Happy Cyber Monday! It's also Lucy Maud Montgomery's birthday. What fragrance are you wearing?
(And a special request: there are so many deals today I'll never get even a fraction of them. If you know of a great coupon code, please help out your fellow perfumistas by commenting on today's Online Fragrance Shopping post, which is coming up shortly.)
I'm wearing Aftelier Bergamoss, in the new limited edition Eau de Parfum. Love, and the small size (9 ml for $60) is tempting.
Reminder: this Friday, 12/4, wear an incense fragrance. (suggested by Janice)
And for those of you who like to plan ahead, see Scent of the day ~ Friday community projects 2015, where I'll try to always have the next five or six weeks mapped out in advance.
I’ve finally rediscovered my sample of Shangri La which I thought I had mislaid. I like it, and it’s nice on yet another gray and rainy day.
Shangri La did nothing for me the first time I wore it, but out of the blue, I found myself craving it over Thanksgiving and just couldn’t get enough of it. You smell great!
Nuit de Tubereuse. My bottle arrived today. 100ml for $70 (US$50) was too good to pass up. I know some folk resent it for boasting more tuberose than it can provide, but I love that it still has tuberose, as well as green mango and spices and warm creaminess. I think the blame should be on the label rather than the juice 😉 Thoroughly enjoying it.
Congrats on your new bottle!
Great deal, great perfume!
I’m trying out Misia, which was ever so kindly sent to me by the awesome Annikky.
After reading so much about this one I thought I’d like it and… I’m actually undecided. It’s a total powder/lipstick fragrance, but for some reason I thought there’d be MORE to this than there is. This is my first time wearing it and it’s only been on for a couple hours so maybe it’ll open up a bit more. I was thinking of how faint it is on me when I walked in to work this morning, but then remembered: it is a Chanel exclusif edt and those have never been known for their lasting power. For as many of them as I’ve loved, I could never justify spending money on them if they didn’t last. The only ones that have are Cuir de Russe (which I own) and Coromandel. I’m also thinking maybe this is better suited as a warm weather scent to really get the full effect. It’s very cold today so maybe a bit of heat will amp this up. In general I’m intrigued by it, but not quite certain I like it yet.
Jenkr, I have a decant of Misia and have mixed feelings as well. I will say that I prefer to wear it during the summer heat. For some reason, I don’t like it as much in the winter months. I think, for me, it is because the perfume has ultra feminine qualities, the makeup vibe, but then it also has some decidedly unisex notes. Like it can’t decide what it wants to be.
I can totally see that! It is very feminine to me, but a very austere sort of feminine – basically the typical cold-shouldered Chanel type of woman, but one that will “warm up” to you eventually. I got the lipstick note full on at first, and then it was more of a strange almost rooty iris and violets that reminded me of another iris scent, but I couldn’t remember which one. Now I’m getting a bit of the tonka, which is smoothing it out and makes the lipstick part of it go away and improving the iris/violet combo. This one I may need to try several times to entirely decide if I like it and I will need to try it in warmer weather as well.
I got a lot of cold rooty iris out of it as well. Didn’t float my particular boat.
I thought Misia was very pretty, but I guess I like my violet/rose perfumes loud because in the end I decided I prefer Insolence EDP and Paris, which I already own.
It is pretty, but for some reason I thought there would be more to it. Maybe I need to try Insolence too.
I’m wishy-washy on this one. Some days I love it, and other days it’s just meh….
It doesn’t really last long on me. I’m seriously thinking of wrapping this one up and giving it to my mom for Christmas.
I can understand that. It’s definitely got a sort of mood make/break sort of vibe about it. That being said, I can also see how it’s a totally safe office scent as well.
I found it to be very much like Love, Chloe, which I already own. I actually like that a little better than the Misia and it is cheaper.
I enjoy Love, Chloe and dislike Misia completely. Which I only note because it’s the only Chloe i like, and one of the few Chanel i dislike 🙂
I’ll have to try Love Chloe to do a comparison.
It lasts OK on me, but it’s not among my favourite Chanel exclusives. I can understand why people like it and I think it will be (is?) a best seller, but I personally just cannot compare it to Cuir de Russie or Rue Cambon or Sycomore. It smells nice, but as you say, there isn’t much more to it.
Indeed, it’s a safe scent, but nothing to really stand out much.
Thank you so much for sending it and the other samples! I may do Nanban tomorrow because when I opened the bottle to sniff it my immediate reaction was WOW!
Did you get your hair cut? (your avatar is different) I like it!
