It's Monday (drat) and it's Anne Frank's birthday. What fragrance are you wearing?
It is HOT here. I slept late and I'm probably going to wear the fragrance that's already sitting on my desk from yesterday: Guerlain Mandarine Basilic.
Reminder: 6/16 will be Oddball Friday...wear a fragrance that smells like nothing else you own, or interpret oddball in some other oddball way. Suggested by Austenfan.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: image of Anne Frank's diary is via Anne Frank House. Anne received the diary for her 13th birthday on June 12, 1942.
It is very hot today. I’m in South Bay by TDC.
It felt like we had so little spring, and now it’s suddenly high summer in June. Wish there was a pool in my back yard.
It does feel that way! The neighbors diagonal from our backyard have a pool and my husband said we need to get on good terms with them ASAP.
Your husband is right.
Welcome to Florida????
🙂 Yes, where it will be 90+ and humid right through the middle of October. Makes wearing the heavy orientals I love quite a challenge!
My parents live there, so I’m well acquainted with it. That’s why my husband and I only visit during “season” when it’s milder and we want a break from the snow.
Eau de Champagne by Sisley
I smell like grass, irish soap and shaving cream with a bunch of herbs
You smell great!
I have an oddball for everyday this week I think
I love your description!
Thank you!
Perfect for hot weather
Wow- you smell great! I really like that as much as Eau de Soir- and it’s cheaper to boot!
You are right, it is cheaper!
I got this one from the freebie meet
Oooh, sounds intriguing.
Yesterday was our exceptionally hot day.
Today – just a nice summer day
SOTD is Kerosene Unforsaken.
I am a coconutty vanilla orange creation today, and I love it
I love it too. And jealous of your nice summer day.
I love that one too!
It is a pretty scent.
Likely not great to wear on oddball week, but I am wearing a floaty blue summer dress, and just wanted to feel pretty
SOTD Le Labo Santal 33. I suppose it’s an oddball that is so widely known it may not be perceived as one anymore. I was ambivalent at first, but the more I wear it the more I like it.
Today is an exceptionally humid day after a thunderstorm-y weekend. I had to wake up at 4:40am to drive my husband to the airport. I already finished a Starbucks Grande black coffee and am now brewing some rose black tea to try and be less of a zombie. I will probably just end up being a hyper and shaky zombie though.
The scent of NYC! I am pretty zombie myself — stayed up too late last night.
Ditto on Robin’s comment, I smell Santal 33 on NYC streets daily
Love the idea of a hyper and shaky zombie!
Good morning, everyone! I was out of town this weekend, and wasn’t keeping up here, ‘so will have to go back to get everyone’s reading suggestions from the weekend poll. That’s always one of my favorite polls. It’s going to be scorching today, and I’m wearing Bronze Goddess on my imaginary beach.
I love Bronze Goddess! I will probably pick some up soon. I need a summer fragrance.
You smell fabulous!
I wore BG yesterday, my first spritz since last summer. Enjoy your beach!
I ate some coconut carmel chocolate from Trader Joe’s last night and I felt like I was on a imaginary beach
Good Morning all! I absolutely love Anne Frank! What an incredible young woman she was. As part of 8th grade Texas curriculum, we had to teach from “The Diary of Anne Frank”. We discussed the Holocaust, Hitler, etc…. I tell you, her story every year touched so many of my students. You could hear a pin drop when we would study her and her incredible story.
My SOTD is Figue by Molinard. Such a beautiful fragrance!
Enjoy your day everyone!
I have read the Morris Gleitzman series, I think they are titled Before, Now, Then and After to my grade 7 and 8 students when they are learning about the Holocaust and they are absolutely riveted. They have given up recess and asked to come to the library twice in one day so you know it is incredible.
Oh, absolutely!
Wearing O de Lancome. Refreshing and lemony for a hot, hot, day here. On my thrid cup of coffee to keep myself awake after a busy weekend attending a friend’s wedding shower in Toronto. It was a small party, simple and beautiful but full of happiness and love. Back to work now. Whoever is experiencing hot weather stay fresh and hydrated.
Its hot in Texas! You stay fresh and hydrated as well! 🙂
Thank you! ????. You too.
I had the most random perfume dream last night, and dreamt that I had a bottle of O de Lancôme. I’ve never had a bottle or even smelled it, yet it was so vivid in my dream. I think I was telling someone about my bottle of O. ???? Have a great day!????
