Happy Monday and happy Holi! What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in the bergamot-heavy Hové Napoleon, thanks to a very kind reader. Despite my summery fragrance, it looks like winter is coming — we're expecting our first major snowstorm of 2017 to hit tonight. If no new posts appear tomorrow morning, assume my power is out.
Reminder: on 3/17, wear a perfume by Rodrigo Flores-Roux, if you have one.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: top image is CtWwYL [doubled] by Andres Rodriguez at flickr; some rights reserved.
Shah Rukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai...Soni Soni:
Happy Monday! Super sleeeeeepy today! I need to get adjusted to the time change. Drinking my 3rd cup of coffee and wearing my last drops of Lolita Lempika. This is one of the “oldies” I always enjoy, when I need an easy to wear gourmand. I will for sure get another bottle soon. Getting ready for the big blizzard coming our way. Spring… where are YOU????
In like a Lion! I don’t mind the snow..but I know I am in the minority
I hear you on this time change, it can be brutal. This was my weekend to work so when my alarm went off at 5:30 yesterday, it was 4:30 for my body. The moon was still in the sky on my drive into work. Ouch.
We celebrated Holi yesterday with the babies. My first time. The little ones had so much fun with the colors, rose petals and all the food.
SOTD sous le vent
Nude lipstick and my broken powder on the face ????
Oh that sounds like fun!
Robin-the babies watched the video you posted (mostly just listen to the music)..thanks!
Oh, but babies want to see the whole movie!
Happy Holi!
Mona di Orio Violette Fumee from a sample Wendy Sue generously included in the Splitmeet package. I am totally captivated by it!
My boss died last evening, and the weather reflects my mood, being dark and dank. I’m in Voleur de Roses.
Priscilla, I’m so sorry for you loss. We spend so much time with the folks at work; I think, sometimes, people forget how close we can get to them, and how important those relationships can be. Take care.
I am so sorry Priscilla. Sending you hugs.
So sorry to hear of your loss. Hope you have the comfort of friends and good memories.
That’s so well said. Condolences, Priscilla.
My condolences. So very sorry for your loss.
Oh, that is always so hard. So sorry!
My condolences, Priscilla.
I am so sorry for the loss.
I’m so sorry, Priscilla! We spend SO MUCH time with coworkers (sometimes more time than family in a given week!), so at least in my life, they are family!
Family not family. Strange, uncomfortable, sad day. Hope you get in a few laughs at memories and support from colleagues.
I’m so sorry for your loss
So very sorry for your loss.
That is awful news. So sorry about your boss. Sending comfort and virtual hugs to you.
So sorry for your loss, Priscilla.
Horrible. I am so sorry.
I’m sorry for your loss.
My condolences, Priscilla. Take care.
So very sorry.
Sending comforting thoughts your way during this difficult time.
I’m very sorry.
So sorry, look after yourself at this difficult time.
I’m sorry to read that, our work colleagues are such a big part of our daily lives.
Priscilla, I am very sorry for your loss.
What a horrible shock that must have been. So sorry.
My condolences to you and any coworkers affected by your boss’s passing.
Oh dear, I am so sorry. Sending you comforting thoughts.
My condolences. I can’t imagine what that must be like.
So sorry for your loss – what a shock!
I am wearing Pierre Balmain Ivoire (the “new” one, released in 2012). A pale green floral done right.
Beautiful stuff!!
That is a pretty one.
I’m wearing Jo Malone Garden Lilies – probably the least exciting one from the Bloomsbury collecton, but I quite like it. Aquatic and green and floral and a bit feeble.
I just finished reading her autobiography/memoir, and was disappointed in it. I’m looking less favorably at her perfumes now too.
Oh, really? Why’s that?
I read it too and wanted to write a 144 letter summary. That said, I admire her resolve and courage but despise her treatment of her family and quick dismissal of how she grew into who she is.
Come on Mother Nature!
Me snow-shoveling muscles are ready for YOU!
Cielo Napa Valley- figs, honey, and honeysuckle.
When spring arrives, I will savour it. But I will enjoy every day as if it is my last.
Carpe Diem. Peace.
Oh good then, we’ll see you here tomorrow morning. We’ll have triple-strength coffee brewed and ready 😉
Forgot about that, I’m@ Starbucks drinking a Venti BlackEye.
😉 See you tomorrow, Robin! 😀
Cheers! 😀
Hi Bear,
I was thinking of you yesterday morning. I had some annoying preparation work for meeting this week and just couldn’t get my groove. Usually I listen to the news to get myself in the zone, but nothing was working. So I pulled a page from your book and looked at my extremely neglected collection of CDs. Pulled out Annie Lennox’s Medusa and cranked it up. My younger son came to my office to see what was going on.
