Ahoy! 'tis Tuesday, and International Talk Like a Pirate Day! What fragrance be ye wearin?
I’m in Ineke Idyllwild again (review coming up later today). Tea at the moment is Upton Bond Street English Breakfast with a dash of Mariage Frères French Breakfast.
Reminder: on 9/22 wear one of your "top 10 of fall" fragrances (unless it's spring where you are, in which case wear one of your "top 10 of spring" scents).
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: shown above is a Noritake Colorwave Tea-for-2 set in Terra Cotta, $49.99 at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Wearing Chanel Beige EDT as I wanted a soft, pretty scent.
Today, I am getting more flowers than honey.
This scent is not known for being a real classic or fantastic perfume. but today, it is perfect.
Well, I think it is fantastic. You smell beautiful.
That was my wedding perfume
My friend picked up a sample of Beige for me. I’m excited to try it.
Beige is an underrated gem. You smell lovely! I bought Beige after a short try’s because it was just so beautiful. It doesn’t work on me after all- but I always notice if I smell that ‘sensation of falling petals’ going by.
I love Beige, and love it even more in EdP. I personally consider it both a classic and fantastic! 😀 You smell heavenly.
Thanks to you I’m wearing Beige today as well.
In the morning I decided to spend a couple of minutes reading NST before dressing up for work. I read a comment or two when I got a reminder about the meeting in 45 minutes. I didn’t have time to eirther read anything else or even stop and think of what perfume to wear – so I went with the first that came to mind based on your comment 🙂 I enjoy Beige a lot.
Annick Goutal Vanille Exquise
Another great one for fall, along with my SOTD from yesterday
Tea: Sakura 2000 lippy Tom Tomato Revlon
Spending some time in the park with the little ones before the rain comes
I think AG is really becoming your house! Enjoy this glorious weather!
It was so nice out, if it stays this way I may take the kids to the park again. Certain AG work for me, some are really really fleeting! Though I don’t mind spraying with abandon
Tom Tomato 🙂 I bet your little ones are enjoying your new red lips!
I’m jealous you have founds some AG scents that work for you – I really love her bottles, I’m going to keep trying!
Fall is about berry /red lips! I try to hid and put on lipstick or else my oldest sticks her fingers in the tube and starts digging.
What AG scents have you tried?
Revlon should just change the name to Tom Tomato..so I am just going to call it that.
mmm hmmm, my 3 year old (then 2) painted herself with my one and only tube of chanel lipstick. why oh why did she not grab one of the cheapies?
So, I have tried and appreciate:
Eau de Charlotte
Heure Exquise
Now that I see it’s only 3, there is still hope. I love that bottle so much, maybe I should get something that I can truly like – even if I don’t love it – like a simple rose, etc.
Have you tried any that don’t work for you – which do you think are easy to like?
I have fond memories of also grabbing my mother’s one fancy lipstick (a Dior) as a ~5-year-old child and smearing it all over my face, then spraying myself in her Dioressence in an effort to be just like mommy. She was sub-pleased.
Right of the top of my head Nuit de Etolie!
Petit Cherie
un matin d’orage
Those are a few that didn’t work for me but they have a huge fan base here.
Chiming in to recommend Eau d’ Hadrien which is beautiful citrus.
My favorite was always Eau de Camille which is discontinued as well Folavril. Eau de Sud and Hadrien are lovely citruses. Petite Cherie for the pear note. Nuit Etoile I adore for the pine and immortelle. Passion and Vanille Exquise are gorgeous. I pretty much like them all.
OOo and Eau de Ciel…linden and rosewood…that was the bottle I brought back from my first Paris trip. It was discontinued and then reformulated but I am pretty sure the reform is decent.
Why not try Une Rose Splendide? A lovely fresh green rose.
Second Austenfan recommendation on Rose Splendide and the others above!
Have you tried the Les Orientalistes yet, Coin-op? They are a quartet of heavier AG scents that are called masculine, but I feel are unisex. I especially liked Musc Nomade and Encens Flamboyant.
Safran Troublant. I think CM8 got the enabler pin for this one.
This is what I wanted to wear today but I was running too late to dig it out. You smell great and I’m jealous!
Hi twin!
You are smelling amazing! Love that one …and thanks for my pin 🙂
I eyed my bottle last night and paused due to CM8’s skanky comment. To clarify, CM8 is not skanky nor does she comment skankily; it was her comment that Safran Troublant being skanky that made me go with something else. I will still wear it though because it does not register as skanky to me.
ST is not skanky in the least on me either
For me the saffron can come across as cuminy on my skin and for me cumin=skank…..and yet, SF has become one of my all time favorites….and I am beginning to develop a, dare I say it, “like” for some cumin scents….I really enjoy APLS and I know there is cumin in that one!
Still loving my Ormande Woman today. wearing with a new cashmere cardigan, but really it is not fall here yet and sweater will have to come off later.
Woman and cashmere is a lovely combination!
Yes! Cashmere and several would be winners!
You smell WONDERFUL.
For today I took my almost empty bottle of Laura Mercier Gourmande Vanille out of retirement. I really love this simple vanilla, it has a initial blast of alcohol, but after 5 seconds it’s soft, and just a touch smoky. The price is good too.