Thanks! I cut it several months ago already, but didn’t bother to update my avatars/profile pictures. I had some photos taken for the blog last week, however, and I liked them so much I’m trying to use the images everywhere:)
Commando today- feel like I coming down with a cold. Good grief
So sorry!
Thanks Robin-hopefully my inlaws will pick up the baby so I can sleep for a bit. As you know-there are not many options to take when you are preggers
Back to work after a relaxing holiday weekend. I am floating through Monday morning on a cloud of Lyric Woman layered with Lyric soap. The soap was a birthday gift from a dear friend. The sun is shining through my office windows and warming my shoulders. Not a bad way to start my work week.
You smell awesome.
Oh wow. Lyric soap.
…and something I would never buy for myself. I felt a little decadent using it on a Monday morning and the bathroom smelled heavenly post shower.
Nice gift! I have the body cream and the perfume. But there’s still room for soap!
How do you like the body cream Elisa? I’ve had it on my radar for quite a while.
I like it but I don’t necessarily find it to be a sub for the edp. It’s missing a bit of the perfume’s richer nuances. But when I layer them, I can use less of the juice.
Sampling El Born from Carner Barcelona. So far nice enough but not a love.
If anyone would like to join us, a group of us are going sniffing in NYC on Thurs starting at 5:30 ish at Osswald
Decided to wash it off and go with Seattle Chocolate since it’s cold enough out to do so
Nirvana Black, which is another one of those scents I didn’t necessarily like a whole lot at first, but eventually broke down and bought. That should be showing up in a few days… along with some other goodies that weren’t on sale over the holiday, but that I decided to buy anyway. 🙂
Ooh what else did you get?! 🙂
Oh goodness… clothes, jewelry, rubber stamp supplies, a bottle of TF Noir Pour Femme, and by the end of today, almost certainly a few samples from the Aftelier site. (Vanilla Smoke is calling my name.) I’ll try to save the rest of the wishlist for self-Christmas presents, but we’ll see!
Tried Nirvana Black a few weeks ago, and found it cozy. However, both my husband and my older son gave me that squinched-eye “I don’t think so” look in review. Oh well.
It’s weird: I thought it was way too sharp for the longest time, but for some reason, kept wanting to wear it anyway. SO gave me a bit of a squinty face when he smelled it, but I figure I can’t cause too much trouble with a mini rollerball.
Trying Aftelier’s Bergamoss as well. Out of the bottle, the smell of oakmoss was strong and gave me pause; however, on, it’s wonderful. Thoroughly enjoying the purchase.
Hey twin! I love how much brighter it is than the solid.
Ooh, I like the solid but it didn’t really pop for me. A brighter version might be exactly what I need. Now I’m tempted!
It’s way poppier 🙂
Haven’t tried the solid, but I’m loving the edp. I’m tempted to get a second bottle because I haven’t smelled anything like it in a long time. It’s effervescent, but has a wonderful depth to it.
My bottle just came in on Friday. It reminds me of the smell of sweet fern in the woods around New England in the late summer. I really like it but it drops to a skin scent on me very quickly, litterally in five minutes.
It’s true, it’s a natural and it isn’t going to last for ages. Did better than 5 minutes on me luckily.
I would really love to visit NE America in Autumn and walk through the the trees . I would like to do a kind of travel book that just takes in natural, environmental scents…like your ferns, or Scotland’s bracken, peat and heather; limestone in France, hot pools in Iceland ….that type of thing. That would be a dream come true.
That sounds lovely Kanuka. I hope you get to do that some day!
I might have to write it from imagination and memory…hee hee.
I wore the EDP yesterday and it matched my green top, pea coat and scarf. It is definitely brighter than the solid, but the solid is less sheer. I actually love both. I’m thinking this would be irresistible as a parfum.
I bet they are nice layered.
CdG Kyoto
There are execs visiting from Japan where I am consulting, so it seemed liked a good choice.
Great choice. Love series 3.
Oh I do like that scent. My husband, who goes through a perfume bottle every 15 years or so, just bought Ouarzazate from that series.
Yep, love Ouarzazate. Sits right next to Avignon and Kyoto
A happy little row on my counter.
My roll neck top that i pulled on today is giving off gorgeous wafts of Jub 25, sprayed mitsouko on my wrists. I have asked my lovely hubby to get me jub 25 for christmas, but then i smelt Epic, and am now oscillating wildly between the two- what a decision (lol)..
What would any fragrant amouage fans out there recomend?, i guess i’d wear Epic more, but is Jub more special?
I can’t help, because I own and love both! I don’t think I could choose between them they are both so wonderful.