This is for you!:
Take me to the river, drop me in the water
Push me in the river, dip me in the water
Washing me down, washing me
Hug me, squeeze me, love me, tease me
Till I can’t, till I can’t, till I can’t take no more of it
Excellent Oakland Fresca!
Keep on rockin’ in the free world* !
*Maximum volume required.
I couldn’t help but hear Popeye’s voice in my head as I read your first post.
I grew up on Popeye cartoons and 3 Stooges shorts, Sally Starr Your Cowgirl was the host. Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck !!!!!
Givenchy Organza Indecence for a cold, rainy day.
Perfect choice!
I will be in Anima Dulcis later this morning.
Chiro appointment first, hopefully a goats milk latte second, AD third, then I will hit the Barnes & Noble for a little quiet time amongst the stacks.
Y’all have a great day.
Back to cozy perfumes for the winter resurgence! Wearing Omnia today.
Nothing to do with SOTD, but thought I’d flag up something happening at Somerset House over the summer – A Sensory Journey Through Contemporary Scent, billed as ‘ multi-sensory exhibition featuring ten extraordinary perfumes and their pioneering creators, who have radically changed our perceptions of fragrance over the last 20 years’. Looks like I’ll be going to London prior to my annual December visit, only problem I can foresee is if there’s an opportunity to purchase & I’m doing my usual carry-on luggage!
This sounds great, would be a good excuse to organise a London meet up for it!
Oh cool! I’ll be in London in June, when does the exhibit open?
Oh rats, the exhibit opens the day I leave London. Boo.
Good Morning…..We’ve landed on Monday again!
SOTD: ELdO Fils de Dieu. Easily in my top 3 perfumes of all time!
I have a new YouTube video up and running! I’m introducing the Perfume Grinch, and discussing what scents work in my office…..LOL! (I’m shamelessly promoting myself, to get my numbers up!) 🙂 I also need all the advice and constructive criticism I can get from you guys!
I’ll be watching this evening!
Happy Holi
Your shirt Tacocat reminded me of the phrase we use in our house when its time to cut our cat’s nails.
Lovely video, you are a natural.
Will watch tonight!
You smell great! I’m curious what else makes the cut in your top 3?
Great video btw, keep them coming!????
LOL! Well Fils de Dieu is one for sure. Poopoo Pidoo is definitely one, and I’ve finally saved up the funds to buy it this month.
The 3rd one is whatever is my favorite at the moment! LOL! All 3 are subject to being moved down the list when a new favorite hits my nose….
I just finished watching. Great job! I loved how you explained your love of the tobacco note in perfume.
Have you ever tried DSH Nourouz? Very nice tobacco note in it.
Oooh! Haven’t tried that one! (Grabs list to notate new one to try…) Thanks!!
Look forward to watching this evening!
Great video and I loved your story about the pipe tobacco . I like that you featured easy to find perfumes and I am curios to try the Marc Jacobs now.
Nice video! I feel very fortunate to have never worked in tight quarters with people who don’t like perfume. Every job I ever had I wore whatever I wanted and lots of it. I worked mostly with male engineers who seemed to enjoy having someone smelling nice in the office.
OMG your t-shirt! ???? I love the story about your daughter buying the Marc Jacobs–so sweet! I love the smell of tobacco, too. I always used to sniff my dad’s humidor.
I’m wearing the lovely TF Fleur de Chine today.
This is one of my most favorite perfumes in the line. You smell great!
SOTD on this snowy stormy day = the end of my nice decant of Malmaison. I love this so much, so much clovey, carnationy goodness. It must break several of the new rules. I must buy more before it disappears forever.
You SOTD sounds nice, although I haven’t tried it. More snow already? I hope your power was restored before the storm. I’ll be hunkering down tomorrow.
Yes, our power came on at 6:34 Saturday evening. That moment in time is seared on my brain! What a flood of relief! We are pretty well set up to live without power – turn the generator on, turn the generator off. Turn the generator on. Turn the generator off. Add gas to the generator. Turn the generator on. Etc. It just get old. Here we are without power, living in the woods, and all we can hear is the whine of our gasoline generator and the much deeper rumble of the neighbors propane powered generator. I have lived years of my life voluntarily without electricity, and it is possible to live that way quite comfortably. But our current place is not really set up for it, so there are many extra hassles. Glad it is over. I hope everyone in Michigan has their power restored today. Once ours came on, I stopped looking at the outage maps. 🙂
Ha, know what you mean. We have a humongo propane generator and a transfer switch so we can run the whole house off the generator, but 5 days without power earlier this month really taxed our nerves. Morning drill: go around the house flipping off breakers so all the high-draw stuff doesn’t start at once. Fire up generator. Slowly flip breakers back on, one by one. Fire up wood stove. Evening drill: stoke up the wood stove, turn on all the lanterns, shut off generator. In between, listen to the generator thrum all day and ponder how many days we can go with it pounding thru 35 gallons of propane a day, and when the roads are likely to re-open so the propane trucks can get thru again. Ack! Enough winter already!
