Happy Almost-Friday! What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm wearing Aedes de Venustas Oeillet Bengale, by perfumer Rodrigo Flores-Roux. I'd forgotten how much I love this one.
Reminder: on 3/17, wear a perfume by Rodrigo Flores-Roux, if you have one.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is Carnation Circle [background extended] by Parée at flickr; some rights reserved.
Wearing DK Black Cashmere. What an incense beauty for a very cold day.
Scent twins! You smell fabulous.
We are having an uncharacteristically cool day here in Miami, so I decided to break it out.
???? Enjoy it!
Scent triplet! What a pity I found a sample of this after it was discontinued. 🙁 It’s gorgeous.
SOTD Guerlain Mon Precieux Nectar inspired by meredifay SOTD yesterday.
Coffee French press…a red lippy this morning: Candy Apple by Revlon
Have a fragrant day ahead
I’m also in Revlon today: Rich Girl Red.
Is Candy Apple one of the lip butters? I wish Revlon hadn’t discontinued those!
Yes! Pink Truffle is also a good color in the lip butter.
I will check out your rick girl red!!
rich not rick sorry..fat fingers
I see some swatches online..looks similar to candy apple. Thanks!
I’m a Pink Truffle fan, too!
Hwy Twin! I am wearing MPN today as well. I was also inspired by meredifay.
My lippy is Loreal Color Rich 580 Peony Pink. 580 is perfect for my coloring so I wear ot often.
Hey Twin! You smell fab!
I will have to look for that color
I tried Mon Guerlain again yesterday and really liked it. But I don’t get citrus, just lavender. I reckon an apple / lavender combination could be good.
SOTD is Keiko Mecheri Ume by Rodrigo Flores-Roux. A fizzy, slightly spicy plum. Very nice.
The funny thing is some people on Fragrantica marked it as similar to John Varvatos for women which I wore on Tuesday and disliked immensely. Apart from the fact they are made by the same perfumer and built around plum, I notice no similarity.
My Jungle Elephant for today was inspired by your wearing of it a few days ago, Glannys.
I’ve always been curious about KM Ume and will eventually get around to sampling it. Nice to know that you like it.
Glad to have inspired you to wear Jungle Elephant. It’s an excellent perfume. It often happens to me too: I read the comments, see that someone is wearing a scent I have and like, and wear it a few days later.
Love your description- off to read about that!
Ume is a lovely scent.
I cracked open a sample of Hiram Green Moon Bloom. Holy cow, yall.
I know – isn’t it lovely ??
Yes indeedy! I might wear that tomorrow…
I’ve been going on and on about it 🙂
That one sounds wonderful, in fact HG sounds like an amazing house, can’t believe I still haven’t tried any of them yet!, Dillatante sounds lovely too.
I’m obsessed with Moon Bloom, but oddly haven’t really cared for anything else from HG. Arbole Arbole was pure head-shop Nag Champa on me.
Aww yeah! Hurray for moon bloom. 🙂
I’m a dissenter; I did not really like this. I’m coming to think I do like tuberose in perfume, but really do not like jasmine, at least in perfumes. Out in the world I love it. It is now spring here in Houston and it’s beginning to bloom in great masses along fences so that it will waft into the car as I drive along. Mmmm!
It’s hard to find a perfume that captures that exact smell. It is heavenly!
Black Cashmere, day two.
No triple strength coffee today?
Always, but my poll numbers indicate I’ve become a bit predictable.
How can you miss me if I never go away?
Carpe Diem. Peace.
Predictable in a Box of Eels sort of way, i.e. a very good way!
Never go away, Bear! *leans in for a sniff*
I totally agree!! Bear smells of coffee, good EdPs, and a hint of shoveled snow! Mmmmmmmmmmm 🙂
Aw, shucks !
Thanks y’all (being from Philly environs I should actually say: yous guys).
Thanks yous guys !
Tried your SOTD for the first time today. Now I see what all the fuss is about… good stuff!
Dame Perfume New Musc Oil – This really is something special on my skin. Musk and plum and citrus.
I was also wearing a Dame today! 🙂
Nice brand. Good service and very reasonable prices. I received a load of samples with my order, I think New Musc is among them. The one I tried today was nice…while it lasted (see below)
I’ve really liked some of his scents. Black Mexican Flower is very nice- I just wish it lasted longer.
The musk lasts really well on me.
I applied 7 hours ago, and I can still smell it easily.
Granted, I do have skin that grabs and holds scent.
I tried a sample from Dame perfumery this morning.
Passion fruit – orange blossom – vetiver
Fresh and sparkling. Pretty and polite. But it lacks personality. Very low sillage and poor longevity.
I poured half the vial on my wrists and neck. After an hour I had to put my nose om my skin to smell it.
Too bad, could’ve been a nice no brainer for spring.
I dabbed this. Maybe spraying brings a different experience. I really need to stock up on empty spray sample vials.
I had the same experience with that one. I used the entire sample vial in onr day because it disappeared so fast. It was refreshing while it lasted.
Not a ‘Scent of the day’, but a Scent of the hour! 😉
I’ll dissent, this is one of my favorite summer perfumes. It lasts several hours on me, and I don’t mind re-applying something this fun 🙂
Lucky you!
I liked it a lot, I am on the hunt for a office friendly spring scent. But my skin is not co-operating, I could hardly get/smell the vetiver.
Do you have spray bottle?
I guess that might help to give it more staying power.
Robin, just followed the link to your review of Oeillet Bengale, and it sounds divine. Onto my must-try-immediately list it goes.
SotD: Cuir de Russie
Love Cuir de Russie! Now wishing I was wearing it.
Isn’t it funny how that happens? I sometimes regret not waiting to put on my perfume until I see what catches my attention on NST.