You smell pretty sensational
Maybe a decant of J25 and a bottle of Epic? As much as I love J25 I don’t wear it that often, partly because I find it too big for work. I’m finding my decant suffices for now.
Not to enable,mor anything, but perhaps ask for the glorious Epic for Christmas AND J25 for your birthday. They share the same DNA but yet are so different from one another that there your collection could certainly accommodate both. If I had to chose only one, it would be Jubilation because I love it more, but on the other hand, I wear Epic more often.
Thanks everyone!, i think i will ask for Epic for christmas, and hopefully will get another sample of jubilation with it!
Unfortunately the only decant site in uk i know of, has only ever had journey woman (which i have 5ml of, and really like) Jubilation will be shunted to the front of the ridiculously long birthday list!
Amouage does 2ml samples and they are usually pretty generous with them. So whoever buys you Epic, should definitely, definitely ask for a couple of Jubilation samples. It’s completely reasonable with that level of spending and they’ll last you a while.
Happy Monday Everyone! I am supposed to be back at work today, but I went to the doctor on Saturday after having a sore throat for a few days. Come to find out, I have strep throat! Uggghh! So, I will return tomorrow. Since I am home all day, I decided to use one of my samples that I have. I selected Gardenia by Chanel. Nice fragrance. Don’t hear much about it.
Yuck, get better!
The one good thing about strep, is that it does respond to antibiotics. So you should be feeling better in a day or so… but such an annoying illness! Wishing you lots of warm sweet tea!
Thanks so much. Throat does feel better. Now, if I can just get rid of this annoying cough that I have.
I thought Misia was very pretty, but I guess I like my violet/rose perfumes loud because in the end I decided I prefer Insolence EDP and Paris, which I already own.
Whoops, reposting above where it belongs!
Hard to get out of bed this morning after 4 days off. Wearing Chanel Cuir de Russie today, which helps.
I completely agree.
Scent Twins! I’m wearing Cuir de Russie also.
I found it hard to get moving also today.
You smell great! 😉
We put the last of the houseguests on a plane early this morning and now I’m wearing Dzing!, which I didn’t feel comfortable wearing while everyone was here. I don’t have any problem wearing it to work, however.
I agree, that Bergamoss EdP is extremely tempting! Especially since it’s a limited edition.
Love Dzing! And totally re: company. 🙂
I’m in VC&F Bois d’Iris, from a sample spray. I succumbed to an online sale over the weekend (Bergdorf’s) and ordered a FB. Looking forward to spraying it with a little more force. 🙂
Oh, that is a good one!
Today wearing Mitsouko. Back at work after 5 days off, and I am actually glad to be here!
You smell great!
I just recently discovered Mitsouko, an instant love so I ordered a bottle during the black Friday sales. Believe it or not, Target had buy one get one 50% off so I split an order with a friend. Not sure if that deal is still in place today but I bought mine online. I was surprised to see that Target had some Guerlain, Rochas, and Hermes, online only.
Yes, it is a staple of my perfume wardrobe. I have the EDP, a more current version. I would love to pick up some perfume at some point, but there are other things I am more urgently wanting than backups of Mitsouko. Bless Geurlain for always keeping it available in a form true to the lineage!
I’d love the perfume too but it’s pretty pricey.
Adore Mitsouko. You smell divine!
Beautiful choice! I wore Mitsouko yesterday while decorating the Christmas tree.
Happy Monday everyone.
This week, I decided that each day was going to be dedicated to a fragrance that I absolutely LOVE but that somehow, I don’t wear often. You know, the ones that are “too special”, “too chic for a trip to the grocery store”, “too loud for the office”, “too warm for the season”, etc…
So today is Cuir Mauresque! It feels GREAT!!
I really like this idea. It’s great to boost your spirits after a long holiday weekend.
I wish I had a bottle of this one.
In Cuir de Lancome for ‘comfort me it’s Monday’ 🙂
I am increasingly curious about Cuir de Lancôme, is it at all like Cuir de Russie?
Cuir de lancome is wonderful, i have only sniffed cuir de russie once tho, but from what i remember, it’s less floral, i must try it again.
Thanks, it sounds like Cuir de Lancôme is one I shoud try.
The Lancome is more floral and much softer, almost buttery.
I don’t do well with CdRussie at all (to me, it smells like the cattle working pens on our farm. Just no.) but I love Cuir de Lancome, which smells to me like my mother’s good leather purse, ca. 1973, complete with her Revlon lipstick and a hanky misted with No. 5.
What a lovely description mals
Great description- of both- thank you!
Cold and rainy here. In Soivohle Centennial for warm fuzzies.
