It's August already! Blink, and the summer is nearly gone. And I am still on vacation for the next week, so posting will continue to be lighter than usual.
Today, our usual open thread: talk about anything you like — the perfume you’re wearing today, the fragrance you're thinking you will wear just as soon as the seasons change, whatever.
Or, ask a question about fragrance, then see if anyone else has asked a question that you can answer…
Note: top image is New railroad bridge over Cape Cod Canal at night, Buzzards Bay, Mass. via Boston Public Library at flickr; some rights reserved.
Diptyque Eau Moheli. It doesn’t get much love from perfumistas, but I’ve always liked it. It just…smells good.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Smelling good is what it’s all about 🙂
I love Eau Moheli! It doesn’t have much staying power on me, so I usually wear it at bedtime – it wears off and I drop off at about the same time. 🙂
Made a spur of the moment stop at an estate sale yesterday…found an enormous, beautiful bottle of Joy edt. When you look through the bottle, there’s stamping on the part of the label that faces the bottle’s interior, plus the numbers 525. The fragrance is in great shape. Also picked up Floris Florissa, which I’d never heard of. Total paid=$30.
Can see how this could become an obsession….
Wow! Good hunting!
Great buys. I don’t know anything about Florissa, but I would love to own some Floris Stephanotis. I keep reading about it in the Kerry Greenwood Phryne Fisher mysteries. That and Jicky. I think Stephanotis is discontinued.
Excellent score!! I never seem to be that lucky at Goodwill or yard sales!
Me neither! I’m convinced it’s because I want it too badly… trying to cultivate some of this “oh maybe I’ll just drop in” attitude 🙂
Go girl go. Congrats on your new goodies!
Good score!!
Michael Kors Sexy Rio De Janeiro. I know most people hate the heat, but I am hoping to have a late fall and to just skip winter.
I would vote for that — I prefer heat.
Went to the shops this morn before work, so doused myself in Balenciaga l’essence. Been wanting some of this for ages now.
I was very pleased to see that Lynx (our equivalent of Axe?) must’ve listened to the gazillion complaints they surely received about their stink-bomb ‘deodourants’, as the new ad campaign ‘Bring the Quiet’ is for the 2 new, peaceful scents 🙂 …aaaahhhh… 🙂
I wonder if that would work in the US? It would be nice to get some reasonably OK frags for the masses, lol.
In that BBC perfume doc they followed the marketing exec(a female NYer) of Axe/Lynx to Brazil where the target audience for their focus groups is Brazilian teenage boys. It was pretty cute to watch them discuss fragrance.
My newest bottles of Safran Troublant and J.Crew/Arquiste 57 are both fall scents. Today I’m in Impromptu from Roxana Illuminated Perfumes.
Has anyone else set a collection limit for bottles? I am now at 90 bottles and my original intent was to not go into triple digits but I have way more than 9 bottles on my wishlist…Probably not something I need to worry about for a few months
Also something I’m thinking about. I think there must be a point – which I have probably passed at which its not possible to be getting benefit from every perfume owned – or to even be deeply familiar with every perfume owned… Unfortunately I’m very acquisitive :/
I’m at two shoe-box-fulls (brings to mind “Baah baah black sheep…) One summer, one winter, and hope not to exceed. Anytime soon.
That actually sounds like quite a nice size.
It does, and I think containers are an excellent unit of measure.
I have some benchmark scents, and I compare new things to the benchmark, and when other things don’t measure up, I move it on to someone else who might appreciate it more. Mitsouko, Séville a l’Aube, Apres l’Ondee, Iris Poudre, Un Fille de Berlin, (because I am out of Mohur), Spiriteuse Double Vanilla. What smells better than these? 🙂
That is sensible. I also think in categories, but more along the lines of, “if I use up this green aromatic pretty, then I can go ahead and get that one!” Much less sensible. Why am I not more sensible?
For what my opinion is worth, I think you really are sensible, Leathermountain. You’re not blindly acquisitive, you’re making room and curating your collection. Now me, if I fancy it, I buy it — witness my recent (blind) purchase of Rahat Loukoum when I already own Traversee du Bosphore and Kiss Me Intense! So, I really amn’t sensible (a plaintive little cry echoed with feeling by my husband and everyone who knows me, up to and including the cats….)
But I add new Categories! Like how is Rahat Loukoum?
Love this whole discussion! 😀 the thing is that when one really enjoys a category many different scents in it stand on their own ground and are not merely better or worse versions of each other. So it’s no longer a case of – when I want a gourmand I’d much rather wear a than b, but instead it’s sometimes I want a and other times I want b. Unfortunately this means a proliferation of scents…
I think it’s a balance to be kept between “I love this category” and “Just how *much* do I love this category?” If one focuses on avoiding blind acquisition, and keeps an eye on which categories one prefers and just how much, it should (!) balance out. And depending on our preferences at any given time, the idea of weeding out the less preferred makes sense, within reason.
Sorry, getting kind dryly theoretical here.
I can see how weeding out the ‘less preferred’ makes some sense – although something less preferred most of the time can be ideal on a certain occasion (not necessarily worth keeping around for that reason).
I don’t think liking a particular category or note necessarily means blind buying. I have a preference for orientals but I still don’t love 9 out of 10 orientals that I try, so blind buying would not work for me.
Also, I find I go through phases, so over-investing in particular categories and/or notes has not really been the smartest strategy
I never set a top limit when I started. Probably should have… because now I have too many. I’m not sure how many exactly! Around your total, I think, in terms of full bottles. Maybe fewer.
