It's yet another Monday. Happy European Day of the Righteous! Plus, Gabriel García Márquez would have turned 90 today.* What fragrance are you wearing?
I'm in By Kilian Apple Brandy, just what the doctor ordered on a cold Monday morning.
Reminder: on 3/10 we're taking the Booze Cruise...wear a perfume with a booze note. Suggested by Koenigsberg.
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2017, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
Note: shown is Cedar Ridge Apple Brandy, made in Ohio using apples from a Wisconsin orchard. "Crafted in small batches, our artisans guide Cedar Ridge Apple Brandy from start to long, velvety finish. Fresh apple juice is fermented, twice distilled, filtered and aged in American Oak and French Limousin Oak casks. This spicy, warming brandy is perfect for beating the chill in the cold Midwest winters."
* Morning reading list: Gabriel García Márquez, The Art of Fiction No. 69 at Paris Review, Gabriel García Márquez: five must-reads at The Guardian, Gabriel García Márquez, Conjurer of Literary Magic, Dies at 87 at The New York Times, The Secret History of One Hundred Years of Solitude at Vanity Fair.
In L’Artisan’s Rose Privée today and the hay note is singing like a choir of angels. It’s making me very happy!
Another for the Marquez list: Just this morning Facebook’s timehop reminded me of my trip to Cartagena (six years ago apparently! facebook, why are you Like This?) using that article as our tour guide. All divine.
Today I’m in a cabin in the woods, having a little work retreat with my sweetheart; the only perfume I brought is Tocca Margaux, a good writing scent.
Thank you for the link! And enjoy your retreat.
Cartagena is gorgeous!..So beautiful, the walled in city is my favorite. Thanks for the link!
It’s so wonderful!
I’m jealous of your cabin retreat!
I’m commando today since I have a diagnostic mammogram this morning.
My favorite kind of mammogram! J/k, but I do have one every other year. Breathe deep!
Hope all goes well and you brought something scented for afters.
I haven’t had one since 2010 (my first ever, early 40s), and I’m undoubtedly due for another. Sigh.
Best to do it now while it’s still 100% covered…
I finally got home and put on something new to me, Smell Bent Violet Tendencies. I’m on vacation this weekind, so l’m planning on wearing new (to me) scents I’ve accumulated but not tried. This one is described as musty leather.
Decidedly unboozy in vintage Chanel No. 19 EDT.
A commenter mentioned last week that whenever she wears No.19, she wonders why she doesn’t wear it more frequently. I feel the same 🙂
Oh yes.
You smell great. I friend wears it exclusively, and I also wonder the same thing after meeting her.
Lovely! Always a perfect choice!
No 19 is always a lovely choice.
you smell so beautiful!
I was one of the people who said that, and this morning I was going to wear it but went with Heure Exquise instead. That happens a lot, which is how I end up not wearing it as often as I should! I spend a lot of mornings lounging in my pajamas, though, and No 19 doesn’t really lend itself to that 😉
Gabriel García Márquez-great author
Inspired by cazaubon post over the weekend, I am finishing off this sample of Santal 33
French Press Coffee-regular strength 😉
Hope everyone has a fragrant day
Joining you with French press coffee. It’s the best/only way to drink it!
Can you share your method? Talking to different people it seem everyone has a different way
I think whatever the best way is, I’m not using it. (I follow the instructions on my $12 cafetiere. Maybe that’s the problem, I bought a cheapo press?) My take on French press is that it’s perfectly *fine,* but not significantly enough better than drip for me to take the time to make it.
I do find cold brew significantly better, for what that’s worth, when I prepare it.
Agreeing with this. Cold brew = absolutely amazing coffee.
We have a bodum French press that I measure my coffee into. I get the beans course ground at the grocery store. I boil the water in a teapot and pour over the grounds, then I stir and let it “steep” for 5 minutes and then press. Voila, perfect coffee every time. I feel like it’s a somewhat green way to make coffee too since we don’t use filters.
I more or less do the same.
After I add the water I don’t stir, just wait a bit then stir. Then wait a few moments and then plunge. I use the same kind of FP that you use.
It is very green way to drink coffee~and we compost the grounds
Well, that sounds like the instructions for my press.
I don’t know. Maybe it’s me? I mean, the press makes good coffee. (I’d rather have no coffee at all than bad coffee – i.e., diner coffee. Office coffee. Church kitchen coffee, all bleah.) It’s just not *better* than coffee out of my drip machine.
I do think cold brew is better than either one, but it uses a LOT of grounds.
Hopping in with my French press method: I use water that has almost boiled but not quite, stir after two minutes, plunge after two more. According to what I’ve read on the subject, after four minutes you’re extracting more of the bitter components of the coffee rather than the yummy components.
that is more or less what I do, except I let the water bowl. Tomorrow I will try to almost boiling like your way. Thanks for the input!
Hmmm. Will try that. The thing I like about cold brew is the lack of bitterness.
Thirded on French press. I am doing a ghetto version using a teapot and mesh strainer 😛
that works
That might be ghetto for a French Press, but it’s ultra swanky for cowboy coffee! 🙂
As much of a slut as I am for coffee (I’m unsure if I can actually live or function without it), you’d think I’d get a french press. Maybe I’ll order one this weekend. I usually just brew in my little pot. I also love making a big pitcher of cold brew on weekends, enough to last several days.
