It's Monday. (And despite many changes to my usual routine, it feels just like a Monday.) What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Maria Candida Gentile Lady Day, thanks to therabbitsflower.
Reminder: on 3/27, wear a perfume by Robert Piguet, Rochas, Roger & Gallet or Reminiscence, if you have one. Partial credit for any other small-ish brand that starts with the letter R.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2020, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Cherry Blossoms [cropped] by Jeff Kubina at flickr; some rights reserved.
I’m in PHI again – warming me up in today’s now. Our governor is about to announce a stay at home order. I’m going to miss my daily walks ?
In California, they are encouraging folks to get outside and exercise, as long as they stay away from others. Maybe your governor will do the same. Good luck.
They had trouble with crowding at a number of SoCal beaches this weekend, apparently. We will see what happens.
NorCal beaches as well. Point Reyes is now closed, as I understand it–or at least many of the beaches and most popular trails.
Hopefully she will – yesterday I went for a hike and it made me feel so much better. There was a handful of other hikers but everyone was super conscientious about maintaining 6 feet
Same in Ohio. I’m not aware of any states doing an Italy-style lockdown.
I hope you’ll be allowed to get outside and walk, yasmina! It’s such a great thing for mental health, especially in these times.
I want a stay at home order so badly. It seems to be the only thing that will get mu husband’s office to close, despite their being totally nonessential to anyone.
I think your wish may just have been granted.
It was a huge relief when my H’s non-office non-essential workplace shut down (despite the reduction in income – I’d rather be safe.)
My husband just told me our governor is going to do this starting tomorrow.
It looks like walks and such are allowed for now – I will take it!
We just got our stay at home order, starts tonight at 8. Does not really change anything for us because we are only going out for the things that will continue to be allowed anyway: taking walks, going to grocery or pharmacy.
We just arrived home in Montreal, where we are on lockdown. Self-quarantining for 14 days due to our arrival from the US. I have no desire to go out.
Very glad you arrived home! Hopefully you will have a great sleep tonight??
Really happy to hear that you are home safe, cazaubon!
Yay, so glad you are there — thanks for checking in!
Happy news!
I’m wearing Jo Malone Basil & Neroli, and really enjoying it. I’m not a great fan of Jo Malone, but this one deserves further exploration. Maybe a decant?
That one is really nice. It’s been around a long time! You smell great today. ?
Yum, that is a really lovely one! You smell GREAT.
I love that one myself and got a small bottle. Email me if you want me to send you a decant once things are back to normal again.
CdG Kyoto today.
High five, twin! ?
I’m leaning in toward you. Virtually, of course. You smell fabulous.
Thanks, and right back at ya!
Incense perfume twins today!
You smell fabulous Robin, nice cherry blossoms photo too and they make me home sick. We are headed back hone today, our dobie with us and toys in tow in a big trailer. We have a LONG drive straight through from southern Florida.
I am in Caron Pour Homme which I stole from Mr.B.. because all my lovely perfumes are packed.
Traffic is light
Drive safely! I hope you don’t run into congestion.
Thanks sistine, I am sad to go.
Drive safe, and give your dobie a scritch from T-Rex and I?
? thanks Deva.
Save travels AngelaB!
We did it! People were speeding but not many cars were out.
It was strange to see all the malls and restaurants closed.
Safe travels!
Thank You madtowngirl.
Yay, hope traffic stays light and you are home safe and sound soon.
Thanks Robin.
I hope the roads are clear and travel is a cinch!
Thank You Jalapeno, me too.
Like Deva, I am in Kyoto. Ohio just released a stay at home order. Well, everything is closed down anyway so I think it was a little bit of a dumb order. Doing some laundry before work and ordered a candle and lip gloss from Sephora. They were on sale and there is a free shipping promo code. Just enter free ship.
Thanks for the code Dawn!
Rochas Audace, finished my sample. I enjoyed it (and used it very sparingly), but I do not feel I need more right now.
Then thunk and done 🙂
L’eau d’Hiver today. I hardly ever wear it, but it felt right today.
We got snow yesterday afternoon, which is melting now, so my fragrance choice is a match. It was a pretty snow – the kind that piles up on branches. My neighbor’s back yard looked very cool last night, as the lighting was illuminating the snowy shrubs from below.
Tea – Mist Valley Estate from Upton
I picked up flowers at Costco Friday. They are holding up beautifully, and are providing a much-appreciated shot of spring.
Have a good day, folks
L’eau D’hiver is beautiful.
You smell lovely today.
I raided our daffodil patch on Saturday and plan to keep right on until they’re gone — we have tons 🙂
We’re having that same snow in Montreal right now. Very pretty.
No snow here that I know of, but plenty of cold rain.
Sampling Tuberai from Beau Kwon which is a strong weird tuberose, definitely not work appropriate but I’m not working for at least a few more weeks so it doesn’t matter
Ah, I like weird strong tuberoses!
I’m wearing Oliver Peoples. I know there are a few other fans of this discontinued beauty on NST, and I wanted to let you know that DedCool’s scent #2 is a pretty close cousin to Oliver Peoples. I haven’t tried the spray, but I have it in an oil roller ball and really like it.
Gloomy and drizzly today. The good thing about the weather is that it’s tamed down the pollen significantly so my throat is not burning. Yay!
Off to make a cup of mint tea and organize a bookshelf in the break between my structured “office hours”. I’m very glad my school district set up strict expectations of when we are to be digitally available to students and parents, because if there was no set window I’d never get off.
Our oak pollen is now down to manageable levels after two days of rain, so I’m feeling better about my sniffles now too!
