Happy Almost-Friday! (Plus, Meatball Day.) What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in Demeter Whiskey Tobacco.
Reminder: on 3/10 we're taking the Booze Cruise...wear a perfume with a booze note. Suggested by Koenigsberg.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: shown is a whiskey glass from Normann Copenhagen, designed by Rikke Hagen and $50 for a pair.
Birthday SOTD is Chanel Coromandel.
Happy Birthday Katrina! You smell fab!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Borthday!
Happy Birthday!
Have a lovely day, you have a lovely scent already!
Happy birthday! Have a fantastic day, and a great year.
Happy Birthday Katrina!
Happy birthday!
You smell great, birthday girl! Have a wonderful year!
Happy Birthday! You smell amazing 😀
Happy Birthday!????
Happy Birthday Katrina!! Have an epicly awesome day!!! 🙂
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
Wow! Happy Birthday and you smell terrific!
Happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great day ????
Happy Birthday…haven’t worn that one in a while…must break it out.
Have a wonderful year, fellow Piscean!
And Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Katrina! Good perfume choice.
Happy Birthday!
Arriving late to add birthday greetings! And you smell wonderful.
Happy birthday, and many more!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! You smell intoxicating!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Any perfume gifts from your enabling hubby?
For the first time in a long time, NO! Quite the shocker! But I just hosted the Galop d’Hermes split, so I think I am good for a while!
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!
I’m wearing Parfums DelRae Wit from my new bottle (yay!). This is on the shortlist for my wedding in a couple of weeks. 🙂 Other options are Jour d’Hermes Absolu, and Eau Claire des Merveilles. I have a feeling I will end up deciding that day!
Oh, you smell fantastic! And any of those would be great on a bride.
Isn’t it wonderful spraying from a new bottle? I love that!
You smell lovely! What a great short list!
Wit is so beautiful.
Fabulous list! I’m a huge Wit fan, you smell amazing!!!
Congratulations, and you will be a beautiful – smelling bride 🙂
A lovely short list- and I can’t decide- so I know you will just need to go “eeny, meeny, miney, mo…”
Nice choices! I’m also a Wit fan.
You smell wonderful. Have a lovely fragrant wedding!
Having an off day. Ever wake up and everything falls to pieces..literally. Dropped one of our heavy chrystal glasses, then while trying to move on and powder my nose, I dropped my compact (which is Chanel and not cheap) on the floor and it shattered.
Decided to treat myself to things I normally treat myself for a special day (today is pretty “special”) one of my favorite MF teas and a tiny tiny amount of Mon Precieux Nectar since my sample is almost out!
Happy Thursday!
Hope your day gets better! You smell really wonderful!
That was me yesterday morning! Except luckily it was a cheap Duralex juice glass. Very sorry about your crystal 🙁
I hope the day gets better. Sorry to hear about all of your mishaps – great idea to treat yourself!
Hope your day improves! At least you smell wonderful!
Ugggg…I dropped my compact last week. I tried to salvage it by using the powder in its shattered state but it was messy and got everywhere. I hope your day gets better!
I was thinking of doing that too, since I am not working (for money) I am not about to run out and buy a new one.
This has happened to me many times as I’m supremely klutzy. I’ve salvaged it by putting it into one of those empty plastic travel jars and using it as loose powder with a brush.
Done! That is what I will do
Hope your day improves!
Sorry about your broken Chanel and crystal. I hope your day gets better 🙂
The struggle is real…????
The struggle is real 🙂
Girl, I have had one of those YEARS.
You smell fantastic! Carry on!
Really hate it when inanimate objects misbehave like that. I agree…the powder is now loose powder, if possible.
Admire your response in treating yourself!
Your day will get better! You smell great…I have a decant of that one as well. 🙂
Yucky morning….hope it’s gotten WAY better by the time you read this! At least you know how to reset with good tea and good scent!
Oof…sorry 🙁
Just yesterday morning I put salt instead of sugar in my coffee. One of those days…….
Opps! This post was for Deva…
This is very much could be meant for me too! Lol
Oh no, what bad luck! Hope you’re day improved and u have a large glass of wine or big bowl of ice cream to cheer yourself up at the end of the day.
Oh no! I have days during which I constantly run into things. Like large objects directly in front of me. And the dropsies too. I hope your day has gotten better!
As long as I don’t drop the baby 😉
Oh, man. Hope your day has improved!
Did the container of the compact break, or was it just the powder? You can fix the powder (and eyeshadow, blush, etc.) by applying some isopropyl alcohol and then gently pressing wax paper on top to smooth it out. The alcohol will evaporate, and the powder will be one solid piece again. I don’t have a link to a specific one at hand, but there are all sorts of tutorials online.
Hope your day ended up better than it started!
SOTD Atelier Cologne Vanille Insensee. On me it is a very soft vanilla with some woodsy and citrusy notes. Nice and office friendly. I am really enjoying it.
Love! You smell great! I get and enjoy the citrus in that one as well,
That is a really pretty one.
So, this morning I’m making my pour-over coffee and I see a growing lake of coffee on the counter and think, “This cup must be cracked!”
Nope. There was NO cup! At all! I had completely overlooked the fact the pour-over filter was sitting directly on the counter. That tells you all you need to know about my mental state these days. Sheesh!
Tonight is my last statistics class and I am jumping for joy! I don’t even care about the end grade, I just want to pass and be done with it. Forever and always, I will not miss you one bit, Mr Statistics! You’re rigid, controlling, demoralizing and absolutely NO fun.
SOTD is the optimistic and not too serious CSP Coco Figue, because life is short and you have to find your fun where ever you can ????
That sounds just like something I’d do! Congrats on finishing statistics 🙂
I am with you on stats, I did become friends with the teacher when I took it as I was in her office for help so often.
I have become good friends with a classmate, and really, it’s all due to her that I will pass. I have been so scattered the last couple of weeks, really don’t know if I’m coming or going. So, hats off to helpful friends!!
Oh, no! I’ve done things like that before, like orange-juice-in-the-cereal-bowl type accidents. Hopefully that’s the worst thing that happens today. Congratulations on your last statistics class! I recommend some hardcore celebrating when it’s over.
I once brewed a pot of water because I completely forgot to add coffee. I’m glad to hear that you are almost done with your course and can move on.
Be careful today – it sounds like you’re exhausted. Maybe leave the power tools alone.
Good advice about the power tools ????
I was thinking just what Sistine wrote!
HA! your morning sounds a bit like mine.
Something in the air maybe..