I always wondered about the Laura Mercier…for a few years I had been eyeballing the pistachio one as it seemed like a unique note.
I think pistachio might be discontinued, but it was a nice one too.
Same and same, CM8!
Too bad it is d/c…..I remember seeing it sell for a really decent price.
Triple strength coffee.
Extra long workout.
Stream of consciousness……..
Go !
Lived through the’70s, to each their own. That is one butt ugly tea set.
Kashaya de Kenzo, apricots, ylang ylang, sandalwood, rose.
Dude you wearin’ a chick’s perfume? !
Yeah, and ????!
Uhh….it smells nice.
I like Tom Ford, on the email list.
I’ve known incredibly wealthy people.
Who buys a $2,490 patent leather skirt ????
And she’s buying a stairway…..
Carpe Diem.
The shape of the tea pot is pretty good, but there are a lot of prettier colors. Check out the other colors on the BBB site. I like the Apple or the Raspberry.
I detest that color. I originally picked the blue one, but I figured I always picked the blue / green / purple colors I like and I ought to pick something else. Plus, it’s fall-like. Anyway, it’s extra funny that everyone else hates the color.
I was scrolling too, ha 🙂 it could have been worse, you could have picked the pink poodle pot.
OMG, just went to look. I almost HAVE to do that one eventually. I would LOVE to know how many of those they sell.
Fwiw, I like the color, but I live 75 percent in the past and enjoy seventies colors. Not a fan of eighties neon though.
Good, glad someone is liking it!
Graphite and raspberry.
Turquoise if they have it.
Maybe I’m cranky today, but BB&B expect me to scroll through multiple screens to view all available colors? ???!!
Dream on! !!
I was looking for something at the BB&B website and had exactly the same reaction. My browsing there didn’t last long.
Love the stream of consciousness — happy Tuesday, Bear!
Thanks nozknoz !
Cheers !!
Thanks for posting something fun to read, Bear! I needed something like that today.
You’re welcome, Jalapeno!
Thank you for the compliment.
I hope all is well with you.
Scent twins! I’m wearing Idyllwild too, trying my sample for the first time.
Do give an update!
First impression: It’s nice, basically a grapefruit-rhubarb kind of thing, not very woodsy.
I think I would like it then.
Agree, it is not as woody as I originally expected.
Oooo- got me on Rhubarb. How’s it last for you?
Trying UMA’s Pure Energy oil. It’s suppsed to revive you in the morning sans caffeine- no luck with that but I do feel a teeny bit more awake and it smells pretty darn good. It’s a mix of rosemary, ylang ylang, frankincense, patchouli, peppermint, ginger, basil, clary sage, jasmin. Pairing with SL Gris Clair, one of my fave fall scents.
That sounds nice! If it also revived you in the morning I’d need a vat 😉
Sigh…My dr would like me to cut down on the caffeine. Thanks for the tip….Looking into this. It sounds like it smells nice so maybe it will help!
Dr. Kpaint wanted me to cut down on the caffeine, so I started mixing caf coffee & decaf 1:1, then eventually, switched over to straight decaf. At some point my body stopped being able to metabolize caffeine, though I drink plenty of black & green tea. I’d love more decaf green & black tea options, though, as I have a hard time with more than 1 cup of tea, too.
Try brewing tea for 30 seconds, throw out the water, start again (that is, pour more water and keep brewing — that removes a substantial portion of the caffeine for most teas. But not all by any means, and the amount removed depends on how the leaf was processed. And of course, for some teas, you will absolutely lose some flavor as well. And apologies if you already knew this!
Thanks for the tips. I’m encouraged to hear there are some yummy non- caffeinated things. Change is good- right!? 😉
Robin, I did know about doing that, did it for a while, and completely forgot about the technique. So thanks for the reminder! And I actually don’t recall that it led to too much loss of flavor, and I think I may have been doing a full 60 seconds before fully brewing.
In Safran Troublant today. Another fall favorite. Waiting for heavy rain later thanks to Jose. Now we have nice and refreshing winds. Drinking plenty of coffee to keep myself awake after working the whole weekend. Just want to think that Friday is around the corner…. I’ll survive!
Maybe I gave the enabler pin to the wrong person?
YOU CANNOT TAKE IT BACK -LOL!!! I am willing to share with pl67!
Nooooo! You take the credit! You have been in absolute love it with it this year! 😀
Any of us could have been! 🙂 This is the time of the year when we see Safran Troublant being worn by many of us again. CM8 loves it in all the seasons if I remember well. I do too, but I prefer it in colder temperatures.
ha! this is true…I could wear ST year round and in very heavy doses!
Well, whoever inspired me to buy a bottle, I thank you.
I actually prefer to wear it when its hot, it blooms better ????
Goutal’s Heure Exquise, I prefer to wear my irises in autumn or spring. It must be all the rain.
I have a sample of that from a generous NSTer..
