Fabrice Penot, co-founder of Le Labo, talks about two of the brand's 2013 launches, Lys 41 and Ylang 49.
You might as well have fun doing it
We like to work with perfumers who have a creative style that corresponds to our vision and who are fun to work with simply because we spend so much time developing scents that you might as well have fun doing it and that means not approaching it as a project but approaching it as an emotion that you’re trying to put in a bottle. What makes a good perfumer is his or her talent to associate their creativity with something that is very technical, which is the mastery of chemical ingredients, it’s something very technical, very precise, that needs to be servicing the role of a creative story or an emotion and a good perfumer is someone who is able to fill in that gap.
— From An interview with Edouard Roschi, Co-Founder, Le Labo, at True To Me Too.
Le Labo Cuir 28 ~ new fragrance
Le Labo has launched Cuir 28, the new city-exclusive fragrance for Dubai. The scent is being introduced just as Le Labo once again makes all of their city-exclusive fragrances widely available for a limited time (samples go on sale now, larger bottles on September 1st for a 6 week period)…
And the winner is…
...Nique, who takes the Le Labo Lys 41 and Ylang 49 in our latest contest. Congrats!
Up for grabs: Le Labo Lys 41 & Ylang 49
What is it: 5 ml spray samples of Le Labo Lys 41 and Ylang 49.
How do I get it: For a chance to win, leave a comment on the website telling me that you live in the US. Then tell me either a) your favorite Le Labo fragrance or b) your favorite summer floral or c) something else you’ve been dying to post in a comment.
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