Another week begins, plus International Rabbit Day. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm doing sweet with a wee dab of Prada Candy. We're expecting it to get quite hot today so I will probably be in something sour by the afternoon.
Reminder: on 9/27 we're going to Flavortown...wear a scent that you associate with one of the five basic tastes (sweet, sour, salty, umami or bitter). Triple bonus points for starting on Monday and doing all 5. Suggested by Regina.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2019, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Williams' Root Beer extract manufactured by Williams & Carleton, Hartford, Conn. The great family drink. [front] by Boston Public Library at flickr; some rights reserved.
Wearing Guerlain Mon Precieux Nectar on this warm rainy day.
Update on Sonoma Scent Studio from Facebook, for all of you who do not use FB:
Hi everyone:
Time for an update!
The refreshed website is almost done (thankfully) and we’ll be re-opening for pre-orders soon.
Please make sure that you are signed up for SSS’s newsletter which will contain additional information about our re-launch, which you can do by going to
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll be happy to respond 🙂
Thank you for your fabulous support of SSS and also for your patience.
This is great news! Thanks for sharing here.
Oh, thank you so much for keeping us all in the loop! ??
That is good news. i cant remember if they ship to Europe, but I had Winter woods on top of my wishlist and then they closed down. Oh well, first i need a job before I allow myself to make more purchases. ?
Wonderful news! Thanks for the update, Cazaubon!
Great news! Guess I will have to keep checking their website… I have signed up for their email list multiple times but have never gotten an email. (And no, it’s not in spam…)
Pixel, I haven’t either. I thought it was just me. ?♀️
Well at least I’m not alone in being ignored 🙂
Nope, I’m also on the ignore list it seems.
Good news, thanks. Do we know who the new owner is? Is Laurie still involved at all?
No, Laurie has handed it over to Brenda, the new owner.
This is exciting! I’ve been wanting to get more SSS for ages. We’ll probably crash the site as soon as it goes live……
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update on SSS cazaubon!
I’m wearing Dzing!, and I guess it’s the sweet for the CP. I wear it rarely, because it is just too much for summer weather.
you smell great!
I love this one, but agree – at least for me, it’s a cold weather fragrance due to the musk more than the rest of it.
Adding to the Dzing! love.
so good
I’m wearing Safran Troublant for sweet, because so many people had saffron in their desserts on this week’s new (to US Netflix) episode of the Great British Bakeoff!
Oh yay! But NO spoilers please, I am planning to watch that episode tonight!
Me too!
SotD is Bottega Veneta. My first purchase after a quite long no-buy period (30 ml, very cute bottle)
Perfect scent for the transitional weather we are having.
I have a job interview tomorrow (yay)and I am already quite nervous (eww).
Luckily some distraction later this afternoon: drinks with a good friend who has been through a rough time. So I am really happy to see her again!
(Her boyfriend is in rehabilitation at the moment, he had a nasty accident this summer in Italy, he had to stay a month in an italian hospital before he was fit enough to make the trip to the Netherlands. My friend stayed with him all the time of course. But So stressful ?)
Good luck on your job interview!
I love BV! Good luck on your interview!
+1 to both, best of luck.
Fingers crossed for you Jiji!?? And you smell great! A worthy purchase ??
Good luck tomorrow, Jiji! ☘What a great purchase!
Best of luck, Jiji!! You smell wonderful.
Good luck with the interview!
Fingers crossed for you Jiji.
I hope the interview goes well. Good luck
Good luck jiji!
Good luck!
Good luck on that job interview Jiji! ?
Good luck Jiji and glad you were able to catch up with your friend!
Goodbye summer, don’t let the door hit you on the a** on the way out! ?
Hello FALL! I love you! And to celebrate fall, and the flannel shirt I’m sporting this Monday morning, I’m wearing the lovely Bengale Rouge. Fabulous stuff, and I’m glad it’s sold out because now I can’t be tempted. I gave myself FOUR sprays and each spray was better than the last! Thank you again to the NST superhero who sent me this.