“as much of a slut as I am for coffee”
You are my hero
I had a handful of samples arrive over the weekend so today I went with Hermes Osmanthe Yunnan. This one is really beautiful. I don’t always get along so well with florals, but I could see becoming friends with this one. JCE has hooked me again.
Yesterday I tried Seville a l’Aube and the strangest thing happened. I have read such good things about this one both here and over at BdJ that I’ve really been wanting to try it. I dabbed both my wrists and sniffed, and my first impression was: corn tortillas. Hmmm, okay, I let it settle on my skin for a couple of hours and then sniffed again. Same thing. I went to Fragantica to see what others had to say about it and do you know what the first review says? Corn tortillas! Lol. I’m sure this is beautiful for most people, but for me and at least one other person out there, it’s not. Oh well, check it off the list.
I love Osmanthe Yunnan!
I had a weird experience with Seville a l’Aube as well. The sample vial was beautiful and complex, then from the FB I got straight up cough syrup. I don’t understand 🙁 For me the l’eau de corn tortilla was TF Orchid Soleil. All I could think was ‘warm steamy tortilla’.
That’s pretty funny.
Seville a l’Aube is mostly sweet OB on me, but I kinda like it. Of course I’ve found incongruous impressions in various scents… don’t get me started.
That’s so interesting about the corn tortillas! I was obsessed with Seville l’Aube last summer and wore it all the time, love it. I’ll look for the tortilla note next wearing 🙂
I smell mostly the incense in Seville a l’Aube, and I really love it. It is so interesting what our skin (and our brain) can do to a fragrance, though. A good cautionary tale against blind buying, I guess.
I so love the back story, and want to love the scent… but have had a similar issue with the actual frag. Sometimes it does click, sort of, but not frequently enough. When I used up my small decant I did not miss it.
I bought it as a gift for my SiL when it first came out. I’ve never been with her when she has worn it. That may be because we do not have the best relationship, or it may be the tortillas!
Interesting. Not corn tortillas for me, but total scrubber nonetheless.
My husband thinks Seville a l’Aube smells like banana laffy taffy. I get corn tortilla (in my mind it’s boiling pozole or steaming tamales) from some jasmines, but I’ve never gotten it from Seville. That said, I haven’t worn it in a while – maybe I would now?
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who got corn from Seville a l’Aube. I get it a bit from some jasmines as well.
SotD: L’Artisan Havana Vanille. I am enjoying the boozy vanilla, with tobacco and incense.
S(ip)otD: MF Bastille Day Blue Tea. Citrus, ginger, and a floral oolong with flowers that turn the drink bright blue. It sure is a lot of fun for a Monday morning when I’d rather be lounging on my couch.
Scent twins! I love the narcissus note in HV.
You smell fantastic, twin.
Forgot about today’s theme at 5.45 this morning so I’m wearing lovely, non-intrusive Cristalle.
Tea is a black tea with jasmine.
Perfect matching!
It was my search for a deal on this particular bottle that led me to your blog and Perfume in a Big Way.
Ah, funny!
Ah Cristalle! You smell wonderful
One of my absolute favorites! You smell lovely!
You smell great! I forget how much I like Cristalle EDP when it’s cold out. Need to pull it out soon.
Mine it EDT. The EDP is very good, but to me Cristalle is slightly sharp and bitter, which is what I love about it.
Struggling to stay awake after working the whole weekend. A very busy week laughing in front of me????. Drinking triple strength coffee like Bear and wearing Theorema from the splitmeet (thanks Springpansy). I will survive…..
Sounds gruelling – hope you get a quiet patch soon.
Hope so. Thank you.
Yes you will, and you smell fantastic!
Thanks Robin.
You have all the right tools to conquer the week. You smell great.
Thank you!
Hope you’re work load gets easier soon, perfume really does help get through these difficulties, coffee (and tea) too of course!
I made it through the day today????. Thank you.
I was going to wear Frapin Speakeasy but made a mistake and accidentally perfumed myself with ELDO Fils de Dieu du riz et des agrumes instead. 🙂 A nice mix of aromatic herbs, citruses and soft leather. So far I like it. Comforting and fresh.
Not a bad mistake, as mistakes go!
Bloody cold here today ( -27 C ) so I went for the warmth of Mitzah, which smells as if it should have booze in the notes but doesn’t.
Sorry about the cold! It was cold here this morning but it’s nearly balmy now.
Then let me build a bridge, for I cannot fill the chasm….
Intelligent and handsome. Do you have a gay brother? Introduce me !!!!!
I can be charmin’ if I wanna.
LOL. 😉
Perhaps Bob Mackie- a fun Tresor imitator. Should get lots of quizzical looks while I am amongst the people today.
Triple strength coffee.
Carpe Diem. Peace.
Should I remove trapped leaves from my hydrangea bush. Or will their decomposing fuel the soil? It already has some green buds on its tips. TIA
Ooo I love that song. Sting was here in Portland last month so I saw him live.
Can’t help with the flower question, I’m hopeless there. Peace to you too!
Saw the Police, Oingo Boingo, and UB40 ages ago, when they were all shiny and new.
Touched for the very first time.
OK I’ll stop. 😉
This comment is awaiting moderation?
‘Splain Lucy !
I’ve gotten that on a few of my comments lately too, for no reason that I can see.
Thanks for confirming, sweetgrass!
No reply button to your post, so I’m posting here.
I got one too today.
The Sultan of Sequins Bob Mackie–a time and and a place like no other. I haven’t tried the perfume, but my teens were punctuated by awareness of his fashion and influence on American culture.
