and cooing on facebook all morning.
“Oozing and cooing” – LOL! I have to admit an interest in the iPad too, though. My little 12″ Powerbook isn’t going to last too much longer, and I’m debating about what would best meet my needs. So far, I haven’t tried reading books on electronic devices.
No e(vil)-books for me, either. I like ’em on paper. That said, on occasion, audiobooks are nice, but even those haven’t won me over.
I do like audiobooks for long car trips!
I like them when I’m so sick, I don’t have the energy to do anything, but can’t sleep and am too bored just lying there. Then, they’re perfect.
SOTD: Violet Tendencies by Smell Bent. I’m excited that they have released this in a EdP. Hopefully it will last longer than the oil does on me. I got a headstart on dollydagger’s grabbag suggestion yesterday, and ended up wearing Melissa Flagg’s Hazel perfume oil. Not really my thing, but it was a free sample with purchase and it felt good to get even the slightest dent going on my samples pile. I’ve spent a lot of time lately enjoying my full bottles.
I’ve been wanting to try some Smell Bent fumes for awhile. Suggestion on where to start?
I just read about a new release, Prairie Nymph. Honeyed beeswax, carnation, clementine, and soft musk. I think I may start exploring the line there.
That is the only one of theirs that appeals to me (on the basis of notes, anyway – I live too far away to zip in and just sniff).
That one sounded really good to me too! Should have gotten the sample pack of their line when Lucky Scent offered it. SIGH. Always a day late and a dollar short! 🙂
I’m working my way through samples today. This morning:
Hermes Un Jardin Sur le Nil
Diptyque L’Eau de Tarocco
This afternoon:
AG Ninfeo Mio
PG Felanilla
I can’t decide if I love or hate Felanilla. It’s definitely *interesting*. I sniff it and wonder. Then I sniff Ninfeo Mio and smile. Maybe I’m jumping the gun on the grab bag poll, Robin.
It’s a beautiful day in the mid-south, except for the flowering oak trees (cough, sniff, clear throat).
awww sorry for the allergies. bummer to sniffle your way through spring. But yay on playing sniffy-grab-bag! I love Felanilla! such an earthy rawrrrrr kind of vanilla…..but on the other hand I didn’t like Ninfeo Mio—so we might be pulling an evil scent twin thing here….how do you feel about SDV? or Chamade? or Ormonde Jayne stuff? (just to mention some of my faves…)
Ha Daisy! No danger of evil scent twin–yet. Chamade and SDV are on my to smell list. I assume SDV is the Guerlain scent, not SdV, The Dfferent Company scent. I love Sel de Vetiver. Anyway, OJ Woman is the only OJ I’ve tried and I didn’t like it at all. Now don’t tell me that’s your favorite!
OJ Woman is one of my faves….I think I like Tolu a bit better but there’s a base dry down similarity in most of the OJ’s …but I should say that the very first time I sniffed the OJ’s I was unimpressed—tried them again a few months later and fell under their spell. SDV- yes the Guerlain: deep smoky almost fruity vanilla–if you like vanilla you simply must try this one and Chamade? OMGosh…the Queen of spring welcoming scents! How have you survived with out trying these?? drop me an email at Daisyloo82 at gmail dot com and I’ll send you a couple samples.
Daisy – so very nice of you to ‘help’ others! 😉 BTW, did you not get the sharpish note in Tolu? I’m not sure what it was, but other than that, I loved it.
nope —no sharp note–just smoldering spicy wood type notes…I lurve it!
Oh, Daisy, thank you for your generosity. I’ve only been at this for a year. I’m catching up with the classics and also trying to sniff the new ones.
Daisy – I had the same thing happen with OJ Woman – the first time i tried it, i though meh. Now I adore it. Weird how that happens sometimes.
Rustic —that happens to me all the time too! I’ll have a dab of something and don’t really care for it …but later I suddenly adore it! That is the reason I generally don’t get rid of my sample vials–I might end up loving one of them (given enough time!)
Daisy – WHAT???? You don’t like Ninfeo Mio? Oh say it ain’t so my sister!
Oh Bogs, I’m so ashamed! I fear it was too green and sharp for me….very vegetal….J is still thinking about it…she likes greener stuff than I do. So far I think I’m the only person in the civilized world who hasn’t loved Ninfeo Mio… sad….maybe I’m really an alien pod person and just didn’t realize it… far the only AG scent I like is Mandragore and it’s more strong willed sibling Mandragore Pourpre.
The only two AG scents I’ve tried thus far are Mandragore Pourpre and Ninfeo Mio and I’ve loved them both. I’m thinking I need to sample a bit more from her line. My “I want to try/buy” list is getting scarily long!
No, I’m still on the fence with Ninfeo too, actually…and I love green, especially sharp green. Something was just a little odd, and I’m not sure if it’s good odd, or bad odd. In fact, I expected more people to not like it and was almost wishing I hadn’t hosted it…LOL!
Well, you can’t love everything, can you? I love, love, love Ninfeo Mio – but there is something sharp and odd in there. I keep expecting it to shift from boxwood to cat pee on me, but it’s held fast so far.
There was a moment where the cat was heading toward the litter box and I was starting to say “Uh oh! Kitty, nooooo!” But it pulled back from the Pamplelune Cliff of Death in the nick of time.
Sharp? Yes. But I think this one will be perfect when the weather really gets HOT and you want something with this kind of sharpness to cut through it, similar to the way Calyx does (though that does it in a different way).
I wanted to love Ninfeo but I wish it had been sharper! It turned all fig on me in just 30 min. Nice fig, but I wanted mooore of the other bity and green stuff.
Hey Daisy, I just read (way down the comment list) how being Evil Scent Twins can be a *good* thing! Boy, you learn all kinds of interesting things on NST.
LOL –yeah….being an EVIL scent twin is sometimes better than being a scent twin
SOTD: Le Temps d’une Fete
Have had a bottle of this for the past couple of years, and have to say that whenever I wear it, it just doesn’t wow me. Seems that this style is not my favorite. Similar to Pure White Linen. Clean and flowery with a touch of honey for sweetness. I tend to like fragrances with a bit more edge or warmth. I do like Chamade, though…
Ohhhhh I love Le Temps d’Une Fete! I hosted a split of this one last month and I’m cruising through my portion because I wear it often and spray liberally. I’d happily take it off your hands if it’s just gathering dust @ your house! 🙂
Hi MJR! Email me at krnszn at gmail dot com, and perhaps we can swap? I’m crazy about PdNs…though just can’t get crazy about this one for some reason. I know it’s a fan favorite, though, so I keep trying…
Oh, so that’s who you are! 😉 I’m loving my Le Temps split – it makes me happy.
I loooove LTdF. (But you couldn’t get within six feet of me with a bottle of Pure White Linen, and I must say I don’t see similarities…)
I now have two bottles, or I’d take it off your hands!
This is going to be my SOTD (as soon as I take a shower!) I’ve really fallen in love with this one and it’s one of the few I own that the hubby likes too.
Speaking of the opinion of significant others…that subject would make a good topic. What have you bought that your SO loves or hates. I just picked up some Arpege extrait on evilbay for a steal (very impressed with myself 🙂 ) and the hubby had the nerve to ask me if that was carpet deoderizer he was smelling!! Sheeh, I could have smacked him.
