It's Almost-Friday, and Our Lady Donatella Versace’s birthday. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm taking partial community project credit for the little wisp of lily of the valley in Stella McCartney L.I.L.Y.
Reminder: on 5/3, wear lily of the valley for May Day (which is really on Wednesday).
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2019, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image shows Kate Moss for Stella McCartney's Spring 2019 ad campaign.
Diorissimo today, but not the vintage version adored by long-time fans of this scent. Mine is a sample from 2013 EDP bottle. The owner of the bottle described it as having “more lilac”, and I see what they mean. This is definitely a LOTL perfume, but not a LOTL soliflore, in my opinion. It’s a duet – lily of the valley and lilac – and I would describe this scent as fragile. It’s like standing next to blooming lilies of the valley and a lilac bush after the rain, enjoying the sunshine, but also feeling that a cold heavy rain may return any moment. I have never tried the original Diorissimo, and I wonder whether I would actually enjoy the vintage. After all, I am a LOTL pervert who does not like Muguet Porcelaine. 😳
PSA. Maybe old news, but I searched NST and did not find it. Lush released a lot (54 apparently) of limited edition bath bombs to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this product. Some are old favorites, some are new. And yes, this time Lush USA got them too.
Muguet Porcelaine is much more vegetal than vintage Diorissimo. Diorissimo smells to me like not just little lily’s but the whole forest surrounding them. It’s a very unique fragrance.
Thanks for the description, austenfan. I see vintage Diorissimo splits from time to time, but the juice is always amber colored, so I do not dare to get a sample. I don’t want to form an opinion about vintage Diorissimo by the turned scent.
I will have to look at the bath bombs, I did do a set for daily lemming early last month but maybe there are newer ones now!
Ah, I missed your post. Apologies. Yes, your lemmings are from that bunch of bombs. 🙂 And Fairy Jasmine does share the scent with Silky Underwear.
I bought so far:
The Olive Branch bomb (smells just like the shower gel)
Deep Sleep bomb (smells just like the shower jelly)
Youki Hi (Flying Fox scented)
Pirates of the Carrageenan
Geo Phyzz
*perks up* Flying Fox scented, you say?
I have way too many bath products considering how infrequently I take a bath (I’m a showerer), but I’m tempted by that.
OH Yeah -+ 1!
I missed it shen it was out.
Flying Fox was good. What I really want is a Flying Fox Light shower gel…just a bit less sweet! And biggest wish is that they’d bring back Wash Behind Your Ears.
Yes, Youki Hi is definitely for Flying Fox/Lust fans. 🙂
Glannys: I love your description, I like the modern EDP very much and I also have vintage EDT in the houndstooth box. I wear both with great pleasure, the EDP is a little bit harsher at first but eventually that fades and you’re left with a lovely scent.
That’s my view of the EdP. I’m not very fond of the early stages but enjoy later.
Thank you. It is lovely! There is some synthetic harshness at some point, but fortunately it does not ruin the overall favorable impression for me.
I’m wearing Muguet Porcelaine which nearly brougt tears to my eyes the first time I tried it. While it doesn’t quite evoke the same strong emotions today, I do love it a lot. It’s a great homage to this little May flower and a good tribute to Elléna’s master.
I will be joining you in MP tomorrow 🙂
Good! It is gorgeous. I’ve got a 15 ml bottle. I don’t know whether I’ll wear it again tomorrow but I might.
Lovely put!
No perfume so far, but I did see Elisa the rabbit (see yesterday’s rabbit-naming comments) near the back door, by the lavender-flowered bee balm that grows by the drainpipe. “Shoo, Elisa, shoo!” I said. Elisa hopped away. Elisa had better not eat my blue flag iris or cardinal flower, if she knows what’s good for her.
I’m sure I’ll be seeing litters of mini-Elisa and Elisa Jr. hopping around the yard any time now. (This rabbit-naming thing has taken on a life of its own for me now. lol!)
I really enjoyed reading the rabbit naming thread last night . My daughter named 2 neighborhood bunnys Pumpkin and Squash ???
I got a big kick out of it, and am fine with it becoming a running joke. 🙂 You all let me know when you get tired of the joke.
Lillyjo, your daughter’s names for the neighborhood bunnies are adorable!
Haha! I’m flattered *flutters eyelashes*. I’m much more well-behaved than that bunny. I need to remedy that ?
And to return the favor, I’ll name my yard raccoon visitor after you since we have no bunnies ?
Em the raccoon? Okay. Might as well turn the tables, huh?
French Lime Blossom Jo Malone
I adore this one, I wish they hadn’t discontinued it. You smell wonderful Bear!
Have you tried Baudelaire’s Linden? It has great longevity and is very close to smelling like the real thing.