Yesterday I made myself a cup of tea in the staff room and poured the water out of the tea kettle into my cup. Unfortunately I had neglected to plug in the tea kettle, so the water was stone cold. Hey, at least we smell good, and you are finished statistics!
I am totally laughing with you, not at you! Sounds like something I would do. Congrats on finishing your class!
Yea for the end of Statistics…!! Congratulations.
You know, ’round here fancy hipster kinfolk cafes are promoting “hand poured” coffee up the wazooo… which is the way I made coffee most of my life… they give you a thimble-sized cup of the precious nectar and charge $6. Now I know why. Each time they pour they have to remember the critical step of placing a cup under the filter. Aha! All becomes clear.
I’m not fancy enough to get into all the haute coffee dealios. I’ve always used my cheap and reliable mr coffee auto drip. I decided to start using the pour over method to conserve energy. Drip coffee makers use a whole lotta ‘lectricity! Now I just need fire (via a butane camp stove) and water and I can make a great cuppa! Living in a campervan part time convinces you to minimize and simplify everything????
Kinda like living in a NYC apartment. I moved to pour over because of space considerations.
Yeah, I don’t have counter space for single use appliances. My MIL got us a panini maker for Xmas which I had to give away.
1) At the Hipster/Kinfolk cafes: I have to honestly roll my eyes at it, even though I do love it, because Papa made coffee EXACTLY that way and he was from Belize…where you either made that way or ‘boiled’ Turkish style.
2) Remembering the sup is indeed a crucial step!
Papa was a trend setter! Everything old is new again, as they say. Wish that applied to me, as well.????
I was utterly perplexed by the term “pour over” until I finally figured out that it’s just new jargon for what everyone used to call a Melitta. Even at Starbucks you’d have your beans “ground for a Melitta” and everyone knew what you were talking about.
Incidentally, a few years before the “pour over” became trendy I looked and looked for a filter/thermos combo like I’d used back in the day and couldn’t find any that were sold together, so I just gave up on it. One upside to the new trend is that such things are easier to find again.
But I do have to laugh about young hipsters going gaga over it and paying high prices for brewed coffee.
Decaf coffee usually is a pour over in a few of the Starbucks I frequent.
Haha! I didn’t even know what a “Melitta” was until recently. I thought it was just a name brand for the #4 filters…me so unhip!
My husband has had quite a few coffee-related mishaps lately, too. There MUST be something in the air.
Ooh, Whiskey Tobacco sounds fun. I have a deep fondness for tobacco scents. I don’t usually wear them, but I love them. The whiskey seems like it would add sex appeal. What do you think?
Today I’m honoring the summery weather we’re having. SotD: Bronze Goddess, which I wore for the first time last December on a trip to Hawaii. So I’m wafting in good scent-memories.
I can’t decide — it’s a fun scent but not sure if it’s sexy.
Forgive me Donatella, for I have sinned. Really sinned. It has been nearly a year since I last posted on the SOTD poll. Life has been dealing me a hand of seriously sh*tty cards and I withdrew.
But, I am here now because I know there are no better people to share with that today’s fragrance is Aquolina Pink Sugar. We found out our cat, Roxy, had liver cancer on Friday. I brought him home that night with all sorts of meds, hoping to give him a couple of good, comfortable last days. Unfortunately, his health deteriorated so much overnight that we put him to sleep first thing Saturday morning. It seemed cruel to shove pills in his mouth when he could barely move and was clearly in pain. In a few hours we are having his body cremated and I get to say goodbye to my baby for the last time. Roxy loved chasing birds, drinking water from the bathtub faucet, tummy rubs while I sang Hey Jude to calm him, and sneaking pizza and cinnamon rolls when we weren’t looking. He also loved Pink Sugar and would lick it off my wrists every time I wore my samples. This is totally not my style, but a full bottle purchase may be in order.
Thanks for listening everyone.
It was good that you put his comfort above your wanting to have him with you longer. I am so sorry for your loss.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Roxy.
Thank you Petunia.
Thank you. It’s been very hard, but if taking on all this pain is the price for taking away his,…then I’ve done my job.
I’m so very sorry. It sounds like you gave Roxy a good life and had some great years together. I say a big fat yes to the FB. It’s what Roxy would have wanted.
Thank you. We had almost 14 years together.
I’ll work on finding that bottle tomorrow. It IS what Roxy would have wanted.
Donatella forgives!
Sorry for you loss
Donatella is awesome that way. Thank you.
Roxy sounds like a wonderful little guy. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you a virtual hug.
I needed that hug. Thank you so much.
I am so sorry for your cat. I am very sure all the good times you shared with her will always be with you and comfort you. Sending hugs.
Thank you. It’s difficult now but I know those good memories are just around the corner.
Love remembered never leaves us. I’m so sorry you lost him.
I should have that stitched on a pillow. Thank you for those very kind words.
Donatella understands pain and loss; I’m sure she’d bless your purchase and ask if you want stiletto boots with that.
I hope your luck changes for the better and soon. Great to see you again!
That was fascinating. What an inspiration, even if I can’t pull off stiletto boots.
Thank you. It’s good to be back.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing loved ones, furry or not, to cancer is just awful.
Thank you. Cancer sucks.
Oh Lucy, I’m sorry. Be good to yourself.
Thank you.
Roxy sounds like a very sweet kitty. You were really good to him. Take care of yourself now for a bit, eh?
Thank you. I *was* very good to him, but he was good to me too and I’m realizing I needed him much more than he needed me. Ironically, the only one who could cheer me up right now is the one whose death I’m grieving.
And thank you so much for reminding me to take care of myself. Taking care of everyone else in the house seems to have defined me for the last few years. Without Roxy (and his brother, Layla, who we lost a few years ago), I’m having a little identity crisis. I will work on focusing some energy on myself starting tomorrow morning.
So sorry for your loss. RIP Roxy
Thank you.
I think a full bottle in honor of Roxy is definitely in order! If the perfume is not your style, maybe the lighter hair perfume might work?
So sorry for your loss. Losing a fur baby is just so awful….
I didn’t even know there was a hair perfume! I’ll look for it.
Losing him has been awful. I’m a bit embarrassed to say I have had relatives pass and a haven’t cried this much. Then again, they didn’t follow me around the house and sleep on my feet every night for 14 years. Thank you for the kind words.
You have beautiful memories of Roxy. I know its hard. I’m very sorry for your loss.
Roxy was one of those larger than life personalities who made every day memorable. Thank you.
I’m so sorry you lost your fur baby. Hope the Pink Sugar gives you a bit of comfort.
