Happy Almost-Friday and happy International Lefthanders Day! What fragrance are you wearing?
Success: I finally found my Kerosene Unforsaken. Boy I wish they would do a travel size.
Reminder: 8/14 is Creamsicle Day! Wear a creamsicle fragrance if you have one. (And you can find lots of suggestions — including layering combos — in the comments to 5 perfumes: consider the creamsicle).
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2020, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Up Against The Wall Mother Flower [cropped] by R. Miller at flickr; some rights reserved.
Lovely pic!
Sweet Redemption by Kilian is on EauMG’s creamsicle list, but on me it is mostly a bright, slightly dirty orange blossom. So I added a spritz of Guerlain SDV to boost vanilla. I find the combination of these two scents quite overwhelming!
Overwhelming good or overwhelming bad? I can imagine my teeth hurting even with my high sweet tolerance.
Bad initially because both are strong scents. But by now they are much softer and more enjoyable.
Scent of the Morning: Je Suis un Homme by État Libre d’Orange. It’s Mother’s birthday party today; I thought I could use the reminder. A classic cologne scent, rich with woods, effervescent with lemon and pepper. Definitely my “nice young man who gets things done” frag.
Happy Birthday to your mom! Enjoy the party.
Have not seen you around so welcome!
Many happy returns to your mother, enjoy the celebration.
Welcome, BackCreekBoy, and happy birthday to BackCreekMom!
Hi there! Happy Birthday wishes to your mom!
Good morning Fragrant peeps! I am a Southpaw and happy to celebrate…who’s bringing the cake?
I’m wearing a bright orange shirt so I decided to wear an orange scent, so I went with Beyonce Pulse. WOW! This one is wearing a bit too loud at the moment with just a couple of sprays, but I definitely am wafting that orange curacao vibe…..LOL So far the Perfume Grinch hasn’t said anything, but I’m trying to socially distance more than usual…. 🙂
In other completely non-related smelly news, I was looking up details about Robert Piquet Fracas because Royalty Scents is going to start carrying it this month, and I was reading how Alexander McQueen piped in Fracas during one of his fashion shows. This lead me to watch the documentary about him (titled “McQueen”), and WOW! What a creative genius but troubled soul he was. And the show he used Fracas in was dedicated to his mentor Isabella Blow, who was herself an extremely troubled soul. Anyhoo, very interesting documentary if you love fashion. And I ordered my sample of Fracas! 🙂
I’ll make some cake – come over!
lefties unite! waving to you with my southpaw 😀
I watched the McQueen documentary too, it was fascinating.
I’ll be there too, fork in left hand! 🙂
Another lefty here …
I enjoyed that doc too, even my husband got sucked into it!
Good morning and happy International Lefthanders Day ??! No creamsicle for me (never did care for the stuff), wearing the violet-y suede Byredo Rodeo.
I did not know there was an emoji for that!
I am going to participate in the CP and wear comfort at the same time in a dab of SDV and a dab of BK Love. I will be mostly out and about today for the first time in months – doctor’s appointments and a stop in the office to pick up tech stuff.
And yay for left-handers! When I was about 5, I fell out of a tree and broke a bone in my left wrist. My mom said she hoped that I would somehow become right-handed because of wearing that cast and learning to do things with my right hand, but I immediately went back to my left once the cast was off! (In her defense, she just thought life would be easier for me if I were right-handed since it’s a right-handed world – at least at that time.)
I think my parents felt the same way about left handedness, but I’ve never once felt like it’s been easier or harder! LOL Both my brothers are lefties, all but one cousin is a lefty, and both my nephews are! I think I’m more ambidextrous? 🙂
Just little things like the desks at my schools were made for right-handers (but I’m old, so maybe it’s different now?) and I can’t cut anything with regular scissors – always had to bring a pair of left-handed; certain kitchen tools are harder for me. Certainly nothing terrible.
I’m also “ambidextrous” as my school was old-fashioned enough not to make any accommodations besides allowing me to hold my pencil/pen in my left hand ?
Heck, I’m just grateful they (and my parents) caved enough for that!
We used to be labeled as evil or witches. Geez.
Scissors and kitchen tools I use with my right hand, always felt weird with my left. So, I never used the special scissors at school. But I write with left, can’t write wortha beans with my right though. Wonder if I qualify for ambidextrous some anyway?