Hi dollydagger,
I’m glad you introduced this topic because I was wondering the same thing myself…
My SO had suggested CK Summer (2006) as something I might like and I found it at TJMaxx. It’s ok… nothing really exciting about it, nothing hateful either. It strikes me as very watermelon-y at the start and eventually dries down to a light fruity floral, IMO. It just seems uber generic to me, which means I’m not really digging it. I fancy myself more of an incense, woody, oriental, musky person. He, on the other hand, thinks it’s MARVELOUS and loves the way it smells on me. He tends very much towards the aquatics, with his “go to” scent being Aqua di Gio (m).
How does everyone manage to balance wearing what they like with what appeals to the person(s) they want to find them appealing?
Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this! Happy Easter to all of you for whom it’s an important holiday and YAY SPRING for all of us!!!!
Hmm….I don’t, much. If something gives him a migraine or makes him queasy, I’ll save it for work days, so it’s mostly worn off by the time I see him. If it’s his birthday or something, I might aim for one of his favorites, but I won’t wear anything I don’t like just to please him. That hasn’t always been the case, but I’m too old to bother with that nonsense now.
lol – I was going to say the same thing. I don’t wear scent for others – including the CEO, although I do try to keep from offending other people. I do try to save the stuff that he hates for times that I won’t be around him – the only thing that I make sure that I don’t wear around him is anything with a tobacco note. For some reason, when he gets an inner ear infection, my husband gets phantom tobacco smells – so any scent that smells of tobacco either makes him think that he’s getting an ear infection or possibly having a stroke.
My husband has the irritating habit of liking a lot of the samples I hate. I wouldn’t wear something I don’t like just to please him, but I do tend to give the perfumes that he likes an extra testing. Also because the ones I end up loving I usually dismissed on first try. The other day he kind of scared me when I was testing Etat libre d’orange Vierges et torreros and he said “well, this could work!”. I don’t want to tell you what it smelled like to me :O
That’s too funny! Of course now I’m dying to know what you thought it smelled like on you. 🙂
Woohoo 🙂 weekend open thread – THANKS, Robin!!! And Happy Easter to you.
Today I’ve been cleaning house (literally and metaphorically),as well as catching up on some mail (um..Census form!) and peaking in on Molly the Owl every now and then.
SOTD is Grès Cabaret, a sample of which I got in the mail with a recent online order. Wow, I had no expectations for this fragrance whatsoever, but it’s incredible. I immediately ordered a big bottle for (perfumista) free!! I can’t believe I just randomly discovered a new favorite. (Read Kevin’s NST review if you don’t about Cabaret!) I just love it when that happens, especially when the fragrance is super affordable. 🙂
Cabaret is so nice – I love the musk in it, it’s so squishy-soft like bouncing on clouds. (And, of course, the rose!)
Mals, I agree. I’m pretty sure it’s the musk that inspires love in me with Cabaret. I adore rose scents, so I very much enjoy the opening, but once the musk starts to creep in I start to go a little crazy. By the time it becomes a skin scent in the late drydown (3-4 hours), the musk, which hangs on languidly, makes me swoon. I wore various versions of white musk perfume oil for about 15 years (either from hippie stores or The Body Shop) and Cabaret reminds me of that but with that refined, elegant woman feel to it.
M- I got the same sample with an order – your wonderful description makes me want to run off and try it.
ooooh, Rapple, you must report back! Especially since we may be evil scent twins…:)
I know so many here LOVE the Cabaret. I like it, but it in no way curls my toes. I guess that’s the beauty of variety. Glad you loved it so much, M.! And definitely terrific that it’s so affordable.
Count me among the Cabaret lovers. It’s my kind of incense rose!
Robin–thanks so much for the weekend poll!
SOTD: Havana Vanille
I bought a sample after reading Robin & Denyse’s reviews, and I’ve really been enjoying it. I’ve never smelled a Cuban humidor, but the sweet hay, tobacco, and vanilla are addictive. I *almost* poured my little 1ml sample down the front of myself this morning, and only barely managed to restrain myself.
Off to buy a FB next weekend! (I’m convinced that as good as it smells now, it will smell better in the Spring temperatures)
Yummy! I adore Havana Vanille! although the whole vial might have been a bit much. I plan to wear it in warm weather too—can’t bear to put my favorites away for summer—there’s always chilly evenings, right?
Chilly evenings, and a plaque of air conditioning everywhere! I actually like it when the temperature’s in the 90’s…
does that bring out the ruminess of it? we can hardly get 5 consecutive minutes of sun here in Michigan but I surely like it in 40 degrees! 😉
It hasn’t gotten that warm yet, but I’ll let you know just as soon as it does : ) (crossing my fingers that it warms up soon)
Glad you like it 🙂
SOTD–Tam Dao to start with, who knows for this evening?
SHOCK of the day–Olivier Durbano Rock Crystal has jumped from $120.00 to $175.00!!! since I bought it two months ago.
Score of the week at a thrift store–original Gap Grass, a small bottle of Faberge Aphrodesia, a bunch of Avon minis that smell pretty good though none are marked. I may have to go back for the one bottle I didn’t buy…..
wow, the Durbanos are a lot more expensive than i remember
You are remembering right–they have increased the price by about 50 bucks since January, I think.
Accckkk, I love Gap Grass.
Only just got up- it’s Sunday morning here so no SOTD yet. Maybe one of my HdP samples I think. Spritzed a little of my daughter’s Hypnotic Poison yesterday- wow that stuff is powerful but not really me I think.
Happy Easter everyone, hope the Easter Bunny looks after you!
He was good to us!
I am still new to this site. A break from painting…and browsing online. So much to catch up with. Well, I recently purchased Jo Malone’s Pomegranite Noir. And also another of my fav, Bvlgari au the blanc. I am still trying to get an avatar on here.. can anyone help? I went to the site to set it up.. but it doesnt show up here. Hmm.
Hope all are having a lovely Saturday.
On the avatar, make absolutely sure you used the same email address at that you did to create your account here. Then…wait. It might just be a caching problem. If it doesn’t show up tomorrow, email me and let me know.
On a related note, could I ask you to kindly alter your display name? Even if you just added the first initial of your last name (“Robin X”, for instance) that would be great…otherwise, it’s kind of confusing to other new readers who might think you’re the owner of the site. Huge thanks!
Absolutely. I’ll do that. Thanks for the info. And such a lovely site.
Thanks — and I see your new avatar!
SOTD – Acqua Di Parma Magnolia Nobile body creme today. Happy Easter everyone!!!
Happy Easter to you too 🙂
Happy Easter to all. I was sniffing around in NYC on Thursday and I got to try Ninfeo Mio (thank you Tom at Bergdorf’s) and Beige. I understand why everyone is crazy for Beige, but the drydown on me is too sweet, too milky….not my style. I did like Ninfeo and need to try it again before committing dollars. Stopped into Takashimaya and met fellow sniffer, Louise. (Hello Lulu, will be in touch soon) and happily traded frag faves. A good smelling day all around. Today, I am wearing AG’s Reverie au Jardin….cool and warm at the same time, like the weather here today.