Thank you. It doesn’t just bring me comfort to know that he loved Pink Sugar, but also that I got to share one of my greatest passions with him. I don’t think there are many people, even NSTers, who can say they got to share their love of perfume with a cat. It was special.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
So sorry to hear of your loss, it’s so difficult when our fur babies must leave us.
It’s terribly unfair. Thank you Pixel!
So sorry – it’s devastating to lose a beloved furry friend.
That’s a really good word for it. Thank you.
I’m sorry about your loss. You did what was best for him, ending his suffering. No matter how many of my pets I’ve had to put to sleep because of them suffering, it doesn’t get any easier.
I appreciate the tip. As much as I hope to reach a point where I am ready to love another animal, I’m not sure I can survive losing another one. It really was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Thank you.
So very sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I’m very sad and sorry to read this story. I think the worst part is it being so sudden with no time to prepare. I have lost two cats that way, to sudden problems, and it’s a really sharp pain. He does sound like he was a very special kitty with clear and unique tastes!
I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this too. When Roxy’s brother, Layla, died a few years ago, it was so much different. He’d been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was given a year to live (with medications). He made it one year and two weeks. When he died he was at home, having a great day, then had a full collapse and died within half a minute. Even though we saw it coming for so long, it happened fast. We were sad, and miss Layla terribly, but not shocked like we are now. It is sharp, like you said, and it stings. Wrapping my head around what happened is going to take a long time.
Roxy was special. Thank you so much for recognizing it.
Donatella totally understands, and I am so sorry for your Roxy! 🙁
Donatella is amazing. Thank you.
RIP, Roxy. And I hope that all those happy memories of Roxy will be a comfort to you, Lucy.
Thank you. Roxy was one of those vibrant, active kitties who made every day an adventure. The 14 years of memories I’ve been wallowing in has been a treat. 🙂
I’m so sorry for your loss. Been there, hate that. The Pink Sugar story is so sweet…sounds like you had a wonderful time together.
Thank you. We were best buddies. I’m sorry that you’ve been through this too.
So sorry! I hope you find comfort in her favorite perfume.
Thank you. I do find comfort in Pink Sugar, but I find even more in the fact that my cat had a favorite perfume. He and I were meant for each other.
So sorry about your kitty, Roxy. I have had to help two cats find the Rainbow Bridge over the last several years and it is tough.
I’m sorry for your losses too. Thank you so much for your kindness.
Love and sympathy from down under in Aotearoa-New Zealand. Dakkie and Izzy also send their fondest feline wishes and respect because you made the hard but right decision.
That is so sweet! Thank you.
It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I’m not sure I could do it again. Please tell Dakkie and Izzy that I wish them long, healthy lives. (And hope when it is time for them to pass, they do so peacefully in their sleep at the nice old age of 20.)
So sorry to hear about the loss of this well loved pet. They occupy a special place in our hearts.
Thank you. It honestly feels like part of me is missing, but I know one day that will be replaced by knowing that if he’s in my heart, he’s with me forever.
I am so sorry about your cat, losing a pet is a sad thing.
Thank you.
So sorry, Roxy 🙁
Thank you.
Lucy, your post made me cry. We went through the exact same story of liver cancer 2 years and 3 days ago. We miss our girl every day so badly, it never heals … But think of how lucky we were to meet those very special beings and had the fortune to share our everyday with them. Yes for Pink Sugar!
I’m so sorry for the tears, and for your loss. It sounds like she had a great family who loved her.
Thank you for the kind words. It’s hard to remember how blessed I am to have had Roxy and his brother Layla in my life when I’m in so much emotional pain. I appreciate the reminder. My life is so much better for having had them in it.
So sorry for you’re loss. I think a FB is definitely in order!
Thank you!
I am sorry for Roxy, and I’ll be praying life starts givig you better hands, girl. Seconding OF’s advice, please take a little care of yourself, this is just too hard. And remember Donatella never judges!
Thank you. Sometimes it’s hard to remember to take care of myself when I’m consumed by emotional pain. I miss him terribly but I know I’m ready to start healing.
I am so so sorry for your lose.
Thank you.
My sympathies on the loss of your beloved Roxy.
Thank you.
Knowing that you have made the right decision for your Roxy cat doesn’t make it any less painful, or easier to bear. My sympathies.
You are right about that. As his momma, I naturally feel the only place he needs to be is with me. It’s hard to deal with the reality that he is not. Thank you so much for your kind words and for making me feel understood.
I’m so very sorry about your beloved Roxy. It’s the most difficult decision to make; it’s so hard to be strong for our pets. She would approve of your new bottle.
Thank you so much. It’s been hard and I think I’ve earned that new bottle.
{{{ Lucy }}} so sorry for your loss. Your Roxy had crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is now pain-free.
Thank you hajusuuri. I really don’t mind taking on all of this emotional pain if it means his physical pain is gone. That’s my job as his momma, right? It’s just going to take some time for the comfort of the rainbow bridge to wipe away my tears.
(It’s nice to see you again!)
I am overwhelmed by your support NSTers! Posting here made me feel like I finally got to shout out to the world just how amazing Roxy was. It means so much to me that you all listened and gave him a moment of respect. Thank you for all of the kind responses.
I’m testing Jovoy Guardez-moi because I found my sample while looking for something else, and because of this review in Grain de musc:
I don’t have a garden of my own, but there is a passage way beside the Sackler Gallery in DC that the Smithsonian fills with large, potted tropical plants every summer. Many are wonderfully scented, including the gardenias. This perfume really does smell like gardenia (at least in this early point of its evolution), with an emphasis on the greener notes. So far, very elegant and beautiful.
I think the photo Denyse describes is the one with the French version of the article, rather than the English version:
I don’t think I have ever smelled a gardenia ( a real flower). I wonder if this absence of certain florals in my life…that they are not part of my natural environment …could account for my lack of response to floral perfumes in general. That is, I seem to prefer scents that have some connection to my life, whether through the outdoors, or in the kitchen. I wonder if that’s the case…if scent preferences in perfume reflect life experiences? Never thought of it before.
That seems like an apt thought. Sometimes the associations are bad, too, and that can have an averse reaction. Gardenias, the flower and the perfumed scents, are tough for me and I am not exactly sure why. I think it is from the real flower, which was a part of my childhood.
TBH, I find most floral scents a bit too cool for my taste and don’t wear them all that much.
I didn’t grow up with gardenias, frangipani, ginger lilies, etc. The main flowers I can remember smelling were roses, bearded irises, and honeysuckle.