What’s killing me is the number of decants, really. And the bottles I no longer wear.
I generally don’t have too many decants because I need to see things in order to want to wear them and decants end up in a box so they’re a bit more out if sight
I think avoiding getting more decants the last few years (except when I swap, which I think is OK b/c it’s “even”ish), has really helped. I try very hard to get rid of samples when I don’t like them. My collection is still pretty big, but then I’m not also overwhelmed by decants too.
Lesson from anthropology class in college: humans make rules and then make rules to break those rules.
This is my mantra: OK, this is the last one.
Then: OK, this is really the last one.
Then: Alright, now that should be it.
Ha, see how well that works. 😉 Good luck setting that limit!!
We should have a yearly swap meet, face to face, a sort of perfume family reunion. Get to meet, unload and acquire, and socialize, in a different location each year. (Glamping?) Or has this been done?
I love this idea!
I…actually…have…never…counted. I ALPHABETIZED, I store and notice it is getting FULL…
I really should literally count. In which case I will remove my husband’s and any I accumulated prior to obsession. I need to calm myself now. Maybe some Ostara on a hanky, please. I actually learned of Amaranthine while exploring last night and ordered that. I’ve assured myself there is very little left to try.
It ISNT TRUE, is it????
I have hundreds of samples in my possession left to try……
I don’t have any full bottles or even anything on my wishlist that begins with the letter Q or the letter Z. Hmmm……is this something I need to correct?
Allow me to be of enableance…
Yes, all 26 categories must be represented.
I had set myself a limit of 50, because, really. That’s like 7 times a year for each bottle, if I wear one scent a day. Which sounds fairly silly, doesn’t it? But of course I’m over 50 now, and I have a dozen or so on my to-buy list… ha!
So NOW I tell myself: well clearly, I’m in the acquisitive phase of this obsession, right? And when I get out of this phase, why then I will trim down the collection to a far more reasonable size. You know, when I’ve gotten to the point of being mature and experienced and all that. (giggle)
Most of me is sprayed with Elizabeth Arden’s Green Tea, which seems to work in a cheap and cheerful way on a warm day. My hands, however, have on a bit of my new sample of Eau de Gloire. Having read the inspiration (Napoleon to Eau Suave’s Josephine) I of course am imagining my wrists having a sudden desire to invade Russia.
What is the soothing Green Tea doing with your wrists’ unbridled territorial ambition? 😮
Heh. 🙂
Love the imagery, thanks! And you inspired me to try a bit of EA vintage Blue Grass.
Can I come too, lol?! At least St. Petersburg.
SOTD is Knot by BV. Can’t believe it’s already August and I head back to work on Monday. So much for Summer Vacation.
Oh, sorry it’s over!
My auntie went into Canada without her passport. They let her out, but now she is taking the long way through the States to get here, so she won’t be here until tomorrow! So cleaning pressure slightly reduced.
SOTD=Séville à l’Aube. The Mitsouko EDP I ordered got here. Still waiting for Un Fille de Berlin….
Under the influence of binge watching The Closer last night, contemplating a very large black work bag at TJ Maxx. There is one at Kohls that is a Kate Spade homage with a bow, but this one has a very nice lining, many pockets, and rich finish. The problem with it is the handles are just a wee bit short. It’s OK over my shoulder now, with summer clothes, but I don’t think it will work with a heavy winter coat. I think they need to be 5 inches longer.
So I should postpone. I hate shopping. I have a low frustration tolerance. So much wasted time. Oh well, I’ll go home and take a bunch of stuff to the dump.
Yeah, it’s getting the U.S. to let you back in that’s the hard part. I’m guessing being older & female helps. 🙂
Good luck with the bag search. Shopping for something specific is a challenge. Ongoing shopping for “what looks good” keeps you ahead of the game, but poses it’s own risks.
Yes, I am a sucker for pretty colors and adorable details, so I try to be very disciplined when shopping for fairly expensive accessories like handbags. Which results in nothing being quite what I want!
Yeah, Kate Spade totes. I bought mine years ago — black with red dots and handles. The handles were too short. The ideal drop length is 11 to 12 inches.
Yes, and you’d think the designers would stop selling wrong stuff…
Is it worth a call to the local shoe repair shop to see what they would charge to replace the straps? You might be able to in some already made straps online if you’re handy! I had it in my head once that I was going to make a leather tote and found so many nice premade straps that I was quite surprised. Then, luckily, I remembered that I would never get around to finishing it and abandoned the project!
Never been there…. 🙂
Just got out of the shower after spin class, so no scent yet and have no clue what I may wear. I may go commando since I am hitting up Nordstrom today and may do a little fragrance testing.
I cant wait for summer to end! UGH! I would pretty much sell my soul for a cool breeze and humidity less than 90%. I plan in staying indoors in the A/C and binge watching Parks and Recreation. I live on the edge 😉
I’m also binge-watching over here.. Masters of Sex series 2 so I can then start on series 3. The costumes are fantastic. I want!! Previous binge-watch was Outlander. I never read the books and Im still in shock over the ending! 😮
Omg! I am so out of the loop! Is Outlander a series based on the Gabalon books? About time travel? (I don’t have TV or cable, I have been watching P&R on Amazon Prime). And I never heard of Masters of Sex, but it sounds interesting 😉
Yep, Outlander is the Scottish time travel one! I love it!
And Masters of Sex is about the 1950’s/60’s Masters and Johnson sex studies. Both totally addictive. And there’s so many I’m waiting for more of, like The Knick.. I blame my sister. She keeps me in good supply!