There’s been a lot going on lately, so I haven’t been around much, but I’m hoping things get less stressful soon.
Wearing Olfactive Studio Close Up, which might be my favorite of the line. It’s sheer spice and cherry, but not too sweet or fruity. I’m not sure if I can wear this in warm weather, so I don’t know how practical a purchase this might be, but I’ve got my eye on it, just in case.
Nice to see you! I hope all’s well. I’ve been curious about Close Up but haven’t seen it in any of the usual stores that carry the line. Sounds good, though.
Hi Elebelle. I hope things start to calm down for you.
I am desperate to smell this stuff, but don’t see it available anywhere. Need to somehow get a sample. Hope things calm down for you asap!
Interesting BBC Travel article on the oud trade and Hong Kong:
Great article – thanks for posting!
Sheer luck – yahoo news brought it up!
It’s warm and not-snowy this week in Denver. I’m wearing DK Chaos.
Lucky you, on both counts!
So as I stomped around irritated and put out last night, gathering various pliers of all sizes, decant bottles, and towels… I was comforted by the knowledge that Monday morning I could vent and someone would know just how I felt.
It finally happened. I dropped a bottle of perfume and it landed on the sprayer, which snapped off, breaking the mechanism inside the sprayer, making it entirely useless. With careful planning and luck, I was able to wrestle the base of the mechanism off, and decant the 3/4 filled bottle into four empties. Towel, counter, and mostly me radiated gardenia… by I managed to salvage my Matin d’Orage.
Oh, my husband was concerned about the gash in our wood floor that occurred when the bottle landed. I’m like, what? Irrelevant!!
I plan to drag my sorry self to the gym this morning, so I am for now, apres la guerre, still radiating Matin d’Orage.
Here you go.
One of my nieces broke the spray mechanism of my Mom’s Halston in the’70s.
I thought, I can cut the metal collar and decant the juice.
First I have to pierce the metal.
Used an awl in my Father’s workshop.
The pressure shot the entire contents on the wood my Father stored on the ceiling.
I laughed for an hour, and my Father’s workshop smelled great for a year! !!
Halston-scented wooden planks in a workshop sounds fantastic!
It was !!
But I was so surprised by the perfume geyser !!
I was off balance last week..at least it wasn’t perfume I dropped.
I have done that before, Shalimar in the closet. Made the cat puke the smell was so strong. Had to quarantine the room for a few days with the windows wide open.
I wouldn’t pick up any weights at the gym if I were you.
made the cat puke–yikes!!
Ahh, poor Shalimar! And cat haha!
I had to laugh at your story about the Shalimar oops and the poor cat!
My cats HATE Shalimar. Weird! They are cute, but clearly have no taste.
I did the same thing with Mugler Angel Liquer de Parfum. A single can fill a room. Fall broke off one of the glass points of the star and out spilled ~ a tablespoon of contents. Sweet moley. The migraine that descended was so violent, I couldn’t even try to decant. My love turned into hate in an instant. Made me so sad. It’s beautiful stuff when not linked to a stomach-wretching memory, lol.
Irrelevant!! LOL!
Glad you were still able to salvage it!
Glad you saved it! I suppose better than the alternative of shattered glass and your home smelling like gardenias until next Spring. I don’t think he’d find that irrelevant 😉
Glad you were able to salvage it!
My sympathies, I have done it with Kai – also a gardenia bomb.
Good Morning Everyone! I am wearing a few sprays of the fragrance Figue by Molinard. I am having some further testing done this morning and cant wear fragrance, so I sprayed some on my shirt. It is actually chilly here this morning and I am loving it. I know it wont last long. Hope everyone enjoys their day.
You smell great! I wish I bought some when it was at Anthropologie back a year or so ago.
I got mine through Olfactiff.
I’m a lover of fig scents. This one was so well done.
We’re continuing with freezing temps so I went with Coromandel. Spring where are you?
Yes, Coromandel is great for freezing temps. I also love it in the rain.
I’m wearing Radio Bombay in honour of Holi, even though the Hindu segment of my family is on holiday in NYC. The scent may be a little sedate for the holiday, but it is cold and grey here. My daughter keeps texting me the names of perfume shops she is passing while sightseeing and I’m a little jealous, but seeing that she is travelling with her husband, her 1 year old and 3 year old, I can understand why she isn’t stopping in.
Aww! That is so nice of your daughter
Happy Holi
And also to you and yours.
How sweet is she!
Your daughter sounds lovely!
I won’t even pretend to be unbiased – I think so too. She is a clinical psychologist, got her PhD when her second child was 3 weeks old and just seems to be more evolved or something than the rest of us.
SOTD: Neroli Outrenoir
Ok, record broken.
