And, it's Monday again. Also, Darwin Day and Lincoln's birthday. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Sonoma Scent Studio Bee's Bliss.
Reminder: on 2/16 we're celebrating the Lunar New Year...wear an auspicious fragrance to ring in the Year of the (Earth) Dog.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2018, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is puppy [cropped] by Sebastian Vital at flickr; some rights reserved.
Oh, how I envy your SOTD, Robin! I had a chance to sample Bee’s Bliss, and it is magnificent! I’m so very sorry that I didn’t just blind buy it when it was released. I should have known it would be a winner for me, having loved so many of Laurie’s creations.
I can’t feel too sorry for myself, today, because I’m wearing one of my treasures, La Myrrhe. I don’t wear this as often as I should, probably because it usually feels too elegant for work, but on a cold Monday morning, trudging into the office at 5:45, it’s my reward to myself for facing the week!
I took too long to test my sample — I think shortly after I smelled it, she announced her intention to retire. And Jessica had just decided to review it. So, there goes that.
5:45 — ouch. Hope La Myrrhe is doing its duty.
La Myrrhe is a great scent. Hope your day goes fast!
I am both sad and happy that I have not smelled Bee’s Bliss. I have a feeling that I would be longing for something I can’t have!
La Myrrhe is so lovely.
La Myrrhe is a great scent. Hope your day goes fast!
BY the time a read reviews for bees bliss it was unavailable and so many notes I love. I envy Robin too.
We did cancel our review, so we won’t tempt you that way. But not going to waste my sample 🙂
I appreciate that you canceled the review! Bee’s Bliss was going to be my first purchase and even though I haven’t smelled it myself, I know you smell great today based on all that I heard of it. 🙂
Oud Luban for the auspicious community project.
I know this was Mr. Cohen’s favorite, but the notes in this one make me think of something nice to wear for the Lunar New Year and I was drawn to this sample.
Now that I finished this sample I am contemplating a full bottle 😉 But the list is soooo long…
Sip of the day..Matcha Latte
My sip of the moment — a nice gyokuro from Harneys.
Wearing Mandragore Pourpre for this week’s community project.
I liked Lunar New Year but had no idea how to interpret it. Then, as i researched, I came across the following phrase on on the web: “Dogs love to dig in the ground and roll in the grass. Good thing, because earth and wood are very strong elements this year.” So I decided to wear green, earthy and woody scents: grass, herbs, moss, vetiver, fresh woody notes.
Very curious to see other people’s interpretations.
Aha — that’s a good way of approaching the theme.
Thank you, Robin. By the way, I managed to get a tiny sample of Black Vines. Have not sprayed it yet, but it smells very much like a liquorice candy from the sprayer. Wow! Also got another Kerosene sample (tempted by description and reviews) – Unknown Pleasures. More stuff to test!
Oh, I like both of those! Have fun…
Wow- what a great direction to take! And you smell great!
Thank you, Ede.
So, we have arrived to yet another Monday morning! Its chilly down here in Houston, TX this morning (about 37 degrees give or take a few), but will be close to 80 degrees come Thursday. That’s Texas weather for you. Although most consider my SOTD a Spring / Summer fragrance, I always associate it with Fall / Winter. I’m wearing JM’s Basil & Neroli. It’s become a comfort scent for me. Hope everyone has a great day!
I need me some Texas weather.
Crazy weather! But Basil & Neroli is just about perfect for everyday, IMO.
I’m wearing Coco today in Houston. Stay warm!
OMG, Houston was 20 degrees colder than my little part of NJ this morning. Unheard of!
Cold rainy Mondays are the final exam for Adulting 101! 🙂
Wearing Chanel Allure Edt….it’s sooooooo cozy and warm and snuggly and nice. Longevity is not too good though? Anyone else have that issue? 🙂 Maybe it’s the EdT versus EdP?
I had mentioned getting this as a fluke on eBay, and worrying that it might be fake at that price. But it showed up, the code on the box checked out, and it seems to be perfectly legit…
Yay, glad it checked out! I’ve not smelled the edt. I have the edp , and would say the longevity is about average, but I’m a constant reaplier.
I love Allure, the vanilla is prominent on me and lasts and lasts….
Try the EdP
My mom’s signature scent. She smells great and you do too!
Vanille 44 for a warm perfume-y blanket today.
OTOH, very excited that I finished my second sample of the year over the weekend! On track for one per month in 2018!
I love your 2018 goal! Very practical.
Another grey, wet, gloomy day here in NY. Enough is enough with these days! ????. I am at home today. I just decided to take an extra day to rest and finish some things pending.