Yes, it feels like a Monday to me too despite the fact that it’s getting more challenging to delineate weekdays from weekends, and the day by day is getting more simple and with lots of sameness. It’s hard, right?
To the rescue — perfume! Yes, it does help 🙂
I’m doing comfort again in Honey & Crocus.
you smell great! My 5 year old said in passing, “yeah, it’s been the weekend for weeks”
Lol. That made my day.
She gets it! Yep, I would agree with this 100%.
The weekend for weeks is so right and adorable
I am hoping to get hold of myself this week. I need more new routines to replace the old ones…I am getting stuff done but not as much as I should be.
Theoretically, I should have 3 hours extra per day and anyone should be able to eat off my floors. Sadly, this is not the case and won’t be for a good long while.
Ha! Same.
Not participating in the cp today, but I accidentally was last friday when I wore Fracas. ?
Today I am wearing Dryad.
I really had a case of the mondays this morning, but I feel better right now.
We spent our weekend watching movies and playing some pc games. I have a bunch of books waiting for me but I cannot concentrate at the moment, there is so much going on.
I sometimes feel like i have just broken up with someone, and that someone is ‘life as we knew it’.
Its confusing, but I consider myself lucky. I still have a job and can cuddle my husband (and now also during work time, hahaha).
Please give your loved ones a hug! Be it real or virtual. ?
good analogy Jiji.
I was just thinking this morning about people who were going to break up right before quarantine and are sticking it out.
Or planning to be together and now not able to.
Yes, its nice to have the boyfriend home, even if he has to work.
A person on another forum compared the situation to being disabled and housebound, which is the reality for some people year in, year out. It puts things in perspective. But I still feel really anxious with all the terrifying news reports. The suffering is unbearable for those who become very ill.
So with you on this cazaubon. The illness is horrible for those hit badly. I hate hearing this diminished or ignored.
wearing Terracotta for sunshine on this gloomy day.
I recently subscribed to the subscription service at Fragrancenet, based on Jada’s rec – awaiting the arrival of Nahema – it’s giving me something to look forward to, and at $10 a sample, this seems much more reasonable than the sum I came up with when I added up my current wish list. Hoping the current formulation will give me a good enough idea about what the perfume is all about.
Subscription service? Fragrancenet???? Sounds interesting.
Wearing Balkis by Parfums de Nicolaï. A lovely, simple fruity and creamy rose.
Sounds pretty!
It is, Robin reviewed ages ago:
Yep, you smell great austenfan!
It’s gray and drizzly here but I am determined to get out and walk every day, otherwise I’ll go nuts. I’m starting to run out of perishables so sometime this week I will have to make a grocery trip. SOTD is a lot of Mandarine Basilic, employing the “perfume as repelling force field” theory. This is an untested theory, but if it keeps people away then it works, right?
Haha love your theory! ?
I may practice it myself. Some people have no idea what distancing means…. ?
Yes, it they are close enough to complain, they need to back up. 🙂
if, not it
This is probably wicked, but I’ve done a surreptitious cough down the shirt as a gentle reminder to those who aren’t paying attention and get too close. Feel free to throw tomatoes at me. ?
?! I like it!
Good idea ???
Oh, man, if there were ever a time to unleash the old lady perfume! ? ?
I’m choosing my weapon for tomorrow’s venture to the grocery store.
Ysatis? Youth Dew? Don’t have any Angel or Obsession. I have a tiny bit of vintage Opium, but I hate to overspray that one. This could be fun.
We’ve been walking everyday too despite the weather. Just like you said, to keep from going nuts!
Every walk is one step closer to sanity!
I agree with theory, but not sure you can wear enough MB to make it work! You need the big guns 🙂
I’m going BEEG this week too – if you can smell me, you’re too close ?
Walking keeps me sane too.
And there is the theory that perfume is a distancing weapon of sorts and will help others maintain their 6 feet. ??
I went with Felanilla today because it is a comfort scent for me. I hope that all my NST friends are safe and well.
I hope the same for you. You are smelling great ?
Its such a cuddly scent. Hope you stay safe
Hugs Petunia! You smell like kitten fur today.
Wearing some Solstice Scents Corvin’s Apple Fest in the glace format which is an oil-based spray perfume.
I will sample something else a bit later. I am going to use my time working from home as an opportunity to go through samples and figure out what to keep and what to give away.
I have samples which I have even sampled yet I am not proud to say. And others which I have tried but was on the fence about.
samples which I have *not* even sampled yet that is…just languishing by the wayside…untested and unloved…so far… 😉
The ones that make me feel the most guilty are the ones others have sent to me. ?
Don’t feel guilty. We cannot love everything. Samples that I receive from others and that I don’t like are given away. I am sure someone else will appreciate them more. If not they can keep their journey to better homes or be discarded. I always appreciate the opportunity to test an scent and decide if it is money saved or decant/full bottle worthy.
Thanks for the encouraging words, M. Forget the guilt and just start trying things!
That’s exactly what I am doing now that I am working from home. Going thru decants and samples and putting away what it has to be rehomed.
I like this one!
Whoops – that was for austenfan wearing Balkis. I just found my sample of that yesterday.
I’m wearing First Cut at home, and using this work from home time to enjoy scented candles (today is Diptyque Roses) which are not allowed in my office.
I just got a (small) bottle of First Cut, and love it! You smell good!
I’m in GueRlain NeRoli OutRenoiR today, six sprays.
Started the day with a wonderful online meditation session, where I briefly said hi to Elisa P and one of her kitties! ? Maybe I’ll introduce the Wild One sometime, if I can get her to sit still.
