Hump Day and Cheeseburger Day (I started celebrating last night). What fragrance are you wearing?
Me: still at the beach. No perfume at the moment; last night's scent was good old Azemour Les Orangers from Parfum d'Empire.
Reminder: on 9/20, wear a fragrance by Laboratorio Olfattivo, Lubin, La Via del Profumo, Les Parfums de Rosine or Liquides Imaginaires, if you have one. Partial credit for any other small-ish brand that starts with the letter L.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2019, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is RARE Tennis Courts & Bay, Shanklin Isle of Wight AR Quinton Salmon [cropped] by Mark Crombie at flickr; public domain.
In Anima Vinci Rose Prana. Just beautiful!
I ordered the sample set, it’s waiting for me in San Diego, will get to try next month. 🙂
Hope you like them. Rose Prana is pretty nice for fall weather and the longevity is quite decent. After 6 hours has become a skin scent. Good enough for me.
4160 Tuesdays Centrepiece. Soft and pretty for an overcast day at the office.
You smell great!
No points in Eau de Soir, from a lovely swapper. It is gorgeous… how did I not know about this before?
Love Eau de Soir. I almost wore it today. You smell beautiful!
SarahN, if you still want the freebie Dior Grand Bal decant, email me at gmail using my NST username!
Just emailed, thank you!!
Ha! Everyone who wears Eau du Soir gets double points( in my book!).
EdS was a love at first sniff for me, whereas its sister Soir de Lune was an instant scrubber.
I’m in Tam Dao. I thought about trying to fake-tie it to a small-case “L” brand name, but that would be Liptyque and that just doesn’t work … although it would be a great name for a lipstick brand!
You smell so wonderful!
Lovely, such a perfect autumn scent!
I’m surprised there isn’t a Liptyque Lam Lao already.
Ha ha ha!
Good morning Y’all!
Wearing Elizabeth Arden Spiced Green Tea and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I found an inexpensive bottle on ebay and so glad I took a chance on it. It’s definitely got some Frances Kirkdijan DNA in it, which is great! Shows he’s a master with expensive ingredients AND cheap ones as well…. 🙂
Congratulations on finding a love like that.
Ooh I just looked it up on Fragrantica and it sounds good! My local Marshall’s often has Green Tea flankers, but I’ve never seen that one.
Last week I also picked up a bottle of Green Tea Mimosa (at TJ Maxx) for $8.00, and it’s also really really good! I love a cheap thrill! 🙂
Mohur Extrait for me today. So pretty. It matches the lovely lovely day outside. Very hard for me to enter the elevator to descend to the basement level office where I spend my days….
Do you have windows? That would be hard for me as well. I crave the sun. My office has big plate glass windows and the sun shines on my back. A former coworker had an electric wall hanging of a window with a view of a beautiful beach. It was a little tacky but fun. ?
You smell lovely today!
No windows – we are in the bowels of the hospital, not to be too graphic.
You know, I had not thought of one of those tacky landscapes seen through a window to hang on the wall…. that might be just the ticket! Thanks for the nudge.
Trotting off to see what exists…
My dental hygienist had a lovely painting of a window opening out onto a beach scene in her (windowless) office. She just moved to a new office and it has a big old monitor on the wall instead. Not quite the same effect.
Same here! No windows, terrible temp control and terrible lighting. On nice days I will definitely take a few minutes and take a quick walk outside just to remind myself how nice it is out in the real world! 🙂
I will send you all some sunlight from my…corner office with two big windows! (I pay for it in the summer/winter when the temperature in here is noticeably hotter/colder than the interior offices)
Yes, there are pros and cons for everything, aren’t there? Bright corner offices have many pros and few cons, tho.
That is true. I’m pretty spoiled 😉
When I woke up I could still smell Bengale Rouge. Its quite tenacious, but its okay because the drydown is yummy.
My husband said I smelled like christmas when I snuggled up to him last night haha. (It reminded him of the smell of sweet christmas bread).
And today I am wearing another Papillon fragrance, Anubis…(from a sample as well). Its been a while since I tried this one. Today this smells to me like the darker and more mysterieus (and probably more cunning) brother of TF’s Tuscan Leather?
