Happy Tuesday! Plus, International Day of Charity and happy birthday to Werner Herzog. What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm doing Germany today with April Aromatics Jasmina. Tea at the moment is a blend of Upton Temple of Heaven Gunpowder and Tao of Tea Spearmint.
Reminder: On 9/8 we're doing 'world niche'... wear a fragrance from a niche brand that isn't French, Italian or British.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: the Judith Leiber Earl Grey Teapot beaded leather minaudiere was apparently around $6,000 when it came out in 2012. It is surely long since sold out.
Wearing Tihota by Francis Kurkdjian today.
I failed utterly due to insufficient research – I thought Mr. Kurkdjian had been born in Armenia, and would have taken half a point as he is now undoubtedly a French perfumer; but he was actually born in France.
Oh well, at least I smell amazing.
Points for trying! Plus, hey, it’s only Tuesday. It’s a Friday project. So whatever 🙂
Yes, but I try to live the project all week as it encourages me to actually wear more of the multitude of scents I have. 🙂 .
Good then!
I really need to try Tihota. I have heard it is amazing, some consider it the Holy Grail.
This week should be easy for me because I have so many Tauer and Sonoma Scent Studio perfumes. Today it’s Tauer Incense Rose.
Bastet, I will join you with Tauer this week. We smell great!
Good thinking! I forgot Tauers would work.
I think that’s my favorite Tauer–may have to save for Friday!! You smell amazing!
I have been glued to the TV all morning in an obsessive and unhealthy manner. About to take T-Rex for long and difficult hike to get my mind off of “stuff.”
I’m sending good weather vibes to all the Florida peeps because it’s looking rather inauspicious. Just contacted some of my neighbors there and it seems some are borderline hysterical and others very nonchalant.
I’m wearing Au Dela Narcisse for a bit of beauty and peace. A good long hike should poop me out so I actually sleep tonight. ????
Do spend some time not thinking about stuff! The stuff gets too overwhelming otherwise.
Byredo Rose Noir thanks to the freebie meet (thank you Elisa P for this sample)
Tea The Lumiere by MF
Keep It Simple Scent of the day is Bvlgari Black.
Yum! I have not worn that in ages.
Black is great!
Liquorice Vetiver
By Sven Pritzkoleit
German & niche…i am ‘on theme’
But i can still smell the last traces of MAAI from last night haha
Very interesting and nice scent btw!
Really like it. And I just noticed on SP’s website a 7,5 ml spray… Also very interesting 😉
Oh that sounds lovely! I adore licorice. Outs it true to the name?
Yes, the liquorice is definitely there!
Oh, interesting! Mark Buxton had a fun licorice vetiver too.
Not familiar with that one. But in this one it is a killer combo, especially with both the licorice and vetiver upfront/in the main role. 🙂
Found it, not sure he still makes it though:
Thanks. Never saw MB in stores here. But this one sounds quite nice (i like Fou d’absinthe, so this could work for me as well).
Hmm, licorice and vetiver sounds interesting!
I you like ‘sweet vetivers’, or should i say ‘gourmand vetivers’, like Fat electrician or Vetiver tonka, you will probably like this one as well. 🙂
Remnants of Ouarzazate on my upper arms from last night, which I would’ve reapplied, but I try to go conservative with scent on Tuesday morning since meeting with little personal space.
American indie today with Aroma M Geisha Blanche. Lychee+ lemon which segues into Ivory soap. Good for the hot day expected.
It looks like it is the last hot day of the season. I already miss summer….
Yep, it feels like Summer sped right by ????
In Bond No.9 Sag Harbor from a sample I fully poured on myself. The citrusy opening was ok, but it has developed into a sweet fruity, super boring scent with a good sillage and longevity. It will stay with me for the rest of the day (sigh!).
Super boring….. Sorry, maybe by lunch you can spray something else on top to liven it up?
You were right. It is almost gone by now (what a relief!). I am outside now, but when I get back to the office later I will check my sample bag and let’s see what I will find there 😉
I have yet to find a Bond I’m crazy about but maybe I haven’t tried the right ones.
I have tried many from that line and I love Chinatown, New Haarlem and Fire Island. The best in my opinion. NY Oud is good but weird. The rest so far have not worked for me.
Haven’t posted in a while… crazy summer. Trying Nirvana Amethyst today. It’s not like anything else in my collection but I can’t decide it I like it.
I just tried that yesterday and felt the same way!