Walked said Wild One this morning and tidied the house. I did a couple of upgrades, because I deserve it: salted butter in the dish instead of low-fat spread, and my favorite Shikai Yuzu shower gel instead of the stuff I was dutifully trying to finish.
Made chocolate chip cookie dough yesterday, baked off three of them for the hubster and I to test, and stashed the rest of the dough balls in the freezer. It’s safer that way!
Take care and be safe today, peeps!
And deliciouseR! Cookies are always best fresh out of the oven 😀
It was nice to say hi! I couldn’t help myself, lol. Her poor, plaintive cat meowing behind a closed door made me smile, though.
Your dog looks too sweet and innocent to be the Wild One.
Kimchi made Kathy smile, too! It was cute when she incorporated the distraction into the meditation (kitty came by for tea ?).
The pupster is very sweet, just has a ton of energy!
Haha! Yeah, I thought that was clever of her. I happily invited her in, too!
Pass some of that pupsters energy over here-accepting all donations ?
Commando as, like Jiji, it feels as though life as I know it, have ceased. My children say that they feel as though they are about to enter a Bladerunner type alternate universe. People are super stressed. We have a 56 year old Covid patient at the hospital where I work not doing well, even though ventilated for 5 days now. This is not a disease just affecting old people.
My husband’s hospital is increasingly on edge as more are admitted with the virus. Not all are making it. The stress is really high for all of the front line health workers. Yes, it is their job–but more people need to have mercy for what they are going through!
I can’t imagine the stress and sadness and difficulty of doing that work anytime, but now more than ever.
So sorry Amyitis.
I am commando too due to anxiety. I am 54 and do not at all feel like I am invincible. There is going to be a lot of PTSD in the medical profession after this epidemic.
Champagne du bois! I love that perfume! I tried to order on the weekend for the sale, but they are still not shipping to Canada 🙁 I really wish they would start selling in some international stores so everyone could buy it!
Oops! Apologies, this was meant to be a reply to LizzieB’s thread
Oh I am so sorry!
Wearing the last drops of Guerlain Habit Rouge Dress Code on this cold, rainy and super busy day. It is doing the job!
I have a feeling of suspense, expecting something or waiting for something to happen. I can’t describe it. Very uncomfortable and sooo weird. I hope tomorrow Tuesday when the sun is back things are better. Not so realistic, but hope is the last thing to lose!
I think I know that weird feeling you’re talking about. We are living through a very strange and scary time.
And it gets scarier as days pass.
I might know what feeling you are talking about. I’ve been feeling an uncomfortable “emotionally stretched” vibe for a couple of days now.
It is very difficult not to melt down when facing the unknown. But we are strong!
I’m in a hyper-alert fight or flight state of being right now. I will try to join that meditation session later tonight and I hope I don’t stress out too much.
I would love to join a meditation session, or yoga or exercising classes online, but at the end of the day I am so tired that I just count the minutes to collapse in bed. At least I am still sleeping well.
Yup! I feel you on that feeling.
Let’s be hope twins?
I feel like I’ve been a bit numb as a result of breaking my arm at the same time — a much more immediate shock. The pandemic is folded into the practical problem of coping with the sudden disability. After some near panic attacks initially.
Oh no! Hope your arm heals soon!
I have been so close to panick attacks a couple of times already. I pause for a couple of minutes to calm down and then take a nap. After I wake up I feel a bit refreshed. I have been going from anxiety to depression. Not a good combo, but I tell myself at the end of the day, that another day passed and we are one day closer for this nightmare to end.
I keep telling myself “One step at a time. One day at a time. I can do this.”
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this! Sending healing and calming vibes. It is one day, one hour at a time.
In Irish Leather this AM.
Our visitor from China is going to try to get home. He has a flight late this evening SFO direct to Guangzhou, where he will be put under quarantine in a special hotel for 14 days before he can fly on to his family in Beijing. He is smart and resourceful, but at 19 still seems like a kid to me. So much for him to go through.
Nineteen is still a kid, but resourcefulness can go a long way. It is a lot for him to go through but I can’t imagine how relieved his entire family will be when they are all reunited.
Oh my. I do wish him godspeed.
They’ve coped with a lot more at an earlier age in China, I think.
Safe travels to your exchange student guest.
Oh good luck to him! That sounds very difficult.
Hi all!
Spring came and it became surprisingly cold here! It was -6*C in the morning today. I picked Berdoues Maasai Mara for today, a sweet labdanum does the job to warm you up.
Wow, that is cold.
I’ve been in a BWF mood. I’m wearing the original Carolina Herrera.
Ooo, you smell good! I love that one.
Hey guys, in quarantine until April 1st here in Portland (my company). I have been working from home since about 10 days ago.
Am in Chanel Eau Premiere because WHY NOT?
My days have been filled with my work, installing kitchen appliances ( when you are in quarantine, there are NO TRADESPEOPLE) working in the garden (it’s gonna be LIT this summer) and jogs ( I can now do 3 miles in 20 minutes!). Now that it is raining again, I am go do a LOT of at home Barre 3, mat Pilates and Zumba.
How are YOU?
You smell great! I’ve been eyeing big 5 oz bottles of that one on eBay.
Good to see you! You’ve been busy! Stay well.
5 oz bottles! WOW! Now, there is something to check out!
And yes- all those things that I say ‘If only I had the time…’- well now I have the time!
Good to see you. You must do a fast jog! 3 miles in 20 minutes is almost doing a 5K in 20 minutes – super awesome!
I am doing Couch to 5K program!
So I have a route mapped out, which really helps with increasing speed.
How are YOU? Are you able to work from home and NOT battle mass transit?