House cousins and I wore HE yesterday
You smell amazing..iris perfumes are nice in the autumn, I agree
Iris is great in autumn. This morning I also thought about wearing Bois d’iris (tdc) or iris nazarena…
It’s hot and humid in East Texas today, and there is a 50% chance of rain. I’m continuing on my last of summer fling with Sud Magnolia, possibly my favorite Atelier Colognes. I’m not sure because I haven’t tried them all. But so far it is my fave. I just noticed the tree in my neighbor’s yard has changed color. I only have live oak in my yard, but his tree’s leaves have turned yellow and are starting to fall.
Signs of fall in our area of Texas are few and far between, and with all the heat and humidity it’s hard to think myself into an autumn mode.
SOTD is Musc Ravageur. I really noticed the cinnamon the last time I wore this, which feels perfect this time of year.
International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Fun fact: our local library has self checkout kiosks which lets the user choose the language and one of the options is Talk Like a Pirate- lol. There’s also Pig Latin and Baby talk. I think kids get a kick out of it.
That’s wonderful.
Believe it or not one of my co-workers is dressed like a pirate today.
Ha! That is awesome!
She is a hoot….reminds me a bit of Jada..funloving gal 🙂
What I’m wearing: Hermes Rhubarbe Ecarlate.
What I wish I was wearing: Safran Troublant.
I wish I could ILL it to you.
Ha! Wouldn’t that be perfect?
LOL. I wore the last of a sample of that Hermes yesterday and soon wished I were wearing anything but. There’s something about that perfume that makes greatly annoys me after a few minutes. Not sure what it is, as in small doses it’s actually quite nice.
I like the shape of that teapot. Can I have it in celadon green, please?
The fog is just now burning off and it’s supposed to be low 80sF later. I’m cozy in Esprit d’Oscar.
Pretty darned close:
Dug into me treasure chest, and it be Bulgari Black for me today, mateys. Cool and rainy today in Seattle.
You smell nice! That might be one of my options for tomorrow. I really like it!
Mmm. Perfect.
I love that Talk Like a Pirate Day and my birthday coincide. My sisters send me pirate birthday wishes.
Heading to a movie later (Trip to Spain), then a 1.5 hour reflexology treatment (actually a Christmas gift certificate…) then dinner somewhere known only to my husband.
I’m thinking Le Temps d’une Fete…. It was my signature in my youth….if I can remember that far back… ????????????
Happy birthday LizzieB !
Many more!
Happy birthday! Sounds like your day will be amazing. Enjoy it!
Happy Birthday!
Love your perfume and happy birthday matey!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday!
Darn, the pirate translator does not do anything fun to “happy birthday”. But happy birthday anyway!
Happy birthday!
happy bday 🙂
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great way to celebrate.
What a great day! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthdsy! Sounds like you have lovely day planned.
Arrrrr, happy birthday, matey!
Happy birthday! Sounds like a fantastic day you’ve got planned. Enjoy!
Yarr, hope ya be having’ a happy birthday, matey!
Thanks mateys for the kind wishes!
Happy Birthday!????
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope the dinner was great.
Arrrr! Posting this very late, but hoping you had a wonderful and happy Birthday. Maybe a bit of rum to make it a pirate birthday?
Happy Birthday, LizzieB!
Neela Vermeire’s Ashoka. It is one of those that lingers on my skin like a nice cashmere sweater.
But I was just thinking earlier today that it might be time to bring out my vintage bottle of Dior Dune (does anyone even wear that anymore)?
I do occasionally, my bottle was bought in the early nougthies.
I do! Vintage Dune is awesome.
I love Ashoka – don’t hear about that one as much.
Oh, I love the serenity and simplicity of that teapot, which really surprises me. That’s not a color I ever thought I would care for, but it really works.
Fresh out of the shower and wearing PHI. My tea is a second cup of coffee. If I were a pirate, I’d be swilling some rum right now.
Many errands to run today, so needing some extra energy. Listening to this to help get me going. ..
Great song..enjoy your errands
Glad you liked it????
You smell fabulous!
Thanks!! PHI has been getting mentioned quite a bit recently. It’s one of the scents I love but tend to hoard. I need to wear it more.
I’ve admired your taste in perfumes and in general, and I share your love for this type of Bulgarian singing. Amazing and haunting! Thanks.
Beautiful, isn’t it? If you like world music, you should check her out. She had several albums out with and American percussionist under the name “Vas,” several albums under her own name (Azam Ali), one of which explores medieval music from Spain, France, Morocco, etc, and is now with the band Niyaz, which focuses on middle eastern music and poets like Rumi. She has a fabulous voice and is a master level hammered dulcimer player.
If you like Bulgarian singing, I want to share this with you: https://youtu.be/kWzsfM1yvto?t=1m51s I’ll admit to self-promotion, as I am in that recording 🙂 but mostly I’m sharing it with you because I think you might enjoy it and it was so much fun to sing!
Koyel! That was just fabulous! Thank you for linking it. This epitomizes music for me- a very diverse group of people brought together by a common joy and together make something beautiful????
That is really cool. You all sound awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Koyel! I am familiar with that song, and I’ll go on to listen to more on YT. Love that music! Lucky you.
I love this! Thanks for the link. 🙂
Lovely! Thank you for posting the link, it is obvious how much everyone was enjoying singing :o)
Ah man, that link sent me down a bit of a YouTube rabbit hole. I ended up here, which is a fun one:
Jour d’Hermes today. After a slight storm, the sun is out today, thank goodness. Here in Houston, all rain is scary, at least for now.