Good recs!
Ugh, summer. WIshing you some reliable AC.
(And love Outlander – books and TV series.)
Is yours unreliable, Hon?
I am moving on to trying some of the minis I bought in July. Today is Versace Versense. This is my first Versace. I rarely hear about Versace on NST.
Well if you do hear about Versace, around here, it’s most likely going to be about Versense! 😀
Yeah, Versense is pretty good. Works like a cologne for me.
I like Crystal Noir (the original edp) and both the male and female ouds! 🙂 i havent actually tried Versence..
Not sure if Versence is still part of the regular range. I see it sometimes at discounters. I just looked up the notes and see it is a citrus scent – which is funny because I always think of it as green and sort of tea-like. Most likely I was misled by the colour of the bottle: not the first time for me!
I was surprised that I liked Crystal Noir too. It has a cardamom accord? I generally like cardamom.
The only Versace I’ve ever seen mentioned is Donnatella…watching…you all…very closely!!Lol!Enjoy and give us feedback!
No scent yet today, but I can still smell traces of Tihota, which I reapplied before bed.
My birthday’s coming up in a few weeks and I planned to get myself a bottle of something special, with no guilt if it was expensive. The problem at the moment is that there are no perfumes I want a full bottle of. I should be grateful/relieved, but I was so looking forward to splurging that I’m a little disappointed.
How about a weekend road trip planned around sniffing things not available where you live? (Not sure if you’re in a large city.)
It’s still possible to travel-sniff, even starting from a big city. Just sayin 😉
I live in a city, but one that’s very sadly lacking in perfume shopping options. A road trip sniffing tour is an excellent idea!
Happy to enable. My Las Vegas trip did me a world of good. Though it took me that cross-desert drive for my body to recall how to respond to endorphins.
I like flipping the calendar and seeing August, because it means Fall can’t be too far away 🙂
I think it is a Perris Monte Carlo Rose de Taif kind of day for me. Hot days and full blown roses just seem perfectly matched.
I love flipping the canendar too! However, I would like to stop the flipping round about March 🙂
Oh, I recently got the Luckyscent Perris Monte Carlo sample set, and I agree, Taif is lovely. (I already own OJ Taif which I slightly prefer.) However I did get into trouble as I’ve now bought FB’s of both their Patchouli Nosy Be and their Ylang Ylang Nosy Be also! I love them both. Fortunately I found perfect new bottles at discounters for much less than the full price. They have really great staying power too. I had the Ylang Ylang on last night and can still smell it on my wrists.
How does the Nosy Be series differ from the others? I think I’v tried the Essence de patchouli..,
Commando this morning, but yesterday afternoon I had time to kill before meeting a friend for happy hour, so I stopped by the fragrance counter and tried Salvatore Ferragamo Tuscan Soul Viola Essenziale. Sprayed liberally on each wrist and in my hair, which is unusual for a first time test, but it was very delicate, slightly sweet and powdery. I couldn’t really smell it on myself, but my friend said she could smell it and liked it.
Sounds nice. Where did you see this?
At Holt Renfrew. They carry the SF Tuscan Soul Quintessential Collection which I’m just starting to discover. They also carry Les Exclusifs de Chanel, Frederic Malle, Bottega Veneta, etc.
Thanks. You’ve given me another idea for a road trip. When I visit my sisters in Rochester, maybe well “do” Niagara Falls.
Happy August 1st everybody! Can’t wait for some of this heat to pass. I am not built for hot, humid weather. Have really been enjoying MFK’s Aqua Universalis Forte this summer. It seems to cut through the mucky weather and be not too sweet, not too citrus, just right for a summer day.
Wearing Gucci Oud today.
I have been over-indulging in Eau des Minimes the past few days. It is very refreshing in the weather here which has been warm and humid. EdM has a zingy citrus that fades quickly to a quiet floral-woods.
Yesterday I spritzed on a bit of Terracotta first thing in the morning, and I thought either it had gone bad or my nose wasn’t awake yet. So I spritzed again, and again, and again, and finally gave up thinking I would try Terracotta another day. Later on I could smell the faintest bit of it, then after a few hours it bloomed nicely even though I had moved on and added some Eau des Merveilles. Thankfully I was at home where my scent-clould would bother no one.
I think all that citrus-y goodness in Eau des Minimes had tired my nose to the point that I couldn’t smell the softer citrus notes in Terracotta. Late yesterday I dabbed on a bit of Vanille Galante and the result was very sweet. The vanilla in all that Terracotta I had applied was revived by the VG to the point that I smelled like a sugar cookie.
It’s always a surprise when the fragrance I sniffed one day has a dramatic impact on what I smell the next day.
Tricksy perfumeses!
Perhaps that’s one of the reasons I can hardly smell Vanille Galante!
Apparently I was on a quest to find a friendly tuberose perfume.Fracas is a complete bitch,Truth or Dare is the second cousin to said bitch(along with her Naked twin,lol),Tubereuse Criminelle is a dangerous hitman lurking in the shadow,while his bastard child Acampora Blu drives the getaway car.So!Along came Noix de Tubereuse from Miller Harris!Fantastically silly pink box!What a GORGEOUS bouquet of freshly cut flowers!a Happy Tuberose!No filth or danger of being devoured.Just simple,pink(ish) and superpretty.I needed that today.Thank you Miller Harris!
I almost passed out when I smelled Tubereuse Criminelle – I’ll take a pass on it, no pun intended!
Lol.It really is something,that first sniff of Tubereuse Criminelle!I always feel it needs a “situation”,not an occasion!lol.