The whole Aedes line is really worth trying, esp. if you love incense.
I just noticed yesterday that there is a new (UK) sampling website, the one I’ve used before didn’t carry Aedes, but this one does, so I may order a sample of this one as well Iris Nazerena, which I loved when I sampled it in Liberty with SophieC last year.
Spill the beans, mayfly! :^)
the website is called perfumesamplesuk
I’m not sure it is new, but it’s never come up in my searches before, there’s another one that I’ve just noticed before called perfumista.co.uk
as well, that one doesn’t stock Aedes, and the first one I mentioned only has Iris Nazerena at the moment. Delivery is free on all orders, with free samples every £10 you spend!
Do you know if they ship to Canada from their site? It said they shipped samples only within U.S., but didn’t say anything about the discovery set.
I don’t know that any place in Canada sells the line, and you’d have to ask them if they ship to Canada. I am returning to Montreal early April and would be happy to bring it back for you if you want.
You smell great, of course.
Of course! 🙂 (and thank you!)
You smell gorgeous!
Thanks! It’s one of my great loves.
Is that the one with rhubarb? I get them mixed up.
After reading several comments about this perfume, I went into Kuhl-Linscomb today and sprayed some on. You’re right, it’s beautiful. And it’s not the rhubarb one. Others may be interested to know that it is now on sale for 30% off at Kuhl-Linscomb (no affiliation). They had two bottles when I was there. They may be discontinuing the line. They had one other one too, but I confess I did not notice its name. I am sure they would ship it to someone who wanted to order it, they are a very nice store. (Kuhn-Linscomb in Houston)
Wearing Geranium Pour Monsieur as it was in my sample jar as I was looking for one for Friday. Masculine but I tend to like scents that tend that way anyway. So many have wood notes which I love so maybe that is it.
This one of the neglected FMs around here, but I love it!
Wearing Atelier Cologne Trefle Pur for a big phone meeting this morning- the clover note makes me associate it with good luck! Sending lucky vibes to anyone else who could use ’em today!
And back atcha! 🙂
Wearing Cuir Fetiche by Maitre Parfumeur et Gantier. Thank you for the inspiration on the house–I think it was nozknoz who wore something of theirs yesterday. If it was someone else, sorry for forgetting your name!
You smell great.
I can’t take credit but agree this house deserves more attention. I think people underestimated MPG because of the bottles.
It was I 😉 . Cuir Fétiche is another gem. MPG has done some really good scents.
When I first looked at the photo above, I thought it was yet another picture of the “world-famous” shrimp cocktail at St. Elmo’s in Indianapolis. I’ve been seeing lots of those pictures reading tournament coverage.
Oops! 😀
Still pretty strongly wafting the Shalimar Madagascar from yesterday! Gorgeous drydown, not nearly as smokey as regular Shalimar.
Whereas I have been reading very little tournament coverage and indeed have no idea what tournament you are talking about. But I’m up for shrimp cocktail!
Ha! You just said what I was thinking.
Same, same! But I’ll place my bets on car racing since it’s Indianapolis, or college basketball since it’s March.
NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament aka March Madness! My absolute, bar none, favorite time of the year!
SMH at you all … 😉
Oh THAT. Right. Husband firmly attached to couch for HOURS. If I’d known there was shrimp cocktail involved I might have paid more attention.
LOL! And from the pix they use ginormous shrimp.
Fancy shrimp sounds more like it belongs at tennis matches!
There’s only one thing it means when people say “the tournament”. March Madness baby! NCAA men’s basketball. Big deal in our house. First time Northwestern has made it, and my home town team, St Mary’s, is in it again.
I’m a U. K. Wildcat fan, but a lot of people around here are sentimentally cheering for Northwestern – also Wildcats!
(p.s. I love your Vitale, “baby”!)
Exactly! Another Wildcats fan here–except I’m for the red-and-blue ones.????
Let’s all meet in the Final Four. 😉
Evidently the sauce is really hot – they sell it on-line.
Delrae Amoureuse. It has been a while since I last wore this, still as wonderful as ever.
Oh, my, yes. Amoureuse is divine. She is the ultimate diva in my book!
Oeillet Bengale! Love that one, and I too have gone too long since wearing it.
I’m wearing L’Air du Desert Marocain. Heading out on 18 hours of travel, and need something that will last…
I keep meaning to try l’Air du Desert Marocain, and even got a sample *somewhere*. It’s lost inside one of my sample piles :O
18 hours! Oh blessings of comfort and a good book to distract you on your trip! Hope you have a good one.
You smell fantastic.
Wearing Dame Orange Flower.
I didn’the know he did an orange blossom! Trotting off to check it out…
How do you like it? I am pondering some of the soliflore samples and that is a contender.
Oeillet Bengale is now on my test list 🙂 I loved the two Aedes I tried- the original, and Iris Nazarena. I need at least decants of both.
SOTD Le Labo Iris 39. I find it comfy yet still interesting, perfect for a work from home day!
I am still waiting for Aedes to introduce mixed-scent travel trios! But might be a very long wait 😉
They do have discovery trios (10ml each) at Aedes direct, NET-A-PORTER, Barneys, and maybe other retailers. The current set is Iris Nazarena, Oeillet Bengale and Copal Azur.
Right, but I want to pick my own!
Hermes has spoiled you. 😉
You smell lovely!
I wish I still had some Oeillet Bengale. Maybe I’ll spring for another sample, larger this time.
ATM, am scented only with Rose Delight body oil. Yum.
I love that body oil. Elisa P gets an enabler pin from me
Wound up in Parfum Sacre, once the Rose Delight backed off a little. Not even a tiny little bit sorry, either.