Yep. Was on vacation in Houston from 3/10-13, then WFH starting 3/16.
Congrats on your running gains!
Remember when I posted about Portland’s vegan strip club? Now our out-of-work strippers are working as a food delivery service called “Boober Eats.” [ed note: link to video removed]
Oh, there is partial nudity and the service is run by a man 🙁
Robin I didn’t watch the video before I posted the link, you may want to take it down.
That is very funny! But I removed the video without watching. I assume anyone who wants to see it can find it.
Ha, so THAT is what is going on. I have been in my shack puttering about.
I wonder what the neighbor s would say if those appeared at our doorstep!
Pretty sure that stripper story will end up on “Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!” It sounds like something they would feature.
I am wearing Lanvin Arpege today and really enjoying it. It is one that I forget how lovely it is, until I pull the bottle out and spritz. Then I remember the loveliness of it.
You smell great, I like both versions but vintage is more symphonic I always think.
Arpege was my first perfume, my parents brought it back from their first trip to Europe. I’ve always had some on hand ever since. You smell lovely!
I’m in Vanille Insensee. Needed the comfort of an old friend today. I was supposed to be at work but called my dentist yesterday after developing an abscess over the weekend. They are only taking emergency appointments because of covid. I ended up needing to get the tooth pulled.? It was a tooth that had already had a root canal and she said it wasn’t worth saving. I HATE dental work you guys. The extraction itself wasn’t actually as bad as I thought it would be but when the Novocain wore off, holy mother of god! The pain! I have given birth to three humans without so much as a Tylenol and can honestly say this was worse. She said I will start to feel better, so hopefully that happens soon!
Anyway, how’s your Monday going??
Oh I’m so sorry you went through that! I did too in July and it was dreadful. My oral surgeon said to take 800 mg of Advil for the pain. It did help. Just FYI.
Thanks Calypso! I did take some ibuprofen and for the first time in 52 years, took a vicodin and now the pain is much better! I was hesitant because I’ve never taken a narcotic in my life but my daughter twisted my arm, she took them after her wisdom teeth were removed and said it took the pain away.
Dang, Madtowngirl, I’m sorry that happened.
Thanks lillyjo! When she told me I actually cried a little bit, but then sucked it up and said just do it and get it over with!
I hope you’re now in the feel better timeframe!
Thanks hajusuuri! The drugs have officially kicked in!?
Ouch, glad you now took some pain medication, your daughter was right to push you to take it, I still remember my impacted wisdom teeth extraction.
Hope you’ll have a much better day tomorrow.
Thanks Aurora, I hope tomorrow is better than today too!?
Ohhhh I’m so sorry!
Thanks ringthing!
I am so sorry madtowngirl! And so glad you have vicodin.
Thanks Robin! Yes, thank gosh for some good pain medication.
Dental pain SUCKS! Don’t be afraid to take any pain medicine that you need. Speedy healing wishes headed your way.
Thanks Jalapeño! Dental pain is truly the worst!
Ouch. I went through that last month, though fortunately had much less pain than expected. I hope it feels better soon!
Thanks Elisa P! I remember you mentioning that. How long do you feel it took til you were feeling better? Fortunately I’m off work til Friday and I’m assuming I’ll be in much better shape by then.?
It was actually fine until day 3. That was the first day I had significant pain, but 3 motrin+1 Tylenol were enough. And it got significantly better after that. I actually took a few days off and used them, but really didn’t *need* them in the end. Beware of day 3, bit I’m hoping you’re better before Friday!
Ok, good to know. Thanks!
Oh! Sorry! I hope you start feeling much better soon!
Thanks pl67! Me too!?
OMG I am so sorry for you, how awful. Sending healing and calming vibes.
Thanks cazaubon! Yeah, it really sucked, but on the bright side at least it’s over now.
I’m looking through unworn samples and oddments and found Dawn Spencer Hurwitz Jitterbug. I have no recollection of buying this bottle, but it’s great! A potent warm sweet and spicy patchouli. What’s not to like?!
Fun! Like when you find money in a pocket that you’ve forgotten about!?
That’s the best! ?
I need to find that pocket!
A potent warm sweet and spicy patchouli sounds wonderful!
Yucky out – rainy and windy!
SOTD = Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka
This week, I am going BEEEG with 8 sprays of loud or relatively loud perfumes because I can without offending anyone. Even kitteh Billy Bob 2.0 won’t say anything ?.
PSA or maybe not – Saks just lowered the price of practically every Guerlain perfume. 25% off or thereabouts. You’re welcome.
Man, there are two scents I have been wanting from Guerlain for years. This is where I would ask others if they wanna do a split on a couple of scents, sigh. I would have to order split and shipping supplies and given the conditions of the country right now, probably best not to hold off on that stuff. Oh well.
*probably best to hold off, geez lol.
Maybe you can still do a deferred split?? I’m sure ppl would understand why they are not getting their decant right away and be happy when they finally do
Good idea but will probably just pass on this for now
Usually, I would volunteer to split whatever they are but I am just too busy to even consider it. Which 2 were you considering?
Heure d’Nuit, Mon Precious Nectar would be top two, Cuir Beluga and the Embruns d’ Ylang are nice too!
Agree… Today’s weather is absolutely yucky! ?
And it has not gotten any better!
More rain in the forecast for this week, bletch. ☔
It was a good thing that I got that Saks email AFTER I went to the grocery store. I saw some lowered prices on other items as well. Also, the Lancome Jasmin Marzipan, I believe is mispriced for the size. They have a picture of 3.4 oz, but I am fairly certain it’s really for the 1 oz.
