It’s Hump Day and National Marzipan Day. Birthdays: John Singer Sargent, Jack London, Ruth Brown. What fragrance are you wearing?
I went with the root vegetables, in Honoré des Prés I Love Les Carottes.
Reminder: 1/14 will be Foody Friday...wear a gourmand or foody fragrance. (This is a repeat from 2015)
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2022, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Candied Carrot Rose Tart [cropped] by Joy at flickr; some rights reserved.
Ooh, I like a good chocolate covered marzipan, Hump Day, AND I Love Les Carottes!
No scent yet this morning, but I might try to match the celebratory nature of the day with Micallef Aoud Gourmet, which has a marzipan note.
I like a good chocolate covered pretty much anything.?
I’m with you there, sister.
Me three.
I’m back in Rhubarb & Custard.
That makes me hungry!
I’m imagining a sweet custard topped with a tart rhubarb conserve…..
Exactly. Maybe with a little square of chocolate on the side.
Oh yum, YUM!
I’m in Molecule 01, which is not foody but is work appropriate.
It was 34 degrees when I left the house this morning and after the past couple of freezing mornings, it felt downright pleasant! (did I really just say that?)
Thank you all for the bday wishes yesterday! I got home yesterday evening to the smell of banana bread baking. My girls are good to me.☺️
Oh I missed it! Happy Belated Birthday! You smell good!
I walked my daughter to the bus in a fleece jacket instead of the sleeping bag that is my coat!
Give me 34 degrees all winter long please ?
Lol. Yes! I told my daughter if it stays like this I can handle it. Maybe those recent cold days are the only ones we’ll have.??
? we can wish!
I just heard it’s going down hill again after tomorrow.
Seriously, same here…very happy for a minor increase in the temperature.
We’ve had the same weather and I did think the same thing. I was outside talking to a repairman, and with a cotton shaker sweater and rather thin pants, I was not missing my coat.
Joining the chorus of “Same weather here” folks! I’m glad I waited until today to take out my recyclables, even though it meant I had to make a couple of trips. I didn’t have to bundle up.
I was in a rush this morning and just grabbed the first sample my hand touched: Nicolai Patchouli Intense. I like this one in general, but I am not feeling it today. I think I wanted something more comforting, though Robin’s carrots sound pretty appealing, too.
I think you smell great, even if it isn’t hitting the spot for you today. 🙂
I think that one smells (deliciously) like patchouli soda, so at least you can claim a CP point, even if it isn’t working for you today.
In honour of Marzipan Day I’m wearing the cherry-almond SL Rahät Loukoum. No, that’s not quite true: it’s just a happy coincidence. I put it on right after showering, because sometimes you just want to smell like a dish of sugary candy.
You smell delicious!
I just finished a box of Turkish Delight — sometimes you just want to eat a bunch of sugary candy.
Thanks for sharing your recent travails about perfume samples. I feel better about a new one I got that was unbelievably underwhelming. I didn’t even test it on skin… it’s going straight to the “Give Pile”.
Carmel Boheme for me today. It’s pretty but that’s about it for me. Won’t be going on my FB wish list.
I really hate to wish my life away but I cannot wait for the weekend…
Just think of it as goal setting!
Good one, apsara!!
Sotd will be I Love Les Carrottes because Robin had a great idea and it’s a great fragrance.
You both made a great choice!
I had not heard of this before today and now I am intrigued!
Hey twin!!
I’m wearing a Xerjoff Italica sample. I wore it for the almonds and because I saw that it was voted Best Niche and Best Italian Niche fragrance 2021 on Fragrantica. I just don’t find it to be that amazing. It smells kind of like almonds with buttered popcorn at the beginning which was already a little weird and now it just smells a little weirder. Maybe that’s the combination with saffron? I’ll put something else on later.
Yoga first, then coffee with more of my apple cake. And BTW, (for the bakers among us) this is a really delicious recipe and on point with Marzipan Day with the almond flour: You might have to create an account to see the recipe but it’s free.