I do enjoy sampling floral perfumes, though, because of the variety and infinite combinations, and they can be exceptionally well-done and beautiful.
I forgot carnations; we did occasionally have those, too.
My SOTD is Chene – after yesterday’s discussion of it, I thought I would revisit my sample which had been filed in the “hmm, not quite perfect yet” pile. I don’t know if it’s the change in the weather or my mood or what, but today it is “Yowza! Where has this perfect scent been all my life?” Guess it’s going on the birthday/ Christmas wish list.
I have a bell-jar question, having never seen one in person – there’s no sprayer, is there? Just the classy glass top? Do you dab or decant and spray?
No sprayer. I decsnt mine into an atomizer because I prefer to spray.
Decant…sorry for fat fingers.
I used up a small sample of Chene years ago, and I still think about it frequently. So simple and lovely.
It’s not like the export line where you do have the option of dabbing or spraying. The bell jars are the decant the juice into a sprayer if you want to spray. I have two of them, while the jars are cute, I wish the prices were more reasonable.
Oh, you lucky thing! I read Robin’s comment yesterday and her review and it sounds splendid. I will have to content myself with sniffing a tree and a bundle of leaves…love autumn.
The bell jar is a lot smaller in person than what I originally thought, kind of like the Mona Lisa. I decant mine into an atomizer.
SOTD is Comme des Garcons 888. Bought it in summer and was kinda meh about it, but I find it much more enjoyable in spring.
I came across a sample of that yesterday. Must give it a try soon, thanks for reminding me!
Something must be in the air. No breakage or spillage for me, but my work laptop battery is dead and I forgot to bring a charger.. to a cafe 45 minutes away from home.. sigh.
SOTD Parfum d’Empire Cuir Ottoman.
Oh, you smell great! That’s one I would love to have a full bottle of, if only the bottle were less than a 100mls.
I can add to the litany of accidents this morning that I sliced the top of my thumb very badly on the lid of a cat food can when I was still sleepy and opening them to meet the demands of the house. It was a big slice and bled ferociously, dripping everywhere until I managed to wrap paper towel around it. Still hurts too.
Oh no!
I hope you’re ok and don’t need stitches!
Booze cruising in Ambre Russe today.
You smell lovely! Will be wearing AR for Friday project.
Yep, that’s going to be my Friday scent too. You smell great, madtowngirl.
Thank you! It’s a boozy choice for sure!
Epice Marine today. I absolutely love this one! Mr. Ellena swears there’s a whiskey note in it so who am I to disbelieve?
Lovely! And what a good idea for today.
My favorite of the Hermessences. If my finances allowed I would own the 200ml and a backup!
Jolie Madame. I could wallow in this stuff.
I am considering buying a bottle of Rahele. I wore it yesterday and was blown away. Should I be talked out of this?
Jolie Madame is so good. (So is Rahele, not that I’m enabling…)
I don’t really want to be talked out of it. Just wondering if it’s as wonderful as I tjought it eas yesterday? I only have,a dabber sample.
I can’t talk you out of the Rahele. I loved it, although I only have a dabber sample as well. But I still cherish that little sample haha.
I bought a bottle recently and I’m not sorry, so I’m no help!
I’m tempted but have other financial obligations coming up. I may wait for my birthday which is several months away.
One thing I can’t figure out about Rahele is if it is better dabbed, despite its relative quietness, or requires a lot of sprays for full action. Sometimes when I spray it begins to feel too dusty, not juicy enough. Other times, I just love it. Very unhelpful dithering on my part!
Good to know. Guess I’d better get a decant first. TY!
Took the Safari out of the cabinet to place it into the Hatbox of Current Season on the dresser, given the warming trends. I’m foreseeing another one of those Safari binges coming on…
We’re getting a snow storm tonight/tomorrow and several predicted for next week. I’m so tired of winter! Jelly of your sunshine.
Oh, send your snow and cold this way!! ????
You can have them Deva. Our temps have been see-sawing between spring-like 50s to low teens. Ugh… snow is predicted on and off for the next several day. My flowers… Ugh 🙁
We’re supposed to get snow on Saturday as well, even though we’ve been in the 50s for the past two weeks.
I don’t feel like I got NEARLY enough winter.
U and me both- love Safari!
SotD is Hinoki, CdG.
Jojoelle Vanille Ambre for me today. I was so sad when she closed up shop, but I still have a few rollerballs and samples here and there of various scents.
I’m not at all boozy in Tom Ford Fleur de Chine.
Waft some my way, please!
I’m looking forward to wearing that one now that spring is here!
I felt like I needed to take a mulligan for yesterday, so today I am wearing Clive Christian C again and the red I should have been wearing yesterday. I know CC has a bad name, but I get so many compliments on this. I may have oversprayed, but I’m going with KellyC’s theory that I am just blessing others with my fabulous smell.
I really like CC C. ???? You smell lovely.
Spray with abandon, I say! 😀
It’s why there are so many perfumes, even ones that do not suit a lot of people will be perfect on someone. If it smells good on you, it smells good!
Good Morning!
I wanted to thank all of the NSTers, who replied to my Monday post about skincare search. I read all posts and made notes, but was not able to reply to anyone after about 3 p.m. as I became very busy with various errands.
BIG Thank You to Dawn, Kpaint, lovetosmellgood, Undina, Holly,Ajellyfish, Scentfromabove, Hera, Cazaubon, Clarissa and Lillyjo. I appreciate everyone’s time and effort!
Will be testing SL Fumerie Turque (finally!) while it is still cold outside.
Did you decide what to get? The discussion has my head swimming still and I’m paralyzed by choices. I’m intrigued by Ordinary but find their approach a bit overwhelming – plus shipping from so far away. I’m considering Paula’s Choice as a starting place.
Hi Luna Green! I agree with you completely- there are so many options to choose from, it is overwhelming. The package from Ordinary is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, so I will start with their products. I briefly checked Paula’s Choice web site, she has several travel sized products reasonably priced to choose from and I am planning to make a final selection and place an order over weekend. This is it regarding purchases for now.
I will try to sample as much as possible from Sephora and Nordies ( I hate blind buying!) and if I won’t find anything there, which is very unlikely, then I move to the sites like dermstore and so on and will start with Skyn (intrigued by great reviews).
Also planning to get DHC cleansing oil highly recommended by Victoria from BdJ, I found 1 oz. bottle for $5.00- can’t beat that price 🙂
The Deciem websites are awful. I finally ended up buying a few of The Ordinary products, but really only because they’re so inexpensive. All of their product sites have way too much info about scientific research and almost none that answer basic questions, like whether products are moisturizing or whether they’re better for one skin type or another. I never would have imagined myself thinking a skincare company needs a PR specialist, but they really need someone who can speak to end-users rather than researchers.