SOTD = Lalique Le Parfum, from a generous decant! This is another pretty but too mild for me perfume. However, it is cold in my office today. Maybe this will do better, with it’s citrusy top notes, when the weather warms up. I keep wanting to find a Lalique perfume I love, just because I like saying “Lalique”, it sort of flows off the tongue, and I want to be able to say, “Oh, it’s Lalique” when someone asks me what I have on. I know, it doesn’t take much to keep me entertained….
Haha! I relate to that. A couple of weeks ago, someone brought up Asphalt Rainbow, and although I still haven’t tried it, I want to love it just so I can say, “Asphalt Rainbow” when someone asks what I’m wearing.
Thats why I want to wear Fat electrician to a family gathering! Or some other event where I have to hug lots of people! So when they say, you smell weird/good/bad/or whatever they think, I can say “that’s fat electrician”.
Haha! That’s a good one. I don’t know about the scent because I haven’t tried it, but yes, for sure telling people you’re wearing Fat Electrician would be thrilling, especially family.
I think its a very nice scent actually! A creamy balsamic vetiver.
Could turn into a purchase one day. I love vetivers.
How about being in a giant flooring warehouse and the salesman asking about my scent (which was Fredric Malle Dans Tes Bras)? I could have been speaking in tongues.
I love that one and “Lalique” does sound nice. No harsh consonants anywhere!
There will be a bottle of Lalique “Le Baiser” in my swapmeet list on Saturday…
I totally understand. It’s the little things that keep me entertained.
I am wearing Chanel Boy, I am starting to love this one a lot, it is tempting me but I have to stay strong and not buy any new bottles.
Oh I love this one too! good luck resisting temptation 🙂
Staring down the barrel of a 14-hour work day with 31 Rue Cambon as fortification.
Oh, boy. Good luck. You smell fantastic!
Joy and strength to you!
You will survive. 31 Rue Cambon is perfect for those rough days. You smell great!
I had days like that- and still do! Chin up, soldier! You smell great!
Courage, as the French say! You’ll be invincible in this perfume.
Yuck. Hope it goes fast! And you smell fab ????
Good luck. Hope you can sleep afterwards! You smell beautiful!
You smell fabulous. “Just keep swimming!”
Without personal scent today as I’ve been reading reviews of Spring scents and lemming Chamade. Weather flipping crazily and everything in bloom – and it’s snowing!-But it’ll be 60 tomorrow! Must be Spring. ????
I tried Chamade years ago and remember loving the scent progression.and how like ‘golden Spring’ it smelled to me. Don’t know why I didn’t buy but I want to try it again and see what I think now. The reviews sound lovely.
Raspberry/ blueberry oatmeal with honey here and double strong sinless pastry coffee – with skim milk.- gotta find a way to loose a few lbs.
Man rapberry oatmeal smells good with coffee!
Happy day y’all!
Your breakfast sounds YUMMY! A lovely way to reduce and get ready for the day.
Happy day to you!
Guerlain Ylang & Vanille for me today. So soft and comfortable.
Mmmm that sounds very appealing today….
that sounds like a good pair! enjoy
Testing my sample of Alien Our Majestueux. I really like it. I feel like I layered Mad Madame over Alien Absolue. It’s from a dabber, so I don’t smell like I’m crazy. I would like it better sprayed, I think. I also think I would like it better if I hadn’t read some negative reviews. I’m going to just put them out of my mind and enjoy it.
Yes, enjoy it! Perfume is an expression of individuality which is a valuable commodity these days. Reviews are great but not if they channel taste and create fear of being different, I think.
Your so right!, I used to never care what people thought of my perfume. It’s kind of strange if I read comments on places like Fragrantica, most of the time I’m thinking “are we smelling the same thing?” I have to start trusting my own nose again.
That actually sounds amazing- I haven’t smelled the perfume, but I’m sure you smell beautiful.
Thanks, the more I smell it, the more I know i would love it if I sprayed it.
Thierry Mugler deserves a lot of credit for keeping perfume interesting.
Robin, I’ll join you in carnations! My last find from the previous wewkend: a full vintage bottle of Bellodgia parfum. Only 1/4 oz, but the bottle has definitely only hardly touched. Smells like a dream.
I was excited by the Coco I found by reputation, but Bellodgia was one of the first vintage perfumes I tried ten years ago. I absolutely love it.
You remind me I got a decant of this. I need to give it a spin…
It’s creamy carnation heaven!
OMG. What a find, that’s amazing!
I think I cashed in all my perfume karma last weekend because I have been very lucky!
It was an unassuming bottle, too, a purse mini without the spray. I actually mistook it for some Avon. Imagine my shock when I saw “Bellodgia” on the bottom sticker!
I’ll bet you had a smile on your face when you read the sticker 🙂
Bellodgia is beautiful!
I was annoying my boyfriend, that’s for sure. Just kept saying, “I can’t believe it.”
What a great find. Carnations rule.
They do, perfumes or otherwise. They have kind of a bad rep as flowers but they remind me of that famous The Avengers opening with Mrs. Peel.
LOVE carnations.
Wow, you really did score! Enjoy!
You definitely found some fabulous goodies!
That’s freakin’ fantastic!
Good morning from WINTRY Atlanta!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
Trying out Phlur’s Olmsted and Vaux today. LOVE this one! I’m really leaning towards more masculine/unisex scents lately….
In a haze of Bois des Iles today (thank you, lizbee). It’s cozy and comforting on this cold morning. Dreaming of warmer weather…
I am wearing Bois de Iles from a sample and not sure whether I will need a full bottle or not…
I recently finished a sample of extrait, and now I’m sure that I want it 🙁
We smell great!
You smell wonderful.
You smell amazing!
I have tried the parfum and the EdP and while I loved both, I drool over the parfum. I think it’s my first Chanel love.
