Linda Pilkington of British niche line Ormonde Jayne gives a cooking demo on making and using orange oil and peel. Then, below the jump, a quick fig appetizer. You can find more videos (and the written recipes) at the Gourmande Jayne section of the brand website.
Ormonde Jayne Orris Noir candle ~ home fragrance review
Playing the role of counselor to my own addiction, I might ask: “What about expensive scented candles (average cost: $100) appeals to you, Kevin?” Lots of things! Well-chosen candles have perfume-quality aromas. I can vouch for $cented candles by Annick Goutal, Astier de Villatte, Cire Trudon, Diptyque, D.L. & Co., Frédéric Malle…and, now, Ormonde Jayne.
Often, scented-candle packaging is beautiful, too. I can make one helluva candle display around the holidays using empty vessels that once housed extravagantly priced scented candles…
Ormonde Jayne Prive ~ new fragrance
Ormonde Jayne Cuir Imperial ~ fragrance review
How many leather fragrances do I own? Three. Chanel Cuir de Russie, Robert Piguet Bandit and Frédéric Malle Monsieur. Stand-out leathers are hard to find; many leather fragrances smell so similar.
Cuir de Russie is a perfume version of a sleek, quirky, man-made bibelot (my house is full of these, too; see my current lemming — the eyeball paperweight from L’Objet —below). Bandit is more of a stand-out ‘natural’ object that’s showy and hard to miss: a glossy chunk of red coral, say…or a hot-pink seashell the size of your head, a Haida basket full of aromatic betel nuts from India. Monsieur’s raunch and libertine paunch prompts a “leather” virtual reality experience…
Ormonde Jayne Cuir Imperial ~ new fragrance
British niche line Ormonde Jayne has launched Cuir Impérial, a new fragrance…