The devil is in the details!
Still trying to decide whether to purchase Equestrian or Champagne de Bois today with 20% discount. Was leaning to latter last night, but leaning to former this morning… Anyone care to cast a vote?
I need a reward because I’m now ripping out a bunch of rows from a hat I’m knitting. Not paying attention and made a pattern mistake on each row. This has been a frustrating hat. Not difficult, just one I’ve struggled with. Ready to be done with it!
I love Champagne de Bois and has been a lemming for several years..I should have gotten it when it was 65 dollars I think? That would be my choice.
Ok lol i meant 65 with other discounts they used to have from time to One of those days where brain never happens to fire up lol.
I haven’t tried either of the scents you are pondering about, unfortunately. If you ran out of them both, which one would you be more upset about not having?
I’m leaning toward Equestrian, except that I see shipping to NY is via UPS. So, it’s really just free shipping because that’s how it works out, math-wise…
Yeah, that always makes me reconsider when I get excited about a diacount. But, in this case, the only way to get SSS is online so there will always be shipping. So better than nothing? Especially if you love them. CdB also lasts since I always found it really potent. Maybe smaller amounts of each one?
I ended up buying Equestrian. I decided it’s also just a good time to support a new business I appreciate. I’m actually avoiding online shopping during this time at home, so this was a comfort buy.
?? Nice choice. I know, it’s tempting more than ever to just shop on the couch. But we all need some treats right now.
I would buy both ?
I was waiting for that response from you! ??
Another day with Niki de Saint Phalle and my last day at work this week. Sadly we cannot go on holidays, but i think i will relax a bit at home.
Made a curry with cauliflower, potato and chickpeas for dinner, which turned out very good. Now having a nice Rosė. I think i will be some pounds heavier if this crisis is over..
That curry sounds delicious, enjoy.
Nice photo. We are the opposite, of course, so I’ve been admiring the autumn leaves on the maples, and all the berries and nuts on the trees. It is getting pretty chilly now but so lovely outdoors when there is a stiff breeze and fresh air. So, NZ is going into full lockdown today ( but we can go for walks alone) . We have 100 cases nationwide and will isolate for a month at first, and then more as needed. My son came home from his university hall yesterday and is understandably glum as he had only moved out two months ago. Heard mice in the walls for the first time this year! That’s the sign to snuggle down…all is well!
This is the time of year we overlap, Kanuka…I have been listening the mice in the walls of my office for the past few nights (this seems to be their favorite part of the house). They will leave soon (I can hear them packing, ha) and then I won’t hear them again until October or November.
It’s an unusual feeling to all be trying to come to grips with the same fears and impediments on all sides of the world at the same time. I can’t remember anything else like it before.
YES, I was just thinking about this!
It does still seem sort of remote to me since I don’t know anyone who has actually had the virus, but the outcomes (anxiety and stay at home rules) are the same.
We are fortunate, I think, to have a Prime Minister who speaks of kindness, compassion and unity. The Maori phrase that is being heard often is “He waka eke noa” which means ‘we are all in this together” so look out for one another . ‘Waka’ is a canoe – so we are all in the same boat.
So wise!
that’s perfect for today.
I know your son is bummed, but I’m glad he’s home safe.
I love fall. Today we’re having snow in Montreal. I know your son is sad but I’m sure you are happy to have him home.
The sun was shining all day and after 4711 during the day I’ve switched (rather the cologne had faded naturally) to Rochas Femme Parfum de Toilette which is at its best stone-fruit stage, while the modern one doesn’t work for me (I am a cumin wimp) I simply love the vintage one, it’s one of a few scents I have a lifetime supply of. I highly recommend seeking parfum de toilette.
I adore colognes, and Rochas is legendary for them. Thank you for the recommendation 🙂
Cumin wimp here, too!
🙂 it really ruins a perfume.
I wanted to ask Lillyjo whether you are feeling better with your new sinus medication?
I am feeling better than I was, for sure, but still not a hundred percent. I’m also using my netti pot frequently which helps alot.
Thanks for asking.
Hurray for sunshine! It can make a big difference in how a day goes by. ?
A gloomy and rainy Monday to match my mood. My posting here at NST is going to be erratic for the foreseeable future. I have been spending a lot of time on the phone with my brother lately. He is two time zones away from me, and lately he has been apprehensive about things. I can’t say that I blame him. We are both worried about my mother. My phone calls usually happen during my typical commenting time. So I will still be lurking, and wishing people well. Or commiserating, as the case may be. My commenting will be way down, though.
SOTD = SSS Incense Pure, from my travel spray. I pulled the trigger on a 15mL bottle of it today. I would be rather unhappy if I were to run out of this, and the 20% off sale was a final push.
Oh Jalapeño, you smell wonderful. I’m glad you are a comfort to your brother.
Thanks ringthing. We (my brother and I) are supporting each other emotionally right now.
You deserve that liquid Valium. Glad you got IP
Hiya! I’m glad I had a chance to try it. It’s become one of my most favorite incense perfumes. Be well!
Yes, worrying about loved ones is the worst aspect of the situation. Stay well and safe.
You take care, and be safe as well, Aurora. I hope that your brother is OK.
So sorry Jalapeno. I’d be worried, too
Enjoy that bottle; you deserve it!
Thanks, Elisa P. It seems that everyone has more than enough on their plates right now, doesn’t it?
Yup, and it ain’t good food on those plates ?
Sending comforting hugs. Enjoy IP. It is a beauty!
Thank you perfumelover67! Incense Pure has become a deeply calming scent in a very short period of time. “Keep calm, and perfume on!”