I used apple slices instead of plums because that’s what I have right now. I’ve also used berries during the summer and the plums in the fall. Otherwise, the only things I did differently from the recipe this time were to cut the sugar by 1/4 cup, add 1/4 tsp cinnamon and sprinkle with almond slices (and here my kids would be rolling their eyes; they know I can’t ever leave a recipe as is). But the orange zest is surprisingly great with the apple slices, and the cake is really delicious and a nice balance of cake per fruit if you know what I mean.
That apple cake sounds amazing. Mmmmm….
A little too delicious, without all those boys here to help eat it up!
This sounds so good — thanks for the recipe link! Reminds me of my go-to fruit-studded cake, which is this one: It’s great with every type of fruit I’ve tried, especially the stone fruits.
Thanks! I’m a big fan of SK as well!
Thanks for the recipe, I have almond flour in the freezer that needs to be used up. Sounds yummy.
These recipes remind me of the most excellent Sharlotka, which is a Russian apple cake:
Oh! I am very interested but n Russian recipes, thank you for this ?
Sorry ? interested in Russian recipes
DolceVita, I think you’ll like the Sharlotka — it’s got a lovely, crunchy top, sort of like a macaron, and the rest is a not-too-sweet cake studded with apple chunks.
That sounds delicious, thanks.
I was underwhelmed by Italica as well.
R, you smell lovely.
Why thank you ma’am!
Wearing Gallagher Vanilla Silk today…haven’t worn in a while and it’s quite good…better than I remembered from the last wearing.
Yesterday I wore Ligne St. Barth Vanille West Indies which I also hadn’t worn in a while.. It’s beautiful but debating if it’s needs to be rehomed. I purged 19 bottles last year and am trying to keep the momentum going. 😉
Perhaps I have too many vanillas…? Nah…as if such a thing were possible… ??
I ended up buying a bottle of Vanilla Silk as well. Not crazy about the new bottle style, should have bought it earlier when I liked the bottles better.
Wearing no 5 edp today. Paid some pesky bills this morning. Feeling much better today after Sunday’s booster.
So glad you are feeling better Dawn!
I did estimated taxes today, which was my pesky (and DETESTED) chore.
I haven’t done that yet but was doing the normal pesky bills today.
Hi everyone!! Today is my day off (kind of besides all the appointments me and my Mom had this morning).
Foodie Friday – love it & own too many choices for realz:)
Figured toddler daughter in daycare, great day to take out my big ole’ bag of samples I received from the most generous NSTer this November and lay the samples on my bed and enjoy trying something new.
Nasomatto Narcotic V: beautiful and… lacking. Beautiful because a fresh tuberose just smells that. But Narcotic V just lacks that ooomph. People compare it to Narcisso Rodrigez original. Either way compare NV to Nishane’s Tuberoza and it just lacks everything. Smells similar minus Tuberoza’s yummi orange freshness, creamy base and just smells very bland. A while back I almost blind bought Narcotic V and would have been very angry if I did as Nishane’s number wins a million times over.
By Kilian Roses on Ice. Again just as Angel’s Share smelled boring to me, Roses on Ice is just as boring. Does it smell unpleasant? No it smells nice and fresh but so what? It leaves no impression. None. It is a smell of a nice shampoo or a body wash. Too bad as I love Kilian in general.
Tom Ford Jonquil Noir. At first spray I decided it isn’t for me particularly but as it developed on my skin I have changed my mind and have to say it is a gorgeous one. Floral & little spicy. Reminiscent of Penhaligon’s Lily & Spice. Weirdly I haven’t smelled a Tom Ford I disliked yet. I kind of am not with his vibe 100%. But the perfumes are very very nice. Being stated that it makes me want to try Shanghai Lily even harder. Well it is ok as my Plum Japonais travel spray should be arriving today!!
I want to try Shanghai Lily too and a few bottles are on eBay but they’re way too high dollar, for me anyway.
They are way high dollar for me too but I have this weird habit of loving to torture myself ?
I’d heard that Nasomatto Narcotic V wasn’t nearly as good as their previous jasmine perfume.
I have been wondering if it is just the Narcotic V being so bland and impression-less as I do not know any other Nassomatos yet.