Well, my understanding is that Deciem positions itself as skincare brand/brands for geeks, which I am not! So, sure for me it is a pain in the beeep to read all of the info, we’ll see if the products really work and if they are worth the hype (good thing they are very affordable).
What did you order Kpaint? Did you like anything from Deciem offerings?
I’m a major skincare junkie and found myself very frustrated and annoyed. The first time I went to the site, I was so ticked off I just said, “eff it.” But I’m almost out of my vitamin C and retinol serums so I went back to buy some anyway, since they’re so cheap.
I ended up spending HOURS reading and re-reading and re-reading and had more questions at the end than when I started.
They make, what – 4 different vitamin C serums? I still can’t figure out why they have so many, why I would use one over the other, what skin type they’re formulated for, or how they’re functionally and aesthetically different ON THE SKIN. Their ad copy should answer those questions and lose the technical jargon.
My most basic requirement is that anything I buy needs to be hydrating, and if I can’t even figure that much out, forget it. Anyway, I ended up with the Retinol 2%, MAP 10%, and C Suspension 23%. We’ll see how it goes…
I liked Ordinary products. I got their Vitamin C (which I am testing against Drunk Elephant) – and theirs is better because it does not have the smell (DE has a bit of fishy smell, which goes away quickly). I also tried their Advanced Retinoid, which I like a lot. Highly recommend Hylamide SubQ Anti-Age – One of the best value for the money I found for hyaluronic.
Good Luck!
Hope you find some products that work for you and don’t break the bank. Just because its expensive doesn’t mean its better. Giant brands will often take a formula from one brand that’s doing really well, and they’ll just decorate it and repackage it for another brand. So I have read.
Thank you Lovetosmellgood!I hope so to.
Frankly speaking it is more fun to try new perfumes- less work, more joy and not time consuming. As I am a minimalist when it comes to a skincare I just want to find that works for me and be done with it.
IMO a lot of department store luxury brands have really unimpressive ingredients lists that aren’t that different from drugstore products. It boggles the mind that products packed with dimethicone, petroleum, and other cheap “fillers” are sold at luxury prices.
Ohhh…I missed that discussion. Must go back and read. I’m a skincare junkie, but only those things I can afford….
Hi LizzieB! Please share your recs! It is always nice to get an advice from the experts in the field. 🙂
I’m no expert. I just like surfing and reading. I too use a lot of PC. A big fan of her Resist retinol serum, AHA daily 5% exfoliant and BHA exfoliants. Those are my go to products from that line. I have dry, somewhat sensitive skin and moderate rosacea – her moisturizers are okay for me, but I’m still seeking my holy grail.
I only recently saw The Ordinary line and am intrigued. Let us know how you like it. I did order a few things off Soko Glam, which has Korean products.
Thank you for the input! Another fan of Paula’s Choice 🙂
I will report back on the Ordinary products once I test them properly.
I use the BHA exfoliant as well from PC but not everyday.
Please report back on the Ordinary if you can!
I agree..I could test perfume all day but skincare ..no thank you.
I use mostly Asian skincare products these days. My tip to you is to google whatever you’re wanting to buy from sokoglam as you’re almost sure to find it cheaper elsewhere. Memebox and amazon tend to be the most competitive.
Example: NEOGEN Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Wine pads are $27 at sokoglam and $16.55 at amazon.
Memebox’s prices are about the same, but they have a great rewards program, sales, and constant promo codes, so I’ve never paid full-price there. I just placed an order with a 30% off code plus another $5 off using my memepoints.
I hope some of these products hit the mark. 🙂
Thank you ajellyfish! I hope so too.
I take it this news makes you happy ????
I’m beginning the morning quite contrarian: I’ve tried that Demeter Whiskey Tobacco and really hated it… too fruity in not a good way. I kept thinking of those car air freshener trees mixed with too sweet pipe tobacco.
Do I have anything nice to say? Dunno. I haven’t broken anything yet this morning and my coffee dripped just fine…
Maybe I should go back to bed.
It will be a L’Huere Bleue day methinks.
Who’s crabby?
A L’Heure Bleue day is a good day 🙂
I am not crabby but I would love to go back to bed. I day dream about sleep..Lucky I may get a nap in when my little monkeys are napping
HA! It feels like a blue day so I’ll join you in L’Heure Bleue.
Into each life a little crab must crawl. At least you smell good.
And somehow the idea of a hermit crab is completely apt!
I enjoyed the crabby 🙂
LHB is a great choice. Crabby happens; go with it. ????
Good morning.
I’m wearing Caron Bellodgia and drinking a cup of Yogi Honey Lavender tea. I’ve been battling a UTI the last few days. Today is the first day I’ve woken up with no pain 🙂
How awful. They are so uncomfortable. I hope you feel much better today.
Thank you! Its so much better today.
Ack! Hate UTI’s and can confirm that cranberry capsules can help prevent them. There’s even statistics to prove it???? Hope you’re feeling much better pronto!
I now own a large bottle of cranberry capsules, and I will take one every day. This has not been fun 🙁
The doctor put me on cipro and my mom brought over the cranberry capsules and phenazopyridine.
I’m feeling so much better today. Thanks!
YUK! Hopefully you won’t have to experience that again any time soon.
You deserve a new bottle of perfume. I hope you feel better!
I should have written the first day I’ve woken up with no pain since Monday.
Glad you feel better today!
Excellent news.
Today I’m wearing Equestrian for that apple brandy vibe.
I thought about wearing Equestrian during the week but will probably wear it one day during the weekend.
Repeated last week’s L’eau d’hiver lunch break jog and was less fragrant but still very nice, and saw three cute bunnies that made me smile (still smiling).
SOTD is (freshly reapplied) Cuir Vetiver, pleasant and undemanding, perfect for this Thursday.
Awwww, thanks for sharing your rabbit rabbit rabbit moment. 🙂
Bunnies! Apparently they’re quite a menace but few things are quite so happy-making as baby bunny sightings 😀
Good morning Y’all…..
SOTD: See by Chloe Eau Fraîche. Apple blossom goodness…..
Scent twins with my 12 yr old, who texted me from her school bus. Is is weird that we text SOTD with each other? HA HA 🙂
No, I don’t think its weird at all 🙂
that sounds like fun!
I have 3 daughters, and none of them wears perfume. I wish!
