I had to laugh when I heard that Paris Hilton was releasing a fragrance called Heiress — just in case you were wondering how Ms. Hilton ever got a celebrity perfume deal in the first place, the name explains it all in a nutshell. Her first two fragrances, Paris Hilton and Just Me, have reportedly done very well indeed, and in case you'd like to help her line her coffers with an extra layer, here is your third chance.
Paris Hilton Heiress is a fruity floral — no surprise there — and the notes include passion fruit, orange, peach granita, champagne mimosa, star jasmine, tiare flower, ylang ylang, honeysuckle, dewberry blossom, grenadine, violet leaf, vetiver, tonka bean and blonde woods. The opening is, as you'd expect, sugar coated fruits, or more specifically, sugar coated fruit flavors; nothing here comes even close to the smell of real fruit. It calls to mind any number of things (bubblegum, children's Motrin, lollipops) but none of them are the champagne mimosa listed in the notes, although the fruit notes do have a touch of sparkle and fizz.
In the dry down, the bubblegum accord is joined by blur of sheer florals; it is still awfully sweet, but not nearly so achingly sweet as the top notes. The base adds some vanilla and musk, but very little warmth: this stays bright and sparkling and girly pretty much straight through to the end.
The Paris Hilton fragrances aren't masterpieces, but then, you wouldn't expect them to be. When Just Me was released, I surmised that it might be meant as the sexy, all-grown-up sequel to the original Paris Hilton; Heiress seems to be going in the other direction and reaching for an even younger audience. Still, of the three, this one might be the most fun, and there is just something kind of endearing about a fragrance called Heiress that smells largely of Paradise Punch Bubblicious.
The only place I can find Heiress available online at the moment is perfume.com, where it is $29 for 50 ml of Eau de Parfum.
Well, it sounds awful. Her last two were so nasty. To me they smelled like this horrible soda drink they have in Peru called “Inca Kola” which I had the misfortune of tasting while travelling there.
To me Paris Hilton has the money to pay the most amazing perfumers in the world and truly impress – but she doesn't. So, actually, I am disappointed that her fragraces aren't better.
Oh my darling, you are way-ay-ay too gracious.
Well, another way to look at it — PH could pay the absolute top notch perfumer to make the absolute masterpiece of a perfume, and the sort of people who would normally pay top dollar for a perfume masterpiece wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. I'd say she (or Parlux) knows exactly who her audience is, and she develops towards that audience.
Not even meaning to be, R, this one just made me laugh, and that is better than nothing, no?
I was so bored with her previous two enough to not even bother trying this one! The very thought of a bubblegum accord makes me weep with laughter. I am dying at: “sugar coated fruit flavors.”
Seriously, I don't know why, but it just cracks me that you've tried all THREE of her feminine frags! You are either very brave, or very enamored of schadefreude 🙂 Either way, you are a master of diplomacy!
Sounds scary 🙂
Let me egg my own face here by saying I am pretty sure it was the original PH that someone (Patty?) sent me during a blind swap, and I kinda liked it. I wouldn't touch Paris with a barge pole, but you're right — she knows her audience well. And I wouldn't be surprised if her most recent is trending younger — that seems to be the pattern.
Why not create a Paris Hilton perfume bottle which is designed to attract (magnetically) *any* male fragrance like the Gaultier 2 bottles? 😀
K, I found this one less dull than the first two — in name and smell — but whether that is a good thing or a bad thing depends on your outlook, of course. Now realizing I haven't tried a single one of the men's, so can't claim complete bravery. Who on earth buys a men's fragrance from Paris Hilton? Do you suppose they are all bought by women?
I think a 'champagne mimosa' is a cocktail – champagne poured over orange juice. Which might be closer to what they were aiming for here.
Still, it does seem a bit misleading to say 'mimosa' since anyone with a passing interest in the notes would probably assume that it was the flower.
LOL…it can't hurt you, really 🙂
It does seem to be the pattern, doesn't it? Anyway, this is the one that seems to match her public persona the most.
LOL — perfect! Instead, they put a mirror on the back — perhaps almost as handy.
I assumed they meant the cocktail & not the flower, which would also explain the splash of grendadine…but it doesn't smell like anything so sophisticated as a mimosa. Unless you'd drink a mimosa while chewing bubblegum 🙂
Oops…meant grenadine, not grendadine.
Perhaps maybe emphasis on the orange juice and not the champagne? It is aimed at a younger generation after all :p
And yes, the grenadine would fit well. If only it did conjure up images of cocktails, as opposed to froot loops
Sorry, that was my confusion – I wasn't sure if the notes were referring to the cocktail or the flower! I should remember to add a few '?'s next time – I forget that others aren't mindreaders! : )
Quite so…the orange juice & grenadine win out over the champagne part, and that way the cocktail is a better match for the froot loops, LOL…
Hi everyone, I'm a newcomer here 🙂 This is my first post, but I've been browsing this blog for almost half year.