We have similar weather, mixed sun and clouds, warm air but cold wind. Still need to get some of that Reverie!
Scentless so far today…it’s been busy. And I’d love for my Easter SOTD to be En Passant, but I don’t think the weather is planning to cooperate. I’ll probably need something more cool weather appropriate. I can’t complain though…for early April, it’s been really nice!
I can’t wait for the lilacs to bloom!
I love them too…my parents always had them. The weather DID cooperate after all, btw, so En Passant it was. Lovely.
Two years ago I travelled from Spain to Miami to stay for a month with my uncle, my aunt and my little cousins in their house (they live in Miami some months of the year).
Well, I don’t know why, but since then, whenever I smell vetiver in perfumes or in the Osmoz set of essential oils I bought, it’s like going back to that summer month I spent in Miami.
This is a mistery to me, because I’m sure my uncle didn’t wear a vetiver fragrance.
I close my eyes, smell and it’s like being there again, inside the house, in the backyard, in the room where I slept…
I wonder if there is some bush or tree in Miami which smells earthy, wet and slightly “licoricey”, just like vetiver.
I love this magic in perfume. It can transport us to other times and places just by smelling a scent 🙂
Happy Easter everyone!
Hmmmm …. there are lots of plants and trees in south Florida that smell earthy and wet. It could be yellow anisetree ( Illicium parviflorum) which is often grown as a hedge.
Thank you very much for the info! 🙂
Oh boy! This is like the grownups’ version of playing in the sandbox! Thanks for the weekend open thread.
I just bought a hyacinth, but it looks like it might not bloom till the middle of next week. Not by tomorrow for sure. But I have ALWAYS loved the smell of real hyacinths. My fondest Easter memory. At this point, Easter is just another weekend to me, but it’s nice to evoke the memory of family dinners and giving flowers. I don’t find any of the hyacinth-based fragrances like Chamade to really reflect the real flower accurately. Are there others?
Today, testing the decant of Ninfeo Mio I received yesterday (thanks, Boojum!). I really like it. It’s interesting to try to pick out all the different notes before going and reading up on it again. I’m comparing Atelier Trèfle Pur on the other arm: similar in a way, but with some orange, I think, and an added undertone of spice.
DSH Dutch Blue Hyacinth. Plain and simple and just right. 🙂
Okay, I’ve got to say, I am impressed whenever anyone can name a DSH on command. I have enjoyed so many of her offerings…but there are SO many…and here’s another I didn’t know about. Dutch Blue Hyacinth, eh? Hmm.
There are indeed SO many DSH scents… this is from the Essense Oils side and is not a composition, just pretty much hyacinth absolute (or whatevs). Very pretty, fresh-spicy, and had all-day staying power on me, which is unusual.
OOOO I’m sooo going to look for some of that! Thanks Mals!
Oh good grief! Monica got hers in Taiwan before you got yours? What on earth… well, glad it showed up, at any rate! And you’re the second to compare it to Trefle Pur.
I only decided to do a “side by side” with Trefle because MJR had mentioned she thought it similar. And yes, the mail is wacky sometimes… I’ve had things get to the Netherlands in 3 days but take 5 days to get to San Francisco. You never can tell.
Joe, I’ve been testing Ninfeo Mio and rereading the reviews and descriptions of it for several weeks. I can’t pick out all the notes people report on. I do get the fig when I wear it alone but when I did a wrist-by-wrist comparison with Philosykos I couldn’t smell it any longer. NM smells great and FBW. Maybe one day I’ll understand it’s inner workings.
Joe, I’ve tried two Neil Morris fragrances that have a beautiful hyacinth note. I think they are Storm and Rainflower. When I get home I’ll send you my samples if I still have some!
Thanks for the offer, H. That’s nice of you. I think Storm is one of the few NMs I have a sample of. I’ll dig that out.
I love that one. See if you smell the hyacinth!
Joe, I’ve been wearing Chamade for 15yrs, and only recently did I understand the hyacinth (and the rose) note. It’s definitely prominent in the big opening of both the edt and edp version. Floris used to make a hyacinth diffuser oil that smells of pure hyacinth. Of course there is also AG Grand Amour, which mixes hyacinth and lilly. I like it in Chamade….
Fun fact of the day (slightly perfume related… bear with me): I found out that the word “Easter” comes from the name of an Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring: “Ēostre” or “Ôstarâ”… while the Romance language terms for the holiday like “Pâques” and “Pasqua” are derived directly from the Hebrew “Pesach” (passover). Just thought I’d share. Sorry — linguistics geek.
The perfume-related bit is a French saying: “Noël au balcon, Pâques au tison” (Christmas on the balcony, Easter by the fireside). The Etat Libre d’Orange scent Noël au Balcon is actually quite nice. So where’s their launch of “Pâques au tison”? 😀
Joe, I always wondered where Pascua came from. That always seemed like an odd Spanish word somehow. I don’t know much about linguistics, but I enjoy everything I read about it, so thanks!
That’s it. I’m adding you to my list of desired neighbors in the retirement home. (Many, MANY years in the future still, of course.) 😀
LOL! So the French have weather like we do in central Ky.! Cold when it’s supposed to be warm and warm when it’s supposed to be cold! At least I’m assuming that’s what the saying means. Although today is supposed to be an appropriate 75 degrees. So happy day everyone!
And thanks for the linguistics info, Joe.
Huh, imagine that. Now I’m wondering though why the Dutch “Pasen” follows the Latin/Hebrew root in stead of the Germanic Ostara/Eostre…
Oh, I’m loving the linguistics geek in you, Joe! Actually, I have my own little etymology obsession; and I try very hard not to bore people with it.
I think you’ve discovered here today that we *won’t* be bored!
Oh my! Fragrance fiend and language geek?!??! Me too!!!! My BA is in Linguistics. Fascinating, just not employable! I’ve been enjoying all of your reviews and posts and will pay extra special attention now, knowing that our minds may work in very similar ways. Would love to hear from you. I can be reached at sandy koppelman (all one word, no spaces – and for spelling of my last name, think “Ted Koppel with a man”) at yahoo dot com.
All my best,
Joe: thanks so much for the linguistics lesson. If only I had known that Linguistics existed as a discipline when I was in university, I should have taken it. However, at that young age, it may not have had the charm that it does to me now. So I took Fine Arts which is also largely unemployable. It did teach me how to observe all things arty in the world and I’m certainly not sorry I picked it. Perhaps it’s why I am obsessed with perfume, its history and the bottles!
Glad to see that the language subthread had a mini-fanclub. And Rapple, I think the “Noel au Balcon” phrase is meant to mean that if Xmas is warm, Easter is bound to be freezing.
Tested a tiny vintage mini of Calandre, and I think it’s “gone off” – it’s unpleasantly soapy with no discernible notes. Might have to snag a sample of modern stuff, because I can’t imagine that that little bottle smells the way it ought. Who’d wear it if it was supposed to smell like THAT?
To combat the soap (ugh, it really stuck, too), I put on some Ivoire. I mean, it’s soapy, but in a Good Way.
Hey Mais. Sorry to hear about the soapy Calandre. It’s definitely off. I’ve owned it in every form imaginable and even the soap didn’t smell like soap. I’ll send you a sample if you like.