(At least the dishwasher repair guy is coming today… my DW broke right at a month ago, and this is his 3rd visit – first visit to diagnose, second to put in the replacement part which turned out to be a dud, and I am DESPERATELY hoping that third time’s the charm. 😉 )
By the time you’ve finished paying the repair bill, you probably could have purchased a new dw. There goes your perfume budget. At least you smell good.
Well, I’ve actually paid the repair bill already (Sears) and it was about a third of the cost of a new one. We checked that before deciding to repair instead of replace. 🙂 I’m just paying in the currency of frustration.
You’ll be able to fill us in on your favourite detergent scent, from all your recent dishwashing experience. Best Household Cleaner scents 2015! Hope it gets fixed, though.
GAH!!! Dishwasher woes!! I am right there with you. 3 visits, one “fix”, and still it’s flaky. Now the repair place is going out of business and won’t re-visit, and we’re out in the sticks, so it’s super hard to find a repair company that will come at all. So I guess we run it til it dies, then we’ll have to get a new one, grrr.
It’s a Kenmore, so you’d THINK Sears would be able to come fix it asap – but they won’t. They have one guy covering DW repairs in a six-county area, and part of our delay was getting onto his repair schedule.
Update: the second part did not work. So. They gave us our money back except for the original $69 repair call, plus a coupon for 10% off another dw. GAH. It was only 7 years old.
I’m being very boring and wearing Iris Cendre again – it is an excellent iris for cold weather. But I sprayed Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille on my wrist on Saturday and the cashmere sweater still smells strongly of it, causing some puzzlement on my part this morning.
but it’s so good!
–what I meant was…you’re not boring because Iris Cendre is so good. haha.
Your meaning was completely clear 🙂 Glad you like it as well!
OK I clearly have to try this, I can imagine though warm tobacco and iris could be rather puzzling!
It was 🙂 When you try Iris Cendre, let me know what you think!
I haven’t yet tried Iris Cendre, it sounds lovely tho, but i absolutely can vouch for you’re sweater smelling amazing!
It’s strange that I had never tried Tobacco Vanille before this. I know it’s TF’s best seller, but I’m not usually a vanilla fan, so I wasn’t that interested. Do you get fruits from it? I was cought completely off guard by the fruitiness (not that fruitiness is bad).
Wearing Donna Karan Gold to lift me out of the depression after the bad holiday.
Sorry and hope the lovely perfume helps raise your spirits.
Hugs….and hope Gold helps.
Hope you get the uplift you need – Gold is really lovely.
So sorry about your’e awful holiday, Gold is lovely, and i’m going to wear it tomorrow, in sympathy with u.
Holiday’s can really be so difficult to get through, when bad things happen, please take care of yourself.
I’m joining the Chanel wearers today, but my choice is Coromandel. It’s a cold day, and I’m finding the Coromandel very warming and cozy. It took me a long time to appreciate this one, but now I can’t imagine my collection without it.
Coromandel is a perfect cold weather scent. You smell great!
You have reminded me I had meant to wear Coco today, but somehow forgot in a hurry this morning. You smell lovely.
You’ve reminded me that it’s been ages since I wore Coco. Will do so tomorrow.
Coromandel is amazing and definitely a great winter cozy scent. You smell lovely 🙂
Thanks! And it lasts forever. I can still smell my morning application.
Absolutely adore that one!
Same here. Took me a while to warm to Coromandel (my first thought was that it smelled like Icy/Hot!) but now it’s love. Strange how that happens.
I’m wearing Le Parfum de Therese. It makes me feel all chic and vintage. Something special was necessary in order for me to drag myself out of bed and to work this morning after the long weekend…
I can see that would do the trick – always a very special perfume.
One of my favorites. You smell fantastic!
In Fleur de Chine today. Seriously puzzled as I tried Carnal Flower this weekend and having never thought I was that wowed by it, it really worked. For UK perfumistas Escentual has 10% off I believe, and Liberty online has some decent discounts if you sign up to their loyalty programme.
Thanks sophie c , i must check out Escentual. Where about’s in London are you?, wouldn’t it be great if a few of us could do a swapmeet one day?,or even just go perfume smelling in London. all of my friends think i’m mildly bonkers to be a perfume collector, and despite my best effort’s, my husband has trouble distinguishing vetiver from vanilla!
Hi mayfly I’m in central London and yes a swap meet or shopping meet up would be great- I have sort of got a few friends interested but it’s fair to say my interest in perfume exceeds theirs…do you know of any other London based perfume people?
Smelling good!
