Happy Almost-Friday and happy Pet Day! What fragrance are you wearing?
I am still in weather-denial, this time with Parfum d'Empire Azemour Les Orangers, because people were talking about it earlier this week.
Reminder: 4/12 will be Platonic Ideal Friday...wear your platonic ideal of X (and X can be anything: yourself, a note, a fragrance family, a style or characteristic — be as creative as you like). (You can find an easy definition of platonic ideal here.) Suggested by Jalapeno and Koyel.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2019, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Azemmour embroidery, Morocco, 18th century. 0.27 x 0.55 m (8″ x 1′ 10″). Owen Parry, Abergavenny, Wales via Wikimedia Commons.
Hello everyone! Long time no see. 🙂
I found a 50ml bottle of 90’s Egoiste yesterday, so I went with it today. Surprisingly low sillage on my skin, but it smells wonderful up close. It smells like tobacco on my shirt, but on skin…! A perfect match to the spicy rose of Coco.
Love that one.
It’s truly lovely.
Egoiste is great. My husband smells wonderful in it, but it doesn’t suit me at all. That’s fine because he is weirded out by the idea that men could wear women’s scents or vice versa.
ditto for my husband! (re. wearing the same).
Mine is the same. He’s okay with me wearing his but he just can’t wrap his head around wearing “women’s” scents. So if there’s something I want him to try, I tell him it’s a men’s scent that I enjoy wearing hahaha.
Haha my bf is the same way. I’m slowly working on him…
Smart lady. 😉
How funny! As a man, it’s actually rarer for me to wear something marketed towards men. 🙂
I so wish I could smell you!
It’s great stuff! Highly recommended.
My Dad’s favorite one… I’ve spritzed myself with it after shower and my boyfriend (our early date nights, avout a year ago) said wowYou smell so clean and fresh!!
Ah, what lovely memories.
Hello there! Another great find. How about just doing a collection video, lol… am I annoying yet?
Haha, maybe one day! I did just completely reorganize it.
Hi! Wow, Egoiste is a great perfume, have you ever tried Antaeus?
Egoiste is great! I’ve never in all my years seen Antaeus. I’m waiting patiently for the universe to lay some in my path.
Humph~! I am early today. GOOD MORNING!!!!!!
Still dreaming of violets so my SOTD is Violette Sacree by Au Pays de la Fleur D’Oranger.
And I was late, again, sorry! Too cold here to even get moving.
Back to low 40s today in NYC 🙁
On a happier note, I finally purchased a small, floor heater for the office and it is a game changer. What a difference! I’ll be using this year round because you know they’ll be pumping in the A/C very soon.
SOTD: Kismet
Stay warm! And yay to small space heaters. One of my co-workers gave me one and it’s been so cozy in my office all winter!
I’m surprised it’s allowed.
Just what I was thinking. The fire safety officers come around our offices regularly and forbid any use of space heaters. We sometimes have the same issues in summer with overly powerful a/c.
We got the OK from the building engineers!
Also, if it tips over it turns off.
What is your photo of? Nice new look 😉
Thanks! It is the clock at the Musee d’Orsay. I don’t know the people in the picture but their presence made the picture come alive for! I initially wanted to shoo them away but it would have been next to imposssible as there was a steady stream of visitors.
Cool! Great idea.
Am reveling in my heater, too. It’s heavenly. I’m cold blooded, like a lizard. I love the summer heat, it’s the one time a year i feel warm all the way to my bones.
Oh, me too on the summer heat. I’m one of those sickies that will seek out the unairconditioned subway car on the way home from work and sit there all by my lonesome because I have been freezing in the office all day long!
Biology was a long time ago but I thought cold blooded means your body adjusts to the temperature so you are in effect at a constant temperature which is why you can cook a frog alive.
You have great memory! 🙂
You smell great. I just bought a FB of that. I believe Laura enabled with a split I procured at the end of last year. Thanks, Laura. ??
It’s really very pretty. I do see the resemblance to Shalimar, however. But, that’s not such a bad thing.
Congrats on your FB!
