Ready or not, it's Monday again! It’s also World Press Freedom Day and International Sun Day. (And the swapmeet is open through tomorrow, or until I remember to close it, whichever comes first.) What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm heading home from a week with family, wearing a bit of creamsicle via Weleda Sea Buckthorn body lotion. I will be incommunicado for most of the day.
Reminder: 5/7 will be "I really shouldn't have"...wear a fragrance you shouldn't have bought, you shouldn't wear, or shouldn't ? (This project was suggested by Katrina, and I can't find the original comment so I hope I have captured her meaning.)
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2021, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is holding dove [cropped] by cloud.shepherd at flickr; some rights reserved.
I’m in a glug of Gendarme Rage, which smells like a drastically simplified Opium — spiced orange peel atop the usual oriental base notes like patchouli, opoponax, and myrrh. Very nice on a cool day, especially if you find Opium a bit much.
That actually sounds really nice.
Good morning NST! I loved this weekend’s book Spring Reading List poll. I added probably 15 books to my reading list.
Today, I’m wearing Bvlgari’s Pour Femme, with notes of iris and violet. Powdery and soft.
Currently reading Robert E. Lee and Me, so interesting and loaded with information.
Wow! 15! You’ve got a lot of reading to do.?
They Bulgarian is a really good one. I gave it to my mom one year, and she wore it frequently.
I adore it, I think it’s a lovely scent when I can’t decide what to spritz.
Ahhh totally missed the reading poll. Was flat out after my shingles vaccine. (Convo with pharmacist, “You mean COVID vaccine, right?” Me, “No. Shingles.” Pharmacist, “COVID?” Me: “No.”)
Will read through this evening. I almost always find one or two books to add to my list.
My husband is due for his second shingles vaccine, has already had both Covids. Hopefully he won’t have too many bad effects. Hope you are feeling better now!
I had side effects after my second Shingles shot also. Woke up incredibly sore all over my body the day after my shot. Like I’d physically overdone it. And was tired. I was fine the next day.
I always get strong side-effects–to vaccines and medications. It is very annoying, but I have come to expect it–and well worth it if I can avoid getting shingles ever again!
My sister got shingles last week, one week after getting the covid vaccine! So yeah, worth it.
Ah, I hope you feel better! Mr. SmokeyToes took a nice long nap after his shingles vaccine.
You smell lovely! My mom wore that one, but her bottle didn’t have the “pour femme” script on the bottle. I’m thinking she bought it when it was first released…? Her bottle has a a hairspray note at first, but the drydown is wonderful.
Safe travels Robin!
Starting off I really shouldn’t have week in Carnal Flower. Spent the weekend in Terracotta and for someone who doesn’t like florals, I really like that one! Is it true it’s discontinued?
I’m trying to enjoy this Monday off and not feel too anxious about all that I have to get done in the next three weeks.? I have to finish up my own schooling, get my college daughter moved out of her apartment, and file our taxes. *deep breaths* I got this. I received an email from my university on Friday that since I am completing my bachelors in nursing from the same school I earned my associates degree in, I have earned enough credits to graduate cum laude. I was so nervous about going back to school at my age and now I am feeling quite proud of myself. Hope that I don’t sound too braggadocious.
Congrats on your academic achievement! Can you be too brag delicious?
Congratulations! You should be proud…and bragging is entirely appropriate!
Do you have a full bottle of Terracotta?
No, I have a decant from STC, but I’ve been eyeing the 15 ml bottle on fragrancenet. That’s the perfect size for me.
I can send you a decant if you like. I have a full bottle and likely won’t go through it. Just have to dig it out and find my decant supplies.
Ok! That would be great! We can make it a swap, I’ll gladly send you a decant of something too. Do you still have my email?
(That big bottle is so pretty, but I’d never go through a whole bottle either)
A celebration is in order! Congratulations! Which bottle will you be getting ??
Thanks! Lol, that’s a good question…I’ve thought about a bottle of Dear Polly, a Le Labo, or maybe a personalized creation from waft. Decisions, decisions.
You should absolutely feel braggadocious — congratulations on your achievement!
Thank you!
Congratulations! My husband changed careers at age 39 and is considering starting an MBA at 41. He always feels like he’s behind some imaginary benchmark, and your success reminds me that those timelines are arbitrary. I also agree with hajusuuri that you need a celebration bottle!
irisjasmine, I teach at a community college, and returning students are the best!