I bought the Paris Hilton perfume, and frankly it was not very nice…just average, if I may say. I watched her interview on E!online, she said that “she just mixed different kind of scents, and was not really pay attention to it”. Hehehe.. no wonder it smells 'average' huh?
Keep on writing interesting perfume reviews, N, it's a great help for me before I decide to buy a new perfume :))
Regards :
Vivienne from Indonesia
Welcome, V! What a funny quote, thanks for posting it. I really doubt PH has much to do with the final product — certainly she doesn't do any “mixing”, LOL — so it is just as well that she doesn't pretend to be highly involved.
well, well… i actually was looking forward to this scent, since i will stand behind the first scent 100%. absolutely love it. The second just got more juvenile with scent and bottle. I like it a little, enough to keep samplers around. This last one made me cringe, however. The bottle.. glitter and sparkles? and the smell, Robin, you describe just right “sugar coated fruit flavors….bubblegum (accord), children's Motrin, lollipops” I hate it!
Well, if she is making someone who loves her first scent cringe, she is doing something wrong! I'll be very surprised if we don't get a 4th PH scent in 2007, so hopefully she'll do a better job.
Her first fragrance smelled okay to me (not terribly unique though). I didn't like Just Me for women at all… and when I smelled this, I thought it was terrible. It did indeed smell like bubblegum… and motrin. I didn't like this one at all.
Will be interesting to see how it sells once it is wider release. Looks like it isn't finding many friends here!
I made some posts in this one. What happened to all of mine 🙁
ohhhhhh! Ok! That was in new perfumes! This is reviews!!!!!
Was about to say that but you already figured it out 🙂
After sniffing this for the first time today, I couldn't help but think: Perhaps Ms. Hilton aimed for a more humble interpretation of the “Heiress” image?
“Heiress” smells, to me, like Vidal Sassoon or Salon Selective hair products; that empty, fruity scent that works well when wafting from hair, but reeks of economy when applied at the pulses. Not that being spendthrifty isn't an admirable trait…it's just not what I'd have expected, from a $2,000-bag-toting spokesperson of a product named after an image of abundance and excess. The moral of her scent story: Even rich people can smell cheap (note: As opposed to admirably frugal) and people who are not rich, can smell like cheap-smelling rich people.
Your moral is right on target, LOL…
I know this may be a little off topic, however I smelled the one for men, Heir, the other day at Macy*s……. wow. It was terrible. It smelled just like fabric sheets for when you dry your clothes. Even the saleswoman agreed with me; it had been her first time smelling it too. I smelled the card a few hours later, and the drydown wasn't bad, but for something that smells so like a household product, it's not even worth considering to buy, in my opinion.
Comically, my friend was wearing the original Paris for men the other day. He asked me to smell him, and my first thought was “All I smell is laundry detergent…” no lie! Maybe she's going for a theme. Just Me for men is very good though.
Thanks, I haven't seen the men's version yet — sounds like I don't need to rush out & find it.
ok obviously every one on this site is a bunch of haters the mens and womens ph perfums have all been awsome! each perfume she has created has been great so i think you people just don't like it becouse you don't like her witch is wrong to judge anyone like that unless your god. so honestly my opion this new perfume is gonna be just as good as all the outhers so stop hateing. i think people hate people like her becouse their living a better life than you so you hate them out of jelousy and jelousy is no way to live it's wrong i pity every one who does things like this. i'm sure this perfume and any futur paris perfumes are gonna be great and i'll add them to my collection.
Is that YOU Paris?
That is so sweet of you to come and defend Paris! But you are quite wrong, I don't hate her in the least, and I envy her even less: what little I see of her lifestyle in the press looks quite unappealing.
Of her three scents, I thought the first was probably the best done, but I didn't find any of them awesome, so guessing that we have very different tastes in perfume.
i wasn't pointing you out particularly but i agree her first one was the best and i liked her mens to and when i said people hate people like her i meant people hate the fact that they have money some dislike the fact that they are not rich is what i meant i suppose i should have been more clear but oh well
LOL I'm rich and I hate some of her perfumes. Your theory doesn't quite hold up. She had one good men's one and one good women's one, and the rest, in my opinion, were terrible. Not all celebtiry fragrances are good just because you love the celebrity. I adore Jeniffer Lopez, but I think most of her fragrances arent' the best. I don't dislike Paris at all, but I do dislikemost of her fragrances.
well i suppose it wouldn't for you but i know alot of people like that so no it wouldn't apply to someone w/money but those that are not rich might have a problem i know many people who dislike those w/money it's sad so no it “doesn't quite hold up” for you.
I'm not sure this thread has been a personal attack on Ms. Hilton, so much as it has been an expression of scent tastes. Personally, I feel “Heiress” lacks complexity and is underdeveloped. However, I'm rarely a fan of fruity-florals, so my personal bias could be preventing me from appreciating this fragrance.
