A short animated promo for Diesel's new Only The Brave Iron Man 2 edition.
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I don’t suppose there’s any chance that Robert Downey Jr would smell like that…
I’m just going to assume he smells BETTER than that….so no one go and disillusion me. 😉
I’m quite certain he does 🙂
Have never smelled him 🙂
they gotta be kidding me! I’m actually speechless (type-less?) ……
At the promo, or at the fragrance?
Never smelled the fragrance….the promo is ….umm…youth oriented? Ridiculous? Idiotic? Embarrassing? take your pick….if they want to grab that 13 yr. old male, comic book reading, video game playing demographic I suppose this’ll be a hit. Maybe it will garner some of the Axe crowd?
Well… it’s one step up from those cheap supermarket colognes they usually sell as tie-ins.
But that’s not saying much, really.
I need to share this with my comic book loving friends.
It’s a cute promo. Wonder if they’re actually running it on tv?
They should run it on the big screen, before the movie, in 3D!!!!
I wasn’t able to watch the video, so obviously I can’t comment on it. But speaking as the one comic book-loving perfumista on the planet (or so it would seem), I might enjoy it.
Now if they did something relating to Catwoman, all would be right in my world…
i got your catnip right here
Nope, there are actually two of us! I’ve never been able to disguise my nerdiness. And for what it’s worth, Only The Brave is really not a bad scent…
Aww, you aren’t the only geeky perfumista! My husband and I have tickets to go see and “Iron Man 2” already.
Has anyone else been humming the Black Sabbath song? 🙂
That’s so funny! I was thinking that, too, and forgot to say it before. I was totally thinking Black Sabbath.
At first glance, my thought was “This is stupid.”.
But the fragrance world take everything too seriously, At a second thought this is kind of fun.
Me three!
(affirming my geek-cred finally got me to de-lurk).
Just think of the future cross-over possibilities…. Hmmm, what would Hellboy wear?
It would have to smell of warm cat fur, me thinks.
Mmmm. . . smells good, then.
Not to mention future possiblities for lazy-day topics. “What would [insert comic-book character’s name] wear?”
Warm cat fur and pancakes. We can’t forget the pancakes
Whoops. Just figured out how to nest the comments. Feel free to mentally stick my previous remarks where they rightly belong.
So much for establishing my geek cred.
you like warm cat fur—-we’ll keep ya.
and everybody puts comments in the wrong place or out of sequence once in a while; no big. Just wait for one of those long open polls and see how mixed up it can get….and yet we all seem to be able to follow the conversations so maybe we all get a little geek cred. 🙂