That’s adorable. I think perfume is a really special thing to bond over. (Obv, since we’re all here, right?) I hope my daughter plugs in, but I’m afraid I may have inspired the very opposite by my constant wrist at her nose.
No, it’s beyond awesome!
A little booze in the pudding with Tobacco Vanille.
You smell divine!
I finally sniffed some Tom Ford magical scents at Nordstrom this week. Tobacco vanille is FANTASTIC!!!!
I wore that one to bed a couple of nights back – it is beautiful and suits many contexts. :^)
I have a writer friend who recently fell very hard for TV – *and* Noir de Noir.
HA HA HA HA I’ve been waiting for her to join us. She’s been moving up through “whatever samples Sephora will give me” to a FB of Flowerbomb, and now Tom Ford! I warrant she’s hooked now.
No booze today, as I couldn’t resist the tiny bit left in my sample of TF Ombré Leather 16.
Another week, another set of bloody auditors !
Wearing Chanel No. 22 in order to stiffen the spine and get things done
Which version are you wearing?
You smell lovely
Recently current version Les Exclusives EDT.
I have not tried the new EDP – have you???
yes..its just as good in my opinion!
I too think the EDP is excellent.
I couldn’t really tell the difference between the 2.
Just sampled this! Subtle incense…so lovely!!!
Ah! I get incense too 🙂
If you like the incense note, try to find some vintage cologne.
Chanel No. 22 is beautiful!
SOTD No. 19. Crisp fresh and green. May even do one more spritz before leaving for the day!
Oh, you smell wonderful.
No SOTD yet, but I think I’ll go for E&J Nirvana Bourbon later. It’s pretty shouty, but I’m working from home, so nobody to offend but DH and the cats. We’ll see if any of them even notice 🙂
Yesterday’s Oud Ispahan got the ‘ewwwwwww’ face from the cat who hates perfume 🙂 I have to say the persistence on that scent was phenomenal, I could still smell it 12 hours after applying.
AND I’m wearing red today, finally, AND purple. Loud and proud here, hanging out at home 🙂
Enjoy your loud & proud day!
Love the notion of a perfume-hating cat. The 3 living with me are rather indifferent to my SOTD, no matter what I choose.
SOTD is 31 Rue Cambon thanks to an awesome package of samples from Lizbee I received yesterday! Loving it, though not as much as the Bois des Iles I wore yesterday evening and to bed. Will Booze Cruise it tomorrow!
Hey twin! We smell great.
We do!
You smell great! I’m so glad you found something to love! ????
I can’t wait to wear all of the others! Few things excite me more than picking out what fragrance to wear each morning, and you’ve given me much to look forward to!
You smell great!
SotD = L’Heure Bleue, with thanks to Oakland Fresca for the inspiration. It makes a nice change as I almost always wear this one as a comfy scent in the evening. I have a routine dentist appointment in a few hours, it will be fun to see if anyone notices.
Be fragrant and carry on, NST. If you’re have a hard day please know I am thinking of you.
I hope your dental appointment went well. My dentist is truly the sweetest man, but I am scared to death every time I have to visit his office.
You picked a good comfort scent.
My dentist is calm and gentle and looks like a movie star. It has taken me many years, but I can now visit the dentist without breaking a sweat or even feeling a flutter in my heart, except when the dentist smiles. (wink wink!)
Hope the dentist visit was OK. You smell wonderful!
It was an easy visit, just a routine cleaning appointment. And the dental hygienist said I smelled nice. 🙂
SOTD: Philosykos. It’s lovely in warm weather.
Unfortunately, it’s not doing much to keep me awake, and I have a long Thursday ahead of me. 8PM can’t get here fast enough.
I’ve never smelled Philosykos, but it gets so much love, I think I must seek it out. Hope your day goes super fast:)
It’s quite lovely! Sheer, like a lot of Giacobetti’s stuff, and really nice in the warmer months.
Thank you for the article yesterday! I read it when things settled down here and I am glad I took the time to do that.
Many thanks
I’m so glad you got the time! You’re welcome. I’m always happy to share interesting reading.
I’m wearing Zoologist Nightingale today. It has a very sharp citrus opening, a hurt-your-nose kind of opening, that ultra-bright combination of plum and bergamot at first put me off but it changes quite a lot and turns into something more complex and nicer. It turns into something more like a rose-oud fragrance, a combination I love. And on me it lasts a long time. This is turning into my second favorite of the sample set, with Civet still being way in the lead. Plus I do love the pink color, it’s kind of cute and winning.
That one is tart powder on me – it makes me want to sneeze!
Oh, you smell fantastic! I love that one so much. Bat and Civet and still my favorites, but Nightingale is just so dang pretty.
I thought Nightingale quite pretty.
I had a awesome customer service experience with Thierry Mugler. I recently called them to register a bottle of Angel that I purchased over Christmas. While I was talking to the representative, I asked if they could send me some samples even though I was not making a purchase. She said because I was a Circle member that she could. I asked for a sample of Alien Majestueux, and anything else. Well I received my package with samples including five of the Les Exceptions! I’m very excited and happy! I just love good customer service. Sotd is Feve Delicieuse. Does anyone have any other recommendations for this line?
Very nice! My favorites were Oriental Express & Supra Floral.
I have no recs since I haven’t tried them but very nice on the treats and good customer service!
Which is your favorite Alien? I’ve been a little obsessed with jasmine lately and so tried Alien edp again. I like the opening, but not the drydown. It’s a bit too dusty woody for me.
Alien Liqour, and Alien Les Parfums de Cuir are probably my favorites. Both are are definitely Alien, but smoother and more refined. The Sun essence line is also very nice, for a brighter, happier Alien. The one I like least is Alien Aqua Chic. Too much Aqua for my taste, but it is more wearable on very hot days.
Thanks! I always think of you as the Alien Expert-in-Residence ???? Yeah, I didn’t like the sound of the Aqua and the Sun essence sound a bit suntan oily? The Liqueur and Cuir sound great to me.
Huzzah for excellent customer service!
Good morning!
My mishap this morning was simply staying in bed too late! Had a deep sauna session last night after my workout and I feel like my muscles are just trying to keep it together!
SOTD: Aromatics body wash followed by homemade rose/jasmine body oil massaged deeply all over.. A light spritz of Eau de Soir at the neck. Needed all that to wake up and get moving!
I also use Eau du Soir when I need to stay awake and focused 🙂 The morning cup of coffee isn’t working by itself.
You smell great!
Thank you! I like chypre style scents a LOT, especially Aromatic Elixir, but Eau de Soir has a certain green citrus something that really does perk your senses up- especially after a shower!