I’ve added a link about solo women in vans for those interested. Before anyone gets offended, it’s more about empowering women to live the life THEY choose, instead of one dictated by societal norms. It’s an extremely well done series that highlights eight women from differing educational and socioeconomic backgrounds, with a great diversity in ages. While all the women live in the EU, the info translates well to the US and Canada.
Even if you’re just wanting to take an epic road trip next year, but are a bit hesitant, the series has a lot of good info. It’s more about women living the life they choose, and secondarily about living in a van, which is certainly not for everyone?
You smell fab!
I may need a fb, but first I have to finish my sample….and also, I need a job, haha.
I will check out that video later, sounds good!
Good luck with job hunting. You’ll have a great position by the time it’s back in stock, then a FB will be yours! ??
You can send your summer to the east, I’ll gladly take it.?
Ditto, also from the east. I am loving the warmer weather right now, but I know it won’t last. I am so not ready for fall, *sigh*.
SOT(y)D was Armani Summer Code, ironically. Happy Equinox!
I just hit “send.” You should be getting more summer soon.??
Yay! ?.
Happy Fall season, Deva! ???
Lol. Thanks!
Same here, from the East! Send all the heat possible, please! ?⛱?
It’s 4:20pm in Houston and it’s 89 degrees. I will send you this day!
5:25pm here and it is 84 degrees heat index 88! Last day! ?. Starting tomorrow back to the 70’s. Not bad, but I will gladly receive all your hot/warm days ?☀️.
Why would anybody get offended? Or can you not answer that without offending somebody?
(This is a serious question btw, after seeing it in print it looked like maybe I meant to be flippant. I really can’t think why it would offend anybody)
Thanks for asking because I was wondering the same thing.
I didn’t think you were being flippant. I felt the need to put a disclaimer based on a previous reaction to a link I posted. If you want details, I can tell you the specifics in email, but don’t really think I want to discuss it publicly.
No idea what you are talking about–but feel I need to say that you are really an extraordinary person in the choices you have made, the adventures you are having, and the intelligence and humor you share with everyone who crosses your path. Period.
By the by (I may have mentioned this before–sorry, I am getting to that age!!) there is a hilarious commencement speech by David Sidaris at Oberlin College on video out there, where at one point he entreats the students to choose one thing that they feel really really really offended by, and to forget all the rest…. (warning: the speech includes obscenity and irreverence).
Ok, no worries Deva! I don’t need to know and it probably wouldn’t make me happier to find out.
Oakland, thanks so much for that link — I had heard that speech before and did not even remember that bit about being offended. I remembered the “young and good looking” and the Diptyque candle parts 🙂
I watched part of the video and I love all the “van life” women and their dogs! Doggy van life! Too cute!
Happy Fall! Leaves ? ?
Oh how beautifully you do smell.
Start saving your money now 😉 .
Does d’oggo approve?
Thanks for the link, I have a friend who is longing to do this, I will pass it on too.
Enjoy the fall weather, Deva! I will take your summer leftovers. ?
I enjoyed the link. Lots to admire about these ladies.
On my way to a couple doctors appointments. I am dreading today’s dentist appointment and don’t want to go but would rather get it out of the way. Wearing Apres L’ondee for them both. I need something gentle for them and it’s cool and rainy here in Northeastern Ohio. I think I might hold off on a new bottle of perfume until next week.
Good luck today Dawn!
2nd that!!
Good luck! I will be dentist-ing along with you in a couple of days. Joy.
Yes, just get it done and put it behind you!!
Best wishes for a painless session at the dentist, it will soon be over.
Candy is a great representative of sweet taste in perfumery.
I am wearing Coromandel. Thanks to white chocolate note, it can count as sweet.
Well, whaddaya know! We’re twins! And we smell great!
I was in Coromandel yesterday, so we’re twins one day removed. ?
Good morning Y’all….
Wearing Katy Perry Indi, which to my unsophisticated nose is an exact dupe for JHaG’s Sunny Side Up….Good stuff!
I’m in Coromandel to usher in this first day of fall. This month is going so fast. I can only hope that the long, dark, cold month of January will go as fast.? After an entire day of rain yesterday, the skies have cleared and it is gorgeous today! So grateful for days like this.
Opposite twins, I am watching the fresh green shoots appear on the trees, perfect spring mornings!