Cannot, will not, believe this snow coming! No! Snow is allowed in Dec., Jan. and Feb., and that’s it. Arrgghh.
Jealous of your SOTD
Trying to get my hands on a decant of that
Have fun in the snow tomorrow
Oh, I have this one in the mail! Hit me up at the swap meet if you want a proper size decant- otherwise if you just want a ml or so I’ll just send you one sometime soonish- i’m tracyeobrien at gmail.com
Arghhh isn’t right! There needs to be rule enforcement. You smell great, though!
*IS right*
I recently heard someone comment that if there isn’t a penalty or punishment for breaking a rule, then there isn’t actually a rule. Interesting concept…
That makes perfect sense to me.
When I went to school in Wisconsin, it was not unusually to have a last dusting of snow in MAY.
Oh, I could not deal with snow in May. Kind of a nightmare.
My niece, who lives in Ottawa, told me that her HS planned an end-of-year canoe trip for June last year. It snowed.
There has been snow recorded on every calendar day of the year at some point somewhere in Canada. And in Montreal it generally snows through mid April.
Lol- I can attest to that! We can also have 80 degrees on St. Paddy’s day, so one never knows!
At an estate sale yesterday, I found my scent of the day: a full 100ml bottle of Coco EDP! You know it’s vintage when there isn’t a list of allergens. It smells phenomenal, though maybe not quite as great as original Fendi or original Opium.
It wasn’t even the best perfume buy I found yesterday but I’ll save that for later this week so I won’t seem obnoxious. Have a great Monday everyone!
Awesome find!!
Right? My hands were shaking when I saw it!
Hee hee! Fun!
Oh, what a treasure!! Congrats!
Thanks! I still can’t quite believe it.
Amazing find! Congratulations!
Thank you!
Wow! What a great find!
I have such wonderful childhood memories of OG Fendi.
I found a little bottle of OG Fendi and it really is a treasure. Shame Fendi is shameless.
😀 It is something! So beautiful and IN YOUR FACE.
Yay for vintage Coco! I will ignore your heresy about it not being as great as vintage Fendi or Opium. 😉 I have debated seeking out vintage Opium but haven’t yet. I have a fairly recent Opium EDT mini and it smells ok but I do wonder about the OG Opium. 😉
I don’t know where you live but Opium minis are like raindrops in my city’s antique stores. If Coco smolders, Opium erupts.
Congratulations on your bottle of the beautiful Coco!
I am eager to read about the rest of your perfumes buys 🙂
Watch this space! ????
I gasped with envy!!!!
What a great find!
Wow. Just… wow. Lucky you!
What a score! You smell great.
I would have been hyperventilating as I ran with it clutched to my chest to the cash register. Congrats and looking forward to hearing about the rest of the haul!
1) Not feeling the very best today, despite a warmish and partly sunny weekend! I think I have a spring cold, and also my now anticipated quarterly fatigue. The good thing is is that with the change in diet and exercise I am not feeling it as acutely as in previous years. Still, this is a good sign for a vacation.
2) In Chanel Eau Premiere over my homemade jasmine/neroli oil. Really subtly lovely.
3) OOTD: Flared cap sleeved navy blouse with an huge embroidered flower and slim nay pants. Sky high heels (don’t ask why) and slicked back hair.
Hope the ick passes quickly! The oil sounds really nice.
And you look adorable!
Thank you!
Wow, I’m on theme today and had no idea, wearing Black Cashmere, one of my all time favorites. Snowing like crazy here but it will be gone in a few days 🙂
Just ordered a decant of that. Hoping I enjoy it! I’m sure you smell fab!
SotD: Byredo Flowerhead. I was going to wear Amour Indian Holi, but I remembered that I don’t like it much as soon as I opened the sample. Luckily I remembered I had this in the ol’ sample box.
S(ip)otD: Harny All-India Blend. Gotta keep with the theme.
House twins in Gypsy Water.
Perfect choice!
Almost forgot perfume today! A little discombobulated from the cruel time change and had a rushed start to the day. Emergency purse sample stash to the rescue! I’m in HdP 1899 Ernest Hemingway. Delicious bright opening (love the citrus and juniper) followed by a cozy creamy spice. Perfect for today.
ooh! That sounds very cosy, actually!
Yes, that does sound good!
I haven’t tried any of that line. Have you tried many of them? I’ve noticed they have a sample set (I’m a sucker for a good sample set lol)…
Not the OP, but I bought the sample set Sephora sells, which is a great deal. Like Elisa, I am a fan of the Hemingway. I also liked 1725 Casanova. 2 out of 10 ain’t bad, especially for $18, which I bought during one of the bi-annual sales. I see they’re now offering a different selection for $20.
I’ve tried most of the standard line-up and own 15ml bottles of 1969 (peachy, chocolatey rose), Ambre 114, and 1740 Marquis de Sade which is dark immortelle/leather/patchouli. I really like today’s 1899 but will use up my sample before I decide if I need more. I also think the sample set is a really nice deal.