Hey Mais, I should have said you can email me at smaakest at yahoo dot com.
I did dig out a grab bag of unsampled things to try and today’s SOTD by chance was Bond #9 Nuits de Noho. It’s a warm spring day here in Houston with azaleas in full profuse bloom and the jasmine in this scent seemed to be perfect. I have bought several Bond scents but somehow never end up wearing them–they are just too sweet. Might have to think about this one though.
I saw a mention of By Kilian Rose Oud above. I didn’t expect to like it, but I’ve been swooning over this. It is a fairly sweet, almost sticky, pale rose. I caught myself thinking about a split for the first time ! If anyone is really interested, please let me know. I would like to do this later, though. This is not a summer fragrance.
Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
SP – Daisy, our Great Enabler is hosting a split. You can find her email id in one of her posts above – or “Mme G.E.” may decide to chime in again here.
I just got my women’s Amouage sampler that I bought with my tax refund monry yesterday, and I have been loving playing with it so far! The Epic Woman is my fave thus far, but still need to play more and smell them all. Also, spent all wknd at the beach- weather in the 80s here in fla- and enjoyed my Bronze Goddess Eau Fraiche and body oil, and layered it with Smell Bent’s St Tropez Dispneser. Yummy!!!
Oh, lucky you! Love Amouage.
I forgot to wear perfume today!
I did a little spritz of a new BBW – Orange Sapphire? meh. Managed to get through Sephora without spritzing a jillion things on myself.
My favorite sample of the week was CdG Ouarzazate (thank you, Joe!) – I had forgotten what I had put on and kept sniffing at myself in bliss trying to remember. Yummy yummy drydown.
Saving up fro the SF Sniff! There are a few things on my list for spring (Jo Malone Jasmine Mint, Apres l’Ondee, one of the Chanel Exclusives, maybe). IF it EVER gets warm enough to bother with spring scents!! Hmph.
I thought that I’d forgotten to wear scent today, too – then I remember that I decanted earlier today and ended up wearing a mixture of Un Matin d’Orage, DelRae Debut and Iris No. 1.
Even though I’ve since taken a shower, I can still smell the Iris No. 1 if I stick my wrist up to my nose.
SOTE: Vintage Chloe parfum – I don’t know if they actually made a parfum or not, but that’s what the little mini bottle is stamped.
Last scent that I was complimented on – Debut.
Yep, they made Chloe in parfum. It’s a little softer than the edt and less sillage. Nice stuff, but it shrieks HIGH SCHOOL (and, consequently BAD BOYFRIEND) to me, so I don’t think I would ever wear it again.
I don’t know if I’d really wear it out of the house either, but I thought that I’d give it a test. A friend who knows about my little hobby found a vintage Chloe parfum mini, Shalimar pdt mini, and Dune Espirit d’Parfum 30ml when she was cleaning out her house and gifted me with them. They were all unopened and pristine – I love the Shalimar and Dune, but the Chloe is a bit shouty for me.
Oh, my last unasked-for scent compliment was MAC Africanimal, but I made a guy smell me when I was wearing LDDM and he got a bit swoony. Then he was wearing something fabulous the other day and of course had no idea what he had put on. I’m dying to know – he smelled great and the scent that came off of him and onto me from a hug was great.
I think it’s funny that there are people who have “no idea” what they sprayed on that day. It’s like that person in the audience at Angela’s perfume lecture who said she owned a bottle of perfume and wore it sometimes but claimed to not remember what it was.
Yeah, for some reason that bothered me so much. How can a person have *no idea* what they are wearing, especially if it’s the only perfume they own/wear. I mean usually the signature-fragrance people know what they wear and where to find it when they run out!
Not that anyone else out there might be as weird as me, but I tell people that when I either A.) don’t want anyone to know what cheap and embarrassing thing I am wearing, B.) am wearing something no non-perfumista would be familiar with, and I don’t want to give away how perfume-obsessed I am by going on and on about this fragrance house or that.
Adding to Miss Kitty’s A and B: or C – I can’t pronounce it to save my life.
Do have to agree with you all: “I don’t know/remember” is most likely a coverup/copout. Believe me, I’d hem & haw if someone asked when I were wearing L’Air du Desert Marocain, and I’d probably say “it’s called Moroccan Desert Air” (which, I just found out, will be helpful if you Google that plus ‘perfume’.
I’d hem & haw for other reasons if someone asked on a day I was wearing Rochas Femme. 😀
Spewing tea this a.m., Joe!
We had that incredibly bright spring sun this week, and the Cherry Blossom Festival has begun, so the place is packed with tourists, rambunctious kids on spring break and suburbanites all streaming in to see the blossoms.
I just got a bottle of Ineke Field Notes from Paris and hence have been wearing that. Even though it seems like more of an autumn scent, I find there’s a place for a “spring” scent that smells like you just emerged from your dark, cozy, quiet winter den and are longing to take refuge there for a few more days!
Glad I’m not in town then…although I do love the cb trees.
Autumn showing hints today Downunder, although still t-shirts and shorts for a while yet. However its ‘in the air’ and all of a sudden my lush drippy white florals and OTT tropicals with banana etc are a complete anathema, am shuffling them all to the back of storage!
The old Guerlains like V d N, L H’B, Mits (and even the new Mits EDP which really is a gorgeous scent in its own right), and some ambery things like my new and naughtily unsniffed FB Armani Ambre Soie which has an intriguing aniseed-y thing to it, are just perfect! As is Iris Ganache, I think I have done a modern Guerlain conversion. Thierry Wasser seems to be doing genius interpretations of their style?
Does anyone think they will put Djedi out again?
Happy spring to you all; my first FB next spring will be the C d Garc
Stephen Jones, that tangy violet…
Wini: Glad to know there are other Iris Ganache fans out there. I’m a big iris fan as it is, but I know IG doesn’t get a lot of love. I’m now also curious to smell the current Mits edp and see how it compares to my bottle that’s about ten years old.
Joe – funny you should say IG doesn’t get much love. When it first came out, I was reading the POL board quite a bit, and it was worshipped over there. Maybe it’s now just yesterday’s news? It is STILL on my “to sample” list though – just haven’t gotten a sample of it.
Hm, I have a sample floating around here from QE herself. If, as is likely for the Guerlain-hater, I hate it… you know where all my hated samples go. 😀
And likewise, dear! 😀
Ha! well now I know what that nagging “I know I forgot SOMETHING” feeling was about —- I sent you 2 packages in one week and couldn’t remember to put a sample of IG in either one?? That is really bad–even for me! sorry.
Oh goodness! Your packages are always so wonderful that you never need to apologize!
SOTD was MFK Cologne pour le Soir, which I’ve found myself reaching for whenever I need a pleasant, no-thought-required scent. Not every day can be a Bandit day — alas!
Happy Easter — Orthodox and otherwise — to all those who go in for that sort of thing!
Bandit–I hear you. I have finally come to terms with the weather not always being Bandit Weather, and that I will in fact get sick of it if I don’t branch out a little.
I am wearing black phoenix- Jezebel. Honey, rose, orange blossom, sandalwood. Really, really nice. It was a bit too sweet the first time i tried it but it dries down amazingly well
Sounds pretty!