Quiproquo by Gres
Flavor would be sweet greens
I got a decant in the swap and it reminds me of old Estee Lauder Aliage, which I loved at first sniff.
Some days I think I was born in the wrong era!
I like my era in a way…the perfumes that were around when I was young were fantastic! I just wish I could still buy them 🙂
Enjoying what it seems to be the last HOT day of the year. Wearing ELDO Fat Electrician. I oversprayed, oops! ?
Define “over spray” 😉
Ha! ?
Was “over sprayed” in the double digits?
YES!!!! ?
I’m still kind of smelling like the pumpkin pie spice sugar scrub at the moment. I’ll probably do something sweet-smelling later.
Trying a sample of Montale Chocolate Greedy. I never did get around to dessert after dinner, but this is inspiring me. 🙂
The birthday present I’m giving my mother is for me to do a “no-buy” for the rest of the year. lol. Happy birthday, Mom!
Mom was alarmed when I went to Sephora today. I said, “I’m not going to buy anything at Sephora today. I’m getting a complimentary mini-makeover. ‘Brows.'”
When I got in the makeover chair, the Sephora associate said, “We don’t pluck.”
“You don’t pluck?” I said.
“We fill in,” she said. The *last* thing I need for my eyebrows is to have them filled in. “We could use gel.”
I decided to switch to “Lips” for my mini-makeover, and the associate produced a very nice effect. It’s gone now, but it was nice before dinner. 🙂
And…back to sugar and spice. My skin is so nice and soft now, too.
Ha…I would never have guessed that was a brow makeover either.
Im wearing chanel 22 of course! Sometimes its sweet like vanilla, other times dry as incense or soap.
But you tease us with that ad for root beer, can anyone recommend a root beer perfume? Maybe acqua di Parma mandorlo di sicilia?
I don’t think it’s intended, but I got a root beer note from Olympic Orchids African Orchid.
Yes, Mandorlo di Sicilia, Boucheron Trouble, and Annick Goutal Myrrhe Ardente.
Seconding the AG Myrrhe Ardente for root beer. Also, some of the Tauer perfumes have a root beer note in their drydown to my nose.
Anything with a ton of benzoin smells like root beer to me! Prada Candy does only very briefly though.
I think I’ll hunt down my Sel de Vetiver for salty.
I suppose any citrus-forward scent will work for sour. Umami has me a bit stumped. All I can think of are smoky ‘fumes that I’ve accused of smelling like BBQ. Maybe a leather note?
Maybe just do savoury. That’s how I’m gonna play that category. ☺
Ooh, just thought – something smokey…
I thought of mushrooms, they are umami….?
That’s my plan.
Maybe seaweed flavours too? I just googled it and got meat broths, seaweed, mushrooms, parmesan….
Umami is hard. Here is how I am going to interpret it:
Mushroom note: present in some gardenia scents (along with ‘cheese’ note). Some TF scents have truffle in them.
Fireplace and campfire scents. They tend to be foody but savory (or at least not to sweet)
Clove. Tends to be savory.
Leather with saffron may work too.
Any fragrance with a truffle note would work for umami. I know of a few of those.
I’m in Zoologist Chameleon from a sample in the swap and really liking it and it’s perfect for today’s summer weather. I’d say it covers the sweet and salty tastes.
I had a nice weekend, but no kayaking, alas! My friend who has the house in CT stayed here in the city, down with some bug. I did go to a Samba percussion workshop, which was great to learn some new stuff, but whereas our group plays with 2 sticks, this style plays with 1 stick and 1 hand. I have bruises on my hand and a swollen thumb from hitting the metal rim ? ?
That makes an interesting story if someone asks how you hurt your hand…. will have to look up chameleon.
Not very glamorous, lol. Chameleon is nice- a tropical floral.
The samba sounds fun despite the injuries. Wear boxing gloves next time.
Ha! Good idea.
I hear ya ElisaP- I play the Congas and have the same occasional issue. There are ‘comfort rim’ rims that you can swap out and they make HUGE difference!
What songos are you doing?
I bet you are having a blast. It’s hard work though for sure.