House twins!
Time change Monday. Yuck. But smelling great in 24 Faubourg.
You *do* smell great!
Byredo Gypsy Water today. This is my second wearing and the first time I just thought: meh. Today I am thinking, ooh, nice, the sandalwood is really coming through.
Speaking of Holi, my husband and I have gotten hooked on ‘Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown’ streaming on Netflix and I believe it is in the Myanmar (Burma) episode that he partakes in Holi. He travels to some really beautiful and fascinating places.
Love anything Anthony Bourdain!
Love Anthony Bourdain and also love Gypsy Water. You smell great. 🙂
Thank you!
I also like Gypsy Water (but not enough to buy it), and Anthony Bourdain. On Netflix, I have been enjoying his series, The Layover.
Yep, I think it’s “like,” not “love” for me too.
I will have to check out The Layover!
I love it enough to buy it EXCEPT that it just doesn’t seem to last on me. If I buy something, I want to be able to smell it at least until after lunchtime. 🙁
I was vascillating between Kulfi, Anima Dulcis and Infanta en Flor and thoughts of the latter led me to try Dilettante. Again. I very rarely test something multiple times in the hopes that I’ll end up liking it as much as I’d thought I would, cuz frankly I’m old and I’ll probably croak before I even get through all the samples I’ve accumulated. Either I didn’t spritz on enough, or I’m no longer expecting a bright, radiant orange blossom and am more open-minded, or whatevah, but I’m really liking it today.
LOL @ “I’m old and I’ll probably croak before I even get through all the samples I’ve accumulated.” 😉 I rarely re-test when my immediate reaction is “NO.” It provides an excuse to pass it along, and as much as I enjoy accumulating things, I like getting rid of them even more!
???? Ditto, and ditto!
It *is* strangely satisfying to get rid of stuff, right? Over the weekend I was debating whether I should just eliminate the entire “not sure” category. I’ve passed along the “no”, the “meh” and most of the “weird but interesting.” It’s the ones that have glimmers of greatness that I feel compelled to revisit.
Not looking forward to going into work today. Tomorrow is Pi Day and we are baking a bunch of pies to get ready for tomorrow. Can’t put all those pies out on the sales floor today. I’m still debating on if I should wear no 19 to give me some backbone or should I go with no 5. Both EDP’s because I like the EDP’s better.
Love Pi day. My former firm always had pies around.
Good luck with all the baking!
My three year old had a high fever last night so taking her to the doc today. 🙁
I will be trying out La Fille de Berlin later today compliments of Lovestosmellgood.
I hope your daughter feels better soon.
Hope your baby girls bounces back quickly…..kids are made of rubber! Hang in there Mom!
Let me know how you like LFdB! Its a beautiful rose
Its the worst when babies are not well, take care of her and yourself
I hope your daughter feels better soon!
I hope your daughter feels better soon. Hope your FdB tryout has been good!
Robin, I’m glad you received the Napoleon 🙂
Happy Holi! I just read the link describing it, and it always great when good triumphs over evil.
I’m wearing Hermes Un Jardin Sur Le Toit today.
And I would have thanked you by name but hadn’t asked permission — thank you again!!
Something led me to my Tauer sample tins and I grabbed Une Rose Vermeille. Which is nice but was fleeting with my timid, work-appropriate spray. Will find something warming when I get home to brace myself for the storm.
Amazone today. Nice, but this vintage mini edp from ebay has some nail-polishy off topnotes that are giving me a headache.
That bad weather we’re supposed to get has mostly been just freezing temperatures so far, and we might get as much as (gasp!) an inch and a half of snow! All the same, I’m glad that my daughter is in Myrtle Beach, SC for an ultimate frisbee tournament this week instead of slipping around in the ice in Connecticut. (And she’ll be home next week. 😀 😀 :D)
Glad your daughter will avoid the bad weather and hope your headache clears soon. Could it be the barometric pressure causing your headaches.
1) I love Hove. The shop in NO is adorable and they are so good about samples and testing. I bought the Heliotrope body oil and it is divine!
2) I got to celebrate Holi once in India! It was the most bizarre, fun, wild time I have ever experienced. Everyone just goes nuts and color powder gets EVERYWHERE! Ha. You are surprised by color in the most unexpected areas for days after.
It’s back to rain here but it’s warmer, so I’m happy about that. I’m wearing L’Heure Bleue parfum.
You smell wonderful!
You smell lovely!
Le Galion Iris today.
It’s gonna be a hectic week, I have 2 days of seminar for the company customers starting tomorrow… [le sigh]
I know many in the U.S. are anticipating snow, but it’s hoooot here in the desert. So much so that I had to stop myself from reaching for the summer colognes. Luckily, I was disciplined enough to stick to spring florals – today’s is En Passant.