What strikes me as amusing about “Heiress”, is the contrast between the marketing surrounding it and the scent itself. I suspect an heiress would hope to smell unique from her socialite pals, as well as aim to establish an aura of luxury.”Heiress” may be many things, but it is not unique from other current releases and lesser priced fragrances could produce a similar wake; However, simply because someone is wealthy does not imply an accompanying thirst for material luxury. In Paris' case, however, she has made a very public image for herself that more than hints at her appreciation of expensive goods.
“Heiress” can be matched (even surpassed) by many of the “Victoria's Secret” body splashes that run for under $10. There is nothing wrong with an economical scent if it works well with an individual's chemistry—I'm sure many would be thrilled if their signature fragrances ran for under $10! A well priced splash can be sweet, subtle and even sparkling, if done well enough. “Heiress” may be just as appealing to some, but will run you about 5 times as much. Perhaps that is the attitude of class-trash luxury items: Something that seems so cheaply made–like a terry-cloth sweatsuit with “Juicy” splashed across the caboose–revels in the state of a brand.
I apologize for the length of that post. I'll keep my eyes alert for the next one…
So true that it isn't at all unique. I am really holding out hope for Sarah Jessica Parker this year, as so far, it doesn't look like a good year for celebrity fragrance.
I'm embarrassed to say I actually really LIKE this perfume. And I'm hardly her target audience (for starters, I'm 38.) It smells vile and sugary in the bottle but I like the way it smells on, altho I sometimes catch a whiff of what I swear smells like hops. My co-worker assured me I do not smell like a frosty mug of PBR though.
Not sure why this works for me. Maybe I just have weird body chemistry. Anyways, after using a sample just on a whim I actually bought some. I'm happy with it but I hope no one asks what I'm wearing : (
I don't see why you should be embarrassed, I'm sure I like something you wouldn't! Wear what you like 🙂
Robin, I think she meant she'd be embarassed to say she's wearing a Paris Hilton perfume. Screw em! I can't stand Paris Hilton either, but I sleep better at night knowing that she only stamped her name on it. She didn't MAKE it :p. If people can't get over that, they aren't mature adults 😛
I love Heiress, on me it's not too sweet. It's light & sparkly with the champagne mimosa. The violet note is very uplifting. This is a great fragrence to have for work or during hot weather.
I like this the most of her fragrances so far. I can't wait to try Can Can!! (Just please change the name!)
I'm afraid we're stuck with Can Can, I”ve already seen pics of the packaging 🙂
Ohh! Is there pink involved?
I'm sorry to say that I've already forgotten it entirely, I just know I saw a pic of the bottle & box.
I don't really know what to say about this perfume. I remember that when my older sister (who's 26) came home after having bought it, I said, “OMG, who just bathed in bubblegum?” The fragrance was so sickeningly sweet that I REALLY disliked it.
But after having tried it in the store, it didn't smell that bad actually. Maybe it's because I tried so many perfumes that my nose didn't function properly, or because my sister had just worn too much of it, but I actually kind of liked it. (Even though I did start to dislike it again when my best friend bought it too, and I asked to borrow some perfume after P.E and she sprayed me so badly that I smelled like somebody who had just robbed a candy store…)
Thankfully, I happen to have a thing for sweet fragrances, or else I would never have liked it. But right now I have nothing against it – nor do I like it. I can only say that I've had too much of it recently — what's up with all rich kids in town buying this perfume when they claim that they dislike it?
It isn't fun to smell *any* fragrance all over town. Now that her new one is out, perhaps Heiress will lose it's luster, but personally, I liked Heiress better than Can Can.
Oh man, it's definitely all over town here! I found the gift set at the local K-Mart for $20.00. That's probably where it should have been put in the first place – it's cheap not only in smell, but in looks as well.
Well in MY opinion, Heiress seems like it smells wonderful from the description. I'd love to get a bottle for myself. I'm really proud of Paris for her accomplishments, and she really shouldn't care WHAT negative people have 2 say about her or her work. Go Paris!!
And I'm quite sure she *doesn't* care 🙂
The question is, a woman parfum is made for man to smell or can it be appreciate by woman too?
Sure if the lady got a headhache by wearing it, it’s not her fragrance for sure.
I buy that one to my girlfriend after i smell a lot of fragrance to choose one that made my male hormone tilted, and i was laughing when i saw Paris Hilton on the box coz all we can say about the ” jet Setter”. Well i bet she dont even wear is own perfume anyways.
All this to say that i was surprise by the smell, i realy liked it, everytime i smell my love, i wanna chew her like a ”bubble gum”
And i think it was the intention of this perfume, for young and partying woman to be smell by young partying man.
It’s my opinion,
I suppose many women would prefer that they love it AND that men love it! Personally, I wear only for me…but I’m not a young partying woman 😉
I love this fragrance. It is different. A lot of perfume just smells the same in the end, but this as you pointed out stays pretty much the same throughout and it’s a good thing. My personal favorite along with Michael Kors Michael.
Glad you love it!
Yes, it does smell like “Sparkly” “fizzy” bubblegum mixed with fruity shampoo, but surprisingly I like it alot. And Ive received compliments on it…from both girls and guys. Plus the bottles really cute.