Thanks! And I totally agree about arbitrary timelines. I said I would *never* go back to school again, and lesson learned. I will never say never again.?
That’s not braggadocious, it’s just fact. Congratulations!
Thanks Vee!?
That’s so great and not bragging at all! Congrats!!
Thank you!?
Congratulations, madtowngirl! And you can definitely get everything done, one step at a time!
You smell amazing!
Thanks! Yes, one step at a time. I’m a big list maker and I’m just trying to take it a day at a time.
Excellent! WooHoo! That’s great news and congratulations to you!
Thank you!?
Congratulations! So happy for you!
Thanks pl67!?
I think you deserve a BIG congratulations! That’s a major accomplishment and you are rightfully proud. Good for you.
Thank you!?
Wonderful. Really excellent. You done good, girl!
Lol, thanks Oakland Fresca!?
Bravo!! Well done.
Thanks cazaubon!?
?awesome lillyjo, thanks!?
Well done!
Thanks Aurora!?
It’s not bragging to say how great you are, when it is clearly stating a fact. Congratulations!
Ha! Thanks!?
Congrats on your achievement
Thank you!?
Zero braggadociousness in acknowledging your achievement, and congratulations! And you smell like heaven in your Carnal Flower!
Thanks! Carnal flower is one of the few florals I actually really like.
Congratulations! That is awesome and worth telling people.
Thank you!?
Congrats to you!!!! That’s awesome! And you smell great.
Thanks KellyC!?
Adding my heart-felt congratulations! That is so wonderful!
One of my friend’s mother went back to nursing school when we were just in university. I thought it was awesome that she would do that. She ended up being at the top of her class upon graduation!
Thanks! That is awesome. One of my colleagues went to nursing school at the same time as her son and they graduated together. I thought that was pretty cool.
You should be bragging! Well done! I hope the next three weeks pass smoothly. Can’t wait to toast you from afar on the day you graduate! ??
Thanks sistine! I will be toasting for sure!?
Congratulations! Perfume, Champagne, bottles and more bottles!
Thanks allo!?
Not at all boastful! Congratulations on your achievement! ?✨??
Thank you Jalapeño!?
What fantastic news!! Way to go. Taxes are nothing next to that 🙂
Ha, I hope! Thank you!?
Hey, toot your horn and bang on your drum! You’ve done something really awesome for yourself and you deserve to be proud. ?
Thanks Nancyleandros!?
Completing an educational degree or certificate as an adult with a busy schedule is ALWAYS brag worthy!!!!
Pat yourself on the back, you have most assuredly earned it!
Thanks teebear!?
I’m pretty sure that as a massage therapist, I shouldn’t be wearing perfume to work but that hasn’t stopped me from wearing perfume nearly every day for more than a decade. This logic will hold true for the rest of the week. SOTD is Samarinda
That’s a “shouldn’t” I approve of! ?
I’m sure you would have stopped if any objections had been raised.
If no one is complaining, no worries!
Fighting scent-phobia one massage at a time!
Honestly, a nice perfume would make a massage even better for me.
I am wearing YSL Paris and drinking a cup of chocolate mint tea.
You smell fabulous! ?
I forgot about the CP and reached for an old favorite: Infusion d’Iris Absolue. Enjoying my gentle iris cloud.
Some of my students are presenting performance projects today, and they’re amazing. They worked through all of the challenges of filming over Zoom and/or at a distance. I am so proud and delighted!
It’s remarkable what kids can do under bad circumstances. I’m glad you get to see these great products!
It’s public holiday here so still no work today.
I’m starting to feel better and I didn’t get any sick leave from my doctor so I guess I’ll be back in the lab tomorrow.
SotD is Ambra di Luna from Monegal.
Glad you are feeling better Lucasai!
Glad you’re starting to feel a bit better!
SOTD is Lancome Mille et Une Roses today because it feels like a rose day and yes, I should have. I’m not a huge rose fan, although it’s fine as a note in a mix, but I’ll always be glad I have this one in my collection. Need to do some thinking about which one for Friday, but I have several I could choose from.
On a separate note, I spent yesterday afternoon happily planting veggie starts and seeds in my brand new raised bed planter. So excited!
I’m looking forward to doing the same!
You smell fantastic!! Always liked that one.
Today is/was my grandmothers birthday, so I’m wearing a previous drop of Je Revien perfume in her honor.