Normally I don’t blind buy but I was on fragrance net, buying a back-up Jeux de Peau, when I saw a 50ml tester for Jour d’Hermes parfum. Snatched that baby right up. I remember it having a mouthwatering raspberry not and being even more plush than the Absolu. Of course that was 3 years ago but for under $50….
We were just talking about how we don’t really get updates on how things are in the Houston area. How is the recovery?
Many parts of the city are back to normal but in the worst-hit areas there are still mounds and mounds of debris piled up on the lawns and workers trying to clean out houses. The heat and humidity are terrible. Houston Grand Opera just announced yesterday that they will not be able to be in their building this whole season due to the basement flooding. Their pictures were terrible. They’re looking for venues to borrow. We had really heavy rain yesterday and many people I know were expressing great anxiety over it. One person said their little boy was terrified that it was going to flood again. Very sad that children went through such trauma. As for me my roof leaks opened up again and I had to put bins down under the bedroom ceiling to collect water.
Thank you for your perspective, Calypso. Ugh, leaks, I had damage to my condo a few years ago because of a faulty small part in someone’s toilet repair three floors above me, and that was maddening enough.
I hope Houston and other Harvey-affected areas catch a break after this! I am still seeing follow-up articles in the New York Times from time to time. I’ve been very impressed by so much about what I’ve read and seen of Houstonians.
If it’s any consolation re children, I have read in the last year about research showing that facing challenges early in life can build resiliency. Basically, if one can survive something like Harvey, it puts other events in a different perspective. Not to minimize how difficult this is, and the impact on everyone, especially those already in precarious circumstances.
So very hard. Recovery takes so long. I can imagine rain would create anxiety. hope the heat/humidity lets up a bit so conditions are less miserable for those working.
Jour d’Hermes is beautiful. I bet the perfume is amazing!
For some it’s almost back to normal but I drove through my childhood neighborhood and there were entire blocks with the houses gutted. It makes me very sad. But we’ve been getting great support and I’m sure we can rebuild in time.
Enjoy your purchases
Thanks! I feel like a bandit with that Hermes!
Nice deal!
I’ll try to find my empty sample vials to make you one. Not that you probably need it but I remember it being lovely.
That would be kind! I don’t know why I don’t try harder to test the Hermes extraits. Ha, except maybe I do know why!
Enjoy your goodies! I have some stuff in my cart-some really good deals especially with the 33% off. They’ll probably just stay in the cart, though.
That 33% was my tipping point. I need more JdP! The rest was very impulsive
SOTD is Shaal Nur. Last night went for Jubilation XXV, haven’t worn either of these in a loooooong time.
Yum, and I love both of those.
SotD is Sycomore edt
I can wear this year round, but fall seems to call for it more often. 🙂
Have you tried the EdP?
No, not yet….
…but I cant imagine why they felt the need to change this formula, it is so good!!! 🙂
I have! I didn’t get to try them side by side, but the EDP smelled great and lasted longer on me than the EDT does, so I’m not too worried about the future of Sycomore. You know, except for the price hike.
Great to know. Thanks!
To me the edp is sweeter and less smoky than the edt of Sycomore was.
I love the smokiness of the edt.
Today I’m trying a sample of Eau Duelle and don’t much care for it. It’s just a plain vanilla bomb. No character or complexity at all. Might be time to wash it off in fact. Or cover it up with some sandalwood or something.
P.S. I forgot to say, I got a new batch of foster kittens yesterday! Very tiny ones but outgoing and good eaters. Two dark tortie girls and two orange boys. Here’s the charming red-orange fellow: https://www.flickr.com/photos/94283635@N00/37174232451/.
“I noticed my food bowl is empty. What’s up with that?”
“Must travel back in time when my food bowl was full”
Awwww! There have been efforts in the DC area to promote adoption of shelter animals in order to free space for animals from storm-affected areas. It’s amazing to see this kind of coordination between shelters and related organizations. Good on you, Calypso, for helping these cuties!
Super cute!
Ahhh what a little cutie!
Oh my goodness. What a kitten!
I love him! Look at that expression – what attitude! He’s like the Denis Leary of kittens!
Adorable, and looks like this one has loads of personality!
Oooh i love all colours but I have an extra soft spot for red/orange cats! 🙂
Another very hot day here, so no fall fragrance for me. Instead, an all year runs favourite: FM Eau de Magnolia
Yep, it’s indian summer! I am testing out the new Atelier Cologne Café Tuberose. It’s nice and not suffocating in the heat.
I wore this one last night. Very nice, the name definitely doesn’t disappoint, it’s a great dose of coffee.
i agree…I get a great blast of dark coffee at the onset…really nice.
So black coffee? Not coffee with cream and sugar (like most coffee notes are?)
No I get black dark and rich…but I think jlook got the sweet cream sugar and it did not agree with her so YMMV….and keep in mind my nose can be wonky!
and Lucas did not get any coffee, YMMV
One of my favorites too! I wore it yesterday (and last week).