Same here…I write and eat left handed, but most everything else is right handed. The weirdest thing is at work…I fill my drug cassettes with both hands! LOL I’m a whirling dervish at work… 🙂
I have a vegetable peeler for lh people and I’m always surprised how no one else in the family is able to use it…
Some friends of mine were participating in a Chinese calligraphy conference at a big cultural center here a few years ago. I knew them from Chinese painting class so went along to watch. When we arrived, they were a bit embarrassed to find a huge room full of little Chinese kids. But they sat down to tackle the assigned tasks. One of them is left-handed. This caused no end of consternation among the elderly judges. Only after heated consultations did they agree to allow her to proceed.
PS It was a contest not a conference. Autocorrect strikes again
There have been left handed calligraphy nibs for quite some time, at least in the U.S.
The Chinese elders seemed to think there was something immoral or improper about it!
hiya! I broke my left wrist when I was 7 years old and my parents hoped it would convert me to right-handedness, but nope! It didn’t 😀
4711 Acqua Colonia Melissa & Verbena for me today. A heat advisory is in affect until Friday.
And we have flood warnings thru Fri!
No scent but lefthanded. So 1 point maybe for that.
Movie theaters are opening soon. The one I visit usually was completely dead anyway like 3 ppl per show..so covid took that to 0. Don’t see why that one closed..nobody hardly goes. Anyway, they are playing classics like Jaws, Goonies, Batman etc. Jaws would be fun maybe..and do love the Batman movies. Mmm and buttery ?.
P.S. a list of some lefties: Michaelangelo, Thomas Kinkade, Paul Klee, David Bowie, Jerry Seinfeld, Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Kurt Cobain, Bill Gates, Paul McCartney, Raphael and likely Van Gogh.
Prince William!
go team lefties! 😀
Also Barack Obama. Apparently also Ronald Reagan and George H.W., for those on the other side. And Clinton. (Not sure Hoover and Garfield are as convincing to anyone these days. 🙂 )
In Brooklyn Gallivant, which to me is definitely a creamsicle.
Glorious weather here so I’m only working a half day and then heading to the lake for some floating and reading.
VERY, VERY jealous. Wish I was floating on a lake.
It’s the highlight of the summer for sure
Floating and reading sounds like heaven.
Chanel Eau de Cologne today because somebody wore it yesterday and reminded me that I had some. Very nice for this hot and humid Kentucky day. Working outside for so many years has taught me to tolerate it well, which is good since I now have a second floor bedroom with no AC.
Because Jalapeno asked, no, it’s a short chain-link fence, and though the top pokey bit was a little bent, it’s nothing that can’t be lived with.
And because Robin asked, the neighbors are mum. It’s an older house divided into apartments and rented, with a non-responsive landlord. I could go on, but will spare everyone. It’s annoying, because it’s a nice little neighborhood. Very working class, with a lot of older homes, and little yards and gardens that people take a lot of pride in. I have just been unfortunate with those immediately next door, both sides.
mmmmm, that’s my most favorite EdC. You smell delightful 😀
Ah, rental units with non-responsive landlord makes sense. You have my sympathies!
Glad to hear that you don’t have to deal with fence repairs!
Sending gratitude today to my third grade teacher Mrs. Murdoch, who made me take extra lessons that year because she wanted me to have beautiful handwriting without damaging my wrist trying to wrap my hand around to the right side of the paper. I’m still proud of my print and cursive thanks to her.
Wearing my Viktoria Minya bespoke perfume today; the bright blackcurrant and pepper opening was calling me!
Even though I am left handed, I never did the wrap around, idk why. Nobody taught me either way I don’t think. Idk. When I see a wrap around, it always looks so difficult to me.
Lovely handwriting is an endangered species, so good for you for having a teacher and the patience to stick with it!
I wish we still talk handwriting and cursive to kids. Maybe surprisingly, kids express a desire for it as well! I can derail a whole class by showing a 7th grader how to write something in cursive.
I’m mildly dyslexic, and I spell words by whole shape, not individual letters. I am a much better speller in cursive, since it *feels* wrong when I put the letters out of order.