Wearing Cristalle today – antithesis of our group project – I do have some good non FIB (french, italian, british) niche options from my samples – hopefully I remember the project tomorrow am.
last night I put 2 drops of Galbanum in my diffuser, it really helped get to know the scent better than putting a pure drop on my skin – so I woke up with urge to wear Christalle.
Cristalle is one of my nostalgia scents. Love it in the winter
This will be my first winter with Cristalle – I will have to keep it out as it gets cooler
Excellent that you are experiencing true galbanum!!! Nothing like it!
Yes! My sample is pretty tiny, so the diffuser is a good way to go – I could dump my whole milliliter into a carrier oil and my skin could soak that up in no time.
Now that I can actually smell it, it’s sort of smells like jicama, maybe a little bit of cucumber and a little menthol – very interesting!
Triple strength coffee.
Lyric Woman Amouage.
LW and LM are similar to the heterosexual couple where the female is assertive and the male is submissive and pretty (yes I know, gender stereotypes, not applicable IRL, no offense intended) .
I prefer the butch Missus.
Carpe Diem.
I think you and my little monkey would get along, she told me this morning to turn the music up. Mommy can you make it louder? Hope my neighbors don’t mind..
Yes, never too loud!
Dance and rock on !
Too cute.
You smell wonderful!
Thank you!
I don’t know what either of those smell like. Your description, though, had me go and listen to Joan Armatrading, Call me names:) I will just take for granted, that you smell awesome!
Forgot about that song, just watched on YT.
Thanks for nostalgia, lillyjo!
Woman uses a dark fruity rose, Man uses tea rose.
Woman has an animalic aroma on my skin, Man is pretty.
Maybe I’m giving Amouage too much credit, but I liked the gender reversal.
I can’t remember who it was, but I saw a YT reviewer (male) also say that they preferred the woman’s version.
Hmmm, have you been spying on my dating, Bear?
You smell glorious.
Thanks Ede !
Dating, now there’s a thankless job!
Good luck!
Oh my dear, do you smell great!!! Had my first Anniversary Blend Starbucks today–straight up, don’t need no stinkin’ sugar or cream–made me think of you, and most of the men I want in my life, dark and rich!! Sort of how lyric Woman smells…see how I did that, it all ties together!
Well done jepster !
Thanks for thinking of me.
Sounds delicious.
Today is the first day of school for us. Our school enrollment has increased over the past year, so we need to add a portable, but apparently there are no portables available. That means that until one is available, there is a grade 3/4 class here in the library. So I cannot run my regular library program. That sucks for everyone involved – me, the grade 3/4 teacher, the students in that class, the students and teachers of all the other classes that don’t have access to the library. I’m wearing En Passant because it is light, pretty, smells like new beginnings and it might help me stay positive. But it is certainly going to have its work cut out for it.
How frustrating! Library’s are one of my happy places, however, so hopefully you’ll use this trying situation to still make it a very welcoming place for all students 😉
Grrr… can’t welcome them if they aren’t allowed in until the 3/4’s are out! I agree – the library should be open and welcoming for everyone!
Sounds like you need to diffuse En Passant through the whole library.
Good luck to you! Hopefully it won’t be for long.
Vintage Dune today. I don’t love the dry down but a spray on fabric lasts all day. Lovely stuff.
Eris Night Flower. I get a lot of patchouli which is a good thing. My daughter is going to Miami tomorrow for a couple of days. I asked her to reconsider.
Gah! Yes, I so agree!
Ha would you please talk to her?! She’s keeping an eye on things.
I would if I could. The problem is that flights out will be cancelled at some point without ANY warning, so she could end up riding it out in a hotel or something. It happens a lot. And she needs to consider how long it would take the airports to become operational again after it hits. It might be many days.
And that thing is a category 5 now.
Oh dear I didn’t even think of the flights out could be cancelled without warning. I was reading the AA tweets and people in Antigua are trying to leave. I will talk to her.
Can’t believe what Florida is now facing with this hurricane! Too much!
Yes! Hopefully the storm will push to the East and avoid everyone.
Is she planning to go for fun, or in anticipation of relief efforts? Either, way, I can see why you would want her not to go, but especially in the former case. Fingers crossed for you and your daughter!
Thank you! It was for fun, and she’s cancelled the trip. AA sent her an email to change so she’s actually going to the service desk at the airport to get some help.
SOTD: Chanel No.5 Eau Premiere
Loving this! My new everyday scent.
You smell great! Eau Premiere is a perfect everyday scent.
No 5 Eau Premiere is a wonderful fragrance. It was my gateway to No 5, and now I love them all!