Btw I spotted a quartet of Kilian fragrances in our local perfume store today. I think I totally missed this one. They looked like they were aimed at young people and were quite affordable as well. i was in a bit of a hurry so I did not try them….
The BK they have at sephora? They are like funny shaped bottles…
The foot was a square block with letters written on it in white red and black, and there was a black glass bulb attached on top of it. It was very playful but I think I prefer more classical / practical shapes ☺️
(Btw we do not have sephora in the Netherlands (anymore). they tried few years ago but left for reasons unknown… ?
I can’t wait to try Bengale Rouge, it sounds so perfect for cold weather.
Anubis is on my very small perfume wish list, it smells so otherworldly and mysterious.. what a talented perfumeur Liz Moore’s is, she is really beautiful too.
Yes she is very talented.
I have samples of all of her fragrances and I like or love all of them.
Imho its mostly the smaller brands nowadays that deliver consistently good quality.
Hiram Green, Sammarco, Sultan Pasha, Bogue and Bruno Fazzolari also come to mind.
Sometimes their output is a bit rough around the edges, but it is always charming.
I really love their dedication to the craft and coming up with original ideas.
Oh and most of the time I can relate somewhat to their ‘marketing’ (or maybe its the lack of a marketing team, I appreciate hahaha). Because the ads and pr the big brands throw at me I find 99% cringe worthy. ?
They are indeed aimed at young people…
That is the new one, and there is a link there to the first set.
‘Boys’ is the only one that sounds interesting to me. Maybe I’ll give it a try next time. ☺️
I woke up today and was bored with all my perfumes..looking though my closet I felt not in the mood for any of my clothes..
One of those days…
Anyways, I found a decant of LPRN black perfecto, its its just perfect for now…
I have those days too. Not as often anymore after I did a massive closet clean out last fall.
I clean out too..but then I just get sick of everything ! HA!
Lol. Madewell is my cure for that.?
Someone mentioned Kiss Me Tender yesterday so that is my scent of the day. It’s sweet for sure. A mixture of almond, heliotrope, anice and hay. It is sweet but also clean, soft and powdery. Perfect for a cool and sunny day.
You smell great!! Another one I really not regret buying, and wish she’d bring it back.
I’m retesting Glossier You,trying to decide if it is the perfect skin scent or not.
Another sunny and gorgeous day here! We are supposed to get to 80 this afternoon. I’m spending the morning in the library so I can get out and enjoy the afternoon. Sorry lovers of fall but I am hanging onto summer for as long as it wants to stay.??
Weather twins! Hang tight mtd✌
You know it!? Enjoy your weather today!?✌️
You and me both!
Enjoy the beach!
I am, thank you! Weather here quite windy but otherwise gorgeous.
Even though I love fall as well, I always feel so sad when summer waves goodbye.
I hate it when it gets dark so early.
But on the plus side, soon I can wear all my cosy woolen fall/winter coats again. I love coats.
Luxuriating in Prada Infusion d’ Iris. I love the herby anaise top note!
It’s soooooooo good!
Have a vet appointment for one of my dogs and then I have to go to work. I love days that I go into work later than usual, I can set up appointments or get other things done without rushing around. I woke up in Zagorsk and thought of continuing on with it but wasn’t feeling it. I think that Incense Flash will do the trick.
I forgot to say thanks for the birthday wishes.
Hope the vet appt went well, and you smell great whichever incense you ended up in!
VC&A Moonlight Patchouli, purchased after someone mentioned it here. Lovely!
Stayed up too late having a THREE hour phone call with an old friend. I rarely chat on the phone these days, it’s mostly texts or getting together in person, but when this one friend and I get on the phone, it’s epic. Don’t know how we do it.
I did that on Monday with a friend in her birthday. She’s about the only person I know where I can spend that time instead of wanting to get off the phone quickly.
I have epic phone calls with my younger sis on a regular basis. We often prepare meals while chatting.
You smell great today! ?
My brother and I can gab on the phone for hours on end, sometimes. He’s the only person I do that with.
Yay!! That one is a beauty!! You smell fabulous!
I’m in Parfums de Marly again today; this time it is Pegasus. Nicely rich with heliotrope and spice, which is balanced by some bright bergamot at the top. It smells Luxe (which is as close to a perfume “L” as I’m going to get today). This is the second time I’ve worn it – I’m hoping it lasts a bit longer than the last time. Both this and Herod seemed to vanish fairly quickly on me.