I’m a leftie and don’t do the wraparound either. My mum took time to help me hold a pencil or pen the way she does (the usual way, she’s right handed) by having me sit across the table from her and mirror her actions when I was learning to print and later write in cursive. 😀
Dulcis in Fundo today.
Thanks for all the kind words of support yesterday. Went to the cemetery with my daughter in the afternoon and felt some peace afterwards.?
I’m glad to hear that. You smell delicious! I must search out my sample for tomorrow.
Oh good, that’s lovely.
I’ll be sitting this CP out — no orange, not much vanilla. But maybe I’ll go up on and put on Azemour (still commando).
Also not a leftie, but I come from a family of them. My grandfather was so happy when I brought my little one to the farm when she was two and he realized she was eating with her left hand. He had it beaten out of him by his teachers during the Depression, but was always proud that he was born left-handed. All his kids were lefties, too. Grandkids, not so much, so seeing it in a great-grand made him happy.
My kid does cut with her right hand as she says it’s easier, even though we’ve bought her all the special scissors, etc. But she was excited when we found a left-handed store in Erfurt and bought her a left-handed pencil sharpener (until that moment, I had no idea that was a thing). Random things I’ve learned as a parent! (Also that it’s harder to teach her to throw a frisbee. Fortunately my uncle helped with that.)
I’m not a good frisbee thrower – now I know why!
I am pretty sure Azemour qualifies for points in any CP.
Struggling to wake up this morning. I’ve been up for an hour, and I’m still nursing my coffee. No cat on my back this morning, though, so that’s a bonus!
Yesterday, I ended up in Santa Maria Novella Ambra, just a couple light spritzes, and even though it’s a heavier scent, I thought it’s spicy, resinous notes were quite lovely in the heat! Might have to do that today again.
Taking my car into the shop this morning. The horn decided to stop working. Then, this afternoon’s meeting is with my State Rep! We’re gonna talk about schools. He’s a nice guy, met him a couple times at community events, so hopefully I don’t get too nervous and forget my talking points!
SOTD is Ambra again. Annoyed I can’t edit my comment above for the incorrect use of “it’s.” Apologies to the grammarians amongst us.
Good luck with those talking points — hope it went well! Even up here schools are a big point of discussion and things are changing daily. (First all the kids were going back on the first day of school. Then the opposition and teachers complained. Now they’re going to take at least the first two official school days for the teachers & staff to meet and work everything out…but…they weren’t meeting before the first day of school?! And while I support that, what do I do with my kid who won’t be remote learning or in school or in camp for the first few days, or likely week, that the kids now won’t go back? While my spouse has to go back on the first day of school for university? Ugh…still, first world problems, even in COVID.)
Where are you located, ockeghem?
I’m in British Columbia.
At least you were wearing a lovely perfume today, and weren’t cat furniture this morning.
It’s the little things. 🙂
Not sure if it’s really a successful creamsicle pairing, but I layered Orchideé Vanille with Seville à l’Aube. Smells nice, though.
Enjoyed the thunder this morning. It will continue on and off all day supposedly.
A creative combo!
Spent my morning in no 19 but now in Kyoto. My parents are getting couches delivered today and I won’t be there to deal with the drama. For those who have collect and use candles, Bath and Body Works has a good sale going on.
Will there be drama? Or will they just need help moving furniture?
Probably but I wasn’t there to witness the drama.
Guerlain Idylle
I’m not a lefty myself, but I wrote my doctoral dissertation on performance differences between left and right handers on a neuropsychological screening test. The test itself takes just a few minutes but each lefthanded person told me stories about being a lefty in a right-handed world. It was quite an eye-opener.
I’m off to the optometrist later, so I think I’ll wear a little Mandarine Basilic and then add some vanilla this afternoon.
Did my yearly eye exam yesterday. New glasses, again. Every year my prescription gets a bit worse. It’s annoying!
Me, too. I asked the doc if they would ever stop getting worse and she said yes, eventually they would stabilize. Might mean Mr. Magoo glasses for me by then, though.
Yup. Hey, we’ll make cute Mr./Ms. Magoos, though! ?
fascinating, I would read your dissertation! D:
so what were the main findings?
The test is a sequencing connect the dots task that is timed. Left-handers who “hook” block their view of most of the page. I hypothesized they would be slower than rightys. Nope. They were faster, not by much, but it was a statistically significant result.
thanks for following up!