I like the Noix de quite a bit, too. You smell great!
Why thank you!I was surprised at how MUCH I liked it!
Noix is total nut candy for me, with not enough tuberose. 🙂
(But can’t do Tubey Criminal either – it has a distinct note of rotting raw meat in the first half hour, and I can’t manage it. Drydown’s great, but I can’t suffer through the Rotting Raw Chicken of Death to get there.)
I get that too!But that’s why I like it!I needed a tame tuberose for a bit.
Oh and yes,some days TC is a real challenge.But it’s a shapeshifter like Vraie Blond on my skin,some days just the pretty notes,some days….well…won’t get into details of what I smell in Vraie Blond!Lol
I had a sample of NdT a long time ago, and I agree, it is a very nicely done tuberose. The Esprit d’Oscar is pretty well done for a light tuberose.
You guys are too funny, thanks for the laugh. Since I don’t go in much for white flowers, I think I’m safe. Unless some of those suspects are capable of jumping off the counter and grabbing me.
Maybe at the in-person swap meet
Wouldn’t stop me, though. 🙂
I think part of the fun of the in-person meet would be to watch you take down Fracas. WWE meets NST.
leathermountain: 😉 😉 Maybe we need to reconsider the Marvel universe? Fracas Woman?
YES!! Oh that is a universe I could inhabit.
How strange! I find the MH Tuberose a little too warm-animal… I think tuberose with amber is not a combo that works for me. I love the mentholated tuberose of TC. Perhaps I like the smell of dead poultry too 😀 But I agree that it’s not an everyday wear…
Any recommendations for a cool more every-day tuberose? Perhaps a little less heady than EL Tuberose Gardenia?
You know our tastes differ way too much for me to recommend anything for you!Lol.Although Fleurs d’O by Uncle Serge fits the bill for an everyday tuberose quite nicely.
They also overlap substantially 😉 The dry down of FdO is beautiful, but it opens waaaaay too skanky on my skank-amplifying skin!
You might try L’Artisan’s Nuit de Tubereuse and Caron’s Tubereuse. They are both lovely and far less heady than the average tuberose.
I certainly hear of the first quite often! I’m going to keep my eyes open and ears priced for these. Thanks!
I am such a long time fan of Miller Harris. My first foray into niche perfumes was MH. My hubby came back from the UK with a hotel shampoo of Citron Citron and I was hooked! This conversation made me go search for my MH samples (at 1:30am!!) I remember sniffing Noix de T several months ago and enjoying it.
In Los Angeles for the weekend so this will definitely be a change of scenery (and weather!) compared to back home in San Francisco. Wearing VC&A Bois d’Iris, I’ll see how it works in warmer weather. Can anyone recommend any warm weather irises? So far I have Bois d’Iris and Hiris in my collection but I’m looking for an iris with a bit more presence but is still somewhat unintrusive. Thanks!
Aedes de Venustas Iris Nazarena!It’s a cool incense-Iris to my nose,and works wonderfully during summer here in Africa.
Ah, I want to try this one..
Thank you for the recommendation! I’ve been wanting to try Aedes de Venustas.
Surprisingly, SL Iris Silver Mist works well in the heat and fits all your qualifications. You may also like to try Chanel 28 La Pausa and No. 19 EDP and Prada Infusion d’Iris Absolue.
I would love to try ISM but have not been diligent in finding a sample. I love 28 La Pausa but its fleetingness is a big issue for me. Still need to try No. 19 and revisit Infusion Absolue. Thank you for the suggestions!
Are you making time to go to Scent Bar? You really must if you’re in LA
I really should. I’m traveling with my significant other and I fear his raised eyebrow when I tell him I want to visit a store called Scent Bar because he knows I probably won’t be able to help myself.
Many commenters like Parfums DelRae Mythique:
I’m curious about Mythique and the entire Parfums DelRae line!
Iris Poudre works in all weathers! I wore it on a hot day last week and got compliments from women, and out of the ordinary hovering by men who don’t usually hover around me! IP is adorable hubbie’s “Hubba, hubba!” perfume.
Love Iris Poudre and wear it all seasons as well.
Iris Poudre is gorgeous! Alas, too powdery for me. 🙁
Iris Poudre is FANTASTIC!!But on my skin very very loud!Light sprays in other words!(max 2 spritzes for work)
Late to the party, but I would suggest Acqua di Parma Iris Nobile. Seems most NSTers (including me) prefer the EDT, but the EDP is nice too. The EDT is discontinued, according to reliable sources, but can be found easily on the Bay of E. It was my choice today and is still noticeable ten hours after a generous spritzing this morning.
I would add Infusion D’Iris EDP to this list and Heeley’s Iris de Nuit (which also has violet)
Atelier Silver Iris is my fav. But I love a good fruity floral:)
Silver Iris gets sweeter and sweeter on me.Just can’t do that one!
Wearing Moss Gown from Providence today, thanks to the lovely AnnE! I credit this one for the recent resurgence in my perfume interest. Something about it made me sit up and think, “I need to smell more things!” and I will almost definitely purchase one a small bottle once my sample is used up.
How lovely! I also love Moss Gown. You smell great!
SOTD = SL Iris Silver Mist
Last weekend before vacation! I am going on a 12-day Baltic Cruise and will hit Copenhagen, Helsinki, Kiel, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Tallin and Wardemunde. I’ll comment when I can and take you on my journey! I haven’t yet decided what perfume to bring — in all likelihood, I’ll panic before my pick-up and just throw something into my luggage. I’m leaning towards Chanel No. 19 EDP but will have to decant it. One of the Atelier Colognes will work as well. I’m not targeting any perfume sniffing but if anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears!
