Guerlain has launched Passiflora, this year’s regular addition to the Aqua Allegoria line. This year’s travel retail entry is Rosa Rossa, which is reportedly a reissue of 2017’s Rosa Fizz. The other fragrances currently available in the series include Bergamote Calabria, Herba Fresca, Limon Verde, Mandarine Basilic, Nerolia Bianca, Pamplelune, Pera Granita and Teazzurra…
Guerlain Bergamote Calabria ~ new fragrance
Guerlain Rosa Fizz ~ new fragrance
Guerlain Pera Granita ~ new fragrance
Guerlain Rosa Pop ~ new fragrance
Guerlain has launched Rosa Pop, this year’s travel retail exclusive addition to the Aqua Allegoria line. This year’s “regular” entry to the series will be Pera Granita…