Good morning! Thursday!
SOTD: Chanel Eau Premiere over homemade rose/jasmine oil. Perfect after a stretch + shower very early this morning!
Breakfast is coffee, raw veggies with dip and a boiled egg- such is the new regime. Actually not bad and don’t really miss having croissants or biscuits in the morning all that much.
You smell great!
I love savoury breakfasts and am very annoyed if I have to go for a croissant simply because I’ve been bad at planning my day/just slept too long. It’s one of those stupid situations where I would actually love the healthier option but am unable to execute. The afternoon coffee and biscuit are a different story all together.
Thank you! I love this combo for coming into spring!
Because of the new regime I have been trying out different breakfasts and trying have them prepared in batches. So I have yogurt, boiled eggs, raw cut up vegetables and dip ready to grab and go from the refrigerator, and a bowl of fruit for when I need a pick me up in the mid morning.
Coffee/tea in afternoon with a shortbread cookie is non negotiable! 🙂
In admiration of your dedicated planning. One of these days I’ll get my act together.
To tell the truth, my health has improved quite a bit with this regime- no more bloating, no gas, no pains. Plus i am saving a bit of money in the mornings by laying everything out in the fridge and setting up the coffee maker the night before.
So with you. I have resorted to powered protein shakes most mornings, which is not terrible but certainly not satisfying. The whole “preparation” concept is just not happening for me.
I love baby spinach leaves and fat-free Catalina dressing.
Had it as a mid-morning snack.
I really like million ingredient salads, but not if I’m preparing them.
I’m wearing relaxed navy pinstripe trousers, a fitted pale grey polo neck sweater, silver loafers and Chanel Eau de Cologne.
I should wear Arquiste Boutonniere tomorrow, one of my all time favourites, but I just cannot find the bottle…
Another day of Chanel inspiration! I live EdC and your outfit.
Look and smell lovely!
Very sunny today and the snow is blinding this morning! I’m wearing No 22 edt to match.
Lucky you….snow!!! And perfume!!!
Perfume, yes, very lucky! City snow isn’t all that pretty after it’s done falling-this was more of a mixed snow/sleet storm. Today it’s dirty frozen piles ????
Scent twins, Robin!
I drained my sample of Oeillet Bengale. I think I can see flowers popping up under the snow 😉 .
Hey twin!
I’ve been thinking a lot about men’s fragrances recently. I alternate between being deeply intrigued by the challenge and wanting never to think about this again because it’s so frustrating. Huge swathes of masculine fragrances are just unbearable, especially the “sport” contingent, and don’t get me started on spiky woods or those sandpapery pepper notes. A major hurdle is that men can be so very afraid of standing out in the wrong way with something like fragrance.
On the plus side, of course, are leathers, vetivers, and even incense. But right now I’m trying to think of something that will work in the DC area’s hot, humid summers. Mugler Cologne or one of Hermes’s Eaux would seem to be a universal recommendations, but I am also trying to come up with something that’s not citrus. I feel like there must be many fragrances that I dismissed as “meh!” without really registering them (or didn’t even try because that was the reviewer’s assessment) that would work.
I think my holy grail would be something like Apres l’Ondee, TDC Osmanthus, or SL Iris Silver Mist, but very dry and a bit flinty. I’m afraid everything like that has been poisoned with white musk these days. (I think I even detect white musk in the latest version of Guerlain Vetiver – the horror!)
Any ideas and recommendations are welcome!
What do you think of Terre d’Hermes? It does have a citrus thing going on, but also a flinty thing…
I almost like Td’H because of that flinty thing, but there’s something in it that I find harsh. I keep thinking the basic idea could be done more subtly. Nonetheless, I’ve never smelled it on a guy, and one of the other challenges for me of thinking about this topic is that men’s skins sometimes tame strong scents.
I.e., you’re right that it’s worth a try.
Oh yes, that’s a great one, I’m getting a bottle for my husband’s birthday in May.
Terre d’Hermes Eau Tres Fraiche is one of my favorite colognes, but it does have a strong citrus note (plus cumin). Might be worth a try, though.
TdH and Cartier Declaration are my two “professional” scents I wear as a woman – I love them!
Also, l’Attessa is a great iris and drier, to my nose, than ISM.
That’s an interesting idea – I have a sample somewhere.
How about Atelier Cologne line? Not all of them have prominent citrus – Oolong Infini, Trefle Pur, Bois Blonds, Vetiver Fatale, all Metals collection and more.
Good idea, I should look at those again. I remember Lucas likes this line a lot, too.
I might have bought Rose Anonyme if I didn’t already have BK Rose Oud.
This isn’t flinty, but Voleur de Roses works for me in the Ky. humidity of summer. It’s dry and herbal and always reads damp and cold on my skin. I literally can’t wear it on cool, rainy days, but like I said, that’s just what I want in the heat.
Interesting idea. I’m sure there’s a rose somewhere that would really work. You’re vetiver cologne had quite a lot of rose up front. I was afraid my friend might have a knee-jerk reaction that it was feminine, but it worked.
I actually get no rose from this one – the thief stole them! 🙂
Also, if I can figure out what would read as “flinty” I’d be happy to blend something again.
Do you like oud? I actually like it more in hot weather, and there are lots (really too many) of options. I particularly enjoy L’A’s al Oudh.
Now that you mention it, I’m really curious to smell Al Oudh on a guy.
I like that one. And L’eau l’ambre extreme
How about one of the Astier de Villatte scents that Kevin liked. Some of those sounded good.
Yes, good idea, Kanuka!
Or Bracken! Please try Bracken and report back
I know you said ‘not citrus’ BUT BUT BUT HOLD ON:
Tom Ford Grey Vetiver is amazing in the heat. It has a crispness of white starched linens shirts but has the sensual grounding of vetiver. You should try that!