I’m still using my space heater at work too, I love it – wish I didn’t need it, but glad it’s there
I’m wearing Le Labo Santal 33. Maybe the Platonic Ideal of a Le Labo fragrance? I got it as a free sample with a cosmetics order. Things are going along now in rehab. I’ve got physical therapy and occupational therapy for an hour each day. Saw my hip surgeon for a checkup yesterday and things seem to be OK so that now I can put weight on my new hip as tolerated. That’s good because it means I can practice on stairs and may be able to go home to my multi-floor townhouse in about a week or so. I’m teaching my classes via Skype–not ideal, but better than nothing. The remaining issue to resolve concerns what to do with my mom. Since I won’t be able to take care of her now for at least three months, I’m thinking that assisted living is the right decision, but it’s going to be really hard on her.
I have a good friend who wears Santal 33 and I love it on her but it has such a strong presence that that’s all you smell, which is good, maybe?
Wishing you speeding recovery and hope you find some good options for assisted living for your mom. That is a huge decision and not one to be entered in lightly. But it’s loving to think of her care above all.
Wishing for a speedy recovery over here, too. Sounds like tough stuff.
Glad your hip is doing better. Hopefully if you go with assisted living with your mother, she will be able to make some friends there and be able to socialize more. There can be a silver lining.
Tough decisions <3 sending you my best.
Hard on you too. So many decisions. Sending you hugs!
That’s a very hard decision to make. Thinking of you.
You are so brave through this ordeal. You know, taking the decision of assisted living is never easy but may turn out to be a good experience in the end, that’s what I hope for your mother.
Glad you’re doing better. I have a new appreciation for Assisted Living as we’re also considering options for mom.
Hang tough Calypso! Big hugs and hope that you heal quickly and the decisions work out for everyone!
Iwish You and Your Mom all the best!!
A week, that’s wonderful news!!
How much longer is your mom in rehab?
Happy to hear your hip is improving.
Tough decisions especially when you have your own recovering to worry about. Wishing you much strength!
Best wishes to you and your mother, Calypso.
I hope your healing continues smoothly, Calypso, and that your mother adjusts. Caring for aging parents has some really hard moments, for everybody 🙁
Glad you are progressing along. And sending hugs to you and your Mom.
I’m wearing Dior Granville, which is very piney and black peppery, almost medicinal. Interesting.
I think I like it because of the medicinal vibe!
It would be a great relief to wear it after a week of sweet gourmands or bwf.
SL Un Bois Vanille.
Where’s your coffee? What kind of delicious breakfast did you have? I need more detail ha!
Just NOW getting coffee-grrrr!
And a bagel w/ cream cheese which adds up to a bunch of carbs I. Do. Not. Need! ?
I have yet to meet a carb I didn’t love.
Enjoy that bagel, Deva.
Ditto, and it was delish!
I got an email from Nordstrom that for $15, J can have breakfast with the Easter Bunny this Saturday. The choices were scrambled eggs and bacon or pancakes and bacon plus fruit and coffee. The first person I thought of was you, Deva ?but you are too far away!
Oh, that might be worth flying in for! ?
Hope you’re still enjoying Seattle!
I am, thank you! Planning on enjoying it a whole bunch more now that I’ve found a super cool, van friendly, close to everything location. ??
Nice! For a mega delicious carb hit, there’s a donut stall in the pike place market, a few stalls in from the magazine stand on the corner of 1st & Pike (or is it Pine?).
Anyway, they make the mini donuts fresh with a machine and they are amazing.
So if you havent hit up the market yet, check it out! Even if you dont buy any, the donut machine is fun to watch.
Shades of Homer Price.
The market was so much more than I expected! I need donuts like I need another hole in my head, but thanks for the carb support!! ?
And HOW could you watch the birth of baby donuts and not eat one?!? Beyond my abilities…!?
Yay, vanilla! ?
I KNOW! I need to buy my all time favorite vanilla. I keep putting it off because I’m fickle like that. Have you found your Holy Grail, or is the search still fervently on?
Not sure if I could pick just one HG vanilla…two of my favorites are Note Vanillee for a great boozy vanilla and Ligne St. Barth Vanille West Indies for vanilla overload. I also tried Ex Idolo Love & Crime recently which is pretty new and a beautiful vanilla, citrus and chocolate mix. My cup runneth over with vanillas happily. 🙂
Wearing Arielle Shoshana edp for the first time this season. Yowzers! I forgot how much I love this. The fruitiness of the opening is so outrageous, it makes me laugh. The dry down makes me swoon. And in between it’s wonderfully upbeat.