Going out later for a big grocery stock up. We are opening our cabin in Northern Minnesota so need ALL the basics plus 5 days of food and beverages. The cabins on an island so no just going to the store if we forget anything! ?
Previous?! ?. I meant precious.
Yay for Je Revien. I’ve been wearing it, too, but not today. I still find it so unique and beautiful.
Oops – make that Je Reviens.
That sounds like a wonderful retreat – I hope the shopping went well!!
Grandmothers are so precious. Happy Birthday to yours.
Have fun at your cabin!
In Feminite du Bois, from a sample sent by a generous NSTer. I never got a whiff of the original, but this one feels interesting enough–when I tried it last week, all I got was cumin. I am a bit of a cuminophobe. But this morning is it coming together nicely. Not a perfume I need, especially as the cumin-monster will always be there threatening to jump out and bite me. But today it is nice.
It is not a perfume I really need either, although I’m happy to have my small travel spray.
I’m going to leave the CP for Friday because all of my “shouldn’t haves” are things I cannot wear at all comfortably. Eep.
SOTD is the Robin-recommended layering of Eau des Merveilles with Eau Claire des Merveilles. I switched it up to equal parts rather than two-to-one, and it’s nice!
Half twins! I’m in Eau des Merveilles.
You both are smelling great!
Sampling Chanel Boy today. I really like it, feels energizing without being a total freshie, and quite perfect for this sunny day.
In other good fragrance news, I unearthed my old Goutal bottles and found that they haven’t turned, hooray! Le Chevrefeuille smelled amazing, and Grand Amour smelled just as I remembered it. I didn’t spritz my third bottle, Ce Soir ou Jamais, but I’m not sure I’d wear it anymore anyways. I’m keeping it for sentimental reasons.
Le Chevrefeuille is one of my absolute favorites! It’s like optimism in a bottle!
One of my favorites, too! We had planned a trip to France last September (obviously that didn’t happen). But my plan was to purchase a bottle of Le Chevrefeuille as a memento of the trip. I hope they’re still making it when I finally get there!
I hope they are too, but if not, I’m sure there’ll be something else that’s just as wonderful to buy as a souvenir.
Huzzah for your Goutal perfumes being in good shape!
Yay for your bottles still being in great shape!
I loved Ce Soir ou Jamais many years ago!
It was the perfume I wore the night I met Mr. Teebear (who doesn’t actually like perfumes but is very patient).
Turns out it’s also one of only 3 perfumes he REALLY has had a hard time with though, so eventually my bottle was donated away ?
Not sure how I’d find it now, but back then it was just my style. Hope yours also has fond memories attached.
I’m in Flower Oriental, by Kenzo. It’s a slightly smokier take on the Flower series, but not anything one “shouldn’t” wear. It sits fairly close to the skin, even 10 minutes in. I rarely wear it, because there are so many other scents I like better (and can smell more), but for some reason it called to me today. I might top it a little later with something I shouldn’t.
Happy Monday, everybody.
I call it a Gauzy Oriental, something wearble in the summer. I have it too, and while it’s nice I also find myself reaching for other perfumes.
You make that one sound great!
Wearing Bottega Veneta L’Absolu, which is just as beautiful as the original but turned up a few notches, and in a prettier bottle.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that one mentioned.
The BV bottles are so chic.
Have been commando for a while due to house-hunting anxiety, wore a bit of Aziyadé last night which I probably shouldn’t have, it’s a commitment. Today just a drop of PHI Rose de Kandahar.
How is the house hunting going? Good, I hope.?The market is crazy here.
The market is totally insane here. People are buying cash, $100k over the asking price with no inspection. I know San Francisco is worse but sheesh. This is not what I was expecting.
Ugh. That sounds stressful. Best of luck to you!
Yep, DC area too — my sister is trying to buy a house. They may give up and rent for a year until the market calms.
In my area, there is virtually no housing stock, so I bet it is the same here but I have not checked.
I would do that too, except the prices have gone up by 28% since last year, so if we wait we might not be able to buy at all…
For what it’s worth, Colorado is the same. We’ve already been outbid on two.
Such a bummer! Our agent said one of her buyers got outbid five times. 🙁
This is tough! Which specific town are you looking at? A friend’s cousin has a house in Richmond.
We are on Vancouver Island, looking in Qualicum Beach & Parksville.
