What is the secret of a great perfume, and what perfumes do men find sexy? Clare Coulson talks to Nicole Farhi, Luca Turin, Roja Dove and others to find out.
Beyonce introduced her latest perfume, True Star Gold by Tommy Hilfiger, in Chicago yesterday. (link to this article no longer working, sorry!)
I want to take a red pen to town all over that Coulson article. With all those interesting quotes to work with, it just fails to be in the least bit coherent.
But I guess that's what we should expect from yet another article asking, “What fragrance do men find sexy?”
Unlike Tania, I actually found the article quite fascinating. 🙂 The last man quoted, “a banker”, probably expressed the sentiments of many men, sadly including my own DH, when he said the he doesn't really understand why women wear perfume, as long as they don't smell of BO, they are just fine as it is.
T, I am still chuckling over “Orientals are all about promise, but chypres always deliver”.
M, my husband would agree, but largely on financial grounds 😉
Okay, so I am wearing Shalimar parfum today, which contains vanilla and amber, notes that the article claims will make me totally ravishing to the opposite sex…
…My husband's first reaction: “They still MAKE Shalimar???”
So much for the author's premise. On the other hand, I've never worn perfume for anyone other than myself. :):)
That was funny! I thought the writer had great quotes, but just didn't know how to put them together into an article that made any sense.
Chypres: total sluts. You heard it here first.
Figures. There goes my reputation.
And P.S. part of what I meant is that one of the Luca quotes directly contradicts or mocks ideas behind one of the Roja Dove quotes, but that goes unacknowledged in the piece.
LOL — that is a good one, R! Have to say that I have never thought perfume would help to bag a member of the opposite sex, but it certainly seems to be a big topic of conversation on all the fragrance boards.
T, Yes, it is a missed opportunity…we could have had a variation on Sophia Grojsman saying “bullshit” to an idea of Chandler Burr's in Allure last month.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Hi! This is my first post here, and I'm just catching up, but I had to say how much I loved reading this article. I agree with Tania about its quality, but the quotes were at least comment-provoking. Being a chypre gal myself, I found Roja remarks Dove's priceless. Thanks for passing along a very entertaining article, and I love reading your blog!
Welcome Ann, and so glad you like the blog! I am a big chypre fan myself, so got a good laugh from Roja Dove too.