Sometimes it feels like this is me every morning.
Ugh, I feel you! This winter it was all about hiding under my comforter!
Eau de Soir is so good. You smell lovely today!
Today’s boozy number is L’artisan Havana Vanille (that was the name when I bought the bottle, so I’m sticking with it!).
I like the name Havana Vanille a lot better and was really annoyed that they changed that. That’s also on my list for the booze cruise.
Agreed. My bottle says Vanille Absolument but that’s not what I call it.
Hey, we smell pretty nice today.
David Jourquin Cuir Altesse layered over tobacco fragranced aoil. Rum, cogniac, rum, rum and more rum on the side. I think my co-workers will presume I am wearing last night’s clothes and have been drinking heavily. Oh well 🙂
Give them something to talk about.
SOTD Dita Von Teese by Dita Von Teese since I was decanting it early this morning. Perfect for the beautiful, sunny day today.
Currently wearing Vanille Absolument this morning and will be getting into the shower shortly. I’ve been really lazy all morning because I’m not at work today, so I can wear what I want. Half the problem right now is that my internet is wonky. Only certain websites are coming up but others will load and nothing is on the page. But it’s a good day today. The flipping out part has past. Even though I might love a perfume, it’s the price tag that can make me flip out. I’ve yapped and yapped these past few days about L’Heure de Nuit and found a bottle at Neiman Marcus in Texas yesterday and I am having it shipped to my house in Cleveland. I do have a hard time spending $175 or more on perfume. I know Donnatella will forgive me. After my shower, I will wear Liu today.
Oooh, love that whiskey glass.
Trying out Philosykos for the first time – liking the dirt but not sure this will become a love (which is okay – Diptyque seems to be taking all my money lately).
Wearing a shirt with a hops print to participate in the booze cruise a little bit. Happy day to all!
I don’t even drink whiskey, and I would love to have a set of those glasses.
I drink some maybe 5 times a year AND I already have glassware. But stiiiiiillll . . .
Hiya, twin! Are you in the EDT or EDP?
The EDP. I bought the gift set they put out over Christmas, and both Tam Dao and L’Ombre dans L’Eau immediately went on my buy list. Frankly, I’m liking Philosykos more and more as well. Apparently, I am a Diptyque kind of girl . . .
Isn’t it just the worst when you like something?
LOL. I am liking far too much these days . . .
I am in V. Intense again from the Splitmeet. I still have to compare this to Natori…but methinks there be plum in both.
I have an interview tomorrow and some jitters. I keep reminding myself, “just keep swimming…just keep swimming…” Too much Finding Dory in my house…
Go get ’em, She-ra, you can and will knock their socks off!
Good luck with the interview!
Good luck She-ra! Remember that they’ll be lucky to have you.
Good luck She-ra. You will do good in your interview.
Good luck!
Yes! Just keep swimming!!!
Good luck!
Good luck! I am sure you will do a great job with the interview.
All the mojo for your interview! I bet you’ll rock it. 🙂
Swimming and breathing. Good luck
A black-velvet sky filled with stars, scent of birch and maple leaves, quiet, and toast and honey. What a glorious start to the day! Man, I’m lucky. Epice Marine and a walk on the hill once the sun rises ( it will rise!). International Spill Your Coffee on the Floor Day! Go sisters!
So beautiful. I wish I was where you are!
I love reading your descriptions, Kanuka. They’re so evocative–and interesting because NZ is so different from my surroundings.
I wanted to say something like this. Thanks for putting it into words for me. 😉
I’m wearing Amouage Bracken for the first time. It smells mostly fruity to me (and maybe of lily, too?), although in a more sophisticated and nuanced way that most fruity perfumes. Not sure what I think of it. Have been running around the entire day, so haven’t paid enough attention to say anything meaningful. It’s probably not going to be love, though.
Is that Bracken woman?
I know bracken is a fern, which should sound lovely, but for some reason the word evokes swamp or bog to me; not things I want to smell like!
Glad to see you, Annikky, and congratulations on the new job!
The bracken grows thick on the hill where I walk and it smells of leather, peanut skins and dusty-earth. It is very rich, dense and yet it also makes the air smell fresh and new and full of life. You really do need to come here!!
Morning. Slept late again–what a habit to develop at this time of life. Woke to the sound of life happening in the kitchen, and then a cup of very hot magically came to sit in my bedside table. I could definitely come to love such starts to the day!
Perfume: for the bulk of the day, I’m wearing Bill Blass, which probably doesn’t have any booze in its notes, but nevertheless smells to me like one of those slightly sticky cocktails with improbable colours and little umbrellas and other embellishments. I’m assessing a thesis today, and this ridiculous fruity concoction is putting me into a stupidly good mood. Is that really pineapple I can smell, ‘cos, actually, on its own, the pineapple fruit can be an oddly unpleasant smell. Here, it’s rather rich, as though the juice has been reduced and made into a brandied sauce. Not dignified or elegant at all, but it certainly has presence. In fact, BB strikes me as a perfume you get away with, in the sense of wearing something slightly outré, and having a friend say, “You know, not too many people could get away with that dress, but you can!” I rather like outré!
Be well and happy, NST.
In my work with machines, I have learned that even machines need a reset and a reboot. So do humans! 🙂
Ah, sticky bright colored cocktails and crazy tootight dresses! My 20s! No wonder so many of us are loving aged whiskey and forgiving tunics! But that scent does seem happy, in fruity, boozy way!
Ah, yes, let’s hear it for tunics! I mostly do “outré” these days with colours and patterns. I do quite miss having the sort of legs that paid back a short skirt in full, but indeed, my days have passed for wearing dresses that start late and finish early.
I too am wearing something cheerful to help me through thesis chapters! Bombay Bling for me. Happy reading!
Bill Blass was one of my first perfumes. I’ve thought about trying to find a bottle, just to revisit that pineapple note. Enjoy!
Havana Vanille, which is more boozy than vanillish.
Those glasses are awesome and I don’t drink whiskey. How do you think they would look filled with Crystal Light Fruit Punch?
I am wearing Narciso Rodriguez for her edp today, or as I think of it, “The pink one.” I hate their naming conventions but I think I like the juice. It’s not love, but I swapped for it and like it better than the one I swapped away.
I didn’t pour any coffee on the floor this morning or drop any makeup, but yesterday morning in my fuzzy just-awakened state I poured the water over the grounds in the coffee filter instead of into the reservoir. Water all over and me standing there befuddled for a minute until I realized what I had done.