I hope you are able to find a house that you love!
At this point, any house in the area I want that is structurally sound will have to do, I doubt I will have the luxury of getting something I love.
That sounds so stressful. I am taking some deep breaths for you. You smell wonderful.
Thank you, it is extremely stressful. Viewed one house we really liked and were about to make an offer when we found out the development doesn’t allow RVs to be parked on the property, so we had to pass it up as we have a truck & camper.
Hope that you aren’t in for a long house-hunting slog, yuck.
I fear that will be the case…
Trying to use up my sample of Grand Chalet–it’s really hanging around a lot longer than I would have thought. I’ve got 1-2 more days worth, at 5 sprays/day. Not quite at Hajusuuri levels for this one…
Almost, got to start somewhere ?
Inspired by thegoddessrena’s comment, I’m wearing Andrea Maack Coven because I shouldn’t have worn it to work. When I used to share an office with my colleague, she did not enjoy this perfume and nicely let me know. She is especially sensitive to certain scents and thought this smelled like tobacco or cigars. Fair enough, it really is too strong for the office and I learned my lesson. I can’t recall all the perfumes of mine she’s objected to (I think there are 5 or 6), but she also did not enjoy Jour d’Hermes. I was wearing it from an evaporated decant that had become richer and thicker, so I’m sure that’s why it was too intense for the office.
What a coincidence! I was looking for a particular perfume and had I not moved the two small boxes, I probably would have found the decant, but as you know, decants multiply worse than rabbits, absolutely no pun intended. Well, some samples pretty much evaporated to nothing, while others have a tiny bit left and I’m not even sure if I want to take the time to rehab. I also found a decant of SL Cuir Maresque which still had a decent amount left and not gummy looking at all, but I am pretty sure a good amount had evaporated. Do I dare wear 8 sprays of this? ?
That might be lethal. :-0
I may layer. No death by perfume here!
Heck yeah! But on a day when you can take a shower in an hour if necessary.
Right? Maybe tomorrow is not a good day. Literally back to backs from 8am to 1pm!
This is a basic question, but when you say “rehab it”, what are you doing? Are you reconstituting it, like adding alcohol? If you have time, what do you use, please?
Heh, I have never rehabbed any perfume; however I have heard that one can use Everclear alcohol to thin it out. I heard even vodka would work.
I should know that already! I know I have vodka in the cabinet. Between that and the ethanol suggestion from trf, I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow. Thank you hajusuuri! ?
Nancy, I have rehabbed some evaporated decants with perfumer’s alcohol, which is mostly ethanol.
I think we have some ethanol around here somewhere. Thank you for the suggestion, therabbitsflower! ?
Oh do please report back on your rehab venture!
Will do!
Eek, I would not just go for 8 sprays out of the gate with an evaporated perfume. But if you’re feeling brave…
I would, but it’s pretty syrupy…
Tomorrow, but will have a few sprays of Rose Anonyme, ala SheriG
Robin, you smell great in your Weleda Sea Buckthorn! I used a bottle of the oil as a belly rub all through my pregnancy and it was the loveliest treat (even when I was too queasy for actual treats).
I had to work on Saturday so took today off in order to give myself an adequate mental break from work and to try to get a handle on the piles of dahlia tubers needing to be planted in my garden. I think I kept ordering them through the winter as a way of offsetting pandemic-induced sorrow and ennui, and since there was a fair bit of that *and* since I didn’t read the fine print and realize that each one I bought was actually a two-pack, I have a ridiculous amount of planting to do in short order. Wearing La Chasse Aux Papillons in honor of the very warm, bee-hummy spring weather, and it was a hit with my son this morning, who followed me around the house inhaling and saying “I can still smell your beautiful spring flowers!”
Your son is a pip!
Yay for bringing up the next generation of perfumistas!
Hope you got all those dahlias in!!
Awww so cute! You smell great!
Lots of Camelia Chinois today, maybe I will thunk the bottle this summer. Spent my first holiday morning at the dentist. Made Gimbap rolls for lunch and went to a garden center for some plants with the boyfriend.
I am still working on my corduroy jacket, think I will finish it tomorrow.
Mmmmm gimbap
Yessss another vote for gimbap! I really need to make that more often.
Bees Bliss, in honor of No Mow May – give those pollinators something to work with!