My comment below was for you!Lol.
Would love to hear about your trip. I feel like such a geography-ignorant American.
Have a great trip! Chanel No. 19 EDP seems to with everything.
Sounds like a great trip! Keep us posted on your adventures.
Good luck & have a great time. It sounds like a wonderful trip. No 19 should serve you and smell great in all kinds of places.
Nice!Enjoy the trip!If you come accross Parfums Malbrum do give it a sniff!Psychotrope is goooood stuff!
SOTD is a generous application of Iris Nobile EDT. Just wonderful, and not too heavy in the ridiculous heat we’re STILL having. I’m totally with others who would happily say goodbye to summer at this point.
Ooh, I sound cranky, don’t I? Forgot to mention that I plan to reach for Tabac Blond the very instant that temperatures fall below 75. Might even get up in the middle of the night to do it!
Vetiver Fatal for today. I sure do love some vetiver…did a little count today and realize I have 5 bottles that are entirely focused on this note. I think that even beats my spicy roses!
I’m not sure if it is the weather or my sniffer but today I’m getting A Lot of fruity plum in the Vetiver Fatal, and not much vetiver. Weird.
What are the vetivers you have? I don’t have any but quite like the note…
Here goes…
Hermes Vetiver Tonka (my fave)
Goutal Vetiver cologne (simple refreshing vetiver loveliness)
Atelier Vetiver Fatal
Encre Noir
Chanel Sycomore
I love the note too, and often find it is there in other things I like, even in a supporting role 🙂
Nice list for reference, thank you. I love vetiver and have 2-3 of these but won’t stop there!
I tried Encre Noir fairly recently and liked it quite a bit.
I’m also a big Vetiver fan, and hoping to smell Vetiver Tonka. And the Goutal one day! We overlap on the Encre Noire, but otherwise differ. My other four are Grey Vetiver, Dior’s Vetiver, Grey Vetiver and Sel de Vetiver…
I also want to sniff the Turtle range! During summer Vetiver and citrus were the only notes I could tolerate.
And I’v also found that most of my favourite orientals have a little vetiver to add a slight crispness to the base.
Your vetiver list is wonderful! I like vetiver more and more as time goes on. I bumped Sycomore from my list b/c of Encre Noir, and how close they are, but have recently decided that it may need to go back on. I also like the Tauer Vetiver Dance very much too, but I only have a sample of that.
Last day of band camp today. Almost my last one ever (my son’s a junior, and his younger brother has given up band).
SOTD in heat and humidity: YSL Paris. I am unapologetic.
You smell fabulous!I should wear it more often myself.
Gorgeous! No one apologizes for being gorgeous, right?!
I’ve been on a Guerlain testing binge this week. Had all these samples and vintage mini’s accumulated, but I struggle with Guerlainade (vanilla and I are not BFFs when it comes to perfume), so I had to screw up some courage for Guerlain. In the end, I decided to just dive in and Get It Done. So this week I tested: Sous le Vent, Jicky (vintage), L’heure Bleue, Mitsouko, Samsara (vintage), Shalimar Initial, Shalimar parfum (vintage), Shalimar EdT, Vol de Nuit, Champs Elysees, AA Laurier Reglisse, and the Les Deserts trio. Whew!
My favorites were Jicky, Samsara, Shalimar EdT, and Les Deserts Songe d’Un Bois d’Ete. Jicky was definitely #1 for me. Can anyone comment on how the current Jicky compares to vintage?
Guerlain, you don’t scare me anymore 🙂
Some incarnations of current Jicky is missing the skank,and that’s somehow the part I enjoy the most!And it’s a great vanilla regardless!My favorite bottle is a Jicky Parfum from the early 80’s.Perfection.
I agree about the missing skank in current Jicky and find that the lemon candy powder has been amped up instead. I think I’ve only ever tried EdT or maybe EdP.
pixel, I’m curious about your thoughts on Sous le Vent, Mitsouko and Vol de Nuit.
Vol de Nuit didn’t click with me (like the woods, don’t like the powdery). I did like Sous le Vent but I think not enough to launch a crazy search for a discontinued scent. And I’m on the fence about Mitsuoko — I have both current and vintage, need to try them simultaneously.
Funny though I didn’t get skank in Jicky. Though I know you’re supposed to. Makes me wonder if it’s just my nose, and I shouldn’t wear it in public lest I horrify the neighbors – LOL
Unless you have very helpful neighbors, willing to be your skank meters.
Mitsouko can be quite fence-y that way. I gather there are a few recent formulations of it that vary quite a bit, and that some people prefer at least one of them to some of the vintage they’ve tried. I’ve only tried a recent variety or two, and I did travel that arc from blech to meh to yeah.
I think the skank in vintage Jicky is pretty well masked by the rest of it. Or to approach that from the opposite direction, I think the animalic notes are doing their job well, which is to unobtrusively exalt those notes that we perceive consciously. But I am generally a fan of what I call lavanillivet scents, including Jicky, Ungaro II Pour Homme and, arguably, Kouros. To really see what happens with no civet, contrast Caron Pour Un Homme, straight lavanilla.
Leather mountain, have you tried Eau Noire? I prefer it to the Jicky and Caron PuH because I find even the modern Jicky EDT a little more skanky than I am entirely comfortable with and the Caron can be too bright (possibly lime?)