Really? Hmm. I really find Eau Premiere such a different fragrance than the original No 5.
It is – but it helped me deal with my aldehyde issues….
I must revisit this one, are you wearing the current formulation?
No, the bottle is from 2007. I wonder if it’s any different than the current.
I hear that it is changed to some degree from the original release. Shame – I really liked that and figured I’d have time to buy a small bottle.
Going commando today as I have to return some hair goop to Nordstrom, so I expect I’ll do some sniffing while I’m there.
It’s so hard to find a leave-in styling product for wavy but thinning hair. Everything seems to make it feel crunchy. Any suggestions?
If I manage to be unfragranced this evening, I think I’ll wear Dame Black Flower Mexican Vanilla. I have some samples of this and Dark Horse, and can’t decide which I like better.
House twins! I like Dark Horse too, but have yet to try BFMV, I really need to though because I am a vanilla lover!
Oh yes you do 🙂
Let me know if you find any styling products that work
I have given up
The best I’ve found so far is Living Proof Instant Texture Mist, but it is still crunchy. You can comb out the ‘crunch’ after your hair air dries, but sometimes I can’t wait that long.
thank you for the inspiration for this weeks theme! Have not thought of Dame, but I have a sample of Dark horse somewhere…tried it in ny husband a few weeks ago…it was quite yummy…
Most welcome! I think Dark Horse is the front runner for me.
It may not give you volume, but try Kiehl’s Silk Groom–really makes hair soft.
Thanks for the tip! That’s been around for awhile, but I’ve never tried it.
I greatly prefer Dark Horse. BFMV smells kind of like every other lovely vanilla.
You have a good point there! Dark Horse is pretty special.
Fall is here, hear the yell
back to school, ring the bell
First day of school in my little city and it really does feel like fall- it was a chilly 50 degrees when I got up. Feels like a good day for Dame’s Earth Mother.
I was looking forward to a quiet day at home, but no such luck as our contractors picked today to put on our new roof. It is loud! I think it will be a day of running errands and out to lunch. Maybe some sniffing too.????
I like Earth Mother also! You smell great. Ah roofing noise. I had a new roof done this summer.
SOTD: Donna from Valentino
Twilly seems to be nagging at my brain because of it cute bottle (and the glass is actually light pink so it will remain cute drained!) but the juice just does not justify! Thank god it’s too new to hit discounters to weaken my resolve 😛
maybe the flankers will smell more interesting, Twilly belt, Twilly headband, Twilly bracelet (saying Twilly is fun)
I haven’t figured out how to say “Twilly.” Is it TWIH-lee, with an American (anglophone) accent? Or is it a French word? Twee-YEE? Twee-YEE d’Er-MEZ.
Good question.
I’ve been pronouncing the L’s, American style.
I just watched the commercial (again). The voice over lady sounds French, but I think I can hear her pronouncing the L’s.
Maybe just say it fast
As an English word – twillee. It refers to the material their scarves are made from, silk twill.
Ooh, interesting!
Had a huge thunderstorm last night and my technology is acting goofy. Can’t blog on the computer (blogging on a tablet sucks) because I want to review something. Wearing Shalimar Ode a la Vanille (Madagascar version) today.
Sorry about the glitches, but you do smell great!
Greetings everyone! After a very hectic summer running around with my daughter….well, school is back and now I have a bit more time for myself. As I’ve learned, fragrance just doesn’t go so well with pool water and sunscreen. I’ve barely even worn anything this summer. SOTD for getting back in the saddle is vintage Guerlain Chamade edt. I look forward to catching up!! Cheers!!!
welcome back!
You smell lovely!
Summer is my least favorite perfume season! Always glad to get to the end of the heat and humidity.
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Thanks everyone !!!
Someone the other day said this place is a procrastinators haven. Well here I am! Day off today, haven’t done a dang thing! The other day, I got rid of about 7 unloved lotions, so I could promptly go out and get another one. Wearing BBW salted caramel apricot body butter, with many sprays of Alien the taste of fragrance on top. I smell like a fall lovers dream, lol, or maybe nightmare to some. Eventually, I will vacuum out my car. Promise.
you smell great!!!
Thank you!
How is the BBW salted caramel apricot body butter?
The body butter is much smoother than the cream, it goes on really well. The smell is fairly light, which is good for me, since I like to layer with my perfumes. I can’t say I get much salt, but definitely caramel and apricot. It’s a nice change from the caramel apple usually seen this time of year.