Wearing Floris Honey Oud because I was craving for it.
Take care and be well everyone! ????
Good for you! Enjoy the day!
Thank you Lillyjo! 🙂
Good idea! And the rain has stopoed and hopefully we’ll get some sun later. You smell great today!
Thank you! Looking forward for some sun later and almost 60 degrees on Thursday. Fingers crossed! 🙂
NYC NSTers..have either of you made it to the Met for the Michelangelo exhibit ? Today is the last day and I am wondering if I should go or not?
I haven’t actually been to the Met in a few years! ????
Good! Hope the day reenergizes you 🙂
I hope the extra day worked for you (eh, that sounded like an oxymoron but you know what I mean). I have you to thank and curse for mentioning Coffee Coffee BuzzBuzz Buzz! I bought a pint yesterday and I’m hooked. I hope to be good by scooping 1/3 of a serving (90 calories) and stopping there to savor it. If I eat some everyday and the pint lasts until February 22, then I managed my portions well!
Thank you Hajusuuri! The extra day helped a lot! I wish I could stay home longer, but I have to go back to work tomorrow, before everything accumulates and it becomes worse.
I am so happy that you like Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz. I tried it for the first time at the US Open. So far it is the best coffee iced cream I have ever tasted. Every time I have the chance I purchase a pint, but I have a difficult time controlling the portions. It is very addicting! I am sure you will be successful with your portions. Enjoy it!
I wore Cristalle EDT yesterday and enjoyed it so much that I made it my SOTD again today. Our weather has been lovely lately and trending much cooler at night, so I’m testing the theory about Cristalle and cold temperatures.
I love Cristalle in cooler temperatures! Enjoy and you smell fab!
I almost wore Cristalle today as well. Great fragrance!
Love Cristalle in any temp!!
Celebrating Darwinism by plummeting down the food chain, risking being eaten by animals attracted to the civet in Jicky edt.
Or maybe not eaten, exactly…
Let’s hope not. Lol!
Opps! Be careful! 😀 😀
I made my first perfume purchase of the year yesterday. A coffret of Dior minis for 20 dollars. (Free?). It is roughly five years old, barely used. Today I’m wearing Addict, even though it is not the coveted vintage, it is still glorious. There is a definite difference than the current one. It still smells very rich and deep. I think the new one is still pretty dang good though.
Oh good idea! I’ll wear roses this week too if I can’t come up with any other appropriate perfumes.
Oops sorry I meant to reply to PricillaE below!
That was a great purchase! Enjoy it!
I will! Looking forward to having Dune and Dolce Vita back in my collection ????
What a deal!
I usually don’t go for minis, but it has some of my favorites.
Definitely free. Which other scents came in the coffret?
Dune, jadore, addict, miss dior edt, and dolce vita. I don’t ever buy anything online like this, but the seller is in my town. She also told me about a couple of Poison bottles she has. I might take a look at them later this week. I don’t know if i can I say, but I found it from letgo. I’m not affiliated.
Very nice perfumed goodies you picked up! ????
You got a good set, Lilly John. Congratulations. And it is definitely qualifies as free ????
One of the Year of the Dog’s lucky flowers is roses, so I’m doing a week with roses. Not all of the scents that I plan to wear have roses as top notes, but all have roses in the composition. First up is a big rose, Demeter’s Pruning Shears. One of my favorite roses, cheap as chips and by Francis Kurkdjian.
I’ve been puzzling over how to celebrate this Friday, so I might have to steal this idea.
Did not know that and how auspicious! I’m a (metal) dog and my favorite note is rose. And I’m wearing a rose today. Hope this all means I will still win the lottery eventhough I’m not buying lottery tickets!
Wearing Aroma M Nobara-Cha since I was in a rush and I don’t have to think about this one. But I’ll grab Priscilla’s rationale for roses being the lucky dog flower. And I’d classify this one as an earthy, wild rose.
(Oops! This was supposed to be a separate post)
I remember that I found this piece of information during my research, but it was confusing: some websites seemed to imply that rose is indeed a lucky flower for 2018, others claimed that it’s a lucky flower only for people born in a Dog year…
I always thought I was a Monkey, but I just found out that because I was born before Chinese New Year, I’m actually a Horse. Huh.
I am a Monkey, but my cat is a Horse. 😆
You have to figure it out based on your specific birth year’s lunar calendar. This year’s Lunar New Year is one of the latest. It could be as early as January 21 or as late as February 20.
Love Pruning Shears — good pick!
Must smell this one….