Yes, he was responsible for such beautiful clothes!! He designed clothes for Cher and Carol Burnett and other celebrities.
Wore it as much for the kitsch value as the scent itself.
Rake them away just a bit so they’re not touching the trunk(s), but no need to remove them unless they’re so thick they’re growing molds. At least, that’s what we do.
Thanks Robin !
Was the moderation message I received earlier a WordPress glitch ? Just curious.
I think so, I think it has something to do with the plugins I use for spam. It seems to be happening more frequently lately and I don’t know why. Sorry! I will try to investigate next weekend if it hasn’t stopped by then.
I’m wearing Nirvana Rose today. Not boozy but nice.
I got a sample of that one in my Birchbox a few months back and enjoyed it a lot (way more than most of the fragrances in I get in my boxes). I also really enjoyed their Nirvana Black. Didn’t care for White so much.
I’ve smelled the white one like 4-5 times and have no memory of what it smells like….
No booze, but still something strong. I’m in No 19 parfum.
I have never sniffed 19 parfum, it must be gorgeous. At one point I was thinking about buying it blind… Love my 19 edt-the best iris for me to date 🙂
This is from a vintage mini I got from an Etsy shop. I think the person also posts on here, but I’m not sure. It’s very strong and I always tend to put on a little too much for the office, but no one says anything so until they do I won’t worry about it. I’ve not smelled any other No 19, so I can’t compare (yet), but there’s a LOT of oakmoss in this.
Ha! There is no such thing as too much #19! 🙂 I wish I could be your coworker:)
Jenkr, are you from US? If you are, send me an email at tomasen at male dawt ru, I’ll send you a sample of 19 edt.
Yes I am in the US. Is that or actually Sorry, but I don’t understand it too well when people spell out email addresses.
Jenkr, it is
SOTD Cuir d’Ange – trying to think what I have with a booze note. My husband was wearing Jubilation XXV last night which almost does – something rich and fruity. Berlin im Winter is the booziest scent I’ve tried but I have none.
Jubilation XXV smells like expensive liqueur to me!
Thanks, Robin, for the reminder about European Day of the Righteous. It’s a fascinating holiday….
I’m wearing Zoologist Hummingbird. I haven’t decided whether the bright uplifting floral tempered by a woody base is a diversion or an unconventional backbone after a challenging weekend. But, the sky is clear and I almost expect to see a hummingbird outside my window. Hoping to catch up on NST later today.
Yes it is! “Celebrating those who, in the face of tremendous danger, have placed human dignity above obedience, hatred, greed or ideology is an indispensable part of the quest to build societies that are immune to the temptations of scapegoating and victimizing minorities.”
I’ll spray, dab, and sniff in vicarious celebration 😀 .
Hear, hear!
Another nastily cold March day so I am in vintage Bal a Versailles parfum, warm and luscious and not nearly as filthy as you may have heard, although it has a certain dirty-bedsheets quality thanks to all that civet, plus something I noticed for the first time — briefly, in the very top, the arresting smell of a freshly struck match.
I love that match smell.
Me too. Imaginary Authors City on Fire has that smell.
When my mother was pregnant with me she used to light matches and then immediately blow them out!
SOTD is PG Cuir d’Iris. Snowing here again – when will it END???? Gah.
Send that snow to meeeeee!
Oh, how I wish I could!
We got virtually no snow here this year. Not much sun, but the warmest winter in my memory.
Wore Habanita last night and it smelled so good I’m repeating it today, it had been languishing in the back of my perfume cabinet. First thoughts were growly powder lol.
Ohhh – sounds right up my alley.
I am greeting a very happy Monday away from work with PdE Azemour les Oranges! It’s perfectly suited to lift my mood and hold hands with this warm, balmy Florida day.
A ton of running around today and trying to overcome the incredibly frustrating world of automated appointments…GRRR!
“Technology” will be our undoing!
Not sure what I will wear for my Booze Cruise- I’m thinking of Arquiste #57 which smells like the best kind of alcohol on me. Pretty sure I get a slight buzz just by taking a whiff of myself now and again…
Hope you all are having a fabulous Monday away from automation! 😉
I wore Azemour yesterday, such a good one!
I like booze notes in my perfume, but I’m afraid they might get me fired for Working Under the Influence, so I will do Box of Eels for daytime and something boozy tonight.
That works!
My Insolence for me today. I’m not usually big into the fruitchoulis, but this one works well on my skin. And my husband gave it to me, so it’s a little more special because of that.
Inspired by Pyramus, I put on vintage Bal a Versailles. I’ve worn this perfume since it was first released (before I even knew what “skanky” was in perfume) and it has never read as skanky on my skin. Just a nice, floral amber. I think I have skank-eating skin! 😉
So nice that you can enjoy such a classic.
Upon watching Ryan Murphy’s Feud on Fx last night – the Joan Crawford and Bette Davis story played by Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon – I decided to wear vintage Patou Adieu Sagesse today although Davis apparently only wore Givenchy Le De, which I never tried.
I recorded that one to watch soon. Was it awesome?
It was amazing, I live for that stuff and great cast!
Dang it! Forgot to set my dvr for that:(
I watched last night,and loved it!
Joan Crawford’s house was so beautiful. I loved her staircase! Not crazy about her plastic-covered furniture, though lol.
Thanks for reminding me about Feud! I added it to my Tivo watchlist and it started recording everything with “feud” in its name. I ended up with about 15 episodes of Family Feud so I took it off the list – now that it’s running I can add it back.