Thank you lillyjo! I have always liked their body butters more than the creams. The scent sounds pretty good. I might grab some next time I am near one of the stores.
The temp has dropped and it’s just gorgeous out! To celebrate, I am looking at all my favorite fall scents and randomly pulled Byredo Encens Chembur. Kinda counts for the project as Ben Gorman is Swedish, right? ????
house cousins
SotM = Moon Shadow by Library of Flowers based in Denver, Colorado
Moon Shadow smells like jasmine flowers on the vine, not too sweet, persistent but not overwhelming. I like it.
Today is my sister’s birthday, many happy returns to her and to Werner Herzog. He boiled and ate his shoe after losing a bet. I found that shocking and funny. I sometimes confuse him with Wim Wenders, his name makes me think he is Dutch though he is also German.
I know too little about Germany and would love to visit there someday. Rick Steves’ latest travel series visits Hamburg, Dresden, Leipzig, Frankfurt, and Nürnberg. Rick is a hoot. I imagine he has fun wherever he goes.
Mr. Steves is quite the advocate for cannabis, which I found incongruous, but delightful.
Yes, it was an enlightening surprise to learn he is an earnest advocate for change in his home state. The episode in which Rick visits and explains Amsterdam’s coffeehouse approach was fascinating to watch. He seems tickled throughout the whole encounter.
I wonder what he was smoking?
Wearing AG Ninfeo Mio on this cool, cloud morning.
Dr.s rhuematolgy appt soon.
My youngest daughter,Livi starts high school on Wed. and I still can’t believe how time has flown by, makes me feel old. lol
I’m hoping my vtg. Heure Exquise edp comes in today’s mail. I blind bought it and am excited to smell it!
Heure Exquise reminds me of No 19
That’s what I’ve heard.
I do really like 19 and scents with galbanum in them. Fingers crossed the perfume hasn’t turned and that I love it!
I just ordered some new HE, if you have tried vintage HE before how do they compare?
Vintage HE has real sandalwood, seems more resinous. I actually like both a lot. They bring out different aspects of the same idea, like dramatic lighting on a statue from different angles. Caveat: by recent, I’m talking about several years ago; haven’t tried the two most recent repackagings.
Forestmamma, what a milestone! (And it’s hard to believe I’ve been on NST long enough for a little girl to start high school.) Heure Exquise is wonderful, nothing else like it — enjoy!
It’s interesting that both HE and No. 19 have similar notes, and both are excellent perfumes, but they are opposites in terms of feeling. No. 19 is more green/bitter, and HE is sandalwood/warm. Boardroom versus boudoir.
Loved Ninfeo this summer, too.
Boardroom vs. Boudoir. Heh, guess that explains why I can’t find an occasion to wear Heure Exquise, even though it’s one of my favourites. 😉
It would go great with silk satin and marabou. 😉
Hey guys! It’s Tuesday!
1) A bunch of astoundingly stupid teenagers/young adults decided to play with fireworks in the forest in Columbia River Gorge, DURING OUR SEASONAL DROUGHT. As a result, the atmosphere looks cloudy…but that is all smoke. Ash is raining from the sky in Portland and parts of Portland metro. Multnomah Falls forest is now on fire- thankfully not the lodge. This area holds not only Federal and State forests, but economically important tree fruit orchards, vineyards, several tech companies AND people’s homes. The consequences of foolishness and stupidity will now be felt by all of the state.
2) In happier news, my Japanese friend and I have had a good time this weekend, despite the ash and smoke, and we will be celebrating her birthday on Thursday with a good cremant and a trip to the beach!
3) SOTD: Prada Infusion d’ Amande- powdery almond, not sweet and actually just right for the atmosphere.
4) Florida, batten down the hatches. My people in Caribbean: get to the mountains. 🙁
AA calling all angels over homemade bronze goddess oil…
This is a good combo!
Ooh forgot my whole reason I remembered to post–was someone here talking about Caron aimez moi recently? A local store has 2 NOS boxes of the edp for around $60 CAD… They didn’t have one open to smell, and I’m definitely not up for random/blind buys
I liked it if you are looking for a vote! I don’t own a bottle but I tried it when Caron use to have a store in NYC and found it really lovely
Ah perhaps not quite looking for me, but if someone had their heart set on it/was missing it? It is in a fancy presentation, square box, squat bottle…
Sampling Lalique’s Élégance Animale 1989.
I quite like this one. Ridiculously overpriced but it is on the discounter sites. I also like Rose Royale in this Noir Premier line.