I feel the same about the discontinuation, it had been in the line for ages and pouf it gets axed.
I’m sad it’s been discontinued, this is the oldest perfume in my collection, about 17 years old, and is still very fresh, I’m inspired to wear it soon now- Bear, u smell great!
I’m also a big fan of this sadly discontinued perfume. I have a backup bottle but still I wish it was still available.
I’m curious about perfume you recommend, I’ll check it out – thanks!
Great choice Bear, it’s one JM I really care for.
SOTD: Bottega Veneta
I’ve been craving leather scents lately but not overpowering leathers.
Soft, subtle and wearable. BV is perfect, as is Cuir de Ange which I recently purchased a decant of as I miss it!
BV is such a great scent, perfect for any occasion.
Hey lady! You do smell great! I discovered how much more I like BV in the heat. I always thought of it more as a cool weather scent but the heat took it to a new high for me.
Hi, hi! And so enjoyed the BV lotion you so generously sent to me as well 😉
Bottega Veneta is awesome!
A Scent by Issey Miyake. I never reach for this one but it’s uplifting me this morning. Bitter green in a clean white room. It might have a baby hint of LotV to keep it interesting, but it’s more about the hyacinth.
I’ve read a few comments that say this is similar to Gucci Envy, women’s version. Do you think that’s true?, I’ve never smelled A Scent.
I actually own both but have never tried them together. Envy is much more dimensional, with a bit more warmth in the base. A Scent smells like just the bright green top of Envy with a smooth fade into white musk. I don’t mind the musks though.
Interesting, I might have to seek it out. I love the green top part.
I like this one too.
I’m wearing 4711 AC Blackberry & Cocoa.
How is this one?
I remember the vetiver + coffee scent they did but never did get a chance to try it because I have no idea where it’s sold. I guess I could see if there are samples sold on one of the samples selling sites.
I’ve had a hard time finding many of the ACs, especially the newer ones. I actually asked my sister, who was travelling in Germany last December, to find some for me, and she had a hard time. She was able to find this one and White Peaches & Coriander. Of the two I like this one best. Very distinct blackberry, but also a definite cocoa scent. It is well done but not as complex as L’Artisan’s Mure et Musc for example. I like it better than Blackberry & Bay from Jo Malone. For one thing it lasts on my skin, which Jo Malone scents never do.
Wearing ELDO Jasmin et Cigarette. It is amazing how sometimes I can smell only jasmine and other days like today I smell just cigarette ashes. I hope nobody around me thinks I am a heavy smoker! LOL! No matter what, I am enjoying it.
Have a great Thursday everyone!
You smell fabulous!???
How’s it going?
Thank you Lillyjo! ?
Super busy lately, especially at work and dealing with very draining personal issues. No time for anything, but I think I am ok. Hope everything is fine with you!
I’m good, thanks. So glad to see you today!
Sorry to hear about your draining personal issues <3
Part of life that also needs to be embraced!
Congrats on your engagement! ?
Oh gosh pl67, when I got your kind message, I had a moment of shock in which I thought, “Am I engaged??” And then I remembered. Well, I’ll get used to it eventually, I suppose 🙂
LOL! Sounds weird, but you will get used to it very soon!
Glad to see you ? And I think you smell great. I think the jasmine blooms more in the heat.
Are you back in your regular work site?
Thank you Elisa P.! ?
I hope the jasmine gets more noticable in warmer temps, but it looks like winter doesn’t want to go!
I am not back at my regular work site yet. I am supposed to be in the new one until the end of the fiscal year, but I feel I might stay there permanently. New management = new decisions. Hoping for the best!
Well there you are! Ha!!! I posted below that I missed seeing you LOL! I should obviously read the other comments before I post! So happy you checked in and you smell great!
Thank you KellyC! Waving Hi to you! 😀
Hey PL67! Long time, no see!?
Hi Madtowngirl! ?♀️. Hope to be here again more often!
I love Jasmin et Cigarette. You smell fabulous! And it’s so nice to see you check in. I hope the next few months are more balanced for you.
Thank you Sistine! Hoping to have more flexible time to myself soon. I love Jasmin et Cigarette too. It is such an unusual and beautiful perfume!
Hello there, PL67! Very happy to see you posting today! I’ve been wondering how things were going for you as of late.
Hi Jalapeno! Thanks! Life sometimes comes in the way and it hasn’t been easy lately. Trying to get some time to post more often. Hope everything is fine you!
There’s been some good things, and then there have been some things that I have used a lot of swear words about!
Greetings! So very nice to see you posting.
I’m with you on J&C; different temperatures and humidity brings out different facets of it. I love it! I smelled lots of cigarette smoke when I wore it in super humid conditions. My Mom was a smoker; the smell was entirely different, not in a good way.
Thank you, Gail! ?