My start date has moved back a week. Which is perhaps just as well, because I’m not sure what sort of first impression I’d have given with a week of booze notes.
SOTD is Lubin “Gin Fizz”.
Top: bergamot, lemon, mandarin and juniper;
Mid: iris, jasmine, orange blossom, galbanum and rose;
Base: vetiver, musk, oakmoss, benzoin and lily.
Yeah. More fizz than gin I’m afraid, and no lasting power whatever.
If this were a cruise it would be: the river ferry in Stratford-upon-Avon – looks more fun than it is, and over almost before it’s begun.
If you like the smell of gin and tonic, I would recommend Art de Parfum “Gin and Tonic Cologne” instead, although being a cologne it also doesn’t last a full day.
I had a sample of vintage Gin Fizz once, but it had really gone off so I have no idea what it should have smelled like.
Gin Fizzle?
Harsh but fair. ;^)
Today I am wearing Fille en Aiguilles. Almost a year ago this scent triggered my obsession with perfume, and it still is one of my favourites! 🙂
One of my favourites too, u smell wonderful and cosy!
I finally had a chance to try Stash! I really enjoyed it, and it reminded me of Nirvana Black, but by the time I got home to do a side-by-side comparison it had almost completely faded.
SOTD Cacharel Amor Amor
I’ll have to try Stash then, because I really enjoy Nirvana Black (I also enjoy Nirvana Rose).
I’m in Orto Parisi Bergamask today, which I am LOVING and have almost used up my sample of- I’m considering a FB but man is it expensive for what is essentially a citrus cologne.
Do you all have categories of perfume you feel ought to be less expensive than others? Would you splurge on this one?
Yeah, I have a hard time spending a lot on colognes and light summery scents. Anything that lasts less than 4 hours better be cheap.
I agree!
Since Mondays are basically a ****show around here, I’m in No. 19 EDP so that I at least *smell* like I have a grip.
so many NST’ers in 19 today,
Perfect for the winter- spring transition, I still habent tried the edp, and really looking forward to doing so this spring.
Good morning and Monday to Y’all!
Well, I’ve decided that I can’t stay silent any longer. I NEED to talk about perfume, and there is no one in my circle of friends who love it like I do! Sooooooo…..I’m launching my own YouTube channel! If you get an itch to check it out, here’s the link….
I’ve decided to call it Perfume Geek, because I do tend to geek out when I get excited about a subject. I would appreciate ANY and ALL comments, good and bad, to improve it! This 1st video was to get comfy in front of the camera, so I’ll do much more detail and info the next attempt….
Anyhoo, you guys are my target audience, so please subscribe and help me on this new hobby! Get geeked out with my Southern accent! LOL! 🙂
SOTD: Guerlain Idylle. Just perfect on a cloudy, gray day! 🙂
I watched the first few minutes and then the babies needed me. I will go back and watch the rest later. You are so darling and I love the accent.. Katie Puckrik does something similar with youtube about perfume.
Good Luck!
Just finished.
One comment so far: Shadow, should just make a official appearance 🙂
Sincerely, Lovestosmellgood whoalsolovescats
I agree! Shadow is my little buddy! When I sit down anytime, anywhere, he usually joins me! Here he is!
so sweet!
OMG, so cute! I will watch anything for a cute kitty cameo (and, of course, would watch anyway because NST folk should stick together) so will check it out this evening when I have some quiet time.
Awww, cats are the best!!!
And I really like your video. You are so relaxed in front of that camera and that red lipstick looks great on you.
I enjoyed your video Jada 🙂
Very well done!
I love you already! You’re a natural in front of the camera.
I will definitely watch! Have to support my fellow southerners!
Great video and I can really feel your enthusiasm, bravo! Love the cat appearance too. 🙂
Ooh exciting!, Will watch later when kids in bed!
Great job! As someone else said, you’re a natural in front of the camera. And what a cute personality you have! 🙂
Subscribed! I enjoyed your video. It kind of reminded me of Katie Puckrick’s videos.
Also, just a side note, you remind me a lot of a lady I used to work with years ago. You don’t have a sister in Houston, do you?
No sister at all, I’m sorry to say! LOL 🙂 2 brothers though…
THANK YOU for subscribing!
Great vlog format. We need more well produced You Tube videos by women. I appreciated your attention to lighting and sound.
Thank all of you SO MUCH!!! It is sooooo encouraging!!
Besides the obvious love of perfume, I can’t even tell you how fun it was to have my oldest daughter film it, and my younger daughter do the editing and publishing! That brought me JOY!!
More to come! 🙂
Adorable video! And, coincidentally, I switched up the bottles on my perfumes-of-the-season tray just yesterday — spring is springing!
So brave of you! Your presence in front of the camera is great!
My only two thoughts, and this from someone who NEVER watches Youtube videos so they should be taken with a grain of salt!!! are 1) I feel like regular video-watching for me would need to be shorter. I only have the patience to watch someone talking for about 4 minutes, and 2) let the camera fall on the bottles from time to time. Or maybe have a stand next to you to hold the bottle at a viewable level while you are talking about it, plus a few close-ups when you are holding it? The bottles are fun to look at and might add a little more visual context for the conversation, since smell is not an option. I don’t own any of the bottles you shared, so I am curious about the products–how they look as well as how they smell.
You are awesome for doing this!