Another run to the recycling center to toss moving boxes and paper in the bins designated for our town. It’s foggy and damp here today, with intermittent showers. Stopped at the local lavender place and bought some more of their lavender-chamomile guest soaps. I found them to be less drying than most soaps, so I want them in the bathrooms. Then a quick stop at the town hardware. I love hardware stores that have everything you need.
Hardware stores are one of my favourite places to visit when I am in another country. Don’t know how many years I was in England before I figured out what an ironmonger’s was…!
I love hardware stores! And that soap sounds great.
As the resident lawn mower, No mow May is my kind of month!
I learn something new here almost every day. Today it was about “No Mow May”!
I just learned recently. Our new town participates, and I’ve read articles about the benefit of waiting a bit longer to weed and clean up the garden. It helps the bees and butterflies. And birds.
All major wins in my book! ?????
Me too! What a great idea! Don’t have a lawn myself but will remember it if ever I do.
Wearing a sample of Byredo’s Black Saffron. Pretty nice, especially on a cool day, but but no need to buy a bottle after it’s gone.
I really like that one! You smell great.
Perfumes I shouldn’t have bought!?! Practically all of them, it’s not like I didn’t have enough a long time ago 🙂
Drama of the weekend – getting the fire brigade to rescue one of our cats! She had been missing for a couple of days and had somehow got inside the wall of a neighbouring rental property. I couldn’t find any maintenance people who would come out on a Sunday morning and cut through the plasterboard, and the SPCA recommended calling the fire brigade. She was fine, but very hungry and thirsty.
SOTD, my new bottle of Fort and Manle’s Amber Absolutely, the latest thing I shouldn’t have bought.
Oh, what an adventure! So glad you got your cat back safe and sound. The local fire crew rescued my parents’ cat years ago — none of us could believe that was an actual thing and not just a cliché in cartoons!
Awww glad kitty was rescued!
Oh no but glad kitty is safe!
Aww, glad she was brought back home!
Poor kitty! I am glad she is fine!
Oh no! Poor kitty! Good to hear that she is out of trouble at last and doing well.
Yay for cat rescue
Congratulations on rescued kitty and new bottle! All good news. 🙂
Wow, I’m so glad they were able to rescue the kitty!!!
Awww, I’m glad your kitty was rescued! ?
Omg so glad you were able to find and rescue kitty! Hopefully she is at least temporarily repentant and doesn’t try it again.
Welp, finally in Colorado! Yay! After moving all my perfume yet again, I’m bound and determined to use up some samples and decants. On that note, I am in Bottega Profumiera Gourmand. It’s definitely gourmand! Pretty, too sweet for me overall though.
On that note, I’m gathering a little goodie bag of about 30 samples I know just don’t work for me, so no need to power through them. I’d like to send them to someone to “thin the herd”. Any takers? First come, first serve- say “Dibs!” and then email me. My email is under my gravatar. 🙂
You move fast! How long will you be staying at the hotel?
Our company will pay for the hotel (it’s like an extended stay studio kinda thing) for up to 90 days. So hopefully we can get a house within the next month and then a month to close. We are hoping not more than 8 weeks-ish. That’s how it worked out in California. ?
The real estate scene in the Denver area is still crazy, according to family I have there.
Oh I know. It was in California too. Worked out for us as a seller but not so much as a buyer. Every house has like 10 offers on it. We aren’t extremely picky though so hopefully that will help. ?
I was shocked to hear that in BC, normal closing time is 60-90 days. :-0. So we really need to find a place this month as we are paying $2000 a month in Airbnbs. I had no idea it was this bad plus I did not do enough research.
Best of luck to you in your new location!
Wow, I missed the move to Colorado! I love that state. I hope you settle in quickly.
Good luck for your househunting in CO!
Dibs.Thank you!
SOTD = Chris Rusak Resonance
It’s a Frankenblend of Io and Timbre – ❤️. I wore this yesterday as well and it was different from my wear today and the only things similar are spiciness and earthiness!
In other news, methinks I may be able to finish my taxes on time with the extended deadline. I am keeping fingers, eyes and toes crossed.
So I mentioned over the weekend that we had Family Zoom on Saturday. My niece’s 2.5 years old daughter was with them and she likes to cook / bake along with my sister in law, but she kept going in and out of Zoom range. She came back with her face full of flour and my SIL came running after her and said she managed to turn on the mixer to the highest speed. Err, uhh, far be it for me to criticize but I will – she did not watch her closely enough! They were lucky it was a mixer and not something else more dangerous. SMH ??♀️.