I’ve only tried Nuda, which was the previous jasmine from Nasomatto. It was the most expensive perfume sample I’ve ever gotten.
Really? Wow I am afraid to even ask how much that sample cost
Oh oh! Where did you find a travel spray of Plum Japonais? That’s my favourite TF but by the time I was actually earning enough to buy it, it had been discontinued…
I go to Mercari and they have some there. Good luck!!
Thank you!
Wearing Arielle Shoshanna’s Sunday today, which is rather foodie by the notes. In the warmer weather (when I would actuallly want to drink a matcha or horchata) this goes waaaaaay too aquatic on me. But in the cold weather, some of those foodie components come out, and it’s really nice.
You smell lovely and comfy and wonderful.
You smell very cozy today!
I slept! I slept! *Turns pirouettes and cartwheels* What an unusual sensation, to be relatively clear-headed, to not have that constant dull ache behind my eyes, to feel glimmers of optimism and cheer. Is this what normal people feel like every day??
Wearing Cumming today — whisky is a food.
Oooh, that inspires me to change to After Party later. (Couldn’t get my hands on any of the original Cumming.) I’m swimming in After Party after both my sister and my brother-in-law bought it for me for Christmas.
Yay for sleep and clear-headedness! Glad to hear everything went well yesterday, too!
Swimming in After Party sounds like a good life situation all around! I like that one, too — to me it smells like the original Cumming with a dram of Black March mixed in.
Yay for sleep! And you smell wonderful.
There’s nothing like being well rested. Glad you got some good sleep!
Happy to hear you got some good sleep.
For me, a good night’s sleep always induces the sense that life is more worth living. Congrats!
Yay for sleep! It makes everything easier.
Delighted for you! And yes to that whisky ?
Huzzah for a good night’s sleep! So glad you got some.
Thanks for all the huzzahs! I must confess: while I was busy sleeping, I also dreamed that Noel Fielding was my boyfriend, so it may not have been the sleep alone that made things feel upbeat. 😉
He’s so wacky and charming!
Sotd is Candy.
I have been burning a vanilla cake candle since the morning and it’s making me crave dessert. I should make myself a cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. Yum.
Scent twins!
I’m in Fils de Dieu for a chilly morning. Haven’t worn this in a while and it’s as delicious as I remember and on point for the CP.
The weather is looking perfect for the next week (50-60/days and 30-40/nights, full on sunshine ?) and it’s my last week of freedom, so I’m going to enjoy it. It was quite a bit colder here last night than it was on the valley floor in Nevada. (I’m in the mountains of Arizona now.) I don’t need a thermometer to tell me this though, because T-Rex is waiting for her breakfast in her fleece, under the covers. with her front paws tucked underneath her like a cat. She’s going to get a bit of warm scrambled eggs with her kibble, so that’ll make her a happy doggo.
We have a bunch of running around to do in town today, and I want to give doggo’s pad another day or so to heal, so no hiking today. I am looking forward to my post office run to pick up a bunch of packages including Alien Goddess (travel spray) and the Lisa Eldridge stuff I ordered. It’ll be almost like a second Christmas!
Stay well! ?
Have a great day! I will live vicariously through you as we suffer through another round of torrential rain and temps in the 40s Fahrenheit. (But, at least all the snow melted?)
Ugh! I feel for you. That constant rain in Oregon had us experiencing some serious Van Fever. I hope you get some sunshine and dry weather soon. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the rain and heavy snows in the PNW and in your area help fizzle the fire season this year. ??
Deva, I missed where you are going next, if you said?
I’ll be here for the next 3 months or so. I start work here next week, but I’m camping near town for the next several days until work starts. After that, I’m not sure. Honestly, I wanted more time off, but I really feel I need to make hay while the sun shines, as they say. There is such a huge demand right now, and as long as I’m willing to work “crisis contracts,” the pay is very good.
I just saw some statistics from the Cleveland Clinic which showed unvaccinated people make up 75% of hospitalizations, 87% ICU admissions, and 91% of ventilated patients. So, for the foreseeable future, I think things will remain very tense in acute care facilities across the country. After care is another thing altogether..!