Sounds like NST collectively needs a good long sleep! Except for waterdragon!
My morning coffee disasters usually end up with coffee grounds everywhere – the kitchen, me, my shoes, my hair… Tea is much easier to deal with when I’m half-awake.
The pink one is nice. Not necessarily bottle-worthy for me, but I wouldn’t mind having some around.
Maybe perfume really is poisoning our brains and making us weird??Of course, the only cure is more perfume, taken three times daily.
I’ve done that with the coffee too. The water drained right out into the pot, and all I could do was stand there and think, “Well, that’s not right…” And that’s what the programmable function is for!
Once again, no time over breakfast to read everyone’s comments properly, a treat for the evening 🙂 Meanwhile, I’m gling with Ninfeo Mio today.
Wonderful spring fragrance.
Equally good for autumn 🙂
Sotd = VC&A Bois d’Iris, a scent I loved from first sniff, and continue to love through multiple samples, 2 decants, and now half way through FB.
We experienced sustained 45 MPH winds for hours here in Mid Michigan yesterday, and today 75% of my county and large portions of several others are without power. My little place did pretty well, no large trees down, and our generator is working fine, so it is more of an inconvenience than a disaster that the estimated time of power restoration keeps getting moved further into the future. We are up to Sunday evening now. Forecasted temps over the weekend dropping to single digits. Happy we heat with wood.
I just received a few bars of the violet/moss soap that you mentioned last week and they smell lovely. I excited to try it this evening.
I hope your power is restored quickly!
I stepped out of my car this morning and was hit in tbe face with sand. They sand our parking lot after plowing the snow so it’s everwhere. Very windy here today too.
I hope you enjoy that soap! It works well with so many of my favorite scents, I use it most of the time…
It is LOVELY! I enjoyed it tremendously! I couldn’t stop huffing the bar. Now I have to share these with a few friends that I know will love this scent! TY for the rec! ????
Yikes! Stay safe and warm. I’ve only tried a few of the VCA Collection Extraordinaires, but they’re all really nice – well-made and expensive-smelling.
This one is going to be my next purchase. ???? It’s so beautiful. That wind was insane yesterday. I live south of you in Indiana just across the state line. So glad I didn’t have to get on the toll road.????
Oh dear — hope it restored soon!
Bleah on not having power, especially in the weather you are expected to get. Hope it’s restored sooner than “they” say.
Glad you came out of it OK! Hope your power is restored soon.
Really wishing you get power sooner rather than later.
Bit of a late check in for me, crazy morning at work. I’m in Liqueur Charnelle, which I’m quite enjoying- cognac and raspberry and whiskey, sort of a feminine twist on the gentleman’s study fragrance genre.
Oh, I was going to wear that, but changed my mind at the last minute. Maybe tomorrow.
Give it a shot! I liked it a lot for the first hour particularly.
MCG Noir Tropical. Lots of vanilla, and a splash of rum.
‘Nuff said! You smell fantastic.
Off the topic with L’Antimatiere. I finally got this from eBay, and now I can spray 🙂
Oh, hey, I celebrated Meatball Day early–had some with spaghetti last night!
SOTD is Dame Perfumery Bergamot, Jasmine and Labdanum. Nice!
Meatball Day! Seriously? Is that International or National Meatball Day because, swear to God, I am sure it’s International Didn’t See It Coming Day here. Meatballs!!! This is what happens when committees rule the world.
National 🙂
And, I have NO idea whatsoever who establishes all these food holidays.
Probably not a vegan
In this case, maybe the National Meatball-Growers’ Association? ????
The manufacturers of said foods being promoted, one imagines.
Agree with kpaint, I think it’s industry lobbyists or PR firms.
Ooh, bergamot and Labdanum are two of my very favorite notes- sounds wonderful!
Today’s the first day I’ve worn it, testing it on one arm. It’s a very wearable, non-indolic jasmine with good projection and longevity.
Mona di Orio Vanille today, which is a boozy, woody, creamy vanilla with a rum note. I love it. I second guessed wearing it to work because of how strong it is, but I’m glad I went for it. I’m wearing a cowl neck sweater so made sure to spray down rather than directly on the neck. ???? That lessens my sillage.
This is on my “must smell” list. Sounds wonderful.
Back to testing vintage samples today. SOTD = vintage Diorissimo EdT, Ohh Emm Gee! I am sitting in a happy scented daze. Doubling down with a jasmine green tea.
I wonder if this is what some cats experience when they try catnip?
You would think so! you smell fantastic, of course.
Bal D’Afrique. My favorite Byredo!
I tried that one and the drydown reminded me of the Ombré Rose my mom wore when I was young. Have you ever tried OR?
You smell pretty!
Thank you! I’ve never tried Ombré Rose, but I’m intrigued.
Queen today, a little spritz since I was teaching and didn’t want to overwhelm anyone. It’s going to snow tonight on top of all of the daffodils that have started to bloom! Crazy weather.
SOTD is “Les Jeux sont Faits” by Jovoy.
Top: petitgrain, angelica and dried fruits;
Mid: rum, gin, tobacco leaf and cumin;
Base: sandalwood, patchouli, vanilla and labdanum.
I like this one, but its performance – half a day tops – is right on the lower edge of what I find acceptable. If this were a cruise, it would be one of those short runs out of Southampton to Madeira and the Canary Islands – an enjoyable mini-break, but not a full holiday.
This evening I met up with most of my old teams from 3 contracts back, where I headed up a programme office for several years. It was bitter-sweet to catch up, as we used to work closely together every day and now are scattered across several companies and areas.
Not the Love Boat, then? Which reminds me…did you buy the place in Malta or did you decide to wait?
Isn’t that the worst thing about certain kinds of work? Being very tight with a group over a period of months or years and then . . . gone? I try to keep up with people across the US and parts of Europe, but it is so hard. Glad that you were able to meet up with folks.
Super late to the Booze Cruise today which seems to be the story of my life.
SOTD = Il Profumo Vanille Bourbon
I have a decant from a swap. It is not particularly boozy but I am crusing along by virtue of its name. It has similarities to Indult Tihota in the initial blast (in your face vanilla) but whereas Tihota stays the same all throughout its development, this one turns into a gauzy, slightly floral vanilla (almost like a sheer version of VC&A Orchidee Vanille without the VC&A signature base).
I am highly annoyed today with a last minute STRATEGY change which has a significant domino effect on many many things and a deadline I am supposed to meet tomorrow is now in jeopardy of being late. Ugh!
Thanks for the description–I look to you as a vanilla guru! Hope things don’t get too messed up for you at work.