You’re right, I actually gave a sample of that to a guy who really likes it. Mr. Ford is rich for a reason! Is there anything else from that line that you would recommend?
What about Dame Herb Man? It does have bergamot but citrus isn’t the focal point.
Good idea, I keep forgetting to order more Dame samples. And bergamot seems drier that other citrus.
Speaking as an aromatherapist, lemon and lime are both drier than bergamot. Maybe some of the “gin and tonic” fragrances would work.
Also meant to add earlier, Dzongkha is really dusty and flinty on my skin, but I’m sure you either have it or have tried it.
I’m also thinking that the right fig would work. Which one is the driest/flintiest?
Hmm. Le Labo The Noir perhaps? Fig, black tea, citrus (sorry). Or Rouge Bunny Rouge Incantation? Fig, blackcurrant, mint, spices, vetiver. All the RBR scents have an ‘icy’ quality to me.
Delrae Mythique?
That’s an interesting idea, thanks!
I am firmly anti-musk-proliferation. We must form a musk-resistance front! 🙂
Such a good question. I read all the comments with great interest, especially Undina’s suggestion of the Atelier Colognes. Vanille Insensee and Mistral Patchouli also smell low/no musk to me. While I dearly love Orange Sanguine and Cedrat Enivrant there is something in their dry down that sometimes puts me off. I imagine it might be a subtle musk lurking there to help with longevity.
Has NST ever done a “let’s hear it for the boys” community project focusing on masculine fragrance? I was tempted to put quotes around the word “masculine,” but I will refrain. (oops! or not!)
That’s a good idea. I was also thinking specifically of best non-traditional choices for men, i.e., unisex or feminines that work for men. And maybe separate polls for what guys like to wear versus what was the best thing you ever smelled on a guy?
I will say that for my project of helping a couple of non-perfumista guys find fragrances, I feel that sometimes I have to think twice about a perfumista guy’s recommendations, because aficionados will wear or enjoy privately things that would scare a regular guy. Which I applaud, of course. 🙂
And publicly. 😉
Cinnamon and sugary with softly spoken lies, you never know just how you look through other people’s eyes.
Pepper! ✌????
Standing ovation for you, Bear!
Yes! Anything to do with fragrance + a masculine point of view would be fun.
Also, long live the Musk Resistance Front!
Hear! Hear!
Speaking of Maestro Rodrigo… Le Galion Cologne and Cologne Nocturne do have citrus but they’re quite nice. Way better than mallrat.
I purely loathe the lavender they so often use in men’s fragrances. Why is it so awful??
It is awful stuff, that fractionated lavender or whatever it is. The formerly-old-school Roger & Gallet use it now. R&G lavender used to be a lovely aromatic, but I guess they wanted to fit in with the crowd. Or perhaps the current version of lavender available from the aromachemical companies is all we’re going to get for now.
Also, have you sniffed the Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo line? I like Fico di Amalfi and Ginepro di Sardegna.
Well, there’s the Carons of course, which are cheap as chips. Ando some old favourites like Guerlain “Habit Rouge” and Robert Piguet “Knightsbridge”.
I successfully weaned my brother-in-law away from YSL L’Homme (blech!) by spraying him with L’Artisan’s Premier Figuier at Thanksgiving. It isn’t flinty, of course, but when he said he liked it, I promptly bought him a big bottle for Christmas. My sister reports that he wears it a lot — thank goodness!
SOTD Salome- the very last dribble. Give me strength! An entire morning taken up by inefficient systems, wrong passwords, complelety opaque online directions, waiting around for clarification emails that never come. Seriously, “automation” will be the death of us all. EGADS Batman! So frustrating and such a waste of time! And I’m OLD! I don’t have an endless supply of days ????
Thankfully I smell better than I feel.
I hear you. We have this new project management and time tracking software at work and it takes up SO much time that I’d much rather spend actually *working*!
Be strong – it’s getting worse! By 2020, as estimated, only about 20% of customer support will be done by humans, the rest will go to computers.
Wow, that depressing. I despise dealing with computers.
Must be something in the air then. Why is it when updates are done on a system that the IT gurus can’t think ahead and make sure everything works beforehand. Flew under the radar with L’Heure Exquise this morning and now wearing 8 sprays of Chanel No.19 EDT to clear my head.
Love “completely opaque instructions”; this simply sums up my last 2 weeks of learning some new assigned tasks. My trainer and I have since updated the instructions in case I get hit by a bus tomorrow and someone else takes over. Cheers everyone!
Dabbed on Jasmin Rouge from a generous sample given by a friendly and bored Tom Ford SA. I had a friend who saved up for a year for a bottle, so during that year we visited the TF counter frequently. It is beautiful.
Anyone in NYC going to the Sniffa Byredo thing on March 26? I registered.
I wish we had things like that here in Houston. If we do, I know nothing about it.
Twins! Wearing TF Jasmin Rouge lotion and perfume.
Was that an SA in NYC?! I quite like Jasmin Rouge.
I saw that email about the Byredo thing. Don’t think I’ll make it, though. I don’t do early well on Sunday.
I do also have a bit of a peeve about having to pay to essentially have them get you to go shopping in their shop. I suppose if it were a small indie brand, I’d feel differently. Anyway, that’s just my own nonsense.
I thought today’s image was a little cup of sliced salami topped with nori, and I was like, “WHAT is this week’s theme?!”
Resurfacing after a bad migraine with bonus vertigo that’s kept me under the weather for the last few days. Keeping it light in SMN Caprifoglio.
Oh thank you! Now I don’t feel so bad; I thought it was shrimp cocktail! 🙂
Blergh! Welcome back… hope the headache hangover is brief.