Comparatively speaking, it’s not hot yet. ????But for mid-March, yeah, it’s way too hot. If this keeps up, I’m going to have to put away the cool-weather perfumes asap.
Cold again here in the south, so I’m nice and cozy in Chergui. I love it but it would be even better if I were wrapped up in a blanket on my couch reading a book rather than in my office!
Yes to all of that. You smell great!
Wearing Tom Ford Jasmin Rouge, a Rodrigo Flores-Roux creation. I received this sample from the generous kpaint. This is green jasmine front and center with help from ylang ylang and spices. I may have to seek out more when this sample is gone, though it’s not like I don’t have plenty of jasmine perfumes in my collection.
Which jasmines do you have and like? I’ve been trying to find my HG jasmine but haven’t hit on it yet.
Same question here.
Me too, or three, on looking for a perfect jasmine fragrance. It doesn’t seem to exist. I even tried jasmine essential oil, and while it is lovely, it is not perfume.
Have you tried Ikat Jasmine by Aerin Lauder. Definitely has a nice twist to a jasmine fragrance.
I haven’t tried that one yet.
Ok, I’m at work so am just going by memory (and some internetting), but here are jasmine perfumes that I like. Top faves are starred.
Serge Lutens A La Nuit* and Sarrasins
Rodin Perfume*
Annick Goutal Songes*
Lush Lust
La Via del Profumo Tawaf
Parfumerie Generale Drama Nuui
L’Artisan La Haie Fleurie (discontinued)
Pirouette Jasmine Musk
The Different Company Jasmin de Nuit*
Bvlgari Jasmin Noir
Nasomatto Nuda (discontinued)
Grandiflora Madagascan Jasmine
Maroma Night Jasmine perfume oil
Sadly discontinued bath products:
Pacifica Waikiki Pikake soap
Lush Flying Fox shower gel
Thank you for your jasmine list. I adore Songes.
Thanks! Actually, maybe Sarrasins would be “the one” but it’s a bit steep for me so tend to forget about it. Same with Rodin.
Jasmin Rouge is good stuff. One of the reasons why I like Tom Ford scents.
Jasmin Rouge is a good one. It’s one of the reasons why I am a fan of Tom Ford. You smell amazing!
Sorry this posted again!
Thanks! I really like it and just wish it lasted a little longer.
Cuir Beluga on this foggy Monday. The sun is starting to peek out though, should end up warm and sunny!
You smell cozy!
Maestro Rodrigo Flores-Roux! I am kindof a fangirl. I looked thru my collection and here’s what I have of his scents:
DK Black Cashmere
DK Woman
DK Labdanum
DK Wenge
DK Gold
Clinique Happy
Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Exotic
J Crew / Arquiste #31
J Crew / Arquiste #57
Le Galion Cologne
Le Galion Cologne Nocturne
Fragrance Republic 01/10
Wish I could find his Xinu scents to sniff.
Anyhoo, SOTD is Black Cashmere, and I used Black Cashmere shower gel this morning too. It’s a little heavy for our springlike weather, but I couldn’t help it, just had to.
Black Cashmere is one of my favorites. I’ve never tried the shower gel, can only imagine that it’s great, too!
Nice list. I have more RF-R than I originally thought because I somehow overlooked DK Gold until I saw it on your list. Here’s what I have:
Aedes de Venustas Oeillet Bengale
Arquiste Anima Dulcis
Arquiste L’Etrog (not sure exactly where my sample is, and it might actually be Aleksandr)
Arquiste Boutonniere (bottle on its way to me)
Arquiste El (though I gave it my SO because I like to smell it on him)
Arquiste Ella (going up for swap at the swapmeet)
Donna Karan Gold
J Crew + Arquiste No. 57
Tom Ford PB Jasmin Rouge
Thanks, pixel! I have a decant of Labdanum, and I always forget about it.
I’m wearing some vintage Samsara extrait today in honor of Holi. Seems appropriate, and I smell pretty good with all of the sandalwood oil in this.
Great video, Robin! It made me smile on this cold Monday.
You smell goooood!
Felt compelled to wear something by NVC in honor of Holi, so I went with Trayee. Maybe not the most festive of the bunch, but its warm, spicy, gingeriness is keeping me cozy as I buckle in for the 3-day snowfest we’re about to get.
Happy Holi!
I’ve been reading NST for years, and I still find it fascinating to see the changes in the seasons in the different hemispheres. I’ve always known it, but now it’s much more real and personal – wonderful!
As we head into autumn here, I’ll be wearing Sacrebleu Intense today.
Well, same here — for me, that change really hit home when we started doing the SOTD posts.
Bottega Veneta, as local perfume pals were just reminding me how nice this one is.
You smell great! And yet another I forget though I love it every time I remember it.