I hope they have not reformulated it. It was a really fun scent — Kurkdjian, IIRC (too lazy to go look).
I’m wearing DSH Habibi today. It’s gorgeous but doesn’t seem to last long on me. I brought my travel spray to work with me so I’ll spray some on my wool sweater and see if that helps.
Is this a mostly honey scent?
I smell mostly orange blossom, oud and honey. It’s beautiful.
Thanks, I just might get a sample. It sounds beautiful, but honey is so hit or miss for me.
Chuffed for Ireen Wüst who has just won a gold medal in her fourth Olympic Games. I know speed skating is very much a Dutch thing, although I can’t really skate myself. Still, it’s nice!
No scent yet, only the remains of Jubilation 25 that I wore yesterday.
Four sets of Games, that’s impressive!
Go Ireen!
Typical, I can’t find an emoji of proper skates!
Our teacher read Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates to our class of 7 year olds and it made a big impression on me. I hoped our river would freeze in winter but it never did.
Year of the dog, eh? Hmmm…
So I inflicted just a little bit of damage yesterday, hardly worth mentioning, with TL’s 20% off sale. Got me some 1969 and Shangri La in the travel-sizes, plus a couple of samples…
In Mohur today and it feels perfect.
Crazy-making work projects on the boil, plus planning for my son’s first surgery in March, need the warm, enveloping scent of Mohur.
On a much lighter, and far more interesting subject–I’ve become addicted to the Jeremy Youtube videos–his perfume reviews. He’s so earnest and dedicated and cute. My favorite so far is definitely his trip to Varvatos’ shop in London. But gosh, any man who spins and claps at the beginning of each segment, gets a pass on a whole lot of other things by me!
It’s his descriptions that got me. He is a cutie????
I replied to your post about Jeremy, but it posted down below….
This video CRACKS ME UP. He is a lover of a good smelling woman, that’s for sure! 🙂
That is hilarious!
The John Varvatos clip is not at campy, but fun!
What or who is TL?
Not that I need to know of another place to buy scent.
But, I am curious.
Twisted Lily. I think they’re in NYC.
Alas, not all brands were included so I escaped the TL sale.
Oh, and meant to mention that I hope your son’s surgery goes well.
I am having a cold…again…for third time this year. ????
I blame the mom-in-hospital-period. The stress and lack of sleep that came with it kinda wrecked my immunity system for a while.
I have a very nasty cough and runny nose now. I can still smell perfume though, phew. ????
I am wearing Dryad today.
Hope you feel better soon.
I hope you get better soon.
How is your mom? Has the move back home helped her?
My mother iss moving around the house by herself again and is able to keep us company in the living room for a whole afternoon. She still goes to bed early and sleeps in and she sometimes feels frustrated about getting tired too soon….but 4 weeks ago she was not even able to go to the bathroom by herself. So Id say she is doing great and making progress! 🙂
I hope you feel better soon! I was sick more over the last year than I can remember from previous years. Seems to be a bad germ year.
I can sympathize, as I’m on my second cold of the year. It’s no fun and I do think stress has a lot to do with it. Take care of yourself. I’ve been sucking on Zicam lozenges and think maybe they are helping. It’s supposed to shorten colds.
Both that and the fact that there are some really nasty bugs going around at the moment. Loads of people are sick.
Ireen got a big hug from our King. Sometimes the Netherlands are just wonderful!
I saw the King cheering on the speed skaters – he was really cheering, too! BTW, Queen Maxima is pretty great (and there’s no one better named!), but I haven’t seen her at the games yet. Is she there?
Yes she is! And we all adore Maxima in the Netherlands, she is interesting. Very intelligent, and very forceful. The great thing is that our King seems perfectly happy for her to get most of the attention.
When he was still a student he participated in the Elfstedentocht which is a skating marathon in the North of the Netherlands (Friesland) on natural ice. I think it’s a little over 200 km. He finished, and his parents (our former Queen Beatrix and her late husband) were there to welcome him. I’ll never forget that, because they were just there as parents, very proud parents.
I didn’t know much about them, but one year I was on a Holland America cruise during Koningsdag (everyone wore orange!), and one of the ship’s officers told me all about them. They sound like a really nice family.
Feel better soon Jiji! I am glad to hear your mom is doing much better!
I’m so sorry, Jiji. I’m glad she’s doing better though!
So sorry that you are sick again….I remember a friend reminding me to get a new toothbrush after you have a cold to limit the chance of re-infecting. Don’t know if that will help, but it couldn’t hurt!! Feel better soon..
What a bummer to have yet another cold, Jiji! This has been a really rough winter for you. Hope it passes quickly.