I need to pull that out soon.
I just looked on her website. She said the name has been changed to Arielle Shoshana Saturday. Hmmm, that must mean she’s working on a new perfume! I hope so!!
She is, she has a kickstarter going…will post about it tomorrow.
Well you are just creating a serious lemming with that description haha.
Haha. Definitely worth sampling. And a full bottle is cheap by niche standards. I have the travel size.
aahhhh i’m so SO curious about this one! maybe i can reward myself with an impulse sample purchase when i get something productive done~
I just got an email from her site about a kickstarter campaign to raise funds to launch a “Sundays” scent to smell like “a steaming mug of creamy matcha horchata…” No doubt the reason for the rename of the original.
Absolutely no affiliation!!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arielleshoshana/the-scent-of-sunday?mc_cid=d6c4c079c3&mc_eid=46256fe6de&ref=user_menu
Oh wow! That sounds delightful! Thanks for the link!
I saw this in my email and just sent her an email about ASSunday ???
I have already signed up to get my travel spray 🙂
I wore it last week after a long time and it is damn good. And it has vanilla too! ?
Iris 39 for me today.
Come sit next to me…
Or I should say I want to sit next to you❣️
I’m flexible, ?
I really need to wear this one. I love smelling it, but it never calls to me anymore ? This weather is perfect for it, too.
I tend to like most of my perfume for the long hall but I do understand. I have fallen out of love with several bottles and moved them out ofmy collection. I guess the nature of our obsession is to be fickle. ?
I’m in Fum Ariose, the platonic ideal of a birthday scent!
Thankfully my sinuses are giving me a little break today. And the radio did me right this morning on my way to work playing a new-to-me song by the Belgian band Brutus, “I’m Only Happy When it Rains” by Garbage, and “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill. A benefit of living in Seattle is KEXP!
Happy Birthday! Glad that your day seems a little brighter! ??
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday! My radio choices are mostly limited to a very bland, repetitive mix of top 40 type stuff (thanks, kids!) – sounds like you have much more interesting musical experience on your drives!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday! ?
Happy Birthday! Glad you’re feeling a little better.
Garbage! Shirley Manson inspired my hair in the 90s- blood-red a-line bob.
Love it!
Happy Birthday and you smell nice!
Many Happy Returns of the Day!
A very happy birthday to you, glad the music gods did you right!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! ?
Happy birthday! Enjoy! The only good radio in my neck of the woods are the college stations.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes!
Acqua di Parma. I have a happy pet! Maybe I’m revealing something about myself — like a Rorschach test — but the things on either end of that tapestry sort of look like bugs with long antennae to me.
I can totally see that now that you point it out. ?
YES, but with little dinosaurs underneath them!
SOTD is Angel Eau Sucree, a successful impulse/blind buy. Not exactly the platonic ideal of an Angel flanker, like someone rightly said about Angel Muse yesterday, but I don’t have any Muse on hand! It is a nice spring version though.
I haven’t tried that one yet. How does it compare to the original Angel or Angel Muse?
It’s further from the original than Muse is, most of the resemblance is in the dry down. Airy and sweet, but not too juvenile-sweet. It’s a little simple maybe, but it’s nice and cozy while still warmer weather appropriate.
Eau Sucree – What Dorsey said and I would say the patchouli was dialed back.
Great fun, glad you like it!
Sucree is on my to buy list. It’s a good one!
Passage d’Enfer today 🙂 I smell so pretty.
Yep! you do!
You smell fabulous, Koyel! PdE layers well with all kinds of things too 🙂
My nose is still completely out of service, so scentless today. Here to see what y’all are wearing!
Pollen count 1792. Kleenex count 1793! Achoooooooo!!!! 🙂
I feel for you Jada. My allergies have been present but we’re no where near our peak allergy season.
I’ve been flonase-ing it daily now.
Chanel Misia (from the swapmeet, thanks!). Platonic ideal of pretty. Or, to me, platonic ideal of wearable violet. If it’s pet day, I hope hubby is letting the dog swim today on his morning walk!