I’m guessing you’re aware of the research that suggests if you test girls and boys on, say, a math test, they can do equally well, but if you “prime” them by asking their sex first, girls will score lower than boys on average?
I wonder if we “primed” lefties before a skills test if they would score lower? Certainly, as commented elsewhere in this post, especially in generations past, folks have been actively discriminated against for being left-handed. Could be an interesting follow-up on your research!
No creamsicle…SOTD is Perris Monte Carlo Santal du Pacifique. I don’t think I NEED a new sandalwood, but I WANT this one….
On Lefthandedness Day I remember that way back in my “career” I had to make a form with a lot of requirements, one of them that it had to be easily filled in by both righthanded and lefthanded people. Something you don’t have to think about with online forms….
No, I am sorry to say I never think about handedness at all. Many of the people in my husband’s family are left handed, but they don’t talk about it much.
Electricity’s off here, on a real scorcher of a day. Ugh!
On a more positive note, I’m wearing Ninfeo Mio to try to keep my cool. Also, I bought a beginner drone so I can get good snippets of video and photos as travel west. I’m really excited about learning how to fly it. It’s not the most hi-tech, and in fact it’s pretty large, and the camera is ok but not great. I didn’t really want to shell out a bunch of money for an expensive setup until I see how I do with it. I am a little challenged with eye-hand coordination, so we shall see!
Happy almost Friday day and try to keep cool!
Hope you get power real soon!
Oh wow, can’t wait to see your drone pictures!
Boo hiss for no power!
Ugh, sorry!
From the sample stash today, I am thunking Ex Nihilo Fleur Narcotique. Good riddance. It’s ok, but it doesn’t hold my interest. I had planned on visiting the grand niece today, but she has an ear infection. Poor thing.
Sotd do-over.. just sprayed Queen of the Night. Now this is a great perfume! I’m much happier now?
Do-overs are the best! Glad you found one to make you smile.
No point in wasting valuable skin time on perfume you don’t enjoy.
Ear infections are awful! Hope she feels better soon.
I hope so too. She’s such a little sweetheart.
Aw, poor kiddo! Ear infections suck, especially for little ones. Hope she gets rids of it ASAP.
SOTD is Le Galion Iris. I love iris and it’s difficult to choose a favorite, but this one is definitely in the top 3.
Le Galion is a classy outfit.
It is – I love the ribbed bottles too.
I was in a car accident this afternoon on my way from work. Motorcyclist hit another car (luckily with not much speed), then he fell to the ground, ‘slid’ on the ground with the hit force and he hit the left front door of my car with his helmet/head. But it seems there’s no damage on my car and the guy only had some scratches, nothing serious.
I’m still nervous and this was my first time being in car accident.
Wearing Memo Ocean Leather today.
oh! very sorry about the accident, lucasai, I hope you feel better soon, though it is understandable that you would be nervous and shaken up for some time to come. Please take care. 🙂
Yikes! Glad to hear nobody was injured!
Oh dear! How scary for you and how great the guy wasn’t hurt. I have had a few, but they were minor. Once though I was on the highway to Dallas in rainy weather and saw a car skid sideways across four lanes and flip over and over! I was petrified and many of us stopped. Miraculously, the woman got out and was uninjured but shaking like a leaf. We stood with her holding an umbrella over her until the police came. I don’t want to urge alcohol use, but maybe a medicinal brandy would help calm your nerves.
Yikes. I hope you’re ok too given the shock!
Omg! I’m glad everyone is o.k.
Oh no! Glad you are okay. That’s scary
Aaiaiai! Glad your motorcyclist was wearing a helmet and that everyone is okay! For sure that must have been scary regardless though. Hope the rest of your day improves!
Passing you some Tension Tamer tea, soothing ambient tunes and a bottle of Mr Bubble. ? ? ?.
Glad to hear everyone’s okay, but yeah, things like that can really shake you up! Hope you’re relaxing and recovering!
Oh, I am sorry – that must have left you feeling quite agitated. Deep breaths, and maybe another spritz of perfume….
Oh goodness, I’d be shaking for a long time. Glad everyone is okay.
Oh no! Car accidents can definitely ruin your day. Good news that nobody was hurt.