J&C has a nice and interesting development. I never smell the same notes every time I wear it. Only once, I got a combination of jasmine and cigarette notes and it was delicious!
My mom was also a smoker and I am grateful that the perfume doesn’t smell like real cigarette smoke. The blend of notes, especially tonka bean and peach definitely makes a big difference. I got home few minutes ago and now the ash smell left on my sweater is gone. Jasmine finally made its appearance and I am still enjoying it after more than 18 hours of applying it. Such an amazing scent!
Welcome back, pfl67!
Thank you Hajusuuri!
Getting my oil changed, wearing Narciso edp White Cube. Yesterday, I waited on a woman who smelled so good, I had to compliment her. She said she was wearing Philosophy fresh cream warm cashmere. I had previously only smelled this on a strip, so will have to spray on skin next time I see it.
Smelling great in Narciso white cube!!!
I tend to really like all of the Philosophy scents that I’ve come across….simple, fresh, and affordable. Hard to beat Narciso though! 🙂
You smell great!
Was just talking about Narciso the other day and how lovely it is. You smell great.
This is my favorite of the bunch.
It’s amazing how good a perfume can smell on the right person.
She smelled absolutely delightful. My skin has turned great perfumes into yuk after 5 minutes.
Good morning Y’all,
Feeling very springy in Guerlain Idylle….I should have waited and worn this on Friday! Maybe I’ll repeat it then. Lily of the Valley and a vase of flowers going on in Idylle…. 🙂
That is very springy and I forgot about the LOTV in that one! It’s a purdy one. I have a smidge of the edp left in a decant. What version are you wearing?
I have the EdP….good stuff!
Hmm…I should probably give this one a try for the LOTV.
There’s something about LOTV that just turns me off. It’s a very powerful scent for such a small and delicate flower.
I struggle with LOTV, and tuberose too. Idylle is pretty soft and probably my favorite “big” floral that I own!
Idylle is so easy going, and yet it’s not mentioned much (and I’m guilty too as I’ve worn it yet since spring started), you smell lovely.
I am really surprised that Idylle didn’t catch on more.
It’s sunny and warmer this AM so I went with CdG Lily which is photo-realistic LOTV to me when I did a side-by-side with some flowers last spring. I really like this in the heat and humidity because it’s so sharp and bracing (too much so for colder weather).
Enjoy the sun and warmer weather!
Thank you, I most definitely did!
Although, I haven’t tried Lily, I’m sure you smell lovely. I hope your weather is better today. It is marginally better here. ?
Thank you! It was nice than they forecasted. Marginally better is better than not-at-all better, I suppose.
It was summer temps here this afternoon! 83 degrees F! That has me keeping an eye to the sky for pop-up showers.
Oh, wow! I think we topped at 74 here, but it’s starting to get cloudy now . Yeah, that warm= thunderstorm brewing…
That’s what I put on this evening, the CdG Lily. I like this one a lot. It was quite warm here today.
I got to the Jenkins Arboretum this afternoon, and walked around their “Azalea Hill.” It was just the right time to see their azaleas doing their thing. They come in such a variety of colors. It was lovely.
You smell great this evening if I do say so myself ? What a lovely way to spend the afternoon. I should have taken advantage of the weather today and gone to a park at lunch.
Yes, we’re scent twins today *and* I named a rabbit after you. 🙂
This is the time of year I try to get to the public gardens and arboretums in the area. Or take a walk in a local park, if I’m not feeling as ambitious as that. 🙂
Good Morning to You!
Today is T-Rex by Zoologist.
I am going through samples by leaving jars in various places and doing a random pick….I have been dying to try this one for awhile. It’s just opening and I smell heat and jungle grasses like a bitter herb? The incense is crisp. Really fun!
I can’t wait for tomorrow.
The random pick is fun! Love this idea 😉
They are taking over my shelves!
I love T-Rex! it’s pretty complex, isn’t it? I get a LOT of smoke/burnt smell with it.
Yes- It is very interesting, obvious but not too much. It’s different from many fire scents I have tried. This is cool. I’ll want more.
T-Rex was too much for me. I wanted to love it, but alas I did not. I loved the far dry down but it took too long to get there for me lol. Still, I’m so glad others like it because I LOVE the concept!
It was too much for me too, but I’m glad I tried it.
SOTD is Tea for Two…craving tea scents right now.
You smell super good.
Thanks KellyC!
You smell great, it’s a lovely scent.
Thank you Aurora.
Love this perfume. You smell great!
Thanks to you all- it’s still purring along hours later which says ut all! My skin eats scents.
I knew it had alot of love here and was hard to sample due to popularity!
It has been a looooong week, I am ready for a vacation for sure. On my bright side, the home improvement store I work for has brought out the flowers for spring so if I get frustrated with my own job I can now mosey over there and put my face in them.