Flopper, I have a small decant of O. Email mail if you would like to try it:
Thank you ???? sending an email!
I had a similar dream this weekend about Safari, also one I’ve never smelled.
Isn’t that funny! I have some vintage Safari, if you are interested please send me an email. beas.beverly attt geee mail dot comm
I’m in the Robin-inspired layering of Eau des Merveilles and Eau Claire des Merveilles – both of which are like nothing else I own, and neither of which is as good on its own as they are together. Fizzy.
I love the first and have yet to smell the second but I bet it is nice.
I really enjoy Eau Claire des Merveilles – moreso than the OG – and I will have to layer them after reading this. You probably smell wonderful!
What an intriguing combo! The SA at my local Nordstrom Hermes counter said Eau Claire will likely be discontinued soon! Maybe he just meant Gallop will be stocked instead of Eau Claire???
Earlier this year I e-mailed Hermes Customer Service and they confirmed that Eau Claire was discontinued.
I will have to wear that tomorrow!
Getting my private piece of sunshine today thanks to Azemour.
It’s been a while since I wore it last time. It still smells fantastic.
You smell like early summer 😀
I bought Azemour yesterday at Fumerie. The notes do a little see-saw in my nose–first orange, then green, then orange…it’s lovely.
Hello everyone, it’s humid and overcast today, I’m wearing Jour d’Hermes Absolu, which is a good pick me up for a Monday morning. No oddballs spring to mind, at least not in my collection, there are a couple I’d love to own that I can think of tho.
That would work! Interpret it however you like, really.
Jour Absolue is lovely and refreshing, I like it better than Jour d’Hermes. You smell great!
Wearingr Vengeance Extreme by Juliette Has A Gun. I bought it in an odd mood and it is very loud compared to my usuals. But, we have the class picnic today and we will be outside all day in the wind. No chance of annoying someone in the wind we have had the last few days.
I saw Anne Frank’s house during all the Kosovo actions and they had a display of writing by children living through that on one floor. My Grandmother’s cousin’s lived next door during the war. Their home was torn down for new buildings but still very moving to be so close to what she and they lived through.
Another scorcher here today too! We missed easing into summer this year with some decent temps apparently.
I’m staying cool in the a/c and sotd is Atelier Bois Blonds.
You smell great!
Hello NST!
Starting a week of oddball perfumes, SOTD is Dior “Sauvage”. Oddball reason: I got it as a freebie in a shop and have been wondering when I would wear something that has been slated in reviews.
Top: pepper and bergamot;
Mid: geranium, lavender, sichuan pepper, elemi, pink pepper, vetiver and patchouli;
Base: cedar, labdanum and ambroxan.
It’s generic but not offensive, not to my nose anyway. I’ve had a lot worse from a few niche perfumers. I would never buy this now, because it just doesn’t give enough pleasure to justify spending time with it. Back when I knew nothing and was wearing different varieties of Hugo Boss, this might have made it into my (then much smaller) collection.
I don’t dislike it either.
I’ve soaked my arm from both Ulta and Macys testers, it smells pleasant.
Probably will never buy it, but if I received it as a gift, I would wear it.
Sillage smells fantastic!
The closest mall is anchored by a Macys and a Target.
Had to get something at Target and decided to walk to Macys.
In the middle of the mall, a HUGE cloud of scent, Sauvage.
I said to myself, when did they start scenting the mall?
The stores I was close to were a Gymboree, 2 sneaker stores. Nah.
Went upstairs. The Victoria’s Secret? Lids ? Nope.
The guy sitting on the bench downstairs was scenting the atmosphere!
I called down, ‘Hey buddy, Sauvage’?
YEP! And the ladies LOVE IT!
America the Beautiful 2017.
Cheers, Koenigsberg!
If you have a need to buy something online from Sephora, a $25 purchase of anything will allow you to activate the “HISANDHERS” code to select 2 from 10 options, including minis of Eau Sauvage, Mr. Burberry…
Your ability to track these discounts stuns and amazes me! Also a bit envious of your memory bank ????
Practice (using the code) makes perfect 🙂
I’m trying to wear things that I haven’t worn in awhile. I grabbed Gucci Guilty, but I think it is a little heavy for this very humid, hot weather.