So sorry Lucasai, that must have been really difficult. Glad everyone is ok.
Oh gosh, that sounds worrisome. I’m sorry that happened to you! I hope you get a chance to take a hot bath and relax tonight.
Thanks for all the warm thoughts from everyone. I am doing ok, mo trauma really. I just got so tired early in the evening that I went straight to bed.
Aromatics Elixir today, finally it cooled a bit and we had some rain in the afternoon. Took a walk with the boyfriend when I came home.
I made a Russian cold soup for dinner, called Okroschka. Really good with buttermilk, cucumber, radishes, potatoes and cooked eggs. Plus sausage and dill. Like a big salad in Form of a soup. Even the boyfriend liked it.
Sounds yummy!
Okroshka is a summer staple in my family. But no buttermilk for me. Only kvas!
My grandmother used to make Okroschka for me when I was a kid. Comfort food…
Off CP, but it’s ok, because I’m left handed :).
L’Artisan Tea for Two.
I had really hoped that one of my two kids would be a leftie also – but they are both right handed, like their dad. I was put in remedial writing in elementary school because I wrote right to left instead of left to right…
ha! lefty-ness is my excuse for a lot of things too. 😉
Yeah, we did use that as an excuse for Little Ockeghem’s lack of small motor skills when we moved to Germany after Canadian Kindergarten (which is full day school, not daycare, unlike in Germany). 🙂 Her German Grade 1 teacher: “She’s immature, and she has a hard time writing.” Us: “She’s left-handed, which makes it harder for her to write.”
But really, she’s just always been very innocent and immature for her age. left-handedness aside. It’s a blessing now that she’s going into Grade 6 and is oblivious to girl politics. She has her friends and is fine with that and doesn’t care that they’re not the popular, ueber-mature girls. (And, never really gifted on the small motor skills, but I suspect that’s only marginally related to left-handedness and more related to genetics.)
I think penmanship is simply valued more in some countries than others. It is in Swiss schools compared to US schools, at least.
Oh, I had a Swiss friend in college! He used to write me the most beautiful postcards! Lovely penmanship.
SOTD: Mona di Orio Vetyver
2nd cup of coffee to help the 3-hrs of sleep I lost last night due to too much on my mind, arrgghhh.
Same thing happened to me last night. Woke up and then started thinking…
It’s all going to get done, right? I’m one of those highly responsible people and so I just default to worry on stuff.
Hope you will sleep better tonight, Lillyjo
Here’s hoping we all get some rest soon!
Ohh, same here. Woke up at 5 a.m. and started worrying about a project I need to get stood up at work. Probably got back to sleep around 6:15 and then DID NOT want to wake up at 7.
Second cup of coffee was hurriedly purchased from a local cafe before my 9:00 meeting.
I should try that perfume, as I like Mona di Orio from Violette Fumee and I love vetiver.
SotD = Orange Sanguine + Vanille Insensee
BEST creamsicle fragrance combo ever imho 😀 I wore the same scents yesterday. I’m grateful for Atelier Cologne samples. It’s funny that as much as I enjoy these scents I don’t have a bottle or even a decant from the line. Oops!
Go lefties! I write and use spoon/fork/scissors with my left hand but do most other things the “usual” way, such as throw and catch a frisbee or hit a ball with a bat or tennis racket. When I was 7 years old and started piano lessons my teacher said I had unusually well balanced ability between right and left hands. Many beginners favor their right hand.
Lefties, enjoy “our” day, haha. And to everyione I offer a left-handed, socially distanced perfumista salute! 😀
Would use this Atelier combo if I’d had any Vanille Insensee still hanging around.
I’m wafting in your direction, AnnieA! 😀 waft waft waft …
I knit leftie? Continental knitting is a huge advantage, actually.
I have tried and tried to knit continental style, but cannot. Sometimes how you learn is how you do.
You smell fabulous!
SOTD = Solstice Scents Foxcroft Fairgrounds and Atelier Cologne Mandarine Glacial
Another creamsicle so ???.
In other news, ShopFrance is going to Dubai. Anyone in the U.S. interested in a split of Chanel Les Exclusifs Le Lion? I never really know if the buy will be successful but I am planning to get a 75mL for myself and a 200mL for splitting. I will only get the 200mL if there’s enough interest for 150mLs. If interested, please email me by Saturday 15 August 2pm Eastern with subject Chanel Le Lion Split, along with requested volume. For reference: $15-$16 for 5mLs and $25-$27 for 10mLs (shipped, new packing materials) but these prices are not solid at this point. And no need to pay yet…I am just gauging interest. Thanks.