Happy Cheeseburger Day, everybody!
I have Parfums de Marly Athalia, which is a lovely spicy iris, lasts all day. I don’t see it mentioned much, but I like it. I tried a sample of Delina, but it was faint flowers and didn’t last long.
A couple of hours in, and it’s fading, sadly. Oh well, I can strike it off of the “need to buy” list, which isn’t a bad thing.
How many spritzes did you use? Whatever it is, as long as it’s not asphyxia levels, maybe add 2-4 more?
We are cusp of Fall weather. Warm but a hint of crispness. I’d like a little less warm, but technically, it’s still summer so I can’t complain.
Idylle Love Blossom today just because I noticed the bottle and realized it had been awhile.
Hoping for good news on my weekly weigh in. Since the weather is changed I have to switch outfits from my very lightweight linen dresses. Could I use that as an excuse? ???
Good luck on the weigh in LizzieB! Do you only weigh once a week, and never peek in between?
Total of 20 lbs down as of today. So, I’m right within expected averages. Not shooting lights out but not struggling too much.
I was doing weekly, but I did buy a home scale recently because I knew I’d need that at some point. (And I may want to switch to online only at some point.) Based on readings, it’s fairly accurate. A bit lower than WW but only about a pound or so, which is good.
Congrats LizzieB!
Good luck!
I’ve been testing a new YSL scent called Libre. It’s very pretty, a neroli/orange blossom that leans masculine but for a wisp of vanilla. Lasting power is fantastic and just a solid office-friendly, classic scent.
Enjoying the clouds out my window. Big and billowy. Not enjoying the live music 27 floors (!) down and outside my building. One summertime outdoor feature I’ll be ready to say good-bye to.
I saw Libre at Sephora..
I am guessing you like it?
I do. The petitgrain and lavender help with the orange blossom sweetness. It’s an easy scent.
A very enthusiastic sales perspn handed me a card with Libre on it in the store today.
It smelled nice! I may go back this week to the store to test it on my skin.
Glad to hear someone tested it on skin! I sniffed on a tester card and it seemed nice.
I’m in La Via del Profumo’s Orris, which is simply a dilution of iris absolute together with iris concrete. I almost didn’t specify *iris* concrete, but because some iris perfumes can have an accord that smells like regular old concrete/wet cement I figured I should clarify! Or jeez, maybe that’s just me?
Later on I think I’ll sample Irissime.
I know what you mean by concrete iris. I actually like that manifestation and I am trying to think which of my iris perfumes I can place in that category ?
Sampling Iris Perle from Les Indemodables. It is pretty but is very much a skin scent very quickly so not something I’ll be spending money on.
Just registered for Sniffapalooza so I’ll be there for the Saturday madness
I am considering it…will likely see you …
Random sample choice today, Moschino Fresh Gold. It’s a quiet little background hum of vaguely vanilla scented air freshener. Not offensive or anything, but not perfume either.
HA, cracks me up that it does not quite deserve the word perfume 🙂
We were awakened at 3am by a very loud noise from a very large animal. Mountain lion! DH and I were like “!!!” and “!!!!!” while Kooky the cat was like “zzzz”. That cat can sleep thru anything. He missed the memo on cat naps.
I wish we could have seen the mountain lion. In all the years we’ve lived in their territory, we’ve only seen them twice. And only heard them a few times.
SOTD is Dior Balade Sauvage. Seemed appropriate.
Wow, what an exciting experience!
Too bad you couldn’t see. I wonder how close it came to your house? We’ve had bobcats in our yard several times over the past few years during the daytime. A family hung out in our field one day last spring. They are so beautiful to look at. I actually followed one from a distance as it casually crossed our field. It looked at me briefly but pretty much ignored once it decided I wasn’t a threat. It was awesome! I wish they’d come back but I haven’t seen them much since our shepherd moved in.
It was so loud, I thought it was on the back deck! But it wasn’t. Yeah we see bobcats fairly often, and foxes more often than that. They don’t seem much bothered by humans. Especially the foxes. We’ve had them come up to our patio doors to look at us.
Neat! I love watching wildlife. Lucky you!
wow! We’ve only had a possum look at us through the patio door, and it seemed surprised when it saw us looking at it.