A grey gloomy morning here in San Diego, rain is forecast this week, maybe it will materialize, maybe not. I am cozy in Iris Ganache.
It’s really cold here, but the sun is shining like crazy. I will send some your way!
I got sucked into the Good Chemistry collection at my local Target and made off with 2 rollerballs. Today I’m wearing Daydreamer. This one has a minty/pineapple accord at the top that just makes me happy. The clean, softly woody drydown is nice. It’s a good office scent and a little different than the usual office fare.
I’m guessing this collection must be popular at least in my area. I sniffed a bunch of them when it first launched, and when I went back to buy this weekend, many of the scents were already sold out.
How is the longevity and sillage?
There’s not tons of sillage on this one but I did keep catching wafts of it and it’s definitely noticeable. In terms of longevity, it lasts far better than expected. I did refresh a little after 4-5 hours but that was it.
Thank you! It sound really good.
I LOVE Jeremy Fragrance too! My favorite videos are the ones where he swoons over his favorite women’s picks. This one makes me laugh every single time! 🙂 The right girl could totally seduce him, and probably has…..LOL
I’m sort of in Iris Month with Epic — there’s iris there, right? On the other arm is Marc Jacobs Pear.
What is an (Earth) Dog? Or more importantly, perhaps, what is a (non-Earth) Dog?
Well, I’ll go with the earthy theme. I’m wearing Silver Linings, which today was mulch and dirt and…cut grass! I didn’t get cut grass last time. Still no jasmine, most peculiarly. I made sure to spray it AFTER the boyfriend had left, so he didn’t start rooting around to see if we’d tracked any dirt in from the balcony.
Chinese astrological “signs” go by year, not month. So anyone born in 1970, say, is a dog. The elements are a further subcategory of each sign. So depending on month or day you were born that year you can be an earth dog, metal dog, water dog etc. The element further details aspects of one’s personality. My sign is dog and element is metal.
Cool! I’ve always known I’m a rabbit, but I now learn that I’m a fire rabbit. This is awesome. What a cool moniker. (I don’t think I fit the characteristics, though–“bold, precise, charismatic”? Er…not exactly.)
I couldn’t say about “bold” or “precise” but I definitely think you are charismatic! (It does say the dog is a good judge of character so I must be right about that ????)
They do sound like super hero names. Fun!
Aw shucks <3
(You're totally right. If I ever start fighting crime, that will be my name! I'd better start thinking of an outfit.)
Given that you have a Ph D in Chemistry, I would say that “precise” also applies to you, Koyel. ????
Hahaha. Ok, that’s a good point 🙂
I never used to believe any of this hocus pocus but a guy I dated back in 23 B.C. was really into it. He told me I’m a wood snake and interestingly, when I poo-pooed the whole thing, he gave me a whole list of personality traits associated with the sign, and it was spot on. It was kind of eerie, because not all of those traits were great. ????
I’m a metal dog, too!
High five!
I’m wearing Bois Farine today. It’s a nice cozy pick – for some reason the air conditioning at my school is on (it’s only 60 F outside!) and they cannot turn it off, so I am freezing. At least I smell good.
You do indeed smell good, but that’s crazy!
I forgot that the Chinese New Year is coming up and I was born in the year of the dog. Speaking of dogs, my 13 year old Lab isn’t doing so hot. We tool Charlie to the vet a week ago and he said that she most likely has a syndrome in her ear that is causing her balance problems. I can’t remember it’s name. He said that if she isn’t better within a week, we are most likely dealing with cancer in her skull. She had a really rough night with confusion and having a really hard time walking. We think that it’s cancer and at her age, surgery and chemo really isn’t an option for her. What good would it really do? Spending the day in no 5 for comfort.
I’m really sorry to hear about your pup! I hope the vet can at least offer some options to make her more comfortable or help with anxiety and confusion. I got a few essential oils that are specially formulated for dogs – animal eo is the brand – and they even offer oils for dogs that have terminal illnesses (not to cure, obviously, but to support). They have a pretty active Facebook group, too.
Hope the pup is feeling better!
I am so sorry for Charlie. Wishing for the best.
I’m so sorry. We faced that decision a few years ago with our cat who had an aggressive cancer. Fortunately, our vet was very understanding and up-to-date on palliative care for animals.
I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you and Charlie.
Oh no! So sorry to hear about Charlie!
I hope Charlie gets a good diagnosis!
I am so sorry to hear about Charlie.
Labs are the best, I love all kinds of dogs but I have a soft spot for labs.
Sending good thoughts!