My husband doesn’t like it so much. (WHAT!?) So I doused myself today knowing that he works late! 😉
I finally was able to use my gift card to use the give the gift of Prime today. Thus far, I am trying to save up enough to afford a year of Prime, so I have 3 months to make it happen. Spending the morning in no 19 in edp form. For some reason, I am not liking it one bit. I think that it’s the musk in the base and the green is a little too soft. Pity though, I used to adore the edp and now, I love the edt. After my shower, I am wearing the edit.
Glad you got the Prime thingie settled for now.
I like the edp for its rosiness, and it is much softer than the edt. But sometimes I need the Amazon That Is No. 19 edt…
Another day of run out of the house whilst steal spraying from another family member’s travel of Lime Basil and Mandarin…surprisingly get excellent longevity on my scent eating skin…really love the way the lilac plays out in this one…it is a nice lilac for men….although I find the fragrance to be completely unisex and gorgeous on a woman too.
What happened to Phlur Greylocke? Are you still in love with it? 😉
Oh yes! I had planned on wearing it all this week but my week has started off insane so I just grab what is readily available where ever! My spraying this morning was a complete afterthought as I was heading to work early for a morning meeting.
Greylocke is still my force field fragrance! and definitely great for the fall….can’t wear it next week though as next week is skank week so I think I will go with my decant of Absolu Pour Le Soir.
I need to try Phlur Greylocke asap. It sounds like so many people are liking it a lot!.
I have a question since you are one of the experts: Is there any iris or orris essential oil that is really good? Any suggestions?
First- yes, get thee a sampler from Phlur….you get three samples for 20 but if you fall in love with one you can deduct the twenty dollars off of a full bottle which puts the FB at only 65 which is practically free for niche….I have tried them all so if you are curious just ask (also, I have been watching as many youtubes as are available on the Phlur line)
Second.. THIS-(although I am far from an expert but rather a person who has dipped very deep into the waters of essential oils 🙂 !!)
This is by far the most ethereal iris/orris…although it is quite pricey…I have bought a few samples over the years and I apply it directly to my wrist…it has a waxy consistency sort of like a very soft solid perfume so it works…I have also used it in my homemade perfume blends and it is gorgeous…a little goes a long way….Eden also sells an 8% (versus the 15% which is the only one I have ever used) which is cheaper. I say try both….and please report back!
Thank you for the Phlur sampler info. I will definitely order it.
The orris butter from Eden Botanical looks and sounds fantastic. I am in an iris obsession lately and I would like to try the EO directly. I will place an order immediately and will let you know my thoughts about it. THANKS!
I have zero affiliation with Eden but I will recommend that you try other oils as well…..if I weren’t still watching my purse strings I would have put in a massive order for fall/winter oils to make my body oil blends…they have so many that are absolutely amazing and are perfumes unto themselves.
I am placing an order today of e.os. Anything in particular besides the orris that you think I should really try? Thanks a lot! I am so excited to try different oils.
heading to yoga in a few minutes…tops of feet are sprayed with Absolu Pour Le Soir…no skank at all …just sweet resinous thick ambered honey…..
and no worries about the stink factor…it is an extremely small weekly class of only three CM8s and two other ladies….our yoga teacher burns incense and uses my essential oil blends on our forehead in shavasana so the room is incredibly scented…no one is scent phobic so it works and we all feel that the aromatherapy enhances the practice…my Saturday morning class is different so I try to stick with a tiny amount of essential oils when I go to that one.
Thanks, I am afraid I will be swimming in dangerous territory with the EOs. 🙂 They might become my next obsession. Looking forward to it!
Enjoy your yoga class!
Oh lordie yes, the e.o.s can be as addictive or even more addictive than regular perfume! But I think it is really important to get acclimated with e.o.s to truly appreciate perfume notes…have you ever tried real osmanthus? or orange blossom? or pink lotus? or yuzu? or sandalwood? or labdanum? or galbanum? or tonka bean? we talk about these notes all the time in our favorite fragrances but it really is incredibly enlightening to experience them in their true forms….
I have not tried many notes in true form like tonka bean, osmanthus, yuzu, etc. Some I have briefly experienced like sandalwood which is divine in e.o. but I struggle with it in perfumes. I think it would be a great experience to recognize and learn about all those notes, so I can appreciate the fragrances better.
Yes and you might find that while you really detest the synthetic note (like sandalwood) you adore it in it’s natural and unadulterated form….at least this has been my experience for some oils (like agarwood, which is oud)
Talk Like a Pirate Day? Shiver me timbers! (Well, I tried)
I am wearing Mitsouko today. It was my choice last year for “top 10 for fall” Friday, and though this year I’ve prepared something else for Friday, I still wanted to wear it during the week.
Ha, that’s about all I can come up with. I just use that pirate translator!
Pekji Rûh, which is rather strange:
To me, it doesn’t smell like any of its component parts but rather a new and distinct tonality. I consider the highest art in perfume, although I also appreciate vivid recreations of particular flowers or scentscapes, etc.
Not sure I would like to hose down with this stuff but I enjoy sniffing it on the back of my hand from time to time. It would probably smell great on a pirate, though. 😉
Heading out to a meeting with a university friend whom I didn’t see for over a year now.