Right, I knew there was another great honorary lavanillivet (really an oddball lavender oriental — this is why waterdragon’s cat description especially caught my attention that time, by the by). Yes, I love Eau Noire. I just have very little of it and sometimes forget about it. Must wear what I’ve got. Thanks for the reminder, Merlin!
Congrats on conquering Guerlain!!!
Sitting in the hospital with my sick mother. I chose PdN fig tea because it lightly fruity and soft. I did not want to disturb anyone with my perfume.
A lovely choice. It should help you keep her company. I hope she feels better.
I’ve been wondering how she’s doing. I hope you’ll keep us posted. Sending hugs, positive vibes and best wishes.
So sorry your mom is in the hospital. I think you chose a great perfume.
Sorry to hear your mom is still sick. I hope you are holding up ok.
Sending well-wishes to you and your mother.
Sending positive vibes to your mom.
Hang in there, Petunia. It’s a rough phase life. Take good care of yourself.
Hey guys ..I was begging to go to er last night but was told..they won’t do anything for me…and probably wouldn’t except give me pain meds. Idk if they have specialists on call for severe injuries at the er..I think unless you fell out of a helicopter they won’t help you but that is what I feel like…like lower body has been ripped to shreds. I finally get my hip mri today…which I wouldn’t have needed if I didn’t go to this pt lady. I really can’t bear the pain and need pain meds all the time…as before…I didn’t at all really. I hope that lady and lack of freaking response by everyone around me doesn’t give me a permanent disability. Nobody takes this seriously. And really don’t know where to go since that lady messed up my alignment I am guessing…everything is so bad now…it’s like do I go to a chiropractor? A hip doc? A pelvis doc? I don’t even know what a pelvis doc is or if they exist…I may call outside of my state….idk what to’s awful everyday and cannot take it anymore.
I try to tell people this is like a severe level of pain…they don’t listen…they don’t try to help me to see what’s wrong…there is no urgency when there needs to be. This med system is a fail
Nsaids and opiates just mask the pain and then it’s back and it’s unbearable. I cry all the time now. I am severely devastated.
Going to get mri in a huge dose of Jersey
I hope you feel better soon.
I hope the MRI will clarify the picture for your pcp, and that s/he will be able to work out a treatment plan that will fulfill your needs. I’m sorry you’re going through this, and I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there.
Can you ask for a referral to a pain specialist? If your doctor won’t act on such a request, I’d contact the insurance company paying for your care. They should have a nurse/case manager available to reason this out with you. And DO NOT BE SHY about letting your caregivers know you’ve considered self-harm. That is an important indicator as to the intensity of your pain.
Omega, please hang in there! Pain can be incredibly difficult to cope with and the wheels of the medical system do not seem to move quickly when we need them too. Tell anyone who will listen to you that your physical and mental state is very precarious because of your severe pain. Someone will listen! It will eventually pass and you will heal. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.
Late reply but hope they found something w/ the MRI? I agree, you need a pain specialist at this point.
Hope the MRI went well and you get some answers. I agree that a pain specialist is a great idea.
So sorry! For onlookers when the same person is often in pain, the situation seems less urgent, but for the one suffering, each episode is as bad – or even worse as ones resources are used up on coping. Sending love and well wishes!
Omega, you know that I empathize with you. At, there is a pain scale, and I saw the statement “Pain so intense you can no longer think clearly at all, and have often undergone severe personality change if the pain has been present for a long time.” That describes where I was for a long time. At some point, prolonged extreme pain can overwhelm your strength and your will.
Please ask for a referral to a pain specialist, and when you make your request, be prepared to describe how severely the physical pain is affecting you. If the pain is so bad that you cannot think straight, you might want to ask your husband to help you with writing up something in advance that you can read to the doctor or you could take your husband with you to the appointment.
Finally … please do NOT go to a chiropractor for this!
All the best,
One more suggestion, gleaned from working with joint replacement patients, and also my 40 years of migraines that often lasted 2 1/2 – 3 days: talk to whoever is prescribing your pain meds about alternating/overlapping stronger pain meds with NSAIDS, so that when your pain med wears off you don’t get the full shock of the pain. This strategy helped me immensely.
I’ve just got back from Paris (yes, I’m lucky – it’s 80 minutes from here by train) and I’m dead tired, but own a bottle of Boxeuses now. Also, visited Louvre’s ancient Mesopotamia section and most of the Egyptian displays as well. Had a nice lunch, bought Pierre Herme macaroons, some Roellinger spices and a couple of books from Shakespeare & Co. Not a bad day.
Sounds like a lovely day… The whole thing. And coming home with Boxeuses is icing on the cake!
Not just “a bottle”, a Bell Jar. Boxeuses is one of my Preciousssssssssss as well 🙂
Wow – so cool to just train into Paris. I recently lost my sample of Boxeuses so I need to find that stat. Congrats on the SL !!
About to leave for a winter holiday involving hot mineral pools, and dithering over what perfume to take. Several sample vials, or a week of monogamy with vintage Mitsouko EdT?
The decision shouldn’t be this difficult.
I think it’s difficult. Trimming down a whole collection to only a few things that you will want IN THE FUTURE! How is that not difficult?
Yes. What if the weather changes? What if it snows? What if Mitsouko doesn’t go with sulphury volcano-water? What if I have a craving for Jicky? So yeah, I think a few sample vials to use up will make most sense.
Haven’t given a moment’s thought to what clothes to take. Priorities.
Who needs clothes in a hot mineral pool?
Bad form to go to dinner naked. Well, most places. I love hot springs. Just take an assortment and hope for the best. You’ll be in such a good mood you’ll probably be happy with your choices.