Glad to hear it is good — doesn’t seem to be much chatter about that series.
I enjoyed the floral-herby “Terres Aromatiques” and put it on my long list. Wasn’t so pushed about “Les Fruits du Mouvement”, which was too sweet for me.
Still sticking to my French classics, sorry but no world niche available, L’Artisan’s wonderful and sadly discontinued Vanilia.
Comparing Iris Nazarena (US) and Iris Cendre (AUS) today. I keep switching back and forth on this one but I think I may like Iris Cendre better.
Representing Switzerland today with my sample of Naja from Vero Profumo. Not quite appropriate for warmer weather so I’ll have to retry it when it’s cooler but so far it’s nice but not a must buy
The only perfume that my husband likes instead of “tolerates”: Ormonde Jayne Woman.
Does anyone else’s husband/wife complain when they change perfume?
I am unfettered with an SO at the present time, but if I were, that would be a whole lotta complainin’ !!!!!!!
I don’t think Mr. Jalapeno even notices when I wear perfume, unless it is something he REALLY dislikes.
Same. Mr Lillibet rarely comments on my fumes unless I stick them in his face and ask fir comment in which case (regardless of frag) he almost always says doubtfully “Is it musk?” LOL
A friend brought back some interesting fragrances from India. The company is Forest Essentials and they describe their products as Luxurious Ayurveda (no affiliation).
The body mists seem like light perfumes to me. I was testing the Iced Pomegranate and Kerala Lime yesterday, which is primarily orange blossom on my skin. There is also an Oudh and Green tea that smells great on the guy she gave it to. It’s light, not heavy and blends well with his skin. I tested it, too, but it was less interesting on mine. The packaging is simple (the spray bottles are plastic) but attractive. They can be found for around $27 to $37 on ebay.
I’m tempted to try some of the other scents…
By “not heavy,” I mean it does not depend on those strong and often unpleasant woody notes. It doesn’t seem like it could have any real oud at that price, but whatever it uses smells good.
Thanks for that. Did you see that they make their products while chanting so they absorb the vibrations? Stuff like that captures my attention. I have been reading a fabulous book called The Hidden Life of Trees which talks about the way trees in a forest ‘communicate’ and support each other …if you need a book to read. Quite a bit about how trees use scent as both warning and attraction.
Would make a good Herzog movie
Fascinating! FYI, I saw something on twitter about Twerzog week.
So, with a new lipstick* came a perfume sample (why is it 9 out of 10 I get a Chanel…this time its Gabrielle, of course…)
Its one of those carton mini ‘envelopes’ where you have to pull out the nozzle. And then you spray by pushing the back of the carton.
I dont like them at all. Such a poor experience.
Do you guys know what i mean…(example in link below).
Whats the reason for switching to these packages. Is it cheaper? Or is it because they can also put them easily in magazines? Here is an example:
* hmmm yes i was on a no–red-lipstick-buy, but i concluded this weekend i never wore my burgundy (urban decay) because of the way it tastes (yuck) and had good reason to buy a new one
-yeah i know…#firstworldproblems –
Interesting, I haven’t seen those “carton” samples yet. How do you like Gabrielle?
Gabrielle is pretty, but also generic / boring
(already tried it last friday in store, oh and bottle was kinda flimsy, another let down).
…but now i have a sample I’ll give it another try, maybe tonight… 🙂
So, I am wearing it right now, Gabrielle.
I think my husband says it best:
“it smells like a shampoo, and it does not have any depth. Meh”
I was given a Gabbrielle sample in a regular glass / spray nozzle 2ml (?) bottle. Smells like watered down perfume…like someone squeezed out the perfume sponge
Or like my husband said (see his quote above haha), like shampoo.
The last No 5 (L’eau?) was also mot a succes to me. Same shampoo-y vibe.
Would not mind smelling it on people. But it is just not my style.
Well, don’t leave a gal hanging- what burgundy lipstick did ya get? When the air starts turning “coolish” I’m always on the hunt for the perfect fall lippie 😉 Agreeing that Gabrielle is just a “meh”…
NARS (Audacious), Bette
Not cheap, but great stuff…no weird taste/smell, smooth application, fab colour. 🙂
IMO one can never have too many red lippies….
I’m off to a bad start with the week’s community project, as I wore Rose Anonyme yesterday and Bottega Veneta today. Um. I’ve got plenty of American scents to wear the rest of the week, though!
I felt quite smug this weekend not doing any work. “Look at me all grown up and not in grad school and not working on vacations,” I said. I am, of course, now going to pay for that decision all week. Ugh.