It took me a few tries to love Carnal Flower and now I can’t imagine my collection without it. I M working through a decant and have a travel spray as back-up. A little bit goes a long way!
Wearing Everything and Nothing which smells of tea and jam on me ..sadly no scones to go with it. The scent doesn’t last very long but it’s pleasant enough for a sleepy morning start.
This might put the cat amongst the pigeons with Waterdragon but I was on a NZ site called Trade Me yesterday and noticed that Amouage Ubar ( and many more Amouage scents, l’artisan, Annick Goutal…and MORE!!!!) is available. The perfume is shipped from a firm in Oz (Fresh…and I’ve used them often for my Serge Lutens…no worries, mate) and freight free. I have never tried any Amouage but I can feel the love.
Oooh…Ubar! I’m in like Flynn, mate! Thank you! And thank you, also, for posting the parcel. I wanted to write yesterday, but it was a stupid day: exam board last NEARLY FOUR HOURS because of arguments over student re-admissions. I’m old and I’m very nasty, apparently. That is probably true. Certainly, I find my milk of human kindness curdles immediately when students who have lost their university place twice for poor performance then write asking for “further forbearance” but cannot show how they have changed their lives to ensure adequate progress.
Anyway, today I will wear Jubilation 25, inspired by the discussion above, to celebrate the calendar fact that I won’t have to attend another exam board until June.
I have a dog that rolls in sheep poo and NEVER changes her way…so I feel your pain.
Did you go to the Nanbar event…or hasn’t it happened yet?
It has happened, and I couldn’t attend in the end, because it co-incided with a great-nephew’s 13th birthday party–we make a big fuss of the first teen birthday! I had to be there to make up scurrilous limericks and present a crisp $100 note, for the buying of something his heart desires. But I am resolved to walk to Ponsonby World at lunchtime one day to sniff and be enraptured. And probably de-dollared. I will report back.
Roger that
I’m in Club de Nuit Intense for Women by Armaf, a bargain gem(100ml for $25) I ordered recently. I’d recommend it if you like dark roses. Very close to TF Noir de Noir, though I haven’t done a side-by-side. Although, it definitely can stand on its own. I’ve been wearing it for 3 days now and am loving it.
Ooooooh, googled this and now I’m hovering over the buy button on Amazon. To blind buy or not to blind buy…
I blind bought this one(and I never blind-buy, but enough people convinced me it was worth the 25 bucks 😉 )If you like the TF or Aerin Evening Rose, than you’ll probably like this one. I got mine from EBay. There were some good deals there last week.
I stopped by Neiman Marcus on my way home and confirmed that I love Noir de Noir. If Club de Nuit smells the same for only 25 bucks, I think I have to go for it. 🙂
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Make sure it’s the Club de Nuit Intense for Women since there’s a men’s and a non-intense. It’s the black bottle, gold cap, gold charm(it’s actually quite clunky and tacky in person).
Well, another outlaw holiday survived… this time just barely… things started out fine and then tanked during the Thanksgiving meal. So much drama… an appalling display of bad manners in front of our kids…I took Ativan, said little, and tried to hide out in the kitchen doing dishes… still, a torturous gathering.
But, my husband and I high-tailed it out of the temple of doom on Friday for an afternoon at Scent Bar followed by a fantastic Italian meal at a place half a block farther down Beverly Blvd.
Scent Bar was a blast! There were two people working that day, a man and a woman. The man, and I am spacing on his name, had already decanted samples of the fragrances I had emailed in advance that I wanted to try. He was sparkly and helpful, a perfumista’s dream guide. Full of enthusiasm and knowledge, he really made the nearly hour we spent in the shop an adventure. I had spent so much time putting together a ‘try list’ of rich winter scents- including Soleil de Jeddah, Anubis, Salome, Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi, Aziyade (to name but a few!)- but it turned out that although I found them all interesting, and some quite astoundingly beautiful… I really was not game for a full bottle of any of them. Maybe it was the sheer weight of them, but I wound up lingering wistfully near the rose scents. A blind test of Rose de Taif, Sa Majeste La Rose, and MFK’s A la Rose done and redone a number of times, surprised me the most—I wound up buying a bottle of A la Rose. As for my Neela Vermiere tests and retests… I was having trouble plunking down $445 for the Mohur Extrait, when I do really love the plain Mohur as well (although multiple blind testing resulted in my preference for the extrait every time). So, I solved my conundrum by purchasing a full bottle of Pichola, which I am absolutely thrilled with. Pichola is complex and full of revelations, but it is not a heavy scent. And A la Rose…. I wish I could say that I can identify the Centifolia rose and Damascene rose notes… but I can’t. It is just a very pretty scent, and I am wearing it today like a talisman against this biting cold, grey day.