You nailed it! I’d been wondering what I’d select as a Platonic Ideal of…anything. Misia fits the bill for pretty.
You smell wonderful.
I compared Misia and Insolence a week or so ago and they are both such lovely violets.
No SOTD yet, but it’s cooling down again here. We’re on the southern end of the bomb cyclone that’s supposed to be hitting the Midwest. Hope everyone that is more effective weathers it OK. Will probably pull out something cozy after I swim.
No snow for us, but boy it sure did cool down. Was so warm and spring like, but now it’s just cold and windy.
Life is a bit busy at the moment so no time to comment yesterday. SOTD is Un matin d’orage by Goutal. I always forget how much I actually love this one.
Tea is Earl Grey d’Or by MF.
Sorry everything is busy!
I tried this one on paper and liked it. Does it smell the same on skin?
I’ve never tried it on paper, so can’t answer that one.
I decided to try Robert Piguet Rose Perfection because the name fits the CP. After spraying, I went to Robert Piguet website and read the description: “An expression of pure femininity and a tribute to the extraordinary Bulgarian rose, Rose Perfection de Robert Piguet embodies the elegance of a woman with an intrinsically classic sense of style.” So I yesterday I wore the “feminine symbol of purity” and today it’s time for “expression of pure femininity”. 😆 “Feminine purity”/”pure femininity” are rather cliché, aren’t they?
Anyway, I like this scent. It is rich and gorgeous for the first five minutes – the heart of a blooming rose. Unfortunately, then it fades and becomes a skin scent. Still nice, but I wish they would improve projection. So not quite perfect but a good attempt. I’ll keep testing it. Maybe it’s one of those perfumes that disappear and reappear when you are wearing it. Or maybe my nose will ‘tune’ to it.
Those descriptions make me laugh sometimes haha. But it certainly sounds like you smell great!
Same about laughing at perfume descriptions.
Thank you!
I liked RP RP but had the same wearing experience as you. But it did make me feel extraordinarily and purely feminine ?
At least tt seems to stay quite well on clothes.
Shalimar today- my platonic ideal of the perfect scent. Even after years down the rabbit hole, I still think this one is perfection. probably should have saved for tomorrow lol.
Thanks for all of the support yesterday. The hubs is super sick and just stayed in bed and Nacho was mostly out of it. They said no running or jumping for a week though- his two favorite things- so they gave us sedatives and pain meds to use for a week. He was already “bouncy” this morning so I dosed him up before I came to work. Fingers crossed they manage while I’m at work today. Oh, and I chose bourbon for my still drink last night haha.
Good idea! I think I’ll wear Shalimar tomorrow.
You do smell wonderful, Kelly.
Shalimar is gorgeous!
I admire your undying love for Shalimar. I always think I’ve met The One, but then I’m over it in a year or two.
Missed your homefront news, but I imagine Nacho got snipped?
Wishing both guys a speedy recovery!
I don’t wear Shalimar as much as I used to because I’m always trying new stuff. But every time I wear it, I just think it’s so perfect and still my fav. I have all the edt, edp, and the edc. Oh and Shalimar Light. I am working on getting other flankers lol.
Yeah, little Nacho got fixed and the hubs has the flu. Fun times! 😀
I share your love of Shalimar, all the formulas through as many of the years as I can get my hands on 🙂 I find it strengthening, soothing – all the qualities you need when you’re dealing with a sick husband 🙂
Yay for bourbon…pairs well with vanilla. ? hope both your patients stay on the mend.
Glad your guys are doing better. I’m afraid I’ve never managed to wrap my head around Shalimar. Oh well, more for you. : )
I pulled my spring perfumes out of storage last weekend and they feel almost new again- today I’m wearing the beautiful green/violet/leather L’Artisan Violaceum.
Haven’t tried that one but green violet leather sounds great!
I think that’ll be my scent tomorrow. Its raining violets in my neck of the perfume woods!
Wow!! You described it so.. nicely.. Ican just smell this green/violet/leather in my head. I’ve never tried Violaceum but knowing L’Artisan’s take on perfumes and plus YOur description I swear I know exactly what it smells like in my head! Thank You
Green violet leather sounds really good.
We’re getting over a foot of snow in Minneapolis. It’s like this city is TRYING to get me to move. Wearing Tea for Two.