That is very exciting. Just about one of the most beautiful animals on earth. A friend has a webcam outside her place in Sierra foothills. She’s caught one on camera a couple of times. So shy.
Holy smoke! I did not know that mountain lions could be loud… they’ve always had a rather stealthy reputation to me.
Oh My Gosh!! I bet that was wild!!!
That would shake me up, I think they are far more dangerous than bears.
I wonder why they growl if not in a fight.
I chose Iris Silver mist for a very difficult anniversary today., and it’s definitely brought me strength and comfort.
My husband and I visited our little boys grave this morning, with a small hand tied bunch of delphiniums, deep pink roses and zingy yellow fennel, from our village florist, they looked really beautiful. It seems to have taken us many years to get the flowers right in the metal flower vase (the one with the holes in) they often end up looking really awkward, leaning in funny directions, but we’ve finally got it right with our choice of flowers, after 8 years. It feels really good, even tho it’s a small thing, helping me to think happy thoughts about my son today.
Big hug to you mayfly. That sounds really hard and I can’t even imagine… Wishing you all the comfort in the world today
Thank u Elisa P, I don’t usually share my son until I know people well, but this is such a caring and wonderful community, it feels ok to share, and it felt right for me today.
Sending hugs Mayfly and wishing you peace on a very difficult day.
Thank u Petunia, it can feel like a lonely time around the anniversary, I feel comforted to recieve you’re hug.
I’m so sorry for your loss mayfly. Your words have brought tears to my eyes. I will give my daughter a hug in your son’s honor when she gets home from school today.
That’s so lovely madtowngirl, thank u.
Wishing you fond memories and peace.
Thanks pixel.
I’m glad the flowers brought you a little comfort today. They sound really lovely.
Thanks so much.
Sending hugs and peace, Mayfly.
Thank u perfumelover!
Big hugs to you mayfly!
Thank u jadain, that’s a real comfort.
Adding more hugs mayfly, and hope you can keep the good thoughts uppermost in your mind.
Thank u so much Robin, I feel so blessed to be part of this amazing community, I am gaining much comfort from your kind words.
Lovely scent for a visit to your beloved son’s resting place. Sending you warm comforting hugs as you remember him especially today.
Thanks cazaubon, I am feeling really warm inside to read your kind thoughts.
I can’t even..
Sending you lots of comfort
Thanks so much, i am much comforted to read all of these kind and thoughtful messages x
Sending more hugs. The selection flowers sounds beautiful to me.
Thank u jiji
I’m so sorry…words can’t express. Hugs to you and your husband. The flowers sounds si ply beautiful.
Thanks LizzieB
Oh Mayfly, what a terrible, heartbreaking loss. I am so sorry. I will think of you and your son when I am out on the hill this morning. I discovered a beautiful spot the other day with a view of the sea and surrounded with bright emerald green tight curls of ferns, just poking up through the ground in a burst of spring life. Each fern is only s few inches tall, almost like an asparagas stalk but with the exquisite frond at the top. It is a part of the forest that is filled with early morning bird song and a very happy, peaceful place. I will lay down some leaves and pinecones for your son this morning so he can enjoy it too. Love to you.
Kanuka, thank you, what a wonderful and peaceful place. Thank you. I love ferns too, there were many large ferns, the uncurling fronds are such a special joy in spring, as it is in you’re part of the world, it is lovely to hear about them.
Thank you for the gift you share with this community, you are a talented writer and a caring person. I love the messages you write to people who are hurting, I myself having been a beneficiary when my beloved dog died. The images and gestures are so heartfelt and vivid.
The flowers sound so lovely, Mayfly, I wish you strength and peace today.
My heart breaks for you mayfly. I’m so glad that little one was/is loved. Praying you might find strength and peace.
Love and hugs to you, mayfly.
Love and comfort to you and your husband.
Sending you hugs and comforting thoughts, mayfly.
Love and peace to you and your little boy. I really am so very sorry. I lost my son 19 years ago this coming monday. I really am sending you the biggest hug.
I will be thinking about you on Monday and sending love and light. I am sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry lillyjo, I’ll be keeping you in mind Monday as well. Big hugs.