I play a repique, which is encased in an aluminum frame, so the head falls below the rim, unlike with a conga, which is slightly above the rim? But, even without the rim issue, I never knew how hard it was on the hands- especially when inexperienced, like I am.
I play with a samba reggae bateria/batucada style group and the arrangements are all our conductor’s own work built on traditional grooves. The workshop was done by a guy from Sao Paolo so gave us some insight on regional differences (our group is Bahia style). It is a blast!
Do you play in a group? Congas are awesome- I want to play all the drums, lol!
I love there are so many percussionists here! I’m about to head into my third cajon class with a focus on flamenco rhythm. So much fun!
High five! I love flamenco- and was watching a video of Charo who I did not realize is a serious flamenco guitar player!
That’s impressive! I have seen them but did not know much, I just thought that they were another form of a hanging drum, not dual sided! How large is your group? It sounds very cool – and would be a blast! I am still very much a beginner and don’t play with a group but am taking lessons. I have found a few amazing drum circles. It is hard on your hands but supposedly lessen as you become accustomed to it. (?) So my teacher told me the secret is to do shorter intervals and take a quick break. That stops the cumulative damage and to ice quickly to stop any inflammation, if that helps. (I wonder if we are heading for arthritis though! 😉 you maybe younger than me so start early. I rememberer SheilaE saying that her hands were starting to hurt her by age50)
I am having a great time too and love to play funk rhythms and afro-cuban as well as rock. There’s so much to learn! Music is a wonder drug!
Hand-playing is much harder than it looks to me! The hazards of sticks are blisters and I do get bruised knees/inner thighs. Sheila E is awesome and I recently sent a video of her (w/ Prince!) to my brother who plays timbales. She still plays amazingly.
There are about 10 regulars and some interlopers who beef us up when we perform (more is more with this style). Playing with a group is an amazing experience- the energy is fantastic!
It’s great you’re taking lessons and learning multiple styles!
Here’s a clip from one of our earlier performances
I LOVE Chameleon! I want that pretty bottle (and juice)!
It’s so fun and pleasant! I also like that iridescent bottle!
Ow! I hope that your hand recovers soon!
Thanks Jalapeno! I soaked it in warm water and Epsom salt tonight which I think helped.
Wearing Freschiiissimo which covers several flavors by having a note list of ginger, lime, tea and sugar.
I will take your perfume in a tall glass with ice and an umbrella straw
I’ll take mine with a splash of rum, plus the glass, ice, and umbrella, please!
I think it was actually based on a drink
Yes I agree with LTSG, why are there so many more of these combinations available lately? How do you like this one?
It’s been a warm weather favorite of mine for years
Kenzie Amour. Am I crazy or does this fit into the salty category? (As well as others…)
Well that would be Kenzo, mister spellcheck….
Ordered some samples today for the first time in forever, from Twisted Lily. I had to. Bengale Rouge just sounded too interesting.
It smelled play-doh salty to me. I need to get over to TL and sniff that (I always feel guilty/lazy ordering samples from there, lol. But laziness often wins!).
You’re probably smart to avoid temptation! ? No question that I’d be a goner for sure.
Haha, so true! I actually decided I’m more likely to impulsively buy something if I go in person, so buying samples is probably saving me money ?
Chergui today – feeling like fall here in the PNW. Chergui can be my sweet. I may have trouble with bitter – it’s just not my thing.
Smelling so good!
Like many others I’m doing sweet today with Angel Muse. I often like sweet on Monday anyway.
That’s such a good one!
Salty Monday with Eau des Merveilles.
Love this one! After many samples I recently purchased a travel size. You smell fabulous!
Yes! Good choice.
I may join you in Da House with Elixir des Merveilles!!
You smell so good.
Wearing one of the new St Clair perfumes today, Eve, and it’s absolutely beautiful. Deep shimmering greens, it’s an orris-rich vetiver unlike any I’ve smelled before, on a oakmossy bed (and a very lovely lift of lilac and rose after the opening bite of red apple.).
And just finished Kanuka’s thoroughly enjoyable and poignant new novel.
Your perfume sounds very cool. I wonder hiw the novel works for non-NZers as it is very place specific and I imagine that could be a problem.