So sorry Dawn. We are in a similar circumstance with our dog. We are focusing on enjoying the time we have left with her. Hugs to you.
Do sorry Dawn! Thinking of you…
Very sorry Dawn, thinking of you.
Vestibular syndrome can resolve by itself in a week or two, hope it’s just that and not cancer. Best wishes for you and your sweet doggie.
So sorry to hear that your dog is ailing right now. That’s a tough situation to be in.
Hugs for you and your fur baby.
(Re)working my way through many neglected samples to try and sort into the official keep, keep-trying, and give away piles.
I’ve been wearing Sammarco’s Bond T all weekend, and am really liking it. The chocolate is wonderful!
You smell great!
That puppy is adorable! I love to visit and cuddle with puppies, but don’t have the patience to actually raise one.
I started out in the dregs of Felanilla this morning before shower. I evidently applied liberally yesterday, as the hubster immediately commented on it. He was ten feet away. ????
I’ll be in vintage Shalimar later today – going big this Monday morning. Y’all stay safe and warm!
Felanilla is great! It leans masculine on me but I don’t care. You smell wonderful✌????
Thanks! It does have a pretty big opening on me. Robin reviewed it and noted saffron in the open, so I’ll look for it when I try it again. A couple of drops, this time. ????
Go big or go home 🙂
Absolutely. Happy Monday to you and the babies!
Thank you!
Where, oh where, did the weekend go? Even with the rain, it flew by.
For this overcast, dreary Monday, I’m wearing something that is a happy scent for me: Ambre Nuit
Enjoying Earl Gray tea at the moment…
You smell wonderful!
Showered with Rose Jam and mixed in Ta’if body lotion with my regular lotion. Spritzed on Ta’if, so I’m reeking rose.
Sweet pup in the photo. The husband is over at the piers for breed judging today for Westminster. He’s texting me photos. It’s so much fun…I may go tomorrow.
Speaking of roses….I think the Eau de Cloître from Couvent des Minimes is very nice. Doesn’t last, of course, but it is a fresh rose for summer.
Cool! Can you just walk in or do you need tickets? I want to go!!!
You can buy tickets online and then just show them on your phone. Today’s breeds are hound, toy, non-sporting and herding. Tomorrow is sporting, terrier, and working. It’s not cheap. $32 plus service fee. Goes from 8 am to 4. It’s best to get there early. You just wander around and try to catch different breed judging. Because it’s a benched show, you can also walk around and see the various dogs in their crates or hanging out. It used to all be at the Garden but they outgrew the space. It can get crowded, but it’s fun.
I’m not sure why I thought this might be free!
We watch every year both Monday and Tue. night but have never attended.
One day…
No. It can add up if you want to do both Day and then evening at MSG. Evening is quite exciting. We prefer to go during the day and then watch in TV at night.
Gosh, but you smell absolutely delightful!
Oh, wow! Which breed does he judge? I love watching Westminster and my TiVo is all queued up!
Do you have dogs? I don’t really recall your mentioning one.
Oh, he’s not a judge. He’s a spectator. Right now he’s waiting to watch Australian Cattle Dogs.
You’re right. We don’t have dogs. Just cats. We’d love to have a dog or two, though. We both really enjoy wandering the dog show.
I’m in Twilly today – I need to use up some of those samples that have just a teeny bit left in them so I can “attack” the cool freebiemeet samples I got Friday (le labo! Thanks Tiffanie!).
Managed to convince the family to go to San Francisco with me yesterday for a short day trip and got to spend a bit of time (sans family) at ZGO perfumery in the Castro. Unfortunately, I got overexcited, sampled tons of fragrances, and then could not decide what to even purchase for a sample x( … I ended up buying one sample of Sublime Balkiss which is nice but not for me, and I tested Fig-Tea and Odalisque by Parfums de Nicolai (the reason I went to ZGO in the first place) on skin. Liked the Fig Tea. Reminded me of Rose Ikebana. Still happy I got to go, but need to be more focused next time!
Super glad the package arrived! 😀
ZGO is on my bucket list for someday. Perfume shops are fabulous fun, but I also get overwhelmed and sample too many. I can’t trust my nose after the third or fourth scent.
I always liked Fig Tea too, but it doesn’t seem to have a ton of fans.
Keeping it super simple today with CSP Amour de Cacao.
You smell yummy. This was an enabler’s pin for you!
Happy Monday!
1) SOTD: Boucheron, because it is a perfect scent for late winter!
2) Sunny today and chilly, but not too chilly. Perfect for walking outside during lunch.