Oh Mayfly! I found your post so touching and melancholy. Remembering loved ones that have passed on is one of the most difficult and necessary things that people can do. Peace and love to you.
A big hug to you and your husband. Thank you for sharing this, I can not imagine your pain but hope sharing the touching story of how those flowers brought you joy & comfort comes back to you all the more by doing so.
Warmest hugs. I am so sorry for your loss.
SOTD Le Cri de la Lumiere which I need to stop hoarding! Such a great scent- and to think I was kind of meh about it when I first sampled it.
I keep forgetting to wear mine as well. It is really perfect for this time of year. You smell lovely!
Thank you Petunia ?
I wore it a few times last winter and kinda forgot about it. But I really liked it.
I really need to wear my samples more often. They dont have eternal shelf life…
This decant’s volume seems low relative to how many times I’ve worn it, so yes, good reminder that some will evaporate! Though my little dabber samples seem to never evaporate. There are a few that I’ve had for years and seem fine.
Foregoing the cheeseburger for a chicken ceased salad.
I’m in SB Gypsy, because it goes with any kind of weather and suits those days when you don’t know what you want to wear.
The high is *only* 80F today, so that’s a 7 degree relief from yesterday. I zipped down to Fargo yesterday, which is inextricably linked to wood chippers in my brain. Meh.
Ha! Yes, but one of the greatest movies ever! (You’re darn tootin’??)
Fantastic movie, and glad I saw it when I did because I can’t take that level of violence anymore.
You betcha! ?
You betcha! ?
That was such a good movie! Kind of like an accident, you know you shouldn’t watch, but somehow you just can’t look away!
If you liked Fargo, you might like “A Simple Plan,” which also happens to take place in a Minnesota winter scape. Bill Paxton, Billy Bob Thornton, and Bridget Fonda all do a bang up job! How far will people go to keep some (a lot) of found money? Pretty dang far! One of my favorites.
I really liked that movie too!
I’m up for a cheeseburger. I could be mostly vegetarian, but I need a good cheeseburger once in a while.
Wearing CK Obsession Sheer for coziness.
How does it compare to the original Obsession?
To me it’s very similar without being “as in your face” as the original. I think it’s the better version!
That’s great to know, thank you! I have always loved the original Obsession, so it will be good to give this one a try.
I am mostly vegetarian too
AG Ninfeo Mio, second day in a row.
I am going to dig out my decant of that..
Hello twin! You inspired me yesterday!
You snell terrific!
I actually will be grabbing lunch out today, so maybe I’ll pick up a cheeseburger. It sounds quite good now that I’m thinking about it.
I needed something light and easy today after a rough day at work yesterday, so I went with Angelique Sous la Pluie. It’s almost completely gone 3 hours later.
This is a rough week at work for me. Hope today is better, TRF!!
I hope tomorrow is a better day!
I’m in House of Matriarch Devotion, from the swapmeet. Yum.
It’s 80 degrees here in Houston and rainy as tropical depression Imelda wends her way across south Texas. Keep moving, girl. ⛈
Devotion is my favorite incense. You smell excellent!
Thank you! I’ve resprayed it this afternoon for more wonderfulness.
It seemed like Imelda came out of nowhere but it seems to have been less of a concern than fomented by slow news hype!
It was disorganized for a good while before it developed.
This morning I put on two healthy sprays of Silences from the new (to me) bottle I got in the swapmeet. So satisfying!
❤️ Silences❣️
Oh, NICE!!
Smelling fabulous in Musc Ravageur today, a gorgeous fall day. Will have a veggie burger with cheese later. 🙂
I will take one, without cheese 😉
Goodness, you smell fabulous.
jHAG Miss Charming, its nice, but not special.
Got my swapmeet package from a lovely italian NST member and got some interesting small samples too.
SOTD = SL Fourreau Noir
From my newly-acquired travel spray. I have a bell jar, too, which was my vacation momento from visiting the mothership in 2013. I took a picture but made way to post this morning’s NYC skyline in Insta:
Thanks to all who responded to my Medicare rant yesterday, and thanks for your well wishes for the appeal. While I need to limit the issues to those specific to my mom’s case, I want it out there that this was but one case of a possible systemic fraud designed to improve the bottom line of the for profit organizations. Bottom line, I believe procedures were not followed and information withheld and/or there was a calculated and deliberate effort to misdirect / misinform before, during and after the appeals. I really really hope to get the case file today or tomorrow as my goal is to submit evidence this Saturday.