Exactly the constructive advice that I need! Thank you so much! My 12 yr old video editor is going to add snapshots of bottle closeups next time! Wheeeee!!!! 🙂
I actually had those exact 2 thoughts! And I also don’t usually watch video reviews, but I’ll certainly make an exception for you???? The last input I’ll give is your head is blocking your sign behind you. Brava for your courage and you really seem very fluid and at ease. Very fun!
Your video was great!! And the cat walking through was perfect!
Late, but I just had a chance to watch your video. You are really confident and natural in front of the camera, and I really enjoyed the video.
The only thing that jumped out at me for improvement was the whiteboard behind you – I spent most of the video wishing you had utilized it to list the perfumes you were going to talk about or cute facts or maybe pictures. When you showed the scent of the week on the whiteboard I became super excited, because the real estate was being used.
Great premiere!
Jada- just watched your video and LOVED it!! ( and your accent) Just the thought of any kind of public speaking gives me the cold sweats, but you are a natural! I’ll be looking forward to more!????
Jada, I am a perfume video watching addict! I had seen your comment to Beauty Meow the other day, and was hoping it was true that you would do your own channel. I’m super excited for you! I will watch when the kids are settled. Yay you!
Beauty Meow really was the gal that inspired me to give it a go! She has an INCREDIBLE collection, don’t you think? WOW!
I invited her to NST once….maybe she’s here too! 🙂 I hope so!
Just watched. You were great! I am looking forward to seeing more from you.
Yay! Can’t wait to watch your videos! Go Jada go! ????
I subscribed and loved it. Great job! You are so stinkin’ cute!????
Enjoyed seeing and hearing you talk perfume today! So clever to list each fragrance below the video. You reminded me I must try Idylle again sometime soon.
Keep geeking, we’ll be watching. 😉
No perfume for me this morning because the pretty pink Jasminum polyanthum began to open yesterday. I am constantly sniffing the vase full of flowers on my desk.
Amazingly, the blooms give off more scent as the day progresses. They become narcotic in the evening, leaning into a funky-sweet-floral deliciousness that almost tips over into rot but never quite goes there. If I were a moth, these flowers would be my undoing.
Oh, how lovely!
“If I were a moth, these flowers would be my undoing.”
Made me smile!
Freezing cold today, so once again, out comes the Chypre Mousse. It’s been on pretty high rotation lately.
Morning, all. Second day of interviews for the HoS position, and if the candidates are as exhausted as I am, they deserve special recognition just for staying on their feet and seeing the process through. Talk about appointment-by-ordeal! Cristalle was lovely yesterday, but today I’m rolling about in boozy hay: L’Occitane Immortelle de Corse. Yum. The opening notes really are heady with boozy fumes. In fact, the breakfast table smells as though I have, for reasons of my own, added brandy to my morning porridge. There are many worse ways to start the day than this!
Be well, happy and flagrantly fragrant, NST.
Mmm. Boozy porridge.
Boozy porridge sounds so good! Thanks for reminding me I have a boozy perfume, (tiny bottle of I de C!).
Immortelle de Corse…one of my favorites. It is more honeyed than boozy on me!
Iris 39. Carroty goodness.
You smell fab!
This, but it is not so carrotty on me.
SOTM: i Profumi di Firenze Spigo Fiorentino Lavanda Azzurra
. . . which would be my HG of lavenders if it lasted as long as it took to type out the name.
Inspired by others, I may “top up” with Bal later.
I love lavender.
And that is some name!
In Silver Iris but beginning to think I’m just not an iris lover- at least as a main note. I enjoy this more than ISM for instance, but it’s still not a love for me and I wish I had on one of my loves today.
I feel the same way about iris: like it as a supporting player, not so much as the lead.
Have you tried less rooty/metallic irises? I like rooty myself, but don’t like that Atelier-too sweet.
Maybe Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile which is not rooty, but floral, and purdy! Or more powdery/cozy like Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue?
I have not, so that’s next haha! The ISM is just too rooty and alien and metal to me. And the Atelier is better but cloying. I do like powder/cozy so maybe those would be up my alley. I’ll have to see if I can get my hands on some samples!
I have the Prada if you want to try it. Happy to send you some???? Email me at pretsky 35 @ hawtmale
I don’t own the other ????
For powdery/cozy iris you might try Goutal Heure Exquise, TDC Bois d’Iris, or Chanel No 19 Poudree.
Thanks for the advice. You all are awesome.
I thought I didn’t like Iris until I smelled Prada Absolue,.
Iris isn’t my favorite note either. They tend to be either too “icy blonde” or strangely like deodorant on me. The few that I do actually wear are Heure Exquise, Equistrius, and No. 19. I quite liked Iris Cendre, too, until I wore too much on a warm day and it did the deodorant thing on me.
Equistrius = yum. ????
I like to believe there is an iris scent for everyone.
Today there’s a new post (plus on topic comments) at Bois de Jasmin about iris:
There probably is!
I fell for Bois d’Iris from TDC (a ‘warmer’ Iris to my nose, a bit on the sweet side with spices and woods).
Now see, that sounds like something I’d like!
Also..I smelled Dior Homme yesterday on someone, in the supermarket of alle places haha. Its a very nice sweet iris and not very expensive.
On my skin it turns a bit too sweet after a few hours. But to be honest, most of the time I cannot resist a small spray when I visit the local perfume store. 🙂
See, I probably just haven’t found my one yet. 🙂 I CAN say it won’t be ISM or Silver Iris lol. On I go! So many perfumes, so little money ha!