3) OMG, shall we drag the new Peter Rabbit movie? There is nothing nicer than a square or two of weed chocolate and a nice family film, but my god, MY GOD. Only the radiant charisma of Rose Byrne and the ready for anything Domnhall Gleeson save the film from being a animated, unfunny mess.
Guys, I was high and didn’t laugh goddamn once.
Ha! You are hilarious. Have you ever eaten some of that chocolate and watched the movie Trolls? I guarantee you will laugh.
I need to do this! 🙂
Didn’t laugh once?
What a waste of that chocolate 😉
That edible was not too expensive- and it did soothe my joints after a couple of hours of biking. So not a total waste. BUT STILL.
I’ve seen the trailer for that more than a few times at the theater and it looks spectacularly un-charming, as does most of the kids’ fare that’s coming up.
Take your chocolate and see Coco instead! You will not laugh but your mind will be blown 😉
Let me tell you, un charming is truly the phrase.
Coco has been on my radar and I think this is the plan for Cheap Movie Tuesday! Thank you!
Too funny ????
I’ve seen the trailer for that Peter Rabbit movie a few times. It looks painfully unfunny. I’d rather get a cavity filled than watch the rest of that movie. At least the dentist gives you Novocaine.
So, so oddly UNFUNNY. yes, you have slapstick antics, which because I have the soul of a 12 year old, I would fine extremely funny. But the sequences were surprisingly cruel. Again, cruel slapstick can be funny- IF THE TARGET DESERVES IT. (Spoiler) The young farmer actually does not deserve the slapstick violence, which includes THE FARMER HAVING AN ANAPHYLACTIC ATTACK, LEADING HIM TO PASS OUT. A thing that could lead a person to die is treated a cheap joke.
F***, that is sure as heck is not funny, and kinda shocking in a family film!
The Rom Com aspect of the film was actually very sweet, to the point where you actually feel that you are watching two different film, one sweet and charming with two attractive people, and then there is a vulgar, viciously stupid CGI wannabe Bugs Bunny comedy.
Re: Gleeson/Byrne: this was to be their star making film, perhap with sequels, so that they can both establish themselves as ‘stars’ instead of extremely talented character actors. Depending on how it does in the Asian Markets (Black Panther will own this weekend) it might spawn sequels.
This comment made my whole day lol.
Hard pass! Eat chocolate and see Coco!
Taking this week’s theme of “Auspicious” as “things I hope will come to pass in the new year.” In that vein, today I’m sampling Bombay Bling, with hopes for lots of travel and adventure in the coming months. It’s a very nice mango-woody-floral, but it doesn’t topple With Love, which is my favorite in that category – for which my wallet thanks me!
My wallet likewise thanked me for not falling for BB. Unfortunately, I do adore Pichola. Oh well.
Lol we’ll still count it as a victory, and rest easy knowing that Donatella forgives in case of a Pichola slip-up.
Last night Mr. A. and I watched the Olympics last night; I remain amazed at what some people can do from triple-toe, double loops to whatever the heck they were doing in the Freestyle Skiing competition.
Can’t decide what to wear today; I’d like to wear one of my winter heavy hitters, but it’s going to be 81, so probably not. This just might be Diorella weather.
Repeated repetition! ????♀️????♀️
Figure skating was so fun to watch yesterday, especially since almost no one fell. I am looking forward to the individual games.
Aww puppy <3
Bois des Iles again today. Drinking green tea.
The weekend went in a flash (too many Olympics games watching!) and I can't seem to concentrate much today. Deadlines are looming 😀
I have also been glued to the Olympics!
Same! Unfortunately, some of the things I would like to see are being televised at the same time.
I’m curious to see what the consensus will be for the JM release of English Fields this Spring. I smelled them all this past weekend. The bottles are wonderful. A few were enticing to me, I’m going to see how they wear on my skin.
Also snagged a sample of Another 13 and Iris Rebelle.
I loved Iris Rebelle but it was really fleeting on me, you’ll have to report back.
JM nailed it with the English Fields bottles. I’m excited to give them a sniff. I love oats! 😀
I’m wearing Gucci Guilty absolute, my best find of 2017, and watching Vikings, a very suitable match.
I’ve also, on a whim because it’s monday and I’m bored with the gloomy winter, I’ve blind bought some stuff. A bottle of of Amongst the waves from Olivine atelier – in hope that it will smell of the beaches on the gulf coast of Florida. And also a perfume solid of Glossier You – only out of curiosity.
I have sampled the Olivine Amongst the Waves perfume oil and it does indeed smell beachy. Hope you like it!