On a brighter note, I’ve been testing out the body products that I am making and that I plan to try to sell on Etsy, and they are pretty great! (If I do say so myself.) Even if I never make a cent and even if I have sunk $300 into a ridiculous project (yup, that number is higher than the one I mentioned last time…), at least I will be set on body products forever. Well, at least on scrubs, oils, and lip balms.
Do you have any little shops around that might take them on consignment?
I have been thinking about that, actually! There’s a really cute little shop down the street from me that sells all kinds of adorable, locally made body products, and I was wondering how to get things into their shop. Perhaps I’ll ask them! Do you have any experience with this?
I don’t have personal experience, but I know I’ve seen some smaller stores take things like jewelry and hand made soaps that local people have made and sell them. I think it’s worth a shot to talk to the owners. I would even try antique and thrift stores. Those type of things make great gifts when people are looking for something more unique than a regular store brand product. I know you put a lot of money and time into this. Don’t give up just yet. You said the other day, it was a dumb idea. I don’t think so, I admire that you are giving it a try. If it doesn’t work out, it’s ok. Sorry for any unsolicited advice. Good luck!
Please don’t apologize! I really appreciate your advice 🙂 and your encouragement. These are great ideas; thanks!
Farmers’ markets are another place I see them, especially interestingly colored and scented soaps.
Oh, good idea! I don’t know if I’ll follow through with it, though–person-to-person interactions terrify me. I’d be the worst salesperson in real life.
Please provide your Etsy address when you have it! (and sorry if you already did but I missed your post)
That’s so sweet of you! I will! (I haven’t opened my Etsy store yet, mostly because I want to take the perfect pictures of my things, and need to figure out how to use my boyfriend’s fancy camera!)
Cute packaging is a must! Cute bottle cute label cute name – cute story if you have one! Yes, please share your Etsy link when you have it.
I think my name is pretty cute: rose+mary. I’m still open to name changes, though, since most of the labels still haven’t been made. Any ideas? I wish I could take my PhD in chemistry into account in my name! And the fact that most of the plant ingredients come from my balcony garden! I’m trying to craft a cute story; nearly any story is cute if told right 🙂 I DID get the absolute cutest bubble wrap-lined envelopes to mail things out in.
Very cute! I do like that name, but you’re right – the uber local and PhD aspects are very intriguing too. Dr. Terrace? No, 🙂
CY, aka Contain Yourself – A reference to container gardening, and to maintaining your skin quality
(do you not like fake French? I kind of like that one)
aka Under Your Nose
Phlower & Herb Dr
Actually I LOVE Champs-Eleve. That name is adorable! As you correctly recall, I do not like anglophone establishments that use French names to make themselves seem more hoity-toity, but your idea is so cute that I am struggling with my annoyance. Maybe it’s ok because I’ve lived in France for four years? Hmmmm.
I quite like Contain Yourself, too. I like the idea of labels that read CY. Hmm.
Yay! this is perking me up, I say you definitely get a pass to use French, hey it’s the official language of diplomacy right? Keep us in the loop, can’t wait to hear more about your endeavor!
Re: Farmers’ Market and person-to-person interaction. You need to have an elevator speech ready as to how you got started – you wanted to combine your love of scented body products and your PhD in Chemistry and voila, blah blah.
I’ve been trying to work that chemistry degree into my story, but I don’t know how to make chemistry sound cute! Isn’t everyone afraid of chemistry and chemicals?!
no! everyone is into it – you can kind of bridge the dr perricone type products that are not all natural and your totally natural products by talking about the molecules and what they do, etc.
I am wearing Illuminum Tomato Leaf today. Its very warm here today, and very quiet.
We had the whole family over to our house yesterday to celebrate Labor Day, and it was a lot of fun. What a difference a day makes.
I can easily do a week of odd or not so oddball American and Spanish perfumes. Today is Vilhelm’s Purple Fig, probably my most work scent of the summer. I bought the small one and am going through it! It’s not odd at all. Just cheerful and great in the heat.
I ordered a discovery set from Arielle Shoshana and cannot wait to get it! Have you tried any others? Is Purple Fig your favorite?
It’s my favorite that I’ve spent time with, but I liked almost all of them when I tried them at Barney’s. Velvet . . . Something is the other one I bought but I am hankering after a couple of others.
I don’t think Velvet is in AS discovery set, but if I end up liking the brand, I’ll make sure to get a sample of it as well. Thanks for the recommendation!