Hoping this is the last snow in your neck of the wood.
Wow! That”s just wrong. At least you smell cozy.
I guess that I shouldn’t complain about another rainy weekend.
Over a foot!!! My sympathies.
I saw your weather, I’m very sorry.
If i could move from my current cold climate state to a sunny and warm one I would in a heartbeat. My job is not very moveable unfortunately
Gah! Hope it goes away soon.
My deepest sympathy for your weather! At least it won’t last long but a late blizzard is just so unfair.
Omnia again
Robin: Chai and tea masala are the same. At least that is what my FIL calls them both
Took chubby Buddha to central park to see all the blossoms blooming, it’s cold, but fun!
I need to try Omnia! The description sounds like something I’d love and it certainly gets a lot of love here.
Warning:its a lot lighter and sheer than one may think..
I put Omnia on my Scent Twist queue today…..if you like it it’s gotta be a great one!
Get outta cold NYC and come down here! It’s already time to mow the yard AGAIN here…..LOL 🙂
I wore Omnia when it first came out and then, several of my friends loved it and wore the same, and Omnia and I divorced. I guess I didn’t want to smell like everyone else and now I don’t care. Plus everyone in NYC smells like Santal33..
You send some warm sunshine this way..
I am surprised that they have Omnia! I almost wrote “shocked” but I should probably save SOME emotions for events not related to perfume distribution.
Thank you, I thought so but was not 100% sure!
i’m recovering from a sudden and hopefully quick cold, and debated whether to go scent free today…in the end decided to try l’artisan safran troublant for cozy comfort. it’s maybe my platonic ideal of a comfort saffron, warm and cozy and something i can just sit back and enjoy without thinking too hard.
I hope you feel better soon and you smell lovely! I’ve been wondering if you received the package that I sent to you?
thank you so much, and yes i did!!! i’ve been meaning to email you – will do now!!
Oh yay! Feel better!
Azemour is such an awesome perfume!
I’m wearing Memo Italian Leather today. It smells very dolce vita 🙂
OH, I love that one!!! You smell amazing.
Ditto – Italian Leather is wonderful!
Good morning 🙂
I had some blood work done this morning, and have been fasting since midnight. After it was done, I treated myself to a huge cinnamon bun and cup of tea.
My SOTD is Hove Parfumeur Diverti.
You earned that cinnamon bun! ?
Anytime I have a AM doctor’s apt, I make a point to have a good treat afterward too! 🙂
Sounds de-lish!
Trying London and Tel Aviv from Gallivant today.
I think I detect some vanilla in Tel Aviv perhaps…or it may be residual vanilla on my person from yesterday… ?
You are now probably a walking vanilla pod ?
Yes I think the Vanilla Borg has assimilated me now and it is coming from within. Resistance was futile. ?
I get vanilla in Istanbul. Have you tried that one yet?
Yes I tried that one yesterday and did get vanilla. ??
Still cold and rainy here, going with a warm amber today in Eau des Merveilles. Pet Day! The big dog got bathed and de-shedded on Monday and the poor groomer looked exhausted at the end of six hours. The dog looks great.
Sounds like the poor groomer needs a salon day to recover.
Six hours! What kind of breed?
115 lb Tibetan Mastiff, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=5crCVGKP&id=C4D99D7C642C0BAFB5B0BD89596A3DEE0CB10758&thid=OIP.5crCVGKPrdJWqdqZBTT1PwHaE6&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fcdn2-www.dogtime.com%2fassets%2fuploads%2fgallery%2ftibetan-mastiff-dog-breed-pictures%2ftibetan-mastiff-1.jpg&exph=451&expw=680&q=tibetan+mastiff&simid=608005391756626481&selectedIndex=13 who sheds his entire undercoat all at once in the spring. I gave the groomer a large tip, so she can afford a spa day if she likes!
(Yikes, that link is huge!)
Oh my gosh, I love those big guys!!! He would eat my poor little Nacho lol!
Gorgeous dog!
Wow! My brother used to have a mastiff who was probably 80 pounds but could have been way more than that. Anyway. at the same time, he also had a King. Charles Cavalier who weighed no more than 12 pounds soaking wet.
Hello All!