“My” iris is probably No. 19.
I think I’m probably going to skip doing a whole week of booze – I don’t have that many, not even samples. Just not my thang.
I do like gin, but somehow I’ve never managed to get a hold of Penhaligon’s Juniper Sling, which I think I might enjoy. And I do drink wine, but am just not that thrilled by wine notes in perfume. Ehhh. Shrug.
Wearing Pierre de Velay Extrait No. 11, from TPC’s recent closeout. It’s a lovely retro floral chypre with black pepper, from Roja Dove, and reminds me a quite a bit of his Diaghilev (the LE edp).
how did i miss TPC closeout!
I do not have much booze either
I can’t remember when it was. January? And it was only on certain lines/items that they’re apparently not going to restock.
Mals, after reading the thread about french press coffee (which I’ve never been able to make a decent cup with), I have to ask what kind of coffee maker you have? I had a great Philips one years ago but after it went kaput, I couldn’t find a good replacement. After I stopped looking I started using a pour-over type, then an aero press, and now I’m back to the pour-over. Regardless of the method, I absolutely hate making coffee. It’s the bane of my mornings! But at least with a coffee maker you only have to go through the process once :\
Have you looked at a Nespresso machine (or similar)? You can get compatible empty pods to fill with whatever coffee you choose, so not limited to their choice. They are more practical than a traditional Gaggia machine – a lot less cleaning.
If I have time, I now use a traditional stove-top espresso pot. If not, an aeropress. My basic Gaggia is in the attic – I can’t be bothered with the thimble-sized cups, endless cleaning, and long wait if I want to froth milk as well. My sister has a great beans-to-cup machine but it’s huge and at a different price point altogether.
I’ve never considered a pod machine, though I can see the draw for people like me who hate making coffee. I used a Starbucks one at a place I worked for a short while. It made surprisingly good espresso, and the machine was really compact and quite nice-looking.
My mom has had a couple of espresso machines that also made fairly good shots, but frothing milk ain’t gonna happen. I guess I could make Americanos, though. Don’t know why that hasn’t occurred to me before.
What I’d love is a good old coffee pot, though, that drips into a thermos carafe.
I have a Keurig and it is so convenient. If I want fancy coffee, I go to Starbucks.
Oh – just saw this. I have a Melitta drip coffeemaker with a stainless steel vacuum carafe (after having shattered two glass ones in two years, clumsy me). It’s programmable and you can adjust the brew strength from “regular” to “bold” to “robust” – I use the bold. There’s no hot plate under the carafe, so the coffee doesn’t sit in the pot cooking. Got it at Amazon for $46, I think.
Thank you!
I don’t think I have much booze either but wish I had more to try. Especially anything with brandy or whiskey notes.
Wearing L’Heure de Nuit today. I don’t know if Donetella is trying to tell me something or what but I made the commitment to get a full bottle of L’Heure de Nuit but I’m not seeing it on Saks Fifth’s website or on any higher end stores website. Even looking at the Guerlain website comes up empty. Saw on makeup alley that it might be discontinued but a more reliable source seems to be Monsieur Guerlain and I’m not seeing that it has been. I emailed Saks Fifth and hopefully I get an answer in the next couple days.
that is so lovely.
When I visited the Guerlain spa last month they had that perfume out for testing so don’t give up hope.
It is so lovely, and Donetella is telling you that it will be better and more worth it if you have to put some work into finding it 🙂
Try the Guerlain boutique at the Palazzo in Las Vegas – 702-732-7008. They’re extremely nice and helpful and can be counted on to have even a few things that have been discontinued. (no affiliation)
Let us know how you make out!!!
I just did some searching and they are reopening the guerlain boutique/spa in my neck of the woods so if you don’t find it in LV or at Saks, I can search for the contact I have or call for you
I have a tiny bit left in my sample that I’ve been hoarding. It’s really lovely.
No snow at my house, thank goodness, just drizzle. The landscape designer is coming today so like a lot of people here I’m wearing No. 19 to feel spring-like as we walk in the mud. I’m not a fan of boozy notes either but I may be able to rustle up one for Friday, I have Bohemian Black and I think a sample of Gin Fizz.
I was feeling like shopping over the weekend so I bought a bottle of Pulp and a bottle of Promesse de l’Aube from Germany. With the Euro so low it’s hard to resist getting even more. I’ll have a serious Donatella confession to make in April.
“With the Euro so low…” What subtle enabling. 🙂
Seriously! It sparked a fire that needs to be extinguished.
I’m wearing Hiris today – I didn’t have the brainpower to deliberate between scents, so I just grabbed my favorite. Have a great day everyone!
Shalimar by way of Mexico. So much fun to smell things again! Still not 100%, but so much better it’s like I am having a mood swings. Whee, I am at work! Yippee! The reality of my email inbox will bring me down,I expect..
Glad you’re feeling/smelling better! Your post made me smile ????
Much shorter way of labeling the Shalimar blah blah blah blah blah Mexique. Glad you are feeling better!
I have a phone interview later this morning and am in a cloud of Bois des Iles EDT…
Haven’t interviewed in several years 😯 sadly they won’t be able to tell how good I smell. 😉
Good luck on the interview! I’m sure the perfume will make you feel more confident, even if the interviewer can’t smell your fabulousness.
^ This!
Thank you both…I have an on-site interview on Friday which I sadly will probably attend fragrance free. 😉
Very late, but I hope the interview went well. You smelled amazing.