You smell wonderful, I love Fourreau Noir and am hoarding those travel sprays. 🙂
Wishing you all the best for your appeal!
Thanks. They are still available for cheap at Fragrancenet…
Yes, I’m hoping there will be some left when I get back to California next month. 🙂
Great photo on Insta today! Very atmospheric.
In an old friend, Oscar, as I needed some comfort today.
I hope your day is going better than you expect, Aurora. ?
Thank you Nancy, I’m just homesick after having spent two weeks home which is France.
I wish you a good nights sleep and a wonderful tomorrow. Which will probably be when you read this. I actually have no idea what time it is in England, but I think your sleeping.
Oh, and you smelled great!
Thank you Lillyjo, yes, tomorrow is another day, it’s always great to communicate even though I often answer you the day after because of the time difference.
Sorry to hear about the rough day today, Aurora. I hope that your tomorrow is better.
Just homesickness for France, I seem to feel it more this year. It will get better, thank you for your kind words.
I have been working through all the Andy Tauer samples from Waterdragon. To me, they all seem to share a slight “fuzziness” …I can’t think of a better word to describe what I mean. So, neither clarity nor softness but fuzzy, as each perfume dries down. I wasn’t expecting that. I find them somehow incomplete…but it is difficult to respond to them because they were probably a bit hyped up in my imagination from so many years of hearing about them prior to testing. Wearing Cristalle today which has the opposite aspect of being so clear cut. Cool cloud,ess morning, quite crisp and off to watch the sunlight warm the hills and enjoy the drifts of pollen from the pines and the new ferns. Then work, haha …every silver lining has a cloud.
Where be the Waterdragon, Kanuka? Seems like its been a while since I’ve seen a post.
Wearing Fève Délicieuse, and just about at the end of a decant. somehow I ended up with two…
That’s the trouble with tribbles ?
Omg, LOL! One of my favorite episodes ??
That’s one of my favorite episodes of ST:TOS, too. But I have met some people who cannot stand it at all. (shrug)
ST:TOS = Star Trek, the original series
Omg! I referenced tribbles earlier today! We must be having a Vulcan mind meld ?
I am in Lubin Korrigan today. I usually wear this is cooler weather and it is quite warm here today, but it is smelling great.
Good evening! Tried Kashan Rose late last night, and enjoyed that. Now just trying a sample of Serge Lutens Vitriol Oeillet. Hoo boy. Strong.
Great picture selection Robin, and so glad that you are enjoying your ‘cheeseburger in paradise ‘(how many times has THAT been said already today).
My SoTD is Ninfeo Mio, my early summer blind buy, and it is as described… No.19 outa the box then a fig note that changes things right away. So far so good! No pissiness yet 😉
Late today! One of those days.
SOTD = Bal a Versailles EdT, from the sample stash and a generous NSTer. This one could fit into last weekend’s poll… it opens up surprisingly sweet on my skin.
Off to read everyone’s comments now!
I don’t know which version you’re sampling but I’ve tried vintage after receiving a sample from a generous NSTr. It was beautiful! You smell lovely!
The version I tried reminded me VERY strongly of one of my aunts. This is the second “perfume ghost” that I have encountered.
I hope tomorrow is a better day!
Wearing Samsara edt tonight; it was one of the neglected bottles that I moved to the dresser on the weekend. This is definitely better in the cooler weather.
Oh definitely. I remember when Samsara came out, it smelled so exoctic and beautiful from the bottle, but nearly killed me on my skin. I’ve never been able to wear it, unfortunately.
I’m going slow with it as it can be pretty strong.
It really stinks that Guerlain got rid of that iconic red bottle for Samsara. It doesn’t look right in a bee bottle, IMO.
I’ve noticed the bottle change with a few scents. Glad that I have my old school bottles.
Crazy day and week for me, again. I’m re-sampling tonight with Alien Fusion, which is growing on me, lol. Also trying the Michael Kors Wanderlust Sublime, I like this one, it’s a sweet/salty skin scent that I think works well for bedtime.
Is Alien Fusion the one with ginger?
It is. Love the smell but unfortunately it’s a bit short-lived on me.