SOTD = The Pink Room Pour Toi
Love the lemon and black current blast it opens with and then the dry down is fabulously different with a slight furniture polish note in there that reminds me how much I like it when I’ve polished the wood….i’m sure that’s the remnants of the lemon . The LotV, vanilla and musk makes for a very nice lingering scent for hours! Good stuff.
Things are a little somber here tonight….Michigan State lost it’s bid for national champs….so sad…..out of the final 4. 🙁
Thanks for the report on that Pink Room. I considered a small decant for about 3 seconds. Did you get the other one also?
ummm, yeah….I did….I’m so weak….both good too! I’ll send you samples. Probably next week when since I’ll wait until that cylinder gets here. At Luckyscent they say Pour Toi is feminine??? I don’t think so! I think you’ll like it. Now , #1 is feminine…but you still gotta sniff it.
Oh dear…so glad I’m not on that account! They’re bound to be unhappy next week. At least my coworker who IS on that account is a basketball fan, so he’ll be well aware. 😀
Daisy – your Wildcat friend here in Ky. feels your pain. The ‘Dogs *almost* got Izzo’ed, but in the end, the hometown energy was too much to overcome. 🙁
actually, I think the refereeing was too much to overcome….It just seems so obviously preferential sometimes! I know that refs are going to not see some fouls but holy cow!, it seemed like everytime a state player looked at a butler player a foul was called. And bulter fouls were “invisible” —there was some sourness about this at my house last night!
Yeah, they were just practicing for not seeing the Duke fouls in the next game!
well, they can stop practicing because they are clearly at the expert level! hmmm….I have friends on both sides of the big game…I’ll just stay quiet and duck when things start flying…..
Are any of our perfume friends Butler fans? I can’t feel too bad (even though they beat you) as they have a Lex. boy on the team.
I would agree that sometimes the officials don’t call Duke fouls, but I’ve got a very strong feeling that tomorrow night all the bad calls will be in Butler’s favor. You can quote me on that. 🙂
Duke is famous for ref-preference. At least in the ACC. 🙂
You and Rapple can have a good cry together. Not sure if she’s happy Duke beat WV or what.
I should email her….I think she’s still in mourning over Kentucky. She could use some emotional support right about now….
LOL! That was a very tough call as you so astutely realized, and was much debated on the various U. K. sports boards. In the end I think the consensus was 1) it would ease our pain a bit to have been beaten by the national champs should WV win and 2) a U. K. fan can NEVER under any circumstances root for Duke.
Haha. No comment here from the Blue Devils’ peanut gallery. 🙂
You always seem so nice that I manage to forget you’re a Dookie! LOL! But thank you for not rubbing my Wildcat blue nose in it. Although I did wonder why there was so much of that color at the game last night! 😉
Egad, I’m not going to need to start ducking already am I? I’ll for sure get a crink in my back by Monday….
Daisy – this is nothing! You should see the comments the young guys make on the sports blogs! YIKES! They get mean!!
Which color Rapple? Duke blue or KY blue? Interestingly, there is an article in the current Duke Magazine that gives the complicated history of Duke Blue and the difficulty apparel manufacturers have when they try to reproduce the right shade.
Yes, there are some *nice* Dukies around. Mostly, I don’t get into the trash talking because I’m just grateful that our team is still winning. I’m definitely not one of those fans that assumes we are entitled to final four runs and championships. Our kids have to work hard to achieve those goals just like everyone else. (And they have the added pressure of being hated by virtually everyone, including former Duke players (Um, Jay Bilas, anyone?). Imagine being 18-21 years old with hundreds of thousands of Americans hating you and hoping that you’ll fail? Harsh.
Still, rivalries are worth upholding. At the very least, they make life interesting!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—I think ANY boo-ing from the stands is the height of bad sportsfanship and bad manners in general. Clearly any group of players who have made it into the higher rounds of the games are both talented and hardworking and for some idiot sitting on their duff in the stands to start boo-ing …..well I think that sort of behavior is an embarrassment to all Americans. I mean, have a little class already! ok, I’m done ranting now.
MJR – I was just kidding you by suggesting the Duke blue there was really Wildcat blue. 😉
I kid because, like you said, rivalries are fun, but in reality, I respect Coach K. and his program. And I agree about opposing fans and commentators being so harsh on these kids. The U. K. team experienced quite a bit of it. It’s only jealousy.
SOTD India Hicks Island Night – body lotion. Wishing I was on a beach.
The last scent someone remarked was Butterfly Kisses by BBW. Everytime I wear this to work someone comments on how nice it is. Still dreaming of Jicky. I am hoping to get to the Bay in downtown Toronto to get a whiff of it, one of these good days.
I am a little embarrassed to say that I actually prefer B&BW Butterfly Flower to L’A La Chasse aux Papillons. Dunno what’s wrong with my sniffer, but La Chasse smells like cleaning products to me, and BF smells like what LCaP was SUPPOSED to smell like.
SOTD Tendre Madeleine by Les Senteurs Gourmandes. I ordered a bunch of samples from the line and this is the first one I’ve tried. It’s not overly original but still appealing if a person likes gourmand type fragrances.
I don’t know that line!
SOTD is Le Labo’s Iris 39. It started out cool and cloudy today, perfect for a seaside walk.
I need to give that one another try – maybe for bedtime tonight.
I love that one.
I love it too. I dare you to fall asleep before the top notes burn off though 😉 And do report back when you wake up tomorrow!
I was too zonked last night so tried it today. It is a very nicely done iris, for sure, but I really am not a big iris fan, so they are always a tough sell. It is very nice, though. Just not very “me”.
I didn’t like Iris 39 very much at first. It grew on me with each wearing. I do love the lovely Iris/Violet/patchouli notes. I find a little goes a long way though…..
Hiris was very much the same for me, and now I adore it.
My good side ordered a sample of Byredo’s La Tulipe from The Perfumed Court. Then I went to Barney’s today, sniffed it, fell head over heels in love, and bought a bottle. This blows a giant hole in my budget. I don’t know what happened. I’m generally sensible and thrifty. I could not resist it. Lovely! It gets worse. Byredo now has body creams–a weakness of mine worse than chocolate. I bought the body cream in “Green” and combined them. . .instant Spring!
Byredo has cream? Uh-oh….
Oh boy. I’m very curious about that La Tulipe and am thinking about getting a decant. But it’s great that you were so excited about those two!
Wow. Sounds like falling in love to me, q. I’m very curious about this scent myself. Your story makes me feel kind of relieved no one in my city sells it! I’d love to hear you describe what it smells like to you.
I just came home from a botanical garden that planted 20,000 tulip bulbs! Thousands were in bloom. Of course I had to smell them! I can’t wait to sniff a perfume based on that strange floral note.
I wore Do Son today. Happy to be enveloped in a veil of dewy tuberose! My husband has fallen hard for Hermes Pamplemousse Rose. It smells really great on him! Gosh, I wish it lasted longer, though.
Do Son again! Can’t wait to try it.
I love pamplemousse rose but it really is short-lived. I often layer Eau de gentiane blanche with pamplemousse rose and I find that combination lasts longer than either one on their own. Plus it smells fantastic!