Thank you! That sounds promising ☀️
I didn’t sample that Olivine, but the others I tried from the line seemed really well done, even if not to my smell preferences.
I’m intrigued by a few of them, but then I usually gravitates towards gourmands and fruity scents. They seem very conceptual and thought through and the brand has a lot of nice reviews around. Hopefully it’ll be ok.
If you like gourmands and/or fruity, I think you’d really like Gigi, which is fruity with a smooth almost salty vanilla base.
I owned a bottle of Gigi perfume oil. I really liked it except for a note of red hots or (sweet cinnamon). It bothered me to the point that I sold it. Sometimes I wish that I had held onto it.
Gucci Guilty Absolue is nice but leans a little too masculine for me…perhaps I have to Femme it up somewhat with something. The Pour Femme was just too fruity floral .
SotD = Clinique Wrappings
Orris root is listed as a note, so I’m up to 12 days in a row for iris month. Whoo-hoo!
Yesterday I wore Apres L’Ondee in the AM, vintage L’air du Temps EdT in evening. The faint remains of the first added depth to the second, it was marvelous. I love happy accidental layering.
A big Thank You to the NSTers who gave me a shout out over the weekend for my solo faucet fix. 😀 In the grand scheme it was a minor victory, but sometimes it’s the little things that make the day all the better.
Hope our fragrant adventures add up to a marvelous Monday. Take good care, everyone.
You smell(ed) fantastic today!
Thanks, Jalapeno! Wrappings is new to me, it makes me feel all shiny and sparkly. 😀
It’s new to me too. Wish I had known about it sooner, though. ????
SotD is Bergamote 22. I’m trying to combat the early stages of the sniffles with some citrus. Hope it works!
Fingers crossed that it works!
Be sure to eat some citrus too. ????
Uh oh. Hope you didn’t pick up what madtownkid had!
SOTD, 7 am – noon: Fracas
SOTD, noon – present: Fracas + thousand island dressing
Folks, if you are ever faced with the problem “the hole in my packet of thousand island dressing is too small and all the pickle bits keep getting stuck,” the solution is NOT, I repeat NOT, “squeeze harder to force those pickle bits out”.
Thousand island dressing, while it instantly makes any sandwich 4x more delicious, does not layer well with Fracas.
I wonder if anything would layer well with thousand island dressing
That’s an idea for a community project: choose a perfume to match your favourite dressing.
Two all beef patties, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.????
Roast beef 😉
Eww! I will keep your advice in mind, since I am one of those who sometimes squeezes hard dressing packets…
Your predicament made me lol. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Me too! ????
I don’t mean to laugh at your expense, but I will, just a little. This entire thread is great.
This gave me a much needed chuckle!
I’m wearing Armani Privee Iris Celadon. Picked this one because yesterday in her guest post on my blog Undina wrote about two new Bleue fragrances from this line.
I ❤️ IC. You smell beautiful!
Thanks a lot!
I was so wonderfully surprised how beautiful IC smells!
Twins a day apart! Iris Celadon is VERY nice!
Galop again. My decant of CdG Daphne arrived. It’s superrrr sweet opening but the dry down is nice and comforting. One spray is definitely enough.
Gallop is fast becoming your signature scent!
That should be Galop. Stupid spellcheck…
Flopper, just so you know…I was late, but did eventually remove your other comment — it is indeed against the rules. Hope you understand 🙂
In the recesses of my brain, I had thoughts that Elixir and Dark Horse were very similar. Maybe the guaiac wood? I finally got around to comparing them today. Turns out they’re really not that similar. ???? DH is sweeter (and has some citrus?) Elixir is spicier and more woody.
Isn’t it funny when you think perfumes are similar till you smell them next to each other? I had a similar experience this weekend with Neroli 36 and Luctor et Emergo
Infusion d’Iris today for an all day training course I’m attending. I’m not sure if it’s EDT or EDP, but I’ve had this decant since ’08 or ’09. It smells amazing. It’s evaporated some, but it hasn’t turned. It seems to have just gotten stronger and richer.
You smell lovely!
I love that one, one of my most frequently worn perfumes. Today I went with my sample of MFK petit matin to fight the grey day. It’s working, and I’m thinking of buying a bottle. Their sample program is nice, it was around $20 for four nice samples and you can credit that amount toward the purchase of any full bottle.
You smell wonderful
Infusion d’Iris EdT has some heliotrope, the EdP doesn’t. I love them both.
Wearing the last of my Geisha Noire sample. It is really swoon-worthy and smells like a Shalimar flanker to my nose. Like a reallllly good Shalimar flanker. I bought a FB that will be up for split this weekend. It should be delivered today. Woot!