Le Lion’s notes remind me too much of Shalimar, which unfortunately has never grown on me. But still I’m excited for you and fellow splitters!
How does one find Shop France and where they are going?
She has an Ebay store, shopfranceinc.
I have purchased from her before, I think – a sample set of Divine perfumes. Nice transaction, if I recall correctly.
Good to know
Make sure to sign up for her newsletters. I love her breathless emails – but wait, there’s more!
Do I sign up through ebay?? I favorited her store but didn’t see a way to get emails!
i just sent you 2 emails.
On vacation but just popped in tonite as I missed you guys.
Oh I am SO IN, emailing you now! Thank You!! Hope it works.
Wearing Tom Ford Noir, returning to my use-it-up project.
In my childhood remember being told my left-handedness could have been due to mild brain damage. Wot?? Better than being thought a witch, but I have been skeptical of so-called scientific theorizing ever since.
My only-Satisfactory orthography grade ruined a perfect report card in grade school, where I was told left-handers could not, by definition, have good writing. Unjust!
What! Crazy.
Jo Loves Red Truffle, a fig perfume, today. In exactly one week I will be in Provence. A little nervous to travel.
Oh you get to go! I’m happy for you but don’t blame you for being nervous. How long are you staying?
Three weeks, I’m so lucky. If only the trip were over already.
Hurray for a summer trip! Safe travels to you, Aurora.
Lucky you, I am jealous!
Theorema for my Friday 🙂
Hello everyone!
Chiming in very late. Wearing a few spritzes of Guerlain’s AA Pampleune. Very long-lasting citrus, and perfect for today’s warm SF weather.
I’m glad I sprung for a FB of this lovely scent. Citrus and patchouli. Perfect!
I’m a little bummed I haven’t been able to view the Perseid Meteor shower – too foggy in my neck of the woods.
Stargazing has been terrible where I am at lately, too. Plenty of thick grey clouds.
Mr. Jalapeno had the perfect weather report for today: “More bleeping rain.” But! No thunderstorms, so I’ll take that, even if it is about a million percent humidity outside. ☔?
SOTD = Cuir de Lancome, from the sample stash. I surprised myself by grabbing this one today! The temp has fallen down into the 70’s, which is a welcome change from the heat wave earlier this week. Now if only I could send this rain out West!
And… I am not a lefty, but that is the only way I can open combination locks.
Surprised me too with your pick. You smell great though!
Thanks lillyjo! CdL is SO good right now.
We had a thunderstorm in these here parts and I did not even see sun at all.
Late to the party today. Still busy as heck, despite the fact that I am off contract until the 24th. I feel as if I am getting a huge number of small tasks done, taking a genuinely effective stab at getting myself organized, and yet my house seems to be in a perpetual state of chaos. Ah, well.
Wearing Tendre Madeleine, which is unsurprisingly quite like its namesake. I smell delicious.
I’ve signed up for the Sniffapalooza online event next week – anybody else on board?
Didn’t even know about the Sniffa event! Do tell…I usually get emails but nada…although I did not check spam.
Found it in junk mail and just registered.
I’m trying Zoologist Squid again. I feel about it as toward actual squids: kind of creepy yet somehow fascinating.
Y’all are having a terrible influence on me. I made a special trip to the grocery store just to buy some orange cream ?. It’s so good. I even bought a half gallon.
I might have to break down and get some Creamsicles in the near future. They are sure sounding good right now. ?
That sounds like holy-grail ice cream!
Somebody on another blog mentioned raspberry sorbet chocolate covered Dove bars…onto the list they went!
I’m wearing a tiny spray of Vanille Incensee with a dab of FloraLinda perfumes Orange Blossom.
The orange blossom is from the cutest mini bottle; it’s in the shape of an orange. I bought it at an orchard in Florida when we went picking; it was more for the novelty than anything because of the bottle. The scent itself is very linear, but it’s fun for this cp.
I deal cards left-handed, even though I shuffle them right-handed. Go figure!