Not a problem, given how you evocatively you write–though I suspect I missed some of the nuance of place and cultural associations. I very much want to smell the unknown plants (I wonder if any are in the Botanical Gardens here…)
When I lived in Glasgow in 1990 I used to go to the glasshouse in the gardens because it had a small section of native plants…plus it was warm compared to my flat
My copy is arriving soon!
Where did you order it from?
I really wanted a hard copy (not Kindle, although I do read plenty of books on Kindle, but I don’t chat with those authors about perfume, their walks through cemeteries, and my endless technology terrors… ). I pre-ordered my copy through the Book Depository, which is sending it from Australia–supposed to arrive any day now. Here’s the Book Depository link:
Thank you!! I also prefer a real book.
Cool-ish today, but it’s supposed to get very hot again the next 2 days.
SOTD is TF Vert de Fleur. I may just do greens all week. Feeling like Ms Cranky Pants today… dealing with a bad Ebay buyer, dealing with a co-worker who has taken credit for my work, general bah-humbug-ness going on. Sharp greens may just fit my mood for a while.
we are “green twins”
Sorry about your day, I was cranky last week
Hope your day goes fast!
Oh no. I hope things improve.
And green is a theme I would enjoy too.
Hope the day gets better for you!
Foo. It didn’t. I got attitude from some really junior guy, out of the blue.
My plan has been to work one more year, then retire, but perhaps the universe is telling me that I should reconsider…
Hope your house-hunting is progressing.
Ugh that stinks. Did you get an attitude back or did you let it go?
I confess, I gave some attitude back. Then just walked away from that email thread. Told someone else on my team to handle it.
Time to pull the plug!
Aromatics Elixir for the bitter flavour…because of the oakmoss and the bitter herbs. Now thinking about the other choices while drinking some oat and herb tea.
Good call, I am still thinking through bitter.
I’m in Praline de Santal, for both sweet and bitter.
I reconnected with an old friend recently, and have been marveling at how little the span of 30 years has made to my sense of affection for her. Perhaps I am getting to that point in life when the events of my younger years seem more real than the past few. 🙂
Sending everybody positive and uplifting energy to get through another Monday….
That’s so nice!
Another fruity chypre today, it’s the turn of Balenciaga Quadrille.
I love the charming ad you used, Robin and wonder what root beer extract actually was, did it involve adding sparkling water?
I had a tiny sample of vintage Quadrille- it was quite nice!
Yes, a very warm fruity chypre, but I realize it was a mistake to wear it just after the original Rochas Femme because it’s the better perfume.
I remember my mom talking about the old time soda jerks, and how they would make a vanilla Coke by putting the syrup into the glass and then adding soda water to it and stirring the mixture to combine it. I bet that was how root beer was made back in the day, too.
Thank you very much, Jalapeno, so interesting your mother actually remembering those days.
Exactly! My dad was a soda jerk when he was young.
I sampled Libre in the shop yesterday and it seemed very similar to Mon Guerlain but with a bit more orange blossom rather than vanilla after the initial lavender . My copy of Perfume Legends 2 arrived in the post and it is stunning, but no time to read it just yet as I am away to the North Island for some talks etc. all the neighbours mowed their lawns for the first time this spring at the weekend and all evening and night the house was filled with the smell of grass…it was lovely. Off to the hill to see what’s growing and singing: the nesting kingfishers have returned since last week. Paprika Brasil for a flavourful Tuesday.
Oh yay, do report back on Legends 2! And the kingfishers, of course.
In Bal d’Afrique hair perfume… but am craving patchouli for some reason. I may burn some incense…
Still watching the Country Music documentary–anyone else watching it? I CANNOT GET THESE LYRICS OUT OF MY MIND:
From Kentucky coal mines
To the California sun
Bobby shared the secrets of my soul
(over and over and over and over and over again. . . )
Oh Kris, what have you done to me??
Thanks…I guess. Now I hear Janis.
I’ll probably binge-watch when it’s done, I have PBS on demand.
I had to go watch videos of Bobby Magee, him and janis, and also, Help me make it through the Night, the duet with Lori Morgan. Oh lordy, those were the days….