Thanks…I am progressing to the next interview phase so perhaps my amazing scent was felt if not directly sniffed. 😉
Yay for progressing to the next phase!
May a small spritz of No 19 for Friday’s interview? Good luck!
Got my decant order over the weekend! Trying out JM Basil & Neroli today. It goes on very green, almost a tomato leaf note, but disappears in a flash, alas.
Also, I love apple brandy in a Jack Rose Cocktail – not sure I want to smell like it, though . . .
I wouldn’t want to smell like it every day, that’s for sure, but once in a blue moon, it’s just right.
Apple Brandy has been on my want list forever.
SOTD = Bond-T by Sammarco. My daughter told me I smell weird.
I think I liked that one but I tend to like weird, so no surprises there. It’s the chocolate one, no? If so, yeah, weird and distinctly chocolate.
Ha! You smell weirdly wonderful then.
I’m wearing AG Nuit Etoilee EDP, compliments of the lovely Laura.
A few weeks ago, Laura had said this was her SOTD, and I commented that I had never smelled the EDP of this, but Nuit Etoilee EDT is one of my favorite perfumes. A generous sample arrived, along with some other goodies I can’t wait to try.
She is incredibly generous. She sent me a package of goodies that absolutely stunned me.
The stealth fairy!
Good morning ratbags! The rooster has been crowing since 1 am and is still going strong at 6.30am….cockadoodledooooo, give him a medal! Has anyone tried the Jo Malone whisky and cedar scent yet? i like the sound of it. So, I’m wearing my current favourite: 1970. Boozy but with no risk of ending up in the gutter. I watched both Jackie and LaLa Land at the weekend and ( had anyone asked ) I would have given the Oscar to Natalie Portman.
I just tried Whiskey and Cedar this weekend and liked it a lot… DH did not however. Not sure why. But I thought it was worthy.
I tried Whiskey and Cedar on paper, and think that it is worth going back to try it on skin.
I agree although my first choice is Leather & Artemesia.
I swear that is what my cat calls me behind my back 😉
Every time you wear 1970, I want to blind buy it. You make it very tempting.
Are you krazy!! If you like Lush Rose jam but would prefer it with patchouli….I don’t know. It’s definitely a very easy perfume to wear…jeans, birkenstocks, and the finest cashmere shawl with over-large sunnies. Or, maybe not. It’s not a challenging perfume – just easy and rich
SOTD is Jo Malone Nutmeg & Ginger. Went to a mead tasting at a meadery over the weekend and they also made cocktails with their products. Had maple mead mixed with very spicy ginger beer – their version of a dark & stormy and I’ve had ginger on my mind ever since. Can anyone recommend any other gingery fragrances?
BeauFort London “Lignum Vitae” has a strong ginger note.
Top: black pepper, red fruits, biscuit, sea notes, mandarin orange, citron, bergamot, juniper, ginger, lime, olibanum and caramel;
Mid: guaiac wood, vetiver, pepper and oud;
Base: sand, sea salt, amber, olibanum, musk, vanilla and oakmoss.
It’s actually an original but comfortable gourmand, nowhere near as scary-challenging as the original trio of BeauFort London scents.
Thank you for the recommendation. This is not one I’ve ever heard of and the notes sound intriguing.
The spices in Ambre Narguile remind me of ginger in cookies. Demeter has a Ginger and also a Gingerale that are nice.
I have Demeter Gingerale, and it is delightful, though not super gingery. I also have Origins Ginger Essence – it is VERY gingery. You should be able to find it at Origins counters at department stores, if you don’t have an Origins store nearby. Also online of course, and available in a convenient 15 ml travel spray as well (enabler alert)!
I’ll have to stop by Origins at some point and give it a sniff. Thanks for the recommendation!
I’m not much help on the perfume question but the drink sounds delicious! I’ve never seen maple mead before, and now I want to find some.
It’s the Sap House Meadery based in Center Ossipee, New Hampshire. I know that they ship to several states.
Indochine by Perfumerie Generale, and Five O’Clock Gingembre.
Forgot about boozy this morning, but I have a few choices in that category. No. 18 smells like gin & tonic on me, Le Labo Oud smells like whiskey and I have a decant of Kilian Apple Brandy. I also have Frapin but not at this location alas. That’s my favourite boozy frag. Today it’s Micallef Denis Durand Couture, a huge spicy floral.
Fun fact!! Cedar Ridge is made here in Iowa the distillery is like 5 miles from my house!!! It’s a really cool place to vist
After reading about it, I *really* want to try it! Have you? Do you love it?
Oh, that is fun! Are the products good?
SOTD The Different Company Bois d’Iris.
Let the Booze Cruise begin!
SOTD = Rania J. Ambre Loup
Boozy, woody, ambery tobacco even though neither booze nor tobacco is listed in the Fragrantica notes. Kafka described it best:
It had been so cold in the mornings in these here parts that even the panhandlers have not ahown up for work! I do worry though when they’re missing for a few days.
Public announcement for the splitees. I have decanted all bottles on hand and mailed all except one package. You will get your tracking number later today. My April Aromatics order (with Calling All Angels and Bohemian Spice) was reshipped on March 3rd and I hope DHL does not play games this time around. clarissa had a similar issue with DHL from an e-tailer in Germany.
Ambre Loup is beautiful, you smell great!
Thank you. It smells the same from beginning to end and it lasts and lasts.
I get tipsy smelling Ambre Loup. Maybe I’m over applying it- will try again on a weekend night 😉 .