Wearing oddball Smell Bent Fashiony: smells like oud and cherry snowcone syrup.
Interesting mix. I love your description.
Smell Bent is so good at those oddball fragrances.
I love Fashiony, but I admit that I don’t get either of those notes. I mostly get powder and suede.
No. 19 from a sample from a lovely NSTer. It’s becoming a favorite. I have an “oddball” perfume arriving today – Pulp! This is a blind buy. I’m thinking the fruit project of last week was encouragement to branch out. I read a review if, I remember correctly, that Pulp smelled like walking into an Antropologie store when the Capri candles are lit, and I do like that so hopefully I’ll love Pulp! I don’t have any full-on fruity fragrances. Have a great day! ????
Someone on here – who?- said “It smells like rotting fruit, but in a good way.” Loved it.
???? oh boy. Well I’ll be prepared!
I sprayed it at Sak’s yesterday and liked it.
I think I like it also!
oh no!
Thank you! So first impressions: the packaging is really nice; I’m a sucker for a pretty box and bottle. The bottle is nice and heavy. Smells like raspberry body spray so I’ll let this macerate ???? on my wrist and see how it develops.
I’m one of the few who did not agree with Pulp. It smelled too Chemical to me.
Good morning, NST. We reached Portland yesterday, and I had a wonderful day with Foxbins, talking about everything and laughing and playing in her beautifully curated and displayed collection, and then later at Fumerie.
Ah, Fumerie….now see here, Donatella, my sins on this trip may be legion, but they are not nearly as bad as they could so easily have been. Waiting for me at Foxbin’s house were Rose de Petra, Odalisque, Arbole Arbole (small bottle because blind buy) and Vanilla Flash (ditto). At Fumerie I bought Oeillet Bengale (3 c travel sizes), Assam of India (those elephants!) and Acqua Viva the perfect, vivid lemon; crisp, fresh, a lovely alternative to Cristalle in summer humidity). My days in the perfume wilderness are certainly over now, because not only did I buy, but Foxbins had gazillions of samples for me to take away and share with perfumistas in A-NZ. Some of the samples are perfumes of legend for me, so as long as I don’t get stopped at the border by some over-zealous Custims officer, my perfume education will pick up pace (sighs with contentment).
Off to explore Portland, then tomorrow, on to Seattle to return the car, and San Francisco. I’m confused with my days: I thought yesterday was Monday–I’m living by the US clock and the A-NZ calendar. Be well and safe, all.
I was in Portland last weekend, such a fun and walkable city. Had the most memorable Bloody Mary at Byways in the Pearl District – great breakfast too! Have fun!
Such glorious perfume adventuring. I adore Assam of India.
I had a wonderful time. We think we will come back next year, and then I will do more treasure hunting.
Enjoying your travel reports and I’m taking notes since the PNW may be our July vacation-and possibly Sacramento.
When I went to Scent Bar in LA and got to smell the NVs, Vero’s etc in person, I felt like I was meeting A-list celebrities. Sounds like you got some serious lovelies!
Ah, you ratbags! So Portland is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! So glad you met Foxbins and had such fun.
Wow! Thanks for the report!
I’m in Trayee, which instantly was added to my decant-purchase list (along with Mohur). Fortunately for my wallet, my sample of the Mohur extrait came in…and I prefer the EdP.
I still have samples of Rahele and Pichola that I haven’t tried, and I’m almost hoping to NOT like them (fat chance, so far I’d happily own a FB of everything from this line).
Are your samples from a discovery set?
No, I just ordered them from Luckyscent. (Gosh, I wish there was still a discovery set!)
I fell heavily for Ashoka, and smelt and loved Foxbin’s Trayee. NV certainly is a beautiful line of perfumes, but pricey, sadly. Ashoka may be gift to myself at the end of the year.
If someone offered to split a Trayee travel spray duo, I’d be hard pressed to refuse, no-buy be damned.
Oh reeeeally?
I am afraid so. I even have a job now, so there is not much stopping me from spending money. My birthday is coming up in 1.5 months, even, and it’s a big one (30). I deserve a present, right?
Why do you ask? If this is a discussion you’d like to continue, my email address is ko bhatta at jee male dawt calm. (Uh oh.)
Good morning Y’all! Monday again? Well, guess we’ll run with it…. 🙂
SOTD: Clarins Eau Dynamisante. Fresh and clean…PERFECT for summer!