Actually, I’ve noticed that if you give your clothes several good spritzes, EdPR will last for the full-day and you can still smell it when it comes time to do laundry. Just a thought!
Thanks for both tips!
During the last weekend open thread I asked about some recommandations for some wedding perfumes.
Finally I chose:
[MEN] Guerlain Pour Homme, Acqua di Gio and Kenzo Power
[WOMEN Fiance] Gucci Flora, Kenzo Flower, Stella Nude
[WOMEN Mother] Stella Stella, Gucci Rush, Kenzo Flower
I tried to combine some special occasion perfumes with day-by-day usage ones, considering these perfumes as Easter presents and wearable and after the wedding.
Thank you,
west99, it’s great to learn what you decided, and I just love that you gave your wedding party fragrant gifts! Huge congratulations and best wishes!
Thank you very much for your thoughts!
If someone can help me with this unanswered question from the previous open thread regarding Anns ‘Parfums de Rosine Rose d’Homme’ recommendation:
‘During my online searches I found that ‘Parfums de Rosine Rose d’Homme’ can be found under 2 forms:
1. classic 50 ml bottles / hard to find in UK shops, available for international delivery
2. small glass bottles – 2/2.5/5/10 ml / pretty expensive compared to bigger sizes; 10 ml price = half of 50 ml price from the 1st category
I could name the shop where I found the 2nd category of products but I do not think it is allowed but I think you know as it is advertised on this site 🙂 .
Can you help me with this situation?’
Thank you,
West are you in the U.S.? or EU? If you are in the US, I believe Bergdorf’s carries Rose d’Homme and many online discounters have it on occasion. You can locate it on Amazon dot com, too. And what about Ebay? If not, you may want to order Rose d’Homme directly from Rosine:
Rose d’Homme is just splendid, So if you don’t find it before the big-day, I hope you get to try it some time in the future.
Good luck & Congratulations!
Hmmm, I thought I replied to your post already, but perhaps I violated a bunch of rules. West, are you in the U.S? or the EU? If you are in the U.S., there is at least one department store that carries Rose d’Homme and many online discounters have it on occasion. I would say that the #2 shop on your list is too expensive. If you are in the EU, you may want to purchase directly from Les Parfums de Rosine – just do an internet search for them and their website should come up. Their website has an online store, but also a directory of shops that carry the line. Good luck and congratulations!
Your message got stuck in the spam filter, not really sure why. I found it and put it back 🙂
Thank you all!
I am in EU and I will bookmark the sites you posted.
come to Budapest, we have Rosines here:
: )
did I miss whether you are in the UK or the USA? here in the USA I’d take a quick look at fragrancenet dot com……where the 100ml is 89.19 but then use code BASENOTES and there’d be free shipping so it’d be $75.82 …..that was the best deal I could find but I didn’t check ebay.
Just saw it on yesterday for $72 and they ship internationally (if need be). Good luck!
True –Reirien is a great store and Dea is a lovely woman, so nice to chat with. And she does ship internationally so if you are in the UK that’s a good option. I don’t know if Fragnet ships out of the country…but in country= free shipping. (darn I’m cheap!)
Reirein would have been my choice too! (I didn’t realize they ship Internationally, woohoo!)
Thank you all,
I am from Eastern Europe so I will have to look for International Shipping shops.
I post it here too, we must be fairly close : D
come to Budapest, we have Rosines here:
: )
Thank you!
Yeap, our countries are neighbours, Romania :).
nice to meet you West : )
No scent yet today, but yesterday I sprayed myself wet with Eau du Sud and went on a beautiful sunny, dusty walk through town. Per-fect. In the evening I dabbed on some Cartier So pretty from a mini that I found at a flea market and really, really liked it. The name is stupid and spot on.
Eau du Sud is one that I need to try. Thanks for the reminder! So far, the only Goutal that I love is the vetiver, but still have a few to explore.
Do try it. I love many of the Goutals, but I’m still working my way through the range. Sud is my favorite at the moment, it’s a herbal-mossy citrus with a kind of dusty feeling to it, but cheerful all the same. Robin wrote a nice review of it and Hadrien:
And Vetiver is wonderful too!
Good morning and Happy Easter everyone! Just now reading along with my second cup of tea (Stash organic assam). No SOTD yet, but I think I’m feeling the beautiful jasmine of my vintage Samsara on this gorgeous sunny day.
well, Good Morning and Happy Easter to you too! I’ll suck down this coffee while you sip your tea…..
I’m re-testing Guerlain Idylle this a.m. –man o man, today my skin is pulling the peony out of it I think…’s almost got a melony type note seriously it’s reminding me of Calyx this morning! That’s odd, maybe my nose is still asleep. more coffee…..
Melon and peony are NOT selling me on it, Empress! After smelling Tonka Imperiale, I’ve about given up on M. Wasser.
Guerlain Idylle and peony? Oh boy, gotta get me some. Peony is my favorite flower. So sad that they are only available for about a month in NYC. I tried to grow ’em in my backyard but don’t get enough sun. Apparently TOO many trees grow in Brooklyn. 😉
I agree, Bogsc that the real things are great! Luckily they have a long bloom time here in central Ky.
and here I thought only one tree grew in Brooklyn….. 😉
Daisy, apparently you had enough coffee to catch my literary reference. 😉
Ooooo that sounds amazing – I love peonies & melon. I definitely need to sniff Idylle!
LOL! So besides being sports rivals, we may be evil scent twins! But that’s a good thing. Boo and I are and have lots of fun sending each other our unloved samples.
haha, i’ve been looking for an evil scent twin, actually! not to swap with per se, but to narrow my testing field. if evil scent twin likes x, i’ll probably hate it so no point in testing it. LOL
I totally agree MJR! I actually find it more reliable than people who *usually* like what I like.
You could be onto something…we’ve been in a few splits together already, so clearly have at least strongly overlapping tastes. 😀
Idylle reminds of Armani diamonds, but with a focus on soft quince or pear. I like it!
what have I done???
lol —as far as I can see, anything melon is not listed in the notes! but even now I’m still getting something melony-fruity…..and yes, I did go for that second cup of coffee….
Inneresting…. I don’t remember anything remotely melony about Idylle; just well-blended floral. It’s actually a pretty nice scent. One could do a whole lot worse!
well I’m weird, we all know it….I kept getting ripe melons…..go figure
No fragrance today, I’ve been on a hospital visit. My scarf still smells quite noticeably of yesterday’s Cuir Mauresque, though.
Also, I have an unopened 2.5 ml bottle of vintage Bandit extrait on the way – keeping my fingers and toes crossed that it hasn’t gone off! I have only tried the current EdT, so curious to smell the vintage in a different concentation.
Ohhhhhhh nice!
Went into unsniffed samples yesterday and pulled out Champagne de Bois, which I thoroughly enjoyed. On my way out to Long Island today to spend Easter with sister, bro-in-law and nephews so carting Godiva chocolates for them and wearing vintage Joy for me! So lovely!
snifffffff —ahhhhhh….you smell divine! I’d go dig out the Joy…but I suspect my hubby has a little something stashed for me for Easter….so until I know for sure I’m in a holding pattern with this little drop of Idylle on the back of my hand….where I can wash it off if I need to clear the canvas as it were…..