Happy Monday, all. I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through February. How’d that happen?
It is very Shalimar. Like a flanker from the dark side. Hope you get takers! Shalimar fans who haven’t tried it should definitely give this one a sniff.
I tested my Geisha Noire sample last night and all I got was mega baby powder. Is this normal?
That’s not what I get from it, but I’m referring to the edp. Maybe the oil is different, if that’s what you’re wearing. Then again, if you get mega baby powder from Shalimar, it’s possible you’d smell the same from Geisha Noire?
I’m testing the edp. Shalimar smells like gasoline on me. Geisha Noire actually reminds me of Habanita, another powder bomb.
PSA for Seattlites: as of Saturday afternoon there was a 2/3 full bottle of Dior Eau Sauvage with a batch code dating to 1992 at the Goodwill on 65th & 8th in Ballard.
I didn’t end up buying it, but it smelled good, and was $19.99.
Might still be there, you could probably call ahead and find out.
Was also a bottle of SJP Lovely 🙂
We never see perfume at our Goodwill here:(
It does seem to be a case by case thing. Value Village never has perfume, and Goodwill sometimes does in the Collectibles.
Thanks for the heads up. I don’t think I’ll be going to Ballard anytime soon, but that sounds like a great find. Between that store and the Capitol Hill one, Seattle is great for thrift shop perfumes.
Don’t forget about the Lifelong AIDS Alliance on Broadway, I just got a half full bottle of Modern Muse for $15 😀
Gloomy morning here, but now the sun has returned, yeah! Started the day in Regime des Fleurs’ Dove Grey (an icy iris), but now need to warm it up with something……maybe some amber? Waiting on a jury duty summons this week…I am torn between wanting to do my civic duty and wanting to plan my week!
Smelling good while doing civic duty…why not?
And a PSA for Aroma M who is having a 30% off deal for the next 3 days.
Well, crap. Missed that deal as I already have Geisha Noire in hand. But I might be able to talk myself into Vanilla Hinoki… Thanks!
Enabler! I want Geisha Noir!
I’m putting the edp up for a split!
Monday. Phooey.
SOTD = back in Beloved. Would like very much to get a bottle of this. Since we are looking at partial bathroom renovations a little later on this year, it won’t be happening anytime soon. Wish us luck!
Good luck! I did almost a full bathroom renovation last year. I hated spending the money, but it had to be done. It’s worth it, imo.
Thanks, Lillyjo. I’m hoping that things are smooth and uneventful. If not, well, you all might hear all the gruesome details.
I predict that you’ll be thrilled when your bathroom is done and it’s pretty and new!
On the other hand, Beloved is gorgeous and you smell lovely! I found my bottle at a discounter for a great deal.
One of the bathrooms has a whirlpool tub that leaks, so something needs to be done. Thankfully it’s not a complete gut & remodel… just the tubs/showers are being done. Nearly everything else is in pretty good shape.
My husband is a contractor. When we renovated our bathroom he didn’t want a whirlpool tub. He said that they can be a headache. I’m glad that you’re not dealing with a full gut. Personally, I love the results of a remodel but hate the mess and inconvenience. Good luck with the reno!
This is too funny. We have the same expression as I just used the word phooey in my comment before I read yours. I hope the bathroom reno later this year goes well!
Best of good luck to you, Jalapeno! I cringe at the thought of the kitchen and bath renovations I need to do…
It was a little warmer today so I pulled out my bottle of Rahele. It was like being with a beloved friend. Now to read the comments.
You smell great.
Oh phooey, I don’t know what I did! All the comments are centered and it hurts my eyes.
SOTD = SHL 777 Khol de Bahrein
Very nice dusky musky iris. There’s a sweetness to it that smells like the hard sugar shell of Jordan almonds.
It’s not you, everything is centered for me too.
Mmmmmm, Jordan almonds are nice.
I had the day off today, so was a bit lazy. Watched some of Season 2 of Downton Abbey on Netflix; I’m always so farbehind on watching great series shows. I could have binge-watched easily all day but forced myself to do something constructive. At least I made a beef dip in the Crock-Pot for dinner.
Wearing Insolence EDT today in continuation of Iris month. There’s some in there, right?
You smell great. Most definitely, there is iris in Insolence. I will wear it tomorrow if it feels right in the morning.
I loved Downton Abbey SO much!
SOTD was Caron’s Tabac Blond extrait. I spent the day with my wrist glued to my nose…
Thank you! It’s still going strong about 8 hours now.
I can’t wear fragrance to work so like to go big when I can 🙂