That’s a great one. I used to sneak spritzes from a tester whenever I was near a Clarins counter. Need to revisit! 🙂
What a great idea for a hot day. Ensoliellante is also nice in the heat, less fresh and more beachy
Today I’m wearing Aedes de Venusta Copal d’Azur and drinking my usual Stash Chai Green Tea. (I’m at work and already on my third cup!)
Joining you in Copal Azur, this one was love at first sniff for me.
Your scent is wonderful and I bet your tea is too! I never thought of wearing Copal Azur in the summer, but I bet the dry frankincense would be just right for hot, humid weather.
It was the first time I have worn in warm weather but it really works and I have been getting small wafts of the fragrance all day long.
SOTD: Jour d’Hermes parfum.
Drinking: Genmaicha 🙂
You smell lovely and your tea is great.
Very pretty. I wore Jour d’Hermes yesterday, it always makes me smile.
I haven’t sprayed it yet but I’m going to try my new sample of Eau de Memo. The tagline is “A bird on a the leaf”, which is in itself pretty odd.
That’s “a bird on a tea leaf”. I am enjoying it very much. Like juicy, gingery tea.
Warm day here too, but I am staying inside and testing from a sample L`Antichambre Le Sourire de Diable which is spicy (mostly cumin) and very dry; not too impressed. This is not a warm weather scent!
Temps in the upper 80s here today so I’m in Eau Sauvage. I suppose you could call this one an oddball, since it’s marketed to men but I wear it proudly as a woman.
I’ve recently discovered that I love barbershop-style fragrances for summer, like Eau Sauvage and Penhaligon’s Sartorial. Yesterday I sampled Gaultier’s Le Male and really liked it (despite the bottle, which reminds me of a Ken doll). I will happily take other suggestions for this style of scent, if anybody has them!
Have you tried Habit Rouge? It’s very barbershop to me at first.
I haven’t, but it’s going on my list now. Thanks!
If you’d like, I can send you some. Just click on my name and it will give you my email address. Shoot me a message with your contact info and I’d be happy to send you some of mine to try out. 🙂
Fantastic! Emailing you now
Acqua di Parma Colonia is worth a sniff.
I’ll keep an eye out for Colonia. Thanks!
Forgot to mention, I like to wear Eau Sauvage, too. Never bought a bottle, but testers are so easy to find at the fragrance counters, I can’t resist. 🙂
Second this, and add in Mugler Cologne. I keep both in the fridge, too.
Love Mugler Cologne, it would be a good one for this Friday’s community project. I have a French-speaking friend who calls it Cologne Vraiment Bizarre.
I do love Mugler Cologne. Recently bought a full-size bottle so I can lavish myself in it when the weather gets hot.
I sprayed my way through a decant of Eau Sauvage this spring. The more I wore it the more I liked it!
The original Prada Man.
Oh! yes, that one, also called Prada Amber Pour Homme, in the cool silvery bottle. It is divine.
Ooh, haven’t tried this one, or any other Prada scents, really. Thanks!
Have you tried Histoires de Parfums 1828, Jules Verne, and 1899, Hemingway? Those definitely have a barbershop vibe to me.
I’ll put those on my list! The only Histoires de Parfums I’ve sampled are the Tubereuse series, which is pretty far from from barbershop 🙂
Olympic Orchids Bay Rum is a real barber shop scent . Pretty pungent, bitter and soapy. Kingston Ferry is greener and easier to wear.
Bitter and soapy sound right up my alley, thanks!
Nicolai Amber Oud (no Ood was harmed in it’s making)
I tested French Lover on my husband yesterday evening (from a sample). The opening was okay-ish but not very impressive. But after 3 hours I sat downs next to him and he smelled absolutely gorgeous. I was impressed. I am going to try it on my own skin tonight.
Today I am wearing Bois d’Iris by The Different Company. A lovely dry and warm iris.
Like a lot of other Ellena-creations it’s low on sillage. So I often wear it to work/office.
Obviously, Bois d’Iris has nothing to do with this weeks theme.
Oddball…hmmm I really have to think about that one. Nice challenge 🙂
Eau Premiere today. Driving home from NoVA, from nephew’s HS graduation. It’s hot. Bleargh. I’ll be glad to get back home to the mountains…
You smell great.