SOTD is Nicolai L’eau Mixte.
Ooh, what fun! Maybe you even get a discount? I’d be buying up flowers like crazy if I worked at a place like that. (You don’t need to ask what I looked like back when I worked at Dairy Queen during summers in high school. 😉 )
Not for the plants themselves, unfortunately, since they are technically owned by a 3rd party greenhouse or something that just uses our retail space – but for soil and pots and whatnot, yes. I’ll take it.
Hope you get a break soon!
Ooooh, that sounds lovely! Sorry you need the stress relief.
In the opposite of LOTV, Frederic Malle’s Promise. No oud listed in the notes, but this is some medicinal rose–must be the clove (doesn’t exactly smell like clove, but there is that medicinal hum). It goes on with a dissonant clang of aromatic fruit–I read “guava” in a couple of places, which sounds close. And then it really starts firing almost a burnt rose petal scent–well, a too hot rose petal at least. It has calmed down now, and is a Middle East-type masculine rose with some interesting spices. For the record, this is nothing like POAL.
As a side note: One of my favorite Arabic proverbs is that “a promise is a cloud, fulfillment is rain.”
Lovely proverb 🙂
Hmmm, that does sound interesting.
I am still failing this week hardcore at the CP. Ugh. At least I smell good in No. 5 L’eau. This one is so perfect to me. Miss “seeing” PL67, hope she’s okay.
Ahhh! I obviously should read the comments before I post because I “see” her up there now LOL!
I am doing ok! 🙂
You indeed smell perfect in No. 5 L’Eau!
Smelling good is never a fail in my book!
You do smell gorgeous! House twins!
House twins and you smell really good.
SOTD is the original Jessica McClintock – one of the prettiest LOV scents I own, and very reasonably priced with great longevity. I hope they never discontinue it.
I loved Jessica McClintock perfume when I was in high school. It went so well with their dresses. Never owned a bottle, though, and I am not quite sure why.
I’m in Diptyque Eau des Sens today.
I’m wearing St. Clair First Cut, from my little sample pack. I’d sort of forgotten about these and just came across them in my drawer so am re-trying. (From the sample pack of four, I gave away Gardeners Glove because I couldn’t stand it, and purchased a bottle of Casablanca. The other two are Frost and Fresh Cut.) This is the one that’s supposed to evoke a freshly cut hay field along with wildflowers and a lot of citrus. Right now I’m smelling mostly the citrus, possibly yuzu?–it’s extremely fresh and appealing. We’re already into the hot humid days of late spring here, unlike many of you up north, who now have nicer weather to look forward to. It’s only going to get worse for us for months now, and so this is a real possible summer scent for me. I find I’m wanting MORE of it and wonder if I got some that I could spray if I’d feel more satisfied. It does have a hay note too, slightly grassy and musty at the same time. It’s pretty unusual, never smelled anything else quite like it.
Haha about Gardener’s Glove. Some generous NSTer included it with a very thoughtful collection of samples she sent me. For me it was also a big fat NO. So just yesterday I threw it into a packet of samples I am sending on to another NSTer.
I hope someone who likes it will chime in and share their experience with it, us naysayers be damned.
It’s mosquito repellent on me. I do love First Cut though! Unlike Calypso I get lots of hay that reminds me of dreamy rural summer days.
I think I spoke (wrote) too soon–I get the hay also after a period, once the vibrant citrus opening has faded back.
Oh this forum amazes me sometimes – I have St Clair open in another tab and was coming to ask if anyone has tried First Cut! So nice to read your thoughts. I live in a rural area and love the smell of hay, think I have to order a sample 🙂
Do you still like First Cut now that the hay note is rather present on you?
Yes very much, and I do think it’s unique and well composed. My one reservation is that it’s not very potent, which is why I was wondering if it would have greater silage and last longer if sprayed.
Sampling two fragrances, Torn and Dark is Night, from the Henry Rose line which is Michelle Pfeiffer’s. ? I don’t really care about the line being purportedly “safe” ingredients-wise or not. I ordered the sample set because at least two of the line feature vanilla. ?? And it is the two I’m trying today.
I quite like Dark is Night which has patchouli, vanilla and wood to my nose. Do I need more? Not sure. My Closet of Shame is only so big and it runneths over already so I think going forward for FBs I will need a 1 in:1 out rule where I have to part with a bottle to bring a new one home. Tough times. ?
Torn is nice too. Kind of a green vanilla with vetiver but I think I smell fig or something fig like and fig and I aren’t friends generally in fragrances.
Glad to hear they are nicely done! None of the descriptions really captured my attention, but Torn might be something I would like.
Too funny! I recently adopted the “one out, one in” rule because I was trying to justify an eventual purchase of a Henry Rose perfume.