Sounds like you truly deserved your scent bar adventure! How lovely 🙂
I agree. It doesn’t sound pretty stressful. It makes me appreciate how lucky I am with my in-laws. Enjoy your new perfume!
stupid auto correct… I meant to say that it does sound pretty stressful.
I hear you about family gatherings, but your “stay quiet and escape early” strategy was the best thing for surviving with dignity. It’s beginning to look as though our trip next year will have to leave for home through Los Angeles instead of San Francisco (boohoo–I love SF!) so I shall make a point of going to the Scent Bar. It sounds like a haven and a treasure trove.
It really was. And as someone pointed out the other day, the perfumes are arranged by scent categories, which I thought was going to bug me, but turned out I totally loved.
Wow, sounds like you had fun at the scent bar! I wish there was one near me.
Sorry to hear about the horrible holiday. I was determined for that not to happen this year and luckily friends of ours asked us to do a Friendsgiving, which I happily jumped on the opportunity to do so before the hubs could disagree. We always spend the hols with his family and each year it’s a nightmare. Glad you got some respite though with a wonderful scent-filled visit.
A Friendsgiving… what a terrific idea… if only. But actually, given how badly my SIL behaved, we just may well be able to bow out next year in favor of friends!
Makes me grateful for my in-laws. Ativan and Scent Bar are great escapes! Glad you enjoyed SB. They are really fun and helpful. I also spent much time amongst the roses there and ended up with ELDO Rossy de Palma and SHL 777 Rose de Petra(2 different trips). Enjoy your well deserved lovelies!
I tried the Rose de Petra– now it is blurring in my mind with other scents I tried–but it was all part of the great afternoon!
So glad you had planned something to be thankful for. Sounds like heaven, although I would have been so overwhelmed and confused that I might have ended up with a poor choice. Good for you!
Sounds like a dreamy hour! I love A La Rose – almost bought it last spring, may buy it this spring, have to get over the price first.
I was really surprised that I liked it so much. I assumed I was more niche than MFK–which as I write it sounds completely pompous! But I blind tested the scents several times, and A la Rose hung in there each time. I also have an FB of Lumiere Noire Pour Femme, which has a fruity aldehydes sparkly edge to rose.
Wheee!!! Congratulations on your gorgeous new bottles, you truly smell fabulous!
(Really loving my sweet MIL right now. Though I almost had a run-in over the weekend with my SIL, who lives alone and likes things Just So… even at other people’s houses. Keyword there would be “almost,” but I do have a sore tongue from biting it.)
Sounds like Scent Bar was a great antidote, though!
Well done both you and Oakland Fresca, for these narrow escapes! I shall take you as inspiration–I did ok at first but as we are now in our second and third wave of visitors, my patience is wearing very thin indeed…
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year etc. …. hell for introverts. Can’t somebody introduce a 2 hour time limit on these things?
I wonder if people wonder why I have to go to the bathroom so much. It’s the only place to escape The People.
From your keyboard to God’s ears!!
SCN is my mantra… smile… compliment…nod. Nodding is key. It is a stand in for “I am listening,” “I care,” and “I agree.”
Yes. The faultlines are with my SIL… insecurity and the need for absolute control blighting everything that comes out of her mouth…sadly, I suspect the holidays are just as horrible for her…in her own spreading the misery miasma kind of way.
Sounds like you had fun! I don’t see an LA trip for me in the near future but if I do, SB will definitely be in the itinerary!
Since Friday will be Incense Day… I’m declaring it Incense Week. Surely one day of incense is not nearly enough 🙂 SOTD is my King of Incense, Armani Prive Bois d’Encens. If perfume terrorists forced me to pick only one winter scent, this would be it.
I’m doing an incense week as well!
Pixel, why do you love it best of all incense? Do tell…
Heading into work, with Chanel no. 5 eau premiere to buck me up. And about to treat myself to a huge latte, to carry me thorough the day.
Can you tell I am not looking forward to this return to work? Ha!
Well, EP should help. And the latte, too!
It did it’s job! Is it Friday yet?
I needed rose today too, after waking up to -8C. Going with FM Une Rose. I am grateful I did not have to spend any time at torturous family dinners this weekend.
I’m likewise pulling out an FM to deal with gross weather–Musc Ravageur for a cold, rainy day.
We’re having out first real snowstorm of the season right now, with slippery driving conditions and ice on all of the paved surfaces as well, so I just had to put on some white flowers to make me feel better about all of this! I decided on Child and am definitely enjoying it.