Today I’m wearing ‘Noir’ by Tom Ford. Always lovely.
You smell great 🙂
Today I’m dabbing from a small sample of ELDO “Remarkable People.” It’s somewhat odd with the combination of grapefruit and spices. I’m waiting now for the bottom notes to come in, but so far I quite like it. It seems a good one for hot humid summer Houston days!
Good morning. “Drat” definitely is fitting for this Monday. Today its back to reality after a week-long vacation with my husband.
Today I am wearing Mon Guerlain and currently drinking a cup of Oolong tea.
you smell great and the tea sounds wonderful
I sniffef MG at Epcot and really liked it.
It’s unseasonably hot and humid here in the lower Great Lakes too, like an August heat wave. I’m not a fan of hot weather and try to spend days like this enjoying my favorite hot weather activity, hiding in my house listening to the sweet, sweet hum of the air conditioner 🙂 if I had a pool, it would be lovely.
Enough grousing. Wearing a long time summer favorite, Bulgari Au The Blanc. Chill, quietly fresh and not floral at all.
I am a fan of hot weather, but I like the usual sequence. It should not be this hot until August.
Sampling OJ Ta’if for the first time today. Truly lovely. I was sparing with it based on some reviews it could be overwhelming, but now I’m wishing I’d actually spritzed just one little extra spray.
This one has been on my list forever. Do you generally like roses?
It’s really nice. I do like roses. Do you?
Lots! But I’ve never found a rose perfume to love (closest I’ve come is the discontinued solid scent Chere Louise). But there’s some thrill in the chase.
Interesting — I do not find it overwhelming at all.
Good morning – from yesterday’s outing (even after showering, wow): Beyond Paradise inside my left elbow, Chanel No 19 EDP inside my right and Bobbi Brown Beach a little further up. BP smells like Sweet Honesty now and Beach has washed over 19. Doesn’t help that it will be over 40C today…from March to August within a week! (Is it October yet?) Question: there is a new Ralph Lauren scent at my local Pharmaprix called Woman. It is a tuberose and–if I remember at all–maaaaybe a redo of Notorious. Does anyone know anything about it? I cannot find it on their site. Stay cool, everyone.
I know nothing about the Ralph Lauren perfume but wanted to compliment you – you REEK!
Don’t I just! Thank you for lending a… nose. Very odd about the RL.
SotD = Oscar from an old, old bottle
I don’t wear this often, it has gone off slightly, but it is still pretty enough and worthy of love. A new bottle of L’Heure Bleue edt is the perfect stand in.
The USPS issued a commemorative stamp set for Oscar de la Renta, it’s quite pretty, so I bought three sheets while at the post office last week. Now I must start writing letters again.
Would love to visit the Anne Frank house someday. Amsterdam is on my travel wishlist, along with Arnhem where my great-grandmother was born.
What pretty stamps!!
Agree! I’m putting pretty Oscar stamps on Father’s Day cards right now. 🙂
I wore the original Oscar de la Renta parfum last night. I’ve bought a few parfum minis and they’ve all been in great shape. Maybe I’ll wear the edt today. Thanks for the heads-up on the stamps – beautiful!
Yay for Oscar! I don’t buy stamps often but could not resist those. The current USA Philatelic catalog (free!) has a nice article and images of his work and the stamps.
My old Oscar bottle is a mostly full 50 ml edt I found on etsy, and clearly is a lifetime supply, lol. It’s in pretty good shape, just a whiff of hairspray on top, but if I ever run across any old stuff bottles I will sniff and snap them right up. I went through several full bottles of Oscar when I was perfume monogamous years ago and had so many minis of parfum, lotion, bath gel, powder, and what not from the perfume counter SA. I can’t believe I let them all go to years ago, mais c’est la vie.
…and use it to ,ail bill payment?
Umm that would be MAIL
ha ha, or “ail mail’
I hardly ever mail bills anymore, everything is paid online.
Monday, not so fun day.
NAJA! ????
My credit card is trembling in trepidation…
Deva, did you buy it?
No. But I want to.
And it’s going to sell out in a hot minute.????
Do you really think it will sell out?
Flopper, I think so based on the fact that LuckyScent says there are only “650 pieces worldwide.” ????