Wafting NVC Ashoka for this occassion.
You smell beautiful!
Thank you
Elegance Animale and drinking Twinings Pumpkin Spice Chai because pumpkin…
Time to break out the fall drinks..
What other teas do you like for fall?
LTSG, do you have a favorite chai? Like one that I can just brew rather than making a brew with spices and stuff on the stove?
no..wow..that says a lot about me! high maintenance tea person..
Maybe your favorite Davids Tea makes one?
My favorite tea bag type tea is Good Earth Original Sweet & Spicy Tea & Herb Blend
Good Earth tea is good stuff – I haven’t seen it in years though. Thanks for the reminder!
Younger CM8 who also drinks tea just bought Celestial Seasonings Black Pumpkin at our health food store on sale for under three dollars and he loves it……it is delicious and I recommend it for fall.
Commodity Orris and currently drinking a cup of jasmine green tea
I got ansample of this from Sephora!
I took the day off today. Accompanied my husband to a colonoscopy too early this AM. All’s fine, thankfully.
Did the last of some decanting this AM and smell like a few different things, but most strongly of Andrea Maack Coven, which is very tenacious, and Suleko Djelem. Both nice for Fall.
Now at the PO and waiting while the worker processes my packages-the credit machine is down so can’t use the kiosk, boo! And their computers are extra slowwwww. I think a nap is in my near future.
Happy he is OK! two thumbs up for your support!
Glad he is too. He’s done it for me, too, so it’s mutual ????
Enjoy the dsy!
Thanks! I mailed and napped.
Glad to hear he is fine. Enjoy your day off!
Thank you!
Have you tried using paypal post? It’s even easier than using the kiosk. You can just toss the pre-paid packages right into the kiosk bin. Or if you live in the kind of situation where you can leave packages for the mail carrier, they’ll actually pick them up from you and you can skip the trip to the PO altogether. (!) Or maybe toss them into a mailbox? (I haven’t looked into the rules on that, but it seems like it might be an option.)
Do you need a scale? I’ve looked at it but don’t have a scale. Or if it’s less than an oz can you just make up a #?
You can, but why pay more if you don’t have to?
So you need a scale then?
I would recommend a scale.
Ya, you need a scale. I have a kitchen scale and that’s what I use.
You can toss into a mailbox. When I make it before the post office closes, Inlike to drop them off where all the packages are being processed, next to a manned counter.
I use the multi-order shipping option and I haven’t figured out how to create the labels via upload. Inexplicably, the site does not provide a templte.
Glad all went well.
SOTD is Comme des Garcons Hinoki.
You smell great!
I love it and I need to wear it more often… but my husband steals it when we go to parties, when he has an important social event…. so i feel like it is more and more his scent now.
Hmm I just need to reconquer it i guess. 🙂
You can be Hinoki twins, no?
Last week I was making fun of couples who wear the same track suit, same rain coat or same whatevers.
I dont think this is a Dutch phenomenon, you have them all around the world right?
So dunno yet about wearing the same scent when we go out together 😉
I’m wearing a DSH fragrance I bought in the spring from her Denver boutique–Mirabella. It’s lovely now that the weather is cooler.
I love the antique bottles….I’ll have to add this to my sample list, sounds lovely.
Mirabella is gorgeous! It reminds me of Femme without cumin. You smell wonderful!
Hmmm, decuminized Femme! I am sitting up straighter.
I also bought a bottle but I work in an office and it has that retro vibe. It would be hard for me to find a time to wear it. I really liked it a lot. Suggest sampling….
Almost bought a bottle.. Stupid spell checker
Just a dab of Dame Earth Mother on my left hand, and a dab of Leather Man on my right.
I’m enjoying them both, and they are very potent. It’s actually a nice combination too. I like Leather Man much more than I thought I would – I don’t really smell leather – it smells smooth and rooty.
I’m so happy I received my free package from Dame after sending my postcard, I had given up hope!
havent’ tried EArth Mother but I adore leather man and it could also be called leather woman as I think it wears brilliantly on a woman!
I agree, I think its def unisex, and lovely – on the list it goes!
I bet you would enjoy Earth Mother, if I am remembering some of your likes – it’s sort of earthy/foody
I have tried every single Dame except for the last three and honestly I like them all (and also love quite a few!)
CM8, I have two extra samples of Earth Mother and I’d love to send you one! I think you’d really like it, it’s a wonderful combination of caramel and patchouli (on my skin anyway). It’s thanks to you I discovered Dame! You can email me- pkwisdom in the land of yahoooo if you’d like me to send it your way!
Love Earth Mother- you smell great! Which others did he send you?
Earth Mother was the one I requested on my post card, and he also sent:
Leather Man
Solifore Honeysuckle
Verbena Freesia & Musk
He sent a 10% off code WPX9 good through 9/30, so I’m contemplating my order – I wish the Black Flower Mexican Vanilla were in stock…
I love getting anything from Dame, Jeffrey always includes so many samples!! I just got a sample of Monsoon, need to give it another try before I know what to think.
He really is by far THE MOST GENEROUS indie perfumer out there! and such a lovely person to converse with….I had the pleasure of doing so once on the phone when two Christmas presents were MIA and he resent them to the recipients.