Aha, gotcha. I understand the urge to make hay while the sun shines.
Rose Prick and a bright yellow sweater today
Love the combo!
Wonderful, just perfect for January!
Olympic Orchids Blackbird for the CP, since I got a sample of it with the Night Flyer over the holidays. I don’t think this one is me, but it’s always nice to try new things.
Supposedly the cabinetmaker is coming today to finish my the last big planned bits from the reno. (I say supposedly not because the cabinetmaker is unreliable, but because I’m not optimistic he’s going to be able to finish it. I think the designer / electrician miscalculated on the location of the refrigerator outlet — they didn’t look at the specs for the refrigerator — and the fridge is not going to be able to slide in all the way to be flush with the cabinets once the front panels are put on.) Wish me luck!
Oh good luck. The stress from our last remodel may keep me from redoing much for a while. (It all turned out fine, just stressful due to all those things like what your concern above!)
Wishing you the best!
Oh, very good luck!
Wearing L’aromatica Kulfi for the CP.
Having my third cup of coffee with a handful of chocolate filled marshmallows. Almost ready to go to a site visit. Not really appreciating that on such cold day!?
Happy Wednesday, everyone! ?
Yay for a hot beverage with marshmallows! This is definitely the time of year for that. ?☕
Absolutely! ☕️?
Chocolate-filled marshmallows are a thing that have been invented??
Zingerman’s accidentally sent me a package of their house-made chocolate marshmallows with a recent order, and they were *insanely* good. Like the love child of a marshmallow and a truffle.
I saw the Stuffed Puffs marshmallows for the first time in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if that’s a new thing. They come in two flavors: the regular vanilla flavor stuffed with chocolate and the chocolate flavor filled with chocolate (my favorite).
SERIOUSLY, that was my first thought…how did I not know? And how did it take so long to come up with them?
Happy Wednesday dear PL67! Hope things are looking bright in your world today ❤️
Thank you, DolceVita! ?. I had a busy but healthy and productive day!’ I hope yours was also bright and cheerful!
Thank you so much! It was both of those things, for some reason I do not yet understand (the past six months or so have been very grey) so I am happy to be here ? Very glad to hear of your good day too.
CP compliant in Cuir Beluga – a no brainer perfume for me – cuddly, easy, fluffy.
The Fortnum & Mason advent calendar I ordered yesterday is supposedly already arriving here today, and I am looking forward to trying it. Seeing that it is no longer Advent, nothing is stopping me from just opening up all the little windows immediately, right? 🙂
You smell great today! And I agree that you should feel free to open all the little windows to see what your choices are.
Thanks! And I know that I’ll feel all guilty about it…
Looking forward to hearing about your tea adventures with that Advent calendar!
I’ll let you know! I spoke too soon, alas: today arrived the Christmas tea from F&M that I also ordered on clearance. Will try the Tisane in a moment.
The F&M black christmas tea is my most favorite tea. Soooooo good!
I’ll try it tomorrow AM, then!
I was just thinking how weird it is that we have Advent calendars, but somebody doesn’t make a “long winter calendar” for the boring cold weather of Jan / Feb.
I’m a Coco bomb, in the edp and body lotion. I was actually a little hesitant to stand too close to the man fixing the pavement outside while I was talking to him, lest he should become asphyxiated!
In other strange and wonderful news, it looks like the Treasury will be minting a quarter featuring Maya Angelou. I am delighted!
You smell wonderful as a Coco bomb.
Agreed! ?
OF, did anyone already take you up on that Supra Floral decant yesterday? I was just catching up on comments this morning and am interested if it’s still available. Happy to swap you something, of course!
Nope. It’s yours! Ping me with your vitals 🙂
Woot! Will email you this afternoon! ?
I believe these are already available. I am resisting getting them because I am so over the special quarters ever since we had to dig out of what dad accumulated of the state quarters over the years.
HA, I have 3 sets! What for?? I guess I will keep them for emergency change.
Prada Candy for me today, and why don’t I wear this more often. I know the answer – my bottle is a cute little 1 oz and it was at the very back of the cabinet. It smells so good.