1) Rainy week- yet I have somehow worked a bit in the garden and I have start taking before and after pictures, like you guys have suggested. Also, will be building 4 more garden boxes, and planting an mixed herbaceous border in the hellstrip and in the backyard.
2) Chilly morning- just barely above frost- so I am in Cuir de Lancome.
Yikes, I forgot #3! I am working on my taxes, and I am scared!
Deep breaths, deeeeeep breaths … and good luck.
There were a few surprises for sure. For the future — If one can tax plan for the standard deduction to make sense, that would be the equivalent of a break-even point.
Wearing Coromandel today from a generous NST poster and loving every second of it. I am grateful for this lovely forum. Got some good news, I now have health insurance again because I was wondering how I was going to afford my medication.
Congrats on the health insurance. I thought about wearing Coromandel today but changed my mind. I’m still going to count this as we’re almost twins!
Woo hoo! Health insurance is a good thing! And so is smelling good!
Awesome news Dawn! You smell fantastic!
Health insurance is not overrated! Happy for you!
Hurrah for health insurance!
SOTD is Jo Malone’s Orange Blossom, with lilac, lotus & orange blossom. It’s not setting off my allergies which is a good thing!
Great pick for spring! I wore that once and my boss walked through the office and said to no one in particular “what smells like lilacs?”
Oh, that’s a great compliment for sure! I do love this one.
I stopped by Nordstrom to try out Hermes Un Jardin sur la Lagune. I like it much better than I expected to (Nagel’s work for Hermes so far hasn’t been my cuppa). We’ll see how this thing progresses.
Update, because I didn’t hit the Post Comment button yet: the husband says it smells like something a guy from work wore – probably enthusiastically. This guy thought he was seriously a player, and somehow…that doesn’t quite fit my demeanor. So, HUH! Did not expect that at all.
Tea this morning was Upton Nepal Black Tea. It came as a sample, but I’m fairly certain I need more. Currently drinking coffee.
Gris Clair which is grey like weather, my mood, and my in-growing roots, lol. I have a uke meetup tonight which always cheers me up ?
Gloomy weather can be a downer but I hope you have fun
tonight and cheer up despite the gloom. ⛅
Thank you! I think it’s the time of year. I always have a little mood down swing on the edge of season changes.
I’m sorry for your grey mood, but the roots part made me LOL. Because I can definitely sympathize. Have fun tonight. 🙂
Thanks! And I feel like I just colored it, ugh. It’s getting to be a drag and am considering (again!) of just growing it out. I’ll chicken out, of course ?
I keep saying I’m going to also but haven’t had the courage yet. I have finally stopped straightening my hair and embraced my curls. Baby steps…
I loooove your curls! They’re adorable!
Have fun tonight! And you look fabulous, I’m sure!
Awww, thanks lj!
You smell wonderful and your evening sounds fun, enjoy.
Azemour – Robin, you smell fabulous! I’m in Feu Secret again (or Geu Secret, for those truly in the know 🙂 ), just because I love it.
SOTD = Chanel No.5 L’Eau
…from my red bottle. I got the shower gel yesterday and my my my it smells just like the perfume. It’s very emollient and made the shower floor slick
Has anyone tried Zoologist Dodo? I received my decant yesterday from a Basenotes split. The spraying mechanism does not work so I dabbed. To me, it smells like an oudy Hummingbird. What say you?
You smell fresh and lovely.
Thank you!
You smell elegant!
Thank you, I find that most Chanel’s have the effect of making someone appear to be elegant!
Instant lemming!
For the shower gel…not Dodo. ?
LOL…I was about to ask which one!
I have! Granted, I have not sniffed Hummingbird, but I liked Dodo sprayed. I didn’t get the oudy bit at all. It was all fruity (tart, not sweet) and green on me first when spraying it and then dried musky and a little floral (I’m obviously not good at descriptions). I will say I enjoyed it more each subsequent time I wore it. Wasn’t crazy about it at first. I still like Chameleon a lot more than Dodo (I tested them both within a couple days of each other).
I need to pull out my Hunmingbird sample. I tried it s while back!
Phone line problems meant no internet for over a week and just my cell phone to connect so I have a lot to catch up on NST. Will answer all the lovely comments on my Donatella confession tomorrow, today on a brisk, sunny day I was wearing Jean Patou Colony, a light leather which suited quite well with the weather.