I think it was your mention of the Henry Rose line that prompted me to order the sample pack. Torn and Dark is Night were my least favorite, but I adore Fog and Jake’s House.
Both scents sound interesting, but I guess Dark is Night is more up my alley (fig is a difficult note for me too). LOL at “Closet of Shame”. I know that feeling!
I don’t yet have a “Closet of Shame” for perfume, but that is funny. I’ve got a couple of small boxes for bottles of perfume. However, I’ve got two (smallish) tote bags that are full of samples from various sources. As I said above, some of those samples will be going to good homes. I don’t need to build up a big collection of “boxes and bags of shame.” lol
I am wearing Parfums MDCI Un Coeur en Mai. I don’t know if I’m wearing the original version or the reformulated one, and only one of them has, LOTV, so maybe I’m participating? I’m thinking I’m in the original because Luckyscent says Patricia Nicolai reworked it to “up the concentration.” Seeing as it’s almost completely faded two hours after application, it’s not likely this is at a high concentration. Oh well, it’s a pretty, grassy spring floral. Like many, I have Muguet Porcelain on deck for tomorrow.
I liked that one, and didn’t even know they’d redone it.
About time get into the shower but spent most of the morning in vintage BaV. I am going to wear Sarrasins after my shower. Pretty annoyed with Sephora right now. I found an Urban Decay GoT lipstick that I wanted to buy. Turns out that the GoT lipsticks are out of stock online. Don’t have a Sephora nearby, driving for an hour to get a lipstick is a little much. I emailed Sephora and made my displeasure known. They knew GoT is huge and they had their sale coming soon and they dropped the ball since most don’t have a Sephora near by. This stuff is why I mostly go to Ulta but I emailed Sephora to let them know. Good new is that I found my camera and battery charger for it so my parents can take it on their trip to California.
Sephora lost me when they upped the price of flash shipping as I don’t have a store within easy reach either. Doesn’t hurt that Ulta is ten minutes away and their point system is so much better. They have a couple of colors of the GoT lipstick still available online.
Their point system is so much better!
Thank you! Just scored the color I wanted and got a couple odds and ends for my mother’s birthday present. There is an Ulta 20 minutes from my house. I do have to agree that the rewards system is much better.
Chanel 19 EDT topped up with a dab of parfum.
I think this is the only fragrance in my collection to even claim a lily if the valley note (per Fragrantica description) not that I can parse that one out at all!
Haven’t decided if 19 is office friendly or not? I work with a bunch of youngins who might think it “old lady”, though I try to under- not over-spray (or dab, in this case). But WFH until afternoon so it will definitely be mellow by then…
I would say No 19 is absolutely office friendly… and timeless.
No. 19 is office friendly for sure. Beautiful, easy to wear and a great perfume for good and bad days all year round.
I vote for office friendly as well. As to your second concern, I don’t think No 19 is in that category but even if it were, I don’t think that this would be what gets you into that category in eyes of your younger colleagues anyway.
There’s a difference between “old lady” and “timeless”.
Another vote for No. 19 EdT as office safe. I’d never categorize it as “old lady” in the slightest.
My BF, who regularly uses the ‘old lady’ descriptor, loves No 19 on me. You’ll be fine!
Thanks for everyone’s votes of “office friendly”! Good to get second opinions.
Topped up with some Paris Deauville for the commute home. Love sniffing my wrist in traffic. Must look weird, but who’s looking?
Came home and found Aldehyde 44 sample in the mailbox.
Too many good sniffs in the world!
SOTD = 31 Rue Cambon EDT
Love this elegant yet casual powdered green iris leather (no leather in the notes but my nose thinks it’s there).
Speaking of casual, I fell in love with this Uniqlo cardigan that I ended up purchasing all the colors!
In other news, I finally found where I saw the limited edition 100mL Orange Sanguine bottle – Bergdorf paper catalogue! It’s not in the website. I am seriously considering it!
And Koyel, if you’re reading this, congratulations on your engagement!
Have a great day peeps!
I like the cardigans. I have something similar in a heathered grey- just a bit shorter and a waterfall front. I’m amazed at how often I wear it. Money well spent, IMO. Getting one of those in every color is a smart idea.
I saw a similar style with pockets but the material is a little thicker and more sweater-like and is lay flat to dry (vs line dry for this). I can do without pockets.
Thanks, hajusuuri <3
It was great news!
Dang it H! I do NOT need that cardigan but now I want at least one too. Your power of persuasion is too much for my weak willpower. ?
Yeah, cardigan lemmings are evil like that, aren’t they?
LOL. I started with one and then I couldn’t stop thinking about all the other colors I did not choose.
You smell great!
Thank you, Jiji!