Oh I like your ‘motto’. That’s fantastic!
I borrowed a WW2 slogan from the Brits, and altered it a little. Still works, doesn’t it? ?
take good care of yourself, Jalapeno! worry is a difficult thing.
As I’ve told my brother, I’m doing my best! Definitely concerned about things, but I haven’t reached the worry stage yet. I’m trying not to worry.
A hug for you, jalapeno. I’m glad you got something you love.
Thanks lillyjo. Hugs for you and your kids.
Sending hugs, jalapeño.
Thanks hajusuuri! They are very much appreciated. Back atcha!
Glad you got some soothing perfume. Sending you comforting hugs.
Thank you cazaubon! I hope that your travels are going well! Hugs back.
Take care jalapeño. That’s a tough situation. Sending good thoughts to you and your family.
Thank you madtowngirl!
Completely understandable, but pop in every so often and tell us you are ok!
Will do Robin!
Thinking of you & your family Jalapeno, here’s a scent filled spritz of Incense Pure ??from my bottle to you for strength.
Take care of yourself.
Cuir de Russia for my first full day of remote teaching. Used three generous sprays, more than I would date if going to campus.
It is SNOWING here. And accumulating, which I did not expect.
Off to meet my third class of the day. Many of my students just moved out of their dorms over the weekend and they are clearly wiped out. This next class will be especially glum, I think, as it has a large concentration of spring athletes whose seasons are now over.
“de Russie,” of course
And “more than I would DARE.” I do not like autocorrect and really should just turn it off.
Fwiw, I read it the way you meant it?
I should too… it turned the first part of an email address to “doglike”
I taught online for the first time today too and yes, the students were wiped out and apprehensive.
It snowed several inches here last night but most of it has already melted, thank goodness. Still haven’t showered today, I cooked and organized all day yesterday and today I just can’t do much of anything. Especially can’t concentrate on anything, not reading or anything else. Pure ennui with random flashes of extreme anxiety, the free floating kind that attaches itself to any random thought. Once I get moving I will probably wear Shalimar. Stay safe, everyone.
Hang in there ringthing
Shalimar is a wonderful choice. Waft this way, please. 😀
Ugh, extreme boredom is the pits. I’m sorry.
Same here, sending supportive thoughts. We’re all in this together.
I am having a lot of trouble concentrating too. I think a lot of us are. I decided just to let that happen. Do what I need to do, try not to get too anxious, and not be hard on myself if I spend some part of the day utterly zoned out. Best to you!
I was up extra early to shower and get logged into my PC at home.
Couldn’t connect after several tries. Texted my supervisor and he could not get on thru on my computer either. Thankfully there are still a few techy guys in our office every day; turns out somehow my Ethernet cord was disconnected! He wasn’t sure how that happened, possibly the Cleaners on the weekend? This was after 2 hours of troubleshooting every and all other scenario. I put on some carrot seed oil to sniff after ALL THAT.
Will spray on some Chanel No 19 for my afternoon! Sending virtual hugs to everyone out there. As George Costanza’s Dad said, “Serenity Now”.
serenity now? yes please. 😀
Amazing how easy it is for Ethernet cables to get unplugged, isn’t it?
Last week, it took me a long time to login but once logged in, I was kicked out completely perhaps 2-3x each day (I know, you make do). Starting yesterday (had a meeting and got an assignment to write something to be posted), I was able to login very quickly; however, today, although I was able to login quickly, I kicked out 8 times. You read that right, 8 times. I didn’t lose any work…it was just annoying to have to log back in again!
I hope tomorrow goes better! Computer woes are so frustrating.
Taking advantage of working from homeby wearing big, loud perfumes. Today’s choice is PdE Ambre Russe. Temps dropped a little, so it’s appropriate and so cozy.
Robin, so glad Lady Day is being worn and enjoyed now!
It is delicious and much appreciated!
My day started off nicely with a Zoom meditation and saying hi to Nancyleandros was an added bonus ?
My day devolved from there with work-related stressors, and I was mindlessly respraying on my hand sanitizer over and over while in the phone, wasting it. Maybe I needed the lavender calm (lavender-eucalyptus scent).
Only other smelly thing applied was my L’Occitane orange blossom balm, which is cheerful. I’m calmer now, but boy do I have a headache! Will probably need some nighttime meditation, too…
I listened to the recording of one of Kathy’s morning meditations over the weekend. It was lovely.
Hope your day calms down, and watch out for too much hand sanitizer. I’ve got a chapped, itchy spot on the knuckle of my right ring finger that must be from too much soap and alcohol, yikes.
Thank you tiffanie! She is lovely, and calming.
I know! Though it’s the handwashing that’s getting my hands. This sanitizer isn’t drying! Which also makes me wonder if it’s working ? Stay well, and insolent! ?
Sorry you had work stress! If it’s any consolation, I sure did too.
Hope that tomorrow is better for us both.
Well, it’s healthcare, so…
Sorry you were stressed today, too. I do hope for a better day tomorrow for everyone!
Your job is waaaay more important than mine. Sorry you had such a tough day!
I wasn’t meaning to make a comparison. I just meant that my hope for less stress in the upcoming days is dubious. I’m ok, I’m working from home, for now. They may reassign us at some point to direct care, which will be a really difficult transition.
Everyone is stressed out right now. It’s all legit!
Oh I never took it as a comparison at all! I’m just truly hoping for less stress; it’s definitely a big ask now. No one needs anymore.
I’ve been wfh for just 2 days; it sure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
I hope you have a less stressful tomorrow.
Thanks lj ?
Hopefully, your Tuesday won’t be “Monday’s Ugly Little Sister”.
