Why is this different from any other celebrity fragrance? The fact that [I] have spent a lot of time checking all the details...We are not just saying, 'We are celebrities, put our name on it.' I love to be involved with the whole process.
— Victoria Beckham on the US launch of Intimately Beckham, in Women's Wear Daily.
I would never have done a fragrance as a celebrity. Just to do one for the sake of it.
— Gwen Stefani on L.A.M.B. L, in Contact Music.
“Why is this different from any other celebrity fragrance? Because, in the photo for the magazine advertisements, I had my butt digitally enlarged rather than digitially minimized. That's why!”
Sorry, I couldn't help it. Those ads make me scream with laughter. 😉
HA — that is hysterical, and perfectly true. They took that extra flesh from J Lo's torso in the pic for Glow 🙂