My decant is from you, so thank you x2!
Kelly Caleche EdT again today. But I can definitely participate in some community project this week.
I admit it. I’m excited for the snow. Except that it might be a mix of rain or sleet at some point. Sleet is an abomination.
I am excited too..glad I have someone is like minded
I love snow too. It’s horrible if you have to drive in it but I don’t any more.
SOTD is No 5 the body cream, thanks to a generous sample from Gi. This time change is killing me, but at least I smell good. 🙂
Glad you’re enjoying it! I didn’t realize how heavily fragranced this stuff is until I slathered a bunch in and gassed out my cat and bf 🙂
I applied this morning at 6:00, and now almost 12 hours later I’m still wafting.
I have the office all to myself this week, so I’m wearing Rochas Femme EDT today. I can generally wear pretty much whatever I want anyway, but I don’t usually wear this one to work.
Waft with pride! You smell great!
Hah, in with you there. I usually do Rochas Femme on Fridays because I feel like I have just a leeeetle more leeway to play with. You smell fantastic!
Stay safe, all of you in the path of Winter Storm Stella!
Today I’m testing Guerlain Idylle. Unfortunately, I think the juice in my manufacturer’s sample has gone a bit off. I guess it’s not surprising since it appears to have a batch code dating it to 2009.
That’s a pity!I wore Idylle back in the day like I wear Dear John these days…every day!!Lol!Lovely,fresh,pink rosy blooms,perfection for spring.And a seriously underrated Guerlain.
Now that the funny bits of the top notes have burned off, I think I have a sense of what it ‘should’ smell like. The notes are right up my alley, so I’ll have to investigate further and see if they have a tester at any of my local Guerlain counters.
Johanob, have you tried Mon Guerlain?
I doubt many will agree with me, but I still think that’s the best scent TW did since he became house perfumer at Guerlain.
I’m not familiar IRL with the more exclusive scents he’s done for Guerlain, but I get the sense that Idylle is one of the more complex formulas, at least in terms of blending multiple floral notes. I enjoyed the undamaged parts I could smell today.
I’m in attache-moi today- it’s a beautiful amber where the sweetness seems to be comprised totally of musk and amber notes rather than the thread of vanilla that ruins the drydowns of similar perfumes. I got it in my sens unique box last week and have worn it four times already- I think this one’s a keeper!
Sotd: AP Cuir Noir on this cold, snowy day.
Happy Holi! And that photo is the bomb????
Had to hit the ground running today with Tauer’s Amber Flush helping to maintain the facade of calm, cool, and collected. What a morning!!
Monday. That says it all.
It does say it all.
When do you hit the road? Your journey sounds so fun!
Hi Pixel, last day at current job is TOMORROW! YeeHAW! Giving myself a week to finalize house stuff and will hit the road around the 22nd, first contract starts the 27th….✌????
Hello NST!
I had a fun but also exhausting and very long day at a conference. After dinner I took a long hot shower and now I am lying on the couch, at peace, wearing Sarrasins.
You smell great! Enjoy your rest ????
Whenever I come across mention of Sarrasins, I think of the poisonous gas unleashed in the Tokyo subway system.
Oh gahd, I had never thought of that!
It is too close to sarin.
Ha! You’re right. Blurgh.
Huh thats a happy association. They also used it in Syria in an attack not that long ago. Death toll was in the hundreds.
I still think of Saracens when I read it. When I was young I did a school assignment about the crusades and learned about the word Saracens. The scent reminds me a bit of horses so the name makes sense for me.
Hmmpf, Forgot the word NOT. That NOT a happy association!
My SOTD is Parfum d’Empire’s Musc Tomkin.
That’s a beaut!
Did you see the mock ad for “Complicit” starring Scarlett Johansson as Ivanka on Saturday Night Live?
I hope you don’t mind if I chime in. I saw it on You Tube thiz morning. Very funny.
Petunia: I really love it when SNL does a take-off on glitzy perfume ads. It’s so well done and a riot!
Hey Petunia — if you happen back through here, can you do me a favor and tell me what Celestia’s gravatar looks like to you? I promise it’s not a trick question; we seem to be having a problem where what I’m seeing is not what Celestia is seeing! (And we’ve verified that with screen shots. So now I want to know what others are seeing.)
And anyone else who is willing to chime in, please do! Tell us what Celestia’s gravatar looks like.
It looks like a beautiful yellow/pink rose.
I see a yellow/pink rose too.
The same as pink/yellow rose as the above two comments
Thank you all so much, that’s very helpful!
Chiming in to go on the record that Celestia’s gravatar looks like the standard issue one. It’s similar to mine but a different shade of purple.
Aha! And that is what Celestia is seeing. Thank you so much. Now if I only knew why! It’s got to be a caching problem somewhere but it may be beyond my skills to figure it out.