I thought it was salami too!!???? Hope you continue to feel better.
I thought today’s picture looked like a delicious smoothie. Guess there were a lot of hungry people today! I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better.
Yeah, I thought it was salami too. And it never occurred to me to think it an odd choice. I must be more tired than I thought! :^)
The theme: flowers that look like food 😉
I’m wearing L’Heure Bleue today, and drinking a cup of jasmine green tea.
You smell lovely and your tea does too!
Excellent, on both counts!
You smell fantastic!
Both sound marvelous.
Inspired by lizbee, I went to my reject box to look for Asphalt Rainbow, thinking I’d give it another whirl… nope. Must have given those samples away. But then I got curious about the other vials in the box… and came across Tokyomilk’s Dead Sexy (which has to be the WORST name evah!) and couldn’t recall it at all. So I tried a minuscule amount on my wrist. Yup. Vanilla car tree air freshener. Back into the reject pile it goes.
Now what?
Aww, bummer. It’s always a gamble to give away your rejects. On one hand, it makes sense to do so, but on the other hand, then they’re not there when you need them.
My first thought on seeing that picture was “Oooh, I want to eat that!” Hmm.
I used to “test” every fragrance by doing a full spritz and wearing it all day, but at some point I gathered too many samples to keep doing that. So now I test the ones I’m dubious about by spritzing my inner arm before I work out and then showering it off after said workout. Up today was Marc Jacob’s Decadence, which has put me in a foul mood. It’s one thing for a mainstream house to make yet another Sweet Tart-smelling confection, but to call it Decadence? Takes some nerve.
Off to shower and put on some Dzing to wash away these memories.
Ha! I saw the picture and thought that it was ice cream! Looked yummy to me. Ooppss!
I thought it was some kind of yogurt and fruit blend, with mint on top!
The Dzing will definitely override the meh memories.????
The Dzing is lovely! And this is maybe the last wearing it will get until fall, alas.
Joining Robin and a couple of others in Oeillet Bengale today. I love this one and the Aedes line in general. Sadly I still haven’t tried Cierge de Lune or Palissandre d’Or. My two faves from the line so far are the self titled and Copal Azur.
Wearing Kyoto today. It’s an incense day today. Was thinking of wearing De Profundis today but wasn’t really feeling it today.
Kyoto always works!
A Tale of Two 31 RCs…
Today I am comparing 2007 batch code 31 Rue Cambon EDT and 2015 batch code EDT.
If you hang out in the dark recesses of Fragrantica or Basenotes as I am wont to do, you know that 31 RC came out in 2007 and was doubtlessly reformulated a few times before the last EDTs were produced in 2015/early 2016 and it was totally revamped (some might say butchered) as an EDP in mid-2016.
Many commented that the original formula 31 RC EDT was magnificent so I set my mind to find some and, with some perseverance and luck, managed to secure a 2007 EDT batch code bottle from the Bay of Evil. (shhh…it’s not so evil and really a necessary evil but I digress)
-The 2007 EDT juice is darker than the 2015…just as the wise Basenotes oracles promised
-The 2007 EDT is stronger, spicier and focused on amber and powder…it almost smells a bit like Cinnabar(!) or Youth Dew(?) to me in the opening w/ the blast of amber spice and patchouli
-The 2015 EDT is lighter, more sparkling, more floral and focused on iris and citrus
-The 2007 EDT smells like an eau de parfum to me based on the strength and composition and the 2015 EDT smells like an EDT
They are both thoroughly lovely and, rest assured, I am quite sure I smelled the best at the preschool drop off this morning. 😉
I shall weigh in later on how they wear today.
In other news, the interview on Friday went well but the hiring manager is traveling this week and will have more interviews next week so I won’t have more feedback for a while. 🙁 There may be a second interview round as well. (I think lillyjo was kind enough to ask yesterday how it went. 🙂 )
Thanks for all the well wishes for my daughter…she is back in the fray today. 😉
“I am quite sure I smelled the best at the preschool drop off this morning.” Such is life. I have been the best smelling:
In the checkout line at Trader Joe’s
Donating books to the local Free Library
Filing a complaint with the city about a damaged road
Working in my home office on a large report
Chatting with the shade shop clerks about installation instructions
Smelling good is a civic duty, really
I couldn’t agree more. I always consider it as “performing a public service.”
Our way of shaping public scentiment?
Sorry. I could not help myself.
I will now go and sit in the corner with the other pun people.
Interesting. I’d like to smell some earlier EDT for science now because my 2016(?) EDT smells and wears like an EDP on me.
We need t-shirts that read “wears perfume for science.”
We need t-shirts that read “wears perfume for science.”
I can send you a bit of 2007 if you’d like. You can reach me at shera in socal (all one word) at the gmail.
You smell wonderful! I have the 2015 edt and love it.
I feel that if you sample something and love it, you really need to jump on it then rather than procrastinate, because it won’t be the same in two or three years. Unless that leads to a chance to get the old packaging at a discount, but that never happens with Chanel.
Agreed. I need to pick up Angel Muse soon for that very reason.
Further musings:
-They are both wearing well about 3 hours in now
-The 2007 EDT still has more amber and is a bit stronger
-Both are really stunning and I don’t find that one is *better* than the other thus far..they are just a bit different
Fear not…I will weigh in again before the day is through… 😉
Some of the difference may be attributed to what happens to fragrance oils after ten years rather than to reformulation (has 31RC been reformulated?). Generally the top notes will begin to deteriorate and the base notes will appear stronger. Nothing better than a really old vetiver or patchouli e.o.!
Yes, the differences could be due to the passage of time…even the color difference might be due to aging as well.