Those are nice and I like that cut better than V or crew neck cardigans. They look good/better with almost any neckline. And I’d say a good 70% of my wardrobe is furnished by Uniqlo with multiple colors of same items! They’ve served me well ?
I can absolutely how Uniqlo styles fit your body type! For the chunkier peeps (like me), this stole cardigan has a slimming silhouette.
Huh. Not how I’d describe you, but I’m sure they look fab on you!
Chunky may not be the right term but basically, not as slim as you!
I can absolutely see how Uniqlo styles fit your body type! For the chunkier peeps (like me), this stole cardigan has a slimming silhouette.
Oooh, I love that purple one!
That was the first one I bought!
That’s a cute cardigan! I should check it out (I hope they have it at a store).
It is cute! It’s fairly new so I would tend to think they have it at one near you. I had to go down a size in this style.
Glad you were able to find the limited edition bottle again. It was probably making you nuts as to where you saw it! If you get it, put it on IG.
It was such a relief. I will certainly put it up on IG!
Time to resniff my sample of 31 RC. I did not get “powdered green iris leather” when I tried it. And that combo sounds pretty darn good!
It is very good! I don’t wear it enough.
And we should meet up again when LUSH opens up (not sure if they have as I’ve been too busy to walk towards where it is)
I have far too many cardigans. Must resist….
I think you should give in to one ?.
Haven’t tried 31 Rue yet. If I do the math on all the Exclusifs I would like to buy it’s one scary number!
I’m in PdN Vetyver today, applied last night and will top off with 7 Virtues Vetiver of Haiti this morning.
Totally out of the fragrance loop for the past several days (although I did wear fragrance everyday), so hoping everyone is doing well, has had good news, or something fantastic has occurred. For those who’ve experienced the opposite, so sorry. I’m going to try to play catch-up today.
I was scheduled to work today but was called off for low census. I’m not mad about it. ?
Enjoy your day off!
Thanks! Glad you got a bit of sun today?
No real sun, just a little less gloomy. The sky was pearl gray for most of the day instead of battleship. ? Apparently, we’ve broken some sort of record here for the most rain during April. It rained 24 days out of 30 with almost no blue skies in between. It’s going to rain again tomorrow. Sigh….
I kind of like it when that happens. Hope you and T-Rex have a great day!
Me too, and thank you. Enjoy your “Friday.” ??
You’re smelling great today Deva! Enjoy your time off windfall.
Wearing AdO Bois Sikar today from a very kind NSTer. Quite unlike any other AdO I’ve ever sniffed! It started out like Lonestar Memories-style barbecue, and now has settled into an oud that is just on the right side of enjoyable. (Oud is an iffy note for me.) I like it, but I certainly do not need more than the 1 mL I’ve got.
Thank you all so much for your very very kind words about Mayhem and your excitement over my engagement. We’ve decided on Saturday at 2pm to say goodbye to him. In the meantime, we have set about spoiling him as much as possible and loving him to bits.
Koyel: maybe take lots of photos of your Mayhem.
Ah, never fear on that front, Aurora! Mayhem is a photogenic little kitty and we have taken great advantage of that. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
YAY!! Congratulations!!!!!
Thanks, Laura 🙂
Sad but kind. I will be thinking of you.
Thank you, Regina <3 I'll be needing all the good vibes you've got between now and then.
I missed this, Koyel, congratulations! And you and Mayhem will be in my heart the next couple of days ❤️
Thanks, ringthing <3
So sorry about Mayhem. But it’s so much better when you are able to make the decision and not wait till there’s no choice. Will be thinking of you.
Definitely. We want his last days to be happy. Thanks, LizzieB.
Congratulations on your engagement, Koyel! Very sorry about your kitty.
I’ll be thinking about you and Mayhem quite a bit in the next week.
That’s gotta be hard. I’ll be thinking of you. Sending hugs!
Gentle thoughts to you and everyone who loves Mayhem.
Hugs for you. This is never easy. You loved Mayhem so much and gave him a good life.
I am happy for you regarding your engagement.
I’m glad you have made a clear decision about his last day. It’s still very tough to tell your sweet friend goodbye. I’ve now been through this with several cats and it sometimes takes a little longer than you might expect. It depends partly on the vet. I’m hoping they will explain the steps to you in a clear way. I felt good holding my kitties in my lap, and they were fine with that. Just as birth is a process, so is death, and we owe it our awe and patience.
No LOTV here, I only have one and I’m saving it for tomorrow. Today I’m wearing Chypre Mousse, AKA Eau de Crypt. I’m not a fan at all of green scents, but this won me over at first sniff.
You smell very interesting, I like my sample of it.
Eau de Crypt is describing it perfektly….
Raining right now and it has been rather cool, I am in the clear as a bell, delicate but not wimpish Floris LOTV.