I grew up with the Joan Baez version of Help Me Make It Through the Night–love it!
I’m also watching it! It was quite the surprise to see and hear The Beatles covering a Buck Owens song. I watched a lot of “Hee Haw” as a small child…
Oh my gosh I watched a lot of Hee Haw as a child too lol!
I never watched Hee Haw, but I loved hearing Ringo sing Act Naturally with his very pronounced Scouse accent. It totally worked!
Yes, it did!
I loved Hee Haw!
I want to watch this so bad! And you smell great.
It is not the deepest commentary, but for a broad sweeping story that connects the dots (especially for people like me who don’t really know very much about country music) it is really great. Last night covered 1964-68, so we are now seeing more women and hearing the women’s stories… I love the early clips of Dolly Parton especially. She was so poised and funny, and so talented. And hearing Loretta Lynn’s version of what went down when she started singing “The Pill” –really terrific. (Just looked up The Pill, which apparently came out in 1972—so maybe the documentary is a little loosey goosey with the time periods). ANYWAY–it is really fun to watch!
I caught the third episode last week about Hank Williams and saw a bit last night about Johnny Cash. Just tuning in now for tonight’s episode! Can’t wait until it’s complete and binge! I love docs especially ones about music. I just rewatched Life in 12 Bars about Eric Clapton and XTC: This is Pop. Both recommended. ?
I would love to see that! No sure I have the right subscriptions to stream it though. 🙁
Sometimes if you go play the actual song it will stop.
We just started it. So far so good. I hope he will do another music series after this, maybe soul or rock.
Definitely a change in the weather. Happily welcoming fall with Marni Marni.
Not here — it was hot!
I opened my perfume cabinet this morning looking for taste ideas and my eyes lit on Chambre Noir, which I immediately sprayed all over myself and submit it for the umami category. The combination of leather, incense, and patchouli seems to me to hit the mark very well. It does also have plum and pink pepper, to make it a little more interesting, and even borderline sour maybe, but I’m enjoying it in this category and saving sour for another day. Sweet is the easy one in this challenge; the others will take planning and thought.
Oh, that sounds beautiful and I had not heard of it! I will seek out a sample.
You make that sound amazing!
Sounds great, I may use this idea for Friday!
Am wearing a spritz of La Pausa, not realizing I’d be on my own in the office today and could have applied with abandon. It’s from a decant, while most decants have been fine to empty thismonth, this one might make me feel sad to see the last of it.
I miss mine!
I am wearing Miu Miu L’Eau Bleue today and currently drinking a cup of lemon ginger tea.
Much later in the day but we are tea twins now!
Noir Épices for me today – maybe I should add spicy to the list of flavours!
Great choice!
I’m in Sel de Vetiver, for salty, from a lovely swapper. This is perfect. ❤️
That one is sooo good!
What is the salt vs vetiver proportion like in that perfume?
The salt is more prominent in the first couple of hours, but the vetiver takes over and is very soft in the dry down.
Thank you!
SOTD = Atelier Cologne Orange Sanguine
…because summer is back in these here parts – yuck! I did see a clump of leaves peeking above my neighbors’ rooftop that had turned yellow (and not for lack of moisture) so there’s that.
I am doing a tandem CP this week! I will try to wear a newly acquired perfume (let’s say new as in acquired sometime in the past six weeks) and identify which taste(s) it covers. Orange Sanguine is sweet and sour.
***** Off-topic related to Medicare Appeal *****
230 pages and 3.5 pounds (the paperwork, not lost or gained weight!) later…. yep, got it done. I think I mailed out the new evidence for my mom’s Medicare appeal just under the 10 calendar day wire. To make it easier for me to refer to documents, I hand stamped page numbers. I was going to get a self-inking automatic numbering machine which I would have done if I had more than 300 pages. As it was, I just cranked the little rubber stamp wheel to change the page numbers. Also, the ink pads have improved! They now have gel ink and the impressions came out crisply. I looked through the Internet to see what else would support the appeal and I have to say that while I was able to utilize one argument, Medicare regulations are a tangled mess, but we all know that already! Having looked through the medical records in more detail, I also saw what appeared to be possible falsification and actually, if what I think they falsified was not falsified, then the actions of the Skilled Nursing Facility would be pure negligence and therefore, either way, the SNF failed to follow standards. I hope the judge sees that for what it was. In any case, while the volume of documentation was more than I originally thought, in the event we lose this 3rd Level Appeal, the documentation will already be in place for the 4th Level Appeal (for which we’re not allowed to introduce new evidence) and then there’s a 5th Level Appeal that I haven’t yet read up on hoping we don’t have to go that far!