And thanks for all the encouraging comments yesterday about my foot progress! I know it has nothing to do with perfume but this is such a nice, caring corner of the internet, and you guys are all so nice, it’s a safe spot to share. ❤️
“Come for the perfume, stay for the company!” ?
Perfect, absolutely!
Seriously. Y’all are lifesavers! ?
I used 2/3 of a larger bottle (60mL but I could be wrong) one year – it was so good!
Oh that’s good to know, I feel an enabler award coming on 🙂
I keep debating about that cute 1oz bottle. But I really ought to use up my samples first! Too bad the travel spray isn’t a mini version of the regular bottle.
Gourmand of the day is Lost Cherry, and yesterday it was Léa. I happily have a BUB travel spray of Lost Cherry now as I found a good deal on a barely used one from one of the Facebook perfume groups.
I’m nursing a sore shoulder, arm, and outer pec muscle after falling on my butt walking home Monday evening. I live on a super steep hill and have always thought one day I’m going to slip on a rainy day on this particular sidewalk. It’s the kind of concrete with rocks mixed in, which I think is supposed to be helpful with added texture for gripping, but instead my slippery sole of my worn-down walking shoe met up with slippery rock in the sidewalk. I threw my arm behind me to brace my fall, which means my butt and leg never got sore but my arm and shoulder sure are! It was actually quite funny to me in the moment especially since I wasn’t badly hurt. After a 3.5 mile walk, here I am falling just steps away from being home!
Ouch – glad it was not too bad!
Thanks, me too!
I too think it’s sort of funny to fall or rather I feel idiotic, hope your arm will be better soon.
Thanks, Aurora.
Excellent gourmand choices!
I know that sidewalk texture well and I don’t like it — it seems more slippery than plain concrete. Hope you heal fast.
Thank you, D!
Ouch! Hope the arm and shoulder will stop hurting soon.
You smell great! I love Lost Cherry.
The only perfume groups I have found on FB for swapping/trading/selling seem all to be male dominated, which is fine except that the scents are usually not interesting to me. May I ask for more info? (unless that violates policy of course, Robin!).
Try Eau My Swap.
My preferred Facebook fragrance groups are Eau My Swap and Femme Fragheads. I definitely know what you mean about other male dominated groups there.
Thanks for the input!
Yow! Glad that you are only feeling sore from your tumble. It could have been a lot worse.
Glad you are ok but ouch.
Oh no! Sending healing vibes. I know what you mean about it being funny tho. Last year I wiped out on our back landing and I am so glad the security camera caught it, because watching it on video is hilarious. (Which just made me think of America’s Funniest Home Videos. RIP Bob Saget).
Ouch! I hope they heal quickly! If you are not hurting so much now, you’re definitely on the mend.
Oof — glad to hear you weren’t badly hurt, but no fun. Hope you’re all better very soon!
Ouch! Hope you don’t get terrible bruises too.
A much cooler day here, not in the least summery. I’ll warm myself up with Arquite’s Anima Dulcis.
You smell delectable!
Sampling Basilico & Fellini for its basil note
Do you like it?
I have had a perfume habit for over 20 years. This year my sister bought me a wonderful bottle of FM Dans tes Bras. Finally they have picked up the very unsubtle clues about what I like. I am grateful, and just thought it was funny as I talked about ones I like often. So I am wearing Dans tes Bras today.
What a great gift! Notice I didn’t day “finally!”…
yes maybe another in the next 20 years ha ha
You smell great!
I think so !
Aw, that’s sweet!
Wearing Christmas gift scarf of peach silk, and working on big sample/little decant of Puredistance Antonia. Much of my decant-emptying is painless, as they are backed up by full bottles. Keeping these empty decants with the hope that I will refill them once I start travelling again.
I used to save the emptied samples / decants (not many since I am not disciplined) but I have decided to go for broke and threw them out.
I love marzipan – by itself or in a pastry or cake!