I may buy a large sample and split off 35 of the 50 mLs. Quick math with rounding: $30 for 5 mLs, shipped. Caveats: It’s on backorder and will ship late June. I will be too busy pre-vacation and won’t get around to working on it until August (when it’s too hot to mail perfume). All this to say if you can wait until September, do send me an email to express your interest. You can always back out. The first 4 people to email me can also choose a LuckyScent sample (no guarantees); I am reserving the 5th sample for myself. As per my practice, I will keep the bottle sealed until I am ready to split.
And U.S. only on the above
I’m afraid it will too – so I ordered it unsniffed. :-0
It is decidedly NOT hot here today (high in the low 60s) and I’m in Penhaligon’s Elixir. Spicy cozy woods are just the ticket right now.
I think Elixir plays well in the heat, too, actually! It goes gauzy, but that’s nice. Enjoy the coziness.
Yum. Still mad they discontinued that one.
Monday and drat is right! And very hot to boot. I’m in a sample of Parfums Delrae Coup de Foudre which is a perfectly nice fresh, citrusy rose(and almost faded away already) and smells very similar to Pacifica’s Persian Rose.
Had a lovely time at the pot-luck bday party despite the odd pot luck sign up. We emailed back and forth post party and she said her landlady who lives downstairs told her and her boyfriend to start looking for a new place to live. Apparently, she doesn’t like parties, or people for that matter, and it was such a quiet, tame group of adults. I felt really bad for her ???? The joys of renting.
whaaat…is the landlady can’t force them out for that reason!?!
His bronzed skin glistened with a combination of sweat, oil and anticipation……
Rippling muscles wafting a mixture of myrrh and elemi.
What is the delicious aroma?
Incensi Lorenzo Villoresi ? Or is it the sticky buns from the bakery ?
LOL. 😉
Triple strength coffee.
Feel the heat,
Pushing you to decide,
Feel the heat,
Burning you up,
Ready or not,
That would be ME !!!!
Carpe Diem. Peace.
Some like it hot, huh?
I’m wearing a home-made perfume oil from a SSS cocoa sandalwood sample, which is not sweet, and working fine, and a good few sprays from my la curie incendo sample, a great summer incense, pinon and desert. Not desperately hot here, but a bit of a slow start to this morning, all the same.
you smell wonderful
thank you! was it you who mentioned incendo on here? because I broke a long no-buy to get a couple of samples, including this one, but I love it
Over 90° here and I’m in one of my favorite summer scents–vintage White Shoulders
stay cool and you smell great
Just applied You or Someone Like You… too early to have a verdict, but the first 10 minutes are great.
Yesterday I tested Superstitious. I was SURE it was going to be a slam dunk for me. I tried it in the morning. Reapplied mid-day. And gave the final drops of my a sample a whirls in the late afternoon. It is a nope. Not listed in the notes–which sound right up my alley–I got something herbal/resin-like in the scent that was okay, but sort of put me off.
Oh, well, money saved. (Darn.)
I tried it and it wasn’t for me either.
Money saved
But Your or Someone Like You is fun. I haven’t sniffed Tommy in a billion years, and I bet next to each other they are not alike–but it sort of reminds me of a minty version of Tommy.
Anyone else tried it?
I tried both You and Not You and Superstitious and I didn’t like either of them.
Mr. Aparatchick is reading out by the pool as we speak, but then the heat doesn’t really bother him, lucky guy.
SOTD is Ava Luxe Johri, which is full of lovely fig, figgity, fig. A nice bright fig is one of my summer go-to’s.
JEALOUS of Mr. Aparatchick.
Like Waterdragon commented, we had the most wonderful time at Fumerie yesterday. At one point, there must have been 15 bottles in front of us. I was sorely tempted by the original Aedes de Venustas, but I already own the Hermes Rhubarb Ecarlate and really, how many rhubarb scents does one need? But the Hermes doesn’t last and I use many sprays, so when it’s gone I’ll get the AdV. I did buy Azemour, it’s perfect for summer. Waterdragon also shared her Luckyscent samples, Rose de Petra, and Arbole Arbole with me. We sniffed and laughed and talked about loads of things. It was a lovely day. Can’t wait to do it again next year.
It’s cool and overcast today, and I thought Azemour wouldn’t be at its best, so I am wearing DSH Oeillets Rouge. Note twins with Waterdragon and we didn’t even coordinate it!