Ugh, it’s too soon!
Pacifica’s Spanish Amber …which has an incense vibe to my nose…picked up the last bottle at my local health food store for under sixteen dollars….I think this one might be on the chopping block…Pacifica came out with a new amber…Amber Dreams….and , unfortunately, I don’t think they will keep two ambers in their line up.
Say it is not so, Bardot! Probably the best layering Amber in the universe! I use it to pump up wimpy ambers, I am looking at you Estée Lauder Private Collection Amber Ylang Ylang and the equally longevity challenged Aerin Amber Musk. I like it sprayed on a scarf and just by itself!
Stinker_kit, I can’t recall, were you part of the conversation about Amber Flash? It may make a good substitute, once Spanish Amber is gone for good…
I’m waiting for Amber Flash ordered tbrough Indigo!
Ooh can’t wait to hear how you like!
OH NO. Thank you so much for the head’s up, I will have to go ahead and buy some. I was just thinking that it’s one of the best from that line…
Unfortunately Pacifica discontinued so many of my favorites (Avalon Juniper, Egyptian Bergamot Rose, Tunesian Jasmine, Madagascar Spice, Bali Lime Papaya, Nerola Orange Blossom, Vanilla Vera Cruz). I have found from experience that once they introduce a new fragrance with a similar name or note they ax the original…this was the case for the rose, jasmine and vanilla and might end up the case for the amber….I am not surprised that the Amber Dreams is sweeter…probably geared towards the younger consumers…the beauty of Pacifica is that they were ridiculously affordable and I could purchase them locally…oh well!
I got to try Amber Dreams last time I was at Ulta, and it just turned into the wrong kind of sweetness on me. While it wouldn’t surprise me if Pacifica didn’t keep two ambers in the line, Amber Dreams definitely isn’t a suitable substitute for Spanish Amber (in my opinion).
Oh bummer. Did you get a chance to try Amber Flash yet? I’d be curious to know how that compares…
I have a sample, so I’ll try Spanish Amber and Amber Flash side-by-side tonight. My recollection, though, is that Amber Flash is richer and more vanillic/sweeter, which are the two things Spanish Amber lacks for me.
Ahh yes that sounds right. Mm. Ok. Must find some Spanish Amber to squirrel away.
Mohur for me today. I’m so happy to have come across this one. This is my Paris souvenir, it is kind of a shame I was there only a few weeks before the extrait came out, but the EDP is so lovely I can live with it.
What a wonderful souvenir for Paris!
Re: Pacifica–If you live close to Portland, OR, Pacifica is having a warehouse sale with up to 80% off on Dec. 5 & 6. I did not know they were based here. I might have to investigate–all in the name of research, of course.
I had a lovely visit in Phoenix with a friend I hadn’t seen in 15 years. We picked up talking about where we left off back then. She is, as Anne Shirley would say, a kindred spirit. We went to The Perfume Shoppe and after the kind proprietor put away the Clive Christian’s he initially pulled out, I came away with a bottle of Villoresi Sandalo as a souvenir of my visit. Souvenirs don’t count when I do the quarterly reckoning for Donatella.
Today I’m wearing Slumberhouse Norne, a fir forest in a bottle. I hear it has been reformulated and I am so happy I have the old stuff. Nothing says “concentrated” like sticky wrists on the laptop.
Christians no apostrophe–plural not possessive–I need more coffee.
Why try to get your punctuation right when autocorrect may well override you anyway? Resistance is futile.
Oooooh, that sticky wrists thing. Yeah, that’s good. (Haven’t tried any Slumberhouses as I just don’t think I’d get on with them, but I love the idea that somebody’s making them.)
I’m wearing Prada Candy today…..smelling like sugarplums! I’m home today with my 9 yr old (sprained his ankle), so doing housework and smelling good doing it! 🙂
My mom just called me: She is the kind of Christmas shopper that doesn’t like to guess. What would I like this year? LOL So I took advantage and asked for Shalimar. It will be easy for her to find, affordable enough, and she’s happy too. Win win! 🙂
Enjoy your Cyber Monday, Y’all!
It’s best to be direct. Now you’ll both be happy!
WOW! Over 100 comments already! Will go back and read comments later.
SOTD = Guerlain Encens Mythique d’Orient
Rose, saffron, incense all competing for dominance. This has a certain bad breath but not stinky or skanky vibe. I normally stay far away from this type of fragrance; however, the aldehydes actually connect all the dominant notes into one cohesive whole. It is not exactly office-friendly but I lightly applied (en plus, if this office survived nuclear levels of TF Black Orchid, this one is a little whimper in comparison).