Your CEO is one in a million!
My CEO is well trained……I think…..maybe I should go upstairs and check my pillow….that is a favored landing ground for gifties.
This is so bad! I’ll have to act not disappointed if there isn’t anything there! But my birthday is in 2 days so it is a little like “double-dipping” to think/expect something today (but I’m an optimist) ….oh and little does he know that I’ve ordered some by Kilian Rose Oud….let’s make that our “little secret” for now…. 😉 This is all part of my “Daisy Gets Gifts Program” even if I have to order them myself! ha!
I’m ROTFL! “Our little secret” indeed!
Oh, that BK Rose Oudh is so nice! I’m also enjoying a sample of the Pure Oudh. I hope BK does a travel size for both of those, too. I’m very close to ordering a travel set of Beyond Love.
Godiva and Joy?!? You have great taste! Enjoy your day.
My sister is now claiming that she put on 5 lbs tonight after eating 3/4 of the box of Godiva chocolates. She swears that the quiche, baked ziti and honey glazed ham that she ate before dipping into the box of chocolates has nothing to do with the alleged weight gain. It’s apparently all my fault for bringing the box of Godiva to LI. Hey, so she puts a little more time in on the elliptical right? No harm, no foul I say! 😉
It’s late and I’m tired and my eyes read that as “no HAM no foul”! 😀
LOL !! 😀
Good Morning, everyone! Happy EASTER!! I’m getting a very late start to this Sunday so I’m just sitting here drinking coffee & loving reading all the posts from last night on the weekend poll-thread! Isn’t it wonderful?!?
No SOTD just yet. I’m having fragrance indecisiveness this morning. I need something that will make me feel fabulous, but also something with a decidedly Spring- edge (so no Epic Woman, Jubilation, etc. etc.) A Chanel might work, but I want to feel casual. Do you get perfume indecisiveness, too?
I’m also certain that my inability to choose is at least partially due to my growing perfume cabinet; not only do I have so many fragrances to work with, but I also actually FORGET what I have. Does anyone else have this problem? I know, I know, I probably should do a spreadsheet; but I’ve resisted such measures thus far because I definitely don’t want this hobby to feel like work. Ahhhhh sigh!
I have to laugh… I started a spreadsheet yesterday. : ) And I don’t have that much to work with, but I thought it might be helpful for keeping track of what I have, notes I’ve been able to identify, category as identified by the pros and my general impressions. I thought I’d track wear date too. So after I put it together (and it’s very modest, really), did I update it? No. LOL.
I started a spreadsheet too when I got addicted to sniffies, and it’s (mostly) up to date. I still find it extremely helpful, particularly for a) how much did I spend? b) notes/ perfumer/ house/ release date c) now where did I put that sample? … but then, I don’t mind being geeky.
I didn’t think of adding a column for how much I spent. Good suggestion!
do you happen to have any Bel Respiro?? that might be the ticket today.
Haha! That’s one of 3 LEs I don’t have right now. But thanks for reminding me that I need to hunt down a decant. Or host a split. 🙂
*cough* I know some people…at least 4…who “need” some Bel Respiro.
I’ve not smelled this one, Boo, but I really want to. Do you think this might be one of our rare overlaps like SDV?
You are not alone, MJR. I was actually considering rotating the bottles in my perfume cabinet so that they would all get a fair chance at being worn. But I haven’t done this yet.
I don’t keep a spreadsheet (why? because Kitty does not know how to make a spreadsheet), but I do have a perfume journal–2, actually–where I got down notes. I only do this with samples, though, so it doesn’t help. Why did I even bring that up? I’m not awake yet.
I totally relate, mjr17! For the past month or two I’ve had a lot of “perfume indecisiveness” and I’ve attributed it to having so much. Recently I organized my samples and it helped. Currently I’m in “appreciating what I have mode” and trying not to add anything — yeah, right, we’ll see how long that will last!
Happy Bunny Day, mjr17! Yes, I now have enough samples and bottles to have difficulty keeping track of them all. At one point, I had the samples arranged alphabetically by perfume house, but now I need more more/better boxes, and more drawers for the bottles…will focus on this the next time I take some time off. 🙂
Well, with all the talk of peony lately, I pulled out the little sample packet of L’Occitane Peony that they sent me. I think that I like it, but it’s one of those moist towelette thingies – so, I don’t know that I got enough to do a real test. Sigh.
I think those moist towlettes are such a waste!! to me they always smell like an alcohol based- antibacterial hand wipe…..grrr just give us a vial! Is that sooo much to ask?
You would think a vial wouldn’t cost more or take that much more fragrance, or at least that’s my thinking. Yeah, I hate that.
Oh Cynthia, that reminds me that I need to try the L’Occitane Peony. Is it available in stores, yet? I have about 10 reasons to go to the mall right now and yet I’m dragging my feet.
Hmm… I don’t know – the sample was in my Spring 2010 catalog. It’s all about the new peony collections of fragrance and makeup, so it would be pretty disappointing if it wasn’t in stores. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it is.
L’Occitane…Peony. Owwww…just got whiplash from cranking my head around to pay attention when I saw those two words together out of the corner of my eye as I was scrolling down. How did I not hear about this? HdP’s Vert Pivoine is making me really happy these days. But think I’ll have to track down L’Occitane’s Peony and give it a sniff.
I’m just here to whine that Luckyscent has yet to ship my Black Afgano, and I am starting to grind my teeth with anxiousness. I should never have ordered something that was back-ordered. I thought it might teach me patience, but oh, how wrong I was.
No SOTD yet. I woke up with a really bad cold and can’t motivate myself to even shower just yet. Anticipating passing out on the couch soon.
Awww, Miss Kitty V., I’m sorry on both counts. Hope you feel better soon and/or get the rest you need to recover. (I also hope LS gets their act together….Sheesh! Don’t they know that perfumistas by definition lack patience?!)
Poor Mz Kitty….sorry you are sick. Grab some soft blankies and just sack out on the couch for the day….hopefully, when you eventually regain consciousness you will be on the road to recovery.
Prescription: Hot tea. Rest. Ordering other people to do the dishes.
(And I think you have kids, so Good Luck With That! Hope you’re feeling much better soon.)
A. – adding my wishes for a speedy recovery. So sorry you have a cold. Spring colds are the worst! 🙁
I LOVE Black Afgano. I have a wee sample I’m hoarding until I can get a bottle…or a split. Hey Daisy… 🙂
I don’t hear a thing…lalalalallalalalala….
SOTD = CdG Carnation in honor of spring. I love me a spicy carnation.
Yay!! CdG Carnation! Only the best spicy carnation in the history of carnation scents!
My fave, too – I NEED a bottle!
Today, a sniff-off between vintage Youth Dew, DSH Un Robe De Zibeline, and vintage Weil Secret De Venus Zibeline.
Sensitive noses of Portland, beware! 😉
If I were in Portland I’d come by to admire your aura!
Wow! I think I was sensing that spicy oriental aura all the way over here on the East Coast! 🙂 Please DO let us know which one was the winner, crowflower.
I got a bottle of the SDV Zibeline to split with my friend who wore it all the time when we were in college.
