SpongeBob & Patrick try to escape from somewhere (my son has left for school already so I can't ask him where they're being held captive) using the only available exit: through the perfume department.
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My kids (and husband!) are addicted to Spongebob so I know this episode well. Every time I see this one I always laugh! (By the way, they are trying to escape from the Flying Dutchman's ghostly pirate ship, in case you wondered.) 😉
Hey, my husband is giggling right along with my son too! I prefer the Simpsons but my son isn't old enough for that yet. I do think the writing on SpongeBob is incredibly good.
Ha ha!!!! Very funny!!!
I suppose it bears mentioning that (I believe) Patrick has no nostrils….poor sponge bob however, being mostly cellulose —the exception being his tie which appears to be 100% polyester—will never be able to eradicate all that agressive spritzing. (It's the bleach bucket for him!)
Everyone needs a laugh in the morning 🙂
It is true. He doesn't even have a nose. But his mouth is wide open through the entire clip, so he's ingesting huge amounts.
perhaps, but since his breath was distinctly “fishy” I suppose this will result in a significant breath improvement…
Literally LOLs here…thanks for that Robin!
LOL I feel the same way as them sometimes. It seems people are spraying their entire bodies in perfume now. I even saw a woman doing that at a counter once… I mean she sprayed below the belt too. No manners…
at home I think it is permissable to spray over your entire person if you so desire….but in public, especially at the store—definitely limit it to wrist or inner elbow….I mean, the rest of us don't need to see the full body spray going on.
Let me us this stupid question – is it true that (in the US) they spray on you without asking when you come in?
Once that nearly happened to me at a department store in Hamburg/Germany, but I looked so angry to the poor girl that she did not dare to do so…
IMHO this is mayhem. I would die if I had to smell Vera Wang Princess on my clothes!
I loved this, especially the inserted non-animated clip of the perfume area with cartoon-ominous music. Perfect! Thanks for sharing.
Perfumesecrets — I've seen people doing that too! Very funny.
I have never had anyone spray me w/o asking, but they do move very quickly sometimes…you have to get your “NO” out right away.
It's perfectly done, agree!
*lol* okay! then you have to be as fast as Spongebob I guess:-)
I think that may have been more common twenty years ago than it is now, and even then it doesn't seem like it was store policy to spray the unwilling. I remember being sprayed by a “perfume girl” without really wanting to be, sometime in the early 80s, but I have to confess it was probably because I didn't get my refusal out quickly or assertively enough. She probably took that for a “sure, spray away!” I haven't been sprayed since then, but as Robin pointed out, when they blurt out “Try our new fragrance, Paris Hilton?” you have to give a very fast and very firm “No, thanks.” And of course other peoples' experiences may be quite different, based on the city and the store. I agree, I would be really upset if I had to go around all day smelling like most of what they're pushing.
I expect in the U.S. if a salesperson sprayed customers without getting permission, within hours the salesperson and store would find themselves sued by a customer claiming allergies.
As for perfume reps' way of popping up and getting in your face, I used to imagine a sequence for a hypothetical “Naked Gun” sort of movie–the hero/ine is trying to make a getaway out of a busy cosmetics department, and has to knock out X numbers of aggressive scent sprayers to do so. I know this would get a laugh from me.
Below the belt as in *below the belt*? Or just behind the knees? Both are bad but inquiring minds need to know!
Ack — wouldn't you hate to have that job? I'd rather work at McDonalds. Maybe.
LOL — that's so true!
I don't think I've seen this episode
Spongebob is seriously hilarious
you might also want to check out Mr Bean on youtube… it is a short clip but it is quite funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AABvc7Y9hpE (or do a search on Mr Bean – shopping) the fun starts at about 1 minute 32 seconds…
It was only a week or so ago that I came accross a really aggressive saleswoman with no taste that spent ages trying to convince me to allow her to spray SOMETHING, ENYTHING on me. I gave her the biggest daggers and she still kept trying. It was so dumb cos if she had allowed me to browse in peace, I may have bought something but basically she scared me off.
Thank you, thank you! Love Mr. Bean, had never seen that one.
Hysterical! My husband actually tivo'd this for me when watching with our daughter. He insisted I had to watch.
Whereas my husband & son knew all about it and never mentioned it to me! Actually, my son told me he thought it might upset me since I love perfume 🙂
How sweet!! Clearly a sensitive man in training.
So sweet!