SOTD: Ylang-Ylang espresso from Floral Street(sample). I think that this is their version of Black Opium. Slight medicinal edge but turns into a very pretty floral/coffee/baby powder scent. I would perhaps prefer Black Opium Neon but this is very nice!
We have a bit of sunshine, so a nice walk around the neighborhood is called for!
A package of marzipan in my house often never ends up as part of a recipe!
This is why I buy two packages! 🙂
Cheers Ede! Your posts on this brand have made me want to try more of their perfumes (also, your extremely detailed review of Beaty Pie: wow, and thanks). Also: so happy to read recently about your good experiences at work, and your holiday trip. Sending you good wishes for the new year and all it brings!
Beauty Pie ?
Oh Gosh!
Thank you so much! Floral Street does a sampler; I highly suggest getting that!
Beauty Pie’s fragrances are wonderful BUT VERY LIGHT AND AIRY. They are more like skin scents for some- I am a human candle and seem to beam fragrances out, so they work for me. Their skin products and cosmetics are really good, very comparable to high end department store brands.
Thank you! ?
Scent free so far, but craving orange blossom. I’m away from home, so my choices are limited to what I *thought* I might want (I seldom get this right). I should just go poke through what I have on hand; I’m certain I could dig up something.
Sampled yesterday: Chloe Nomade Eau de Toilette. I liked it, but not ready to buy a bottle. (Might have lost my mind & control in a jewelry store over the holidays and thus am being a bit more careful with the $$)
Reading: These Precious Days by Ann Patchett. Checked out Parnassus Books yesterday, which was a treat.
Oh I know- I have NEVER had what I want to hand when on my travels. I always get my skincare and books right-but never my perfumes. Do I not pack enough??
Adding to the chorus: I so rarely pack the right perfume! So frequently, I end up not wearing any on vacation.
Pretty sure that I wouldn’t pick the right vakay perfume, so I don’t wear any.
I had to go to the grocery store today after checking NST, and I had to resist the call of the baking aisle for marzipan. SoTD Aura edp along with the body cream. Rhubarb pie and Pogo Paste. Both of which I have eaten, one much more recently than the other. 8o
Never heard of Pogo paste and had to ? once I found out what it was!
Same here!
Also clueless about Pogo Paste. And Duck Duck Go was useless, so I had to Google.
Happy hump day.
Wearing Parisian Musk from Matiere Premiere
I have this one on my sample list.
I have a discovery set waiting its turn to be tested!
If anyone has a good recommendation on chocolate covered marzipan in the US, I would love to hear it. I love LA Burdick but they are pricey and I can no longer justify their exuberant shipping!
I like the chocolate covered marzipan from See’s
I love the chocolate covered marzipan from See’s too! It’s straightforward, and really tasty.
Godiva’s marzipan hearts are my favorite, but I think they are only offered around Valentine’s day. I buy a lot whenever I see them.
Ooo, thanks for this tip!
These maybe aren’t on the high end of things, but my chocolate marzipan go-tos when I’m out and about (I love marzipan) are Rittersport Marzipan and Niederegger hearts, which I can usually find year-round in local stores.
Match! I really like both of these ?
Today I continued the Angel series with Angel Men as it was then – my bottle is vintage – each time I wear it I reflect that this men’s version is easier to wear. Tonight, I reached for Mont Blanc pour Femme, clearly inspired by Angel, it’s a bit of a fruit fest at first but it has a very creamy drydown.
I like A*men better as well, the women’s version smells bad on me.
Yes, there is something less dense, more uplifting about the men version, perhaps the mint has this effect.
Perfume cousins again today!
?You and Lillyjo have been my cousins several times this week.
SOTD is Blue Lotus by TRNP. It’s one of few gourmand perfumes that I really love. It smells like a vanilla custard and lasts all day on clothes. Yum!
It’s so nice to see you posting again!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Blue Lotus – I have a sample and now am really looking forward to trying it.
Hi Holly.! It’s really nice to connect with you!
I hope it works for you. It is sweet in a custardy way but not a straight-up vanilla.
I’m curious if you’ve tried Teone Reinthal’s Irises? It is my favorite from her line. Of course, perfume is subjective. ?