Thanks Jalapeno! Here’s hoping….
Sending you good vibes, you are a brave warrior, thank you for your service! I could not do what you do.
Thanks cazaubon! Well, not really that brave. I really don’t feel prepared to go back into direct care if they make us do that (an announcement we got today). I haven’t done in-patient direct care in over a decade. I can’t imagine what’s gonna be with retirees coming back.
Stay home!!!! (I’m sure you’re extra cautious already). I wouldn’t want to be a patient right now…
SotD = Insolence EdT
Insolence doesn’t smell like cherry blossoms, but it is pink and fruity. 😉 I love it, the spiral bottle by Serge Mansau always makes me laugh.
Agree with Robin, this morning felt like a Monday. Tho I had no trouble getting out of bed and making the short commute to my desk in the kitchen well before 7:00 am.
Brekkie was scrambled eggs with some leftover red quinoa from last night’s dinner, chopped fresh spinach, fresh minced garlic, a dash of olive oil.
Walked my friend’s dog twice today. Skies are blue, clouds are fluffy-white, and neighbors are waving hearty hellos from a distance.
I broke my many-many-months long no-buy and ordered two bottles of hand sanitizer spray from Sarah Horowitz Parfums here in LA. I will “hand” a bottle to the next friend I talk to who says they have run out. 😀
I saw an article about perfumers making hand sanitizer in the newspaper and on CaFleureBon. Perfumers are using their perfume grade alcohol to create scented sprays for cleaning hands in a pinch, until soap and water is available.
The fragrance of Sarah’s hand spray – lemongrass, lavender, clove, patchouli – will be my scent memory for this odd time in our lives.
Hope everyone is making the best (or the most!) of today, whatever it may bring you.
Oh yes, Insolence is a happy scent.
Hand sanitizer is an excellent reason to break a No Buy! I bet that Donatella would say the same thing…
thank you, Donatella, and thank YOU, Jalapeno, I lol’d. 😀
Yes, 4160 Tuesdays is doing the same!
ooooh, must go look . . . 😀
I just ordered a bunch from DSH and of course, I had to get this and that as well…I was very naughty today…shopped online at 3 stores in quick succession.
lol..very naughty?
Michigan lockdown for me starting at midnight. Yesterday was my last day of work for at least 3 weeks. My employer will give me 2 weeks pay, then I assume I will file for unemployment? I can not begin to tell you how stupid people have been with thier shopping habits. I’m glad to be away from them, but scared financially.
I wore three perfumes today
Korres Lilac Iris Powder, which lasted all of an hour. Dia, only 1 spray, very grand, but no personality, imo. Now I’m wearing AS Sunday , nice for this cool day, and snow.
I bought a bag of frozen burritos, and when my son took them out of the freezer, the package fell and broke open on the floor. It took everything I had to not burst into tears. I checked in here, instead. Thanks for being here, guys ❤
You can use the 5 second rule on the burritos or maybe even longer since their frozen, you can wash them off and maybe just cook them all tonight?
As to collecting unemployment, were you dismissed / terminated? If not, you’re not unemployed and not eligible to collect; however, I think you may be able to benefit from whatever package is out there that’s supposed to help American taxpayers.
Really?, it looks like I need a new plan.
I did not read but just heard this on the news — eligible taxpayers (and many will qualify and it is not only for the unemployed) will get $$$s in 2 tranches, with the first one supposed to be paid sometime in the next 3 weeks. If you got a refund last year, you will get a direct credit to your account for each of the 2 tranches. I believe you also receive some $$$s for each child. Also, if you do end up being unemployed, you’re supposed to get an amount equal to your pay AND the amount of time you get to collect is longer.
In other words, be frugal, but help is on the way. It is supposed to ease anxiety.
Thanks, lady!
That’s what i said!
I agree with Hajusuuri. Wash those burritos. Nothing will affect our health more than the coronavirus these days. We are very sensitive and if we add that to the financial uncertainty it is very easy to either explode or melt down. If you can don’t hold your emotions, you need to have some relief! We are always here for you and each other. Sending positive vibes! ??????
Oh, smashed burritos, maybe you can still use them!
We are your friends, so today wasn’t so good but tomorrow will be better, we have our health. The UK government is paying 80% of salary, maybe there is a similar scheme in the works in the US.
So sorry to hear that your Monday was that stressful. Hugs, rinse off the burritos, and cook them tonight. That takes care of a couple of meals for you & the kids.
Lockdown started in NJ last Saturday.
Hugs, lillyjo
Glad you have 2 weeks covered, but yeah, that’s super unsettling. And I hope what hajusuuri wrote offers some hope! I’m relieved that you’re out of that environment, though. Don’t need a bunch of germy shoppers stressing you out!
Also, nuke those burritos! Microwaves kill everything.
Germy, rude and just plain oblivious to what is going on, not just in the world but in their own backyard! Honestly, all these people care about is buying clothes. Plus bringing their kids! It was making me crazy and angry.
If the burritos were frozen, I’d just wipe them off and cook them well, that should kill any germs. I hope the government comes through with some funds for you asap!! Sending hugs.
Are you home now?
Yes, I made it home safely!
Thanks everyone for the love and friendship! I managed to save all but 2 burritos ?
Yay for burrito saving!
Good to see you!
I’m in MEMO Winter Palace today, courtesy of the generous hajusuuri. I’m trying to work, but Little Miss Kitten here on my lap thinks I have better things to do, like petting her. The poor little darling has been on antibiotics for the past week, with almost another week to go, but things aren’t going well; she has been throwing up 1-2x every day 🙁 and she has been getting extra wary of both parents. Yesterday, she didn’t even want treatsies. That’s how you know things are really bad, the poor little girl.