Personally I don’t think there’s such a thing as too many rhubarb scents… 😉
What a cool day. Isn’t life funny – in a good way. Good old NST for bringing people together.
My brother was just asking me why I haven’t gone to visit them in Portland (Lake Oswego), forgetting of course that I was there last year for my niece’s wedding reception! In any case, I may visit for no occasion other than to have a perfumista meetup!
Yes, do! Marjorie Rose’s wedding and honeymoon should be completed soon, and SheriG, AnnE, and Ede are here too. Maybe Kpaint would come down from Seattle.
Went with Calyx today.
I think I got the most effusive compliment I’ve ever gotten on my perfume yesterday, from a cashier at Walgreen’s. I was wearing Bulgari Red Tea. I wrote down the name for her and told her where I got it, so I might’ve just gotten Fragrancenet a new customer. Wonder if they have finder’s fees.. 🙂
We would clean up big time if online fragrance sites had referral rewards! I constantly get requests from my credit card company asking me to refer a friend to get a big kickback, but I can’t do it, it makes me feel icky.
SOTD: Zoologist Macaque. I really like this one now that it’s hot. Which isn’t quite a consolation for it being so hot. (Only going to get hotter.)
Did you see that Byredo is doing some kind of Ikea collaboration?
Yes, posted about it Saturday! Or Friday, not sure.
Good – it’s such odd news, I’d have hated for it to go unremarked. 😉
Also wearing Macaque today! So far, not my favorite of the Zoologist scents. Maybe it’ll wear better when the weather warms up? (It’s a cool June day in Los Angeles, probably the last non-sweltering day for a while.)
I didn’t like it that much at first, either, but I like that it stays crisp in the heat.
Here’s Robin’s post, I’m an IKEA fan and I almost missed it! 🙂
Been wearing Nicolaï’s New York Intense. I had a headache this morning, so I went for a non-fussy go-to scent.
My other fragrances that I consider to be in this categories include Habit Rouge, Timbuktu, Guerlain Vetiver…
I’m a holdover from last week in Philosykos. High of “only” 94 today in the desert, which is downright tolerable. Also I skipped out on an hour or so of work this morning to go for a swim. Summer living . . .
You smell really great!
I’m attempting to play in the adult’s section of NST this week…by that I mean with the grownups , not the dark, seedy little room at the back of the store where perfume is sold in plain packaging to people who avoid eye contact. So, I’m testing the Waterdragon curated samples . PdN Maharanih. I should have done the grown up thing of checking the notes but I didn’t. At first there is quite a burst of lemon zest, but that quickly fades and the perfume spends a few minutes in sweet sugar ( a dry sugar, like sugar lumps) and then that quickly dissolves and the perfume softens, still fruity but centred ( balanced) with a warmth coming through. Kind of lush with floral …and then deeper and deeper, almost as if night is settling in at the fruit and flower market in a hot place. Still quite sugary,though.
wow that is some description!
It gets better as it dries down and warms up. After an hour it reminds me of sugary cinnamon spice (like speculaas) but with a hint of resin
THEN it goes a bit funky.
Like it best during the hour 2-4 period
ok, Am I the only one who gets 5 or 10 minutes of cat pee and then really nice spice?
You’re probably in a different hemisphere to me so perfumes unfold upside down and back to front
In vintage Boucheron today. I love it. I don’t know odd from bupkis, though; you’ll have to be the judge of that. 😉
Finished my sample of Rhubarbe Ecarlate, I think I need that 15 ml travel spray ASAP.
It’s filthy stinking hot where I am, too, and I LIKE summer weather. Just not with a 30-degree or so swing in temps to introduce it. Ah well, that just means it’s time for me to bring out the iced tea supplies.
SOTD = Derek Lam 10 Crosby Blackout, from the sample stash. It has a great black pepper note in the top notes. The rest of the scent, I’m not so sure about, though. It just is a lot less interesting after that initial blast.
Quick post from inside a car (I’m in the passenger seat!) – trying EB Florals Osmanthus Kingston today. Nice, but not required.
PSA for Jo Malone lovers – has a pick and spritz game right now that’s giving very generous prizes. It’s a digital version of the claw game, and I just won a 50ml botle of Orris and Sandalwood cologne. The catch (of course) is that you have to buy something to get the prize, but if you are thinking of a Jo Malone purchase, this is a good time to do it. (I’m not, so there’s still that Orris and Sandalwood waiting for some lucky perfumista.)