I had the same issue with an order, and it was reshipped and has apparently made it to NY.
I used 2 sprays from a decant. I have a FB back-up.
Had a slight headache all morning, sinus pressure type, so went easy today. I finally “caved” last week and got a Pacifica Persian Rose solid, which is nice and light and working perfectly today.
Twin, you smell great! I feel you on the sinus pain.
This is a nice one!
Feeling a bit under the weather so in a comfort scent today, Mechant Loup. Not boozy unless you consider a bit of ouzo spilled on a wood plank to be boozy.
Have a lovely Monday!
But you do smell fantastic.
I think I’ll wear boozy perfumes all week long. I have lots that will fit the theme. Starting off the week in Ava Luxe Sweet Absinthe. It’s a lovely little scent, true to its name.
SOTD is Pacifica Persian Rose. We’ve got tree pollen allergy alerts here this week, so I expect the uber-congestion I’m experiencing today will continue and make smelling perfume nearly impossible. Boooo! ????
And you smell lovely, too, today. My sinus thing I don’t think is allergy related since it’s year round, and a fairly recent development. But, dang, it’s annoying. Boooo is right.
My allergies have been bothering me lately too. The price of spring.
Happy Would-Be-Bday GGM! Thanks for all your great works of art.
I’m flying under the radar here at work in Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom & Honey, from a sample. Simple and pretty, without much projection. Particularly when I apply it under my clothes and top it all off with a scarf.
Trying to find a variety of scents that won’t out me as wearing perfume at work (post-ban). Don’t want to ruin SJP Lovely for myself by associating it with the workplace. It’s too much of a wardrobe workhorse for that.
I seriously don’t know what I’d do if they ban perfume at work. Glad you’re finding ways to still incorporate it into your day!
It really made me mad when they sent out the notice. I totally get that scents make people feel ill, but i feel ill without scents!
I don’t recall if we had done a Skin Scent or No Sillage Friday?
That would be rad! Robin, can be please?
Added to list!
Hurrah! Thank you 🙂
Nectarine Blossom& Honey is my all time favorite scent! It’s the scent that sent me down the rabbit hole. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t wear perfume to work. Like you, I would become creative. I would spray it on my hair brush, on my undergarments, etc……..
A life without perfume, is like not wearing clothes. Not happening!
Right! It’s basically inhumane. 😉
How timely! I’ve been doing the same as the ban enfuriates me. The last 2 days I’ve sprayed a cotton ball and worn it stuffed into a pocket or my bra; no complaints so far from the Perfume Police. Today I got away with Perles de Lalique; on Friday it was L’Heure Exquise. 🙂
My SOTLast-week-or-so is Cuir de Russie EDT. I seem to have either applied a LOT this morning or my nose is super sensitive. I think I smell great and hope my coworkers aren’t gagging 😉
I probably would have joined y’all in No. 19 if I had any, or Heure Exquise if I could have located my decant this morning.
Yes you DO smell great!
Need to see if I still have some of the samples an SA at MiN gave me that she said were boozy scents. Whisky/whiskey specifically.
This morning is a dab of Peau Douce by Jolie Laide. I do like the samples of this line – they don’t last long but they’re interesting.
Loved the discussion of French press coffee. We have one but I never use it. I’m a lazy pour over into a mug person – controls my intake. Drink this afternoon has been seltzer with a large dollop of lavender peach shrub. My husband can’t understand adding vinegar (even flavored) to a drink….
Wow, I wish I could have a taste of your drink. Sounds intriguing!
SOTD is 28 La Pausa EdP, by way of a generous NST’er (thank you!). It is so lovely, but so fleeting. A perfect compliment to the first hints of springtime.
There was so much hope that it would have better longevity than the EdT. At least the scent has not changed as much as some of the other Exclusifs that people adored as EdT.
We want a 28 La Pausa parfum! Hear that, Chanel?
That said, I am still working through my small bottle and have the humongo version waiting in the wings.
Happy Monday All! I felt like wearing rosy fragrances today. I have on rose body oil by Andy Tauer. I also have on Roses Elixir by Montale. Hope everyone is having a rosy day!
What? No Jo Malone today?
Lol! No. Trying to mix it up a bit. But, I will probably wear one sometime this week.????
I’m wearing Arquiste Boutonniere No.7 today.
Started out this unseasonably cold day with Frapin 1270. Nice scent to stay warm in! Switching now to a sample of Le Labo The Noir 29.
Wish I could figure out how to add accent marks on my iPad. It seems I used to know how. I’m pretty good at emojis, though. ????
Not much booze in my wardrobe so more samples. Finally acquired Au Coeur du Desert. I’m a fan of LADDM and I like this too.
I loved Au Coeur du Desert. I haven’t tried the LADDM yet, it’s on my “samples to get” list. You smell great!
Late to the party – visiting my Personal Chanel Counter today: testing the new Bois des Iles EdP vs the old EdT. Which isn’t a fair fight, since the old EdT had barely enough oomph to last an hour. The new version is doing better; though neither of these comes anywhere close to the loveliness of Box of Eels parfum. I think the new EdP is a bit more approachable than the old version — softer edges, so to speak; but I can’t help feeling that I’m having an anosmia issue here, the scent seems to keep escaping me.
I have a bottle of EDT that I bought from Ebay. The longevity is really great for an EDT and the scent is fantastic.
Took the day off to work on our taxes while Eau Premiere kept me company.