Dirty velvet! I just remembered the name. And it isn’t in the discovery set, alas. It’s a good one, although fig and I like Purple Fig a bit more.
I saw the Vilhelm line at Barneys but I was turned off by the SA whose face was a pasty white mask and looked kind of weak that I was afraid he would sprain his hand picking up a bottle or break a finger spritzing or both. From what I can tell, he’s not albino, so he is either severely anemic or he just came from clown school and was only able to to clean off part of his make-up.
It’s smoky and ash is falling, so I looked for something that would be compatible and hopefully put me in a better mood than yesterday. I’m wearing Kyoto, a better smelling smoke than what’s outside, and fitting for Friday’s project.
foxbins, I am sorry to hear about being “smoky and ash is falling;” I’ve been there and it is miserable. Just try to remember that it cannot last. + you smell great!
I’m sorry there’s so much smoke outside. I do think you smell great though. ????
Played hooky today as it’s my birthday. Currently I’m in Chergui from a sample; I’m trying to decide if I need a full bottle.
I was perusing some Dame fragrances but abandoned an order of Bergamot, Jasmine and Labdanum. Decisions!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Gail! Enjoy!
You just reminded me to take mine off in our company system!
Thanks, and happy birthday!
Enjoy your day!
I say get BOTH for your birthday as they are both highly affordable…and happy bday!
Thank you for the birthday wishes everyone! Just taking it easy today and am still considering my birthday gift to myself. I do have a few to confess to Donatella next time already.
Birthday gifts don’t count …
Happy Birthday! A day off work is a great way to spend it.
You smell great and you definitely need a full bottle! It’s your birthday right? So happy birthday to you and get yourself some Chergui- you’re worth it!
Happy Birthday and enjoy making that decision 🙂
Happy Birthday! Chergui is a fall/winter favorite of mine. It’s sooo good!
I’m so surprised at how long it’s lasted on me. Usually I have scent eating skin and can’t smell any after a few hours. This was 2 sprays from a sample about 10 hours ago and I can still smell it faintly. Wow!!
It’s one his longer lasting scents, especially if you spray your clothes. I’ve actually considered buying a BUB before it disappears from the discounters,
Happy Birthday! I love Chergui, you smell great! It is on my FB list.
Not on theme today. I’m wearing Berdoues Selva do Brasil.
MMM….smelling good 🙂
Mornings are so easy when you are in a hotel with no running around after dogs, breakfasts, lost things, blah blah blah…like living in a perfume ad (except I’ve eaten muesli for dinner two nights running). I wore Gabrielle ( from a sample) all yesterday and it made me unhappy…pretty vacant. I was reading an amazing diary written by a pretty nasty missionary-wife from the 1830-50s, far north NZ. The best thing was the description of her house made of raupo ( ‘grass hut’ – her words) and the attempts to ‘civilise’ her surroundings with plantings of roses etc. it was a pretty violent time but the difference in her voice, and attitude to Maori, from that of other missionary writers was remarkable. I love the museum library…so cool reading original copies of letters etc. Being tortured by perfume thoughts…so much choice in the shops.
“Pretty nasty missionary-wife” sounds like someone I’m happy to have missed.
She was actually born in NZ, in the 1820s, so would have grown up in a predominantly Maori environment, very early days of the colony. So very interesting. I also read letters from a well-known landscape painter in the 1880s travelling around the country , camping in the wilderness and painting which was fantastic.
I waited for the mailman today because I had a feeling he’d be delivering a decant or two. Sure enough, Interlude, Lyric, and Bracken. I had never smelled Interlude but sprayed liberally. “Oh my god!” burst forth with the second spray. This will be with me for the rest of the day, I’m sure, but I’m not that fond of it as interpreted by my chemistry. It’s supposed to be a floral chypre, but I don’t get that at all. Still love Amouage.
I still can’t make a connection between the listed notes and the perfume itself when it comes to Interlude. To me it’s like sticks of chalk dipped in figs, geranium and rose
I haven’t tried Interlude either. Lyric Woman is lovely; Bracken is. . . just weird.
I just tried Figment man and that’s a bit weird too. I like weird!
I felt the same way about Bracken. So many love it that I feel like I am missing something.
Yes, Bracken smells mostly sour to me, much to my disappointment. I was so ready to love it.
After a complete no shower, or get dressed, or anything day yesterday, today was almost a repeat until my yard guys came this afternoon. So, I hurried through a shower, put on Smell Bent Should Have Known Better, and got dressed, all so I can pay my yard guys.