That is so great to know, the house is very expressive, I love the family story, the artwork, the postcard program, and so far the scents too!
that’s in my box! Haven’t tried it yet
I cannot possibly be expected to abide by the community projects this week as swapmeet delights come in. Today is the first of my treasures, the marvelous Miller Harris Fleur Oriental! Today’s weather is very different from the last time I wore it, so it seems to be a sandalwood bomb on me. This is interesting, because sandalwood isn’t a listed note. It reminds me of FM Dries van Noten. So…perhaps I have accidentally worn something that will be wonderful this fall 🙂
Love Fleur oriental, Such a nice one for autumn- you’ve inspired me to wear it tomorrow!
Yay for swapmeet! So much fun and perfectly timed (for me) as it’s these major seasonal changes that makes me itch for new perfume.
Oooo Sandalwood?! What a great swap. Congrats!
I’m wearing Vol de Nuit today. It’s my favorite perfume for any time, but early autumn weather makes it even more incredible, almost as good as when we have long summer showers in the evening.
One of my fall favs too, Veronika — enjoy!
I’ve been enjoying samples the hubby picked up from Les sentaurs after work on Thursday. Incense Rose, I wanted a little bit to keep me going till I can afford a FB, I got a perfume compliment at an art exhibition on Sunday for this beauty! Also Phi, which I was surprised I only like (phew!), Anubis & Salome.. Wow! I adore them both, but I don’t think I’d wear Salome out of the house!
Verdict: Incense rose still top of the list.
SOTD; Journey woman.
Scentaur would make a great screen name!
Incense Rose is lovely, one of my favourites.
L`Eau à la Folie for me today. Not really a fall fragrance but it was an easy pick trying to get out the door early this morn. I appreciate how although this is a citrus it lasts all day.
weather is perfect for whatever you are wearing..though the sun is playing hide go seek..the temperature and breeze is so lovely
Haven’t been out all day and very overcast downtown, but I hear it’s going to get quite windy.
L’Eau à la Folie is lovely!
A citrus that lasts all day? Ears perk up- is this still in production? I couldn’t find it on Luckyscent’s website.
It’s d/c unfortunately. It’s peachy/mangoey but not super sweet.
Extra good morning, NST. I’m in a silly mood, quite light-hearted and irresponsible. I just said that to dear man, and he replied that no one would see the difference. Hmmmmph–long years together have bred brutal honesty. Or something.
I have but one kitten with me: Titus. He’s helping me type by bunting the iPad and stropping on my wrist, but my typos probably won’t be any worse than usual. He also hates my SOTD: makes him sneeze, but he’s hanging on my knee with great perseverance. I’m wearing the huge and glorious, look-at-me-and-hear-me-roar Queen of the Night by Grandiflora. It’s a big perfume with a big personality, and I love it deeply. I’m fully aware it’s not at all an office scent, but I don’t care. In my mind, I’m wearing midnight blue satin and a wisp of something sparkly over my shoulders, and I’m wafting clouds of this heavenly scent with every movement. In reality, I’m wearing a straight black skirt and a fitted tunic, and two delicate spritzes at knee level. Even that amount has powerful sillage though.
Well, the classroom waits for no one. I had better beetle off to work and deal with the day. I would so much rather stay home and adore kittens, but never mind. Be safe and well and fabulously fragrant, NST.
I liked Queen of the Night, too, and would snap it up if I were in the mood for a big floral. I did buy the original Grandiflora Sandrine. I’m not noticing any typos, so Titus didn’t do too badly. 🙂
Cold and raw today. SOTM was Le Parfum by Lalique. SOT afternoon is Boyfriend by Kate Walsh. Both are very cozy.
You smell lovely. I pulled out the Lalique last week on a cooler night. Good one for Fall.
It’s a great cheap thrill!
Today I’m wearing BPAL September Midnight, which is definitely one of my fall favorites. It’s an amber chypre with pomegranate, and it wears beautifully on me. In my opinion BPAL is at its best with autumn themed scents. I feel they really capture ambers, resins, and earthy scents well.
SOTD = Diptyque Volutes EDT
Tobacco, iris, honey – what’s not to love?
Ugly jeans countdown – No. 4 (if you want to see No. 5, see yesterday’s SOTD…I posted late)
In this episode of “How did it get there?”:
I saw one lone Cheerio on the floor of a bathroom stall at work Ewwwww! (I could not make this up even in my wildest imagination!)
Wow! Volutes sounds amazing and perfect for fall (although the weather in the northeast has been anything but fall like!)
How does it compare to Chergui? Similar? or no?
I have Chergui and a decant of Volutes, and I think they’re basically in the same family but not so similar that it wouldn’t make sense to own both. I happen to love both of them. I’d say Chergui is the heavier/denser of the two. Volutes also has an iris note that Chergui doesn’t.
Ah thank you sweetgrass! i was curious as they seem to share some notes…I am one of the few that does not get the denseness from Chergui…in fact I can get away with 10-12 sprays and not be in a perfume cloud….any reviews I have read or watched recommend no more than two sprays….
I 100% agree with your description!
FWIW, I’m one of the few that dislikes Chergui but really liked Volutes edt and owned a bottle at one point.