The other day I complained that some of the fragrances that got discontuned became way too expensive. I mentioned my Alchimie, Byzantine by Rochas or Jaipur Sapphir/Boucheron. $250.00-$400.00 a bottle for not even niche but what used to cost $25.00 a bottle on online discounters just a few years ago…
Also a few years ago I became very interested in this brand called Reminiscence. I used to have a bottle of Jammin’ and Musc. Each bottle cost me (I can’t remember EXACTLY) but something of the $130-$150 range. It was this very hard to find, expensive, super rare perfume brands. Funny because out of curiosity I’m looking online and You can buy my Reminiscence Musc for like $40.00some dollars online and many others just as cheap for a 100ml…
Weird, what was so cheap a few years ago is now outrageously expensive, and what used to be too rare and IF found way too expensive is now so affordable…
Never heard of it, but your comment prompted me to take a look on Fragrantica. 1970s Cote d’Azur sounds very chic and Jammin’ looks interesting. (But still not cheap). :^)
Never heard of it, but your comment prompted me to take a look on Fragrantica. 1970s Cote d’Azur sounds very chic and Jammin’ looks interesting. (But still not cheap). :^)
I swear I pressed ‘post comment’ only once! :^D
I’ve sampled Reminiscence Tonka and Ambre. The tonka was nice if one likes tonka. It was all nuts and honey.
I didn’t like the Ambre- it was soapy on me.
Sotd is Dame Dark Horse, because it’s apparently late fall here.
Awful boss woe of the day: so my boss, telling me about her very expensive chemical peel, then exclaims happily that she doesn’t need botox yet because she only has wrinkles when she is angry. Points to my forehead and suggests I get botox. My response ” I guess I’m just angrier than you ” lol, hope this all made sense.
Touché! (I’m chuckling — out loud! — as I picture this exchange.)
I was chuckling on the inside the whole time?
Geez! It’s like The Devil Wears Prada where you work. Next time: ” My forehead is perfect when you’re not around” ?
I know, my brow automatically furoughs when I punch in!
WOW! That is suuuuper rude! I love your response.
“If I got a raise, I might consider it.”
A real raise!
Oh my goodness. Your boss has no filter. It sounds like she is completely tactless. Great response to her comment!
She uses her filter when she whispers to say something awful, lol. Lucky me, my hearing isn’t what it used to be.
Aww. I guess your hearing loss is a blessing.
Sorry you have such a classless boss, but good response back! I probably would have been so dumb-founded that I would have missed the opportunity.
Time to pull out your most potent fragrances again and over-spray! ?
I’m so used to her, I can anticipate what she will say. Let the overspraying begin!?
Wearing Tom Ford Vert Boheme this morning.
Just a blast a greeny goodness to start the day with!
I went with Vanilla Flash today. Nice and cozy.
Can someone explain the platonic ideal CP to me? I tried to suss it out contextually but remain confused!
I’m taking it as a perfume that represents a perfect ideal of something, or the best available approximation, with a lot of flexibility on what that ‘something is’ – e.g. the perfect patchouli, the perfect Spring scent, the perfect 1920s vamp perfume… whatever floats your boat. :^)
Ahh i see – thanks
I’m in Caron Pour Un Homme today. Want to reapply, but I have a group fitness class in a couple hours and I don’t want to overwhelm everyone…
That’s such a great scent, I need to get a bottle soon. It’s refreshing how reasonably priced it is.
I went with MH Fleurs de Sel today. I usually wear this in warmer weather (not sure why) and I happen to be in the part of the country getting hit with all of the snow and ice, so we’ll see how it is in wintry weather. So far, it smells great.
I have worn Reminiscence Vanille and Ambre and like both. They are soft and stay with me a long time. I have Jammin’, and I always get a lot of citrus from it, along with a good dose of patchouli (I know – sounds kind of different), but somehow that works on me.
Sorry about the weather, ugh. At least spring snow doesn’t last long.
Wearing No. 19 for the first time today. Wow, now I understand what all the fuss was about. A little embarrassed that it took 4 years down the rabbit hole to sniff this, but Chanel seems to go out of their way to avoid letting people sample anything but the Cocos, the Chances, and the No. 5s. Anyway, this is definitely full bottle worthy, which is good because that’s what I bought.