Congratulations on getting that big honking pile of paperwork in before deadline!
Keeping my fingers crossed that the judge considers it timely; if not there will be a change in court date but I don’t think it will be extended to a much later date!
I am really hoping your appeal is successful. You’ve done your family proud
Thanks. If we win, I am donating my portion to the senior home, a not-for-profit Skilled Nursing Facility, where my mom spent her last three weeks under the loving care of nuns and lay nurses and CNAs who are not watching the clock for end of shift.
Correction: Last 2 weeks and a day…
Great work and you smell great, of course!
Thank you!
I admire your drive. Go you!
Thank you. The appeals system, especially the ones that are related to hospitalization, is stacked against the beneficiary — I read so many horror stories while researching for the appeal. Only 1% of the appellants are beneficiaries (or their representatives) because the process is daunting.
Golly, it’s Hajusuuri’s Divine Comedy!!!
To be fair, I wrote 6 of the 230 pages and the rest were copies of emails and medical records.
Holy Krakatoa, Batman! I’m imagining you cranking that date stamp wheel 300+ pages. Your poor fingers…??
I didn’t trust the automatic numbering machine since it is one of those self-inking ones and I remember my own self-inking Received Stamp (yes, I am old ?) and the impressions always ended being fuzzy.
It’s the third circle of hell! Hoping this one is successful and you don’t have to keep going. You rock!
Thank you…keeping fingers, eyes and toes crossed!
Armani Privé Myrrhe Imperial. Beautiful.
Yep, it is definitely Monday. I think I might be coming down with something, since my throat feels a little scratchy this afternoon. I’ve already pulled out the Ricola cough drops.
I had another game day this past Saturday. We were back to playing in our long-running 5th edition campaign (over 3 years now), and it might have been the last time our group can get together this year. We shall see if November happens or not.
SOTD = back in Timbuktu. Good calming scent.
You smell great. Hopefully you don’t come down with anything full force!
Thank you! I’ve pulled out my tea that contains echinacea, just in case. ☕
It’s going around. I hope it doesn’t catch you!
Thanks, I hope it didn’t catch me either! I’ll see how I feel tomorrow morning.
Yep, my son is sick and my husband is fighting it. (Knocking on wood for myself)
Hope you feel better tomorrow!
Thanks! Me too. Otherwise it’s time to get a whole bunch of chicken soup.
Gargle with warm salt water…it really helps! I hope it passes you by.
I’m kind of surprised that good old Listerine didn’t stop this in its tracks. I’ll try the salt rinse tonight before bed.
Also lots of lemon and oranges for vitamin C, Timbuktu is a treasure.
Floris Honey Oud for that sweet honey note! Woohoo, it’s technically fall lol!
I’m not quite ready for fall… I’m finally getting the lovely, dry summer weather I’ve been wanting.
Lucky you. Our sunny weather usually comes with a big dose of humidity. I actually love the warm weather but the high humidity in my area makes much of the summer unpleasant.
Oh, usually summer weather is gross and humid where I am at, too. But I keep hoping that I can get a week or two of dry and warm summer weather every year.
Nice scent
I was thinking about work this morning and did not consider my perfume choice. Since it was a hot humid day, I went with Cristalle because I’ve already swapped my perfumes for fall and winter scents. I left Cristalle out because it’s always right. Maybe bitter?
There is a slight touch of bitter in both No. 19 and Cristalle to my nose.
It’s the best I could do to be cp compliant. Gosh, everyone did such a great job picking their scents for today.
Not sure if I’m CP compliant, but I’ve got some vintage Houbigant Raffinee on tonight.