Therabbitsflower, if it’s not too personal, would you mind telling me (or email me!) who your internet service provider is? If it’s too personal disregard 🙂
Sure, it’s Comcast Xfinity. Also, I’m on my old iPad. But on my phone, connected to my wifi at home, I see the rose. Another strange thing is hajusuuri’s gravatar looks like the standard one when I’m using Chrome on my phone. But it’s the usual dog on the iPad.
I see a beautiful rose.
In both Firefox and Chrome on android.
Could be browser caching on the viewer/user side. Mostly emptying the cache helps (erase browser history). Or maybe some caching plugins (dont know of you use them) in this wordpress installation need to be emptied. But theres where my knowledge ends.
I think in this case, it’s farther upstream — it’s inappropriate caching by service providers.
Yes! Thought about posting it but pretty quickly decided best not.
Hi Robin,
Well, we’ve proven one of the mysteries of the internet universe so far. Some people see my rose; some see the geometric thingy. I’ve refreshed the cache several times to no avail.
I can understand why you chose not to post the ad.
Celestia, I am 80% sure the problem lies with your internet service provider. There is caching on my end but it is cleared regularly, and enough people ARE seeing the rose that I’m confident it is not a caching problem at the gravatar end.
And btw, ISPs NEVER admit to inappropriate caching even though it’s been proven that it happens (it saves them money!), so IMHO, not worth pursuing.
Today I went from osmanthus to fig, from luxurious to cheap thrill 🙂
I woke up with remnants of Neela Vermeire Rahele clinging around my decolletage, and decided to augment the osmanthus by adding some Nicolai Fig-Tea. Now that I just had some light figginess hanging about, I added an ample dose of Body Shop Italian Summer Fig.
It’s bright and sunny, with pristine snow on the ground, and I got to work from home and play with my perfume stash. Not a bad Monday so far!
No time today except for Soni Soni! Thanks so much for the link Robin and the photograph is also amazing. Wearing Violaceum 2, which is stupidly expensive but a really lovely violet suede to which I fear I’ll succumb.
Ooooh I always love a violet suede. I’ll pretend I never read this, though. Ignorance = $ saved 😉
I might have to watch the whole movie again, it’s been a long time.
I needed to play it safe this week, and don’t have any Rodrigo Flores-Roux, so I packed 5 Dior samples.
SOTD is Dior “Higher”.
Top: peach, basil, lemon and pear;
Mid: rosemary, spices and cypress;
Base: musk and pear wood.
I don’t know what they were aiming for with this one, but they should have aimed HIGHER! Boom-boom! ;^D
Yeah, it’s inoffensive and pretty generic, on my skin anyway.
Nice one 🙂
SOTM was a brief dalliance with Lubin Black Jade, which I’m on the fence about. The floral accord reminds me a lot of the one in Alaia edp (black bottle) with the Lubin being brighter and fresher. It only lasted about 2 hours, though, and it was completely gone. (Alaia is the longest-wearing perfume in my collection and will sometimes be going strong after 24 hours. Most perfumes last about 4 hours on me, so it’s really an outlier.)
I’m now heading out in Guerlain Rose Nacree du Desert. Possibly not the best choice to wear to my allergist’s fragrance-free office. Oops not oops.
Stay safe and warm in the blizzards, for those who are affected! I’ll be on the left coast swimming through the rain.
SOTD = HdP Ambre 114. I’ve been on an amber kick since the cold weather swooped in last week. Watching the impending weather and its effects on the evening news.
SotD = 34 Boulevard Saint Germain again because it’s my momentary obsession until the sample is finished. There is bitterness in the first few minutes that I don’t particularly want to smell, but it sets my nose up for a joy ride through the flowers and spices underneath.
I’m thinking of everyone in the path of the storm in the NE US. Stay home and stay warm.
Hunkering down for the storm! I wish I could just take the day off but ironically, I have even more work to do during a disruption.
SOTD = Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka
It definitely wears well in the cold. It is all sorts of fabulous with its prominent tonka bean note and non-churchy incense and it is quite long-lasting for a Jo Malone. I’m glad I split this and I am considering tge purchase of a FB
You smell great! I am definitely getting a FB of Myrrh & Tonka, but I am holding out for the LE decorative bottle I hear they are releasing in May for Ramadan.
Oh wow…I am likely going to take advantage of the BG Rewarding Beauty Event.
I’ve never had had any success with JM other than the Bergamot and Oud spray oil, but this Tonka and Myrrh sounds appealing…I may stop at Nordstrom and give it a test drive next week. Is it sweet?
It is MFK Grand Soir lite and also not sweet. Ahem, not to enable or anything, but I think you will lurve this. If you don’t like it on paper, try it on skin before deciding.
I’ll give it a whirl. Stay warm up there!
Mmm, tonka is such a great note–definitely good for cold weather. Stay safe in that storm!