Woo hoo for No. 19!!!
So true about the sampling! Did you try edp or edt?
EDP. Haven’t tried the EDT, so can’t comment, but I think the general consensus is the EDT is greener.
SotD = Hiris
Thank you to sistine for the inspiration yesterday.
I’m just about to go for a walk. Springtime makes me want to go places!
Cool and rainy here so SOTD is Lush Breath of God solid.I never tire of sniffing it.
Hi guys!! I had to come here and post this.. a little earlier I ordered Etat libre D’orange Like This but received You or Someone Like You by a mistake. The seller encouranged me to return and that i would be treated to some various samples… Well I ended up keeping YOSLY but a few days ago I reordered with this seller and got my Like This.
I wasn’t expecting anything!
Here is the extras IK just got 20 mins ago in my package (All brand new carded or boxed, manufacter’s shiny, gorgeous samples!!):
Replica Jazz Club
Replica At the Barber’s
Etat Libre d’Orange Les Felurs de Duchet
Parple Moi Chypre Mojo / 45 (never heard of it, so happy and curious!!)
Killian Good Girl Gone Bad
So much to try now! I’m overwhelmed my hands where shaking when I opened my package!! <3
Woo hoo for shiny new samples!!
How nice!
Enjoy testing!
I managed to get out of bed today and shower and shave, so I would just about pass for human. In Molinard “Habanita”, but I can no more smell this today than I could smell my other perfumes on Tue and Wed. I shall still wear my platonic ideal perfume tomorrow, but I’ll be disappointed if I still can’t smell anything!
Thanks for the good wishes yesterday – even as I was reporting in, I was admiring other NST folk like Calypso who are going through an awful lot more with great grace, and I was rather laughing at my own trivial complaints. :^)
What you said was really sweet. I really hope you can smell tomorrow!
Also, I’m so interested in Habanita. Do you find it soapy at all?
Busy mornings for a few weeks so I feel late to the NST party. I started in Allure this morning but had a long day dragging my poor elderly mother to a doctor appointment and Walmart of all horrible places, so I reached for comfort with Hypnotic Poison when I got home.
Walmart has a wierd smell to me. I hope they thanked you for improving the air quality.
I never thought about it, you are right!
My Walmart has a Subway sandwich shop in it. Much of the store smells of fermented sour dough. My guess is they make their own bread at the shop. It’s a really strong smell. Ugh, that smell!
That embroidery is really cool Robin! Thanks for posting interesting pictures to go with the SOTD posts. Speaking of…
SOTD = Gallivant Tel Aviv EdP, from the sample stash. This totally smells like a shampoo I used either in the late 1980’s or early 1990’s. Maybe it was the original Finesse? I *know* that I have smelled that scent before!
Ha! Before I read Finesse, I was guessing Prell?
Thank the nice folks who take the time to upload cool free use images to the internet for people like me who need them 🙂
Gracias :))
The good girl gone bad smells so deliscious.. irresistiable.. I am a fruit person so I eat tons of watermelon, green apples, plums, mangoes.. I have very strong fruit cravgings!!
In perfume, a very “fruity” perfume just usually doesn’t amaze me.. unless it’s combined with heavier or more sophisticated..
This good girl gone bad smells like a Goddess nectar of mouth watering golden peaches, I can almost taste this forbidden fruit!! Love it
Another very long, tough day but my reward was my Fragrancenet delivery. Woo-hoo! The Guerlain vetiver jumbo bottle looks like the more recent version, but still smells great! I sprayed myself and my shirt tonight, so that’s my SOTE.
The ISM is in a black cannister, so it can be my travel bottle.
Funny pet story. My coworker friend was home sick today, but is staying at her Mom’s to look after her Mom’s dog while she is on holidays. My friend was going out to the pharmacy to get some stuff for a sore throat so she took the dog out for a bathroom break before heading out. He never went, so she decided to put him in her car for the drive to the pharmacy. A couple minutes out of the driveway, he craps in her car. Bad doggie! She spent an hour cleaning up; maybe it was retaliation for his ‘Mom’ leaving him.
Yay for getting your delivery! And ugh.. for your poor friend, especially since she is sick.