Thank you! I haven’t tried Irises, but I just looked it up and it sounds like something I’d love! Doesn’t seem to be available here – did you order it from her website?
I did order from her website.
I think I got a sample of this from you … now to look for it!
It’s worth a test.
You smell wonderful! I have Blue Lotus but keep forgetting to wear it. Will pull it out for tomorrow.
SOTD = Guerlain Gourmand Coquin
Because LizzieB wore it earlier this week AND because it is gourmand! Don’t fall off your chair if you decide to click on the link:
Back to work since I played hooky.
That owl *could* double as a Halloween decoration!
That’s exactly what it was – Halloween decoration. It also came in black and bronze, just like these cats:
Those cats aren’t nearly as unnerving as that owl is!
True, although the cats cat and look judge mental.
Great owl! He looks like he’s guarding the bottle. … As he should!
Thanks. It is indeed a two-fer: pretty creepy and acting as a guard!
So Gourmand Coquin is discontinued, until they get it back in stock at the fountains in the Paris flagship Guerlain store. I am on the waiting list. 🙂
No CP because I had a dream last night that involved Guerlain being discussed, and I decided Chamade was in order. Had a nice two-hour lunch with someone I have gotten to know since this summer, so that was nice.
Sargent is one of my absolute favorite artists. So, so good. He and Manet – kindred spirits.
You inspired me to wear Gourmand Coquin!
Lunch with a friend sounds so wonderful.
Hello perfume friends, have been reading but not commenting lately, but it’s been so nice to see how everyone is doing (not nice to see the hard times, but such is life, and I’m sending hugs to everyone who feels the weight of the daily struggle). Today I am in Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile, and I am wearing a purple silk dress that matches the beautiful purple leather travel case my 20ml bottle lives in. Another marzipan fan here, my favourite is Niederegger (German brand) but Mr Dolce makes a wonderful marzipan, thanks to Claudia Roden’s Jewish cookery book. She is my favourite cookery writer and her favourite perfume is Diorissimo ❤️
Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile in a purple silk dress sounds perfect!
(And also that book looks wonderful, I am going to see if I can get it from my library. If she loves Diorissimo she must be a good person, too.)
I got a chuckle while browsing around the Internet last night. A while back, at least 1 NSTer had said that the Loubiworld perfumes ought to be in a coffret. So what did I come across ?
SOTD = Angel Eau Croisiere EdT, 2020 version, from the sample stash. Definitely picking up on the fig in this one. I’m keeping it in the Angel family this week, it seems.
What do you think of Angel Croisiere? I’m always in the market for a tropical fruity fragrance once spring rolls around.
Definitely a lighter version of Angel, and definitely fruity. Not very tropical to my nose, though. “Summer-y” might be a better adjective.
Thanks, that sounds good.
Be advised that there is a rather identifiable fig fruit note in this, so if you are a fig hater avoid!
I find Angel Croisiere 2019 (in the pink and peach bottle) to be more tropical-y (2019 has mango where the 2020 has fig). Kind of like Pulp, but toned down and on a tropical vacation.
I like the Mugler way with fig, it was the only thing I liked about Womanity.
Ouch the price of the coffret.
Yeah. ?
Wow! For that price, I’d rather get a bottle of something I’ve been coveting.
Or just spring for the shoes!
True, but I’m impressed they did the caps.
I’m not even going to look ?
It’s steep!
I have committed a crime towards my wallet and bought a Shalini Amorem ?. It is hand of hard for me to think of a more expensive perfume at least per ml.
Kind of hard*
Now that you are committed, you might as well enjoy the excess! ?
Oops this was for majokkobiachan …
SOTD is Scents of Wood Plum in Cognac partially for the CP, but mostly bc it was in front and looking cute. I get plum, cognac, and baking spices from this one.
Tea of the day is Snowflake. Haven’t had it in a while and forgot how much I liked it.
Sounds warming!
It is kind of Christmas-plum-pudding-y.
In the middle of inventory, so posting and running.
Sotd is AG Cloud body spray. It’s pretty much worn itself out though.
Inventory, ugh. Not fun at all!