I was commando earlier. Walked out with my husband for late Chinese food lunch. TJ Maxx is on my way home. Blind buy if Viva La Juicy since it was a small bottle. I figured I can regift if I hate it. It’s kind of nice.
Trying to decide what to wear tomorrow. We are heading to Monmouth Park for The Haskell… A day outside at the horse races. Green? Floral? Terracotta?
Ohhhh! We were thinking about going to that race but decided on the beach today, errands tomorrow. I was really into watching the big 3 races this year and we couldn’t make it to Belmont. Hope you have fun! I guess I would go with a crisp citrusy/green floral if I were going(I’m picturing hot and dusty)..
Chanel No. 19 EDP? Have fun!
Viva la Juicy is really not all that bad in the super sweet white flowers category. My mom wears it occasionally and I enjoy her sillage.
Wearing the CiocoRossissimo I finally got after a year of looking. It’s wonderful, though in the 90 degree heat it’s a little disconcerting how it flips back and forth between cocoa and rose.
Sampling Rozy extrait. So far I hate it. Wondering how to rehome this. I so rarely buy a split that doesn’t work for me at all! The Mito perfumes are so hit or miss for me.
Thinking about what to take to Las Vegas. I’m going for training, not fun, but I want to smell good… Will probably end up taking some of my usual travel faves this year (Guerlain Encens Mythique is for sure on the list. Ridiculous as it sounds, I may decant some Angel Aqua Chic to take too. And if I can find a tiny vial, perhaps some DSH Scent of Hope. What a motley collection…)
I feel for you. I go back and forth between loving and questioning both Onda and Rozy in the same wearing! Rubj, I’ve tried in two concentrations and am still pretty indifferent to (though at least it’s not negative). All of the Vero scents sound pretty polarizing, but I’m sure you’ll have no problem rehoming Rozy.
I’d love to hear more about Scent of Hope after your trip….
“Rehoming.” 🙂
SOTD again is the ever so lovely DSH Giardini Segreti. I had a bridal shower today and it fit just perfectly.
Question to anyone who wants to answer: I like the smell of unburnt incense sticks – the gonesh ones. Esp. the ‘ancient” aromas. I think there is a lot of cinnamon and benzoin in there. But does anyone have recommendations for incense frags that do not heavily feature frankincense. I’m trying to begin exploring incense, but I want to avoid “church” as much as possible. Thanks ahead!!
I sampled several House of Matriarch perfumes that seemed to center around Indian attars. I don’t remember the names of the ones I tested, but they smelled good.
You’re both reminding me of The Maj from House of Matriarch. There are some other ideas at the tip of my brain. I hope I can access them soon and come back with other suggestions.
AnnS, off the beaten path is Nocturne Alchemy. They have a lot of incense fragrances, and they’re very high quality, natural oils. White Lotus Aromatics also sells ruhs and attars.
Have you tried Copal Azur? I don’t find it churchy at all…
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I’ve been poking around the internet and seeing lots of “houses” that I’m unfamiliar with that sell attars and other incense smelly products. I do so enjoy this homework/research phase!!
Good question! Seeing the word “incense” in a list of notes makes me wonder … what kind of incense? I would like a perfume that smells like what you described and NOT like frankincense.
Do report back on your sampling! 🙂
L’AP Eau de Jatamansi has been mentioned recently, so I got out my sample. This smelled very pleasant and I spent some time checking on ebay for any cheap options. I saw one but it’s not the original huge bottle, and I think I’ve read that those who loved the original were disappointed with the later versions. Then I remembered that I have a couple of Aveda fragrances in my refrigerator and put one of them on, Yatra. Hopefully that will satisfy any cravings for that sort of natural perfume.
I really enjoy the Aveda chakra fragrances, especially #1 (so earthy you can smell the dirt in the patchouli and rooty vetiver), and #2, which smells nearly like their “shampure”. I use them as room sprays too.
The Chakras are one of my favorite TS reviews in The Guide: “If you’ve gotten used to bare, entirely synthetic fragrances, these are a reset button for your nose; they smell rich, fresh, alive, and then they go away, having restored you to factory settings.” 🙂
I’m actually sad that summer is almost over. I feel like I didn’t take advantage of summer activities this year. So had a great beach day today and now off to eat outdoors somewhere. Wearing Lolita Lempicka aka Good ‘n Plenty. Mmmm. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!
I don’t want summer to be over either. We have such never-ending winters and last summer was cold and wet. Aside from just a few hot days, we’ve had nearly perfect summer weather. I don’t want it to end! My garden looks wonderful, finally!, b/c my perennials are mature, and my veggies are doing well too. This is the best summer I’ve had in years. I committed myself to going to the pool in the evening with my daughter every nice day we had, and just to get out of the house. I know so many people are struggling with bad weather – extreme heat and drought – and I totally sympathize, b/c normally we have crappy weather where I live. But I’m totally with you – I want summer to go on another month!!
Your garden sounds beautiful! So satifying, isn’t it? My mother-in-law has a really nice garden: veggies, berries, herbs, flowers. I like going and helping a bit and, of course, coming home with fresh veggies.
Gazing at my new bottle of vintage Shalimar parfum. The box itself was wrapped in blue paper, so it is before 1960. The bottle is three quarters full. I am sorely tempted to get tnat vintage bottle of Mitsouko but I am wary of the seller on ebay.
Congrats! Vintage Shalimar is symphonic.