It won’t surprise you that 50+% of her throw-up incidents have been in the middle of the night, which means we haven’t been sleeping well. It’s all been very stressful. Hopefully this will all be over as soon as her antibiotics are done. She isn’t even 12 years old yet, so I fully expect her to be a good little kitten for another 5-10 years. (She says she will do her best.)
Ohhhh….give the little one a scritch behind the ears for me. You smell fabulous!
Scritch has been lovingly delivered <3 thanks!
Awwwwwww. poor kitty! Antibiotics are a difficult thing to administer to my cats, too. Fortunately, my vet has a powder that I can mix into wet food. It’s been working most of the time. ?
Oh no, does yours need antibiotics now too? (Sorry, I’ve been behind on my SOTDs!) I’m sorry 🙁 I’m glad it is working for you! My little one doesn’t really eat wet food, so that strategy won’t work for me :-/
Yeah, Spooky kitty is on Tylan powder right now.
I hope she gets better soon. What a stressful situation for all of you.
Thank you, Glannys <3
Poor baby. Antibiotics can upset tummies, she should be better when it’s over.
Thank you, I hope so! (She hopes so, too.)
Aww, sounds rough ? I always worry my cat will never come near me again when I do something he doesn’t like. But, he forgets, eventually, lol.
Or he forgives. ??
Poor kitty! One of ours threw up three times the other night for no discernible reason. But the antibiotics will do it. Hope it all heals up soon!
Good luck Koyel, I feel bad for you both.
My cats (and dogs too) have never refused soft goat cheese even when sick or finicky. You can hide medicine or stimulate interest and augment the meal.
What does your vet say? Could it be that her stomach is too empty for the meds?
Thank you, AngelaB, I will have to try the goat cheese trick! The vet didn’t really have much input, but we thought that might be the reason, so we gave her some easy-to-digest paste in the hopes that that would calm her stomach down. The Cerenia did the trick last night; hopefully it’ll work again today!
I’m trying my sample of Guerlain La Petite Robe noir EdP (the original version of this i think?) It snowed this morning here but it’s mostly melted now and raining, so a Guerlain mid-weight Spring oriental seemed a good idea! I like it, but I get like a Dr. Pepper vibe in the opening and lots of iris in the drydown! I wish i got more of the cherry and licorice like other people mention, but still nice 🙂
Ha, I would take Diet Pepper and iris right now!
Me tooooo
Lol! Am i the only one who got that effect from this perfume?
Hi, folks! *Hugs* to those having a rough time.
I am doing okay. I managed to arrange to have some regular check-up doctors’ appointments scheduled for later in this week and in the next week done via video call instead of going in person. This is a big relief to me.
I put on just a bit of SL A la Nuit again this morning, but it wasn’t as soothing this morning as it was early yesterday morning. It may have been because I knew I had a number of phone calls to make to schedule and reschedule appointments, plus some grocery shopping to do today.
The phone call section of my day worked out well for me. I made it to the local Wegman’s in the early afternoon. They had several hand sanitizer stations dotted around the store, which I thought was good. Some people were forgetting to keep their distance, and some even darted by my cart to get items off the shelves as I looked at what was left on those shelves. I thought that those people could have asked me to move, rather than dart in front of me.
I got quite a lot of the foods I wanted there, though, so it was a successful trip for me. The cashiers were sanitizing the conveyor belts at the registers between customers, which I thought was good, too. I’ve been putting on vinyl gloves when I get to the checkout at grocery stores and big box stores. I can’t wear them for a whole trip, because I get overheated very fast when I put that kind of gloves on. But I figure that area is a good place to put them on.
My car inspection month is March, so my next trip out was to drop off the car. Dad met me at Firestone, drove to the pharmacy and then stayed in the car and read while I picked up a couple of things there. Dad said he’s not getting bored at all with being home. He’s a couch potato when the weather is bad, and works out in the yard when the weather is good. Dad has *no* problem with not going into grocery stores or big box stores for a while. 🙂 Mom seems to be getting bored. Uh-oh!
Take care!
I’ve got some phone calls to make this week, too. One is rescheduling a cancelled dentist appointment. Bleah.
Good luck with that! Not fun. My Wednesday morning doctor’s appointment was rescheduled from when I cancelled due to having the flu, so I really did want to make it to that appointment. Now I can do so from home. I’d ended up getting the lab tests for the appointment done a little after mid-February. At the time, I was glad that was over with. Now I appreciate getting them done then even more.
Virtual *hugs* and good luck with this week of working from home.
Oh, I have a couple more links! When I sent the link to my brother, he sent back a link to, which has one of their cameras focused on a coral reef with many colorful fish. That’s through the Baltimore Aquarium. I found the fish soothing to watch. The livestreams of puppies are still the cutest thing, though, in my opinion. 🙂
And here’s a link to bird-watching activities from the Cornell University Ornithology Lab:
I’d mentioned the Cornell Ornithology Lab bird cams a few days ago. Have fun bird-watching!
Thank you for the links! And so glad your day was successful. I am going to have to shop at least once this week and not looking forward to it.
Good luck to you with your shopping! Mom went to the Giant grocery store near us the other day, when she woke at some ungodly hour of the morning. Their time for senior citizens to shop is between 6 and 7 a.m., I think. She said, “As long as I was already awake…”
Mom was pleased that at that hour she managed to score TP and tissues, though she said they were going fast even then. But she said I could take back over with the grocery shopping and the trips to Walmart through this week.
hugs to you too! 😀