I noticed that it was similar to DSH Zibeline and the vintage Youth Dew, which inspired me for the sniff-off. The SDV Z has a spicy undertone of cinnamon and root beer (!) that the DSH Z does not. Eventually the DSH goes to a vanillalike base, while the SDV Z stays spicy and probably musky (I am anosmic to most musks most of the time).
The Youth Dew is brasher than either, but in the end the drydown is closer to SDV Z than DSH Z.
In the end, it’s a case of liking all three. Too bad the SDV is long discontinued, and the modern formulation sold online is a travesty of the original.
PS: Does anyone else think Hypnotic Poison smells like highclass root beer?
Ah, here’s a question I’ve been meaning to ask you Chanel fans. So far, the only Chanel’s I’ve enjoyed wearing are Egoiste and Beige (No. 19 is nice, too, but for some reason it doesn’t move me). My question is about Cristalle (and its Eau Verte flanker). I keep putting Cristalle on my test list and then taking it off. I do not enjoy the aldehydes in No. 5 AT ALL, and I hear that Cristalle has aldehydes. Question: Would I possibly like Cristalle? I adore green florals.
Oh, go on and test it! It didn’t move ME (No. 19 did), but I find it really pleasant.
Huanani —Cristalle is very green and sharp (hurts my poor nosey) but Cristalle Eau Verte is bright and happy –really a feel good rush of citrusy goodness….I bet I still have your address somewhere….
Oh —I finally tested Sinfonia di Note Amande Sucree ( thank you Absolutescentualist for the lovely sample!) that you mentioned a week or so ago… on me it’s sour almonds. A definite no go. Guess I like the sweet scents better or at least my skin does. I’ll still keep an eye out for some for you. But I’m thoroughly grateful to Absolute for the sample—I was so geeked up from the Luckyscent description I was read to forge ahead with an extremely spendy unsniffed purchase !
Damn that LuckyScent. lol
It’s entirely possible. No. 5 has never been my thing either, yet I love No. 22 and Bois des Iles, both of which are also aldehydic scents. Definitely give it a try.
Hi Haunani,
I cannot wear Cristalle either. But a great alternative I have found is Diorella by Dior. It’s marvelous and it might satisfy that Cristalle craving you have. You can find it at Saks in store or online or you can find some bottles on Ebay. There is not much difference between the vintage and the current formulation. I prefer the current because it’s tad brighter.
Thank you for the info on Diorella! I’m glad to hear the current formulation is good.
H: I don’t think aldehyde-phobia (which I *used* to think I suffered from) would preclude Cristalle or C. Eau Verte. I like Eau Verte better than the original, actually. I can drop samples of both when I finally mail the KenzoAir (next weekend or so).
Thanks, everyone, for the advice and offers of samples. Yes, I guess I’d better try both Cristalles AND Diorella! For me (as for many of you, it appears) it seems to depend on the aldehydes. I do OK with Ivoire, Ombre Rose, and even Calandre, for example.
I love Cristalle (edt), especially after top notes are gone (these top notes are not the ones as they used to be. I have a sample of the original, and that is heaven) and my next purchase (next week : D ) is Diorella. so give them a try and decide for yourself
P.S. I meant “Chanels”. Don’t know where that naughty apostrophe came from, because I don’t DO that. :shrinking in embarrassment:
oh for goodness sake! Have you NOT seen MY outrageous number of typos??? have you not seen my grammar? Let’s not even talk about my punctuation which complies with NO RULES whatsoever.
If Robin ever makes a rule about the overuse of ellipses….I’m going to be in big trouble! 😉
I know, I know. I’m really into dashes – not sure what I’d do without ’em!
I think I may be the biggest over-user of ellipses on the planet. Galling.
No – that would be the writer for whom I edit on
SOTD: Insolence Eau Glacee.
I have to excitedly tell you that I bought EL Emerald Dream for $15 (50 ml EDP) this week unsniffed and I really like it. It is a poor man’s Island Michael Kors, which I also have. I looked up the notes before I bought EL ED and figured I would like it. I tried CK Eternity Summer (2010) and really liked it in both men’s and women’s. I can’t stand the original Eternity!
I can’t stand Eternity either and have avoided the flankers – will sniff next time I see one! Thanks!
I got some CK Eternity Summer at TJ Maxx (not sure what year), but it smells DIVINE! Like Jonquils and a few other things (to my nose). I LOVE it. Haven’t worn it much yet though.
SOTD is Norell. Suggestions, anyone, for green florals that haven’t been discontinued or reformulated out of all recognition? Not so much the sharp galbanum-laden type, which for me is well-served by Aliage. I like Norell and LOVE Fidji, but hate to trap myself (again!) into searching for the last remaining supply of some d/c scent. Not that a currently in-production scent couldn’t be d/c’ed tomorrow, but still. . .
How about AG Heure Exquise? Also I’m quite keen to try Piguet Futur.
Thanks, Abyss. I’ve heard good things about both, so perhaps it’s time to order some decants.
SOTD is Memories of a Geisha…..reached waaayyy back in the collection for that one.
I forgot all about that one!
SOTD yesterday – Kenzo Magnolia, it’s casual and unoffensive for church and family gatherings.
Sadly, I don’t have any samples in my ‘waiting to be tested’ basket. I’m thinking about trying more of the Chanel Les Exclusifs and AG’s – maybe Petite Cherie and Hadrien (for the 2nd time.) Other suggestions? What’s everyone buzzing about for spring?
Do try the AG Ninfeo Mio!
Do try AG Petite Cherie also. So nice for spring!
Late to the party, but…I almost wore Liz Taylor’s Diamonds & Sapphires for Easter, as it has a lot of Lily of the Valley in it. But wasn’t in the mood. SO, I reached for my SJP “Covet”, which I LOVE. My mom (who’s a Flower Bomb junkie – wears nothing else) said I smelled great. That it was an interesting smell (she can’t do ANY musk at all), but that it smelled just “like me”. Today I tried Cabotine Rose by Parfums Gres which I grabbed at TJ Maxx. Lovely daytime fragance, really inexpensive, but quite lovely. Not too rosy – in fact, got some cherry blossom and black currant in it as well. I love it – and the bottle’s cute too!
Don’t you just love TJ Maxx finds!?
I’m sooo late! Easter weekend is super busy for us, then the weather got so nice we ended up spending non-church time outside gardening – or weeding.
Our temporary “Home Fragrance” is Apres L’Ondee vintage parfum. I picked up an old splash bottle (guessing from the age of label -circ ’30s or 40s) on the Bay last week. The seller forgot to tape the stopper so what little was left of the contents spilled onto the paper towel and newspaper that it was wrapped in. Needless to say I’ve no intention of throwing them away until fully diffused….
Happy Easter to all!
That makes me want to cry and it’s not even my package!
Ohhhhh… oh, no. Sniff. Well, at least you’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Mals & Cynthia – thanks for sharing the sympathy. I too would have been devastated as well, but – as the seller told me there wasn’t much left to begin with – and I do have some nicely scented paper towels! Since the perfume had evaporated to practically thick resinous consistency, I expect the smell to last a long time on the paper towels. Plus a few drops still remain in the bottle for savoring. I’ve used the edt for more than a decade and never smelled the perfume until now. WOW – HG all over again!