Final thoughts:
-About 6 hours in now they smell virtually identical
-Rappleyea has noted that many of the differences may be attributed to the passage of time and comparing a 10 year old fragrance to a 2 year one with the usual effects on the top notes, maceration, etc.
Verdict: They are more similar than many of the board threads might lead you to believe. The noted differences may be attributed to the aging process as well. They are both exceptionally beautiful and we can all lose no more sleep pondering the first and final 31 RC EDT formulas…oh…well…maybe that was just me… 😉
P.S. Someday I will compare the EDT to the EDP…so wait with bated breath until then…
Thanks for your dedication! 🙂
Testing L’Ombre dans l’Eau EDT again to see whether I should get the 30ml limited edition EDT with the new box or the 75ml EDP…
How is the comparison going?
Yes, I’m curious too! This is one of my favorites.
I can’t really tell much difference in notes between the two. The EDP is just a stronger version, the EDT becomes closer to skin much earlier than the EDP.
Wearing No. 19 edt today, layered with infusion d’iris, as my no.19 is running quite low. These two are lovely together, I think I got the idea from someone on here last year, and wore them together a lot last spring.
Wow! That combo sounds great. I need to try it asap.
I would think that combo would be very nice, yes. I also love No. 19 layered with a simple rose lotion.
And on its own, too. 🙂
Robin, you smell great! I remember I was the lucky recipient of a bottle of this in one of the NST drawings. I miss that perfume. It was great stuff and I never would have had the opportunity to try this one if it weren’t for NST. So, I thank you for that! 🙂
Well, I had a minor biopsy procedure done this morning, and we all know what that means……no perfume. Couldn’t do it. I felt naked.
So, I sprayed a little of Atelier Orange Sanguine on my shirt. It was just enough to satisfy my “scent needs” and not enough to send off any alarms.
Yuck (re: medical procedure)! Hope the biopsy results are boring as all heck.
Wishing you good results on the biopsy.
Yeurgh! “Biopsy” sounds very uncomfortable. I hope your results are good ones.
Hoping it’s a good outcome!
Good luck with the biopsy!
It’s sunny here today and I am celebrating by wearing Givenchy Amarige Mimosa Harvest. This one always makes me think of spring.
Inspired by MikasMinion’s SOTD yesterday, I’m testing Taklamakan for the third time today.
Do you like it? It’s one of the few vanillas I like. I like it better when it’s warm out for some reason.
I do!
In a bag on the floor at the back of my clothes cupboard I found Chalayan Airborne (Comme des Garcons). So there you are….very bright lemon, pumice, cologne and soap. When it dries down it smells a bit like powdered vim/ajax but lemon scented. It’s nice. I must have taken it away somewhere and not unlacked properly on return. It relates to the designer’s upbringing in Cyprus and his move to London.
Outside my window is a huge silver birch. At the moment all the seeds are falling and yesterday the sun was low, backlighting the tree so all the seeds glittered and shimmied like golden snowflakes…they filled the sky.
Beautiful! Your autumn is doing much better than ours in its overall organisation and preparation.
That sounds lovely. Before they transform into yellow flowers, the buds on creosotes are little white fuzz balls. At sunrise and sunset they look like fairy lights.
I just google imaged them and wow! Do the flowers smell ? Also there is an image of an arm with a large creosote tattoo
Actually, I wrote that backwards. The fuzzy balls are the fruit. No, unfortunately, the flowers don’t smell. The characteristic creosote smell after a rain is from the leaves.
I needed both fortitude coziness today, so I’m in Chanel Cuir de Russie and loving it, as always
Hi twin!
You smell heavenly.
It’s officially Tourney Time: this morning I saw my first Charles Barkley–Samuel L. Jackson–Spike Lee Capital One commercial! ????
SOTD is Dame Perfumery Mate, Heliotrope & Patchouli.
Have a wonderful day, all y’all.
Was it the airplane “I Will Survive” one? Aren’t those commercials great?!? Go Cats!!!
Gloria Gaynor FTW!
No, I haven’t seen that one yet! It was the one at the Phoenix airport. “Stranger danger, Chuck.” ????
I just saw Chuck and his clothing for all occasions layered under his track suit! I’m still laughing! 😀
I like the “snack hoodie,” too. 😀
I lost it when I saw that one. I have the strongest urge to try that…with popcorn or cheetos.
It sent me downstairs for a snack!
I just saw that a few minutes ago for the first time. These are all so funny!
Good morning, all. Autumn is beginning to think about making his plans to implement his arrival in the near mid-term. In other words, we have cool mornings, perfect, warm, cloudless afternoons, and OK nights, by which I mean sleepable temperatures. On this Project Friday, I should be wearing a Black Cashmere, but I somehow am not. Instead, I’m going to try J’ai Ose again, because some of my most successful blind buys –and not so blind–have been because of her reviews. After I scrubbed it anspd she praised it, I kept thinking she was far more likely to be right than I am, and I’m working at home, so there’s no one to horrify except me if I really hate it again. Righty tighty…any minute now, I ‘ll spray it. Or, you know what, I probably should wait until the dear man has left the house. Later, then. In the meantime, something else, maybe….I will report back on my J’ai Osee experiment.
Sorry, I seem to have rudely left out Angela’s name here! I was thinking hard about the the perfumes I have bought because of her writing, and somehow ended up saying “her reviews” instead of ” Angela’s reviews”. My apologies for the infelicitous expression– it was unintentional, I assure you.
I was just recently imagining the ‘Angela Effect’: Stockists around the world scratching their heads, trying to figure out why their J’ai Osé stores are suddenly being depleted.
I would be so curious about smelling that one again. Just back from a walk and all the spider webs are covered in dew and sparkling…so nice
SOTD L’eau d’Hiver. Does anyone have suggestions for something similar to LdH?