How does a 2.5 year old have access to a mixer unsupervised? Asking for trouble, sounds like she got it.
My sister in law was in the kitchen with her but was probably a little too far!
Good grief! She could have picked up a knife, kitchen shears, a grater….!!!
That was what I was thinking!
I’m amazed that a 2.5 year old could even reach a mixer. Was it on the floor?
No, but I would be willing to bet it was on the lower kitchen island counter. She still would have had to use a step stool.
LOL at “Frankenblend”!
And SMH about the 2.5 year old’s kitchen misadventures. Kids that age need to be watched like a hawk! I was amazed at the hijinks that friends’ toddlers got into even with parents in the same room.
I agree! I think she is still too young but what do I know? ??♀️
As to Frankenblend, it sure was!
I laugh at envisioning her face covered in flour, but indeed, a 2.5 year old can get into SO much so quickly!
Late to the party! I am in JM Mimosa & Cardamom.
It was a very busy day with meetings and submissions. Glad the day is over! I am finally having my afternoon coffee, but late. Off now to make something fast for dinner.
Hope everyone is having a good Monday. ?
You smell lovely.
Thank you! ?
Did you have something tasty for dinner?
Pasta Primavera and sautéed lemon shrimp. Quick to make and tasty!
You sure did have something tasty! ?
Happy Monday, PL67!
Oh, it’s very definitely a Monday. And I am SO not ready. I’m also still not quite 100%, post-vaccine. My stamina is shot, much like after a nasty cold. The only lingering physical symptoms are achy kneecaps, and a very sore armpit.
Updated news on my Mom’s situation: heart attack and broken bones of any kind have been definitively ruled out. She has had a CAT scan, and is still going to get an MRI. Doctors are thinking that maybe she had another stroke despite not presenting any signs when she was admitted. And nothing indicating that was found on the CAT scan. But at present this is speculative. My Mom will have to go to a rehab facility after her release, since physically she is very weak. The hospital will take care of transport for that.
My brother was dealing with yesterday’s events on 4 hours of sleep, and then worked a full shift. I have decided that he has complete rights to FML. ?
SOTD = commando, but am wearing scented lotion on my shins. It’s my “Perfume/Not Perfume” option.
A lot to deal with, hugs.
Thanks Aurora!
I’m sorry your family is going through this, Jalapeno. Hopefully the MRI will shed some light on your mom’s situation. Hugs to you, dear.
Thank you! Right now we have a lot of IDK to deal with.
I missed the initial episode, but sending healing prayers for your mom!
It happened yesterday, so you aren’t terribly far behind. Thanks for the prayers.
I’m so sorry about your mom Jalapeño. Glad to hear she didn’t break anything in her fall, sending good thoughts your way.
Thanks madtowngirl! Greatly appreciate any and all good vibes.
Oh wow, that’s a lot to deal with. Sending good vibes to you and your brother and healing vibes to your mom.
Thanks sistine!
The best of positive vibes for you and your family jalapeno!
Thanks lillyjo!
Sending prayers and warm wishes to you, your brother, your mom, all of you.
Thank you KellyC!
Gosh, really hope they at least figure out what happened.
I think I was extra tired for a few days too.
Me too, on the figuring out! I was a little shocked to hear that another stroke was a possibility.
Holy Mackerel! I missed your post yesterday.
Re: you. Hopefully you are on the mend. I really wonder if the 2nd dose was more potent but then again, you already have antibodies so your body is being asked to go on overdrive!
Re: your mom. I hope they find the cause and the rehab facility does things to help her improve.
Re: your brother and FML – there are rules except I don’t know if your mom needing to be a dependent of your brother’s is a qualifying factor. Perhaps, he should talk to his manager and / or HR to find out his options.
I am feeling better today, thanks! Got my appetite back, so that’s a bonus.
My mom did really well the last time she was in rehab. That’s a hopeful sign.
FML was mostly about my brother getting hit with this situation in the middle of his work week, and with some serious sleep deprivation. He has let his managers know that he might need time off in the near future, which prevents people from getting caught flat-footed. Not knowing what is coming makes planning ahead more difficult. Still plenty of IDK for us to wade thru.
