The News Tribune reacts to the new fragrance for the Daytona 500 and the upcoming perfume from the series Desperate Housewives:
To commemorate Coco Chanel rolling over in her grave, we thought we’d take a minute to explore the horrible fragrance ideas throughout history that undoubtedly paved the way for these most recent additions.
Among their votes: Cher Uninhibited and Michael Jordan's fragrance. (link no longer working, sorry)
Columnist Tim Norris of the Herald News, meanwhile, objects to the proliferation of perfumed products for men:
The odor artists, though, have designs beyond the calling-to-accounts and diminution of males; nothing less than the obliteration of our natural olfactory selves. To the demons of cologne and deodorant, they have added carry-along air-freshener, aromatherapy spray, aloe vera foot-soaks, citrus-patchouli armpit pads, talcs, creams and body wash. Men's artificial odorants, in fact, have multiplied exponentially since the '50s, when so many guys relied on Old Spice and Canoe to mask the lingering grunge of World War II.
Read the rest here (link no longer working, sorry). visited a lesbian bar in Brooklyn to solicit opinions on Apothia L Eau de Parfum, the fragrance tie in to the Showtime series The L Word. (link no longer working, sorry)
a carry along air freshener sounds a great idea, especially if Tim Norris is in the vicinity
No kidding! Not sure I'd admit in print that I didn't use deodorant, LOL…