What sweetgrass said 🙂
I need to try Volutes soon…it sounds great, please dont tell me its discontinued or limited exclusive 😉
Those jeans are hideous.
And expensive.
Those were my thought exactly, only in reverse order. Those jeans are expensive. And hideous. Lol.
I would not even wear it if I was paid to buy it and paid to wear it.
Volutes EDT is discontinued but I think still a available on eBay (but I have not looked myself).
Volutes sounds great for fall.
Those jeans are beyond odd. The model wearing them clearly has deep regrets.
That Cheerio either fell down someone’s blouse while they were eating their own breakfast, or it stuck to a mom during the breakfast battle with a toddler. 😉
My mind went somewhere else as to how the Cheerio got there :-).
The jeans are interesting. Kind of adding some 80s prairie theme there. Aside from the ruffle, I think they’re unremarkable.
Heh! They look like wings to me. It’s a horrifying Halloween costume without even trying.
These jeans are way worse than yesterdays. Can’t wait to see no.1!
:-). I haven’t selected No.1 yet. I am avoiding Pinterest because I may then have to go with a Top 100 ugly jeans countdown!
I love Iris and Chergui. Must check this out.
It’s a nice one indeed!
I dunno about those jeans… odd, yes. But I thought that yesterday’s pair were so much uglier.
Possibly, but the 3D ugliness edged out No. 5 🙂
You smell lovely, Volutes is great stuff. Those jeans on the other hand… And the cheerio! I hope no one is eating in the stall. I hate it when people sit in there and talk on their phone.
I flush twice when I hear people yapping on their phone 🙂
Trayee for me today, it’s definitely a regular wear.
Not really participating as I’m still going through swaps from non-swapmeet swaps, though these potentially fit the theme.
Started the morning in L’Erbolario Mandorla, the opening of which is all yummy almond extract. That doesn’t last long, though, and the drydown goes into unrelated territory that I haven’t been able to wrap my head around. But the opening is delicious.
Next up, Edward Bess Genre. I’ve been swooning for the past hour or so since I put it on. Listed notes are:
“Frankincense, Suede, Living stallion accord”
LOLWUT. I’ve been getting glorious wafts of a dry, papery wood. Sooo good. On my skin, I get a bit of leather – maybe “dead & tanned stallion accord”?
Happy Tuesday! Weather is decidedly nasty here. See ya next year, summer 🙁
Living stallion accord? ha! I imagine it is preferable to the alternative.
Not to beat a dead horse… BA-DUM-DUM
Darn, I didn’t sample that one. It’s on the list now.
Arz el-Rab for me today. Almost forgot to put on any perfume this morning, and it was the closest thing to hand.
Oooh, Arz el-Rab, that’s a good one. I must dig up my Berdoues samples. 🙂
oh now this is the PERFECT time to wear Arz! I am going to have to steal that one from younger CM8 as he has stopped using it recently…I think of it as a great fall fragrance because of the cedar note.
SotD = Vanille Galante
Oh, how I have missed VG. It’s perfect on this cool, cloudy day.
LOVE the cuddly, round Noritake teapot and especially the mugs. They have a nice size and shape for warming cold hands in winter. I visited the Noritake website to see the whole line. The green and the turquoise are my favorites. And there are sets of accent pieces with a different flower on each piece. Very pretty.
Fall still holding off here. Reveling in every last bit of summer :). It’s so hot the littles and I went out for frozen yogurt!
Wearing a light veil of Sensuous Noir and enjoying the cozy dry down.
I wore SN last night. You smell good!
Random bag of samples- started with parfum de Therese, and at the end of the day Annayake Tsukimi. The latter should be right up my alley, not so sure about the plum.
MMKinPA, How do you enjoy Parfum de Therese? How does it compare to other chypres and Roudnitska creations?
I liked it more than I expected. Many of the old school chypres are a bit much for me but this one was just right. I had a hand-me-down sample with just enough left for a single try, will need to get more to really give it a workout.
SOTD = the last of my spray sample of Bottega Veneta EdP. I liked it so much yesterday, I figured “Why not?” for a repeat. The full bottle I have is waiting in the wings…
Best commercial release in years! BV is great.
Cuir d’Ange for me today, and I smelled so good. I really must wear it more this fall because it’s one of my favorite leathers and one of my longer lasting Hermessences.
It’s my favorite Hermessence too! After Kelly Caleche started to annoy me with it’s rosyness I think Cuir d’Ange is a perfect replacement for a leather Hermes scent. My husband thinks I smell like an old leather coat when I’m wearing it though =)
Funny… 10 years ago I would never have imagined that I’d ever like to smell like leather. And know my second favorite perfume in the world is Cuir de Russie by Chanel. The sales people at Chanel always try to give me some flowery nonsense to try, but after I say which one is really my favorite Chanel perfume they all look very surprised =)
Late to the party today because of travel. SOTD is (was) Thé Pour un Été. On the Talk Like a Pirate note, those who use facebook can set the language to Pirate (like, instead of French or Canadian English) – it’s kind of a hoot.
Late to the party but wanted to say that you all smell great today. I was in Shalimar Light.
Love that one, so easy!