Piqued my curiosity if not my envy–“certain bad breath”! I laughed out loud.
LOL, I did not mean to turn people off. I am the first wimp to run away from bad breath smell but perhaps I should have used hot breath instead (and I’ll stop there wink). Anyway, there was a nice rosy amber drydown (especially noticeable outside in the cold) and I could have sworn I smelled a touch of vanilla.
Mmmmmm you smelled great. I wear it wherever the hell I want.
For Keep It Simple Monday I am in No. 19 and a green print DvF dress.
Sounds like a lovely pairing.
I just fell for the Neela Vermeire discovery set! I am suffering as a consequence, which is even stupider than my impulsive buy.
My SOTD is Cédrat Enivrant because that’s what I grabbed from my samples. I am realizing how much I like this and wanting more for the summer.
That set is a beauty. Did you buy it or are you suffering from hankering for it?
After indulging in several heavy hitters over the long weekend, I’m wearing Safran Troublant today. Nice and light for easing myself back into real life.
So lovely.
Hi, 🙂 hope everyone is having a a good day, and I finally worked up the nerve to comment(yay me!). Can’t wait to read everyone’s comments. I’m new to perfumes and learning a lot,my husband calls it research mode.lol
I’m wearing Outremer Vanille today, warm and sweet, perfect to combat the drizzly weather in OKC today while catching up on chores after the holiday. It’s a one note cottencandyish scent to me, though my husband smells it as more pipe tobacco. And the low price keeps me from feeling guilty about just wearing it around the house. 🙂
Has anyone tried any of Outremer’s other scents? I’m interested in the orange santal and the cola but can’t find a place to get a sample and am nervous to just blind buy online.
Welcome, InkyFeathers! You are among friends and fanciers and can spend a lot of time very enjoyably culling ideas from NST perfumistas. Don’t want to be an enabler, but I boldly venture into online blind buys all too frequently.
Thank you, for the warm welcome. I have been really considering just getting the two, as I said before they are quite inexpensive, around$20. And I have found them at an online apothecary small flower.com which seems reputable. Perhaps I will just bite the bullet after New Years with some of my spending money. 🙂
I’ve ordered from smallflower…quite a nice selection 🙂
Hello from Downunder, InkyFeathers. I love your screen name! It’s so nice to meet new people.
I’m not sure what “OKC” means–is it Oklahoma City? Feel free to laugh derisively if my ignorance of USA geography shows me up as–well, ignorant.
Thanks, and yes it’s Oklahoma City, sorry for any confusion, i have gotten used to just shortening it. 🙂 we live in the Edmond area, north of the city proper. And I totally understand, even I have trouble.
Welcome, InkyFeathers! I have never heard of Outremer and will need to investigate. I love vanillas. You may just have gotten your first enabler’s pin — this could be a record!
Hi, i found the vanille at anthropology actually. I think the fragrantica page on it said the company was formerly under another name. Happy to bring something of interest to others attention. 🙂
Welcome, and I love your screen name, too. I’ve also never heard of that line so have no input there, and I’m boringly cautious and sensible when it comes to buying full bottles. So, no advice here. Just saying “hi” 🙂
Welcome to this fun, funny, kind and generous group! I spent 13 months in OKC last year commuting back and forth to home in CA. There’s a store in Edmund called Muse that carries some indie fragrances.
Hi apsaras, thanks for the info! 🙂 I hadn’t heard of Muse and will definitely have to check it out. There is another small salon/beauty shop down on Western avenue in the Nicols Hills area that caries some interesting fragrances. I think they have all of the Ineke scents.
Wearing Lubin Idole today, it smells so good. Not a lot of staying power with this one so I spray it all over, including my hair, in copious amounts.
I didn’t really see any sales listed, so I’ll post one from my favorite indie – En Voyage perfumes has 25% off full bottles through 12/22. I have fallen in love with everything I have tried there and if you are a fan of green and/or vintage scents, I can’t recommend Zelda highly enough.
Taking note…
Ack. Just went to the site and saw that 7% Solution is sold out. Feh. Will probably still end up with something though since several of her scents are on my wishlist
I’d like to know what perfume Lucy Maud Montgomery loved. I read Anne of Green Gables when I was nine!
Wearing Narciso by N. Rodríguez today 🙂
You know what, I bet it would surprise us! She looks rather closed in and prim in the photo, but she had a sense of humour. She might surprise us by seeking a scent with just a touch of skank.
There are those who have unrequited love. I feel like Montgomery had unrequited life.
We did an Anne poll ages ago…
Thanks Robin! I am checking it now!