Sitting up nursing some heartburn; I am in the bargaining phase where I promise myself to never eat a pint of tomatoes again no matter how delicious they are. Ah, well. Today I went to Neiman Marcus to see what was new and they said they were getting the new Bulgari blue tea scent tomorrow. I sampled some of the revamped Norell and was surprised at how much I liked it. It smells nothing like I remember; my lighter and brighter. The dry down was very quiet and had me thinking of very old makeup and cold cream scents. I have to try that one again.
Oh, the Norell sounds good! BTW – I have troubles with tomatoes too. It’s a hard thing to pass on gorgeous vegetables!
Tomatoes. How much I love them. How much they hate me. I hear ya both.
Out of all strange notes…I currently find myself with a yen for yellow florals. So I’v started wearing my much neglected Cinema, but although I am loving the Mimosa, this scent is FAR too soft, which is why I stopped wearing it in the first place. Nice before bed, but hardly stands up to a day’s wear.
Any recommendations for a yellow floral out there? I think I like Diptyque’s Ofresia, but it may have too much of a pinched quality… L’Occitane’s Ambre has a good dose of freesia, but it’s a little too sweet.
FM Une Fleur de Cassie, if you like mimosa, is one if my favorites. Also Le Labo Ylang 49 which is a powerhouse yellow floral. Really nice and golden when applied lightly.
Excellent! I think I have a sample of the Le Labo somewhere, so I will dig it up. And – will try the Malle when I’m at the counter 🙂 Thank you!
Also, just thought of Caron Aimez Moi which has been on my FB list for a long time. I always forget how much I like it. I think there’s some mimosa in there somewhere but despite the listed notes, it smells very golden to me.
Sounds beautiful! And interesting how it smells ‘golden’. Cinema smells a little like sunlight on my closed eyelids 🙂
Have you tried PdN Le Temps d’Une Fete? It’s narcissus, which I think qualifies as yellow (although it reads as purple to me somehow).
Yay! Think I may have a sample of this too… It’s a winning day 😉
Caron Montaigne, esp. the vintage, has a very prominent narcissus accord. It’s a big oriental and not quiet at all. Something like Samsara or even Mahora are pretty big oriental yellow flowers…
Yeah, I was picking ‘something’ yellow out of Samsara! I have a mini of Mahora and while I didn’t like it, I should probably re-try… Thanks for the suggestions!
On the Fragrantica note-voting feature, more people smell Samsara as sandalwood and ylang-ylang than sandalwood and jasmine.
Guerlain Champs-Elysees is a Great Choice as well… A Radiant Mimosa Scent! Sharp, and Lively, But Elegant and Flirty!
And onto the list it goes.
Well, I learned an important lesson yesterday: do NOT go to Nordstrom with the hopes of sniffing when they have an anniversary sale going on. It was a madhouse and I could hardly even get to the perfumes. I was able to ask the Diptyque rep about the new scent coming out, but she had never heard of it. Go figure.
After fighting the masses, I braved the torrential downpour on the drive home and had to get on the interstate in a round about fashion as many streets were flooded. We’ve had so much rain here in the past few weeks my back yard is completely flooded with about 2″ if standing water. Fingers crossed it lets up soon because next couple of inches will flood my back room.
After all that nonsense, i arrived home alive, albeit a little damp, spritzed myself with PHI, had a hot cup of tea, and got busy smelling myself! Such a relaxing scent and lasts forever, still lingering this morning.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and if not, hoping it will improve tout suite 🙂
Bummer about Nordies!
Hello, everyone. Yesterday was very mere for me, and now it’s beastly bothering Monday again. Ever had a day that starts with the Bad-Don’t-Want-Tos? That’s me. I’ve chosen one of my “warrior woman” perfumes, Black Cashmere, but truly, despite the deliciousness of BC, today is a day of grimly stumping off to fulfil my obligations, not one of prancing out into the daylight to see what delightful thing happens next. I shall have to find small joys on the way to work or I really will be unfit for human consumption!
You are planning on being eaten 😮
It’s Blue Monday. Who can tell what might happen?
Actually, I feel better. I walked to work through the park, and the magnolia trees are in flower, looking madly festive against the grey sky, and best of all, some snowdrops are dancing about in the wind, looking unambiguously pure. Also, as I walked, an idea dropped into my mind that should help me present a new & difficult concept to my Y3 students, so all in all, the blueness of this Monday has moved from indigo to sort of mid-sky. It’s an object lesson to me not to determine my mood at 5.30 in the morning!
Glad you are feeling better: indigo to sky blue and on to a bright aqua 😉
I love the feeling of ideas dropping into my mind! When I’m feeling particularly dense, however, they tend to just boomerang. Ever had that? 😀
Yes, absolutely. It worked today though.
Speaking of consumption, these are the type of days I find helped enormously by carefully planned intake of favorite foods. Find joy where you can.
‘carefully planned intake of favorite foods’: I read that as ‘chocolate’…
Ah, yes, medicinal chocolate…
Is there any other sort?
Does ANYONE Know how I might Acquire a Bottle of L’Artisan Parfumeur’s Discontinued Vanille Absolument (Havane Vanille) I cannot seem to source a bottle anywhere and I have been on Ebay for a few weeks now hoping a Bottle might rear it’s head… No such Luck! ANY Suggestions would be Greatly appreciated…! Thanx!
Beauty Encounter has it, in 1.7 or 3.4 oz, plus there’s a coupon on their site for 15 – 30% off.
GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!! :-*
Pride parade is just outside my door so I’m taking my sample of ELDO Closet Queen for a spin in the heat.