This is an amazing deal. Thanks for giving the heads-up!
It’s about 95° out now, with a whopping 9% humidity. As a desert native I consider it pleasantly warm; I’m enjoying it before the temperatures inevitably rise again. My SOTD–Ô de Lancôme, from offsite storage–is accompanying it all nicely.
I’m looking forward to finishing looking at everyone’s summer reading recommendations from the weekend. If your idea of ‘summer reading’ is nonfiction books on depressing/infuriating politics and Middle East history, I can recommend you a whole stack! ???? Otherwise, I highly recommend “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” for anyone who hasn’t yet read it. It’d been sitting on my shelf for several years, and I just finally got to it. It’s an excellent readable work of biography/science/ethics.
I was planning to check out my off-site storage today but it’s just started to snow.
What’s your perfume match for Henrietta Lacks – seems quite a challenge
I’ll think of your snow next Monday when it’s forecast to be 114 here! …I forgot about doing a fragrance match. I don’t remember any references to Henrietta wearing a perfume or having a scent that anyone associated with her, so I’m reluctant to impose a fragrance on a real person and her quite tragic story. I guess I would feel comfortable pairing the *book* with a lone tobacco note to recall the tobacco farming history of the Lacks family.
Is this the one whose DNA was used for a cancer cell marker? There are horror stories about modern doctors treating patients as if they are their science assets and deceiving family members as to the real reason for their interest in the case. Last evening, I was half listening to 20-20 and caught parts of a segment about developers of apps that stimulate users into a euphoric state and end up causing them to have difficulty stopping whatever they are doing on their electronic devices. The pitch of a ping signaling a text coming in elicits a Pavlovian response to check it right away… or the visual cue of flashing dots that lets you know that there’s an imminent text response, holding you hostage to your device. We are just a giant petri dish for a science experiment.
Yes, doctors took samples from her cervix and tumor–without her knowledge, let alone consent–to use in cancer research, and the cancer cells eventually became the ubiquitous cell culture line HeLa. …Even today, once a sample is taken for biopsy or whatnot, it ceases to be your property, which is…interesting to think about.
Strangely, knowing that this is still common practice makes me feel kind of better. I haven’t read the book, mostly because I didn’t want depressing nonfiction on top of all the other depressing real-life things, but I’d always assumed Lacks’s race played a big role in this lack of consent. If this is common practice, maybe race was much less of a factor than I thought?
No, your initial assumption was correct: it was an important factor throughout the Lackses’ story. In the case of the tissue sample, it was apparently common practice for the doctors at Johns Hopkins to use the patients in the public wards (most of whom, like Henrietta, were African American) for their research without the patients’ knowledge or consent.
A pox on the weather! 90s and humid; at least I did not feel the hot wind blowing. And I HATE sitting next to people who wears sleeveless tops which is why InalwYs end up wearing a 3/4 sleeved shirt.
SOTD = Prada Infusion de Rose
The only thing odd about this is this is the 2nd day in a row I am wearing this – I usually reserve the honor to Chanel No. 19 EDP.
I ended up not mailing any freebies out last weekend. I will try this coming weekend which will hopefully not be as hot!
Stay cool everyone!
Is that the 2017 Infusion de Rose? (Or is that not released yet?) It looks nice from the listed notes on Fragrantica.
Amen: a pox on humid heat! Stay cool!
Hermes Jardin Mediterranean. Planning a 15 ml 4 pack of Jardins Toit, Nil, Mediterranean & Eau des Merveilles.
Squeee want.
That’s a good idea
Wearing Shalimar – the Mexique version courtesy of Sapphire. I needed something comforting and fantastic as I was woken up at 3:30 am by coyotes howling..even the babies were yipping. After they settled down then the robins started chirping. It’s hard to get mad at the robins as they are just so cheerful. But guys, keep it down until after I get up please.
I closed the bedroom windows but by that time I was too awake so there was no more sleep to be had; I got up and exercised a bit before work. Just exhausted now!
I haven’t smelled that particular flanker, but I’m sure you smell great! I mean, it’s Shalimar, so it’s gotta be good.
The yipping from coyotes always amuses me…although it’s so quiet at night where I live, that any sound they make can be really startling if it’s in the dead-middle of the night.