Possibly Heeley L’Amandière? I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m intrigued by what Persolaise has to say:
“L’Amandière is the missing link between Après L’Ondée and L’Eau D’Hiver. Or perhaps it’s one side of a triangle formed by all three scents. Either way, it functions beautifully as a musing on the twilit moment between the death of one season and the birth of another. Grassy notes peek through a layer of dew. The faintly sugary tang of linden blossom heralds a beam of vernal brightness. And of course, the almond note prevails, green, anisic, sharp, and as irresistible as a blush on a smiling face.”
Which also suggests that you should try Après L’Ondée, if you haven’t already.
L’amandier sounds wonderful, I will have to try it , and revisit Après L’ondée.
Interesting… Après L’Ondée has never worked for me for some reason, but I like L’Amandière a lot. It’s springy and green but avoids veering into air-freshener territory.
I have mixed feelings about Après L’Ondée, but I’d say it’s growing on me.
I recently tried a number of almond scents, L’Amandière being one of them. It’s a beautiful scent, well balanced mix of floral and almond, but sadly it’s gone in five minutes on me.
Such a disappointment.
The hunt goes on.
Paul & Joe Blanc, if they still make it.
I was browsing the list of Flores-Roux creations and realized that I don’t even have samples of most but I do have a small drugstore bottle of Halle Berry Pure Orchid. So I went for that. Robin’s review back in the day called it “purple floral perfume, reasonably priced” which is an apt description. Not a whole lot to say and gone before lunch so I can move on to something more interesting.
SOTD is Dior Homme.
Yummy Homme. 🙂
You smell mahhhhhvelous!
I have been wearing Agonist this week, settling for Nordic Noir for several days in a row. But today I’m in Arctic Jade. Think I dosed myself too heavily and am waiting for it to quiet down a bit. But it’s lovely for this kind of intermediate weather (springy but a bit gray and cool today in Houston): A nice combination of a bit of fruit with (a lot of) ylang yang and vanilla. It’s kind of calm and upbeat at the same time.
SotD = Chanel Eau de Cologne, the easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy perfect cologne.
I’ve done my own head in with headache. I suspect it’s due to sniffing Guerlain Insolence edt and Bulgari Black last evening. I like them enough to try again to find if one, both, or hopefully neither are to blame.
Wishing you all fragrant bliss today.
Oh, I hope neither perfume is the culprit!
Thank you, me too. I hope I just sniffed too much too fast. 😐
SOTD and Dior #4 is “Mitzah”.
Notes are coriander, rose, spices, cinnamon, labdanum, vanilla, honey, patchouli and incense.
The spice, rose and incense are nicely balanced in this one, and it’s very unisex. I don’t think I need it, though, as I have other similar perfumes already, or perfumes that use similar notes to better effect. Probably just a function of smelling the others first – in another universe, I own this one and am going to pass on Mistero or 03.Apr.1968. :^)
Oh those notes sound great…but isnt it discontinued? Then I probably will not hunt down a sample….
Discontinued, but I got a decant from Scent Samples in the UK. Or try the others I mentioned as you might like them – Cale Fragranze d’Autore “Mistero” or Rundholz “03.Apr.1968”, which I think I got as samples from Ausliebezumduft.de (and if not them, then from essenzanobile.de)
My SOTD is Terry de Gunzburg’s Ombre Mercure.
SOTD = DK Black Cashmere original, from the sample stash.
You smell good, Jalapeno !!!
Enjoy !
Thank you, I am!
We smell great! I always wonder why wonderful scents get discontinued. I spray it carefully to make it last ????
Grey vetiver is a great allround scent. A bit generic yes, but very well made. A crowd pleaser but not dull.
I wish more people would wear it instead of 1 million or cool water. 😉
Maybe I’m going to buy and wear it myself one day. Though some people say its soooo masculine (I am a woman, quite short/petite). Oh well, I bought Fahrenheit too, and then I read a few reviews saying its a scent for ‘real men’, hurdur, blahblah, zzzzz yawn.
I wish more folks would ignore the marketing 😉
Oh darn!!!
This was supposed to be a reply in nozknoz’s thread about masculine scents. I messed up, sorry 🙁
I found it, thank you!
Definitely get a vetiver! I think most vetivers are perfectly unisex and everyone should have at least one (unless they happen to hate the note). The one I wear the most is Annick Goutal Vetiver from circa 2009. (I haven’t tried the most recent version; I hope it’s still good.) In deep summer, I wear the icier Guerlain.
I find Tom Ford fragrances slightly blunt or opaque or something, but they are way more interesting than most of the mainstream options. BTW, if you decide on Grey Vetiver, check the discounters. The original concentration is showing up there now at a good price.
Sycomore and Encre Noire are the vetivers I have. But I could use a sweeter one and a fresher one to add to my collection. 🙂
I agree Tom Ford is not very refined, but I like his style. Well not everything of course.
But what I like in a TF-fragrance or a dress, when done right, is that combination of European chic with a bold American edge to it.
And yes the prices of his clothing line and the Privarte blends are ridiculous.
I once read an interview with tom Ford, he was offended when the journalist asked him if he had sweat pants (of course he did NOT have sweat pants). 😀 hahahaha
SOTD = Guerlain Mon Precieux Nectar
What can I say? Perfect year-round. Soft floral with almondy vanilla. Love! Those looking to buck a fragrance-free workplace, take note.
I can’t help it: “mon precieux” makes me picture Gollum with a bee bottle.???? Clearly not what Guerlain was after.
My Preciousssssssssss – named reserved for my bell jars 🙂
You smell wonderful. I enjoyed it all day long yesterday. It is subtle but long-lasting and just perfect.