I hope they appreciate it! ????
lol exactly what I was thinking
As promised yesterday..Greylocke…love it!!!
CM8, you need to try a sample of Hungry Hungry Hippies from SmellBent. I’m thinking you would like it. I gave it a healthy test spray last night before bed and I am still amazed by how many I like from this perfumer. I added HHH to my short list. I’m going to try Greylocke because you seem to be in serious put a ring on it kind of love with that one.
Phlur now has candles!
SOTD = Ooops! I forgot to apply one. Aka commando. I woke up a bit off kilter today, and just wasn’t feeling it. I will probably be back to perfume tomorrow.
It’s OK, I sprayed enough for both of us:) hope your back on kilter tomorrow!
So you’ve restored the Balance between the Light Side and the Dark Side. 😉
I’ve done that before.
And purposely.
It’s all good, Jalapeno.
Sometimes you just wanna BE.
Thanks Bear!
I am very late to the party due to being so busy at work. My SOTD was Stephane Humbert Lucas Rose Petra.
So pretty!
Just finally sat at the computer after a day of running around. SOTD from the fab Ineke–Poet’s Jasmine. Hot and humid, so the bit of lemony goodness in this is very welcome.
SOTD is No. 19 EdT after reading about Galbanum somewhere up higher in the comments. Suggestible? Me? Noooo LOL
Haven’t worn it in a while and really enjoying it this morning 🙂
You smell wonderful
SOTD = Carner Barcelona D600
Carner Barcelona. Founded 2009. Spain.
Still niche – available at smaller boutiques, not widely-distributed
Pepper, citrus, iris, nutty vetiver, vanilla – what’s not to love.
I was telling one of my cousins about the big jump in fuel prices (relatively speaking within the U.S.) and that I was putting Plus gas vs Regular or Premium and he said don’t bother with Plus because gas stations typically top off the Plus tanks with excess Regular gas so what is advertised as Plus is usually a mix of Regular and Plus. For cars that do not need Premium, he recommended alternating full tanks of Regular and Premium. He trained as a mechanic so I inherently trust his advice on all matters related to cars.
Twins (thanks to the sample you once sent me lol!)! It makes me happy we wore the same thing today. 🙂 I love this one more and more and was wishing I had sprayed more liberally this morning!
Also, I have heard very similar things about he premium/regular gas.
I went to the Brimfield Antiques Fair today with a dear friend of mine. Having forgotten about the project, I began the day wearing Calypso by Robert Piguet. It’s a pretty scent and not too obtrusive in crowds or warm weather. My friend gifted me with a bottle of ELDO Remarkable People so of course I had to spray it. RP reminds me of a lighter version of Theoroma, btw. My Friend also gave me a sample of Carillon (sp?) by Andy Tauer, which I also sprayed, just one tiny spritz (I have no self control). Unfortunately, it overpowered everything else. I have a hard time with LOTV. So I had to scrub that one off as it was just too humid today for such a strong scent. Too bad as It could have worked for the weekly project.
I had a great time but not see Lara Spencer, although I heard that she was there filming Fleamarket Flip. The fair is ginormous. I have been many times and haven’t made it to all the different fields. All-in-all an awesome day! Back to work and reality tomorrow.
I am jealous of your visit to the Brimfield Antiques Fair! I feel the same way about the Tauer – yuck. I know it was someone’s wedding perfume but to each his/her own.
I met a few people from New Jersey today. One couple said that they lived very close to New York State. They were vacationing in the Berkshires and drove 90 miles to Brimfield. It’s a combination of antiques and flea market mishmash. Some dealers have very high-end stuff and others, not so much. We found some really interesting stuff and so many things that are overpriced. It’s a box of chocolates. Great stuff and really bizarre all in one enormous place. For example, we walked past a field that isn’t open yet and there was a full sized car made out of painted plywood. Why would someone save that? Who would ever want it. I dunno but it is weird and wonderful.
Yikes, the day got away from me, mostly because of having to get a bunch done at work to make up for being off yesterday. I have been participating in the project though.
Today I wore Amouage Ciel Woman (Oman) and yesterday was in Hiram Green Dilettante (Netherlands). I really like this theme!
I really need to delve into the Amouage more. I’ve only tried Lyric and Lilac Love.
In one spray of Carner Barcelona D600 today for the new job. I think I could have used two but am just proud I didn’t overwhelm my coworkers and was also on theme for the week.
You smelled amazing for your first day of work. I love D600. It is really good. Hope everything has gone fine for you today.