Ouf, caught up on this on the lazy weekend forum just before heading to today’s thread. So sorry to hear about your mom! But glad the hospital seems to be doing everything they can to figure out what happened and where to go from here.
In situations like that there is always extra FML to go around, you are more than welcome to still complain if you need!
Hope your mom can start mending soon.
Thanks teebear! I’ll probably get another update tomorrow.
Well, it’s been a Monday. I ran a couple of errands, went to Sephora, and then went to the grocery store. Went home and found out the master bedroom had been partially flooded from a leak that happened when the hubster was trying to fix an outside faucet. It was the last thing that needed to be fixed from the winter store in February. Ugh! The good news is the plumber is coming tomorrow morning and I’m hoping he can fix it quickly.
I’m sort of participating in the cp, since I’m wearing entirely too much perfume: Atelier Lemon Island, JHaG Superdose, Nest Seville Orange perfume oil, TF Soleil Neige, Chloe Rose Tangerine and Pineose Secret Genius. And that’s before I went to LUSH. I sniffed the new stuff they had, and really liked Pansy. So yeah, I guess I “shouldn’t” have, but really, I regret nothing. ?
Oh no!! So sorry about your plumbing disaster, hopefully the damage is not too $$$!
I hope it’s not a big bill. We may have to rip out shower tile. ?
Ai yi yi! Water damage is the pits to deal with. My sympathies.
Thanks Jalapeno, we’ll get it figured out. A lot of people in this area have deal with so much worse in the past three months.
Agghj! Plumbing disasters are the pits. Glad you had a nice day before you discovered it.
I did have a lovely morning! I should focus on that part of the day. ?
Fingers crossed for a quick and painless plumber visit.
I’m glad you had fun earlier. When I am at Sephora I don’t like to bother with tester strips either. I have plenty of arm space! Lol.
I was spritzing rather quickly, expecting the fume fuzz to notice me. Actually, they let me spray to my heart’s content, which surprised me. I didn’t try to swatch any makeup, so still not sure about those rules. I hope you’re home and relaxing by now!
Hahahaha fume fuzz! Glad you got to sample til you ran out of arms; small consolation for a water leak, still, but better than none!
I just got home and had to hold my laugh inside over fume fuzz! So I wouldn’t wake the kids?
You’re smelling potent!!!! Hope the leak is fixed easily.
Thanks, Kelly! I hope you find great new digs in Colorado. ?
Ugh, very good luck to you!
Thanks Robin! I’m glad to see you got home safely. ?
Oy! I hope it’s a quick fix!
Me too! We’ll find out in the morning.
Today was a bank holiday in the UK and now I can’t go to bed, too revved up by coffee it seems, I am wearing the citrus almondy Dragée.
Hope you did something enjoyable on the day off!
Well, I started spring cleaning, not fun activity but very necessary, I have a lot of windows ?.
I haven’t sniffed that one but citrus almond sound great!
It is very nice, doesn’t project much but great longevity.
It’s close to dinnertime here and somehow I did not get around to doing all the things I had planned this morning; I managed to complete one (two if you count my daily walk). I put on some Un Bois Vanille a long time ago (this morning) and it’s still sweetly woody on my wrists. I will try to accomplish more tomorrow. It’s May already!!
Can’t believe we are already a few days into May!
I’m wearing Eau des Merveilles. It’s been a serious Monday, but tonight has been nice so that’s what I’ll focus on.
It’s definitely been Monday-ish for quite a few of us NSTers.
Hope tomorrow is less Monday-ish for you and you’re able to relax this evening. Hugs.
It’s been a long day, and I am still at work. My sotd is Black Orchid. It’s been dreary here and humid. Cool front coming through now. Thank goodness.
Soupy here today as well. Bleah!
You smell nice!
Hope you get to go home soon! We had rain today here, which combined with demolition dust from across the street = mud bath on my car. It needs to rain harder so we get a free car wash!
You smell so good even if you are stuck at work. It was drizzly and cool here today, but after living in the ever-present sunshine of the desert for 4 years I’m weirdly enjoying it.
Oops, meant that for lillyjo above!
Logging in late today; my first “shouldn’t have” for the week is MFK Grand Soir, which I bought a small small decant of yesterday.
I really want to find a nice rich ambery-vanilla or cacao scent with lots of benzoin that Mr. Teebear can tolerate, so we’ll see if this one does better than previous attempts.
I love today’s photo Robin!