Started out cool here today but then got sunny & hot, and waiting to see if we will get the rain which the forecast called for — sky was dark but now cleared up.
Sounds ljust ike London weather, rain is much needed in spring from the point of view of plants so I hope you got some (but not too much).
Nothing so far. Along with Donatella and Princess Charlotte, today is my birthday. I’m probably not going to go perfume shopping, although I’m scent-free. You know, just in case. I was thinking this over, and I’m fairly certain that I’m not really wanting anything new right now. But, still…
However, if the Perfume Redistribution Fairy would like to drop by and relieve me of a few items, she would be most welcome!
Happy Birthday! You’re in good company. I hope you do something nice to celebrate abd find the perfect present to self.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day! ?????
Many happy returns.
Happy Birthday!?
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy Scented Birthday! ?????
A very happy birthday to you!!
And in case the perfume redistribution fairy does NOT pop by, there will be another freebiemeet in early June 😉
I’ve got to remember about the freebiemeet! I’ve gotten many, many samples from LuckyScent over the past couple of years, and Surrender to Chance in the last year or so. That includes some I really want to pass along to those who would appreciate them. There were certain perfumes I’d heard a lot about and wanted to smell a sample of. Some I liked, and some were just not for me. Better than buying a full bottle and then discovering I don’t like the fragrance! I’ll have to work on making a list. Remind me, folks!
Happy Birthday! I hope it was a good day!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday TeaInTheGarden !
Happy Birthday!
I’m feeling a little perkier today. We had a few rays of sun peaking through the clouds early in the day. SOTD is Datura Noir.
Glad to hear today is a little better!?
Happy to hear that you got some sunshine today! ??
Your perfume is a sunny one!
I am wearing Rahele today!
I think I need to go through my sample stash for a LotV fragrance….
Rahele is lovely!
Commodity Velvet on another yucky rainy day… I got this for a great price as Sephora is discontinuing the line + VIB discount. It’s very similar to By The Fireplace but sweeter and less ashy. Win!
I think Commodity was exclusive to Sephora. I wonder if they will be sold elsewhere now. I really loved the Mimosa.
Guys I bit the bullet and bought 4 ml of no. 22 parfum, which does not come cheap but I’m glad I did, it’s lovely! I am wearing just the tiniest bit today but enjoyed a full dose last night.
Oh you smell lovely!
Ooooh. Fabulous!
I had every intention of wearing Nicolaï Odalisque today but as I was rooting around for my sample, I realized that I was going to be late for work so – SSS Equestrian. Just wore it last week but it’s one of my favorites for spring and an easy choice.
Vanille Insensee for a crazy busy day! Today is my Friday!?
Woohoo! ?
Makes Almost-Friday into “Virtual Friday” for you.
Yay! ?
Jo Malone Silk Blossom
I’m wearing Zoologist Hummingbird today because it sounded good and Fragrantica lists lotv as a note although I don’t smell it.
In life news, what I thought was a cold and earache is actually a mild case of mumps! Apparently it’s going around in my area and at (almost) 60, I had the early vaccination that doesn’t do much, so if you too are older you might want to reboot your MMR vaccine. As I said, I don’t have a bad case but my sister just arrived for her annual visit with our mother so I can have a break and there’s a lot I want to do! Fortunately mom, sister and husband all had mumps as kids.
So the vaccines we had as kids don’t work anymore? How do you get over the mumps?
The vaccine before 1967 isn’t as effective. Mumps are a virus, takes about 10 days to get over once you have symptoms which can take 3 weeks to surface when you first come in contact with the virus. Like getting over a cold, rest and fluids with soup, basically.
Yikes! I hope you recover quickly!
Feel better soon!
Good lord! I hope you recover quickly.
Mumps?!? Wow. That doesn’t sound pleasant at all.
Mumps, my goodness! Hope you are better soon.
Goodness! Hope you feel better soon!
Yosh Sottile today for the CP. and I got a compliment, which is rare. Was checking out at Trader Joe’s and the staffer commented that something was smelling good. I mention I had on an LOTV and rose scent. She got the rose from it. She recommended their rose hand cream. Said it’s lovely and works well.
Perfume compliments are always great! ?
That’s nice! Of course it had to come with a sales pitch ? Did you get the hand cream?
Hah! I’d already stood in a long line to checkout. Wasn’t going back for anything…. maybe I’ll check it out next time I’m there.,,,
Ma Griffe has a LOTV note, but i dont smell it in all the bitter greens…
I had a nice day with a Cosmetic treatment, but then my boyfriend got bis biopsy results….
Prostate Cancer at the age of 56… My poor boyfriend, he was crying…???
Very sorry about your boyfriend’s diagnosis.
Oh gosh, I’m so very sorry. Wishing the best for your boyfriend.
Oh no! That’s got to be an incredible shock for the both of you.
So sorry Tannina! Hard news to get. I hope the outcome is good, though.
I am so sorry to hear about your boyfriend diagnosis. I wish him the best and a speedy recovery with the right treatment.
Oh, I’m sorry. Sending you both hugs and healthy energy. You are both in my thoughts.
The only good thing is that it’s really very treatable, and in various ways. I hope you learn all the options. I’m sorry though because it’s scary. I have gone to various experts with my father and he had excellent results. Let me know if I can help. I’m cfreeland followed by four nines in yahooland. Another younger friend also had it and is cancer free now, so please know there’s good grounds for hope.
tannina, sending you hugs.
So sorry, tannina.
So sorry tannina!
Calypso is right, though, it’s usually very treatable. My brother in law had it 2 years ago (he was in early 50s) and treated very successfully.
Wishing your boyfriend a speedy recovery.
So sorry about the bad news diagnosis. I have no family / friend experience but some above have and it sounds very treatable. Sending hugs and healing vibes.
SOTD is BBW Wild Honesuckly EDT. The most realistic honeysuckle I’ve found and it was a bargain at one of their sales last year. Have spent frustrating times trying to dig up a bottle of the discontinued Keiko Mecheri Loukhoum Parfum du Soir. I should have bought it when we were in Germany 3 years ago. Does anyone know how it compares to the original Loukhoum? I will probably end up needing to order a sample from Luckyscent.
that’s “Honeysuckle.”
I have an old B&BW Wild Hineysuckle cologne. I am not holding out much hope that it has not turned!
The sounds of late morning and early afternoon: chainsaws and a wood chipper. The pine tree that had fallen over last Saturday in the wind was being disposed of. The cats were NOT at all fans of the racket, but they did calm down somewhat when they realized that the big scary noises were not coming after them.
SOTD = Prada Infusion d’Iris, from the sample stash. Something quiet and calming seemed like a good idea today.
Chainsaws make an awful racket but at least it’s done!
The wood chipper was worse! But yeah, it’s done unless the HOA decides to grind out the stump that is left.
I adore Infusion d’Iris, you made a wonderful choice. I think I’ll wear some tonight. It’s lovely post-shower-before-bed.
Thanks tiffanie!
Checking in late to say that I’m wearing Ann Gerard Ciel d’Opale, a really pretty floral with green and citrus notes. Nothing difficult here, just a very wearable, happy scent.
I hope you all are having a good day – I’m off to my next meeting!
I’ve started seeking out happy scents as well. I don’t see scent in color, but definitely experience it as mood changing. And we all need happy, uplifting perfumes.
Red Door again. It’s a nice, trusty, last-all-day type of scent.
Also, thank you everyone for your well-wishes yesterday.
Beige! As my husband said “You smell classy as bleep!” (He didn’t say bleep.) I may smell bleeping classy, but I also smell gorgeous.
“He didn’t say bleep” LOL!, he’s right though, very classy??
?! “Bleeping classy” indeed!
Beige is fantastic! A big Chanel favorite! You smell wonderful!
That is bleeping funny. It’s so nice that he noticed. You smell wonderful!
Funny! and Beige is marvelous. 😀
?Bleeping hilarious!
Oops. That was meant for sistine.
Finally its the weekend for me!
Its the battle of the vintage Diors – I sprayed on Miss Dior on 1 wrist and Diorissimo on the other. Diorissimo is definitely more green!
Two vintage Diors? Wow, that must be something else! It’s funny, though… I do not think of vintage Diorissimo as green.
To my nose, I noticed when comparing the 2 side-by-side, there is more green with Diorissimo. Although granted, there is more going on with both. They are glorious.
SotD = Hiris
Hiris is for Thursday, makes me so happy. 🙂
Yesterday was so busy I forgot to wear scent until last night, then it was Terracotta le Parfum as scheduled.
Dear FearsMice, in response to your comment on Tuesday: I say “yes!” Do think about a Berdoues sample set for experiments with layering, especially if you are inclined towards the cologne style. They do work nicely together. I spray them on different areas of skin, not one scent over the other.
Hope everyone had a lovely day. There were 249 comments a moment ago. I wonder will I be number 250?
Smart money says “Yes”, you were #250.
woot woot! nice to see you here, Jalapeno! 😀
Oh, thank you, Tiffanie; I have a decant of the Assam and can imagine that it would go nicely with other scents…
Hiris is for wonderful! I have in mind to compare it with HYLNDS Foxglove. Jalapeno had asked about the Foxglove, and I failed to see her question –eeek!– so maybe I can atone by doing a mini-comparison.
Squealing in so late today. Wore Emeraude pdt. Will read today’s comments tomorrow at breakfast. Hope to be on board with a LOTV!